There is much rivalry between twin sisters when their mysterious young neighbour moves back in HD ( Comedy, Romance )

  • 2 months ago
There is much rivalry between twin sisters when their mysterious young neighbour moves back in HD ( Comedy, Romance )
00:00:00the feeling that no matter what you do nothing ever changes we are molecules
00:00:10floating in space looking for something to make us feel com-
00:00:17What are you doing in there?
00:00:19Oh my god, Emma, open up!
00:00:23Are you having a bath?
00:00:30Oh! Mum!
00:00:45Chantal and me are fraternal twins
00:00:52that means we were born at the same time but we're not identical
00:00:57in fact we're very very unidentical
00:01:09Chantal's the pretty one, the popular one, the one with all the friends, a job and a plan for the future
00:01:19and me, well, when your sister owns normal there's really only one option
00:01:35so I'm the weird one, the loner, the one that everybody avoids
00:01:46Oh, hi Emma
00:01:48Hi guys!
00:01:52What's up?
00:01:54Nice to see you
00:01:57Gary is the one person weird enough to hang out with me
00:02:01this summer we're gonna form a band and take over the world
00:02:07we just need to actually rehearse
00:02:09Chantal, meanwhile, has other plans this summer
00:02:15Be careful!
00:02:18We're out of Johnny here
00:02:19Yeah, I mean, I just heard the car bang
00:02:23Why does she always get to have everything?
00:02:32What makes her so special?
00:02:35I can't believe you're leaving without us
00:02:39It's a field trip
00:02:40It's a jungle, there's no Wi-Fi, there's no cinnamon coffee, there's no toilet paper
00:02:46so you should be delighted I'm not dragging you over there
00:02:48It's a chance of a lifetime
00:02:50You've got the chance of a lifetime in your own house because it's gonna be empty
00:02:52You should be shoving us out the door
00:02:54No, no, I don't have an empty house
00:02:56Chantal will be here
00:02:58I've got it!
00:03:00Hey, Ger!
00:03:01Hey, Chantal
00:03:02You're a douche
00:03:03So, you get to hang out together for your last summer before you go off to college
00:03:07No, Dad, don't jinx it
00:03:09I haven't even got my results yet
00:03:10You'll be fine
00:03:12You'll be surrounded by your sophisticated, brilliant new pals
00:03:15and Chantal will be off monetizing her blog or whatever
00:03:19Come on, would you rather have a drink with me?
00:03:21Sophisticated, brilliant new pals and Chantal will be off monetizing her blog or whatever
00:03:27Come on, would you relax?
00:03:29It's the summer
00:03:34From all your fans at Mac
00:03:36We heart your blog
00:03:38That is so sweet
00:03:40So now, there are frozen dinners in the freezer
00:03:42and these are for the fridge
00:03:46Chantal, are you listening to me?
00:03:48Mum, it's six weeks
00:03:51We're not going to starve
00:03:52I know, yeah, I just...
00:03:54I don't like leaving Emma
00:03:56She seems so isolated
00:03:57There is nothing wrong with her
00:03:59apart from being totally self-absorbed
00:04:08Have a great time!
00:04:10You too, bye!
00:04:19Is this a bad idea?
00:04:20Are they going to kill each other?
00:04:22No, because they love each other
00:04:25They just need a reminder
00:04:28Look at this clown
00:04:36Daddy's home!
00:04:49Hey, just letting you know, I'm on my way over
00:04:52What time is it?
00:04:54Did you get that picture I sent?
00:05:00It's a goiter
00:05:02That's disgusting
00:05:04I'm not a goiter
00:05:06I'm a goiter
00:05:08I'm a goiter
00:05:10I'm a goiter
00:05:12I'm a goiter
00:05:14I'm a goiter
00:05:18Disgusting is good
00:05:20It gets people's attention
00:05:22It's what a band name is supposed to do
00:05:24Emma, are you there?
00:05:28Oh God
00:05:32What's wrong with you?
00:05:34Ever heard of giving people some privacy?
00:05:36Ever heard of not being a whore?
00:05:38I like your bed, babe
00:05:40Get back inside, Alan
00:05:42And you, why don't you go out?
00:05:44Why should I be forced out of my own home so you can be a slut?
00:05:46Why should I be forced to tiptoe around like a mouse so you can act like some weird little hermit child?
00:05:52Mind your own tiptoe
00:05:58We're not going in there
00:06:00We're not? But I carried this all the way from my house
00:06:04You should see this guy, he's so gross
00:06:06All strong and muscly and stuff
00:06:08My parents are going away for six weeks
00:06:10I'm going to have six weeks of this shit
00:06:16All for yours
00:06:18Is that my cousin?
00:06:22Want to play one of your songs first?
00:06:26Why don't you play something?
00:06:28I'll see what comes to me
00:06:30Okay, yeah, I call this
00:06:32Death's Great Viscera
00:06:58What the hell's going on in here?
00:07:00I was just showing Emma something
00:07:04Is that your damn dog out there digging up my lawn?
00:07:06Um, yeah
00:07:08I'll go get him
00:07:10Yeah, I'm going to come with you
00:07:12What have I told you about that girl?
00:07:14It's about making the right choices
00:07:16Gary lives with his stepdad
00:07:18You can make something of yourself that matters to him
00:07:20So he knows what it feels like to be rejected
00:07:22You mess this up now, you're going to regret it young man
00:07:24Make the right choice
00:07:26I think that's why we get on so well
00:07:28Wasting your life with that stupid girl
00:07:38Do you want to get out of here?
00:07:42Why's he so obsessed with jobs anyway?
00:07:46You know, not everyone wants to be a robot in a suit
00:07:48Like clinical depression
00:07:52All these people had jobs
00:07:54And look where I got them
00:07:56So why is he being such a till?
00:08:00Because he's angry, alright?
00:08:06He's angry because he doesn't want me to go to college here with you
00:08:08He wants me to go to Madison
00:08:12He knows a dean
00:08:14Says it's the gateway to Wall Street
00:08:16But you don't want to work in Wall Street
00:08:18You're a musician
00:08:22Fuck what Steve says
00:08:24What we need to do is rehearse
00:08:26Maybe rent out a practice space
00:08:28Stop everyone sticking their nose in
00:08:30How do we pay for it?
00:08:34I mean we could actually get
00:08:38I haven't worked in the Norwegian logging industry
00:08:40Until like the third album
00:08:42Chantal might be able to help you find something
00:08:48So there's the delis
00:08:50They're often looking for people
00:08:52And the clothes shops
00:08:54If you say you're my sister, I know most of the girls in there
00:09:00What they're looking for is a good attitude
00:09:02So maybe lose the accent
00:09:04And you know
00:09:06Get your hair back off your face so we can see
00:09:08What are you doing?
00:09:10I'm trying to help you
00:09:12Do you even want a job?
00:09:14It just seems so degrading
00:09:16My degrading job in the ice cream parlor?
00:09:18Paid for this car
00:09:20My degrading job has allowed me to save
00:09:225,000 euro of capital
00:09:24I'm going to use this to start my own business
00:09:26You can't hide out from the world forever, Emma
00:09:30That reminds me
00:09:32Wouldn't it be fun to have a party the night of the results?
00:09:34Turn the living room into a bar
00:09:36And a DJ
00:09:38There could even be a mixologist
00:09:40In a white tux
00:09:42We should do something
00:09:44It's the first day of the rest of our lives
00:09:46You're not even going to college, Chantal
00:09:48What do you care about the results?
00:09:50So what?
00:09:52It's a chance for everyone to celebrate together
00:09:54One last time
00:09:56This is happening
00:09:58Whether you like it or not
00:10:00You know
00:10:02Just because you're miserable
00:10:04Doesn't mean you're interesting
00:10:06Just because you're superficial
00:10:08Doesn't mean you're nice
00:10:42When we were little
00:10:44Me and Chantal felt like we were the same person
00:10:46I'd tell her stories
00:10:48She'd give me makeovers
00:10:52Until one day I realised
00:10:54No matter how many she gave me
00:10:56I was never going to be her
00:11:00Hey, how's the job search going?
00:11:02Nobody wanted me.
00:11:03It was like being in school again.
00:11:05Just out walking log.
00:11:06How's gardening?
00:11:07I think I'm allergic to grass.
00:11:09Oh shit.
00:11:10Yeah, and Steve wouldn't let me use his lawnmower.
00:11:12These are like ancient hand powered things.
00:11:14It's like one step up from a sickle.
00:11:17Didn't Chantal help at all?
00:11:19She just went on about her five grand.
00:11:21If I had a cent for every time she mentioned that stupid savings account,
00:11:25I wouldn't need a job.
00:11:26Oh, and I'm not even sure if I'd be able to make it.
00:11:29I wouldn't need a job.
00:11:30Oh, and guess what else?
00:11:31She wants to have a party the night of her results.
00:11:34Oh shit, son!
00:11:36Maybe we could play, like a first gig.
00:11:39In front of all her friends.
00:11:41Think of the exposure, Emma.
00:11:42I'd rather come down with a yeast infection.
00:11:44Plus she wouldn't let us play.
00:11:46Okay, well look, I got a bit of bad news.
00:11:51There's already a band called The Goiters,
00:11:53and there's one in Chile that are called The Nothingness.
00:11:56I think we need to take another look at gouged fetus.
00:12:17I'm sorry.
00:12:18No worries.
00:12:19It's a cute little thing.
00:12:27It's yours too.
00:12:29Yeah, thanks.
00:12:31You in a band?
00:12:33Um, we're just starting out.
00:12:35No way.
00:12:36What are you called?
00:12:38Um, yeast infection.
00:12:43It's a good name.
00:12:44Yeah, we have our first gig coming up, so.
00:12:47It's just a house party, but should be good exposure, you know?
00:12:51I tell you, you never forget your friends.
00:12:54I tell you, you never forget your first.
00:12:57You're in a band too?
00:12:59A long time ago.
00:13:00I could tell you a few stories.
00:13:02Oh, yeah?
00:13:03Oh, yeah.
00:13:04So when's this party?
00:13:06And they play it all over the world.
00:13:08Isn't that amazing?
00:13:09A guy from here?
00:13:10They're so famous, how come no-one's ever heard of them?
00:13:13Well, they just broke up just before their first record came out.
00:13:17You know, but, like, Amber Sand plays, or some of the...
00:13:20Amber Sand.
00:13:22I can't believe you're taking advice from some gimp
00:13:24who named his band Amber Sand.
00:13:26They were a proper band.
00:13:28They had T-shirts and roadies.
00:13:30Why are you being such a dick?
00:13:32Oh, I don't know, Emma,
00:13:33maybe because you're supposed to be out looking for a job,
00:13:36and I've been here getting my face melted all day,
00:13:39and you're off, like, canoodling with some dude.
00:13:44You should go.
00:13:47Will I see you tonight?
00:13:49Emma, you know I have chess club on Wednesdays.
00:13:51Oh, for fuck's sake.
00:14:14Open the door.
00:14:15I know you're there.
00:14:18Here, pal, it's just a bit of noise, yeah?
00:14:23Don't lose the plot, like.
00:14:25My mother's dying.
00:14:28My mother is dying.
00:14:38I'm not apologising.
00:14:39Two good-looking young people having brilliant sex
00:14:42isn't something to be saying sorry for.
00:14:44But she's been listening.
00:14:46She's been listening the whole time.
00:14:49We've been...
00:14:53I can't do it any quieter, babe.
00:14:56The force is too strong.
00:15:16Oh, God!
00:15:17What the fuck?
00:15:18I'm sorry.
00:15:21Look, there's been...
00:15:23There's been an incident.
00:15:26Mrs Gallatin's son had this psycho freak out at us.
00:15:31Didn't our shed a son?
00:15:34He says she's dying.
00:15:36It's so creepy.
00:15:38She's in the next room, like, inches away from me.
00:15:42Can I sleep in your room?
00:15:45Where's Baywatch?
00:15:47I sent him home.
00:15:48That man would have sex with a corpse.
00:15:52You know how I feel about decay.
00:15:54Oh, Jesus, OK.
00:16:01my band can play at your party.
00:16:04No way.
00:16:06Well, um...
00:16:08I hope she doesn't die during the night and come through your wall.
00:16:16No, OK, no, all right, all right, all right, all right.
00:16:20One song.
00:16:56Hey, that's amazing news about the party.
00:16:58I'm just working on some lyrics here for your desecrated viscera thing.
00:17:03Smiley Burger having a big recruitment drive today?
00:17:05Oh, wow, my dream job.
00:17:07Starts at 12.
00:17:08So don't be late.
00:17:09OK, Mum, I have to go. I'll talk to you later.
00:17:22That was you last night?
00:17:24Last night?
00:17:25Making, um, having...
00:17:28I'm next door.
00:17:29That was my sister, Chantel.
00:17:34Is she here?
00:17:35I think I may have been a little bit...
00:17:38No, she's gone to work.
00:17:41So you're living next door?
00:17:43Yeah, I'm back taking care of Ma.
00:17:45Don't know whether I'm coming or going.
00:17:47Listen, tell your sister I'm sorry.
00:17:50Will do.
00:17:52Hey, I have a rake of old music here and there.
00:17:55Might be something your band could use if you want to root through.
00:17:58Sometime you're free.
00:17:59I'm free now.
00:18:00Come on.
00:18:02Come on.
00:18:10Well, here we are.
00:18:17Well, you look so young.
00:18:22Yeah, so here's the keyboards and Moog, Hammond and some other stuff.
00:18:27So what is it you do in the band again?
00:18:29I sing and I play bass, but I'm not much good.
00:18:32I don't practise enough.
00:18:33Rock music's not about being good.
00:18:35It's about passion.
00:18:36You know, it's like sex.
00:18:37You can't practise it.
00:18:38You just have to do it.
00:18:43Excuse me, Mr Dan.
00:18:44Is she awake?
00:18:45All right, I'll be with you now.
00:18:47Emma, stay, look around.
00:18:49I'll be with you in a minute.
00:18:52Mr Dan, today you pay me, yes?
00:18:54No, I don't have the money.
00:18:59I don't have the money.
00:19:29Sorry about that.
00:19:31Mag gets upset when she wakes up.
00:19:33Mind is gone.
00:19:34She doesn't know where she is.
00:19:37Everything OK?
00:19:38Yeah, I just realised I have this recruitment thing.
00:19:42Oh, here, I'll give you a lift.
00:19:43No, honestly, it's fine.
00:19:44No, I'm going into town anyway.
00:19:45Come on.
00:19:46I'll have to go out this way.
00:19:55What a fucking day.
00:19:57Got a spare pair up ahead?
00:20:03All right, you look like you're in the Melville Underground.
00:20:07Are you fucking kidding me?
00:20:28I don't do weekends.
00:20:37So this band, who else is in it?
00:20:39Just me and Gary.
00:20:41He says that there's more than two people.
00:20:43It's impossible to organise.
00:20:45Or he just wants to keep you all to himself.
00:20:47Hold the wheel.
00:20:53So what kind of music?
00:20:56It's 73% metal.
00:20:58We have a pie chart.
00:21:00We work out our sound in advance.
00:21:02That way we can make sure we're doing something original.
00:21:05What happened to playing from the heart?
00:21:09I could never get into all that metal.
00:21:11All that air, Satanism.
00:21:14It's like, where are you hiding from?
00:21:16You know?
00:21:17Not entirely fair.
00:21:18Oh, come on.
00:21:19Grown men in leather trousers singing songs about goblins?
00:21:25What should songs be about then?
00:21:29Because songs about sex and drugs are really songs about desire.
00:21:32That's what's in people's hearts.
00:21:34You can hear Jack say, yeah.
00:21:36Yeah, yeah.
00:21:56So I read that you went to St Kilda's?
00:21:59I haven't met so many arseholes in my life.
00:22:02Couldn't wait to get on that hamster wheel.
00:22:04Get a job, get a mortgage.
00:22:06Yeah, my sister's just like that.
00:22:09Finish school, start up a business.
00:22:11Get rich, retire at 40.
00:22:15So what's your plan?
00:22:18Go to college.
00:22:20Yeah, college is just like school,
00:22:22only nowadays everybody's got nose rings.
00:22:25No, no.
00:22:26No, you're way different, Emma.
00:22:29Yeah, you've got something special.
00:22:31It's going to take you places.
00:22:34You just need to get out of here.
00:22:36Burn those bridges.
00:22:42I'm going to tell you something
00:22:44they don't tell you in school.
00:22:48You can get what you want.
00:22:50Rock star, millionaire,
00:22:53dancing to fucking Kirov.
00:22:55If you want it enough, life will give you that chance.
00:22:57When that chance comes,
00:23:00you have to go all in.
00:23:07Here's to you.
00:23:18So, will I see you around?
00:23:20I'll see you at your gig.
00:23:22Hold on to the glasses, they suit you.
00:24:08Hey, I got your message.
00:24:10Everything okay? Good?
00:24:13The party is in less than six weeks
00:24:15and we still don't have a song together.
00:24:17I thought you said it was an emergency.
00:24:19It is an emergency.
00:24:21We don't even have a place to practice.
00:24:23We got this chance, we need to go all in.
00:24:27Maybe we can find something temporary.
00:24:32You okay? You just seem a bit...
00:24:33You seem sort of agitated.
00:24:35Yeah, I'm fine.
00:24:36It's just so bright in here.
00:24:39Working on some lyrics?
00:24:42I've finally figured out what our song is going to be about.
00:24:49All great bands have a drug song.
00:24:51But I mean, it's a...
00:24:53It's called desecrated viscera
00:24:55and you've never even smoked a cigarette.
00:24:57Yeah, but I can still appreciate what it's like.
00:25:01That craving feeling for
00:25:04the only thing that makes you feel alive.
00:25:07Hey, how do you feel about tweaking your sound?
00:25:10Because remember that guy Dan?
00:25:12He has these keyboards and moogs and stuff we can use.
00:25:15We're a metal band.
00:25:16Who's ever heard of a metal band with a moog?
00:25:19Who says you have to be metal?
00:25:20We have a pie chart.
00:25:21A pie chart's not written in stone.
00:25:23What are you hiding from?
00:25:24What am I hi...
00:25:25What are you hi...
00:25:28Please will you take those off?
00:25:31Take it easy.
00:25:32Take it easy, babe.
00:25:36Jesus, what happened?
00:25:38I'm fine.
00:25:40I got in a little ding.
00:25:42I just need to gather myself.
00:25:44Doctor says she's got like a minor fraction compression.
00:25:47She's going to be out of commission for about six weeks.
00:25:49And have some skank take my job.
00:25:51No way.
00:25:53I'm sure if I just get a bit of rest.
00:25:58Wow, wow, wow.
00:25:59That is so fucking painful.
00:26:04Crazy idea.
00:26:05What about if Emma takes your job?
00:26:08Like at work while you're getting better.
00:26:10That's actually not a bad idea.
00:26:13God, this is such a fucking nightmare.
00:26:45Who is this black devil you're sending me?
00:26:47I thought I am your friend.
00:26:48Why have you done this to me?
00:26:50She's just getting settled in.
00:27:18No, no, no.
00:27:19No, no, no.
00:27:20No, no, no.
00:27:21No, no, no.
00:27:22No, no, no.
00:27:23No, no, no.
00:27:24No, no, no.
00:27:25No, no, no.
00:27:26No, no, no.
00:27:27No, no, no.
00:27:28No, no, no.
00:27:29No, no, no.
00:27:30No, no, no.
00:27:31No, no, no.
00:27:32No, no, no.
00:27:33No, no, no.
00:27:34No, no, no.
00:27:35No, no, no.
00:27:36No, no, no.
00:27:37No, no, no.
00:27:38No, no, no.
00:27:39No, no, no.
00:27:40No, no, no.
00:27:41No, no, no.
00:27:42No, no, no.
00:27:43No, no, no.
00:27:44No, no, no.
00:27:45No, no, no.
00:27:46No, no, no.
00:27:47No, no, no.
00:27:48No, no, no.
00:27:49No, no, no.
00:27:50No, no, no.
00:27:51No, no, no.
00:27:52No, no, no.
00:27:53No, no, no.
00:27:54No, no, no.
00:27:55No, no, no.
00:27:56No, no, no.
00:27:57No, no, no.
00:27:58No, no, no.
00:27:59No, no, no.
00:28:00No, no, no.
00:28:01No, no, no.
00:28:02No, no, no.
00:28:03No, no, no.
00:28:04No, no, no.
00:28:05No, no, no.
00:28:06No, no, no.
00:28:07No, no, no.
00:28:08No, no, no.
00:28:09No, no, no.
00:28:10No, no, no.
00:28:11No, no, no.
00:28:12And I'm not the only one to, it's two, it's two hard times, I'm down.
00:28:20I raised a flag.
00:28:22I'm so sorry.
00:28:25Of course I'm sorry.
00:28:29You were my best friend.
00:28:32Come on, it was an accident.
00:28:35Yeah and they're very upset and this is your fault
00:28:42Say hello to the new rep of dick cleaning supplies.
00:28:49We're going to be supplying toilets all over Dublin.
00:28:52Plus, when your parents get back, it means we still have somewhere to, uh...
00:28:56So, how are you feeling?
00:29:01I can't work.
00:29:02I can't go out.
00:29:03All I do is sit around putting on weight.
00:29:04That's Emma's life.
00:29:05I'm turning into Emma.
00:29:08You need to get back in your lane.
00:29:09Like, go and see your friends.
00:29:10Like, how's the party coming along?
00:29:11The party?
00:29:12How can I go ahead with the party?
00:29:13Like, how can people see me like this?
00:29:14They're your friends.
00:29:15They don't care what you look like.
00:29:16Although, you look amazing right now.
00:29:17You should go.
00:29:18All this talking makes my neck hurt.
00:29:21Well, I have to go.
00:29:46Alright, well, I have to go anyway.
00:29:48Oh, uh, I was looking for Emma.
00:30:05She's at work.
00:30:06Oh, all right.
00:30:10Can I help you at all?
00:30:11I'm her sister, Chantal.
00:30:13Yeah, I think we spoke before about the sex.
00:30:21Oh, yes, we did.
00:30:24Was that how you, um?
00:30:27The, um.
00:30:30Oh, no.
00:30:31God, no.
00:30:32I'm really sorry about that.
00:30:35What did you want Emma for?
00:30:37Well, I have a meeting with the bank,
00:30:39but the nurse is after calling.
00:30:41They say she'll be late.
00:30:51I'm not great with old people, but no, it's fine.
00:30:53It's fine.
00:30:57That's her now.
00:30:59This way.
00:31:09With company, ma.
00:31:12Who's that now?
00:31:14Is that Betty?
00:31:14No, it's a, what's her name again?
00:31:18Chantal, from next door.
00:31:19Oh, Betty.
00:31:21Ma, I have to go.
00:31:23So why don't you have a little rest there?
00:31:27I'll be an hour, tops.
00:31:36Uh, can I, uh, can I get you some water?
00:31:45Uh, hello?
00:31:46Excuse me.
00:31:46Look, I told you you'd get it, and you'll get it, OK?
00:31:58Hi, I'm here.
00:32:17You want to play some chess?
00:32:18I'm just waiting on Gary.
00:32:22Collins is way down in the rankings here, you know.
00:32:25Way down.
00:32:29A queen deserves better.
00:32:39Did he just call me a?
00:32:42Queen of darkness.
00:32:44They all call you that.
00:32:46So check this out.
00:32:51Though I know it seems like a bit of a fixer-upper,
00:32:53but look at this.
00:32:57A basement.
00:32:58It's perfect for rehearsing.
00:32:59Gary, that's a flat.
00:33:03So you're talking about living together?
00:33:06OK, it seems like a big step, but, but we could practice.
00:33:10Any time you wanted.
00:33:12By the time of the party, we would kill.
00:33:22Hey, look at you up and about.
00:33:25Yeah, doing some work on my business plan.
00:33:28OK, how about this for a slogan?
00:33:31They say, at 40, everyone has the face they deserve.
00:33:34We say, no one deserves to look like they're 40.
00:33:41Oh, um, Dan says hello.
00:33:43The nurse didn't show, so he asked
00:33:44if I could look after his mom.
00:33:46At first, I thought, ugh, looking after a dying woman?
00:33:50That's going to be disgusting.
00:33:52And it was, but it was also kind of sweet.
00:33:56She thinks I'm an old lady, too, called Betty.
00:33:59Isn't that so funny?
00:34:32Hey, you said that we could borrow some equipment?
00:34:37Yeah, come on.
00:34:51So I have some news.
00:34:53Found a place, Gary and me.
00:34:55We're going to see it tomorrow.
00:34:58Yeah, I'll still be around, obviously, and I'll see you.
00:35:01Fucking Jesus.
00:35:10You know, you never told me what happened.
00:35:14With the bonds.
00:35:18You know what happened.
00:35:21It's all there in your fucking phone.
00:35:29I read the singer died.
00:35:31Yeah, after that, they took everything we recorded
00:35:35and put it in the vault.
00:35:38Oh, they paid for it.
00:35:39They own it.
00:35:40If they want to shove it, there's nothing you can do.
00:35:51Sing us a song, Emma.
00:35:54Just lift my spirits.
00:35:59I'm just a molecule, but I'm nobody's fool.
00:36:16When it comes to bonding, I have some rules.
00:36:23I float around in space where it's very dark indeed.
00:36:32I've searched around for someone who can make me feel complete.
00:36:42But a carbon atom told me it's OK to be alone.
00:36:52And if you don't feel like bonding,
00:36:55be a diamond on your own.
00:37:16I better check in here.
00:37:30I've looked everywhere, but I can't find him.
00:37:37Help me Mary.
00:37:39Help me.
00:37:41Help me.
00:37:46Let me see you face, see you face.
00:37:49Hey, little bro.
00:38:16Just, uh, Fairy Sparkle, please.
00:38:24No, I haven't actually seen Chantel in a while.
00:38:28Listen, what's the story with this bloke next door?
00:38:30One minute he's yelling at us, next he's got Chantel over looking after his ma.
00:38:34She's right in there again today.
00:38:36What's his crack like? Who is he?
00:38:38It's a guy.
00:38:39There's something going on, like...
00:38:40Hey, ma.
00:38:41I have to go.
00:38:47So, just spoke to the landlord.
00:38:49He's got some people viewing it later, but...
00:38:51if we like it and we have the deposit, it's ours.
00:38:55That's great.
00:38:57So, viewings at 7.
00:38:58I'm here now.
00:38:59What time can you make it in?
00:39:00You're there now.
00:39:01I don't want to take any chances.
00:39:05I'll be there as soon as I can.
00:39:07Don't forget the deposit.
00:39:08Okay, bye.
00:39:52Sandy, will you just wait?
00:39:53I tell you last time, you don't pay me, I don't work.
00:39:56I didn't come to this country to work for free.
00:39:58Yeah, but I'm trying to explain!
00:40:02Hey, Emma.
00:40:03Anything else?
00:40:05I'm going to look at this place with Gary.
00:40:07Everything okay?
00:40:08Oh, shit.
00:40:09The nurse again.
00:40:10She's decided she wants to be paid up front.
00:40:14Is Chantel home?
00:40:15She's actually asleep.
00:40:17I just left her.
00:40:18I can check in on your mum if you want.
00:40:21Aren't you heading out?
00:40:22No, well, not till 7.
00:40:24I'm supposed to meet a guy later to set a keyboard.
00:40:27I just told her if she could mind mine for a couple of hours,
00:40:30I'm literally going to get her money.
00:40:32Um, I have money.
00:40:37What's all this?
00:40:38It's the deposit for the flat, but it's not so it's nice,
00:40:41so you need to pay the nurse.
00:40:44Like, you go sell your keyboard and give me the money right back.
00:40:47No, I just don't like taking your money.
00:40:49It's only for a couple of hours, right?
00:40:51I'll stay here, mind your mum.
00:40:56Thank you.
00:40:58I'll try and catch up with her back at the agency.
00:41:00Just call me if there's any panic.
00:41:02Just call me, okay?
00:41:55Finally, you haven't called in two hours.
00:41:57Yeah, I'm sorry, something came up.
00:41:59Well, are you on your way or what?
00:42:02Look, can you tell the guy we'll come tomorrow?
00:42:04He's in there showing it to other people right now.
00:42:06What do you mean, something came up?
00:42:08Danny needed me to look after someone.
00:42:10That's where you are. You're with him.
00:42:12No, I'm not with him. It's just the nurse came...
00:42:15Are you serious about this band at all?
00:42:17Of course I am.
00:42:18Here, look, I'm sorry, I promise I'll make it up to you.
00:42:21Look, I'm sorry, I promise I'll make it up to you.
00:42:49There's my lady, look.
00:42:52Where's the nurse?
00:42:55I missed her.
00:42:56Anyway, good riddance.
00:43:01They're for you.
00:43:02Oh, before I forget, your money.
00:43:05I stuck a few extra quid in there, just for you.
00:43:11This is from the keyboard?
00:43:13No, actually, I didn't get that far.
00:43:15It's actually from a guy in the garage who gave me a nice tip on the horse.
00:43:19This is from a bet?
00:43:21Emma, that's the guts of a grandin there.
00:43:23I mean, we should be celebrating.
00:43:26Hey, come here. Come here.
00:43:29Right, I know, I fucked up, OK?
00:43:32Time got away from me, all right?
00:43:35But future of the band doesn't depend on just today, does it?
00:43:41Oh, shit.
00:43:43Look, I'm just... I'm just saying...
00:43:46I didn't think you wanted to move in with Gary anyway,
00:43:49because I thought that you wouldn't have offered to give me that
00:43:53because you wanted to stay.
00:43:55I was just trying to help you.
00:43:57Look, it's none of my business.
00:43:59I just... I just don't want you to get trapped.
00:44:02Trapped? I'm not trapped.
00:44:07Gary, the flat, the band, I think that's his idea.
00:44:12And I don't think it's yours.
00:44:15Gary's my friend, that's all.
00:44:22I think otherwise.
00:44:25I think that people treat you like this scared little schoolgirl
00:44:28and I don't think that's what you are.
00:44:30I think you've got a huge effect on people.
00:44:33I think you have an effect on men.
00:44:36Well, I'm flattered that you think that,
00:44:38but it just doesn't have anything to do with reality.
00:44:46What are you doing?
00:44:49Do you want me to stop?
00:44:59The fuck?
00:45:11What happened?
00:45:13What happened?
00:45:19I should go check on that.
00:45:37He's now at home, mate.
00:45:40Emma's in work and Chantal's in there with your man.
00:45:44What are you doing? Are you spying?
00:45:46What are you doing?
00:45:48Walking around looking literally like Halloween, like...
00:45:53Sorry. I don't mean that. You look amazing.
00:45:56Get in. Get in the van for a sec.
00:46:00Come on, get in.
00:46:07Get in.
00:46:11See, you and me have the same problem.
00:46:15El Cunto over here.
00:46:18Chantal's been acting very strange ever since he showed up,
00:46:21going to see his ma, bringing her stuff.
00:46:24Chantal hates old ladies.
00:46:27It does not add up, like...
00:46:29Emma stayed in his last night.
00:46:31She was meant to meet me.
00:46:33She blew me off.
00:46:35So that's his game.
00:46:39He's going for the double.
00:46:42I forgot to admire the balls of the guy.
00:46:45As an influencer with over 10,000 followers,
00:46:48I am ideally positioned to showcase beauty
00:46:51and wellness lifestyles for millennial
00:46:54and post-millennial demographics.
00:46:57I will also...
00:47:01What you doing?
00:47:04What you doing?
00:47:07Just trying to get this business plan together.
00:47:10I'm supposed to go in and see the bank next week
00:47:12when I have my brace off.
00:47:14It helps to read it to someone.
00:47:18Want to try it with someone conscious?
00:47:22Give it over.
00:47:29You save 5K on a part-time job?
00:47:33Give me your business plan.
00:47:35Imagine I'm Mr. Bank Man.
00:47:41So, basically what I'm doing is monetizing my blog.
00:47:45I have no idea what that means.
00:47:47It means I tell my followers about new products
00:47:50that will help them look good, and I get paid for it.
00:47:53Girls today worry about their looks more than ever.
00:47:56And rightly so.
00:47:58Your looks are what you're judged on.
00:48:00They're what anyone says.
00:48:02That's, uh, pretty superficial.
00:48:05I didn't make the rules.
00:48:07What I do is help you survive those rules.
00:48:09Wouldn't it help if you just told them to stop caring about looks?
00:48:12I mean, what about what's inside?
00:48:16Most people don't have much inside.
00:48:18So, instead, you just turn yourselves into a big, shiny shell?
00:48:25Have I done something to you?
00:48:28Are you going against me?
00:48:30No, no, I...
00:48:34I'm sorry.
00:48:36I was just trying to be funny.
00:48:41What the fuck?
00:48:43Don't touch me!
00:48:44I was just...
00:48:47Oh, God!
00:48:52So, have you ever pleased Chantal for goodnight?
00:48:55No, just until she's better.
00:48:57She doesn't answer any of my texts.
00:48:59I heard she put on, like, three stones.
00:49:01Emma looks different, doesn't she?
00:49:04Yeah, like, she has a kind of glow.
00:49:09You should come out with us tonight.
00:49:11We're having a girly night.
00:49:12Happy hour at the Bullfinch.
00:49:14Yeah, sounds good.
00:49:16Want me to tell Chantal?
00:49:22Have you ever even told her you liked her?
00:49:27You've got to be proactive about this stuff, man.
00:49:30You've got to be honest, like...
00:49:32And then...
00:49:36It's hard, man.
00:49:38She's so...
00:49:41You can play to your strengths.
00:49:43Why don't you write her a song or something?
00:49:44You're a magician.
00:49:45I tried, man.
00:49:46I can't write the words.
00:49:48What have you got?
00:49:49A song.
00:49:50Yeah, go on, lash it on.
00:49:51Get this sweet AUX and play anything.
00:49:54Give us a blast.
00:50:01Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:50:11I like that.
00:50:12Yeah, it's spicy.
00:50:15What's it called?
00:50:16Desecrated viscera.
00:50:19Desecrated viscera.
00:50:20See, that's where your problem lies right there, man.
00:50:24I'll put it in perceptive.
00:50:27If Eric Clapton sees his bird looking wonderful tonight,
00:50:31he's going to write a song called Wonderful Tonight.
00:50:34Not Desecrated Vaseline.
00:50:35Desecrated viscera.
00:50:36You've got to show your feelings, yeah?
00:50:40Open up your heart.
00:50:43It's not that simple, man.
00:50:44Emma hates feelings.
00:50:45She hates feelings.
00:50:46Shush, shush, shush.
00:50:50It is that simple.
00:50:51You've just got to see it...
00:50:54with your mind.
00:51:02I was wondering, um,
00:51:04could I borrow a top?
00:51:07You going out?
00:51:08Yeah, um, to the Bullfinch.
00:51:11Didn't think that was your kind of place.
00:51:13Yeah, um, I actually saw Miranda in the ice cream parlour.
00:51:17She invited me.
00:51:22Look, it's cool.
00:51:23Take a top if you want.
00:51:49So, girl, are you free tonight?
00:51:52Girls, are you freaking about the results?
00:51:54I'm so freaking.
00:51:55Yeah, where did you apply, Emma?
00:51:57We all go down low on UCD.
00:51:59And CAD, but it depends, so...
00:52:03On a guy?
00:52:05Emma, dark horse.
00:52:07Yeah, I don't know.
00:52:09I think he might like someone else, so...
00:52:11Oh, always such a nightmare.
00:52:13Some little cow waving her boobs around, is it?
00:52:15Do you know who she is?
00:52:16Is she pretty?
00:52:17Whoever it is, you need to bring out the big ones, like, immediately.
00:52:20She's right.
00:52:22This guy, is he older?
00:52:25I have so misjudged you.
00:52:26And have you guys done the deed?
00:52:32OK, so a guy in his 20s has already done everything,
00:52:35and he's rating you against everyone he's already been with,
00:52:38so you need to find out his deepest, darkest fantasy
00:52:41and give it to him, like, straight away.
00:52:43Nothing illegal.
00:52:44Well, maybe a little bit illegal.
00:52:48OK, let's start writing.
00:52:49Send him a text.
00:52:52And say you're thinking about him.
00:52:54Emma, chill. This'll work. Trust me.
00:52:56Just... I'll do it.
00:52:58Give it.
00:53:07OK, now we wait.
00:53:20Hey, pal.
00:53:22Land down some riffs?
00:53:30Nice, nice, nice.
00:53:33So, hey, son, you know,
00:53:36these feelings that you're experiencing now,
00:53:39they might seem very powerful,
00:53:43but when you look back in 20 years' time,
00:53:47you're gonna be amazed at how silly they seem.
00:53:53Anyway, I spoke to my friend, Chip Costom-Weagle.
00:53:57As you know, he's dean of admissions over there at, uh,
00:54:01Duty or outstanding academic record.
00:54:05He's willing to accept a late application.
00:54:13Come on.
00:54:16We've talked about it. I'm staying here.
00:54:20And do what?
00:54:23Chase after Emma Callaghan like you've been doing all summer?
00:54:27You think she gives a damn about you?
00:54:35OK, what did he say?
00:54:37Question mark.
00:54:38No, no, that's good. It means he's curious.
00:54:40Yeah, like you should get over there right away.
00:54:42Uh, first we should glamour up.
00:54:43Ooh, I've got thick eyelashes.
00:54:44I've got false nails.
00:54:45I've got handcuffs.
00:54:50You graduate from Matterson.
00:54:52You can walk into any big three bank
00:54:54and the salary that commands,
00:54:56and you can get any woman you want.
00:55:05Any hoodles.
00:55:06Um, Chip wants to speak to you in person,
00:55:08so I'm gonna set up a video call.
00:55:11You might wanna...
00:55:12clean yourself up a little bit.
00:55:16Yeah, the hair.
00:55:18Big time.
00:55:20All right, bud.
00:55:21Oh, wow, that's sharp.
00:55:26So now you need to send a pic.
00:55:28A sexy pic.
00:55:30So, yeah, like, put your arm up.
00:55:32Yeah, and, like, your other hand here.
00:55:35Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:55:36Hold your dress out.
00:55:39Right now, look at me.
00:55:41Like, no, that's fine.
00:55:43Like a wanting kind of look.
00:55:45You want to.
00:55:46Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:55:47Got it.
00:55:49Oh, fab.
00:55:50It's really nice.
00:55:51You look stunning.
00:55:53Ready for the ride.
00:55:57Yeah, that's good.
00:55:58Oh, shit.
00:55:59I think I said that to everybody.
00:57:20I'd better go.
00:57:25You don't have to leave.
00:57:29Or maybe you'd rather be with Chantal.
00:57:33Where's this coming from?
00:57:35Did she say something?
00:57:40Look, there was this whole, we were talking about her business plan.
00:57:45I offered some advice.
00:57:46She took it the wrong way.
00:57:47And I...
00:57:48It's OK.
00:57:50You don't have to explain.
00:57:53People like her.
00:57:55I get it.
00:57:57You don't.
00:57:59Yeah, she's...
00:58:02a pretty girl.
00:58:03But a really interesting one.
00:58:06You're the one with something to say.
00:58:11After I heard you sing the other night, I...
00:58:13After I heard you sing the other night, I...
00:58:17Oh, I rang up the record company.
00:58:20I asked if I could buy back all the music that was stuck in the vault.
00:58:25I have this notion that we could go to London and...
00:58:30and re-record it.
00:58:32You could do new lyrics.
00:58:35You could do new vocals.
00:58:39Ridiculous, right?
00:58:40Ridiculous, right?
00:58:47Let's take a picture.
00:58:49For what?
00:58:50A record cover.
00:58:52Are you serious?
00:58:59Are you ready?
00:59:00I'm ready, I'm ready.
00:59:01All in.
00:59:08Do me a favor.
00:59:09Look and see if there's someone out there.
00:59:12Who, your groupies?
00:59:15You're OK.
00:59:29Are you kidding me?
00:59:31It's not what...
00:59:32Are you fucking kidding me?
00:59:34It has nothing to do with you.
00:59:37You get to sleep with whoever you want. Why can't I?
00:59:42Because you're an idiot.
00:59:43Because you can't tell when you're being used.
00:59:45You don't know anything about him.
00:59:47Did he tell you he loves you?
00:59:50That you're...
00:59:51That you're different from all the other girls.
00:59:53Is he going to take you away?
00:59:55You're jealous.
00:59:57You can't bear the thought that a man might like me better.
01:00:01I'm jealous of the guy who lives in his mother's garage.
01:00:04That guy is a total sleaze.
01:00:06Why can't you see that?
01:00:07Because maybe I'm not a bitter has-been.
01:00:14Keep your old purse, though.
01:00:16You two deserve each other.
01:00:27Maybe the chance to change your life
01:00:30only comes when you're ready.
01:00:34It comes around once or twice.
01:00:39What was it Dan said?
01:00:41You have to go all in.
01:00:50How much did you want to take out?
01:00:52Five thousand, please.
01:00:55That's quite a lot.
01:00:58Chantal, you stay.
01:01:03Sign here, please.
01:01:19Is it enough?
01:01:26Is it enough?
01:01:28Get your music back.
01:01:44You'll be okay here.
01:01:47I'll be back soon, okay?
01:02:24It's Dan.
01:02:25They have a message.
01:02:27It's me.
01:02:30Just checking everything's okay.
01:02:34Talk soon.
01:02:44What did they do to him?
01:02:46What did they do to him?
01:02:49Where's Betty?
01:02:50Where are you?
01:02:53I'm going to get her, okay?
01:03:07She was screaming.
01:03:08She's dying.
01:03:10Where's the nurse?
01:03:11Where's Dan?
01:03:13I'll try him again.
01:03:14I just knew from the second I met him, he's one of those guys you cannot trust a single word they say.
01:03:21Everything is some sort of scam.
01:03:22Oh, yeah.
01:03:23Because no one could actually be attracted to me.
01:03:26It has to be some criminal operation.
01:03:28I just mean some guys will say anything to get what they want.
01:03:31Oh, yeah.
01:03:32And if they can't get it from you, they'll come to your weird sister.
01:03:36No one thinks you're weird, Emma.
01:03:38Everyone does.
01:03:39Oh, okay.
01:03:40And that's my fault.
01:03:41It's nothing to do with you dressing like a medieval bin bag.
01:03:46Do you know what it's like growing up next to you?
01:03:48Do you know what it's like to be the one in the way?
01:03:51The one people want to get past to get to your sister.
01:03:54Just so I know, are you going to spend the rest of your life blaming me for your problems?
01:03:59You won't have to see me for long.
01:04:01And I hope you have a nice fucking life.
01:04:04I'm sorry.
01:04:05God, I'm here.
01:04:07I'm here.
01:04:08I'm here.
01:04:11You're not Betty.
01:04:14You're the little one from next door.
01:04:17That's the other one.
01:04:23Why are you calling yourself Betty?
01:04:27She's been dead these 20 years.
01:04:31We didn't see each other for 10 before that.
01:04:42She was my sister.
01:04:46My sister, you see.
01:04:51Thick as thieves we were growing up.
01:04:55Thick as thieves.
01:05:08That's what mom always said about us.
01:05:11That we were thick as thieves.
01:05:13What happened?
01:05:15This whole summer it's like we actually hate each other.
01:05:21I feel like I've made things hard for you.
01:05:27You're right what you said.
01:05:30I get jealous.
01:05:34You've got your jokes and your stories and your whole Emma thing.
01:05:42People only like me for how I look.
01:05:46You think I don't know that?
01:05:50We drifted apart and I'm sorry.
01:06:11I'm sorry.
01:06:41I've been really bad.
01:06:46No Shanta, listen to me.
01:06:57I took your money.
01:07:02Your savings.
01:07:04I took them.
01:07:08Dan needed money for this company guy.
01:07:12You gave it to him?
01:07:15All of it?
01:07:16Just as a loan.
01:07:18Just until he sold the house.
01:07:22I'm gonna get it back, okay?
01:07:26I just need to get through to him.
01:07:29Everything's gonna be okay.
01:07:31Don't touch me.
01:07:43It's Dan.
01:07:44Leave a message.
01:08:05I love you.
01:08:31When we were little,
01:08:33me and Chantal felt like we were the same person.
01:08:38Thick as thieves.
01:08:42I was never going to be her.
01:08:47But I would always be her sister.
01:08:53For the first time in a long time,
01:08:56that means something to me.
01:08:59I want to be Chantal's sister again.
01:09:04I want to be Chantal's sister again.
01:09:24Hey, my girl.
01:09:27I need a favor.
01:09:30Is it possible I could get an advance on my pay?
01:09:34How much advance?
01:09:37Five thousand.
01:09:39I promise I'll work till I earn it.
01:09:42I don't have this kind of money.
01:09:45When you asked for a favor, I thought maybe you mean day off.
01:09:49Tomorrow is results, yes?
01:09:52I thought maybe you want to party party or something like this, you know?
01:09:56I forgot all about that.
01:10:00Hi, is this Laura Jane?
01:10:01Hey, it's Emma Callahan.
01:10:03Oh, from the picture?
01:10:04Yes, from the picture.
01:10:06Hi, is this Ryan?
01:10:08I'm having a surprise party tomorrow night for Chantal.
01:10:10And I was wondering if you and your friends wanted to come?
01:10:13A party? Totally, that sounds like fun.
01:10:15She'd love to see you too.
01:10:16Cool, sounds handy.
01:10:17Yeah, tomorrow night.
01:10:19Okay, perfect. I'll see you then.
01:10:42Party tonight, free beer.
01:10:45Emma, did you hear about Gary?
01:10:47I got eight A1s, maximum points.
01:10:49Gary's here?
01:10:50No, I just heard.
01:10:52Is this for the party?
01:10:53They look great.
01:10:54Hey, would you guys know a mixologist or a DJ?
01:10:58My French exchange, Brice. He makes the best Negroni.
01:11:01My sister's friend's ex-boyfriend knows this amazing DJ, DJ Anna.
01:11:07Thank you so, so much.
01:11:08No props.
01:11:09Jump in there, bro.
01:11:13You're invited, obviously.
01:11:14I don't think she'd want me there, to be honest.
01:11:16Don't think she'll want anyone there.
01:11:18How's she getting on?
01:11:21I did something really bad.
01:11:22How bad?
01:11:23You know, this is the only thing I can think to do to fix it.
01:11:26Show her a party, invite everyone she knows,
01:11:28so she'll temporarily forget that she hates me.
01:11:33Love makes us do crazy things, like...
01:11:36Wait, what is this? This sounds familiar.
01:11:39It's like that.
01:11:41Me and Gary did a bit of jamming.
01:11:43This is desecrated viscera?
01:11:45It's not actually called that anymore.
01:11:47What's it called?
01:11:49It's called the, um...
01:11:53Hang on.
01:11:54This is my bit.
01:11:57Didn't notice that the lights had changed
01:12:01Makes no difference to you anyway
01:12:06I'm always hoping but the world just stays the same
01:12:17He's here.
01:12:18That's right.
01:12:20Are you sure?
01:12:21You're gonna have enough time to set everything up?
01:12:23She's at the doctor's.
01:12:24Won't be back till later.
01:12:29You've talked to Gary.
01:12:31Do you think there's any point to me asking him to come?
01:12:34Ah yeah, why not?
01:12:36He's not leaving till tomorrow morning, is there?
01:12:39He's leaving?
01:12:40Yeah, he's gone to college.
01:12:47Am I saying that right?
01:13:02Sorry Mr. Collins, I didn't mean to bother you.
01:13:04Is Gary there?
01:13:05He doesn't want to see you.
01:13:06Just for a minute?
01:13:11You see, we had this party but...
01:13:13No, no, no, no.
01:13:14But it got cancelled.
01:13:15It's back on now.
01:13:17Listen to me.
01:13:18It's over.
01:13:19Gary has made his decision.
01:13:21He's leaving for Matterson in the morning.
01:13:24He is ready to be an adult.
01:13:26When clearly, you are not.
01:13:31He's going to Matterson.
01:13:35He's going to Matterson.
01:13:37You hear me?
01:13:52Where have you been?
01:13:54You look like you got kidnapped by the Gap.
01:13:57Yeah, I had this interview.
01:13:59Yeah, um...
01:14:02I heard you're going to Matterson.
01:14:04In the morning.
01:14:07You're really going to go?
01:14:10Why would I stay?
01:14:19I was...
01:14:20I was telling Steve that the party's back on.
01:14:24Sort of a way for me to say sorry to Chantal.
01:14:27Fuck her over too?
01:14:32Yeah, I suppose I did.
01:14:36I'm sorry.
01:14:39I need to get back, okay?
01:14:40I've packing and stuff today.
01:14:42Yeah, of course.
01:14:47I'll miss you.
01:14:51I'll miss the person you used to be.
01:14:55If I see her, I'll tell her.
01:14:59Because I know she was pretty crazy about you.
01:15:06I'd better go.
01:15:09Have a good night.
01:15:11I have a guy delivering 20 pizzas, so...
01:15:18I liked your song.
01:15:23Sounded like it came from the heart.
01:15:47Oh, I got you a costume.
01:15:50Yeah, I got you this.
01:15:52Good day, ladies and gents.
01:15:54Can I help you?
01:15:55Are you taking my turntables?
01:15:57You're a DJ animal.
01:16:10What are you dying for?
01:16:13And that's all we know.
01:16:17Consider the time of an apology
01:16:22For what's forgiven
01:16:27Though it's a guaranteed victory
01:16:31And time will show
01:16:36I was waiting just by your side
01:16:40We could keep it in focus
01:16:45It wasn't a twist to leave you undecided
01:16:49And that's all we'll be
01:16:55Great party.
01:16:57Any sign of Chantal yet?
01:17:00You don't think she found out and is avoiding it, do you?
01:17:03I can't hear you.
01:17:05Hey, Emma.
01:17:06There's someone upstairs looking for you.
01:17:08Says he's in a band with you.
01:17:19It's been a while.
01:17:21What are you doing here?
01:17:23Just listen.
01:17:24I'm sorry for disappearing.
01:17:27And the truth is I was in trouble.
01:17:29I was in serious trouble with some very dangerous men.
01:17:34And you gave them Chantal's money?
01:17:37The record company?
01:17:38It was just a lie?
01:17:41It's what I wanted.
01:17:42More than anything, it's what I still want.
01:17:45Everything's different now.
01:17:48The house is sold.
01:17:49We can get away from here.
01:17:51And those people holding you back.
01:17:53All of them.
01:17:54For real this time.
01:17:57You and me.
01:17:58We're the same.
01:18:03We're not the same.
01:18:06You need to get out.
01:18:09No, fucking go now.
01:18:13Who's Alan?
01:18:16Who's Alan?
01:18:28Oh, so this is Alan.
01:18:29You're out.
01:18:30You're out.
01:18:33Peace and love, bro.
01:18:39And don't come back.
01:18:42I wouldn't want to come back.
01:18:46I thought you were different.
01:18:50You're just the same as all the fucking police.
01:19:03He's wrong about that.
01:19:06I thought you weren't coming back.
01:19:11What's all this?
01:19:13It's the party that you wanted.
01:19:16I know it's stupid.
01:19:17And I know it doesn't make things any better, but...
01:19:20It's all I could think to do.
01:19:25Look, I know you hate me now.
01:19:31But do you think someday we could be okay?
01:19:33I lost the person that meant the most to me.
01:19:36And I'm so, so sorry.
01:19:39I don't hate you.
01:19:42You made a mistake.
01:19:45A big one.
01:19:49But you're still my beautiful, amazing sister.
01:19:55I just don't know why you can't see the person that I see.
01:20:03Maybe it's because you always have this fucking hair in your face.
01:20:12Come on.
01:20:14Let's go inside and check out this party.
01:20:54So did you guys hear anything, sir?
01:20:56We all got love.
01:20:57Oh, my God, that's awesome.
01:20:58That's amazing.
01:20:59We're going to start our own firm.
01:21:01Ruthless, fucking, and bitch.
01:21:03And you're going to be our first client.
01:21:05Have you made a claim for your injury?
01:21:07Are you serious?
01:21:08Hottie with a boo-boo?
01:21:09You're probably due, like, 20 grand.
01:21:13Oh, my God, guys.
01:21:14How hot is the breeze?
01:21:17It's the best party ever.
01:21:19It's pretty great.
01:21:32So, I, um, told Steve I'm not going to go to Madison.
01:21:40I wanted to tell you something.
01:21:43You know that song, Death's Creative History?
01:21:49It's actually about you.
01:21:52See, for such a long time, I've, uh, had these...
01:22:17Hey, guys.
01:22:19You ready to play?
01:22:22Isn't your band playing?
01:22:25Who wants to hear Yeast Infections?
01:22:28Let's go!
01:22:58Is that Emma's band?
01:23:18Keep driving.
01:23:20Keep driving.
01:23:28Keep driving.
01:23:29Keep driving.
01:23:30Keep driving.
01:23:31Keep driving.
01:23:32Keep driving.
01:23:33Keep driving.
01:23:34Keep driving.
01:23:35Keep driving.
01:23:36Keep driving.
01:23:37Keep driving.
01:23:38Keep driving.
01:23:39Keep driving.
01:23:40Keep driving.
01:23:41Keep driving.
01:23:42Keep driving.
01:23:43Keep driving.
01:23:44Keep driving.
01:23:45Keep driving.
01:23:46Keep driving.
01:23:47Keep driving.
01:23:48Keep driving.
01:23:49Keep driving.
01:23:50Keep driving.
01:23:51Keep driving.
01:23:52Keep driving.
01:23:53Keep driving.
01:23:54Keep driving.
01:23:55Keep driving.
01:23:56Keep driving.
