Bowser Meets Bowsette - Bowsette's Princess Lessons (Chapter 2, Part 2 audiobook)

  • 3 months ago


00:00I'm friendzoning you, Bowser!
00:06The room went silent.
00:07Even Daisy, who had carefully been wiping the last of the dried blood from Luigi's nose,
00:12was able to pry her eyes away from Luigi's lovable little face at this news.
00:17Luigi's face was pale from blood loss, but he turned his head shakily.
00:22Bowser's wicked delight vanished.
00:24He looked like he'd just been sentenced to death.
00:27You're friendzoning me, but I'm the queen of the Koopas!
00:30Crud. King, king, king, king!
00:32In a rage, Bowser rattled the bars and slammed his chest like a kong,
00:36only for his eyes to snap open wide as he felt his tits jiggle and bounce wildly from the impacts.
00:43Arg! It's not fair! I want someone to have and to hold!
00:46For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer in sickness and in health,
00:49to love and to cherish till death do us part!
00:51What is wrong with you, you psycho witch? Why must you torment me so?
00:55Why can't you want what I want?
00:56You know what you are, Princess Toadstool.
00:58You're a cold-hearted reptile with no appreciation for romantic love.
01:02Even as Peach's temper flared, she kept her composure,
01:06but the commanding, regal boom in her voice was enough to silence even Bowser.
01:11You were wrong. We ain't Koopas.
01:13One day you will be married, but not to you.
01:15The only man I'll bow to loving her, and Obi is mine.
01:18Peach caught herself from accidentally shouting Mario's name.
01:21My one true love, a good man, someone who loves and cherishes me as a person,
01:26not a video game trophy.
01:27And until you learn to show some remorse for all the pain and trouble you've come,
01:31you will remain a prisoner.
01:32I wish you didn't have to be alone, Bowser.
01:34But until you change, you deserve to be alone.
01:37As the meaning of Peach's words sunk in, Bowser felt his heart sink into despair
01:42before exploding in a blind rage.
01:44He slammed against the iron bars with such force,
01:48he chipped a piece of stone from the ceiling where the bars were secured in place.
01:52The prison door held, but Mario had seen enough.
01:55Dashing forward, he put himself between Peach and the raging beast,
01:59guiding the stunned princess back.
02:01Never in his life, despite all his kidnapping attempts,
02:05had Bowser ever deliberately tried to hurt Peach.
02:08She was his idol.
02:09But as the dream of his happy, married life with Peach died,
02:13he wanted to break everything in the whole world, including her.
02:17I'll teach you respect, wench.
02:19You will love me, or you will wish you'd never been born.
02:22Still in shock, Peach allowed herself to be led out of the dungeon,
02:26hearing Bowser's venomous threats echoing through the stone hallways.
02:30As Mario slammed the wooden door behind them,
02:32Peach had a surreal sensation,
02:34as though she'd just been snatched from the pit of hell itself.
02:38Well, I think that went well, said Daisy,
02:41carrying a white-faced Luigi in her arms.
02:44Daisy's words snapped Peach out of her reverie,
02:47the memory of Bowser's fury still haunting her.
02:50I've never seen him like that, even at his worst behavior.
02:53He was never that sadistic.
02:55Toadette held Peach's hand, partially to comfort her princess,
02:59and partially to stop herself from trembling.
03:02Well, maybe it's for the best.
03:05If Bowser understands that you don't want his attentions,
03:08maybe he'll finally give up and move on with his life.
03:11Mario huffed.
03:13Hey, and do it. Take a crochet.
03:15Become a professional go-kart racer.
03:18Bowser's not interested in redemption, Peach.
03:21Hasn't he shown that time and again over the years?
03:24Peach detected the hidden annoyance in Mario's voice, but ignored it,
03:28her thoughts still preoccupied by everything that had happened.
03:31I know that, Mario, but Bowser hasn't always been like this.
03:35I was just hoping I could get through to him.
03:37Mario started talking with his hands animatedly,
03:40which had been his habit since childhood,
03:42thanks to his Italian upbringing in Brooklyn.
03:45Then what was the point of offering him friendship?
03:47I thought you were trying to trick him into giving you information.
03:51Don't tell me we're letting Bowser go if he says
03:53I'm sorry and promises to never do it again.
03:56He can't be trusted. He can't be redeemed.
03:59Luigi raised a shaky finger.
04:01Ah, hold on, Mario.
04:03Mammy says redemption is always possible, even for the worst offenders.
04:07Mario waved both his hands.
04:09Well, Mammy never met that Bowser.
04:12Luigi waved his hands in an equally Italian gesture of annoyance,
04:16though not quite as forcefully.
04:18Hey, you say Mammy couldn't handle a jabbering like Bowser.
04:21Come on, Mario.
04:23Don't you come at me, Luigi.
04:26I wasn't saying nothing bad about Mammy.
04:28It's Bowser. Get dressed.
04:31Peach watched curiously.
04:33She rarely saw this side of Mario,
04:35and after all the years she'd known the brothers,
04:37their peculiar Brooklyn mannerisms still intrigued her.
04:40Knock that off, both of you.
04:42The brothers' hands froze in midair,
04:44both using hand gestures that wordlessly said,
04:47What's a motto with you?
04:49Peach straightened herself and took charge.
04:51Mario, Luigi, I think you were both right in your own way.
04:55People can find redemption.
04:57If Bowser wants to turn over a new leaf,
04:59I'll give him every opportunity.
05:01Daisy raised an eyebrow.
05:03Ah, does that mean you're letting him go home?
05:07Nope. Not a chance.
05:09Peach answered bluntly.
05:11Mario sighed with relief,
05:13waving his hands to Luigi to silently say,
05:16I told you so, before Peach gave him a stern look.
05:19A little abashed at losing his cool in front of Peach,
05:22Mario folded his hands and nodded.
05:24Ever since their first adventure together,
05:26Mario and Peach had found
05:28they could speak each other's language without words.
05:31Mario was thinking,
05:33All right, your highness, you win.
05:35Peach smiled as she read the annoyed,
05:37but amused look on Mario's face.
05:40Mario is right.
05:41We can't just blindly trust Bowser.
05:43That'd be naive.
05:44He hasn't killed any of my sub-ex, thankfully,
05:47but he's also put them at risk
05:49with his incense surprise attacks for too many times.
05:51On the other hand, he's also a powerful monarch.
05:54Keeping him a prisoner indefinitely
05:56could lead to war with the Koopa Kingdom.
05:58But I promise you,
05:59I'm not letting him out of that cell
06:01until I'm sure he's no longer a threat to the people
06:03of the Mushroom Kingdom.
06:04I'll have the Council of Elders to help me with negotiations.
06:07In the meantime,
06:08I'd say we've spent enough time on Bowser himself.
06:12Come to think of it, we'd better figure out
06:14what's going on.
06:15That crown.
06:16Mario shrugged.
06:17Doesn't seem so bad to me.
06:19Bowser's weaker now.
06:20Eh, I can handle him without the power-up.
06:23Luigi raised a finger, feeling important,
06:26then remembered he was still being carried in Daisy's arms
06:29and patted her shoulder to let him down.
06:31Oh, what about the magic he's used?
06:33That was new.
06:34What if he figures out how to use the power of the Queen
06:37of the Mushroom Kingdom?
06:39Daisy gasped,
06:40then grabbed Luigi by the collar,
06:42pressing her forehead against his.
06:44Boo, I forgot all about that!
06:46You're so smart!
06:48Toadette raised her hand, politely.
06:51Excuse me,
06:52but Bowser said he read about the first Queen
06:55of the Mushroom Kingdom in some ancient scrolls.
06:57Shouldn't the castle library have some information?
07:01Peach patted Toadette on the head.
07:03Good idea, Toadette.
07:04I bet Toadsworth would know where to find
07:06what we were looking for in the royal archives.
07:08But I'll have to send for Professor Toad,
07:10and he could be anywhere on one of his archaeological digs.
07:13Mario snapped his fingers.
07:15An archaeologist!
07:17That's it!
07:18What's it, Mario?
07:20asked Peach, Luigi, Daisy, and Toadette, all at once.
07:24But Mario was a man of action, not a man of words.
07:28He sprinted down the hallway and around the corner,
07:31calling behind him.
07:33Kooper and Goombella, they were invited to the party.
07:36We gotta find them before they leave.
07:38Let's-a go!
07:40Bowser hung his head on the dressing table in his cell,
07:43gnawing at the wood in a failed, frustrated attempt
07:46to hide his sobbing.
07:48Although it had been a cold, dreary dungeon long ago,
07:51Peach had taken it upon herself to do some interior decorating,
07:55making the cell feel more like a cozy guest bedroom.
07:58One of these additions was a framed mirror above the table.
08:01Bowser couldn't stand to look at the face of the woman
08:04staring back at him from the mirror.
08:06But if he had, he would have seen the reflected image
08:09lift her head to watch him curiously,
08:12as he cried his heart out.
08:14The reflected image of the woman in the mirror
08:16watched Bowser with a mix of disgust and amusement.
08:19The mirror woman revealed every single one of her pointed teeth
08:22in a devilish smile.
08:24Well, are you a man, or aren't you?
08:27she said in a seductive voice, like Princess Peach's,
08:30but much older and much harsher.
08:33Bowser snapped his head up.
08:35With a terrified roar of realization,
08:37Bowser thrust his fist into the mirror,
08:39shattering it into a spiderweb pattern.
08:42Though the woman's image was now slightly distorted,
08:45she was no less beautiful.
08:47Why must men always think with their fists?
08:49said the woman in the mirror.
08:51Bowser backed away from the mirror, his eyes wide.
08:54Who are you? Are you a ghost?
08:56Or are you an evil magic mirror?
08:58No, no. Neither.
09:00I'm you, of course.
09:02You only see me in the mirror
09:03because I'm a reflection of your subconscious mind.
09:08The woman in the mirror rolled her eyes.
09:10I am you. I'm an aspect of your psyche.
09:13I am the yin to your yang.
09:15I am the feminine spirit within.
09:17Spirit, that means ghost.
09:18Yeah, you're a ghost.
09:20I knew I never should have trusted King Boo.
09:22Well, you tell that spook I'm done being possessed.
09:25I'm my own man, damn it!
09:27Bowser bellowed.
09:28The woman in the mirror hissed.
09:30This idiot was ruining all the drama and mystique she was going for.
09:34No, that's not what I meant.
09:37Use your eyes. Do I look like a boo?
09:40Bowser's curiosity momentarily overcame his superstition.
09:44Now that you mention it, you're way hotter than most boos.
09:47Hey, hey, you've got boobies.
09:49Because boos don't have boobies.
09:51The woman in the mirror was so overwhelmed by the stupidity of this situation,
09:55she wanted to gag.
09:57Covering her breasts, she coughed awkwardly.
10:00K. Fine. Whatever works.
10:03Basically, I'm not a boo.
10:05What's important is that you now bear the crown.
10:08Bowser forgot all about boobs.
10:10The crown, of course.
10:12You're the vengeful spirit of the Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom.
10:15You're mad because your sacred resting place was desecrated, or something?
10:19The woman in the mirror rubbed her temples.
10:21Dealing with this moron was already giving her a headache.
10:24She shouted, trying to make herself heard over Bowser's rambling conspiracy theories about ghosts and aliens.
10:31No. Shut up.
10:33I'm not here to curse anyone. I'm here to help.
10:36Well, it was those dang Mario brothers who pillaged the crown from your tomb, not me.
10:41You need to curse someone. Curse them.
10:43Okay. Fine. You know what?
10:46I am the ghost of the Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom.
10:49Ooh. I'm a scary ghost. Stop talking or I'll curse you.
10:54Bowser gasped, then smiled, very pleased with himself.
10:58I knew it.
10:59Realizing his mistake, Bowser slapped his palm over his mouth.
11:03The woman in the mirror sighed with relief.
11:06Now, if you really want to curse those Mario brothers, I'm all too happy to help you.
11:11But my ghost magic is a bit different.
11:13You see, as long as you have the crown, I can talk to you, but no one else.
11:18And as long as you wear the crown, you have our ghost magic power.
11:23But you need me to use the ghost magic power.
11:26You know, since I'm a ghost and stuff, we have to work together.
11:30Forgetting to breathe, Bowser hid all sorts of squeals and expletives by pressing his hand tightly against his mouth
11:37before he gasped for air, and his tongue moved on its own.
11:40I know what's next. This is the part where you offer me some sort of deal.
11:44But there's some fine print or a weird riddle poem that means you get to eat my soul.
11:49The woman held up her hands.
11:51Nothing like that. You already put on the crown. You already accepted the power.
11:56You don't have to use it if you don't want to.
11:59Look, I'll prove that I'm no threat to you. Take a look at yourself.
12:04As Bowser looked down on his hands, he saw his pale skin deepen to a golden, bronze tan, similar to his old scales,
12:11and a strand of his long hair caught his eye as it darkened from blonde to a rich, blood red.
12:17You look different than me, but you're in the mirror.
12:20Right. Despite outward appearances, you're still you.
12:24You're Bowser, the King of the Koopas, and I'm Bowsette, the Queen of the Koopas.
12:30Bowser scratched his head.
12:32But there is no Queen of the Koopas.
12:34Don't you want one? Isn't that what chasing after Peach was all about? To get yourself a queen?
12:40Well, yeah, but I want Peach. You're not Peach. You're just a blonde version of me.
12:45The woman pumped her fists victoriously.
12:48Bingo! I knew we'd get there eventually. I am you, and I am also not you.
12:54You are Bowser, I am Bowsette, and with my help, we can both get Peach and the Mushroom Kingdom.
13:01No demonic contracts, no hidden clauses, no strings attached.
13:06Bowser's mind reeled from all this new information.
13:09Bowsette, what you said you were the ghost of the Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom.
13:13Bowsette froze her victory pose, before she let her arms slump back down in defeat.
13:18No, I meant that, ugh, okay, let's just say I'm the ghost of the Queen of the Mushroom Kingdom,
13:25who just so happens to be named Bowsette.
13:27I'm not a boo, I'm not a vengeful spirit looking to hand out curses, nor a demon looking to drag unwary souls to hell.
13:34I just want to help you use the crown's magic, so that we can both get what we want, to rule and protect the Mushroom Kingdom.
13:41What do you say to that?
13:43Bowsette held out her hand, as if offering a handshake from behind the mirror.
13:47Then she noticed, Bowser had been picking his nose.
13:51Huh, yeah, you want a mutually beneficial relationship, yada yada.
13:55Look, can we just skip over the exposition dump, you're boring me.
13:59From behind the surface of the mirror, Bowsette slapped her forehead against the glass, groaning with frustration.
14:05But that's what I was trying to, ugh, what's not to understand?
14:09I can give you powerful magic, don't you want to rule the Mushroom Kingdom with me?
14:14Bowser examined a booger on his long, pointed fingernail, licked it experimentally, and finally flicked it away.
14:20And I stay stuck a woman, with a nagging queen who lives in a mirror, no thanks, women are weak and incapable of reason.
14:27Bowser slapped his palm against the sinewy bicep of his other arm.
14:31Then, with a flash of inspiration, he added menacingly.
14:35And saying you're not an evil ghost is exactly the kind of thing an evil ghost would say to trick me, no deal.
14:41Now, turn me back to my handsome self, or I'm gonna get seven years of bad luck.
14:46Bowser shook his fist as he approached the mirror, waiting for an answer.
14:50Bowsette shrugged.
14:52Suit yourself, you struck me as a man who isn't afraid to wield power.
14:56But if you're content to let that red-hatted do-gooder keep stomping on you, and keep taking your girl away from you, be my guest.
15:04Whatever turns you on.
15:06Bowser choked at the memory of seeing Mario and Peach escaping from him time and time again.
15:11That's not, I'm gonna get him eventually.
15:13You'll see, even if he's got nine lives, sooner or later I'll win.
15:17You'll see, even if he's got nine lives, sooner or later I'll win.
15:21Bowsette giggled, girlishly, then pulled out a file and delicately sharpened her own nails.
15:27Sure you will, well, if you don't want my help, there's nothing else I can do, I won't force you.
15:33You can even take the crown off if you want to go back to your normal self.
15:37Bowser slammed his hands against either side of the mirror.
15:40He wasn't sure if breaking the mirror would do anything to stop the ghost, and he didn't want to risk seven years of bad luck.
15:47But he was used to bluffing his way through anything by throwing his weight around.
15:51How do I do that, tell me!
15:53Bowsette's eyes went wide with fear, for only an instant, before she casually returned to giving herself a manicure.
16:00To return to your normal form, just take the crown off, gently, and set it down, softly.
16:06You'll be yourself for as long as you want, but you will maintain your connection to the crown's magic.
16:12Of course, if you want to be rid of the crown forever, that's a bigger commitment.
16:17Since you accepted the crown of your own free will, with the intent to rule the Mushroom Kingdom,
16:22you'll have to formally abdicate your legal right to the throne.
16:25Just say anything like,
16:27I no longer wish to rule the Mushroom Kingdom, and you'll sever your connection to the crown forever.
16:32There's no specific set of magic words you have to use. What matters is your intent.
16:38That's it, it can't be that simple.
16:40Wait, if you're Bowsette and I sever the connection to the crown, won't that kill you?
16:45To his pleasure, he saw Bowsette swallow a lump in her throat in the mirror, before answering.
16:50In a sense, I suppose it will. Because I am part of you, severing the magic will indeed destroy me.
16:57The crown's magic will live on, but Bowsette will be no more.
17:00Of course, the catch is that once you sever the connection, there's no going back.
17:05Bowser pretended to yawn, stretching the muscles of his shoulders and arms.
17:09Works for me, I kill you, leave the crown behind, bust out of here, and have my fun. Sucks to be you, doesn't it?
17:17Bowsette perfectly imitated the same gesture in the mirror.
17:20Indeed, but if that is my karma, there is nothing I can do to change it.
17:25Still, it's a pity, I got a good look inside your mind, there's some empty space, but I don't mind.
17:31Gives me some room to work with, for what it's worth, I think you'd have made a fine king of the Mushroom Kingdom, with my help.
17:39Bowser pressed his face close to the mirror, pointing emphatically, their fingers almost touching between the thin panel of glass.
17:46Yeah, well, I'll become king of the Mushroom Kingdom anyway, without your help. You watch.
17:51Bowsette mirrored this final gesture, before surprising Bowser by breaking away from the standoff, and standing up, regally.
17:59Maybe, but never queen of the Mushroom Kingdom. I'll leave you to decide your destiny.
18:05Somehow, she reminded him of Peach, not in her looks, but in her poise.
18:10She held her head high, like a queen. But when Bowser looked at Bowsette, he no longer saw a copy of Peach.
18:17He saw something new. He saw himself in the mirror.
18:20Then, the image turned, and walked away from him, disappearing into the shadows within the mirror.
18:26This surprised Bowser.
18:29He was expecting to hear some delicious begging and pleading from the ghost, maybe toy with her emotionally, before smashing the crown at the perfect moment.
18:37Well, that's it. Aren't you going to try and stop me?
18:40Bowsette turned.
18:42I can't stop you. I can only help you. But whatever you choose, it will have been the right choice.
18:48Then she stepped out of sight beyond the frame of the mirror.
18:51Annoyed, Bowser twisted his head to different angles, trying to catch sight of her in the mirror.
18:57Don't you walk out on me! I'm talking to you, woman!
18:59But as he pulled his head back away, he saw his reflection again. A plain reflection, with red hair and bronze skin.
19:07If I ever see that Bowsette brat again, I'll spank her until she tells me the real magic words, then spank her again, until she begs for mercy, just for fun.
19:16With a glance toward the mirror, Bowser saw no sign of Bowsette.
19:20Erm, not sure how I'd spank a woman in a mirror world, unless...
19:24Experimentally, Bowser lifted a hand and slapped his own rump, watching the woman in the mirror.
19:29He forgot his own strength, and the slap was enough to make him hop into the air.
19:34Actually, what am I doing? That mirror woman was probably just part of this nightmare.
19:39I'll just go to sleep and when I wake up, I'll be marrying Peach again, or...
19:43Bowser slapped his own ass again, hoping to take himself by surprise and wake himself up from the nightmare.
19:50This time he aimed for the other cheek, and once again, he slapped with enough force to feel the sting through the thick fabric of his black ballroom gown.
19:58Yow, okay, this ain't a dream, I'm really awake!
20:01Suspiciously, he checked the mirror one final time, wondering if Bowsette was spying on him.
20:07Bowser waved his hands and made faces, just to make sure.
20:11Boo! he shouted, turning suddenly, hoping to catch Bowsette by surprise, but it was just a plain cracked mirror.
20:19Fine, be that way, I'll just...
20:21Bowser sat down on his bed, grabbed at the crown and yanked at it futilely, before remembering Bowsette's words.
20:28Pull it off gently, set it down, softly...
20:31With a pop, the crown came off, and Bowser expanded to his full girth.
20:36Instantly, the bed snapped off the wall under the strain of his full weight, right onto his tail.
20:42Oh, oh, thank Godzilla! I'm me again!
20:47Bowser rubbed his stinging tail as he lifted himself up, struggling to remember the exact phrasing of the magic words Bowsette had told him earlier.
20:56He was sure she was lying about being able to use any words he wanted.
21:01Typical of a ghost to give him sneaky instructions and watch him yell all sorts of silly incantations.
21:07He strained his memory and found the right words.
21:10I no longer wish to rule the Mushroom Kingdom!
21:13Bowser thought, but he couldn't say those words aloud.
21:16After all, he did wish to rule the Mushroom Kingdom.
21:20Is this the trick?
21:22Lost, want to make me pinky promise to never hurt your little kingdom?
21:26Well, fine, I'll just say it, but I won't really mean it.
21:30I no longer wish to rule the Mushroom Kingdom!
21:35Nothing happened. Bowser slapped his forehead.
21:38Of course, I do want to rule the Mushroom Kingdom, so I can't mean it when I say I don't want to rule the Mushroom Kingdom.
21:47Bowser sat down cross-legged, both his cheeks still tingling slightly in protest, and examined the crown before him.
21:54This was a puzzle. He'd designed clever traps for do-gooders in the past. He could crack this nut.
22:00I can just say I don't want to be queen of the Mushroom Kingdom, that's true enough!
22:06Remembering that Bowsette had already told him as much earlier, he felt annoyed with himself.
22:12Apparently Bowsette wasn't trying to play mind games with him. Or was she?
22:17With a guttural growl, Bowser lifted the crown, thinking.
22:21I don't want to be queen of the Mushroom Kingdom!
22:24But before he could utter the words, he remembered the force of the magic he'd wielded earlier.
22:30That hadn't been a dream. It had been enough to knock himself out.
22:35And he was Bowser after all, so that magic had some punch to it.
22:39No need to break the connection to the magic right now! It could be useful to bust out of here.
22:46Bowser examined his prison. Feeling the bars with his full strength, he had to admit they were well-made.
22:53The cell could probably hold ten of his strongest warriors.
22:56He was sure that not even Bowser Jr. or Donkey Kong could break these bars.
23:01But they weren't the king of the Koopas.
23:04As he felt the metal strain, Bowser smiled.
23:07It would take an effort, but he could break the iron door any time he wanted.
23:11But did he want to escape now?
23:13Bowser had a delicious realization.
23:16Ha ha! No one here knows I have my full strength back!
23:21I could wait to surprise Mario and tear his mustache off as a souvenir.
23:26Or grab that green sap and use him as a hostage to tease Mario.
23:31Or wait for Peach to come give me another lecture about love and friendship.
23:36Bowser rubbed his mighty claws together.
23:39What a wonderful, awful idea. In that case, I'll get some rest and...
23:44As Bowser's stubby claws fumbled with the chains that once attached the broken bed to the wall, his gaze turned to the crown.
23:52Oh, well, for any of those plans to work, I'll have to wear the crown.
23:57Or they'll instantly realize I'm me again and I lose the element of surprise.
24:03Bowser picked the crown up, still haunted by the memory of being trapped in the body of a weak, pathetic, helpless little woman.
24:10After all, I can take it off any time I want to. It's my choice.
24:15Closing his eyes, Bowser placed the crown back on his head.
24:19Worried that pink flames might erupt from the crown again.
24:23But this time, he became a woman in an instant, dropping down gracefully to the floor with a light tap thanks to the difference in height.
24:31Apparently the spectacular transformation scene was a one-time thing.
24:35Bowser looked into the mirror. This time, his hair was red, his skin bronze.
24:41No sign of the blonde woman.
24:43Bowser decided then and there that he was never going to call himself Bowsette.
24:48Who's the man? I'm the man. I'm king of the Koopas, Bowser said, looking at himself in the mirror.
24:54He didn't like the high-pitched sound of his voice, but at least he wasn't stumbling over the words man and king anymore.
25:01Bowser found with strange satisfaction that his nimble fingers could easily reattach the chains of the bed.
25:08It would have been a headache with his old three-fingered claws. He didn't have to sleep on the floor tonight.
25:15As he settled himself on the bed, Bowser realized something was off.
25:19No pajamas. What kind of war criminal doesn't provide her prisoners with nighttime attire?
25:24Who knew that Princess Peach could be so thoughtless and cruel? Damn, she's sexy.
25:29Bowser stripped out of his ballroom gown and found himself wearing men's boxers with hearts underneath and no bra.
25:36Perfect. Exactly what I like to wear to bed.
25:39Bowser stared at the perfect pair of tits just below him, poking them with intense interest.
25:45Wow, not even Princess Peach has a rack like mine.
25:48Uh, no, can't think about breasts. Got to concentrate on escaping.
25:52Settling himself into bed, Bowser mentally reviewed his game plan.
25:57Kammy Koopa would likely be back in a few days, but he had no intention of letting her negotiate his release for him.
26:05If the perfect opportunity to break out didn't present itself before Kammy's return,
26:09he'd insist on being present at the hostage negotiations and launch his surprise attack.
26:14Okay, this ain't so bad. I'll wait and when the time is right, I destroy all my enemies and claim Peach as my prize, just like in a video game.
26:24With one last glance down at his own glorious melon-sized ta-tas, Bowser smiled wanly and drifted off to sleep.
26:31I could get used to this.
26:33As he snored, he made a loud, honk, shoo noise, a snot bubble at the end of his nose.
26:39But in the cracked mirror, the blonde head of Bowsette reappeared.
26:43She watched the sleeping form of Bowser hungrily.
26:46Gotcha, sucker.
26:48The image of Bowsette glided away from the surface of the mirror, before lying down on her own bed, exactly like her red-headed counterpart.
26:56What was it you said, Bowser? Ah, yes. Sooner or later, I'll win?
27:02Well, I couldn't agree more. I think we're going to get along famously.
27:07Bowser stirred once in his sleep, sucking his thumb.
27:10Then his tan skin faded to a milky snow white, his fiery red hair shifted to golden blonde, and he slept soundly.
27:18In his dreams, Bowser was on a throne as king of the Mushroom Kingdom, in his true form.
27:24Seated at his left was Princess Peach, attached to his throne by a chain and collar around her neck.
27:31But seated to his right, was the queen of the Mushroom Kingdom.
27:36End of Part 2
27:38Spanks for listening.
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