The Traitors Canada S01E06 (2023)

  • 2 months ago
00:00We'll see you next time.
00:30And the two traders, so convinced over their own safety.
00:34We're so under the radar.
00:36Realize that they may have already committed a fatal mistake.
00:40You observe, you take it in, and reflect.
00:43Though they emerge unharmed from the round table.
00:46Condragulations on getting a faithful out.
00:49The night is still full of surprises for the traders.
01:00Hello, traders.
01:06We're halfway through the game, and I'm worried things have gone astray.
01:10So there will be no murder tonight.
01:13That's a twist.
01:15Instead, you will choose three players to put on death row.
01:20You will have the chance to observe them throughout the day tomorrow.
01:24And you will then murder one of them tomorrow night.
01:32Choose well.
01:37Oh, ****.
01:40I am so mad that we don't get to recruit.
01:43Tonight would have been the perfect night to get a scapegoat.
01:47They will probably think that one of the traders are going to put themselves as a cover.
01:52People will become suspicious about all three names.
01:56And then they will begin to dig.
01:57That's right.
01:58It puts us on the hot seat.
01:59Why do we want to do that?
02:00So I think we want to put all faithfuls.
02:02I agree.
02:03So who's likely to get banished?
02:08It's very split right now.
02:10I'm not sure.
02:11I'm still pushing for Trevon.
02:13I made my case, and I think other people are thinking it.
02:16People still have their suspicions about me.
02:20I heard Mary's name coming up.
02:23Actually, you know what?
02:24Gurleen was starting to talk about Mary.
02:25Mary apparently has been on people's mouths, and it might look like Mary put herself on the list.
02:31I'm definitely thinking Kevin.
02:34Without a doubt, Kevin's name needs to be on there.
02:36Otherwise, it's going to be too late if we keep going.
02:38He's a strong player, and I want him out if I need to.
02:41Who else do we have that's a strong player, that has influence, that can mess our game up later on?
02:46We need to think about the future here.
02:48Let's go Melissa.
02:49Melissa's powerful.
02:52She's going to defend herself so much throughout the day that they don't have time to talk about us.
02:57Let's do it.
02:59I'm set.
03:01We're taking this to the end.
03:02To the end.
03:07Some people will be having a nice day tomorrow.
03:10Not these three.
03:12I know people are going to be very surprised to see their names on Death Row.
03:26Oh, the first ones.
03:28Good morning.
03:33Ah, magic.
03:36Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning.
03:40I was pleasantly surprised to be amongst the first group of people to come into the breakfast area.
03:47I'm good.
03:48This is the first time I've been here early.
03:51I just want to test some ideas.
03:54Want to leave some breadcrumbs.
03:55We have to be detectives.
03:57When people go to court, they want evidence.
04:00I think I found two.
04:02You found two traitors?
04:03Two traitors?
04:06Come in.
04:07Come in.
04:08Come in.
04:09Come in.
04:10Come in.
04:11Come in.
04:12Come in.
04:13Come in.
04:14Come in.
04:15Come in.
04:16Come in.
04:17Come in.
04:18Come in.
04:19Come in.
04:20When I saw Kevin come in through the door, I was surprised, considering that I thought
04:21that the traitors would have probably tried to eliminate him if he was a faithful.
04:28Koozie, May, and Leroy.
04:31I'm sitting there.
04:32I'm happy I survived, but Leroy and Koozie aren't there.
04:36They're best allies.
04:37One of them got murdered.
04:39Today is the first point in the game where I have a theory.
04:45I have a theory.
04:47I'm going to narrow it down to four people today on that other team from the Air Force.
04:53I think there's at least two over there.
04:55I'm having a feeling about that, too.
04:59I mean, I don't know.
05:07So this is my second time showing up alone for breakfast.
05:12Just trying to keep it calm.
05:14Is our whole team from yesterday here?
05:17Our team is here now.
05:18All of our team.
05:19It's six people.
05:20That's right.
05:21On our team.
05:22Yeah, yeah.
05:23So that's really ballsy.
05:24It's really ballsy.
05:25So ballsy.
05:26It's really ballsy, yeah.
05:27So the shield means nothing at this point.
05:28No one's been protected from the shield.
05:38Walking into breakfast was a little nerve-wracking this morning.
05:41Kind of sucked coming last into the room.
05:44How many more are left?
05:46Just Koozie.
05:47Just Koozie?
05:48Just Koozie.
05:50I'd be sick if Koozie's not here.
05:53I really like her.
05:54She has a really good brain in this game.
05:56She always has.
05:57Koozie has had a really, really good brain in this game.
06:06Come in, come in, come in, come in!
06:13Yes, when I knocked on the door and I heard the cheering inside,
06:16I said, yes!
06:19Because that means that there's no suspicion about me.
06:22That means that people see me as valuable in here.
06:25This is working great.
06:28I love it.
06:29I love it, I love it, I love it.
06:32Good morning, everybody.
06:34When Koozie came in through the door,
06:36that's when we all realized that a murder did not take place.
06:39It definitely shook all of us up.
06:41Does anyone want to own up to the shields?
06:43Yeah, yeah.
06:44This might, ah, put a target on my leg.
06:52I might as well reveal the shield,
06:54build some trust in people that have some suspicions on me.
06:58If I get the shield next, maybe just, like, wash it a little bit.
07:01Beer's gone, crystal's gone.
07:03Somebody on that team had the shield.
07:05We got Leroy, we got Mary,
07:07we got Kevin, Garleen, and Koozie.
07:10One of those five...
07:13has to be, has to be a traitor.
07:22Good morning!
07:25Good morning.
07:27Good morning, guests.
07:29Good morning.
07:31As you noticed, no one was murdered last night.
07:36But in this game, there's no such thing as good news.
07:42Last night, Mary, Kevin, and Melissa
07:48were put on death row by the traitors.
07:54So today, the three of you will be under observation.
07:59And tonight, one of you will be murdered.
08:06Enjoy your breakfast.
08:08The odds of me getting murdered have gone up a million percent.
08:12I need to have faithful support me in the banishment,
08:15but also be suspicious enough that I don't get murdered on death row.
08:20God, this is, this is tough.
08:22I was just, like, thinking about, like,
08:24why would the traitors put myself on the block?
08:26How is it going to benefit them?
08:28So, I decided to move into strategy mode last night
08:31because I feel like we have to treat this like court.
08:34So we need to provide evidence, right?
08:36Can we all agree on that?
08:37I agree, yeah.
08:38The group that went into the first armory, raise your hand.
08:43Yeah, so in my personal opinion,
08:46everybody already suspected after the mission was done
08:50that someone on the blue team was going.
08:52That was the easiest route.
08:54They threw a curveball
08:55because the traitor themselves had the shield.
09:00Can people stop talking about this shield, please, please, please?
09:03You guys are stressing me out.
09:04Number two, we know that Fierce didn't have the shield,
09:08and we know that Crystal didn't have the shield.
09:10Sorry, how do we know that Fierce didn't have the shield?
09:12Because she said it at the table last night.
09:14Does that mean that's the truth?
09:16It's not a lie, because she's a faithful.
09:18Dom, you are quickly barking up the wrong tree.
09:23In my opinion, they put themselves on death row
09:27to make it seem like it wasn't them.
09:29And I'm sorry, Kevin, you're my number one.
09:32Dom's calling me out.
09:34Dom, okay.
09:35Dom doesn't have a theory for five days,
09:37and now, you know, Dom, who's finally playing the game,
09:40thinks, I am the traitor.
09:42It just does show how lost he is.
09:44But I need this heat. I really need this.
09:47Please come to me today and talk to me,
09:49because people haven't questioned me yet.
09:52Now people are. I'm ready for it. Bring it.
09:54Kevin is scared right now.
09:56He's going to do whatever he can to get himself out of this,
09:59but he's in a pretty bad position right now.
10:02I'm sorry.
10:03I love it, bro. Bring it, bro. Come on.
10:05That's why I love it. Come on.
10:13I'm not doing well.
10:15This game keeps switching.
10:17People are just putting us on our toes
10:20and making our second guess ourselves.
10:23What a great morning this is.
10:25Oh, my. People are talking,
10:27and everything's going according to plan.
10:30Now I'm a faithful on death row, and I just have to talk to people.
10:33I'm still suspicious of you, Mike. It's still there,
10:35and I would love to talk more with you.
10:37I have this feeling Kevin knows it's me,
10:40but Kevin, the clock is ticking.
10:43You're not at the top of my list,
10:45because I do understand everything you're saying,
10:47where you're coming from.
10:48I actually feel like we're in the same boat.
10:50I still firmly believe someone from my play and puzzle team was a traitor.
10:55What are your thoughts about Kuzi?
10:57Again, the same reasons I have for Leroy.
10:59You got to be calm in not calm situations.
11:03She's always, like, deflecting back with a question.
11:06She does deflect.
11:07If we're going to listen to Crystal, she was suspicious of Kuzi.
11:11She's quiet. She's never put any names out.
11:13You put names out. I put names out.
11:15Kevin put names out.
11:18There's a good working relationship between me, Leroy, Kevin, and Gurleen.
11:24The traitors, they need faithfuls to take them to the end.
11:27So, like, if we all think Mary's a traitor,
11:30we have to be strategic as to when we take her out,
11:34how we call her out.
11:35You can't be emotional.
11:36Like, do you know what I mean?
11:38Like, you have to think about it. Think about that.
11:40Yeah, for sure.
11:41I think all of us trust each other in that group,
11:43and I don't think that any of us will cut each other because we need each other.
11:46I think I'm confident enough to try to keep them in this game as long as I can.
11:52I need you.
11:53I need you the next 24 hours.
11:55Kevin, I will fight for you with my life.
11:58I told you, I'm with you.
12:00Kevin telling me that he needs me is everything that I want us to hear today.
12:06And I think the suspicion about him today is going to clear him for the rest of the game.
12:11I don't think you should vote anyone who is on death row.
12:15I think it's Leroy.
12:16I think it's Leroy.
12:17I have such a gut feeling.
12:18Yeah, Leroy.
12:19I know. Leroy, Kosey, Gurleen.
12:22Yesterday, Kosey came to me privately. I never talked to her ever.
12:26And she goes, you know what, I'm starting to catch on that Fierce is a traitor myself.
12:31I never said anything of the round either.
12:33And they're holding hands together constantly.
12:35They're always together like this.
12:36We're looking at the ones who haven't really been talking,
12:39who've been playing a quiet game, either Kosey, Leroy, or Gurleen.
12:44Hi, Marissa. I thought I'd give you a hug.
12:47Oh, thank you, sweetie.
12:48How are you doing?
12:49Good, good, good, good, good.
12:57As I hope you know, I take the integrity of this game very seriously.
13:03The players I invite to my manor to play are expected to abide by my rules,
13:10whether the camera sees them or not.
13:14Last night, in his room, Dominic, who was a faithful, broke one of the rules.
13:24Therefore, Dominic has been asked to leave the game.
13:32Oh, like this is serious.
13:35How did he do?
13:36Oh, my God.
13:37Guests, I see everything that goes on around here.
13:47Something else has happened that I couldn't see coming.
13:51Something not of this earth.
13:56Ghosts have ransacked my parlor.
14:00These unhappy spirits, and I know they're all former contestants of this game,
14:07they want revenge on me.
14:10So today's mission is a hunt.
14:13A ghost hunt.
14:15You will have to move fast, because these spirits are replacing my priceless objects
14:23with things that look similar, but do not belong here.
14:28One group at a time, you will enter my parlor.
14:32Then, you will have one minute to identify which of my objects have been replaced.
14:39Each group will have to identify three objects,
14:43and each correctly identified object will add $1,000 to the pot.
14:48Nice. Nice.
14:50The group that identifies the most objects the fastest will win.
14:56And today, only three players will have the chance to win the shield.
15:00Oh, my God.
15:02They are the three guests on death row.
15:05Therefore, Kevin, Mary, and Melissa, you are our team captains.
15:14If your team wins the mission, you will enter my armory to find only one chest.
15:21A random draw will determine the order in which you will pick your teammates.
15:27Since we're unexpectedly down a player, and one team will be disadvantaged,
15:33I need a volunteer to randomly pick the order in which the captains will pick their team.
15:50Kevin. Okay.
15:51Come on!
15:58And Mary, you will pick last.
16:00And Mary, you will pick last.
16:04Kevin, you get the first choice.
16:06These picks are so important. If I lose this challenge, my game is over.
16:15Now, Melissa.
16:16I pick Mickey.
16:20Magic Mike.
16:26Little does Mary know that Mary has the traitor's eye.
16:38Kevin, again.
16:40And now, Melissa.
16:43Those are the three teams.
16:48Kevin's team, let's go to the parlor.
16:50Let's do it, you guys.
16:52Good luck, guys.
16:53Good luck.
16:54Good luck, good luck, good luck.
16:55Good luck, good luck, good luck.
16:58All right.
16:59Nice and calm.
17:00We got this, you guys.
17:03This challenge is do or die for me.
17:05If I lose this, I'm done.
17:08I know it.
17:09I cannot lose this.
17:11You have three minutes to look around the room.
17:15Pay attention to everything.
17:18Five hundred bucks per occasion.
17:22Oh, there's no way I'm actually going to remember this.
17:27So all I did was, like, I just studied, looked, counted, you know,
17:31and whispered to myself every color and everything that I saw,
17:34and I was like, okay, I'm going to hope for the best now.
17:50I don't hear anybody above me.
17:57I don't think that was his intention at all.
18:01Your one minute starts now.
18:02Once the light came on, I saw it immediately.
18:06It was the hourglass, and I was like, five seconds, had her done.
18:12The craziest item switch.
18:14This green vase was, like, so similar.
18:18It was so similar.
18:19Such a tough item to get, but I noticed it's different,
18:22and I grab it and lock it in.
18:27I was anxious.
18:28I knew I was going to miss things, so I just was very calm
18:32and waiting for something to jump out at me.
18:36Time is important.
18:37Make a confident decision.
18:38Like, can I keep this whole thing, or...?
18:41Only three items can be on this table.
18:44Leroy, did you put an item down?
18:45Yeah, I got one there.
18:46We got three. We got three.
18:47We got three?
18:48We got three fast.
18:49Come on, man!
18:50I'm hoping that's good.
18:52Good job, you guys.
18:53Leroy's 100% on his.
18:56Spirits of the Manor, how many objects are correct?
19:01Show us a sign.
19:04That's good. That's good.
19:05Good job, you guys.
19:06Good job.
19:07We got it.
19:08Two right answers.
19:12This bookend, there was a chest piece.
19:15It was replaced with a dog.
19:17Two right answers.
19:21This bookend, there was a chest piece.
19:24It was replaced with a dog.
19:35You have three minutes to look around the room.
19:38Pay close attention.
19:43Okay, what do you guys want to do?
19:44Have a section of a section?
19:45What do you think?
19:46These sections are bad.
19:47Fresh eyes on everything.
19:48Okay, just walk around.
19:50Do you want to team up?
19:51I think we should team up together.
19:52Okay, come up with me.
19:53Okay, let's go.
19:54Let's go together.
19:56Keep your eyes open for liquids of water.
19:58If they change or anything.
20:00An umbrella.
20:01Yeah, yeah.
20:04Just throw.
20:05Just make sure of colors as well.
20:06Colors are important.
20:16Who is putting fuel to the fire?
20:23Your one minute starts now.
20:28I remember the colors of this.
20:29No, these are the same.
20:31Do you guys remember this here?
20:33Yes, that was there.
20:35What about these feathers here?
20:36Do you remember feathers on the pool table?
20:37There was feathers there.
20:41I can't even find anything.
20:42Ten, nine.
20:44I'm going to just grab this.
20:46I'm just grabbing a random thing.
20:48So, I just grabbed the heaviest thing I could find.
20:52No, that was there.
20:58Spirits of the manor, how many objects are correct?
21:03Show us a sign.
21:16Our team, hardcore sucked.
21:19We didn't find anything.
21:20And I think I need to remove detail oriented from my resume now.
21:25Sucked big time.
21:27Big sucking suckers.
21:29You were looking for a clock.
21:33A globe.
21:37And a flute that used to be a clarinet.
21:40Oh my gosh.
21:42That was so hard.
21:44Oh my God.
21:45But it is what it is.
21:46Like, we didn't get it.
21:47And obviously, Mary or Kevin obviously will probably get the shield.
21:52And then we'll just see how, you know, the round table goes and how people vote.
21:56The only thing I can control is my voice at the round table.
21:59And that's what I'm saving my energy for.
22:09Oh, that's creepy.
22:11You have three minutes to look around the room.
22:14Pay attention to everything.
22:16We should each take a section.
22:18I'm going to go in here.
22:28I'm trying to fail.
22:30Mike is running around, you know, trying to find things.
22:33That's fine.
22:34Well done.
22:36But I'm not looking at anything.
22:37I'm not paying attention to a single thing.
22:39Actually, I should because we need money.
22:41But at the same time, I'm also trying to make sure that Mary does not win this.
22:52I honestly believe that you are a traitor.
23:02Your minute starts now.
23:03Your minute starts now.
23:09I'm searching everywhere.
23:11I look at the doll and I realize that I'm pretty sure that doll looks different to me.
23:15So I was pretty confident, brought it to the table.
23:18I'm just going to take a pillow because I think it was a different color.
23:21Then when we had five seconds left, I ran, I grabbed something else that was a maybe for me,
23:26put it on the table just as a guess.
23:28Two, one.
23:33Rules of the manor.
23:34How many objects are correct?
23:37Show us a sign.
23:49The doll.
23:51The objects that you missed were a radio and a metronome.
23:58I wanted that shield more than anything because that is the lifeline.
24:03But we'd only found one item.
24:05So unless everyone found nothing, I pretty much knew that we had lost.
24:12Kevin's team found two objects for a total of $2,000.
24:18Melissa's team found no object for a total of nothing.
24:25Mary's team found one desk for another $1,000.
24:33Congratulations, Kevin.
24:34Good job.
24:35Good job, team.
24:36Good news, bad news.
24:38The good news is Kevin has won access to my armory.
24:44I have a shield.
24:46I go from death's road to having a shield.
24:50Oh my God, I was so done without it.
24:53These games, these challenges, these missions, when it's all or nothing, don't bet against me.
24:58I'm telling you.
24:59Come on, man.
25:02The bad news is out of a possible $9,000, you've added a mere $3,000 to the pot.
25:12Kevin, you may go to the armory.
25:24If I stayed on death's road, there is 0% chance I would have survived.
25:30This is my ticket to the end of the game.
25:32This thing right here.
25:33I was planning on sabotaging the mission for Mary, but at the same time, I really didn't find anything.
25:37But you know what?
25:38It worked out A-OK.
25:40He has a shield.
25:41Luck is on his side.
25:42Well done, Kevin.
25:53So the question that I have is, Mary is on the block, so is Melissa.
25:57Can we banish someone?
26:00You can banish somebody that's on the death's road as well?
26:04Do you think you should get rid of Mary tonight?
26:07If Mary is a traitor, would she take you out?
26:12My game was over.
26:13I was done.
26:14You were going to get murdered.
26:15That was my entire game.
26:17I'm not going to get banished tonight.
26:19I'm not going to get murdered tonight.
26:21There are people that are so adamant that a traitor was on death's road this morning.
26:26And they were trying to say it was...
26:28I think they were trying to pin some heat on me, personally.
26:30I think so, because I haven't seen anything from you, and you've been forthright in asking good questions at the roundtable, and no one else is doing that.
26:37And if you're a traitor, why would you do that?
26:39Because that's an opportunity for you to slip up.
26:41So I'm just saying, a traitor wouldn't be talking so much as you.
26:46Kuzi acts really weird at the roundtable.
26:48She's always trying to play devil's advocate.
26:50And then when I brought that to the girls, Mary and Mel A. already had Kuzi on their list.
26:55So I'm thinking to myself, okay, nobody talked about Kuzi.
26:59I've been suspicious of Kuzi from the start.
27:03She keeps saying, oh, you guys need to participate, but she never throws out any names there.
27:07Yeah, yeah, yeah.
27:08The way she speaks, she's been unwavering.
27:10There's been no crack there, you know what I mean?
27:13It could be. I could see it.
27:17I could see it.
27:18She's calling your name out a lot, by the way.
27:21What does she say?
27:22She's starting to question that.
27:24You always seem to come in with something, but you never come up with it.
27:27Just watch out for me.
27:29She would be wonderful.
27:30She tried to question me, and everybody shut her down.
27:32She's like, she never really talks to you.
27:33She's the only one that's brought up your name.
27:35And nobody's buying.
27:36No one's buying.
27:37I know.
27:38Well, you're not on the list.
27:39If she dares bring up my name, I'm going to make sure that I verbally violate her in such
27:44a respectful way that she will never try that stuff again.
27:48If you care about your safety, Mae, watch yourself.
28:04I've played so hard from the start.
28:06Every second, and I'm still here somehow.
28:09My game plan now is to think like the traitor.
28:13I think it's going to be a very interesting round table tonight.
28:25The second half of the game has begun.
28:31Maybe it's just me, but I feel something different in the air.
28:37Like the wind is in the sails of the fateful.
28:39Like the traitors have more and more reasons to feel nervous.
28:45Because as the number of players dwindle, the traitors will have to be revealed.
28:54Or, as I said, maybe it's just me.
29:06Can I start things off?
29:07Go ahead, please.
29:08I am a faithful, and I'm glad that you guys all see it, but the traitor would probably
29:13still put my name down with the assumption that the vast majority of the individuals
29:18will vote for me, banish me, and they can go away unscathed.
29:22Kevin, what is it about everybody else that flipped to fierce, but you're the only one
29:28who still kept me?
29:29Why I voted for you is because, A, I thought the vote was on you.
29:34I thought the vote was on you.
29:36When we left the backyard, that's what everybody told me.
29:39B, bro, you rubbed me the wrong way.
29:42You do.
29:43I think you're a faithful, man.
29:44I do think you're a faithful.
29:46You're a faithful.
29:47But why are we being petty?
29:48I thought we were looking for a traitor.
29:49I'm not petty.
29:50I'm not petty.
29:51I'm playing the game.
29:52But what does it matter if I rub you the wrong way or not?
29:53Because I'm playing the game.
29:54I'm trying to get to the end with people I believe in, and I don't see how you would
29:57ever take me to the end.
29:58I don't see how you would ever work with me, how you would ever say anything useful to me.
30:01So I was fine with sending you home.
30:03So my goal is to get rid of traitors.
30:04I'm a traitor hunter, too.
30:06But as we progress, if there's some faithfuls that just aren't working with me and aren't
30:10adding anything, if they have to go home, bye-bye.
30:13I don't think right now we're in a stage where we should be trying to pick off other
30:16faithfuls when we should really be using our numbers at this time.
30:19You're right.
30:20To be targeting the traitors.
30:21I have a theory.
30:22I'm thinking that there's two traitors left.
30:24They've had two chances to recruit.
30:26They didn't take those chances to recruit.
30:29If I was a traitor, why do I feel comfortable not recruiting?
30:32Because my name has never been said.
30:34It's never been brought up at this roundtable.
30:36It's never been whispered around the manor.
30:38And I'd be pretty stoked if I was in that position, right?
30:42So which names haven't been mentioned?
30:45It's you, Koozie.
30:46It's you, Leroy.
30:49And you, Gurleen.
30:50Your name hasn't really been brought up in conversation.
30:53It's never even been spoken here at the roundtable.
30:56It's never been written.
30:57Gurleen, you don't really say that much.
30:59You just sit there looking all cute.
31:01There's nothing you really say or contribute.
31:03She just talks and talks and talks and talks
31:05and doesn't let anyone talk.
31:07I was thinking of my dog the whole time Melissa was talking.
31:11I have said people's names yesterday.
31:14I directly confronted me.
31:17But I only feel like some people are saying names
31:19because they've already been said.
31:21That's actually not true.
31:22You're not putting anyone else's names out there.
31:24That is new.
31:25I have my trust in certain people
31:27because I never felt like they were the traitors.
31:30Okay, so I listen at this table and I try to figure out...
31:33So who do you trust at this table?
31:34So Gurleen, Koozie.
31:36My suspicion is Mary.
31:38We've had personal conversations but less game talk.
31:41I have tried to talk game with you lots of times.
31:44I think Mary's a faithful.
31:47Leroy, we've worked together,
31:49but it's moved the needle up a little bit.
31:52Koozie has gotten on my radar lately, honestly.
31:57I am fighting for you with my whole life.
32:01Putting my game at risk for you.
32:03And then you want to actually put my game at risk for me?
32:07Why? Why would you do that?
32:09Without a doubt in my mind that on the red team at the airport,
32:14one person on that team has to be a traitor.
32:16And I think one of them would put their name on the death row list.
32:20So I do think that raises suspicion about you, Mary.
32:23I do think you add fuel to the fire sometimes.
32:26I'm just saying my truth, my peace.
32:31You've been under their radar.
32:33You don't really give very much eye contact to anyone.
32:36I feel like you avert your eyes.
32:37I talk for a living.
32:39I am a 911 operator.
32:41If you don't know me, that's what I am.
32:43I'm not trained to lie.
32:45I'm trained to save lives.
32:47I've got the gift of speech.
32:49Why are we being one-dimensional?
32:51We need to explore everything if we're going to get results.
32:55I am trained to think logically.
32:57I'm playing logically.
32:58I give logical reasoning.
33:00The reason that you haven't put me in a lie is because I operate in truth.
33:03That's the only way I know how to operate.
33:05Oh, my gosh.
33:06Koozie, where do you come up with these lines?
33:09Everything sounds so real.
33:11What if all the people on death row are faithfuls and we're skipping that
33:15and we're just concentrating on, oh, is it Mary?
33:18I could say it's Kevin Martin because he's very good.
33:20He can worm himself out of any situation.
33:22Do I think it's Kevin?
33:23I really don't.
33:24But that would be a reason as to if I was to assume that it's Kevin,
33:27that's my reason.
33:28Do I think it's Gerleen?
33:29Gerleen is playing a quiet game.
33:31I don't think she's a traitor.
33:33But if I should point a reason for Gerleen to be a traitor,
33:35it's because, hmm, maybe she's playing another reader.
33:38Maybe she doesn't want to speak and get caught in a lie.
33:41I will bring out something when I'm confident in it.
33:44Koozie is very smart.
33:46Koozie knows what's going on.
33:48Can we direct at Magic Mike for a minute?
33:51I don't think people talk about you a lot,
33:53but I know you are suspicious to a lot of people.
33:55I just wanted to say.
33:57My name has been brought up by several people throughout these.
33:59It's not that I'm flying under the radar here.
34:01My name's been brought up a lot more than others.
34:04I don't get a sense of your game right now.
34:07I'm just trying to figure it out.
34:08The Mike I know, the Mike I talk to is not the Mike that's playing the game.
34:13To me, it's just very suspicious.
34:15You're bringing down your intelligence, your thoughts.
34:18I think you're trying to just stay hidden is basically what I'm saying.
34:20I wasn't hidden at all today.
34:21I actually had a really good conversation today with Leroy.
34:25In the death row scenario, there's Kevin, Mary, and Mal A.
34:30I'm voting for someone on the list.
34:33You don't necessarily have to go with the list.
34:35You can go with someone outside the list that's still someone.
34:37I do.
34:38When Donna talks, I want to honestly stab myself in the eye.
34:41I'm being used as a pawn in this game.
34:43It has been mentioned, and I feel like if I vote today, it's over.
34:53Time to vote.
34:55This is a game where faithfuls are being taken out left, right, and center.
35:00I don't know what to do.
35:10We're starting with Mickey.
35:12I think I'm probably wrong.
35:14I've been wrong quite a bit.
35:16I'm sorry, Kev.
35:17Oh, my God, dude.
35:20I'm f***ing faithful, huh?
35:28Kevin, I spent the day with you.
35:32And I'm suspicious.
35:34My vote is for Kevin.
35:40Voted for you, Mike.
35:43Mary, it's upside down.
35:44It's upside down.
35:52Kevin, I really wanted to play this game with you from the start,
35:55but I feel like you came to me today as a last-ditch effort
35:58because you wanted something from me.
36:00And so, my vote is for you, Kevin.
36:07Three votes, Kevin.
36:09One vote, Mike.
36:14At the stage of the competition, we need to be looking for traitors.
36:18We should not be looking for other faithfuls just because they rubbed them the wrong way.
36:22My vote is for Kevin.
36:25You guys know I'm a faithful.
36:26Look at the evidence.
36:27How could I have played this game as a traitor?
36:32Sorry, I'm done.
36:47Good game, y'all.
36:52That's four votes for Kevin.
36:55Two votes for Mike.
37:00Donna, I voted for you.
37:05Kevin, you said we were going to come into this game and try to play together.
37:09I feel like we've done the exact opposite.
37:11You've given me a chance, so for that reason, my vote is for you, Kevin.
37:20Melissa, I vote Donna.
37:27I apologize.
37:28You don't have to.
37:29I was wrong.
37:30And after hearing you today, and the manipulation, and the tactics that you pulled,
37:39and the trust that I had in you...
37:41You know what, man?
37:42I hope you're a traitor, because I would love to see you go.
37:46Your tactics are just not my style.
37:54I didn't go in there even thinking about voting for Kevin.
37:57I had my sights on Mary.
38:00That's six votes for Kevin.
38:02Two votes for Mike.
38:05Two votes for Donna.
38:08My vote is for Kevin.
38:13It is over, and it all came crashing down.
38:17I'm going to regret that round table for a long time.
38:20Kevin, you have received the most votes, and have been banished from the manor.
38:29Please go to the Circle of Truth.
38:42I wanted it to either be Kevin at the end, or me at the end with Kevin and steal his money.
38:47But I really wanted Kevin to go far.
38:49Kevin, why did you do that?
38:50Why would you call out people that are in your corner?
38:52Good game, guys.
38:55It was really good playing with you guys.
38:56It really was.
38:57Thank you.
38:58Thank you for playing.
39:01I am a true beta.
39:06Good game.
39:12Leroy is dumb, and so is Mike.
39:14I literally told them, Mary is the traitor.
39:22As soon as Kevin said my name, I said off with his head, goodbye.
39:30Kevin, bye bye.
39:31Kevin, bye bye.
39:34I guess the wind I was feeling earlier was a cold one.
39:40Another faithful banished.
39:44Another night to think about your strategy.
39:49I didn't come here for the money.
39:51I didn't come here for the win.
39:53I wanted it.
39:54But I actually came here to prove to myself that I could relate to other humans.
39:59And guess what?
40:00I did it.
40:02Why are we so bad at this game?
40:05I don't know.
40:19I feel really upset.
40:22I just feel sad that Kevin left.
40:29And I think that I feel betrayed by Kuzi, Leroy and Mike.
40:36Why did you guys all vote for Kevin?
40:39For Kevin.
40:40I trusted Kevin.
40:41I trusted Kevin.
40:43I think he's sneaky, but I trusted Kevin.
40:45I didn't see anything red about him.
40:48So then why did you vote for him?
40:49I'm getting there.
40:51Kevin never even once ever said to me, Kuzi, there's something about you.
40:55Or even questioned me in a certain way.
40:57But at the round table, it's like, ha, if I must be honest, I'm suspecting you, Kuzi.
41:02I was surprised that he said your name.
41:04And I was surprised that he brought up Leroy.
41:07I just feel really confused that both Kevin and Fierce were your friends.
41:13But both times, both nights in a row, you voted for them.
41:17But I think what I'm feeling right now, I just feel blindsided.
41:21I'm outside of the world.
41:23Imagine you being the one whose name was dropped as a potential traitor.
41:27How are you feeling blindsided when it wasn't your name?
41:30I'm the one that's feeling blindsided because that was an absolute blindside.
41:34You cannot be shedding tears because somebody has left.
41:37I get a quick, oh, that was sad.
41:39That's fine.
41:40But you're shedding big amounts of tears.
41:43But you're trying to win.
41:45And you're saying, why did you vote Kevin Martin out?
41:48What answer do you want?
41:49Did you not see him check my name out?
41:51What do you expect?
41:52If I checked your name out, would you not be pissed?
41:54You would.
41:55We lost an amazing asset because he was calling out.
42:03So in the future, if I'm here, you and I have to think about who he was looking at.
42:12Well, let's just talk about it now.
42:14Who, like, who is his?
42:22He said Mike Moralton.
42:26We're getting into a smaller group, and I think we're all bringing things to the table to expose any traitors.
42:32If we can get one more, we can change the game.
42:38I know someone that's going to say your name tonight.
42:40Yeah, who?
42:41That you don't expect.
42:44Or Vaughn?
42:46Koozie, okay.
42:49So I heard you dropped my name.
42:50Are they lying to you?
42:52Now I've heard my name being called out by you.
42:55I have no reason to be like Mike.
42:57I did not.
42:58Please don't even say my name.
42:59Oh, my God.
43:00I can drop your name if I want to.