FFG Chronicles Xbox Goes Green

  • 2 months ago
Family Friendly Gaming (https://www.familyfriendlygaming.com/) is pleased to share this video for FFG Chronicles Xbox Goes Green. #ffg #video #funny #wow #cool #amazing #family #friendly #gaming #love #cute

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00:00Paul Burry, Founder of Family Gaming, this is MG Chronicles on Xbox Goes Green!
00:20Okay so I don't know if you heard, but there was this announcement from Microsoft that
00:24they were going to go green.
00:27And I was like, I had to read it a couple of times and I was like, uh, what?
00:31So in essence what they've done is they've changed the default to the Xbox Series X,
00:36I believe it is, I don't know if it impacts the Xbox One or not, to it will now turn off.
00:43Now there are a lot of people like, no, I don't want gaming to go woke, I don't want
00:50all this radical leftism in my video game stuff.
00:54And I understand the concern, I really do.
01:00However, I always turn my machines completely off.
01:05I don't understand the, I don't want to turn it completely off, and the other thing is,
01:11you can go into the default and fix this, so what are you really complaining about?
01:16Like, I have to go into default and change this, then go do it real quick and you're
01:21I mean it doesn't take that long to go do stuff like that.
01:23Personally, like I said, I completely turn my systems off.
01:26So I'm done playing the Xbox Series X, I turn it off.
01:30All the way off.
01:31Completely off.
01:33But then I guess that's because I'm a conservative and I'm conserving.
01:38Like, I can understand that some people are like, I'm a conservative and I hate this.
01:42Well, I understand the whole, you know, oh Microsoft's going woke and this is horrible
01:46and this is, you know, they're just not paying attention to people and everything.
01:50And all the hullabaloo and controversy and divisiveness over climate change and all the
01:58things they've tried to implement and the attacks they've done on people and cancel
02:01culture and all that.
02:02I get that.
02:03I do.
02:05But to me, just turning your system completely off is not really a bad thing.
02:11You know?
02:12You're saving yourself a little electricity, you're saving your system.
02:16The thing with this, if you want your system on all the time, it's going to break faster.
02:21Just by the nature of it being on constantly.
02:24So you turn it off.
02:25Like I said, we always turn all of our systems completely off.
02:27So like I said, I got no issue with this.
02:30I'm not really sure how this is going green because it's kind of like, we watch this one
02:33movie and they're like, you need to only wash your clothes in the middle of the night.
02:37It'll save the polar bears.
02:38And I was like, how?
02:40How will this save polar bears?
02:41Because it will.
02:43They never could explain it to me.
02:45Well, you know, it's less electricity.
02:48So what, the polar bears don't use electricity?
02:51So again, I'm not sure how this is helping them.
02:53Well, you know, no, I don't.
02:57I don't.
02:58I mean, I understand we have a bunch of wind turbines and birds are flying into them and
03:02So I mean, how is that exactly saving nature?
03:06I'm kind of confused, kind of lost, but I obviously don't know.
03:12So yeah, that's why I ask questions.
03:15That's what actually real true scientists do is they ask questions and then you run
03:20theories and you test them based on what you find out from the evidence.
03:25So that's kind of my thoughts on Microsoft going green.
03:32I always thought of, you know, when people go green, it's like they're getting sick.
03:39Their faces are all green because they're nauseous.
03:42So that's just me anyway.
04:09Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,