Movie Dishonored Lady (1947)

  • 3 months ago
Dishonored Lady (also known as Sins of Madeleine) is a 1947 American crime film directed by Robert Stevenson and starring Hedy Lamarr, Dennis O'Keefe and John Loder. It is based on the 1930 play Dishonored Lady by Edward Sheldon and Margaret Ayer Barnes. Lamarr and Loder were married when they made the film, but they later divorced in 1947.


00:01:10Anything doing?
00:01:11Not a thing.
00:01:12You know, it's getting me down eating in these hamburger joints.
00:01:15One thing you gotta learn, eat where the truck driver's eating.
00:01:17You know the right spot.
00:01:19Say, I saw a funny thing up the road just now.
00:01:21Good-looking dame sitting in a car all alone.
00:01:23Yeah? What was she doing?
00:01:25That's just it. She wasn't doing nothing, just sitting there.
00:01:27I got a rule about women.
00:01:28If they ain't breaking the law, let them alone.
00:01:47I didn't mean to disturb you, miss.
00:01:49Just wanted to be sure everything was okay.
00:01:53Excuse me, lady, but are you sure you're all right?
00:02:38Come on.
00:03:02How is she?
00:03:03Lovelier than she deserves.
00:03:05I just checked on her up the road.
00:03:06She was acting kind of strange then.
00:03:08I'd better call that ambulance.
00:03:10I doubt if it's serious, and I'm as good a doctor as you'll find at this time of night.
00:03:14Let's take her inside.
00:03:23Well, no bones broken.
00:03:25Bruises, that's all.
00:03:27I think you'd better rest here for the night.
00:03:30I'm a little surprised.
00:03:32You're a beautiful young woman.
00:03:34You've been in an accident, and you haven't asked for a mirror.
00:03:38Perhaps that fits with the way you were driving tonight.
00:03:41Perhaps you find the idea of living not very attractive.
00:03:44Is that any of your business, doctor?
00:03:46As a matter of fact, it is my business.
00:03:49I happen to be a psychiatrist.
00:03:52I don't need a psychiatrist.
00:03:54You won't mind if I disagree with you.
00:03:57Here's a beautiful young woman, apparently well-to-do,
00:04:00apparently in good physical condition,
00:04:02who just doesn't care what happens to her.
00:04:04This is interesting.
00:04:06Not altogether unusual, but interesting.
00:04:09Of course, there are the obvious deductions.
00:04:11It's my life, doctor, and I prefer to run it myself.
00:04:14And you don't want anyone to see inside it.
00:04:16Perhaps you don't even want to take a look yourself.
00:04:19Many women haven't the courage to face themselves,
00:04:22so they look for escape in one excitement after another.
00:04:25Half my patients are like that.
00:04:26But I'm not one of your patients.
00:04:29If you tell me how much I owe you,
00:04:31I'll be going back to town now.
00:04:34Very well.
00:04:35I'll drive you to the station.
00:04:52Miss Damien, you're an intelligent woman, not an idiot.
00:04:56Will you promise me one thing?
00:04:58When you get ready to throw yourself off Brooklyn Bridge,
00:05:01will you come and see me first?
00:05:07Goodbye, doctor.
00:05:56Just what is our trouble?
00:05:57That's what I want to know.
00:05:58Our trouble is Miss Damien.
00:06:00Miss Damien again.
00:06:01She's as pretty as a picture and as stubborn as a mule.
00:06:04But this time there's a lot more involved than just her name.
00:06:15Come in, Miss Damien.
00:06:16We were just ripping you up back a little bit.
00:06:18So I gathered.
00:06:19There's nothing personal. It's about Mr. Cortland.
00:06:22Oh, yes. He runs a jewelry store.
00:06:24He owns Cortland & Company.
00:06:26London, Paris, Fifth Avenue.
00:06:28You may remember him as one of our biggest advertisers.
00:06:30Oh, what Shirley wants to say...
00:06:32I know what Shirley wants to say.
00:06:33I always know what Shirley wants to say.
00:06:35He wants to know why I killed the art layout
00:06:37on Mr. Cortland's famous jewels.
00:06:39And I understand the April number goes to press without it.
00:06:42That's right. In the first place, it's no art layout.
00:06:44It's a press agent's dream.
00:06:46But the result is we stand a good chance
00:06:48of losing the Cortland account.
00:06:50Now, am I running my department or am I not?
00:06:53I haven't said anything, Miss Damien.
00:06:55Well, I had a talk with Cortland,
00:06:57and he was decidedly acid about it.
00:06:59I'm not interested in Cortland.
00:07:01But if this magazine is going to submit to advertisers,
00:07:03blackmail, I'd like to know about it.
00:07:05Now, please, Miss Damien.
00:07:06If that's the policy, Mr. Cranish,
00:07:08you better get someone else to take my place.
00:07:10Please, Miss Damien, just a moment.
00:07:11Gentlemen, if you don't mind, I'll talk to you later.
00:07:16I thought I should bring this to your attention.
00:07:18You can't blame us for trying it.
00:07:19No, no, no. Of course not. No harm done, gentlemen.
00:07:22Madeline, you've got yourself all worked up.
00:07:25Come, sit down.
00:07:27I'll get you a drink.
00:07:29No, thanks. I don't want one.
00:07:34What is this private blackmail of yours?
00:07:36Threatening to quit in order to win an argument?
00:07:38Oh, I'd just as soon quit. I mean it.
00:07:40Now, now, tell me. What's happened?
00:07:42You're all wound up. What's bothering you?
00:07:44Oh, nothing's bothering me.
00:07:46You know I don't want you to quit.
00:07:48I won't go into my personal feelings,
00:07:49but you are the best art editor we've ever had.
00:07:53How's the insomnia?
00:07:54Oh, I found some new sleeping pills.
00:07:56Red ones this time.
00:07:57Red pills to put you to sleep.
00:07:59White pills to wake you up.
00:08:00Doesn't sound very sensible, my dear.
00:08:02What are you doing this evening?
00:08:03Dining with Freddy Fancher.
00:08:05Oh, Freddy again.
00:08:07Oh, I couldn't get out of it, Victor.
00:08:08We're using some of his drawings next month.
00:08:11But it'll be the last time, I promise.
00:08:14Madeline, you're a bundle of lies.
00:08:17A very lovely bundle.
00:08:18Beautifully tied together.
00:08:20I'm trying to be honest, but you won't believe me, will you?
00:08:23No, my dear.
00:08:25Because I don't really think you believe yourself.
00:08:48Why do you have to go back to bed and bore Freddy Fancher?
00:08:51You haven't even given me a chance to make love to you.
00:08:54You've been doing all right.
00:08:56You know something?
00:08:58It's awfully hard making love to a woman who makes more money than I do.
00:09:01It'd be much easier if you made love to me.
00:09:04Would it?
00:09:06You're trying to give me the brush off, are you?
00:09:09Well, finally we understand each other.
00:09:12Well, there you are, Freddy.
00:09:14There's your girl and no bones broken.
00:09:16I'll see you at the office, Madeline.
00:09:19I'd join you if somebody asked me.
00:09:21Nobody's asking you.
00:09:23Fair enough.
00:09:26Why do you have to dance with that pollywog?
00:09:29Look, I've told you not to drink.
00:09:31I always drink, particularly when I'm with you.
00:09:34Oh, am I that hard to take sober?
00:09:37You're a voluptuous pain in the neck.
00:09:41I'm going home.
00:09:43You're not going to walk out on me?
00:09:45Come on, be yourself.
00:09:47I've told you I'm going to leave early.
00:09:49But you can't leave me just sitting here in the snow.
00:09:51I'm mad about you.
00:09:53In my own foul way.
00:09:55Good night, Freddy.
00:10:07Any chance of getting a cab, Jim?
00:10:09I'll try, Miss Damien.
00:10:10Oh, Miss Damien, here's someone I know you're anxious to meet.
00:10:13Mr. Felix Cortland, one of our most prominent advertisers.
00:10:17How do you do, Miss Damien?
00:10:19How do you do?
00:10:21Mr. Garrett is the soul of Peck, don't you think?
00:10:24He's just been telling me all about you.
00:10:26Oh, I hope he wasn't that blunt.
00:10:28Oh, you needn't worry.
00:10:29I always form my own conclusions.
00:10:32Can I give you a lift anywhere?
00:10:33My car's just outside.
00:10:35No, thank you.
00:10:37No, thank you.
00:10:38They're getting me a cab.
00:10:40Oh, I'm very sorry.
00:10:46I'm sorry, Miss Damien.
00:10:47There isn't a cab around.
00:10:48Oh, how long do you think it'll be?
00:10:50That's hard to say.
00:10:59Are you sure you don't want a lift?
00:11:02Well, there doesn't seem to be any alternative.
00:11:08Good night, Mr. Garrett.
00:11:12Good night, Mr. Cortland.
00:11:20I wasn't very polite, was I?
00:11:22Neither was Garrett, for that matter.
00:11:24Oh, he always enjoys uncomfortable situations.
00:11:27Do you still feel uncomfortable?
00:11:31Frankly, I don't.
00:11:33Good, nor do I.
00:11:34You know, you're not at all what I imagined.
00:11:38The big international jeweler.
00:11:41I happen to inherit a business that runs itself very nicely.
00:11:44As a matter of fact, you don't look like an art editor.
00:11:47More like a work of art.
00:11:50That layout on your jewels is still a wretched piece of copy.
00:11:54I can only admire your good taste.
00:11:56And I'm still not going to...
00:11:57I wouldn't try and persuade you for the world.
00:12:01Mr. Cortland, I think you're a very dangerous man.
00:12:04I only wish it were so.
00:12:06The truth is, I'm a very ordinary one.
00:12:17Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to give you my address.
00:12:19It's my fault, I forgot to ask you.
00:12:21Won't you come in for a minute?
00:12:22No, I don't think so.
00:12:24Oh, but you really must see those jewels you've been insulting.
00:12:26They're much handsomer than the vodacrass.
00:12:29I'll need you in about 15 minutes.
00:12:31But I said I wasn't coming in.
00:12:33Oh, yes, so you did.
00:12:55Let me take you around.
00:12:56Well, I'm only going to stay a minute here.
00:12:59Of course.
00:13:04What a wonderful room.
00:13:06I've had this place a long time.
00:13:08In fact, I'm pretty disgustingly rich.
00:13:10Don't you find that rather pleasant?
00:13:12Oh, it's not so hard to take once you get the hang of it.
00:13:15I think I know all the troubles that come with money.
00:13:19And all the pleasures.
00:13:22Well, have you got me all figured out?
00:13:24Only what I see here.
00:13:26Good books, fine pictures.
00:13:29I wonder if you ever look at them.
00:13:31Oh, but I do.
00:13:32I'm a lonely bachelor and I spend hours here
00:13:34all by myself poring over old manuscripts.
00:13:37You don't expect me to believe that, do you?
00:13:40Didn't my father paint that?
00:13:42Was Stephan Damien your father?
00:13:45That's very interesting.
00:13:48Is it?
00:13:49I remember when he came here to paint that picture of my mother.
00:13:51Everybody was fascinated by him, especially Mother.
00:13:54Father ended by chasing him out of the house.
00:13:56I'm afraid that's the way it usually ended.
00:13:59My father was very much in love with life.
00:14:02That's a Hungarian custom, isn't it?
00:14:05Not exclusively Hungarian.
00:14:07Weren't you going to show me your jewels?
00:14:09Oh, yes, of course.
00:14:11I'd quite forgotten.
00:14:13That's the reason we came in here, wasn't it?
00:14:20You ought to feel very flattered, Miss Damien.
00:14:22This safe is one of my darkest secrets.
00:14:25Do you really want to see those jewels?
00:14:27Not particularly.
00:14:29I can't tell a brilliant from a diamond.
00:14:32Not one person in a hundred can.
00:14:35But then, very few people are intelligent enough to admit it.
00:14:38Thank you.
00:14:39How about another drink?
00:14:41No, thanks.
00:14:47You know, you need relaxing.
00:14:49Lots of relaxing.
00:14:50I can hear your nerves snapping like rubber bands.
00:14:53I'm not nervous at all, see?
00:14:57You're a very curious mixture.
00:14:59A highly moral voice.
00:15:00That's not me, that's my mind.
00:15:02A man's mind, I'd say.
00:15:03Why not? I do a man's work.
00:15:05And desperate eyes.
00:15:07Eyes full of shadows.
00:15:10Insomnia does that.
00:15:13Does it?
00:15:23Miss Damien, give me her secretary.
00:15:28Miss Damien's office.
00:15:30No, Mr. Cortland, she's not here yet.
00:15:32Shall I have her call you?
00:15:34Yes, Mr. Cortland.
00:15:36Where's Glamour, of course?
00:15:37She hasn't come in yet.
00:15:38Well, who sent these?
00:15:40Mr. Felix Cortland.
00:15:42Mr. Cortland?
00:15:43That's very interesting.
00:15:45She never misses, does she?
00:15:48If I'd given it any thought, I could have predicted it.
00:15:52Gladys, I won my bet.
00:15:54She's got a new boyfriend.
00:15:56I guess those dames gotta have new excitement all the time.
00:15:59Yeah, here today, gone tomorrow.
00:16:02Personally, I don't see what she sees in it at all.
00:16:05Is that any concern of yours?
00:16:07No, Miss Damien.
00:16:08I didn't hire you to gossip about my private life.
00:16:11No, Miss Damien.
00:16:12Go get your money, you're through.
00:16:23Damien, come in yet?
00:16:25What's the matter, sweetheart?
00:16:27Miss Damien fired me.
00:16:29Fired you?
00:16:30What for?
00:16:31He heard me talking about Mr. Cortland.
00:16:33Cortland, eh?
00:16:34Don't you worry, baby.
00:16:35I'll fix that.
00:16:38I understand you fired June.
00:16:40That's right.
00:16:41What's the idea?
00:16:42I don't like people to gossip about me.
00:16:44You don't, eh?
00:16:45No, I don't.
00:16:46Well, it's pretty late to be thinking about a thing like that,
00:16:48and it's a rotten trick to take it out on your secretary.
00:16:50Get out of here.
00:16:51You don't think your life is a secret, do you?
00:16:53The boys were betting eight to five this morning
00:16:55that the Cortland layout would be in the next issue.
00:16:59You're disgusting.
00:17:00Madeline, why don't you get wise to yourself?
00:17:02Everybody else is.
00:17:03One romance after another, that's your whole life,
00:17:05and you adore it.
00:17:07Get out.
00:17:08You try to dress it up with pretty words,
00:17:09but you don't fool anybody.
00:17:10They know what you are, and you'll never change.
00:17:12Get out!
00:17:13You don't care because it's too much fun.
00:17:21It isn't true.
00:17:22It isn't true.
00:17:24It isn't true!
00:17:34I'm a little surprised.
00:17:35Here's a beautiful woman
00:17:37who just doesn't care what happens to her.
00:17:46Many women haven't the courage to face themselves,
00:17:49so they look for escape
00:17:50in one excitement after another.
00:18:01But you find the idea of living not very attractive.
00:18:07Lady, if you want to kill yourself,
00:18:08why don't you try the fridge?
00:18:16I'm glad I was right.
00:18:17An intelligent woman, not an idiot.
00:18:20Sit down.
00:18:25That's it.
00:18:28Now, if you feel like talking, just go ahead and talk.
00:18:34You're afraid, aren't you?
00:18:36Well, it's our job to find out why,
00:18:39to explore the shadows
00:18:40and throw light on what we find there.
00:18:43Then you'll be able to see yourself clearly
00:18:44and face yourself honestly.
00:18:46When you can do that,
00:18:48you won't be afraid anymore.
00:18:58I was living with my father.
00:19:01Mother had left him before we came to America.
00:19:05I was ten.
00:19:07And to me, the way he lived seemed romantic and wonderful.
00:19:15He was a successful painter.
00:19:17Women adored him.
00:19:20He went his own way and did what he pleased.
00:19:23Just as you've been trying to do?
00:19:26I suppose so.
00:19:28But why? It didn't make him so very happy?
00:19:30Oh, I was certain he was the happiest man in the world.
00:19:36Until he killed himself.
00:19:38And you couldn't understand why he did it?
00:19:40You understand now?
00:19:43I think I do.
00:19:45Did you ever do any painting yourself?
00:19:47I used to.
00:19:49Why'd you give it up?
00:19:51Oh, I didn't pay enough.
00:19:53And besides, I didn't want to be like my father.
00:19:55I wanted my own life.
00:19:57And have you been living your own life?
00:20:00Of course I have.
00:20:02The kind of life you really want?
00:20:04I don't know. I don't know!
00:20:06Don't you know?
00:20:07I don't know. I don't know!
00:20:09Don't you think you've been hiding from yourself?
00:20:12Did you ever try and discover the person you really were
00:20:14deep down underneath?
00:20:16I never cared to.
00:20:18I'm not so sure I do now.
00:20:21In that case, I'm afraid I can't help you.
00:20:26But of course, that's entirely up to you.
00:20:32Shall we go on then?
00:20:38I was doing what I wanted to do.
00:20:40Playing my own way and making my own rules.
00:20:44Nobody was hurt.
00:20:46Nobody but yourself.
00:20:48And it didn't really make you happy, did it?
00:20:50Wasn't that because down underneath
00:20:52you knew there was something missing?
00:20:54Something important?
00:20:57I suppose so.
00:20:59That would worry you, wouldn't it?
00:21:01And then you would drug yourself
00:21:03with the excitement of more excitement.
00:21:04Oh, I know the pattern, Miss Damien.
00:21:06You're suffering from a disease of the times.
00:21:08A neurotic malady
00:21:10as commonplace as chronic alcoholism.
00:21:13Suppose for a moment that you were an alcoholic.
00:21:15They're much the same, you know.
00:21:17Unsure of themselves underneath
00:21:19and seeking reassurance from new excitement.
00:21:22Instead of getting at the cause,
00:21:24the drunkard solves his problem
00:21:26by taking another drink.
00:21:28This, of course, is no solution.
00:21:30And eventually, we find him sprawled
00:21:32hopelessly at a bar,
00:21:34without the strength or even the desire
00:21:36to save himself.
00:21:38I can't go on with this.
00:21:40You're not helping me, you're insulting me.
00:21:42You've been insulting yourself, Miss Damien.
00:21:44Insulting your body and insulting your soul.
00:21:47Your life hasn't been gay and glamorous at all.
00:21:51It's just been muddled and senseless.
00:21:53You know that now.
00:21:55And if you really want to change it,
00:21:57you can start right away.
00:21:59Now it's up to you.
00:22:05You can have my apartment, Ethel.
00:22:07The rent's paid till the end of the month.
00:22:09Darling, I feel like a vulture
00:22:11wheeling over your head.
00:22:13I'm not in, whoever it is.
00:22:15Miss Damien's office.
00:22:17No, no, she still hasn't come in, Mr. Cawthon.
00:22:19Well, I don't know exactly.
00:22:21Later in the day I...
00:22:23Did he hang up?
00:22:29Let me call him back, darling.
00:22:31You may be sorry later.
00:22:32I've got a lot of paperwork,
00:22:34and these you may be able to use.
00:22:36But you haven't given me your new address.
00:22:38I'm not giving it to anyone.
00:22:40Hello, Madeline.
00:22:42Beautiful, would you mind popping out for a minute?
00:22:44That's just 60 seconds.
00:22:46You better talk fast.
00:22:48Madeline, I'm on a jam.
00:22:50I've got to raise some money.
00:22:52I need about $5,000.
00:22:54What do you expect me to do about it?
00:22:56Well, I thought you might talk to Cawthon.
00:22:58I'm sure he'll let you have it if you ask him nicely.
00:23:00You're really quite a rat, aren't you?
00:23:02Come on, that $5,000 doesn't mean a thing to Cawthon.
00:23:05You better get out of here before I lose my temper.
00:23:08You're forcing me to say things that I don't want to say,
00:23:10but if you're going to act cold and virtuous about it,
00:23:12you'll hear them.
00:23:14Suppose I tell Cranish.
00:23:16Tell him what?
00:23:18About Cawthon.
00:23:20You know, you've got a very nice job here,
00:23:22but you won't have it very long if I tell Cranish.
00:23:24I don't want to tell him, but...
00:23:27What's so funny?
00:23:29As a blackmailer, you're pitiful.
00:23:30Go on, tell him.
00:23:32Tell him what a rat I am, and you are, and he is.
00:23:34Go on, use my phone if you want,
00:23:36and my desk, and my office.
00:23:38I'm through with all of them.
00:23:49Boulevard Magazine.
00:23:51No, Miss Damien hasn't been back.
00:23:53Just a moment, please.
00:23:57I'm sorry, she doesn't work here.
00:23:58You might try at her home.
00:24:00Waldorf Apartments.
00:24:03Waldorf Apartments?
00:24:05Miss Damien?
00:24:07Oh, no, she gave up her apartment.
00:24:09Why don't you try the post office?
00:24:20Here, Richard Caleb, 137 West 50th Street.
00:24:25Well, I've nothing to do with it.
00:24:26Well, I've nothing to do except that Miss Damien
00:24:28has taken my advice as a doctor.
00:24:30She'd been living in an area of infection,
00:24:32and she's removed herself from it.
00:24:34I take it you consider me
00:24:36part of the general contamination.
00:24:38No, you've come here for information,
00:24:40not diagnosis.
00:24:42I usually charge a fee for insulting people.
00:24:44I'm willing to pay for data of any kind.
00:24:46Yes, I gather that.
00:24:48But I have nothing for sale.
00:24:51I suppose you're being very ethical,
00:24:53but I'd like to talk to Madeleine.
00:24:54In your presence, if you wish.
00:24:56Miss Damien is living under a different name
00:24:58in a different world.
00:25:00She told me to tell you, if you inquired,
00:25:02that she was busy growing a new soul.
00:25:04Now, would you please keep off the grass.
00:25:07Goodbye, Mr. Cortland.
00:25:09Goodbye, Doctor.
00:25:12Doesn't it ever worry you,
00:25:14playing the Almighty in this fashion?
00:25:16Not particularly.
00:25:18I'm used to it.
00:25:19I'm used to it.
00:25:42How's it look?
00:25:44It's better than torn wallpaper.
00:25:46So you think I've talent, then.
00:25:47a talent then you'll do better if you get the hang of it I only hope the new
00:25:50tenant will like it he seems awful particular he's
00:25:53a floor walker at Macy's well you can always give it back to me you'll never sell
00:25:57it you know take my advice and try something more cheerful you know like flowers
00:26:02and butterflies I'll do that thank you Mrs Geiger.
00:26:17Thanks you saved my life is this yours yes this is gargoyle scouting if you know I kept
00:26:29mice in my room well why do you keep mice in your room oh pathologist part of my homework
00:26:35I really shouldn't bring these fellows out of the lab but well I got kind of attached
00:26:37to this thanks again.
00:26:45Women are supposed to scream aren't you afraid of mine well no but next time I'll
00:26:57Good afternoon hello we're going all right I think.
00:27:07To. Come
00:27:20in. I'll. Say you're
00:27:25an artist aren't you well I don't know how much is going to said yesterday that you
00:27:30were using authority if I ever saw one I was wondering could you do
00:27:34a job for me. Want your portrait painted me know nothing like that I'm doing some
00:27:40research and it has to be illustrated. But you want me to draw. Nothing fancy just
00:27:46blood cells and things. Sounds fascinating oh it is really you see it's
00:27:53a lot like. Oh no no you'd be surprised it really is fascinating once you get in it
00:27:58or someone
00:27:58a fellowship and I couldn't pay very much and in fact I couldn't pay anything to the
00:28:03first of mine and they are all fine as well so I'll settle that I'll see my place
00:28:09but it's not all but I couldn't I oh sure you can I just live downstairs you know
00:28:15the mousetrap. Oh by the way my name is cousin.
00:28:21Mine is Dixon. But let me mistakes.
00:28:34Just what am I drawing and I'm not to find out. That's
00:28:38a very particular ceremony so tissue. So I want to know. That's quite good to
00:28:45get the lab with me in
00:28:46a morning it's about ready for the next one you realize it's twelve o'clock I haven't
00:28:51had my dinner yet and you haven't either. Oh gosh I'm sorry but I guess I got so
00:28:57wound up on this so did I but now I'm hungry. Tell you what let's do
00:29:03what we need that's
00:29:04a brilliant idea. I guess you could. Do
00:29:13you do this all the time only since I got out of the army I was lucky to get this
00:29:17job research now I've got to get it finished then what I'm going to go back to
00:29:22Oregon become the usual respectable small town doctor no my.
00:29:27No. No my. Head calls and belly aches five dollars
00:29:34a visit. Maybe you're like you get some rest oh I'll get plenty of rest all right
00:29:40but I don't think I'll like. You folks going out this time and I'm right we're
00:29:47a few friends at the busy be cafeteria we don't want to miss the floor show we'll
00:29:50have to hurry. He hasn't got much that's going to be.
00:29:58I got out of it first up in
00:29:59a little town in Germany while I was still in the army I met
00:30:02a couple of Russian medical officers who were working to take you in and they were
00:30:06pretty steamed up about it. We got together the first night over
00:30:10a bottle of vodka. I remember the town was still burning. Maybe it was
00:30:17the vodka but it's anyhow we got to talking about anti reticular and well I guess I
00:30:22got pretty excited you mean you speak Russian over
00:30:25a bottle of vodka anybody speak Russian there was
00:30:28a coffee no thanks I've met one place at any rate I promised myself that night
00:30:33that just as soon as the war was over I was going to do
00:30:36a job of this you haven't stopped to eat ever since that's an error I'm just about
00:30:41the rectify one dollar even. Thank you.
00:30:49Thank you. You were sure you've got everything you want oh yes thanks.
00:30:55I don't think you're much of
00:31:00a doctor you call this
00:31:01a sensible diet pancakes and pickles or scientifically there's two kinds of diets
00:31:06the kind of doctors prescribe and the stuff they eat themselves but you're always in
00:31:11a rush you can't make scientific discoveries that way sure you can take panic he
00:31:17saw some flies nibbling at
00:31:18a piece of pancreas figured out that there must be sugar and then one minute he had
00:31:21the idea for insulin you know you're
00:31:25a very lovely girl you're not being very scientific Oh but I am
00:31:32a very hard of science the truth let's talk about it and then
00:31:40and so.
00:32:12A man. Oh. Say did you buy these new manuscript covers
00:32:20yes I know I'm sure they're fine how much they cost nothing at all something like
00:32:25twenty cents nothing at all you know you can buy
00:32:28a pair of good mice for twenty cents David have some wonderful news I just saw the
00:32:33picture no fooling who bought it the floor walker downstairs he said it's almost as
00:32:38good as
00:32:38a photograph what man has great taste I think it's wonderful I'm proud of and I'm
00:32:45proud of myself to David Cousins on that he would take it Oh David it looks fine
00:32:53it's important isn't it I mean not just to you but really well it won't cure all
00:32:59the ills of man or beast but. Yes. Yes I think it may be
00:33:06important and I also think that I better hand it in before I start changing it
00:33:11again. Like to come along or could I was sure why not I think you've been drawing
00:33:17blood cells long enough time now for you to meet one of them face to face.
00:33:41I hope your text is as good as your illustrations I hope so too Sir.
00:33:56Well that's that you didn't tell him there were your drawings did you didn't tell him
00:34:01they were come on I'll show you my lab. Coffee I wouldn't try and drink it about
00:34:08you. Assistant pathologist.
00:34:17Well this is me how do you like it I think it's. How do you find anything in this
00:34:23place been here for six months and I haven't lost anything yet doesn't matter anyway
00:34:28the boss OK is my research I'll. Be out of here in
00:34:32a week. Back to Oregon yes back to work.
00:34:40All that way just to make
00:34:42a living. Is it as bad as all that. What's the use in kidding Madeline I'm so much
00:34:49in love with you I can't see straight I haven't done any work in here for days I just
00:34:53sit around waiting until I can see you. Because that's just what I do wait to see
00:34:59you. Darling. Darling I never felt like this about anyone before.
00:35:09Tell me when did you first know. When I first saw you I think me too I'll never
00:35:15forget you standing in that hall with
00:35:17a mouse in your hand. Only I didn't know then what was happening I thought I had
00:35:22the flu. Will you marry me. David.
00:35:32But when you.
00:35:37We don't know each other I mean you don't know me but I do of course I know you
00:35:45now what do you want to know about me David Cousins M.D.
00:35:47University of Oregon Captain Medical Corps Reserve young healthy and very much in
00:35:52love. With you man. Oh please don't ask me now I've got to ask you
00:36:00now I want to marry you now. Please give me time.
00:36:10I'd like to call. All right.
00:36:47A man.
00:37:12And. You haven't answered
00:37:16a rather important question. I can't say no. I wouldn't mean.
00:37:28Darling. David I do love you.
00:37:42Good night. Good night.
00:38:01And you better close the door.
00:38:03A gentleman I had provided me with your new
00:38:11address the proper keys. Suppose someone had seen you you wouldn't have cared would
00:38:18you I didn't think it mattered you see I expected to find you wretched and lonely
00:38:23grappling with your complexes rather naive of me. Will you please go of course I
00:38:29will go but before I do wouldn't you like to tell me about him why I'm in love now
00:38:36not if you want I don't feel like laughing I've always wondered if it were possible
00:38:42for people like you and me and you think you've really got it love eternal the
00:38:46fireside the slippers the whole thing yes the whole thing I'm very glad for you I
00:38:52think I'm
00:38:52a little sad for myself you haven't told him have you. Told him what well about
00:38:59about me for instance why should I tell him you're absolutely right you shouldn't
00:39:03men prefer to keep their illusions don't they please go. If you ever need me you
00:39:09let me know what you don't call the past too many names.
00:39:22I. Don't
00:39:37care what you say I'm going to marry him just as soon as it can be arranged you
00:39:40want to run away from your problem I'm not running away you know you're looking for
00:39:44security from someone else instead of building it within yourself but I love. I
00:39:49can't talk to you if you don't believe me falling in love doesn't cure everything
00:39:53overnight what do you mean let's be honest there's
00:39:57a side of you that hasn't fully changed isn't that true. That
00:40:03is true isn't.
00:40:04It. Have
00:40:16you still not told David about yourself I couldn't tell him you let him fall in love
00:40:20with an illusion with someone who doesn't exist I could never tell him I stopped
00:40:25loving me isn't that
00:40:27a risk you'll have to take you're being very careless about it you can't build
00:40:31a lifetime relationship on
00:40:32a lie if you're really in love you'll tell him with the others it was different but
00:40:37if you love him will you please stop saying it how many times must I tell you I
00:40:41love him but real love is
00:40:42a sharing if you're strong enough to face this yourself you're strong enough to face
00:40:47it with David. I can't do it I can't risk the only happiness I've ever had that's
00:40:54up to you.
00:41:10I. Don't tell me you're home early and. Well I didn't find that to me.
00:41:18Dr Lutz read my paper. Well he. He liked it.
00:41:25The only trouble is he thinks it's so important he wants me to go to Chicago and
00:41:28read it before the convention. David's not my idea I don't want to go when we have
00:41:33to leave tonight to catch the eight o'clock plane and when you come back a few
00:41:39days but I'll tell you what soon as I get back let's get married you can get
00:41:44a license in three days and only take fifteen minutes to get married. Still want
00:41:49to marry me don't you. More than anything in the world.
00:42:04You know I'm going to feel kind of silly at that convention because it's
00:42:07a great honor and all that but you realize that I'll be talking before some of the
00:42:11biggest men in the field.
00:42:14What's my darling. Nothing. I was just thinking how I'd feel if you didn't love me
00:42:20I don't be silly and
00:42:22a chance to say this could you ever stop loving me that's really
00:42:25a gruesome thought of course not even even if there was
00:42:28a reason the world is bothering you. I just wanted to be sure sure about what
00:42:35that you love me and not the illusion you built up about me scientists can't believe
00:42:41in illusions I believe in you the best thing that's ever happened to me or should
00:42:45someone if that'll be enough of the thing if it'll have to be that's all I've got
00:42:49socks. Just about does it. Madeline.
00:42:59Was there something special on your mind something that you wanted to tell me.
00:43:05Just that I love you.
00:43:23Write me every day every day I hope you miss me I hope you suffer like
00:43:27a maniac I will I promise. You know I'm going to be jealous.
00:43:35Nobody everybody just jealous. I belong to you don't you know that I'm only
00:43:40alive because you love me we'll be married the minute I get back. Well look who's
00:43:47here if it isn't Madeline. How are you it's been
00:43:51a long time David this is Mr Garrett I used to work with him on
00:43:55a magazine. I quit the record though perhaps the record with me there is doing some
00:44:00confidential work for me now how are you Mr.
00:44:05This is Mr Coughlin David Dr Cousins my fiance you're
00:44:09a very lucky man doctor I think so. Well I'm going to stick to my
00:44:15congratulations to you both thank you good night good night.
00:44:23I don't believe a minute of it do you get it you're
00:44:25a very cynical man you don't believe in true love you don't think Madeline does
00:44:29either do you I don't know but I've always been fascinated by miracles.
00:44:32And. Come in.
00:44:40Telegram few mistakes and. I thought I'd bring it up myself I thought it might be
00:44:46important that news. He won't be back till Friday that's
00:44:53meant for you you never can count on them oh I forgot a doctor somebody called you
00:44:58said you were to call Miss Ethel Royce she's been trying to get in touch with you
00:45:01friend of yours. Yes. I suppose you got your own reasons but you want to get out
00:45:07and see your friends that are sitting in this room all day and all night thanks
00:45:10Mrs Geiger. None of my business mind you.
00:45:27A thought this is Madeline. Madeline. But this is really
00:45:33a voice from the dead I picked it that doctor of yours for hours I just have to talk
00:45:37to you. Well what about when you remember that our supplement the one you saw
00:45:42well I do need your help the I'm
00:45:44an awful man sorry dear I'll never come into that office again as long as I live
00:45:49oh I wouldn't ask you to do that just meet me somewhere it'll only take
00:45:53an hour I promise. Well if it's just the two of us.
00:46:00All right I'll be there. So relieved we were really desperate wonderful I'm just
00:46:06dying to see you by the year she'll do it good wonderful thing professional
00:46:11pride of never die out you sound awful when you say too bad Victor I don't want
00:46:18you to be there wouldn't think of spoiling your reunion my dear. I don't trust
00:46:22Madeline doctor or no doctor so you are to my three.
00:46:26You. Know
00:46:34what they do that is the fact that you can.
00:46:44Hello Luigi is this right here she just came in this day we've missed you Miss
00:46:48David have you been away but it's nice to be back to the same hello I thought you
00:46:54look wonderful and it's
00:46:56a pale but so interesting you know I can't stay very long I understand you will get
00:47:01right to work usually well I don't know you'd better wait to see the mess I'm in
00:47:07a supplement all right now. I'm just dying to hear what you've been up to you must
00:47:13tell me. That there's nothing to tell come on let's go to work.
00:47:18And. You're just
00:47:24a moment my dear you made the whole project seem utterly simple and practical. Not
00:47:29for me darling you used to be able to drink ten in a row I'm out of training no one
00:47:35would know it might be a you can just like the old man and again it's
00:47:38a surrounding what is that we have to go to a show. I've got to stay.
00:47:44Madeline my dear this is
00:47:46a surprise. What good fortune running into you like this you might. Be making the
00:47:53date with you it's true but I'll deny it frankly I want to have
00:47:57a look at you you look very dashing for
00:47:59a hermit thank you we've all missed you desperately and we have. A little heart
00:48:04with great. What about a drink your old boss. Whatever it is I've got all the data
00:48:10we need on the supplement good what about the data on Madeline no data if you'll
00:48:16excuse me I'm you can't go now look who you're running into.
00:48:24He's been you. Get it no longer great stuff. Got to be up to make
00:48:30a mistake say nothing of
00:48:32a slight discrepancy in his accounts Mr Garrett believes that the world owes him
00:48:36a gay life no matter who pays for it well hello stranger how are you.
00:48:41Nobody here seems particularly glad to see me should we be. Well.
00:48:52There goes one reason for my ivory tower. Darling I'm constantly running into men
00:48:58who adore you. I know what you're thinking I had
00:49:04an odd way of expressing my disdain not our darling shall we say just.
00:49:19May I speak with Gordon please just
00:49:21a moment Sir. Just
00:49:28a minute.
00:49:40And. Mr
00:49:49Garrett on the phone Sir. All right.
00:49:55Hello Garrett. I have some interesting news you know who's here.
00:50:03I'll consider it of you to call by the way I've just been through the stones in my
00:50:07safe and one's missing. But you're the only person who knows about my
00:50:12safe and the fact is you didn't have my keys for quite
00:50:15a while. Are you getting it only that I don't like thieves. But you're being
00:50:21ridiculous let me come over and talk about it there's nothing to talk about I'm
00:50:24taking it up with
00:50:25the police but Gordon you can't do that.
00:50:41Mr Garrett again so tell him I've gone out I'm sorry Mr Cortland has just left.
00:50:55I don't. Know I'm not going to disappear again. Back to my tree top it's raining
00:51:02let me try to. Know if I wouldn't approve good luck my day on your tree top.
00:51:14Let's face it she's
00:51:15a changed woman she'll never change darling just got to stop a new set of words
00:51:20that's all.
00:51:35Madeline. I've been.
00:51:41I'm waiting for. To be silly there are no cabs you get drenched me I'll drop you
00:51:46off I'm going home. Come on in you get.
00:51:58I hope you didn't get too wet. Your concern is touching
00:52:05quite a coincidence finding you in the rain. I can't lie to you especially when
00:52:11there's no point to it I was informed you were playing hooky.
00:52:15You're detestable I'm not detestable at all I happen to be very fond of beauty.
00:52:22Which shouldn't be
00:52:22a crime in your eyes please no debate. I'm a little dizzy a good dinner will soon
00:52:29take care of that. You always. You know I despise you
00:52:36and everything you stand for there's always a chance I may be able to improve your
00:52:40opinion and your manners. You know you're very
00:52:47lovely please don't bother. I'm not listening.
00:53:03Don't you remember you visited here once upon
00:53:05a time. You said you were taking me home you forgot to mention the subject
00:53:10a significant omission as your friend Freud would say come on I'm getting so.
00:53:16That's not. I'm going home right after dinner think how wonderful you feel when
00:53:22you slap my face.
00:53:29That'll take the chill out of your bones and maybe even your heart. Cold. Quite
00:53:35warm in here. Very warm light.
00:53:42Now I'm not really detestable am I. Now. I am why.
00:53:51In this rain you must even think of it you see you are. And you've been very
00:53:55annoying for months Madeline we belong together you know no I don't know of course
00:54:01you do we feel the same way about making sense Mr Court why make sense doesn't this
00:54:06make more sense than talking and. Then what would you call it.
00:54:12Madeline you're wonderful you're sweet of him.
00:54:18I'm going to see how it is.
00:54:31A reason.
00:54:57But I tell you I'm going to raise the money I'll pay you honestly I don't like
00:55:00dealing with thieves that's
00:55:01a job for the police you swear out of war and you'll never get
00:55:03a dime but I didn't sell it I just had some money temporarily here's the point I'm
00:55:06not interested in on tickets good night but you've got to give me
00:55:09a good night.
00:55:10And. You've
00:55:28got to let me talk to you let me explain this you stupid fool. Have
00:55:34a stone back I'll get it to you I promise I will all I need is
00:55:37a little more time a couple of weeks what are you doing the police can't do that I'm
00:55:41not going to let you ruin.
00:56:07Your. You're looking very lovely this morning with
00:56:22a guy you want to thank you back and don't write it that's what I like to show you
00:56:25welcome home. I haven't been here this morning.
00:56:32Who is it.
00:56:52Couldn't wait till Friday I just said my little piece and ran out on them I needed
00:56:55you so badly I've been lost without you don't ever think that you can depend on
00:57:02say I've got big news I'm
00:57:03a success. I wonder what's the matter with you look very good I think you're going
00:57:10to get back in bed. Now that first I don't have to go back to belly aches in
00:57:16Oregon you're not marrying
00:57:17a small town country doctor young lady you're marrying
00:57:20a promising young research scientist at least that's what Dr Broder says and he
00:57:24ought to know he's got
00:57:25a long white beard but darling I'm so proud of you. Think I'll take your temperature.
00:57:32Gee I wish you could have been there when I finished reading my paper they all got
00:57:35together and offered me my own laboratory in California I still can't believe it.
00:57:40That is right in the paper you'll find it on the bottom of page ten.
00:57:43Page ten.
00:57:59You know what he said. What's the matter. Darling you're cool as I should get
00:58:06a chill. Stay right here I'll be back in the middle. I'll only be
00:58:11a second I want to get
00:58:11a hot water bottle and some of my.
00:58:21Miss Madeline Dixon at home I don't know friends of hers we're from police
00:58:24headquarters where the room upstairs what do you want to see mistakes and about
00:58:27we'll tell her perhaps you'd better tell me first mistakes and isn't well who are
00:58:30you he's
00:58:31a doctor he lives here if it isn't important I suggest you come back tomorrow it's
00:58:34important. Could you get some extra blankets and
00:58:37a hot water bottle please your friend of his decision that's why just ask what is
00:58:41an accident or something I wouldn't call an accident we should cut out this mystery
00:58:45and tell me what it's all about OK Doc take it easy. Madeline
00:58:53these men are from the police they want to take over from here Doc I'm sorry but
00:58:56tell me this is such
00:58:57a fight your friend of Felix Coulthard's winter matter of fact you were there last
00:59:00night no no I wasn't did you see Mr Coulthard any time you know I didn't now look
00:59:04Miss Damien we wouldn't be here asking questions unless we already knew most of
00:59:06the answers Oh wait a minute her name's not Damien I think you've got the wrong
00:59:09party I think maybe you've got the wrong party Doc I mean happens to be Damien this
00:59:13happens to be
00:59:14a case of murder take a look at that newspaper. I want to know what's going on
00:59:21in here this is my house and I've got to know sorry I don't want to talk to you as
00:59:24long as I've been here there's never been a currency which you're going to find out
00:59:27lady. Now Miss Damien tell us what happened last night what kind of
00:59:33important. You know this guy called him a pretty sweet on each other isn't that
00:59:37right Oh but it isn't it isn't true now according to the chauffeur you've got the
00:59:40corporate house a quarter to seven what time did you leave but I didn't go into
00:59:42the house I met him by accident David don't look at me like that how long have you
00:59:47known Miss Damien Doc not very long only a few months know that she was mixed up
00:59:51with this guy caught in. A lie OK so you didn't go to the house with court and I
00:59:55didn't he wanted me to come to the house but I wouldn't do it I didn't go into the
00:59:59house I did not tell you who you tell me at the dock here. You get anything she
01:00:05came in about nine and I can't know she was walking in the rain when I let you say
01:00:09she looked kind of wild what about caught and he was here all right he visited her
01:00:13a couple of weeks ago today yeah April tenth around midnight anything else the
01:00:17landlady thought the court and had
01:00:19a key to this place she was kind of vague as to how he got it I didn't give him
01:00:24a key David you can't believe that I've got his key ring here this one fits.
01:00:29Yet a key all right but I didn't give it to him. Why
01:00:37are you going to do it don't leave me I didn't kill him I swear I didn't kill him
01:00:42who cares whether you killed him or not.
01:00:59I. Could
01:01:13I see him for just a minute when it is
01:01:15a regular. OK sixty six.
01:01:23David please listen to me. You lied to me you've always lied to me but I'm not
01:01:28lying I didn't want to go with him he said he'd drive me home and he made love to
01:01:32you didn't he Oh don't deny it of course you made love to you get
01:01:35a key to your room. I should have told you many things I tried to but I just
01:01:42couldn't. If this thing was so innocent you would have told me when I said I was in
01:01:47love with you when I asked you to marry me. I was afraid I was afraid you wouldn't
01:01:53bet I wouldn't. I met you I was horrible but you changed all that you made me
01:02:00saying. Why keep on lying you tried that upstairs and it didn't work look I was in
01:02:06love with you all right I made
01:02:07a mistake I thought you were something wonderful and you turned out to be something
01:02:10else so let's just forget about it the only thing that you can do for me is let me
01:02:15alone. I love you.
01:02:22I love you.
01:02:25And so
01:02:51ladies and gentlemen of the jury the prosecution will prove beyond
01:02:54a shadow of a doubt that Madeline Damien is guilty of the meditative murder of
01:02:59Felix Corbin. We will prove that she was in his apartment the night he was
01:03:05murdered. We will prove that her fingerprints are on the table like with which he
01:03:11was murdered. And we will prove further that she had
01:03:15a motive for the murder. For after all this is
01:03:19a very simple story. To one man Dr. Cousins she was
01:03:23a pure and noble woman. To the other Felix Cortland an irresponsible light of love.
01:03:31To self-indulgent to be faithful to the man she wanted to marry. To weaken lacking
01:03:36in character to break with court. A twisted soul was bent on
01:03:41a heartless to see. To make one man believe. But all others knew to be alive.
01:03:50And when caught and threatened to expose her. She went to his apartment to plead
01:03:55with him. In the only way she knew. She embraced.
01:04:02She made love to him. And what in spite of that he threatened to expose the lie that
01:04:08she was living. She silenced him forever. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury
01:04:16the state asks you to find Madeline Damien guilty. Guilty of murder in the first
01:04:22degree. On the night Mr Cortland called on the defendants you let him into her
01:04:28apartment I certainly did not how did he get in and he must have had
01:04:31a key to go to the key of his own. Why was the defendant when he arrived out of
01:04:38the doctor I suppose pulling
01:04:39the wool over his eyes. Thank you Mrs Geiger.
01:04:48You know what this was to Mitchell you've got to let me cross examine. No questions.
01:04:56This team and I can't defend you properly if you won't let me we've got to put up
01:04:59a fight right. And I was to go just what was
01:05:05the nature of the work you did to Mr Kaufman. Most of it was personal confidential
01:05:11secretary I suppose you'd call it and in that capacity you were in a position to
01:05:15a great deal about his private life yes of course. If Mr Carter know them as Damien
01:05:20was lying to Dr Cousins and concealing her true character from him. I'd rather not
01:05:26answer that question Mr O'Brien you see both Miss Damien.
01:05:31To court. Friends of mine. Yes I understand. But let's get back to the meeting
01:05:38at the airport what was the attitude of the defendant when caught and saw Dr
01:05:43Cousins. She was embarrassed naturally. She was embarrassed.
01:05:51Thank you. I've got to cross examine if I don't we haven't
01:05:56a chance don't ask. No questions. Were you
01:06:03a close friend of the defendant. Did she confide in you on matters of a personal
01:06:08nature. If you were asked in this court do you think you could recall any of those
01:06:14intimacies I could recall some of them in. Detail.
01:06:20Your honor I object. Well let me ask you this Miss Royce would you say in general
01:06:24that men found Miss Damien attractive. And would you say that Miss Damien found
01:06:30men attractive to her I'm afraid I'm
01:06:32a certain they were you were. What were the relations between Miss Damien and
01:06:38a former employer Mr Cranish they were. In your opinion was there anything more than
01:06:44friendly I object your honor the question calls for the conclusion of the witness
01:06:48prejudice objections to say.
01:06:56I'm Dr Caleb Damien the patient of mine I don't have anything she's guilty of
01:07:00murder do you. Know I don't she may be guilty of other things but in there she's
01:07:06being tried for murder and she won't even defend herself got
01:07:09a pretty good lawyer and she needs your help doctor in her own mind she's not on
01:07:13trial for murder she's on trial for those other things and it's not the judge who's
01:07:17trying that case it's you. I don't want to be rude doctor but I don't think you
01:07:21know what you're talking about I'm sorry to disagree you see I've been treating
01:07:25Miss Damien for some time I happen to be her psychiatrist. Dr Caleb I'm sorry to
01:07:31bother you.
01:07:47Your name please. You are a psychiatrist? I am. Miss Damien came to you as a patient? Yes. Did she come of her own free will? Yes of course.
01:08:02Isn't it true doctor that people do not go to a psychiatrist unless they consider
01:08:06themselves. Well shall we say not well balanced. In general that's correct. As a matter
01:08:12of fact wasn't Miss Damien on the verge of committing suicide when she made her first
01:08:15visit to you? Your honor I object. Well no matter we'll prove that by other
01:08:19witnesses however is it not true that people who come to you as patients come with
01:08:26problems? Objection. Objection overruled. Well doctor there'd be no point in her
01:08:33coming to me if they didn't have problems. So the defendant came to you with
01:08:38a problem. Do you mind telling us doctor in your opinion just what was Miss Damien's
01:08:43problem? That is a confidential matter between doctor and patient I'm afraid I
01:08:48can't discuss it. Well during the course of your treatment of Miss Damien did you
01:08:53ever discuss her relationship with Dr. David Cousins? Yes we did. Well bearing in
01:08:58mind the fact that she's engaged to be married to Dr. Cousins do you think she
01:09:02was a friend with him as she should have been? As a matter of fact I urged her to
01:09:06tell him everything. And did she? Not to my knowledge. Well why not doctor? Why
01:09:10didn't you? I'm afraid you'll have to ask Miss Damien about that. Did you ever meet
01:09:15Dr. Cousins? Yes just a few minutes ago. Well I'm sure you found him a reasonable
01:09:22intelligent young man and yet the defendant refused to confide in him. Having met Dr.
01:09:27Cousins I think I can see why Miss Damien hesitated to confide in him. Do you mind
01:09:33telling us why? It's my impression that Dr. Cousins hasn't the capacity either
01:09:39emotionally or intellectually to understand a problem like Miss Damien's.
01:09:50How's the trial going doctor? Not very well I'm afraid. There's a Dr. Cousins in your
01:09:55office. Oh? He said you weren't expecting him. As a matter of fact I was expecting
01:10:01him. Hello doctor. Sit down sit down relax. Tell me is this a professional or
01:10:09a social call? Dr. Caleb you said some pretty rough things about me this afternoon.
01:10:13Yes I did didn't I? I think I'm entitled to an explanation. So do I. As a matter of
01:10:20fact I'm very glad you came over. I wanted to talk to you about Miss Damien. I'm not
01:10:26interested in Miss Damien. I'm glad to see you're still in love with her. And I'm not
01:10:30in love with her. All the better. Then we can approach the subject of Miss Damien as
01:10:35one scientist to another. You see I'm interested in Miss Damien because she's
01:10:39a patient of mine. I believe I was well on the way to solving her problem. It would
01:10:44be most distressing to me if she were to die now for a crime she didn't commit. It
01:10:49would be as though you had lost one of your white mice. One that you had just
01:10:52inoculated. What's all this got to do with me? Only this. That when you testify
01:10:59tomorrow you'll be asked to tell the truth. The whole truth. The whole truth about
01:11:05a human soul is
01:11:06a complicated proposition. Now I'm not going to tell you anything about Miss Damien
01:11:11that you haven't already heard. But isn't it possible that you've picked up a few
01:11:15stray facts and added them up to a conclusion that's entirely wrong?
01:11:25Won't you sit down Doctor?
01:11:29Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye. The court is now in session.
01:11:36Call your next witness Mr. O'Brien.
01:11:38Dr. Cousins please.
01:11:43This will be their last witness. You've got to let me put you on the stand. I tell you quite frankly Miss Damien, if you won't testify, you haven't got a chance.
01:11:52Raise your right hand.
01:11:53Miss Almey, it's fair to tell the truth and the whole truth, nothing but the truth to help you guide.
01:11:56I do. Please be seated.
01:11:58Your name please.
01:11:59David Cousins.
01:12:00Under what name did you know the defendant?
01:12:02Madeleine Dixon.
01:12:03Did she ever tell you her true name?
01:12:05No sir.
01:12:06Did she ever lie to you about her identity?
01:12:08Yes sir.
01:12:09How long did she continue to lie to you?
01:12:11Till the morning the police came.
01:12:13And what did she say?
01:12:15Did she ever lie to you about her identity?
01:12:17No sir.
01:12:18How long did she continue to lie to you?
01:12:20Till the morning the police came.
01:12:22Did she ever tell you about her relations with Corpin?
01:12:24No she didn't.
01:12:25You proposed marriage to the defendant and she accepted you?
01:12:28Yes sir.
01:12:30And still she didn't tell you about Corpin?
01:12:32No sir.
01:12:33When did you first know the true relationship between them?
01:12:37The same morning, the morning the police came.
01:12:39Oh I see.
01:12:41And from the moment you met her until the day she was taken into custody, you didn't know the truth about her character?
01:12:47I object, your honor.
01:12:48Mr. O'Brien, haven't you covered your point?
01:12:50Well, your honor, I'm merely trying to clarify for the jury the true nature of the defendant's motive.
01:12:56I see.
01:12:57Thank you.
01:12:59One more question, Dr. Cousins.
01:13:02If you had known the truth, would it have affected your love for the defendant?
01:13:07Your honor, I must protest.
01:13:09Let him answer.
01:13:10Objection withdrawn.
01:13:13And now, Dr. Cousins, if you had known the truth, would it have affected your love for the defendant?
01:13:24I was in love with Miss Damien then, and I'm in love with her now.
01:13:32Your witness, Mitchell.
01:13:33No pleasure.
01:13:36Did you really mean it?
01:13:38Yes, I really meant it.
01:13:42I can't believe it.
01:13:44Now will you let me put you on the stand?
01:13:52You admit you went to Cortland's apartment that night?
01:13:55He made love to you?
01:13:58Did you have any conversation about Dr. Cousins?
01:14:03Yes, I am.
01:14:05But tell me, Miss Damien, were you in love with Felix Cortland?
01:14:08No, I wasn't.
01:14:09Were you in love with Dr. Cousins?
01:14:13But you went to Cortland's apartment nevertheless?
01:14:15Yes, I told you that.
01:14:17You were in love with one man, yet you chose to visit the apartment of a man you didn't love.
01:14:21Did you go of your own free will?
01:14:24Mr. Cortland didn't force you or threaten you?
01:14:27Then why did you visit him?
01:14:29I don't know.
01:14:30I made a mistake.
01:14:32You made a mistake.
01:14:34As you told us on several occasions that you and Mr. Cortland were interrupted by a mysterious intruder,
01:14:38can you tell this jury anything definite about that person?
01:14:41Anything at all?
01:14:42No, I didn't see him.
01:14:43You didn't see him?
01:14:44I only heard his voice.
01:14:45You seemed very certain it was a man.
01:14:46It was a man.
01:14:47What did he say?
01:14:48Well, I don't know.
01:14:49They were talking in the hall.
01:14:50I couldn't tell what they were saying.
01:14:52Yes, you heard a voice.
01:14:54You were willing to swear it was a man.
01:14:56And you couldn't hear it?
01:14:58And you couldn't hear what he said?
01:15:00Now what sort of a person do you think would be calling at that time of night?
01:15:03A bill collector?
01:15:04A man selling magazines?
01:15:05Or perhaps even a burglar?
01:15:07Why not a burglar?
01:15:08Mr. Cortland was a very wealthy man.
01:15:10He must have been a very timid burglar because nothing was stolen.
01:15:13Of course you realize that Mr. Cortland kept his jewels in a vault at the store.
01:15:17Not all of them.
01:15:18He kept some at home in his safe.
01:15:21What safe?
01:15:22The one in his living room.
01:15:23You didn't by any chance see that safe, did you, Miss Damien?
01:15:25Yes, I did.
01:15:26Mr. Cort, please.
01:15:27This is the first we've heard about a safe.
01:15:29I ask for a recess to examine the apartment.
01:15:31For your honor, we've been all over the apartment.
01:15:33But if there is a safe and if it has been robbed...
01:15:35Gentlemen, court is adjourned until tomorrow morning.
01:15:38I suggest the district attorney and attorney for the defendant
01:15:41examine the apartment together.
01:15:49What about this safe, Mr. O'Brien?
01:15:50What safe?
01:15:51How about the pictures on the inside, Mr. O'Brien?
01:15:53You boys better wait outside.
01:15:55I may have a statement for you when I come out.
01:15:57Mr. O'Brien.
01:15:59Mind if I tag along?
01:16:00I don't know why you're sure.
01:16:01The fine witness you turned out to be.
01:16:02Couldn't help that, sir.
01:16:03All right, Garrett, where's the safe?
01:16:05Me, Mr. O'Brien?
01:16:06I don't know of any safe in here.
01:16:07I didn't think you did.
01:16:08If you want an unbiased opinion, I don't think there is a safe.
01:16:11Well, here's a learned counsel.
01:16:13Perhaps he knows.
01:16:14Where's the safe, Mitchell?
01:16:15My assistant's checking the location with Miss Damien.
01:16:17He'll be along in a minute.
01:16:18Oh, you're on a dead one.
01:16:19While we're waiting, maybe Mr. Garrett could tell us where the safe is.
01:16:22Not after he doesn't know.
01:16:23I don't understand that, Mr. Garrett.
01:16:24You were very close to Cortland, weren't you?
01:16:26That's right.
01:16:27I'm sure if there was a safe in here, I would have known about it.
01:16:29At least I would have seen the key to it.
01:16:31The answer is very simple.
01:16:32There is no safe.
01:16:34What did you find out?
01:16:35I got the dope on him, Mr. Mitchell.
01:16:36Spill it.
01:16:37It's over here in this bookcase.
01:16:38You were wrong for once, Mr. O'Brien.
01:16:40Could be.
01:16:45What do you know about that?
01:16:46Have you got Cortland's keys?
01:16:47Here they are.
01:16:48Thank you.
01:16:50That looks to me very much like a safe, Mr. O'Brien.
01:16:53Yes, it does, doesn't it?
01:16:57But not like a safe that's ever been robbed.
01:16:59I don't think a good burglar would leave those behind.
01:17:01I guess we're right back where we started from.
01:17:03Well, I've seen all I want.
01:17:04How about you, Mitchell?
01:17:05You win this round.
01:17:06Lock it up, sir.
01:17:07Yes, sir.
01:17:08Stephen Cortland.
01:17:09May I give you a lift, doctor?
01:17:10No, thanks.
01:17:11Sir, can I have some papers here of Mr. Cortland's I'd like to put in order?
01:17:14Do you mind if I stay?
01:17:15It's all right with me.
01:17:16We're finished with the place.
01:17:17Thank you, sir.
01:17:19Thank you very much.
01:17:21Anything I can do for you, doctor?
01:17:23Oh, I was just curious about something.
01:17:26I've never seen a safe like that before.
01:17:28One that operated with a key.
01:17:30Come to think about it, I guess I haven't either.
01:17:33Normal assumption about a safe is that the lock works on a combination.
01:17:36Yes, I guess most of them do.
01:17:39I was wondering how you knew that this one worked with a key.
01:17:41You said you'd never seen the key to it.
01:17:43Did I say that?
01:17:45I guess I must have said something I didn't mean.
01:17:47I see.
01:17:48There could be another explanation.
01:17:52That you were lying when you said you'd never seen the safe before.
01:17:56You're not serious, are you, doc?
01:18:00I'm a scientist, Mr. Garrett.
01:18:02When we get hold of an odd fact, we consider every possible explanation.
01:18:06We make some of our most important discoveries that way.
01:18:09Well, it must be fascinating work.
01:18:11Yes, it is.
01:18:13Suppose I had known about that safe, which I didn't.
01:18:16What would that prove?
01:18:18Frankly, nothing.
01:18:20But it does suggest a theory.
01:18:22You were very close to Cortland.
01:18:24You knew about the safe.
01:18:26Maybe the safe was robbed.
01:18:28Perhaps he found out about it.
01:18:30He was quarreling with a man in the hall the night he was killed.
01:18:34Maybe that man was you.
01:18:36That's a very interesting theory.
01:18:39Yes, isn't it?
01:18:41Well, as I said, I'm a scientist.
01:18:43When we hit on a theory like that, the next thing we do is to test it.
01:18:50That's all I'm doing.
01:18:52I see.
01:18:55Then you won't mind having a little talk with the police?
01:19:00No, no. Why should I?
01:19:04But then, of course, if you've never seen the safe before, you won't mind them checking it for yours.
01:19:08Oh, certainly not.
01:19:10Certainly not.
01:19:17The number is Spring 73100.
01:19:36Okay, Doc.
01:19:37No hard feelings.
01:19:39Don't you think this sort of thing is rather out of your line, though?
01:19:42I guess maybe you're right.
01:19:44Bye, Doctor.
01:20:10Spring 73100, wasn't it, Mr. Garrett?
01:20:25I guess maybe I underestimated you, Doctor.
01:21:10Come on.
01:21:12Come on.
01:21:22Hey, it's Rick. We all about it. Now, let me make clear the minutes on this.
01:21:25News flashes from the Associated Press newsroom.
01:21:27Full of them.
01:21:28Madeleine Damien has been exonerated of the murder of Felix Cortland.
01:21:31The full confession by an ex-employee, Jack Garrett, is in the hands of the district attorney.
01:21:35It was a trial marked by many surprises.
01:21:38Notably, the beautiful defendant's proper disclosure of the jewel box,
01:21:42hidden in the apartment of the late Diamond and Porter.
01:21:44The beautiful Madeleine Damien goes free,
01:21:46and Broadway is tipping its hat today to the young doctor who engaged the murderer in a battle royal.
01:21:51Mrs. Geiger, I've been looking for Miss Damien. Have you seen her?
01:21:54She's gone. She asked me to give you this.
01:21:56Gone? Well, where did she go?
01:21:58I couldn't get a word out of her, but I know she left for the airport more than an hour ago.
01:22:09David, dear, I can still hear your voice in that courtroom,
01:22:13and I'll never forget what you said.
01:22:15You did much more than save my life.
01:22:17You made my life worth saving.
01:22:19I can't bear to tell you how much I love you and want to marry you.
01:22:23But right now, that wouldn't be fair.
01:22:26I'm going away for a while.
01:22:28I want to be terribly sure after all this
01:22:31that I can really be the kind of person you once thought I was.
01:22:35Maybe after a while that will be possible.
01:22:38And then, when we're both sure,
01:22:40David, please ask me again.
01:22:42Goodbye, my darling.
01:22:57Passengers on flight 41 boarding at gate 6.
01:23:01Will you try and see him once in a while?
01:23:03Of course.
01:23:04You see, I want to be sure of myself.
01:23:07I'm sure of you.
01:23:09Are you really?
01:23:11After what you've been through, I'm very sure.
01:23:13All aboard, please.
01:23:16I still think you're making a mistake.
01:23:33THE END
