रांका और बांका कौन थे __ Shri Harinarayana Charya Ji Maharaj __ Katha2024

  • 2 months ago
रांका और बांका कौन थे __ Shri Harinarayana Charya Ji Maharaj __ Katha2024
00:00There is a story of two devotees of God, Raka and Maka.
00:03They were such devout devotees of God, that one day God wanted to give them something.
00:10One day they went to the forest, cut the wood and gathered it.
00:14Both of them came and found out that someone had already come and taken the wood.
00:19God saw this and thought, let's take some gold coins.
00:23God placed the gold coins in front of them.
00:29God put some soil in front of them, so that the wife doesn't get angry.
00:33The wife said, why are you putting soil on the soil?
00:37The husband said, oh God, they are more devout than us.
00:41In my eyes, this is gold.
00:44But in their eyes, gold is also soil.
00:48God said, I would like to give, but the wife will not accept.
00:54People say that one day a Mahatma came.
00:58I say, he is not a Mahatma.
01:00Lakshmi ji sent him.
01:02Today, he came to the house of the wife as a sadhu.
01:07He came as a sadhu.
01:09And when he asked for alms, Susheela ji said,
01:13O Lord, what should I give you? I have nothing to give you.
01:26The sadhu said, why do you worry?
01:31Send your husband to Dwarkadheesh once.
01:39Don't you know that Dwarkadheesh is your husband's childhood friend?
01:47Maharaj ji, I did not know that Dwarkadheesh is my husband's friend.
01:54Think about it.
01:56Who has never told his wife that the king of Dwarka is my friend?
02:02Who else is more important than this in the world?
02:05Because Sudama ji knew that the day he would come to know that Shri Krishna is my friend,
02:11the same day he would send me.
02:14That is why he never told this secret that Dwarkadheesh is my friend.
02:19As soon as he came to know, the saint Mahatma left.
02:23And Susheela ji came to Sudama ji and said, Lord, I have never asked you for anything.
02:30Some people say that the beggar was not Sudama ji, the beggar was Susheela ji.
02:35The one who sends a devotee to God is not a beggar, he is a Guru.
02:43The one who unites a devotee with God is a Guru.
02:47Sudama ji does a lot of bhajan, but never goes to see him.
02:52Susheela ji says, Lord, at least go and see Shri Krishna Kanhaiya Dwarkadheesh once.
03:00He wanted to avoid it somehow.
03:02So he thought of a plan.
03:04He said, see, you should not go to a friend's house, a Guru's house, a daughter's house empty-handed.
03:11You should go with something.
03:13Sudama ji thought, if I keep such a condition, then there is nothing in the house,
03:18nothing will happen and neither will she send me.
03:21Shri Susheela ji went inside and saw all the utensils inside.
03:26There was not a single utensil in the house.
03:28There was a window from behind.
03:30She went to the neighbor's house through the window.
03:33She said to the neighbor, Sister, give me three handfuls of rice.
03:38Give me three handfuls of rice.
03:41I did not beg.
03:43I did not beg.
03:53I did not beg.
03:55Mothers, sometimes when there is nothing in the house,
03:57they take a loan from the neighbor.
03:59Sister, I do not even have it.
04:02Now you give it.
04:04When it is done, I will return it to you again.
04:07So I did not beg.
04:09My friend is going to Dwarka.
04:11He will come back.
04:13So I will return what I am taking from you.
04:18The neighbor's sister would have given.
04:21But I also got rice early in the morning.
04:24The hard work that I got, I gave it to her.
04:30Now there is nothing left.
04:32When I saw Susheela ji's feelings,
04:34Sister, let me see.
04:36Maybe I will get some in Bhushi.
04:39I brought Susheela ji.
04:41I saw in Bhushi.
04:43When I saw the grains of Bhushi,
04:45I got some broken rice.
04:48That is why it is written,
04:50Ya Chitva Chakro Mushteen Vipraan Prathakat Tandulan
04:57Those Tanduls are not like one.
04:59Some are broken and some are like Maharaj.
05:03I collected such rice from three places.
05:07I brought it.
05:09I tied it in a wet cloth.
05:13I gave it to Sudama ji.
05:15Now you will go.
05:17When Sudama ji started walking,
05:19Sudama ji asked,
05:21If he asks, what will I say?
05:23Srisusheela ji says,
05:25Ek Maas Dvai Pakh Mein,
05:30Do Ekad Siro,
05:35So Prabhudeen Dayaal Mein,
05:42Nit Pratideeni Mo.
05:47Susheela ji said,
05:49If he asks, tell him,
05:51Hey Dwarikadheesh,
05:53I have heard,
05:54Ek Maas Dvai Pakh Mein,
05:56Do Ekad Siro,
05:58In a month,
06:00There are two sides.
06:02Sukla Pakh and Krishna Pakh.
06:05In both the months,
06:07One Ekad Siro comes.
06:10But what have we done to you?
06:13Hey Deen Dayaal,
06:17Always Ekad Siro is happening.
06:20Otherwise, your children will stay hungry.
06:22Just say this much.
06:24Give this much emotion.
06:26Sudama ji took the bundle.
06:28Now the distance between Sudamapuri and Dwarikapuri is more.
06:33While doing Bhagwan's bhajan,
06:35Sudama ji started walking.
