The Traitors Canada S01E04 (2023)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Previously on The Traders Canada, since their arrival, life at the Manor has been relatively
00:12easy for the Traders, having dispatched three faithful in a row.
00:17In the order of the Traders, you have been murdered.
00:19I'm a faithful.
00:20These are some scared Traders.
00:22But after a performance that did not exactly receive glowing reviews.
00:26That was bad acting.
00:27Look at her.
00:29The Traders are starting to feel the heat.
00:31We have an emergency.
00:33Your name's being dropped like crazy.
00:35In this situation, deflection is the name of the game.
00:39I'm not watching you, Rick.
00:41He pushed you so hard.
00:42He pushed me so freaking hard.
00:45I need people that are going to be on people's radar before me.
00:49But when temperatures rise too high at the round table.
00:52I can see people actively trying to put the pieces together.
00:55When I talk with you, it's like you're just moving the pieces around.
00:59It's every man for himself.
01:01I'm sorry I voted for you, Melissa.
01:05And the faithful finally get a reason to celebrate.
01:08You guys are going to have a really great night because you got your first Trader.
01:13But the party won't last very long, seeing as the Traders are given a chance to catch
01:20up in a big way.
01:33Do we murder or do we recruit?
01:36If we murder someone tonight, we're going to be in a better spot.
01:38You think so?
01:39I think so.
01:40We're still so early in the game.
01:42It's not the right time to recruit.
01:43Are we going to have a weaker game with three people?
01:46Do we need a third?
01:47We don't need a third.
01:49I know we can take this to the end.
01:50We can make this epic.
01:52We can.
01:53Can I trust you?
01:54Are you going to be stabbing me in the back?
01:57So the Traders have decided not to recruit tonight and continue their folie a deux.
02:03But is their confidence misplaced?
02:05We shall have to wait and see.
02:07If we're killing somebody, we need to make sure that it's somebody that's completely
02:11obvious that they're not a Trader.
02:13Gurpiar throws a curveball at me.
02:15You threw your name out.
02:17That was the last person I would expect.
02:19We caught you correctly though.
02:21You caught it.
02:22But the thing is, we cannot murder him because he will bring suspicion to your name.
02:28Or is that too obvious that I've been framed?
02:32So Gurpiar and Kevin.
02:35But because of the way Kevin was so vocal about Mel B from the beginning, just points
02:41that he cannot be a Trader.
02:43He might have to go.
02:44But do you know who else is now also not a Trader?
02:49Because of the way that she was going in at Mel, people will never see her as being a
02:55Let's make it official.
02:56Oh yes.
03:00It's done.
03:02This game is just like magic.
03:06It's all about manipulation, deception and misdirection.
03:11Did you see it?
03:12No, you didn't.
03:14No one ever does.
03:18Another murder in the night.
03:20Another guest who will never again join the rest for breakfast.
03:25But I do love a morning routine to start my day.
03:33Are we first?
03:34Oh wow.
03:35We're first.
03:37How are you feeling?
03:38Last night was hard.
03:39Last night was hard.
03:40It's unfortunate that I did not contribute to the consensus that I was in the tension
03:45of voting for Mel B.
03:47I think that last night, everyone legitimately voted with their heart.
03:52And I don't think that anyone should feel negative about that.
03:56And Mel B, I have to say kudos to her.
03:59Kudos to you Mel B, you played a good game.
04:03You got me.
04:04Those tears.
04:08Come in.
04:09Come in.
04:10Come on in baby.
04:21I want to sit on that side today.
04:23Do you think that now that we got our traitor out, that they've recruited another?
04:29As possible.
04:30Especially so early in the game.
04:32So early.
04:33So early in the game.
04:34So early to, if for a bit, and see.
04:37Depends on how the game unfolds, right?
04:40What if there were four traitors to begin with?
04:45And there's still three.
04:48Come in.
04:56Good morning.
04:58Good morning.
04:59Good morning beautiful.
05:00Good morning everyone.
05:01I'm ready to hunt some more traitors.
05:03May, I agree with you, and I'm sorry I didn't speak up last night.
05:06I feel like we are actually united on that one, and I just wanted to throw out more than one name there.
05:11No, and it's true, and I agree with that, yeah.
05:13Who's the name you threw out?
05:15Definitely, yeah, it could be.
05:17I know Rick's a traitor.
05:18Yeah, I know Rick's a traitor too.
05:20I feel like he is a traitor.
05:21And so tonight, I will fight for you.
05:23You have my sword.
05:24You know, like.
05:25These traitors are horrible.
05:40So who are we missing right now?
05:42Gurp, Rick.
05:43Who's going to be walking in soon?
05:46Dom and Kevin.
05:49Come in.
05:57I got lucky.
05:59I thought I was the last one.
06:02Come in.
06:03Come in.
06:04Come in, Kevin Martin.
06:06Come in, Kevin Martin.
06:07Oh, I couldn't wait anymore.
06:09This guy.
06:10And this guy's here too.
06:11This guy is here too.
06:16I'm always late for breakfast.
06:17The coffee's always cold when I show up.
06:19I can't get some hot coffee.
06:21So Gurp got murdered?
06:28I think our common denominator today is Gurp.
06:30He clocked you.
06:32If we take him out tonight,
06:34it seems like somebody's trying to frame you.
06:36Do I take that risk?
06:37Do I put myself in the hot seat?
06:38I am not a good actor.
06:40I cannot play the Melissa over the top.
06:42I'm going to probably be sweating.
06:44I absolutely need you in this thing.
06:46I cannot do this thing by myself.
06:48I know we can take this to the end.
06:49We can.
06:50We are so undetectable.
06:57Dear Gurpur,
06:58by the order of the traitors,
07:02you have been murdered.
07:05Signed, the traitors.
07:08A little of me thought I was going to survive,
07:10so I think that's why I'm getting a little,
07:13just a little emotional.
07:16Now it's a dumb move because he came for Mike,
07:19so that would put a target on him as a traitor.
07:21Why would you kill Gurp?
07:24Wait, unless you're trying to pin it on Mike.
07:28Rick, you're not very smart.
07:30Hey, is it fierce or palo this morning?
07:32Whatever you want.
07:33If you banish me tonight,
07:34you're banishing a faithful.
07:36I'm just putting that out there right now.
07:37And we're going to get the traitors.
07:39We're going to get more traitors.
07:41We got one last night.
07:42And we're getting more.
07:43No, thanks to you.
07:44Thanks to you.
07:45Thanks to several of us,
07:46and we're going to continue down that road.
07:48But thanks to you trying to deflect from Mel B last night
07:51and trying to push it on Tom,
07:52we almost didn't get a traitor out.
07:53I think that the traitors know that we're on to their game,
07:57so I think that they killed Gurpur to throw us off.
08:01You have to look at people that are flying under the radar as well.
08:04I still think you are the ringleader.
08:07I still, maybe I didn't use those exact words,
08:10but I still think you're the ringleader.
08:12I didn't use those exact words.
08:13I said, oh, I apologize if I said ringleader.
08:15Hey, Mae, did you win or lose your reality show?
08:17I did lose.
08:18And who did you vote for last night?
08:19I voted for the wrong person,
08:21and I'm playing my own game because I didn't know.
08:24Why would I go against the grain as a traitor?
08:27That doesn't make a lot of sense.
08:30This morning's breakfast was tense.
08:32I still think you're a traitor.
08:34That's fine, Mae.
08:35That's fine.
08:36That's cool.
08:39It's exactly what I wanted.
08:41That couldn't have gone any better.
08:42Reality show stars is a traitor.
08:44For sure.
08:45You voted Mel B.
08:48Koozie voted Mel B.
08:50Mae and Mickey didn't vote Mel B.
08:53I hear you.
08:54That's a good theory.
08:56I hear you.
08:57I think tonight is a perfect night to recruit somebody,
09:02to recruit a reality somebody that's going to get caught soon
09:06so that the reality scapegoat can go.
09:10And I can survive.
09:12A mastermind, ladies and gentlemen.
09:14Thank you.
09:15You're welcome.
09:27I'm sorry.
09:28I think if I talk to you right now, I'll probably cry.
09:30Okay, okay.
09:31Sit, sit, sit.
09:33It's a hard game.
09:35It's harder than I thought it would be.
09:37Do you want to talk?
09:38Like, I'm definitely a target now.
09:40Everyone that did vote out Mel B,
09:44like, I feel like you guys, like, good for you guys.
09:46Like, I'm really happy that you guys did that.
09:48Because I didn't see what you guys did.
09:50It was a great thing.
09:51We got out a traitor.
09:52I think I said that to you last night.
09:55Where I was like, I love the way you spoke,
09:57the confidence that you speak,
09:59like, the way you carry yourself and the way you talk.
10:02Like, you should be proud of yourself for doing that.
10:05Don't let anyone.
10:06I feel like my game's over.
10:07I blew up my game.
10:08I'm done.
10:09I don't think so.
10:10I think that there's bigger fish in the sea.
10:13It's like, I'm really upset that Gurp is gone.
10:15He was one of the people that I was closest to.
10:18I built a pretty good bond with him.
10:20So, just everything has made me emotional this morning.
10:24You guys can play.
10:25No, no, no.
10:26Now, can I talk to you two about something very important?
10:27Oh, sure.
10:28When reality stars didn't vote for Mel B
10:33and they voted for someone else,
10:34that's Trevon, Nikki, and May.
10:38I think May's giving me heat.
10:39One of those three is a traitor.
10:41If I get murdered tonight,
10:42keep your eyes out on the person I was putting heat on.
10:47And you understood what I was saying, right?
10:49We've talked a lot about yesterday.
10:52Who didn't vote for Mel B?
10:54I didn't.
10:55You didn't?
10:56So, I want to just hear the reasons so we can get moving.
10:57Who do you vote for?
10:58I vote for Kevin.
10:59I already explained that to Kevin already.
11:00My process is whatever, whatever, whatever.
11:02The only other person I can possibly think of is May.
11:07The reason why May was in my mind is because,
11:10for all you guys, and I might as well say this right now,
11:13I lied about my job.
11:14I'm not a server.
11:15I work in PR.
11:18So, she seems like she picked up on the fact that I was lying.
11:21So, she would always make a little pass away.
11:23Yeah, like, you're like a server, right?
11:25I'm a server.
11:26I'm just sitting here, and I'm just like,
11:27and she's trying to catch me in these lies.
11:30I think if I'm able to disclose as much information as I can
11:33and be open and honest with everybody,
11:35then the better chance that I think we have in getting these traitors.
11:43I think you and I, we're good, right, May?
11:45Rick, I know I still suspect you.
11:47No, no.
11:48I have to be honest with you.
11:49No, no.
11:52No, no, please suspect me.
11:53I don't mind.
11:54I made amends with Rick.
11:55I just didn't want it to get on a personal level.
11:58I felt personally attacked,
11:59and I think he felt personally attacked as well,
12:01and I just wanted to reset that.
12:03We're still playing game,
12:04but it just shouldn't get ugly, shouldn't get heated.
12:09There's got to be a reality TV star.
12:11TV personality is one of them.
12:12That's my theory.
12:14I think my best educated guess right now is just that it'd be Rick.
12:17I do think it could be Rick.
12:19I do think it's May.
12:20Do you notice how Rick and May are going after each other?
12:23May's getting very emotional.
12:25Why would the two traitors call each other out?
12:35Let's get this bread.
12:37Are you guys so excited that you're here?
12:39I'm so excited.
12:40Yeah, we'll look good walking up this runway.
12:46She is so bad ass.
12:48Come on!
12:55Yes, ma'am!
12:57Hello, players.
13:01This airplane containing $2,000 is about to take off.
13:06To get it to land,
13:08these landing indicators must be assembled
13:11on each side of the runway.
13:14You will have ten minutes to assemble the mosaic for each flight.
13:18If you can manage to assemble the indicators correctly
13:22before the plane attempts to land,
13:24you will be as good as gold.
13:26But if you fail, the plane will fly away
13:29and nothing will be added to the pot.
13:32This game will have three separate rounds
13:36for a possible total of $6,000.
13:42To accomplish this mission,
13:44you will have to follow the instructions of the two team captains
13:47who will be guiding you from opposite sides of the tarmac.
13:51Once you feel that you've properly assembled the mosaic,
13:55wave your flag.
13:57The team with the right answer, the fastest,
14:00will have access to the armory...
14:04...where you will find the shield.
14:09Oh, that ups the stakes.
14:11Excited to hear about the shield, huh?
14:16You should be, because winning it
14:18is the only way to make sure that you won't be murdered tomorrow.
14:23Banished, maybe, but not murdered.
14:26But I heard the word shield, and I need it.
14:29I need it. I don't want to get murdered.
14:31I'll do anything to get in the armory.
14:33Oh, yes. Oh, yes, yes, yes.
14:35The shield is the most important thing in this game.
14:37To me, more important than the money.
14:39It really is. I want a shield.
14:41I want to survive a murder. I don't want to be murdered.
14:44With the shield, I will be okay to live another day.
14:48Now, divide yourselves into two teams and choose your captain.
14:52I would love to start as the...
14:54I can go, because I have to look at this thing
14:56and communicate to you guys how to build it.
14:58That's a good idea.
15:00I have to be the captain. I know I can kill this,
15:03and I need to lead my team to victory.
15:05I'm really good at memorization.
15:07You're good at memorization? Yeah.
15:09I threw my name out there just looking around.
15:11I knew that I have a great memory.
15:13I work as a chef. I always have to memorize orders.
15:17Just attention to detail.
15:19Players, are you ready?
15:28Let's go! Rectangles, rectangles.
15:31Go. Go.
15:34Ten rectangles!
15:36Ten, ten, ten, ten.
15:38This game is about communication.
15:40This information goes to my brain,
15:42and I need to give it to all my teammates.
15:44Ten rectangles on the bottom.
15:46On the bottom? Right here, right here, guys.
15:48Which way? A row of rectangles right here.
15:50This way? Five in a row. Five in a row?
15:52My strategy is to communicate clearly and confidently.
15:54Tell them exactly how this is going to go.
15:56Five in a row right here. Five in a row right here.
15:59We can't make mistakes here.
16:01If we make mistakes, the whole puzzle falls apart.
16:03Leroy, grab four squares. Four squares.
16:05Four squares.
16:07Ten rectangles. They're facing lengthwise.
16:09Ten rectangles.
16:11Make sure that they're touching this way.
16:16Leroy, four squares right here.
16:18Four squares.
16:20Guys, grab eight small triangles.
16:22Kevin is firing off how many of each shape.
16:26This shape here, this shape here.
16:28These two squares right here.
16:30It was like a very clear, concise instruction.
16:33Perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect.
16:35You guys need to move that up.
16:37Immediately, we are all over the place.
16:39And, you know, May was already flustered.
16:41I don't know if it was because she was feeling stuff
16:43from this morning with her altercation with Rick
16:46or if the pressure was getting to her.
16:49Rectangles. Length, this length.
16:51But it didn't particularly seem helpful that Mel A was yelling.
16:55This. This. Another square in the corner.
16:57Square in the corner.
16:59Space these ones out.
17:01While May was trying to do her job as a captain
17:04and trying to lead us.
17:06How many squares here? How many?
17:08It was just such a hot mess from the jump.
17:12One minute to go.
17:16OK, one last look and we got it, you guys. We got it.
17:18OK, we got the rest of it. Let's go.
17:20OK, perfect.
17:22So that matches that. Yes, this is good.
17:24This is good.
17:26And then you put... No.
17:28No, wrong one at the bottom.
17:30Take the two small triangles and form this shape with them.
17:33My strength as a team captain is I won't give up. I try.
17:37I give it my 100% all the time.
17:42It's good, you guys. We got it.
17:44Four. Three.
17:48One. Hands in the air, everybody.
17:52Oh, you did great.
17:54I don't know if they're right or not.
17:56OK, let's see if you got it right, guys.
18:00Wheels on the ground. Wheels on the ground. Let's go.
18:03As a reminder, if both of you got it right, the plane will land.
18:06All right, here we go. Here we go.
18:08Here it comes.
18:10Come on. Come on.
18:12Come on, bird.
18:14Come on.
18:16You didn't get it. You'll see.
18:18No, I think it's landing.
18:22Oh, come on, man.
18:24Oh, I...
18:28We have another chance at this,
18:30but for now, it's...
18:32one point for the red team.
18:36Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
18:38But no money for anybody.
18:40I focused on the biggest pieces of the puzzle,
18:42and I think that's where I failed.
18:44I should have focused on
18:46the most intricate part first.
18:48Go, let's go, let's go, let's go!
18:52So round two, I wanted to get the hardest part out of the way,
18:55because that's the part that requires the most detail.
18:58Get that correct,
19:00and then focus on all the easy parts of the puzzle.
19:02We're making a big pyramid!
19:04So the long part is at the bottom.
19:06We're making a big pyramid, yes!
19:08Eight squares, four each in a small line right here.
19:10Four each in a small line.
19:12Round two, we are confident.
19:14We've got this. We've got round one.
19:16They are scared.
19:18Boom, and then move this one in.
19:20Two, two, yes, yes, yes.
19:22We need, like, five. We need five rectangles here.
19:24Bring a square. Who's got a square?
19:26Round one was chaotic.
19:28We thought we had a game plan,
19:30but obviously we didn't.
19:32But game two, we had the time
19:34to really decipher, communicate,
19:36and have common language.
19:38Yes, rectangle, yes!
19:40Line them up, line them up!
19:44Grab one of those trapezoids and come to me, Leroy.
19:46Where's it facing?
19:48They gotta be touching. In the middle, though, in the middle.
19:50Round two is harder. I'm getting tired.
19:52My communication is failing a little bit more,
19:54and they're not listening as much.
19:56Yeah, make it...
19:58Make it unified. Make it unified.
20:00This is too big. Kevin, that's not right.
20:02I love fierce, but I'm getting frustrated.
20:04Like, this is not how we're supposed to work.
20:06This isn't right.
20:08This is too big. Kevin.
20:10I looked at the puzzle. You haven't looked at the puzzle.
20:12Why are you talking so much?
20:14Right to the end. I'm pretty sure that's the shape.
20:16We just need to build a square
20:18with all the large triangles right on top of this,
20:20and we're done.
20:22Just like this. Another one just like this.
20:24That's perfect. That's perfect.
20:26And we're done. We're done. We're done.
20:28It's the trapezoid.
20:30Small triangle right there. Fix it up. Fix it up.
20:32Yes! Yes! Yes!
20:34Yes! Yes! Yes!
20:36I think we're good.
20:38I think we got it.
20:42Let's see what the plane thinks.
20:44Here it comes!
20:46Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!
20:48Yes. Come on.
20:50Come on, Greg.
20:52Come on.
20:54Come on.
20:56Go. Come on.
20:58Come on.
21:00Big money. Big money.
21:06We did it.
21:08We did it. Good job, people.
21:10Good job, team.
21:12$2,000 have been added to the pot.
21:18One point for the red team.
21:20One point for the blue team.
21:22This next round
21:24will determine
21:26who gets to go to the armory
21:28and find a shield.
21:40Round three.
21:42I wanted to keep the momentum with the strategy
21:44that we had formed where we focus on
21:46the hardest portion of the puzzle first.
21:48Four large triangles to the top!
21:50And that goes right in the middle.
21:52Right in the middle. There's four of those right in the middle.
21:54Eight rectangles.
21:56Bring all the rectangles.
21:58In poker, sometimes you lose the hand,
22:00but you need to win the game,
22:02so we're focused on the next round.
22:04We're ready to execute. Let's go. Let's go.
22:06I'm thinking about the shield.
22:08I'm dreaming about this shield in my arms.
22:10Build a square with the four large triangles.
22:12None of them are touching!
22:14The rectangles are not touching!
22:16The rectangle needs to go where it was.
22:18It is just like that. Perfect. Perfect.
22:20Now, the other team is moving fast
22:22because they are trying to win.
22:24They're trying to win protection.
22:26And May is doing everything that she can
22:28because she's trying to scramble for that chance
22:30to get the shield because she knows
22:32heat is on her tonight.
22:34They're not touching! They're not touching!
22:36Okay, we got this, you guys!
22:38Drop a zoid at the end, Kevin, over there.
22:40That ass right there. You got to really drop it.
22:42Drop it. Yes!
22:44Two minutes to go.
22:46Make sure all the rectangles are touching!
22:48The rectangles are touching!
22:50The triangles that make the rectangle.
22:52Make sure they're not touching any other thing.
22:54Gap it up. Make the gaps.
22:56Do the plank with it.
22:58Go, May. Go, go, go to the plank.
23:02Hands up.
23:04Hands up.
23:06Okay, let's see if you'll make the plane land.
23:24Well, guests,
23:26you could have made $6,000.
23:28You made $2,000.
23:30Red team,
23:32I'll see you at the armory.
23:40Come on, now.
23:42That's what I do. I get Ws.
23:44I knew I could lead this team, and I did it.
23:46We get the victory. Now we're going to have
23:48the shield opportunity like this is sick.
23:56I feel like even when I was trying to explain
23:58to Mel A, she kept screaming
24:00over me anyways, and I'm like,
24:02okay, I'm trying to tell you, but you keep screaming
24:04at me, so can I just talk?
24:06We keep yelling on top of each other.
24:08It's hard.
24:10It felt a little bit like
24:12sabotage at the end there with May.
24:14I don't know. I don't know. She was in that position
24:16to have all control over how the ships
24:18would be laid out, and
24:20if you're a traitor,
24:22I don't know, you're going to screw up your team
24:24because there's a shield up for grabs.
24:26I think she wanted that role
24:28to obviously sabotage
24:30our team
24:32because I'm the number one suspect in her mind.
24:34If the banishing doesn't work for me
24:36in her little posse,
24:38well, I don't get a shield.
24:40She's a traitor.
24:42She's going to murder me.
24:44So now she has two shots.
24:48I'm 90%
24:50faithful, for sure. If Groupyard calls
24:52you out and votes for you,
24:54and then you murdered Groupyard,
24:56it's too obvious.
25:00That's not what you would do, you know what I mean?
25:08Here come the champions.
25:10Here they are. Look at us.
25:12The winning team!
25:14It was a hard challenge.
25:18Red team will go to the armory
25:20with purpose
25:22and intention.
25:24One of them will sleep well.
25:26I'm still going to lose sleep.
25:28I'm in sleep deprivation mode.
25:30It's hard to get your word across
25:32to five or six people,
25:34especially when there's a time limit,
25:36and there's so many pieces to put together.
25:38So I definitely could see how the pressure
25:40could get to anybody.
25:42I think what went wrong was the fact that,
25:44you know, with Mel ain't yelling,
25:46I get that you're frustrated,
25:48but at the same time, girl,
25:50I can tell that Mae's frustrated, too.
25:52If Mae's already frustrated and flustered,
25:54because she naturally will be,
25:56you screaming and yelling at her
25:58is not going to make the situation better.
26:00I haven't really communicated with Mae.
26:02I mean, I communicated with all of y'all
26:04and everybody else, but I haven't really had
26:06a concrete conversation with Mae.
26:08Whatever. We lost this one,
26:10and I can't even argue or be upset about it
26:12because our team was just dysfunctional, really.
26:14I'm just frustrated that, you know,
26:16the pressure got to our team
26:18that we caused these mistakes.
26:20And I'm just hoping that moving forward,
26:22we don't make these same mistakes again.
26:24How are you doing?
26:26I feel like I'm a target
26:28because I put your name, right,
26:30and Mel was a traitor.
26:32Like, your name wasn't even on my mind
26:34when I came in.
26:36I was going to write Rick,
26:38but I just felt like nobody brought up Rick's name
26:40except for me, but then Mel A.
26:42brought up your name.
26:44And why would you trust what she's saying
26:46when you guys, are you guys in an alliance together?
26:48Absolutely not.
26:50So why would you trust anything that she said?
26:52Like, I felt like I was left out to hang to dry
26:54because nobody else spoke the other name
26:58And I did feel really strange that you,
27:00the whole thing last night about, like,
27:02saying that you saw my face, because honestly...
27:04I did, though.
27:06So, Crystal, this morning, before the door even opened,
27:08you already had your jaw dropped.
27:10You were already ready to react.
27:12That's not true at all.
27:14And so, this is the thing.
27:16I'm just telling you what I saw.
27:18I felt like that's such a weird thing to jump on
27:20from Mae's actions at the breakfast table
27:22and towards Rick, et cetera.
27:24I think Mae's a traitor, honestly.
27:26So, that's all I have to say about it right now.
27:28Trevon tells me
27:30that if he's not here tomorrow, if he's murdered,
27:32it's Mae.
27:34I don't know why. That's what he said.
27:36That's a blatant cheat.
27:38He's drawing suspicion off of himself.
27:40It's a good idea to recruit tonight.
27:42We're flying so low,
27:44under the radar here, that no one's gonna suspect
27:46either me or Kuzi.
27:48So I think recruiting another traitor at this point
27:50is not the right plan.
27:52I will have to tell you, though, I was suspicious
27:54of you last night.
27:56Because as soon as we started the round table,
27:58two questions to Mel B,
28:00like, just right off the get-go.
28:02One name that keeps coming up.
28:04Melissa, I wanted to address this with you.
28:06When you entered the breakfast table,
28:08it seemed almost as if
28:10you were overacting.
28:12I'm really happy you brought it up.
28:14And then she just went off, like, on this perfectly rehearsed speech.
28:16I'm just telling you this because I saw it.
28:18This is what I saw.
28:20And she was, like, off on this whole thing.
28:22And, okay, thank you.
28:24And then she's just, like, now she has the floor to defend herself.
28:26Before anything was even really said, right?
28:28And I felt like you were
28:30setting her up to defend herself.
28:32They caught what he did last night,
28:34and they said it sounded rehearsed.
28:36It wasn't rehearsed, but they clocked it correctly.
28:38And that's dangerous.
28:40I was watching you because I was thinking, like,
28:42are you in cahoots with her to have you guys...
28:44Did you guys set this up to say,
28:46okay, you ask this question
28:48to begin with and then give her a chance
28:50to kind of get in
28:52before it gets too hot, in a way?
28:54You know what I'm saying? Does that make sense?
28:56Yeah, no, it makes total sense.
28:58But if I was a traitor, why would I risk that?
29:00He's going to be in trouble soon.
29:02Now I need to strategize because sooner or later
29:04they're going to start pointing fingers at him.
29:06They can clock him,
29:08but I want to make sure that they never clock me.
29:10Rick is...
29:12It didn't come from me,
29:14but Rick is telling people you sabotaged the challenge.
29:16He's telling it to everybody.
29:18Should I go confront him?
29:20Like he kept... He said to my face,
29:22hey, good job, Mae.
29:24When I see other people fight,
29:26it just makes me so happy.
29:28Rick, I keep hearing that you said
29:30that I sabotaged the mission
29:32as a team captain.
29:34At the end, you did.
29:36You double-checked?
29:38You double-checked?
29:40I didn't double-check because I had already...
29:42You triple-checked.
29:44You did sort of have a look at the puzzle
29:46and see that it was correct in your mind,
29:48so you went to wave the flag,
29:50but then when you came back,
29:52where were those... Where are those pieces?
29:54No, no, those pieces have to be there.
29:56Like, that's such an obvious
30:00Rick, stop.
30:02Rick, no, I wasn't 100%...
30:04Wait, so I can't talk? You guys can do all the talking?
30:06No, Rick, I wasn't 100% sure
30:08that you were a traitor,
30:10but now I'm 100% sure.
30:12You were always 100% sure I was a traitor.
30:14No, I wasn't. I can't be 100% sure
30:16unless I'm a traitor. Stop yelling at me.
30:18Did you not sabotage us at that last challenge?
30:20Don't do that.
30:22I sabotaged it?
30:24Okay, as a traitor, if I was a traitor,
30:26wouldn't I want the money?
30:28No, you don't want me getting the shield.
30:30You don't want me getting the shield.
30:32Oh, my God. You're doing my head in.
30:34May is obviously grasping
30:36at something, and part of me thinks
30:38she's a faithful.
30:40Like, isn't that weird?
30:42I can't act that well. I'm just, like,
30:44actually so personally shocked.
30:46It's okay. It's okay. I'm so shocked
30:48that someone could literally do that to me.
30:50It's so crazy. I know it's a game, but, like, holy...
30:52I know.
30:54I think it'll definitely be another interesting
30:56roundtable tonight. I think it's gonna be intense.
30:58I think we're gonna hear a lot of people speaking up.
31:00I think Rick's name is gonna come up.
31:02May's name is gonna come up.
31:04Possibly even Trevon.
31:06I'm just excited to sit back, relax,
31:08and enjoy the show.
31:10I made a mistake. I fully admit
31:12I made a mistake yesterday, but I'm literally
31:14gonna have a mental breakdown.
31:16I can't do this.
31:20Well done on today's challenge.
31:22You've won access to my armory.
31:26Inside, you will find
31:28seven chests.
31:30Inside one of those chests
31:32is the shield.
31:34You will find
31:36a key.
31:38You will also find
31:40a key.
31:42You will also find
31:44a key.
31:46You will each
31:48enter one at a time,
31:50and you will each open
31:52one of the chests.
31:54Six of them are empty.
31:56One of them
31:58just may save your life.
32:00Because the shield will protect you
32:02from the traitors,
32:04but not allies from the faithful,
32:06who may still banish you
32:08should they so choose.
32:10If you are lucky enough to find
32:12the shield, it will be up to you
32:14to tell your fellow players that you have it.
32:16Or not.
32:18You know,
32:20we're not exactly hell-bent on honesty
32:22in this manner.
32:26Bonne chance.
32:28Thank you.
32:30Good luck.
32:32We're not gonna tell anyone.
32:34Don't even hint, whatever.
32:36Nobody on our team is gonna say who has the shield,
32:38and by doing that, it actually
32:40raises the power, it increases the
32:42perception of the shield, and makes it even a bigger
32:44weapon. Anybody cracks,
32:46it sabotages the whole group.
32:54The armory.
33:02If I drink my own
33:04Kool-Aid, it becomes too much.
33:06I have to stay humble, and stay
33:08present, and I really could run this thing.
33:10I'm starting to believe it.
33:18This is my choice.
33:24Brick city.
33:30May the gods save me
33:32from murder tonight.
33:36My god.
33:38Okay, okay, okay.
33:48That's fine, that's fine, that's fine. Okay.
33:50Someone in our team is gonna
33:52have the shield. That means
33:54that probably, unless the
33:56traitor is on our team,
33:58and gets the shield,
34:00that the whole group of seven
34:02is protected.
34:04This one.
34:14Damn it.
34:16We'll see if
34:18I can get another traitor out tonight, and then hopefully
34:20I'm here tonight again. We'll see.
34:22That's all I can do.
34:24To be very honest,
34:26I really hope that I'm the one
34:28that gets the shield.
34:30I need the shield, I need the shield.
34:32I need the shield.
34:34I think it is this one.
34:54Ladies and gentlemen, audiences
34:56in Canada and abroad,
34:58tonight is going to be hot.
35:00You know, getting the shield in this game
35:02is gold. It's
35:04really important to protect
35:06yourself at all costs, and
35:08having a resource
35:10like the shield
35:12gives you that assurity.
35:14It gives you that extra night of sleep.
35:26I think it's this one.
35:44I'm going to call out who I need to call out
35:46at the round table, because I know I'm faithful,
35:48so I have nothing to be afraid of.
35:52I really don't think
35:54the round table discussion is going to be
35:56about me as much
35:58as it's been. We need to banish
36:00a traitor from this manor. I know Rick's
36:02a traitor, and I'm onto him, and I'm going to
36:04gut him up tonight.
36:10You haven't been murdered
36:12or banished.
36:14You've sweated
36:16and strained to put
36:18$38,000 in the pot.
36:22You've seen through deviousness
36:24and unmasked a traitor.
36:28Let's see if you can do it again.
36:30So, Rick,
36:32today at breakfast, several people
36:34noticed when you were asked how you slept
36:36last night, you said, fabulous, and then
36:38corrected yourself. I didn't say fabulous.
36:40No, Rick, you did. This morning,
36:42someone said, how did you sleep?
36:44You said, fabulous.
36:46Sorry. Terrible. I feel
36:48fabulous. Thank you, Mary.
36:50I felt absolutely fabulous this morning
36:52because I thought I was going to be murdered last night.
36:54Because you slept well last night after murdering
36:58If you banish me, you're banishing a faithful.
37:00That's what Mel B said!
37:02I have been watching you a little bit,
37:04and I do feel
37:06that there was a switch,
37:08but there's something about how you
37:10go into a conversation
37:12very quickly, go in, private, boom,
37:14and then you're back out. For me,
37:16there are red flags. I can't say that
37:18for everybody, but for me...
37:20What makes that a traitor's trait?
37:22I really want...
37:24I like you, Leroy. You're not thinking.
37:26You're following,
37:28and you all are. You just seem
37:30very flustered to me today, Rick. You're
37:32throwing out so many names today.
37:34I've thrown out three names all day long.
37:36May, Trevon, and Mickey.
37:38Rick, you said I threw the challenge today as a team
37:40captain. You better. I do believe that
37:42as the team captain, you sabotaged
37:44round three of the mission. That does not make
37:46any sense. Why would a traitor do that?
37:48A traitor would want the shield so they could murder tonight
37:50freely. I'm her number one suspect
37:52as a traitor, and she
37:54doesn't want me getting a shield. You're a lot of people's
37:56number one suspect as a traitor. Rick,
37:58you're lying so much you can't keep track of your lies.
38:00I'm lying?
38:02It's gonna look like either May
38:04or Fierce is a traitor because
38:06they're pushing so hard for Rick,
38:08and they are loud, and they are wrong.
38:10If I was a traitor,
38:12I would be shaking in my boots.
38:14I'm so nervous. You said earlier...
38:16You've been attacking me all day long.
38:18I don't know why. In last night at the round table.
38:20I don't know why. Because I've been feeling
38:22that you're a traitor. As Faithfuls,
38:24we're out to get... We're traitor hunters.
38:26I've been trying to do that
38:28since day one, minute one.
38:30Well, then give proper reasons
38:32because I don't know. I don't find that your justification...
38:34The reasons you gave for me the other night were...
38:36You're fine. You're fine. You're absolutely...
38:38You're gonna talk about proper reasons?
38:40Well, you, because you lied to us, I think one of your
38:42people are a traitor, and you
38:44three didn't vote for a traitor last night. You're the most well-known person here.
38:46Those are my reasons. How many times
38:48do you want me to tell you? I've told
38:50everybody those exact reasons
38:52today. We're saying that this
38:54guy was throwing out names. Which
38:56one of you has not thrown out names?
38:58I do feel the same way as far as
39:00he's defending himself, saying
39:02that I feel it's these three people
39:04that are possible potential traitors, and I agree
39:06with him, actually. Wouldn't Rick Campanelli
39:08be the guy
39:10that's the nicest guy in town
39:12that could possibly
39:14become... that they'd pick to be a traitor?
39:16My wife had that same
39:18theory, too. Like, too obvious.
39:20Like, doesn't it feel too obvious?
39:22For me, it does.
39:24Really just trying to separate
39:26Rick Campanelli with
39:28Rick, who is here on Traitors.
39:30When you talk to people,
39:32you are an interviewer,
39:34and I don't know if that necessarily
39:36makes you a traitor.
39:38I don't feel you're a traitor.
39:40I don't think you are. I think that's
39:42you. I think you're just a showman. I think you're just
39:44a cartoony, real...
39:46you're just... that's just your
39:52How does being
39:54a PR person versus being
39:56a server, waiter, whatever
39:58affect your game? Starting
40:00off on a lie, and then coming in
40:02four days later being like,
40:04oh, by the way, guys, I lied.
40:06But I'm being honest now.
40:08I figure that if I
40:10lied about my profession, and then somebody
40:12found out that I lied, they would say, hey,
40:14Trevon lied about his profession. What else could he
40:16be lying about? So why bring it up now?
40:20Like, why don't you just play the game
40:22as Denny's server? Did you tell
40:24anybody else that you're not a server?
40:26I didn't tell anybody I wasn't a server. So how would they have known?
40:28No one's ever gonna know. Your logic
40:30just doesn't really make sense to me.
40:32Evidently my logic didn't make sense if I voted for
40:34Trevon, like, if you're the one
40:36who created the lie. I did create
40:38the lie, and I'm owning up to it. And Trevon,
40:40there are many things, and the reason
40:42that you gave for saying
40:44a different occupation makes zero
40:46sense. Rick, Trevon,
40:48look at how they're acting.
40:50Cool and calm,
40:52spiraling. Trevon is
40:54a hot mess. I don't think he's a
40:56traitor. I think he's just the worst faithful
40:58in the history of the show.
41:04The time has come to vote.
41:12It seems like other people
41:14have stronger feelings towards Rick than
41:16I do. I need to make sure that I'm
41:18aligning myself with the group consensus,
41:20and that way we don't split the vote.
41:22If I am wrong about Rick,
41:24they are definitely targeting me as a traitor,
41:26but I'm not.
41:30We'll start with you, Rick.
41:32Oh, um...
41:36Hey, you spelled my name right.
41:38Crystal, my vote tonight is for me.
41:40I'm the perfect
41:42scapegoat right now.
41:44Kids with an eye.
41:54I've seen a lot of
41:56spiraling, big emotions,
41:58and I apologize
42:00for misspelling your name,
42:02but I voted for Trevon.
42:14I'm trying to just block all
42:16May out of my mind right now. It's just
42:18so draining.
42:22It's Rick.
42:24I want
42:26the other faithfuls to trust me.
42:28I want them to trust me.
42:30Two votes Rick.
42:32Two votes Trevon.
42:34One vote May.
42:36Oh, it's gonna be nice.
42:38Make sure you guys are tuned in. Fully tuned in.
42:40For the faithful,
42:42it's one step back.
42:44What do you think about recruiting today?
42:46We're so under the radar. I haven't heard your name
42:48at all in some time.
42:50Yes, but I've heard yours.
42:52This morning it just kind of shows how the game has taken a different turn.
42:54No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
42:56I am suspicious
42:58of your erratic behavior.
43:00I can talk myself out of a situation.
43:02Mike, not so much.