• last year


00:00Well, Tash Peterson makes fun of animals and jokes about wanting to punch cows.
00:06Wait, she made a mistake!
00:08Did you hear that?
00:09She was supposed to say Sniper Wolf wants to punch cows.
00:13Hmm, I wonder what the vegan teacher is up to these days.
00:15Should I take off my clothes for money?
00:18Did we skip a few chapters?
00:20Today, I want to talk to you about taking off our clothes as activists,
00:24posing in the nude, and getting money for it.
00:27And whether that is a good thing for veganism or not.
00:30Hold on.
00:31You know, last I heard.
00:32Does this girl seem to you like she might be naturally intelligent,
00:36gorgeous, generous, exemplary, and radiant?
00:43She looks like she could be that to me.
00:44What the?
00:45Who's letting the vegan teacher run around with internet still?
00:47I always thought the vegan teacher was the final boss of vegans.
00:51No, there's more.
00:53This vegan TikToker might be worse than the vegan teacher.
00:57My name is Sexy Vegan.
00:58I got my name legally changed to Sexy Vegan.
01:00This is a joke.
01:01Gotta tattoo it on your forehead and let everybody know.
01:04Bro, just put the fries in the bag.
01:05At this point, with those tattoos,
01:07I don't even think he could get a job at McDonald's.
01:09Don't forget the arm tattoo.
01:11I'm a strict vegan.
01:13Oh, I couldn't tell.
01:14I was about to offer this dude a burger.
01:16Yeah, good thing he has it written all over his body.
01:18Otherwise, how would I know?
01:20I am the beautiful vegan messiah!
01:25Okay, I'm gonna say this now.
01:26There's nothing wrong with being a vegan.
01:28People can do whatever they want in their own personal life
01:30as long as they're not hurting anybody.
01:32But my problem is when you're rubbing it in everybody's faces.
01:48I'm sorry.
01:48The way she just walked past security butt naked.
01:51What do y'all pay the security for?
01:53She just walked right through.
01:55What does the sign say?
01:56If you're not vegan, you're an animal abuser.
01:59You hear that?
01:59If you're munching on some chicken nuggies right now,
02:02you are an animal abuser.
02:04I know you ate some meat for lunch today.
02:06That's not vegan.
02:07That means you are also an animal abuser.
02:09How does that feel?
02:12All of us right now.
02:18All right, let's go.
02:20Come on.
02:21I always forget that there's a whole other camera person
02:24that walked in with her.
02:25Usually you're like, oh, it's just her by herself.
02:27But no, there's a whole camera person behind her that also got in.
02:30You never realize there's a cameraman until they grab the camera
02:33and you're like, oh, that's a whole other person.
02:42I can't show her but she's literally covered in red paint.
02:46I paused at the perfect moment in the employee's face right there.
02:49Girl, same.
02:55No more sign.
02:56Come on.
02:57If I take the sign, you will leave.
03:03Oh, the sign broke in two pieces.
03:07She still got half the sign.
03:08What does it say?
03:09Recon and boozer.
03:10I mean, I didn't care before and I don't care now.
03:12What should we be happy about?
03:17See, that statement is ridiculous.
03:19And that's my problem with these kind of vegans.
03:21It's like you can be vegan,
03:22eat all the black bean burgers your heart desires,
03:25run out into the pasture,
03:27and frolic and eat grass with the cows.
03:29I don't care.
03:30Do whatever you want.
03:31But like, don't make me and other people feel bad about eating meat.
03:34I like chicken nuggies.
03:35I like steak.
03:36I'm going to eat meat.
03:37It just blows my mind that people who do things like this in public
03:41think they're gonna make a difference.
03:42The only thing you're gonna make me do is feel embarrassed for you.
03:45That you're here butt naked in a Louis Vuitton
03:48while I'm sampling perfume samples on my wrist.
03:50Be for real.
03:50Do you think anybody's gonna leave after this little stunt?
03:53I don't care.
03:53Louis Vuitton are responsible for the murder of cows,
03:58sheep, goats, foxes, meats, ducks, and geese.
04:04It's quite the roster of animals that they're responsible for.
04:07I need you again.
04:08Remember the other day I gave you some duck?
04:11You are also responsible for the murder of ducks.
04:14How does it feel?
04:18No comment.
04:18Louis Vuitton have blood on their hands.
04:21I'm sorry to you if you're not vegan.
04:24Stop contributing to this animal holocaust.
04:26Animals are not worthy.
04:28They're not food, entertainment, commodities, machines, or objects.
04:34It's like an NPC has gone rogue is just walking around the store.
04:40And she's an NPC so you can't actually like press x and interact with her.
04:44Just ignore her.
04:44Maybe she'll go away.
04:45Like nobody's gonna leave.
04:47They're not here for us.
04:49Also, why is she naked?
04:50Rather naked and wear Elsa's skin.
04:53You know cotton exists?
04:55That's from a plant.
04:56You can get a cotton t-shirt.
04:57You don't have to walk around with some bloody nips to make a point.
05:00I feel like it's just a matter of time before the cops get here
05:03and then she's just gonna get arrested.
05:04They're not here for us.
05:06End this animal holocaust.
05:08There is blood on your hands if you're not vegan.
05:12I don't see nothing.
05:12My hands are clean.
05:14I'm not the one killing the animals.
05:15I'll just be eating them.
05:16It's good protein.
05:16Watch Dominion on YouTube for the truth.
05:19These animals want to live just like us.
05:23They were skinned alive.
05:25They were shot in the head.
05:27And if you're not vegan, you pay for their brutal murder.
05:32Everybody's just making a barrier to push her out of the store.
05:37Guide the vegan NPC out.
05:38End this animal holocaust.
05:39This is murder.
05:41Every single product in this store is murder and animal abuse.
05:46She said every single item in a Louis Vuitton store is murder and animal abuse.
05:50You know they got plates there?
05:51Like ceramic plates.
05:53Now play is murder?
05:54The cotton t-shirt on the wall.
05:57Girl, that's a whole lot of yapping.
05:58Meanwhile, the line has gotten even longer to get in the store.
06:02Watch Dominion on YouTube to see the truth.
06:06The blood is on your hands.
06:08Everybody check your hands.
06:09Who actually has blood on their hands?
06:11Like this video of no blood on your hands.
06:13You are an animal if you say you're not vegan.
06:16She feel like she did something.
06:17She walked out of there like, oh man, I really made a difference today.
06:21I really changed somebody's life and made at least three people in that store go vegan today.
06:27Like I'm sorry, but like I don't think anybody watches these videos and decides to go vegan.
06:31Like if they go vegan, it's because, oh, I don't like how meat makes my tummy feel.
06:35Or they do it for like health reasons.
06:36Or they watch that Dominion video.
06:38It's definitely not like, I'm going to watch this butt naked person in red paint,
06:42walk into a Louis Vuitton, run around the Louis Vuitton and call everybody a murderer.
06:47Yeah, that's definitely going to make people turn into a vegan.
06:49This is just not an effective way to make a point.
06:53Anyway, so the vegan TikToker, her name used to be vegan booty.
06:56So she walked past a group of girls who are eating chicken nuggets.
07:00This is what she has to say to them.
07:01So you girls just walked past and you were saying yum, chicken, yum.
07:05And I told you to stop for a chat.
07:08Chicken is really nice.
07:10Yeah, chicken's really good guys.
07:11Do you think taste justifies murder?
07:15I mean, yeah, when the chicken nugget hits,
07:16I believe the chicken were put on this earth to eat.
07:19You're meant to say no.
07:21Does your taste pleasure justify murdering that chicken?
07:24We didn't murder the chicken, we didn't kill it, we're just eating it.
07:28Are you against animal abuse?
07:29Yeah, it depends if I can eat it or not.
07:32So you're okay with animal abuse if it's food for you?
07:36Thank you.
07:37According to her logic, if you've ever had a chicken nugget, you're an animal abuser.
07:40If you have chicken nuggets and you like chicken, you eat chicken.
07:44Chicken is good.
07:45I'm not the one murdering the chickens.
07:47It's not even murder.
07:48Murder is when it's another human.
07:50But like a chicken, you didn't murder the chicken, you cooked the chicken.
07:53If I pick an apple from a tree, take a bite.
07:55Did I murder that apple?
07:56I mean, it depends how you ate it.
07:57What if the apple tree has feelings?
07:59Oh, vegan teacher actually made a video.
08:01Why vegan booty is braver, better, and more bootiful than SS Sniper Wolf.
08:06I don't know, why is she?
08:08She's better, braver, and more beautiful than Sniper Wolf.
08:15In every way possible.
08:17Her beauty is much more than skin deep.
08:20Why do you have to come at me like that?
08:22What did I do?
08:24While Sniper Wolf spends her life trying to earn more and more money.
08:30What do you want?
08:31I got a family to support.
08:32Tash Peterson spends her life trying to save more and more animals.
08:38I don't know if it's this music or I got something in my eye.
08:40Vegan teachers really touched my heart with this low quality video.
08:44While Tash Peterson makes fun of animals and jokes about wanting to punch cows.
08:50While Tash Peterson makes fun of animals and jokes about wanting to punch cows.
08:57She made a mistake!
08:59Did you hear that?
09:00She was supposed to say Sniper Wolf wants to punch cows.
09:03But she said.
09:04While Tash Peterson makes fun of animals.
09:07That's her, not me.
09:08And jokes about wanting to punch cows.
09:10And then?
09:11Tash Peterson at the other end of the earth in Australia is out saving them.
09:18Girl, didn't you just say she just makes fun of them?
09:20And then you said she saves them?
09:23You know what?
09:24Little of the vegan teacher's brain is slowly deteriorating.
09:27Vegan teacher, congratulations.
09:29All you have proved is that people can survive without a brain.
09:31So she's back at it again.
09:33This time at a butcher shop with red paint all over her.
09:36Holding a cow head.
09:40Thank you.
09:46Do you love abusing animals?
09:49Do you love chopping animals' body parts off?
09:54This guy is so real.
09:56I mean he's a butcher.
09:57Like what do you expect?
09:58Yeah man, I love preparing animals.
10:00If anything, I feel like content like this.
10:03Promotes the opposite of the response she's expecting.
10:06So it's like maybe if I stand here with a fake dead cow.
10:09Covered in red paint.
10:11Somebody will wash it and go vegan.
10:13Meat eaters like me are gonna watch this and be like.
10:16You know what?
10:17A steak sounds real good right now.
10:19I think I'll order three.
10:21What do you love about chopping murder victims up?
10:23What's so lovely about it?
10:24Murder victims?
10:25She acted like this is a horror movie.
10:28She's comparing a butcher to Jeffrey Dahmer.
10:30It's not that serious.
10:31He's just cutting my steak into fajita strips.
10:33Why are you mad though?
10:34This next argument is kind of ridiculous.
10:37She went around interviewing people with a sign that said.
10:41Eating dogs should be legal.
10:42Prove me wrong.
10:43I'm saying it should be legal to eat dogs.
10:47What are your thoughts on that?
10:48I think it's a lot of crap.
10:50I don't understand what you mean.
10:51Why should it be illegal to eat?
10:53Well I think we have the right to eat dogs.
10:55And they taste really good.
10:56Do you eat?
10:57Oh I've tried various breeds of dogs.
11:00This argument sounds bananas.
11:01But her logic is.
11:03Oh well we eat chicken and cow and pig.
11:07But why do we only eat those?
11:09Why don't we just eat dog and giraffe and zebra and horse?
11:14In Japan they do eat horse.
11:15My dog eats meat.
11:17Feeding my dog a vegan diet would be animal abuse.
11:20How come animals can eat other animals?
11:22Are they all murderers?
11:24This logic is so stupid.
11:25So I think it's absolute crap.
11:27Absolute crap?
11:30Do you eat cows, pigs, chickens?
11:31No I don't.
11:32No I don't.
11:33But I wouldn't eat a dog that's a pet of somebody that's on a leash.
11:37No I wouldn't.
11:38I think it's vile.
11:40I mean obviously dogs are domesticated.
11:42They are our pets.
11:43They are our friends.
11:44They are like family.
11:45I don't have any pet chickens.
11:46I don't have a pet cow.
11:47If you don't want to eat cow, don't eat cow.
11:49If you don't want to eat chicken, don't eat chicken.
11:51But don't make people feel guilty about what they want to do.
11:53But anyways that's all for today.
11:55I hope you guys enjoyed this video.
11:56If you did make sure to hit that like button in the face.
11:59And make sure you turn on notifications.
12:02And subscribe to the Wolf Pack.
12:05I love you guys so much.
12:06Thanks for watching.
12:06Bye guys.