
  • 2 months ago
00:04The sea is breaking!
00:05What the heck is this?!
00:10My sea...
00:12It's noisy, isn't it?
00:21Lord Suijinryu...
00:23Those who seek the blood of the dragon...
00:26Leave this place immediately.
00:28You're finally here.
00:30I've been waiting for this moment.
00:33Lady Kiriya, you're no match for me in martial arts.
00:36No, there's nothing I can't cut.
00:40This is...
00:43What's that?
00:44Their bodies...
00:46It's Scallion!
00:47Don't be ridiculous!
00:49Suijinryu is right in front of us!
00:51If you go back, you'll regret it!
00:54Well then, goodbye.
00:57What was that just now?
01:00The magic of ash?
01:01He turned his friends into ash?
01:03It's like a kind of magic that moves places.
01:06But if it's the magic of Dragon Eater...
01:10Ash dragon?
01:11Dragon Slayer, huh?
01:13Did you come to destroy me?
01:16No, it's a little different.
01:19I was asked to seal the five dragons.
01:22I was wondering what I should do if you're a good guy.
01:25You sure talk a lot.
01:27I see.
01:28Elphseria, huh?
01:30You haven't given up yet?
01:32Do you know Elphseria?
01:34I've been sent assassins one after another for a hundred years.
01:39So, are you a good guy or a bad guy?
01:43Don't be so direct.
01:45I don't know.
01:46I can't say for sure, but at least I'm not hostile to you.
01:51For now.
01:52This is bad.
01:54The hundred-year quest failed all of a sudden.
01:58If you're not hostile to humans, that means you're not a good guy, right?
02:02I wonder if this will make us invincible.
02:05If there's no reason to defeat them, there's no point in sealing them.
02:09No, we should seal them.
02:12I have to be sealed.
02:17You guys are a little different from the assassins we've seen before.
02:26I'm drowning!
02:28No way!
02:31These people are my guests.
02:33Don't be rude to them again.
02:36Yes, sir!
02:38Follow me.
02:41I'll show you my temple.
02:56This is the head of our organization.
02:58We'd like to speak with you about a few things.
03:00First of all, we'd like to thank you for joining us tonight.
03:02We'd like to thank you for joining us tonight.
03:04We'd like to thank you for coming.
03:05Have a good night.
03:24Let's accept everything and make it come true
03:29The time that passed at an unbelievable speed
03:34While remembering it, it's still disappearing
03:40There's no such thing as despair in this world
03:45There's no such thing as despair in this world
03:50If you have the hope to come this far
03:55The meaning of the promise we made
04:00I'll destroy it, the story of the future
04:24There's air here!
04:26I'm surprised.
04:28I didn't know there was such a place in the sea.
04:30What's that stone statue?
04:32Is it a half-human?
04:34How long am I going to be like this?
04:40I'm back to normal.
04:42You have the power to release magic, don't you?
04:47If it's magic like this...
04:50Why are you going to a temple where people like that are sacred?
04:56She's Caramiel.
04:58She's been taking care of me a lot.
05:00Let me introduce you.
05:02They're wizards from Ishgal.
05:05We're the Fairytale Wizards Guild!
05:08That's enough.
05:09You're just a pawn in Elephselia.
05:12Well, I guess that's how it is.
05:14Go ahead.
05:15If you're going to challenge the Water Dragon,
05:17I'm not someone you can beat right now.
05:21Wait a minute, Caramiel.
05:23I think I can talk to them.
05:26Can I talk to you for a moment?
05:29Go ahead.
05:30I want you to remove the stone.
05:33You'd better get rid of them.
05:37Get rid of them...
05:39No, she's a human girl.
05:43I helped her when she was lost in the sea.
05:46She's not a bad girl.
05:51This is the underwater farm I'm proud of.
05:54The vegetables and fruits we grow here are shared by everyone in Elmina.
05:58This is a medical facility.
06:00It's a place to treat fish that are injured in the sea.
06:03This is a watchtower.
06:05Like Caramiel, we have to find the lost child as soon as possible and rescue him.
06:10Are you really Water Dragon Melchaphobia?
06:13You're too nice.
06:14The dragon is crying for help.
06:18I'm impressed.
06:19Is that all?
06:21But the medicine is a lie, isn't it?
06:24That's right. It doesn't look harmful at all.
06:26That's not true.
06:28Even if it looks like this,
06:30I've killed a lot of people in the past.
06:33It's like an insect.
06:37It's only natural that Eleftheria is after me.
06:40One of the people I killed may have been his friends or family.
06:45I don't want to make excuses.
06:47It was a very natural act for me at the time.
06:51It was natural for a strong man to hunt down a weak man.
06:56Did you change your mind somewhere?
06:59That's right.
07:00It was Caramiel.
07:02Actually, I didn't mean to help her.
07:06I only thought of it as a bait I found in the sea.
07:09I was strangely fond of it.
07:12When I realized it, I was on my way to coexistence.
07:17I want to stay like this forever,
07:20but I have to disappear from this world soon.
07:24What do you mean?
07:25You've seen the Elmina city, haven't you?
07:27The phenomenon of the city sinking into the seabed due to that abnormal tide is due to my power.
07:33I can't control my power anymore.
07:36The fish in that city are also humans.
07:39They cast a spell to turn into fish so that they can be applied even in the water.
07:44That's why you were able to restore my appearance.
07:48By the way, why don't the people in that city come out?
07:52It's because of the flood.
07:54I don't know how many times I've been attacked in the past,
07:58but it's a city that has been passed down as a miracle.
08:01If you're so religious, why don't you say something?
08:06Are you telling me to take their lives?
08:09And even if there are no people in the city, it won't solve anything.
08:13My power will eventually move to the neighboring city.
08:18I have to know this power.
08:22No way!
08:23Is there no other way?
08:27That's why I was waiting for someone to kill me.
08:32But before that, there's one thing I have to do.
08:37This is the biggest mistake and the biggest problem.
08:44What do you mean, Scalio?
08:46There was a water dragon in front of me!
08:48Well, calm down.
08:50Why do you think I was caught on purpose?
08:53The situation has changed.
08:56Feel the power of the water dragon.
09:00You can't eat that.
09:03Did you think you could trick the Dragon Eater?
09:07You're a fake water dragon.
09:26That's right!
09:27Wasshoi! Wasshoi!
09:28Wasshoi! Wasshoi!
09:30I'll give you a special smile perfume.
09:33No, thank you.
09:35It's rare for you to come to my house.
09:38Why don't you just come to my house?
09:41You're right.
09:42He's not as handsome as Mr. Ichiya.
09:45I don't want him to come to my house.
09:47Can I call you brother?
09:50Anyway, let's talk about this woman.
09:52If you don't have any information, I won't stay long.
09:56I'm sorry, but I can't forget such a cute girl once I see her.
10:00I don't have any customers.
10:02Who is this woman?
10:05No, it's okay if you don't have any information.
10:08However, I don't want you to get close to her even if you see her.
10:17Let's go to the outskirts of town.
10:19It's suspicious.
10:21I'm sure it's over there.
10:23Hey, let's stop following our friends.
10:27I'll decide whether he's a friend or not after I know he's white.
10:31The guild is a family, isn't it?
10:33What did you do to me when I joined that family?
10:37That's because it was the worst before you joined.
10:44Don't you two stop it?
10:46It's not like a fight.
10:47Shut up!
10:50I don't care anymore.
10:53Hey, you're in my way.
10:56Go away.
10:57Are you sure, Gazelle?
10:59I'm sure.
11:00If he's black, Levy is dangerous.
11:04I won't let Levy get hurt.
11:08I feel like my heart is hurt.
11:14Isn't that the house of Salamander and Blue Cat?
11:17What are they going to do?
11:24Natsu, come back soon.
11:27And burn me with that flame.
11:30I want you to stay with me until I die.
11:34I feel like I know someone who looks like him.
11:42Where am I?
11:44Lucy's house.
11:47What's going on?
11:49I'm home.
11:50I'm home.
11:52I'm home.
11:58I'm home.
12:00But I live alone.
12:04No way.
12:06Is she living in Lucy's house?
12:09Julia, I just imagined a terrible situation.
12:18No, Gazelle.
12:20Wait, I need to think.
12:25What's that sound?
12:33No, this is...
12:35No, it's not, Levy.
12:38Suit yourself.
12:42Zubia is in love!
12:44No, Zubia is just a ghost!
12:52Do you have to do something?
12:56Someone took my power as a dragon.
13:01Someone took your power?
13:03The Dragon Eater?
13:06No, they think I have power.
13:10I have to get my power back before I die.
13:15If I lose my power, I'll be called a villain.
13:20Who took it?
13:22He's called the White Magician.
13:24White Magician?
13:26He's against Zeref.
13:28I'll get my power back and make this city normal again.
13:32I can't die until then.
13:35Then we'll...
13:38What's that?
13:42It's ashes!
13:45Stay back!
13:47Karamil, evacuate everyone!
13:54We meet again.
13:56It's been two hours.
13:58Those guys!
13:59There's one more!
14:01I heard what happened.
14:03I see.
14:05Someone took my power.
14:08I'll have to eat the White Magician.
14:11No, I'll get my power back.
14:14I won't let you have it.
14:18I'm sure of it.
14:19He's a new member of Fairytale.
14:21I was introduced to him when I went to Magnolia the other day.
14:26Fairytale again?
14:28Who is he?
14:32He might be a threat to Zeref.
14:36The Great Witch who lives for a hundred years.
14:39White Magician Touka.
14:45You're a threat to my temple.
14:47Get out of here now!
14:52The water's in the ashes!
14:53You're no longer a Seijin Dragon.
14:56You're no longer a Seijin Dragon.
14:58You're no longer a Seijin Dragon.
15:06Lucy, Wendy!
15:07Take care of them!
15:09What happens if we burn them?
15:12I don't know.
15:13Maybe they'll turn into ashes.
15:15Let's try it!
15:17We can use fire here!
15:23Become ashes!
15:26This guy...
15:28He can't attack?
15:30Then he's mine!
15:32Come here!
15:42I'll be your opponent!
15:46The sound of swords clashing...
15:49It's so exciting!
15:51Then he'll be my opponent!
15:54Nice to meet you.
15:56I'll burn you!
15:58I'll burn you!
16:04He's amazing!
16:05Go, Natsu!
16:09It won't work.
16:11I'll use the Heavenly Dragon Blade!
16:17It won't work.
16:19What's going on?
16:21The Heavenly Dragon Blade won't hurt you.
16:25Can you see that?
16:31Nice shot.
16:39Darn it!
16:40It's so hard!
16:44This is bad!
16:45My chest!
16:47That's enough.
16:52That's unfair.
16:54Why are you using the Dragon Slayer, too?
17:00The Dragon Slayer of the old generation is tough.
17:34That was close!
17:35That was dangerous!
17:38You're strong!
17:41I don't need to be weak to protect my friends.
17:45You're great.
17:47I don't hate fighting tough guys like you.
17:51But I'm a little stubborn.
17:55I want to see what you're made of.
18:08A shock wave?
18:14Wait a minute!
18:16What is this outfit?
18:18It's a swimsuit!
18:21You've been wearing a swimsuit.
18:23Don't look at me.
18:25It's embarrassing.
18:27What's wrong, Elsa?
18:28Something's wrong.
18:30Shall we continue?
18:35Help me.
18:36Don't kill me.
18:40You're Ms. Kiria, right?
18:44Please help me, Ms. Kiria.
18:49What's going on?
18:51I'm here.
18:53I'm strong.
18:57Please forgive me.
19:00Wake up!
19:02Even a cowardly swordsman is cute when he's like this.
19:08You have a high profile.
19:15It hurts.
19:17It hurts.
19:18Get away from Ms. Kiria!
19:23A dragon slayer?
19:25She's just a kid.
19:28Even if you're small, Wendy is a great sorceress!
19:33I don't care about being small!
19:38It's just a little trick.
19:41It's just a little trick.
19:43It's a little annoying.
19:47The dragon slayer!
19:50Ms. Kiria!
19:54Watch out!
19:55Ms. Kiria!
20:03I told you I have everything.
20:07Ice Make!
20:15Love is love.
20:17Selfishness is selfishness.
20:21What is this magic?
20:26Zero's sword!
20:29Whether it's love or not,
20:31the one who freezes freezes.
20:33That's right.
20:35But whether it's the sea or the ice,
20:38even the shapeless ones turn to ash.
20:42Mukuro-ryu's Zekkai!
20:46No way!
20:47Disappear, everyone!
20:49Turn to ash and rot away!
20:51What kind of magic is this?
20:53At this rate, I'll disappear while I'm still alive!
20:56Ice Make!
20:59Ice turns to ash.
21:01I'll freeze that ash!
21:03This magic...
21:05It's a devil's instinct.
21:06It's fascinating.
21:08But our main food is dragons,
21:10not devils.
21:12I want you to forgive me for
21:15eating from the table without eating.
21:19Black Ash!
21:34You're welcome.
21:39Do something!
21:41It's not Juvia's fault!
21:43It's not Juvia's fault either!
21:45I said it's fine.
21:51I think my deduction is wrong.
21:57Lord Natsu!
21:59Come back soon!
22:02Will you come back?
22:05I finally found you.
22:10White Sorcerer Touka.
22:32No matter what happens,
22:35we try to help each other,
22:38but if we're too naive,
22:41it's no good.
22:42It's time to let go.
22:45Even if we part here,
22:50this bond between us
22:53will never be severed.
22:57I can't see what I believe in.
23:01It's a story that starts here forever.
23:09My friend,
23:11let's say goodbye here.
23:16We can't support each other forever.
23:24My friend,
23:26let's say goodbye here.
23:31We can't support each other forever.