Archbishop Viganò Gives Message Calling out Enemies of the Church

  • il y a 3 mois
00:00Laudatur, Jesus Christus.
00:05Dear friends, I extend my greetings to all of you gathered here to honour and adore the
00:15Eucharistic King publicly.
00:19The word cries out.
00:22We have no king but Caesar.
00:25You answer, Christ is King, and you are accompanying this divine King along the streets to pay
00:36him public honours, bearing witness to your faith and your love for the Lord, a faith
00:47that we intend to bear witness to also in the love and defence of the traditional apostolic
00:56mass and bearing heart of the Holy Church, a beating heart of the Holy Church, against
01:08which the infernal powers are unleashed.
01:14A few days ago, the Roman Sanhedrin, that presents itself as the supreme tribunal of
01:23the Church, declared me to be insincere and miscommunicated.
01:29This authoritarian decision has once again made evident the extraneousness of the Burgundian
01:38Church to the true Church of Christ, whose authority it reserves in order to intentionally
01:48destroy it.
01:51They are the false shepherds against whom the Lord warns us.
01:57But the laws of the Church have paid for the good of souls, not so that mercenaries can
02:05abuse them to scatter the flock.
02:10This is why all the norms that prevent doing good or encourage doing evil are completely
02:19forceless and worthless, starting with the word that Bergoglio and the official hierarchy
02:27are fighting against the Tridentine Mass.
02:33I urge you not to be intimidated.
02:37The Mass is a rite sanctioned in perpetuity by the bulk of Poprimum Tempore of Pope St.
02:46Pius V. A rite no one on earth can legitimately prevent you from exercising, especially when
02:57the holy alternative is to attend a Protestantized and increasingly adulterated rite that puts
03:08your faith at risk and forces you to witness or even participate in the desecration of
03:16the Blessed Sacrament.
03:19If the bishops close their churches to you, you will set up altars in your homes, in squares,
03:30in the woods, refusing to give your offering to dioceses and parishes.
03:39Look for faithful priests and create communities that fight the present apostasy, just as in
03:48the Cromwell's time.
03:51Comfort one another and support one another in the bond of charity nourished by the Most
04:00Holy Eucharist and the Word of God.
04:05Remain united in Christ, within Holy Mother Church, in order to bear witness to the truth
04:17that today is being trampled down.
04:22A few days ago, I received a message from Mel Gibson, whom you all know.
04:30He wrote to me, I am sure you expected nothing else from Archbishop Bergoglio.
04:37I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever.
04:43It is really a badge of honor to be shunned by the false, post-conciliar Church.
04:51You have my sympathies that you suffer publicly this grave injustice.
04:58To me and many others, you are a most courageous hero.
05:04Bergoglio and his cohorts have the clothes and the buildings, but you have the faith.
05:14Mel is right.
05:17They have the vestments and the churches, but we have the faith, as in the time of St.
05:27But I am not an hero.
05:29Those bishops and priests who open their eyes after a malice communication and take a stand
05:37will be heroes.
05:41May your commitment as Catholics not fail also in the civil sphere.
05:48If your bishop does not have the courage to publicly condemn well-known self-styled
05:55Catholic politicians who brazenly violate God's commandments, you know that neither
06:03can in any way be supported or obeyed.
06:10Denounce the betrayal of the rulers and the breaking of the social contract.
06:17Bring to light the coup that the deep state conducts in your beloved country, with the
06:24same methods by which the deep Church demolishes the Holy Catholic Church, so that when they
06:33do may be understood what they do may be understood by all.
06:43If you want Our Lord to reign in the public sphere, you must ensure that His Kingdom is
06:52consolidated and made solid first of all in your own daily life, especially in your families.
07:05The global coup d'état, the coup dragging the world and the ecclesial body towards the
07:12ruin of apostasy and rebellion against the majesty of God, this coup d'état counts on
07:19your silence and your blind obedience to succeed in imposing it definitively.
07:29If you proclaim with your life the kingship of Christ and denounce the infernal plan against
07:38God and man, you will be the salt of the earth that gives flavor and the light of the world
07:48in this dark time.
07:51The Holy Church is the Civitas Supra Montemposita, the City on the Hill.
08:01She cannot hide herself precisely because Providence has willed her to be Domina Gentium,
08:08the Mistress of the Peoples.
08:12If she is obscured today, it is because she has been invaded by enemies with the complicity
08:21of those who should instead be guarding and protecting her.
08:29If she is humiliated before the nations, it is because those who govern her no longer
08:37obey our Lord, whom they no longer recognize as their King.
08:45But you children of the Church and American patriots must continue to fight your good
08:51fight, even and especially when the civil and religious authorities are accomplices
08:59in the common ruin.
09:03Do not let yourself be discouraged, dear children.
09:08You are the salt of the earth.
09:11You are the light of the world.
09:14Let yourself be pervaded by the grace of Christ and make yourself docile instruments in the
09:24wise hand of God.
09:28Pray for the Holy Church.
09:31Be seized by terrible and ruthless enemies, so that the Lord may protect and guard her,
09:39and along with her protect and guard all of you, his children.
09:46Upon all of you, dear friends, may the most abundant blessing descend in nomine Patris,
09:57et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.
