Tyler Perry's Divorce in the Black (2024)

  • 3 months ago
Tyler Perry (born Emmitt Perry Jr.; September 13, 1969)[1] is an American actor, filmmaker, and playwright. He is the creator and performer of Mabel "Madea" Simmons, a tough elderly woman, and also portrays her brother Joe Simmons and her nephew Brian Simmons.[2][3][4] Perry's films vary in style from orthodox filmmaking techniques to filmed productions of live stage plays, many of which have been subsequently adapted into feature films. Madea's first appearance was in Perry's play I Can Do Bad All by Myself (1999) staged in Chicago.
00:00:30I have preached many a funeral.
00:00:41As pastor, that is part of my job.
00:00:45And I can tell you that there have been moments when I'm standing here that I have no conviction
00:00:55because the person who died, died in Christ.
00:01:00And that person was a good soul who God would welcome with open arms.
00:01:12As I think about 39-year-old Cody Bertrand and his brothers, the Holy Spirit speaks to
00:01:21me and says, Luke chapter 16 verses 27 and 28.
00:01:30So the rich man said, Father Abraham, I beg of you to send Lazarus to my father's house.
00:01:39For I have five brothers in order that he may solemnly warn them and witness to them
00:01:46so that they too will not come to this place of torment.
00:01:57Now what this scripture is saying is that a rich man died and he found himself in hell.
00:02:07Not because he was rich, but because of his deeds.
00:02:13Now how many of you know that rich or poor, God will judge your deeds?
00:02:26He begged the prophet, pleaded that he would send word to his brothers so that they would
00:02:32try to do right.
00:02:34So that they would not wind up where he was, in hell.
00:02:45I think about Cody who died at the hands of violence and I think about his brothers yet
00:02:52I believe if he were able, he would want you to have a chance to get your life right with
00:03:03A chance for you not to go the way of your older brother.
00:03:08You saying my boy's in hell?
00:03:12You better shut your mouth up judging my boys.
00:03:15Church, I ask you what kind of representative of God would I be if I didn't stand on this
00:03:21holy place and tell the truth.
00:03:28Brothers and sisters, I do not want to miss the chance to talk to the Bertrand family.
00:03:32I need y'all to pray.
00:03:35This is a small town.
00:03:38There's been lots of crime and lots of bullying and havoc that you boys have wreaked.
00:03:43You went to elementary school and dropped out in the fifth grade.
00:03:46Dallas was the only one who graduated high school, was the only one who tried not to
00:03:52go the way of crime.
00:03:54And that is because-
00:03:55I dare you to say it's because of your daughter.
00:03:58This girl has done nothing for my boy but judge him and make his life miserable.
00:04:03No, that's not true.
00:04:05Miss Linda, you have made this town miserable because you didn't raise your boys right.
00:04:10Stealing, raping, mean, breaking into old folks' home.
00:04:16This boy is in this casket shortly after getting out of prison because he tried to rob an elderly
00:04:22member of this church and she shot him dead.
00:04:27And the Bible says if you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
00:04:34I'm not taking this.
00:04:36Miss Linda-
00:04:37Shut up!
00:04:38You said that your daddy was going to say something good about my boy, but I knew I
00:04:44shouldn't have believed you.
00:04:46You ought to show her some respect.
00:04:48It's because of her that we are paying to bury your son.
00:04:54And that's supposed to mean something to us?
00:04:56You think I care?
00:04:59Y'all have always looked down on us.
00:05:10Do you think the Bertrands need your money?
00:05:13We don't need nothing from you.
00:05:16You hear me?
00:05:17Let me get the hell out of here before I say what's on my mind.
00:05:23You ain't right.
00:05:25Get Cody.
00:05:28Get him!
00:05:31Come on, boy.
00:05:38Let him go.
00:05:39Back up.
00:05:40Just let him go.
00:05:41Let him go.
00:05:42This is Miss Linda.
00:05:43You did this!
00:05:47Hell no!
00:05:48Hell no!
00:05:49Now you watch your mouth in this church!
00:05:51We were trying to help you.
00:05:53Mama, please.
00:05:59Mama, don't do that.
00:06:03Mama, don't do that.
00:06:04No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:06:06We're not doing that.
00:06:07No, we're not doing that.
00:06:15Oh, my Lord.
00:06:16Oh, my Lord have mercy.
00:06:18No, no.
00:06:19Don't you dare.
00:06:21You think I need these hand-me-down clothes
00:06:23that your mama gave me?
00:06:26I don't.
00:06:28We the Bertrands, baby.
00:06:29Don't you forget it.
00:06:30And we don't need nothing from you.
00:06:33Y'all, get the boy.
00:06:35Get him!
00:06:37Get him!
00:06:42Not the casket.
00:06:44Take him out.
00:06:46Take him out!
00:06:50All they going to say is that they paid for this casket.
00:06:54Take him out of there.
00:06:55What are you going to say?
00:06:56We're going to get him out of here.
00:06:57Take him out of there!
00:07:00Come on.
00:07:01Get him!
00:07:03Oh, my God.
00:07:10Oh, my God!
00:07:13That's all right. That's all right. Church, they can have the body. God has already passed
00:07:30judgment on the soul.
00:08:00Oh, we've been looking for you. Yeah, I just, I needed a minute. Yeah, I can see. Well,
00:08:19it wasn't as bad as your wedding. Ronna, really? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You know, I'm a straight
00:08:26shooter. It's his brother's funeral. I know that. Does his family know that? Baby, please.
00:08:34We grew up here, all right? This town is different. You don't know all the ins and outs. Just
00:08:37because I'm not from the South doesn't mean I don't know right from wrong. And she's my
00:08:41friend. Yes, and as my friend, you're supposed to be here to support me, right? Of course,
00:08:47but supporting you doesn't mean lying to you. Oh, timing. Timing. Okay. Okay. I'm sorry.
00:08:53Why don't you and Ronna take the car, go back to the city. I'll go check on Dallas.
00:08:56Oh, no, no, no. I can't. I can't leave him like this. No, I've known him and his family
00:09:00longer than you have. I know how they get. She said she's got it. Let's go. No, what
00:09:05kind of friend would I be if I didn't go check on him? Okay, guys, look, look, I don't want
00:09:10you guys to fight. I've got it. Just go on. Okay. All right. We'll see. All right. We
00:09:17love you. I love y'all, too. Oh, you know you got home. I will. Drive safe, y'all. You'll
00:09:24be good. I will. What we gonna do? You know that woman ain't nothing but the devil. She
00:09:33had those boys take the body out of the casket and march it right on out of here. Like, what
00:09:37was I supposed to mean? Y'all talking about me? We're always talking about you. Well,
00:09:45I mean, more praying than talking. Little girl, I'm so sorry. I tried. I wish I could
00:09:52have done better. But that boy just did some terrible things, and that family. Clarence,
00:10:00it's been a lot on her today. You want to come by the house and have dinner? Oh, I can't.
00:10:07I actually need to go get Dallas. I need to get back to Atlanta. Ava, baby, where's the
00:10:12line? Where is it? What does that boy have to do for you to walk away when you ran track?
00:10:22When you got close to that finish line, you attacked it. Where is your finish line? Daddy,
00:10:29this is not track. You and Mama have taught me since I was a little girl to be a good
00:10:35wife, to stand by my husband, to stay in the marriage. That is what you preached. That
00:10:41is what I saw you live, no matter what. Ava, me and your daddy, we ain't never been you
00:10:48in Dallas. Well, Mama, that's why you gotta let me do what's best for me in Dallas. Well,
00:10:56that's what we've been trying to do, is your life. Well, I gotta go, so. Okay. We love
00:11:08you. Right. I'll call you guys when I get home. All right. It's all right. I had to
00:11:24say something. This is all my fault. Oh. I don't want you to feel guilty or responsible
00:11:37because we raised her the best that we could, and she knows better. And you and I both know
00:11:44that what we put down on her will make its way to the surface at the right time. I sure hope so.
00:12:07I'm sorry. It ain't your fault. The hell if it ain't. I told you we should have buried him right
00:12:30here with all the other Bertrands. You don't piss my mama off. We don't like that.
00:12:44Where's Dallas? He's back there in the old truck.
00:13:15You and your brother worked on this truck forever.
00:13:28Riding it up to prom, I remember you and your big brother jumping out to fix it, and
00:13:36you got oil all over your tux. You were so mad. And Elena and I, we were laughing
00:13:44so much until you put oil on my dress. You were so mean. What are you doing?
00:13:54No, I don't want to hear that shit right now.
00:13:55Maybe I know this is hard. Look, you got no idea what I went through, okay?
00:14:04That's the last time that I let you embarrass me in front of my family, Ava. Now you shut us up.
00:14:12I heard the people laugh when we walked out that church.
00:14:16No, no, they weren't laughing when you walked out. You trying to tell me what I heard?
00:14:21I was just trying to make sure he had a proper funeral.
00:14:25We gave his ass a proper burial right out there, Ava. That's what we did. You see,
00:14:31that's your damn problem. You're always trying to change me, woman. That's what you're trying
00:14:35to do, instead of liking me the way that I am and how I do things.
00:14:45I'm not trying to change you.
00:14:47I'm not trying to change you. Do what you call it. Save me. You trying to help me?
00:14:58I call it love because I love you, Dallas. Get your damn hands off me.
00:15:06Save that shit, Ava, because you don't love me, okay? Yes, I do. You don't because you
00:15:12wouldn't be trying to make me somebody else. And now get out the damn truck. Just go.
00:15:17But we rode together. I don't give a fuck, okay? Now you better get your ass out this truck
00:15:25right now, or I will drag your ass up out of here now. You know it. You know how to do it.
00:15:36You done did enough.
00:15:43What you still doing here? I was, I was waiting for Dallas. He gone.
00:15:58Do you know where he went? I ain't telling you shit. Get off my fucking land.
00:16:39Hey. Hey, Ava. Good to see you.
00:16:41You too, Jack.
00:16:42They're back there causing hell.
00:16:44Only reason I ain't called the law yet is because of you.
00:16:47Thank you.
00:16:59Well, look at here, boys.
00:17:01The preacher's daughter.
00:17:03Hey, princess.
00:17:05You feel good about shaming my family?
00:17:07Dallas, I think that we should be getting home.
00:17:10You always taking him away from us.
00:17:12You don't need that damn job.
00:17:14Morris, come on.
00:17:17You know he has to work.
00:17:21I'll wait in the car.
00:17:23I'll send him out there.
00:17:45Hey, Benji.
00:17:51How you doing?
00:17:52I'm good.
00:17:54Good to see you.
00:17:55Shouldn't be at a place like this so late.
00:17:57Oh, yeah.
00:17:58They're for the funeral.
00:17:59Yeah, I heard about it.
00:18:00Yeah, I was.
00:18:03It's just a hospital.
00:18:04You see this shit?
00:18:12What we doing, huh?
00:18:13You out here talking to him?
00:18:15I know damn well he learned his lesson.
00:18:17No, I don't think he did.
00:18:19Looks like he want us to put his ass back in the hospital again.
00:18:21Dallas, I think we should just go home.
00:18:23You shut up.
00:18:26Morris, please.
00:18:29I think this one wants his ass kicked again.
00:18:31I don't think so.
00:18:34I'm not having this bullshit tonight, betraying boys.
00:18:36Go on home now.
00:18:38You better listen to him.
00:18:39Go on.
00:18:40Benji, I don't know if you're planning on having a drink,
00:18:42but we closing.
00:18:43Don't you look at her.
00:18:46Don't you do it.
00:18:47Hey, baby, come on.
00:18:50Let's go.
00:18:51Get in the car.
00:18:52Come on.
00:18:53Come on.
00:18:54Come on.
00:18:55Come on.
00:18:56Come on.
00:18:57Come on.
00:18:58Come on.
00:18:59Come on.
00:19:00Come on.
00:19:01Come on.
00:19:02Come on.
00:19:03Come on.
00:19:05I didn't believe you.
00:19:13Watch out.
00:19:14No, no, no, Dallas, Dallas, Dallas, you're not driving.
00:19:16Dallas, no.
00:19:20Give me the keys.
00:19:23Just give me the keys.
00:19:24Dallas, please.
00:19:26Get your hands.
00:19:27Get youruce up.
00:19:28Please, come on, please, please, please.
00:19:31Wait, wait, wait,
00:19:35Fuck you.
00:19:36You hear me?
00:19:37What you say to me?
00:19:38Fuck you.
00:19:39You heard what I said.
00:19:40You step up, you get out.
00:19:41Hey, no, no.
00:19:46Hey, stop!
00:19:49All right.
00:19:50You better buy that one.
00:19:52You better buy that one, nigga.
00:19:54You know I'm the older brother now.
00:19:55She driving, all right?
00:19:58Go, Ava, get in.
00:20:01It's all right, it's in the car.
00:20:06Thank you.
00:20:31Thank you.
00:21:00Dallas, let me get you in the back, baby.
00:21:13She told me to do it.
00:21:15To do what?
00:21:22Kill my daddy.
00:21:26She told me to do it.
00:21:27Who killed your daddy?
00:21:29Why are you with me?
00:21:36I ain't shit.
00:21:40And I ain't gonna ever be shit.
00:21:42No, no, no, no, no.
00:21:43I ain't no good.
00:21:45You are, you are. You are. You're good at heart, baby.
00:21:47You'll never be good.
00:21:48No, no, no. I've seen it.
00:21:50I ain't shit.
00:21:51I've felt it.
00:21:53Baby, you are good at heart.
00:21:56It's supposed to be a good night.
00:21:58Come here, come here, come here.
00:22:02Baby, I can get help.
00:22:06Definitely no.
00:22:08You need help.
00:22:10You need help.
00:22:18Oh, shit.
00:22:28I made you breakfast.
00:22:35I gotta go to work.
00:22:39Could we talk about last night?
00:22:43Talk about what?
00:22:46You said some things that I want to talk about.
00:22:49Look, I don't know what you're talking about, Ava.
00:22:53I was drunk.
00:22:55Let me get out of here.
00:23:06Have a good day.
00:23:10Hey, you.
00:23:12Thank you.
00:23:13All right, you look.
00:23:14All right, baby.
00:23:16I'm surprised you came this morning.
00:23:19My carpool was canceled.
00:23:21Why would you think that?
00:23:23I was very insensitive yesterday.
00:23:27And what's new?
00:23:29That ain't right.
00:23:30Ava, you know I love you.
00:23:33You're my best friend for 17 years.
00:23:35If you don't know me by now...
00:23:37I know, I know.
00:23:38That's my best friend, and I'm gonna stick with her.
00:23:42But just like you know me, I know you.
00:23:46Ava, you are too good to deal with Dallas's bullshit.
00:23:51Are we gonna talk about this the whole way to work?
00:23:54It's just every time it's something.
00:23:56I don't know why you deal with it.
00:23:58So the whole way.
00:23:59Okay, okay, fine, fine.
00:24:01I won't say anything else.
00:24:03One, two, three.
00:24:04Oh, but the way they took that man's body out the casket.
00:24:08The way they took that man's body out the casket.
00:24:11What the hell?
00:24:13That whole family is just jacked up.
00:24:15They really, really did a number on Dallas.
00:24:19Do you think by you putting up with it, you're helping him?
00:24:24Ronnie, you don't know everything he's been through.
00:24:27What does that make it all right?
00:24:29It's just every time that something happens,
00:24:31he gives me a little bit more of what they did to him,
00:24:33and it's...
00:24:34No, it's crazy.
00:24:35Then what does that mean?
00:24:37By you putting up with it, it...
00:24:40It's just like that damn cat, Ava.
00:24:43You remember that nasty-ass cat.
00:24:46It was raining, you brought it home,
00:24:48and it kept scratching the shit out of you.
00:24:50I was so glad when you got rid of that thing.
00:24:53That's what you do.
00:24:54You rescue cats, you rescue niggers.
00:24:57You cook for him.
00:24:58You clean.
00:24:59You work all day.
00:25:00You do literally everything for him.
00:25:03I don't like it.
00:25:05Look, I need to get my mind right before I go into this bank,
00:25:08so can we please just put something on?
00:25:12You're right.
00:25:14You're right.
00:25:15I won't say anything else.
00:25:17Ooh, ha!
00:25:18If Jim ever tried anything like that,
00:25:21I would break his damn neck in 18 places so fast.
00:25:25But that's you.
00:25:26You're the nice, sweet girl from the south,
00:25:29and I'm the chick from up north.
00:25:31I can't do it.
00:25:32I'm out.
00:25:33I'm playing some music.
00:25:34Ooh, that's my jam.
00:25:47I'm sick of this shit.
00:25:59They tell you about dinner?
00:26:00Yeah, yeah.
00:26:04Well, I just walked in the door.
00:26:06I need to shower and change.
00:26:07I've been working all day.
00:26:08Well, you ain't doing shit but sitting around in the bank all day.
00:26:11Look, you need to hurry up.
00:26:13It's 5.30.
00:26:14The reservation isn't until 7, so it's fine.
00:26:16I'll be right down.
00:26:17Just give me 45 minutes.
00:26:19I'll be quick.
00:26:38Okay, I got done earlier.
00:26:51Thank you.
00:26:55So what's the plan here tonight, Jim?
00:26:57Just smile and nod.
00:27:05What's up, Chief?
00:27:06What's up, brother?
00:27:08I ain't talking to you, man.
00:27:09Let me get a bourbon straight.
00:27:10All right, too.
00:27:12Uh, where's Ava?
00:27:15I don't know.
00:27:17She was taking too long, so I left.
00:27:20I don't know.
00:27:22Well, hurry up with that bourbon, man.
00:27:25Man, you gonna make this a hard night for me.
00:27:29Please let me know when you pull up.
00:27:31Wait, wait, wait.
00:27:32Wait, I see you.
00:27:33I see you.
00:27:41Thank you.
00:27:42Thank you.
00:27:43Thank you.
00:27:44Thank you.
00:27:45That son of a bitch left you.
00:27:46It's okay.
00:27:47It's okay.
00:27:48Fuck him.
00:27:50Look, I'm not upset, so you shouldn't be upset.
00:27:52Let's just go inside, please.
00:27:59All right.
00:28:00Yeah, that's it.
00:28:01Keep it coming.
00:28:02Take it easy, Dallas.
00:28:06Thank you.
00:28:08How you doing?
00:28:09Thank you.
00:28:10How you doing?
00:28:11Thank you.
00:28:15Oh, thank you for inviting us to dinner.
00:28:18We actually used to come here all the time, right, Dallas?
00:28:25You don't hear her talking to you?
00:28:28You better get your wife, man.
00:28:30Nobody got to get me, Jim, baby.
00:28:32Okay, you guys, hey, let's just order.
00:28:35I just want to have a nice night.
00:28:40I can't remember the last time we had a nice night.
00:28:45It's always Dallas, don't do this.
00:28:47Dallas, don't do that.
00:28:51You need help.
00:28:52Jim, black women ain't shit, man.
00:28:55When last time these women supported us, hmm?
00:28:58Dallas, I'm about to flip over this fucking table.
00:29:01Hey, thanks.
00:29:02And I don't know how you do it, Ava.
00:29:04Oh, see, she tells your ghetto ass everything, huh?
00:29:07Just like she tells her mama and her daddy.
00:29:09I can't do this.
00:29:10You know what, I can't do this.
00:29:12Jim, I can't do it, man.
00:29:15I made some decisions in my life.
00:29:18I want a divorce.
00:29:19We don't have no kids, so this should be easy.
00:29:23Okay, you can keep the house
00:29:24because your parents gave us a down payment,
00:29:26and I don't want to hear they motherfucking mouths, okay?
00:29:28I'm not paying any alimony.
00:29:30You got a good job at the motherfucking bank.
00:29:32I got a lawyer to look over the papers already.
00:29:34Get somebody to get down there
00:29:35and look at his giant damn papers, Ava.
00:29:39What are you looking at?
00:29:42My drink.
00:29:44This motherfucker.
00:29:46Babe, stop. Dallas.
00:29:49You're wrong.
00:29:50Look at me. I'm telling you.
00:29:51You're wrong.
00:29:52Baby, you judging me, huh?
00:29:56Hey, keep telling us.
00:30:06Do something.
00:30:18You know...
00:30:21I used to hear about women saying
00:30:24that they gave that man the best years of their life,
00:30:27and here I am, and I'm pushing 40, and...
00:30:31I get it.
00:30:34Because he had my best years.
00:30:36No, baby, I-I beg to differ.
00:30:39You got a lot better years ahead of you,
00:30:41especially without his sorry ass.
00:30:43It just meant that I was young,
00:30:45and-and in my 20s was capable and sexy and...
00:30:48Girl, you are still beautiful.
00:30:50And sexy.
00:30:53He said when I turned 40 in a couple years,
00:30:55he wasn't gonna love me.
00:31:01He said that he doesn't know any man
00:31:03that wants 40-year-old P-word.
00:31:10Uh, Rona, you're driving kind of fast.
00:31:13This is the absolute lowest.
00:31:16I know you don't believe that, right?
00:31:19No, I'm not in my 20s anymore,
00:31:23and it's gonna leave me.
00:31:26It was supposed to be us forever.
00:31:31And now it...
00:31:36I am so sorry, Ava.
00:31:38It's gonna be okay.
00:31:41It's gonna be okay.
00:32:10I'm gonna tell Jim I'm staying.
00:32:12I'm not leaving you here tonight on a Friday.
00:32:14Oh, no, it's okay. I just...
00:32:18Yeah, I just need a minute to just take all this in.
00:32:21Go on.
00:32:22No, no, no, no. I'm staying.
00:32:25No, go on. It's okay.
00:32:28Are you sure?
00:32:29Yes, please.
00:32:30Ava, please.
00:32:37Hold on.
00:32:42I've been debating whether or not to give this to you.
00:32:46I've had it in my purse for a while,
00:32:48and I wanted to give it to you after the funeral,
00:32:50but Jim said no.
00:32:55I wrote down every shitty thing that he's done to you
00:32:57since we met.
00:33:00I don't need to read that.
00:33:02I lived it.
00:33:04Well, sometimes seeing it on paper
00:33:05can make a world of difference.
00:33:09I'm gonna just leave it here.
00:33:11Ava, I love you.
00:33:14I love you, too.
00:33:19I'm gonna try it in the morning, okay?
00:33:21I'll pick you up.
00:34:04Good morning.
00:34:10Your daddy told me that he heard you come in last night.
00:34:16Was it that bad?
00:34:19It's all right.
00:34:21It's all right.
00:34:23Listen, you are home now, and you are safe.
00:34:28Come on, you're all right, butterfly.
00:34:31You're all right.
00:34:37Yeah, no, she's here.
00:34:39Thank you.
00:34:41Thank you so much.
00:34:44I-I will tell her.
00:34:47Okay, thanks, Ron.
00:34:54Hey, baby, have a seat.
00:34:59That was Rona.
00:35:02I told her that you were here.
00:35:05She said that, uh...
00:35:08that you have vacation time,
00:35:10that you should probably take a week off.
00:35:15I-I told her you'd call her back after you woke up.
00:35:18Yeah, I'll-I'll call her later.
00:35:20Well, I-I-I fixed you something to eat.
00:35:23Um, I-I know you didn't drive an hour and a half
00:35:26in the middle of the night for your father's food.
00:35:31I've got some cakes to make for the bake sale.
00:35:34You want to help?
00:35:36I tried everything.
00:35:41I cooked.
00:35:43I cleaned. I went to church.
00:35:47I tried to get him to go to therapy,
00:35:50and now he wants...
00:35:55a divorce.
00:36:00Mama, he is so mean to me.
00:36:06Well, I say we gonna pray about this.
00:36:11Wait, wait.
00:36:13Hold on a second.
00:36:15I mean, your mama's right.
00:36:17We-we should pray,
00:36:19but the house is on fire.
00:36:21I mean, your mama's right. We-we should pray,
00:36:24but that's not all we should do.
00:36:26No, you can't just pray about everything
00:36:29and not do anything.
00:36:31Prayer is only the first step.
00:36:34Yeah, but I don't know what to do.
00:36:36You-you did the right thing.
00:36:38You came home.
00:36:42We're gonna figure this out.
00:36:49You go on and eat, baby.
00:36:52Come on.
00:36:54Let's eat.
00:37:06Sometimes your life feels like
00:37:09A broken rollercoaster
00:37:12Like a thousand useless moving parts
00:37:17Sometimes you spend your night
00:37:20Too scared of getting closer
00:37:22Hiding out in the backseat of your car
00:37:26It's all right. We'll get through it.
00:37:28You tell yourself it's raining
00:37:32The clouds are in your head
00:37:36We'll work it out, okay?
00:37:38You tell yourself it's better
00:37:43To jump before you fall again
00:37:46Before you lose it all again
00:37:48Look up, cause somebody loves you
00:37:53You know trouble's always gonna be there
00:37:57Don't let it bring you to your knees
00:37:59Look up
00:38:10Baby, what did I do wrong?
00:38:14What did I do?
00:38:16Mom, it's not your fault. It's not your fault.
00:38:19I'm sorry.
00:38:22You don't have nothing to apologize for.
00:38:26I thought I could love him through it.
00:38:31I thought I could help him
00:38:34The way that I've seen you do for so many other people.
00:38:37I was out there trying to help everybody at the church
00:38:43When I should have been there more for you.
00:38:46Mama, you didn't do anything wrong.
00:38:49Sorry, baby. I am so sorry
00:38:52Because this makes me feel like I did.
00:38:55And I am sorry.
00:38:57Why didn't you tell us?
00:38:59Because I was embarrassed.
00:39:04You always talk about how people give up on marriage so easy when it's hard
00:39:09And how it's supposed to be for better or worse
00:39:13And I just didn't want to give up.
00:39:16I didn't want to disappoint you.
00:39:19And so I just kept trying.
00:39:24I want you to look at me
00:39:27Because this is beyond trying.
00:39:33Lord have mercy.
00:39:35You went through all this.
00:39:37I mean, this man beat on you and spit on you.
00:39:42Oh, baby, it breaks my heart.
00:39:45I'm sorry.
00:39:49Can't let daddy know about this
00:39:52Because he will kill him.
00:39:59I knew that I didn't tell you all the time
00:40:02How proud I was of you
00:40:05Because I thought that I was helping you not be arrogant, prideful
00:40:13But, baby, I didn't mean for you to stay in this.
00:40:17I never wanted you to endure this.
00:40:22I love you.
00:40:23I love you so much.
00:40:24And I don't want this for you.
00:40:28And I am proud of you every day.
00:40:30Every day.
00:40:38What did I do?
00:40:46What's going on in here?
00:40:48We're having our period.
00:40:51Jean, you're still having a period?
00:41:00I'm going to feed the horses.
00:41:06That always gets rid of them.
00:41:12Oh, baby.
00:41:20Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.
00:41:25Girl, I have been calling you.
00:41:28I was just telling Jim that we're about to come out there and come check on you.
00:41:31Bitch, I know you did not tell my mom about the letter.
00:41:34No, I swear I didn't.
00:41:35Did she find it?
00:41:36Yes, and she read it.
00:41:38Oh, Ava.
00:41:41It's okay.
00:41:43We ended up having a conversation that I actually needed to have.
00:41:47How are you feeling?
00:41:49I don't know.
00:41:51I'm coming out there.
00:41:52I'm about to fill the car up.
00:41:54No, it's okay.
00:41:55It's okay, and thank you for covering me at work.
00:42:01I'll just see you in a few days.
00:42:02It's just an hour and a half away.
00:42:04I'm coming.
00:42:05It's okay.
00:42:06It's okay.
00:42:07All right.
00:42:10You know what?
00:42:11I got to go.
00:42:12My dad is coming.
00:42:13Oh, God.
00:42:14Did he read it?
00:42:15Girl, he would be in jail.
00:42:16Oh, thank God.
00:42:19Yeah, I got to go.
00:42:20I'll call you later.
00:42:23I got to run to the feed store.
00:42:24Why don't you come with me?
00:42:25Oh, you know what, Daddy?
00:42:26I was kind of.
00:42:27Come on.
00:42:28Come on.
00:42:29Now, you used to love hanging out with your pops.
00:42:32I do love hanging out with my pops.
00:42:35Let me get my shoes and my purse.
00:42:39Oh, I guess I'm wearing my hat, too.
00:42:41Yes, indeed.
00:42:43You know, fair is going up, right?
00:42:47You used to have such a good time.
00:42:49We should go.
00:42:51No, it'll just remind me of Dallas.
00:42:53I don't want to be reminded of him.
00:42:56Well, good.
00:42:59You know I'm proud of you, right?
00:43:01What did Mama tell you?
00:43:03Well, you know, your Mama was very strict.
00:43:05She was reserved.
00:43:09She was slow to anger.
00:43:12And let's just say she was watchful.
00:43:14You think?
00:43:18But, you know, your Mama is very, very proud of you.
00:43:22She just could have been better at saying it.
00:43:27I guess we both could have.
00:43:30I love y'all so much.
00:43:35We love you, too, baby.
00:43:39It's going to be okay.
00:43:42Yes, it is.
00:43:45It's going to be okay.
00:43:47God's got us.
00:43:50Thank you.
00:44:09Hey, Benzie.
00:44:11Hey, what you doing here?
00:44:13How you doing?
00:44:16Daddy, did you know he was going to be here?
00:44:21I got to go get the feed.
00:44:27Oh, how are you?
00:44:31Your Daddy told me to come to the feed store at this time.
00:44:36Sorry, you know I can't lie.
00:44:38But that's all he told me.
00:44:39He said you're in town for a few days
00:44:41and I should come and say hi, so hi.
00:44:46Oh, shoot, where's the wolf?
00:44:53He's not here.
00:44:55Okay, good.
00:44:56About to grab one of these power tools to protect myself.
00:44:59Yeah, but you won't need it.
00:45:01We are getting a divorce.
00:45:03Oh, sorry to hear that.
00:45:05Didn't you just say that you can't lie?
00:45:07No, you're not.
00:45:09You're right, I'm not.
00:45:11Honestly, I never liked the way he treated you.
00:45:13I always thought you were too good for him.
00:45:15But I do know what divorce is like, so I know it's hard.
00:45:19Well, if you need any advice, I went through it.
00:45:22Maybe I can help you out.
00:45:24It was good to see you.
00:45:26Daddy, I'm going to be out at the truck.
00:45:29Good to see you, too.
00:45:32Boy, you ain't got no better game than that.
00:45:36God will give you joy
00:45:41when you learn to let go.
00:45:44Sometimes we hold on to the things
00:45:47that God himself wants us to let go of.
00:45:51Let go to go to the next level.
00:45:55Let go to climb higher.
00:45:59Sometimes things happen out of the blue.
00:46:02You got to know that there's a lesson in it.
00:46:05Rise up and learn that lesson well
00:46:09so that you don't have to cross that path again.
00:46:13Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
00:46:17Amen! Amen!
00:46:22Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!
00:46:25Joy! Joy! Joy! Joy!
00:47:06All my job, joy, glorious joy, joy, wonderful joy, joy, indescribable joy, joy, eternal joy, joy
00:47:13If you need, you can have it, joy, love, peace, joy, joy
00:47:21When your blessings come through, joy, joy, joy
00:47:27Thank God for joy, joy, thank you God for your joy
00:47:32Put it right there
00:47:37Why do you have an attitude?
00:47:39Does everyone in the town know I'm getting a divorce?
00:47:42Why did daddy preach that?
00:47:44Now you know that your daddy works on his sermon a week in advance
00:47:48He didn't know that you were coming here and to tell us that?
00:47:52That's how God works
00:47:54He will get a message to you
00:47:57Mama, why are y'all doing this?
00:48:00I'm not doing anything
00:48:02Now the boy goes to this church
00:48:06Hi, beautiful service, right?
00:48:08It sure was
00:48:10Miss Jean, could you do me a favor?
00:48:12If I paid you 20 bucks, will you go over to my table and buy some of my daughter's cakes?
00:48:17She doesn't stand a chance with all these great bakers here like yourself
00:48:21Hers are a little dry
00:48:23Well baby, now I don't like giving false hope to children
00:48:27But I have learned that they do need to know that you're proud of them
00:48:32And it ain't too late to start doing better
00:48:41Probably not helping her out by not telling the truth, huh?
00:48:45How much are my parents talking to you?
00:48:47What do you mean?
00:48:49Yeah, I'm not in the mood for this
00:48:52Excuse me
00:48:54Thank you
00:48:56Thank you so much, they look so good
00:49:00Ava, look, bought one for you too
00:49:04Well you go on and eat it, I don't want to die alone
00:49:22Sorry about that, probably should have warned you
00:49:25Yeah, y'all gets an A plus for this one
00:49:29Thank you
00:49:31Listen, I know it might be too soon for you to want to talk about it
00:49:35But I do know what it's like
00:49:38The anger, betrayal, all of it
00:49:41One minute you're strong and the next you're looking at the bottom of an empty whiskey bottle
00:49:45While listening to Chris Stapleson's song, either way
00:49:48Never heard it
00:49:50I have to play it for you
00:49:52I could even bring the whiskey
00:49:54Yeah, I don't think so, I'm not interested right now
00:49:58Yeah, felt the same way after my divorce
00:50:02Relationship was the last thing I ever wanted to think about
00:50:06But I realized that every woman isn't her
00:50:09And that there's still some good ones out there
00:50:12Good ones like you, Ava
00:50:14You know what, I have to go
00:50:17But you should definitely get these cakes before she kills one of those old people
00:50:23Thank you
00:50:28You know, Benji divorced that girl
00:50:32Mama, Daddy, why do y'all keep doing this?
00:50:36You think me being with that man while another one's stomping on my heart is gonna make things better?
00:50:40It won't
00:50:42So just stop pushing it, Mommy, stop, just stop it
00:50:45Well, that was your daddy's idea
00:50:48Well, ain't that nothing
00:50:50Woman, you just gonna put me up and just hang me out to dry like that?
00:50:54Well, I told you women are different from men
00:50:56Well, you can't just jump to another man
00:50:58Well, this generation definitely can't
00:51:00It's still wrong, you need to heal and get your heart right
00:51:05I just need more time
00:51:08Okay, just can't wait to be over this
00:51:12Alright, having said that, I want to show you something
00:51:278, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
00:51:33Y'all hurry up!
00:51:40That is great
00:51:53Thank you
00:52:08Why did you want me to see this?
00:52:10Baby, we gave you something
00:52:13We gave you joy and love and a foundation
00:52:17When you met him, you put it all down
00:52:21Everybody knew that I didn't want you with him
00:52:24But you was hell-bent on proving me and your mama wrong
00:52:28Okay, you won, you proved
00:52:31You married him and you made it all these years
00:52:35You got nothing else to prove
00:52:37And don't say you weren't that girl in the video
00:52:40That girl was a competitor
00:52:43And that's still in you
00:52:46Don't you forget
00:52:48Now, look at this
00:52:59Why you were marrying this girl?
00:53:01She's a traitor
00:53:02She gonna do what they don't like, miserable
00:53:05Ha, ha, ha
00:53:07You ain't never gonna be no worth traitor
00:53:09How could you do that?
00:53:19I look through all these tapes
00:53:23I couldn't find one moment where you smiled and laughed
00:53:28Like before you met him
00:53:31I know that you're not telling me all the stuff that this boy did
00:53:36But I want you to remember this
00:53:40I never talked to you like that
00:53:43I set a standard by where a woman should be treated
00:53:48I didn't just say it to you
00:53:51I showed you every day of your life
00:53:54By how I treated your mama
00:54:00To this day, I hold her hand
00:54:04I open doors
00:54:07I tell her how much I love her
00:54:10I tell her how much I love her
00:54:13And how beautiful she is daily
00:54:16I kiss her and I make love
00:54:26I love her
00:54:29That's what love is
00:54:32I showed you that, Ava
00:54:35I showed you how to be loved
00:54:39That's why I don't understand a child of mine who had those examples set
00:54:43But ever let a man talk to you like that
00:54:47We know you love him
00:54:50And that's all the more reason not to let him talk to you like shit
00:54:54I believe he enjoys seeing you in pain
00:54:58His whole trifling family is like that
00:55:01They love misery
00:55:04Don't you be his company
00:55:08Don't you be his company
00:55:29Yes, yes, yes
00:55:38Yes, yes, yes
00:55:54Hey! Hey, I was just gonna call you
00:55:58I wanted to see if you wanted another week off
00:56:01No, I'm actually gonna be home this weekend
00:56:03Good, good, cause I might have to work downstairs and cover these tellers
00:56:07Girl, they're driving me crazy
00:56:09They just throwing fits cause they gotta actually do work
00:56:12Oh, that's fine, girl, I don't mind
00:56:14I'll take care of my private clients and then I will be right down to help you
00:56:17Why are you sighing out of breath?
00:56:19I was just running
00:56:21Really? Well, I love that
00:56:23We used to do that all the time before, um, you know
00:56:27You and Dallas started having issues
00:56:29Let's do it when you get back
00:56:31Yeah, I mean, I don't know if you want to, but
00:56:34I feel like I got my old self back in one week
00:56:36You sound different
00:56:38I feel different
00:56:40Well, I'm loving all of this, okay?
00:56:43My parents are so damn awesome
00:56:46Well, you know I have an amazing support system, including you
00:56:49Oh, girl, of course
00:56:51Alright, well, I am gonna call you later
00:56:54Yes, cause we need to go out
00:56:56We need to celebrate between men
00:56:58Girl, I am not even thinking about that
00:57:00I will call you later
00:57:01Love you, alright
00:57:02Okay, bye, love you
00:57:22Thank you
00:57:24Come on
00:57:33Hey, my arm is not as good as it used to be, but
00:57:36I tell you what, I'm gonna try my best for my two favorite girls
00:57:40Hey, but you want to give it a try?
00:57:42No, you guys go ahead
00:57:44I think I'm actually gonna take a walk around
00:57:48Alright, let's see what you got
00:58:18Okay, okay, okay
00:58:23Yeah, you gotta, yeah, get a handful
00:58:28There you go
00:58:32Hey, I was just about to see my daughter off
00:58:35Mom got her this week
00:58:37See, that's the bright side of your divorce, no kids
00:58:40Make everything even harder
00:58:42Are these all of your animals from the farm?
00:58:45Yeah, still love animals, don't you?
00:58:49Yeah, yeah
00:58:51Do you have to stay here or could you take a walk?
00:58:56Let's take a walk
00:58:58Let's go for a walk
00:59:00Hey, come on, let's go find mommy, alright?
00:59:10When we pass in the hall
00:59:13Run away to separate rooms
00:59:17The only time we ever talk
00:59:21Is when the laundry bill's due
00:59:25We go to work, we go to church
00:59:29We fake the perfect life
00:59:38I pass the point of giving in
00:59:44And all my tears I cry
00:59:49We can just go on like this
00:59:57Say the word, we'll call it quits
01:00:05Baby, you can go
01:00:09You got that bottle of whiskey?
01:00:28Something tells me you don't do this too often
01:00:31Yeah, I have not had whiskey since
01:00:35But you were with me that night
01:00:41Oh, my God, I was so sick the next day
01:00:45You fared better than I did
01:00:48I'm so sorry
01:00:50That's not your fault
01:00:53I just can't believe him and his brothers put me in the hospital
01:00:57Yeah, we were 17 and Dallas and I had just broken up
01:01:01So, um, it's just so crazy
01:01:04You should have put them in jail
01:01:06Nah, we might still be having problems with them
01:01:09You know how this small town is
01:01:12But once I got bigger, started wrestling, they left me alone
01:01:16If I was gonna stay here, I had to be ready to set them straight
01:01:19Although they did try my ass at that bar
01:01:23Why didn't you leave here?
01:01:27Love the country
01:01:30I know you do, too
01:01:32How do you like Atlanta?
01:01:34It's nice
01:01:35You know, I love being in the hustle of it
01:01:38And an hour and a half away, there's this place
01:01:41A place that's mostly untouched
01:01:46This is home
01:01:49This is where I feel safe
01:01:51You are safe
01:01:53Anywhere that I'm with you
01:02:00Do you ever wonder what would have happened
01:02:02If they hadn't pulled you out of the car with me that night?
01:02:07I've thought about it a million times
01:02:12Maybe neither one of us would be going through a divorce right now
01:02:17Maybe we would be together
01:02:27You don't want to take it easy on that
01:02:31No, I want to be drunk
01:02:34I want to be out of my body
01:02:38Divorce didn't make you want to feel all those things
01:02:43I've never been with anybody but Dallas
01:02:49I want you to make love to me
01:03:05As much as I want to
01:03:08I don't want to
01:03:11You're going to make me feel unattractive
01:03:14Hey, look at me
01:03:17I mean, really, look at me
01:03:21Everything about you is turning me on right now, in every way
01:03:26But if we cross this line, it's going to be about you getting even with him
01:03:31You getting even with him
01:03:34That's not fair to me
01:03:37I want your mind on nobody but me
01:04:02You're going to need this
01:04:11Come on, I've got to get you back home before the sun comes up
01:04:15I want your daddy thinking bad about me
01:04:17They won't, they love you
01:04:20Okay, good, let's keep it that way
01:04:24So how about I give you my number and call me if you want to talk
01:04:29I'm sorry, Benji, but no
01:04:33Thank you for being here with me last night
01:04:35And making sure that I didn't do anything that I would regret
01:04:39But there's no room for anyone in my life right now but me
01:04:43Wow, that's fair
01:04:47Come on, let's put this fire out so we can go
01:04:55Come in
01:04:57Oh, now you don't need to do that, I got it
01:05:00Well, for old time's sake
01:05:02Oh, okay
01:05:04You got in a little late last night
01:05:08Daddy, I am 37 years old
01:05:11So what? You're still my one and only
01:05:16Are you sure you're ready to go back?
01:05:26I'm ready
01:05:28Yeah, I think you are too
01:05:32Okay, yeah, I can see the finish line
01:05:39That's my little girl
01:05:42Daddy, I love you guys so much
01:05:46And we love you
01:05:49Come on, we'll walk you to the car
01:05:54You're crazy
01:05:56It's fine
01:06:08Good morning
01:06:12Damn, you look good
01:06:14Thank you
01:06:16I bought you a new track watch
01:06:18Thank you
01:06:20Are you ready to get back to it?
01:06:22I love this
01:06:24How are you?
01:06:26I'm good, you know
01:06:28It's nothing like spending some time with my mom and daddy
01:06:31Well, shit, I need to go visit them if I'm gonna come back looking this happy
01:06:34Girl, it is dangerous to read a list of all the things a man has done to you
01:06:39Yeah, that's how I got over my ex
01:06:42Yeah, when I tell you that thing was just sitting on me
01:06:46I don't know who I was
01:06:48Well, you're back now, baby
01:06:53All right, I better get myself upstairs
01:06:55Okay, I'll see you later
01:06:56I'll see you
01:07:09Hey, you see that?
01:07:12See what?
01:07:14Check your phone
01:07:22What the fuck?
01:07:26Yeah, mama saw it, too
01:07:28We all saw it
01:07:29I told you she been cheating on you all this time
01:07:32It's some bullshit
01:07:34You said the world would go kick his ass
01:07:36You're getting a divorce, right?
01:07:39You're getting it
01:07:43Yeah, I'm gonna call y'all back
01:07:47All right, I appreciate your help
01:07:50So that looks like it, right?
01:07:52That's a text for him
01:07:53You can just erase it
01:07:55So I think that we can take you upstairs and go ahead and get things started
01:07:59If you'll excuse me just a second
01:08:01Dallas, what do you want?
01:08:03Move out of my way
01:08:05All right, that's a text for him
01:08:07You can just erase it if you don't need it
01:08:09Look here, I done sent you seven text messages about the time Jim need to be at that office to sign them papers
01:08:14All right, he got a notary in his office
01:08:17Now look here, I'm not playing this bullshit with you, Ava
01:08:20You better be there tomorrow at 11, all right?
01:08:22And have your lawyer there and not damn show me
01:08:25Dallas, you need to leave this bank right now
01:08:27Do you want to lose your job, bitch?
01:08:29Nigga, I don't give a fuck about this job
01:08:31You need to get the fuck out
01:08:33Leave, bounce, go
01:08:38You better be there, Ava
01:08:40I'm not fucking with you
01:08:41What? Bye
01:08:47I'm so sorry
01:08:49I'll be back
01:08:50And I'll slap your nose off
01:09:01That son of a bitch, Ava
01:09:04I wouldn't find shit
01:09:06I would get me a good lawyer and I would take him for everything that he got
01:09:09I actually know a divorce lawyer, you want me to call her?
01:09:11Why not?
01:09:13Let me ask you a question
01:09:15What does he got?
01:09:20Look, I don't want to argue with him, okay?
01:09:22When this divorce is over, I want to be in the black
01:09:24Not in the red in any way, not even emotionally
01:09:27So it's okay
01:09:30It's all right
01:09:31You must have got that shit from your mama and daddy
01:09:34I would take that nigga for everything
01:09:38Whew, okay, sorry, sir
01:09:40I am back, hi
01:10:04Okay, so where do I sign?
01:10:07Oh, you don't see me sitting here?
01:10:10Well, usually when a lady walks into a room, you stand to greet her like these gentlemen did
01:10:15They must have been raised well
01:10:17So you clearly don't respect me
01:10:19So I am just giving you what you've been giving me
01:10:22Oh, you playing big girl now, huh?
01:10:25That's what we doing now, okay
01:10:27So you got Benji waiting outside for you, huh?
01:10:29Where his ass at?
01:10:30Okay, you're the lawyer, right?
01:10:32Where do I sign?
01:10:33Do you have a lawyer?
01:10:35No, but I've read it and I understand it, so where do I sign?
01:10:39Well, I would recommend you have counsel here before signing
01:10:43Okay, well, before all these witnesses, I am saying that I don't need counsel
01:10:47I've read it and I am ready to sign and get this over with
01:10:50So I'll ask you again, where do I sign?
01:11:08And here
01:11:17You gentlemen have a nice day
01:11:23Thank you
01:11:24Have a good day
01:11:26You see? You see, Jim, she with him
01:11:29She did all this shit just to be with him
01:11:31Dallas, you asked for the divorce
01:11:32Yeah, but she's trying to embarrass me, Jim
01:11:34Just relax
01:11:35No, fuck relax, man
01:11:37Fuck this
01:11:43Just come on in, girl
01:11:46Girl, I knew I should have driven. I want to go home
01:11:49No, come inside
01:11:51We can watch Jeopardy
01:11:53Girl, just come inside
01:11:55Okay, I'm only coming in for ten minutes because I'm tired
01:11:58Wait, but first
01:12:01Take this gummy
01:12:03It'll help you sleep
01:12:06Chew it, it's just five milligrams
01:12:08What are you up to?
01:12:11You'll see
01:12:17Girl, what are you up to?
01:12:19No, nothing
01:12:21Oh my God, my weakness
01:12:24Rona called us and I got all the women from our book club
01:12:28From the bank
01:12:29In class
01:12:30And we are going to celebrate you
01:12:32That's right
01:12:33Girl with the cake, can you come here and
01:12:36Men, men, come join us
01:12:39Welcome to your
01:12:40Fuck you, nigga
01:12:41And back
01:12:42Divorce party
01:12:44Can we get her a drink?
01:12:46Can we play some music?
01:12:47Play that candy estate?
01:12:49Come on
01:12:50Come on, come on
01:12:52Come on, come on
01:12:56I'm a bartender
01:13:03Oh my God, this is so embarrassing
01:13:06I got his number from your mom
01:13:09So what can I get for you?
01:13:11A better friend
01:13:12Oh no, I think she's great
01:13:15So do you want to dance?
01:13:17I'm kind of a country music guy
01:13:19Okay, okay
01:13:20Well, you got to have some diversity, so
01:13:23Come on
01:13:54Babe, what did you do to your girl?
01:13:56Don't worry about that
01:13:57She's okay
01:14:21Hey, man
01:14:22What are you doing out here?
01:14:23You all right?
01:14:25Dallas, you're drunk, man
01:14:26You don't need to be driving
01:14:27It's Ava, man
01:14:28She wanted to divorce me, man
01:14:29You saw her
01:14:30She was happy at that divorce
01:14:32And you know that
01:14:33Dallas, that ain't true
01:14:34She wanted you
01:14:36But you made it hard
01:14:37You and your family
01:14:38Nigga, pick a side
01:14:40You my friend
01:14:41Not hers
01:14:43No, she didn't want me
01:14:46Guess that doesn't matter now, huh?
01:14:48Wait a minute, what's that music, man?
01:14:52You having a party
01:14:53And you didn't invite me?
01:14:54No, I'm just in there doing a girl thing, man
01:14:55You know
01:14:56Wait a minute
01:14:57That's exactly what I need, man
01:14:58I need a woman
01:14:59I'm trying to get me some place
01:15:00Dallas, you're drunk
01:15:02Let me drive you home
01:15:03Look, I'm coming in
01:15:04Wait, is Ava in there?
01:15:06No, I'm coming in, Jim
01:15:08You're not, man
01:15:09Let me drive you home
01:15:10She got to your ass, too
01:15:12Come on, man
01:15:13It's me
01:15:23That's okay, shh, come on
01:15:27Oh, that was so much fun
01:15:29Yeah, come in
01:15:30Well, here you are
01:15:32Okay, okay
01:15:33You were the one who planned this
01:15:35That's why she had a ride with her
01:15:36So that you could take me home
01:15:39Tell the truth
01:15:40Tell the truth
01:15:41Hey, cheap cop
01:15:42Hey, but I can't leave
01:15:44I can leave
01:15:45I don't want you thinking this is a trick
01:15:46That ain't me
01:15:47Uh, I don't know
01:15:48I don't know
01:15:49I don't know
01:15:50I don't know
01:15:51Uh, I was so vulnerable
01:15:54Back home in the back of your truck
01:15:56And you saw that
01:15:59You know, you saw me
01:16:01And I thank you for that
01:16:04You know, you could have taken advantage of the situation
01:16:06But you didn't
01:16:09You are a good man
01:16:15I'm serious
01:16:16You are
01:16:19Well, all right
01:16:20Well, I'm dry
01:16:21I better get going
01:16:22No, wait, wait
01:16:23Look, I'm not
01:16:24I promise I'm not making a pass at you
01:16:26But if you're tired
01:16:29You can stay here
01:16:30Because I do have a gas room
01:16:36I'm just dead
01:16:38Do you really?
01:16:39Hey, if it was by the grace of God
01:16:41I didn't sleep with you in the back of that truck
01:16:44That ain't gonna work tonight
01:16:47A gas room ain't gonna work
01:16:50I'm gonna sleep with you
01:16:53In your room
01:16:54In your bed
01:17:04Well, that is fine
01:17:07But if we are gonna do this
01:17:11Then you have to know that it will only be for sex
01:17:15Because, I mean, I am turning 40 soon
01:17:23Yeah, so if you can handle, you know, it just being that
01:17:41I feel so much
01:17:44You're all I need
01:17:46You're all I need
01:17:50All I need
01:17:54All I, all I, all I need
01:17:58All I need
01:18:01All I, all I
01:18:10All I need
01:18:13All I need
01:18:18All I need
01:18:40All I need
01:18:46All I need
01:18:54What are you doing here?
01:18:58I ain't been here but 20 minutes, um
01:19:02Ain't too glad to see me?
01:19:04No, how did you get in the house?
01:19:06I changed all the locks, Dallas
01:19:08There ain't no lock to stop me from getting in my damn house
01:19:10No, no, no, no, no
01:19:11You left this house
01:19:13It's mine
01:19:14And you need to leave
01:19:21Look here, look here
01:19:23I know you
01:19:25Look, I know you well
01:19:29So let's stop all this shit
01:19:32And I'm thinking about giving you another shot
01:19:36You good?
01:19:37You're thinking about giving me another shot
01:19:40Look, I'm willing to forgive all that shit
01:19:42With you and Benji
01:19:44Cause I know y'all was at the fair, right?
01:19:47And I even told my brother and my mama
01:19:50That you my wife
01:19:53And you're gonna have to get over this shit
01:19:56So I'm gonna go outside
01:19:58Get my things in the car
01:20:00I'm coming home
01:20:04I need to apologize
01:20:07Yeah, you do
01:20:09You got some making up to do
01:20:12I know
01:20:14I gave up so much of myself to be with you
01:20:19That you haven't met the real me
01:20:23That 17 year old me
01:20:25That was so in love with you
01:20:27That 20's version
01:20:29That just kept trying and trying
01:20:31And trying
01:20:34Met the 30's in me
01:20:36It was very clear
01:20:37That this woman
01:20:39Has zero fucks to give
01:20:42You gonna give me another chance?
01:20:46See that's that shit that your mama did
01:20:48Making you believe that you're the gift
01:20:51But I'll be damned
01:20:53If I ever beg a nigga to stay with me
01:20:57Is that right?
01:20:59Who told you to talk like this, Honda?
01:21:01You don't need to sound like you
01:21:04Well since you woke up the bitch in me
01:21:09Now get the fuck out of my house
01:21:11Let me tell you something
01:21:14I ain't going nowhere
01:21:15Yes you are
01:21:16I'm gonna go upstairs and I'm gonna take a shower
01:21:17No you're not
01:21:22You know you fucking with me
01:21:27I'm gonna go upstairs
01:21:28In my house
01:21:29And take a shower
01:21:37What the fuck?
01:21:38Nigga get your ass up
01:21:45Get your ass down, huh?
01:21:46You think you can
01:21:48Bitch if you don't get your ass down
01:21:53Grab me like that
01:22:00You okay?
01:22:01Yeah, yeah
01:22:02I'm okay
01:22:03Watch out, watch out, watch out
01:22:04You mother
01:22:08Get up
01:22:09Get up
01:22:27Oh no
01:22:28I got this
01:22:33Out of my house
01:22:34Ava, hold on
01:22:35But you don't want to listen to me
01:22:36Because Dallas never wants to listen
01:22:39I told you to get the fuck out
01:22:41Oh you want to take a shower?
01:22:43You want to take a shower?
01:22:44How was your shower, nigga?
01:22:46Did you get wet, motherfucker?
01:22:48You want to eat cereal?
01:22:50Go ahead and eat your cereal
01:22:51You want to take a shower?
01:22:52How was your shower, nigga?
01:22:53Did you get wet, motherfucker?
01:22:55Go ahead and eat your cereal
01:22:56Outside the motherfucking house
01:23:01Get out
01:23:03I'm tired of this shit
01:23:04Get out
01:23:06Get the fuck out of my house
01:23:09I'm so tired of this shit
01:23:11I'm tired of it
01:23:12Dallas, get the fuck out
01:23:13Get the fuck out
01:23:16Can you help me with this?
01:23:18Get out
01:23:26Get the fuck out
01:23:43Wake up
01:23:44Don't you come back here again
01:23:51Thank you
01:23:56Hey, are you okay?
01:23:59I'm so sorry
01:24:01I couldn't get him to leave
01:24:03Well, he's gone now
01:24:08I gotta get to work
01:24:09Hey, but this is bad
01:24:10We gotta...
01:24:12Look, the door lock's behind you
01:24:53Hey, baby
01:24:55Jim, Dallas' ass is sitting outside the bank right now
01:24:58You need to come get him
01:24:59He's bloody and bruised up
01:25:01Come on, Dallas
01:25:04Okay, all right, I'm not far
01:25:05I'm on the way
01:25:06He got into it with, uh, Ava and Benji
01:25:11Why does he care?
01:25:12Jim, come get him
01:25:13All right, all right, I am
01:25:15I am, I'm on the way
01:25:16All right
01:25:21Dallas, was that your house?
01:25:24Girl, I came downstairs and he was there
01:25:26Oh, hell no
01:25:30He walked his ass inside your house
01:25:32And now he's sitting outside the bank?
01:25:34Ava, you need a restraining order
01:25:36No, Rona, look, I am not afraid of him
01:25:38He was fighting Benji this morning
01:25:40Yes, you need one
01:25:41No, he just needs to calm down
01:25:42Plus, Benji whipped his ass
01:25:43So he's not gonna be messing with me anymore
01:25:46I don't like this
01:25:50I know Dallas is mad now
01:25:51But he will calm down and he will move on
01:25:53But are you sure?
01:25:54You know how he gets when his brothers are in his ears
01:25:56I know, I know, I know
01:25:57But it'll be fine
01:25:59Trust me
01:26:00I'm not worried about him
01:26:02It's okay
01:26:25Sheriff, Mr. Clarence, what's going on?
01:26:28I was driving by and I saw that all your animals were dying
01:26:32I'm sorry, Benji
01:26:34Looks like poison of some kind
01:26:37You have any idea who did this?
01:26:41It was Dallas
01:26:42Yeah, he saw me with Ava this morning
01:26:44He was in her house
01:26:45In her house?
01:26:46Yeah, well, hey, it's all right, though
01:26:47I took care of him
01:26:48You got any cameras?
01:26:49Any proof it was him?
01:26:51Why does he need proof?
01:26:52Everybody know how that man is
01:26:55I'm going to Atlanta
01:26:56Mr. Clarence, it's all right
01:26:58Mr. Clarence
01:27:13Hey, man
01:27:15What you doing out here?
01:27:19Dallas, what's up, man?
01:27:20What's going on?
01:27:22She played me, man
01:27:24She played me
01:27:26She was fucking him the whole time
01:27:28And we were married
01:27:29It's not true
01:27:30You know that
01:27:31You know Ava and you know she wasn't doing that
01:27:33Oh, okay
01:27:37You backstabbing motherfucker
01:27:38So you know, man
01:27:41You knew she was doing it
01:27:42And you didn't tell me
01:27:45She tells Rona everything
01:27:47All right, you tell me the truth, man
01:27:49Because why was she fucking him
01:27:50When the ink ain't even drowned
01:27:51Or the divorce papers yet, huh?
01:27:52She wasn't seeing him
01:27:55She wasn't seeing him
01:27:56And I'm telling you that
01:27:57That's the truth, it's coming from me
01:27:59You hear me?
01:28:00Don't do this, Dallas
01:28:02Don't do it
01:28:03It's not healthy for you to do, man
01:28:04Now go on and let it go
01:28:05Let it go
01:28:08Dallas, come on, man
01:28:09Where you going?
01:28:10Where you going?
01:28:11Fuck you, okay?
01:28:14That's where I'm going
01:28:33Are you okay?
01:28:34Yeah, I'm good
01:28:35I'm just calling to check in on you
01:28:37Yeah, I'm fine
01:28:39I'm so sorry
01:28:41You got nothing to be sorry for
01:28:43And if he thinks that's going to stop me
01:28:44From trying to get with you
01:28:45Then he is out of his damn mind
01:28:48I already missed my chance once
01:28:49I'm not doing that again
01:28:52But Benji, I hope you're hearing me
01:28:53When I'm saying that
01:28:55I'm wanting and needing some self-care
01:28:57Yeah, I hear you
01:28:58Take all the time you need
01:29:00But I ain't giving up on us
01:29:02I waited 17 years to get my shot
01:29:05You got no idea
01:29:06How I really feel about you, do you?
01:29:08I mean, I kind of have an idea
01:29:11Yeah, well, you can triple that idea
01:29:13I just hope I was worth the wait
01:29:14No, um
01:29:17You were the best I ever had
01:29:19Oh, yeah, that's awesome to hear
01:29:21You ain't really got much to compare it to
01:29:23Okay, but I do know that it was incredible
01:29:27Looks like you were there just for me
01:29:29I am
01:29:34You know what?
01:29:35Let me call you right back
01:29:36That's my dad
01:29:37Oh, wait
01:29:38There's actually something I got to tell you
01:29:39He is on his way to come and see you
01:29:42I don't want you to panic
01:29:43But Dallas killed some of my animals
01:29:44Wait, what?
01:29:46Are you serious?
01:29:48I don't got any proof
01:29:49But I know it was him
01:29:51Hey, I wasn't going to tell you
01:29:52Because I don't want you to get upset
01:29:53It's all right, okay?
01:29:55I'm so sorry, Benji
01:29:57Listen, listen
01:29:58I'm going to get this all cleaned up
01:30:02It'd be great if I could see you tonight
01:30:04Yeah, you can see me
01:30:05But I don't want it to be
01:30:06Because you feel like
01:30:07You have to protect me from him
01:30:08Because I don't want you to get hurt
01:30:09You can see me
01:30:10But I don't want it to be
01:30:11Because you feel like
01:30:12You have to protect me from him
01:30:13Because I'm fine
01:30:14Yes, I want to see you
01:30:15I'll drive over when I'm done here, okay?
01:30:29Look, I've known him all these years
01:30:30I ain't never seen him like this
01:30:32He's crazy
01:30:35Are you guys talking about Dallas?
01:30:36Is he still out there?
01:30:41Benji just got home
01:30:42And some of his animals are dead
01:30:44And he thinks Dallas did it
01:30:45Yeah, who else?
01:30:48We are getting a restraining order
01:30:49And I mean it
01:30:50He is fucking insane
01:30:52Killing animals and shit
01:30:53Look, let me just try to talk to him one more time
01:30:55No, Jim, fuck him
01:30:56I'm not saying don't get the restraining order
01:30:58I'm saying let me just try to talk him down
01:31:00I'm not going to let him hurt y'all, all right?
01:31:03All right
01:31:11Hey, baby
01:31:12Can you believe that Dallas went to Ava's house?
01:31:15I'm on my way to see her right now
01:31:17Thank God Benji was there
01:31:19Okay, I'm on my way
01:31:20No, no, no, no
01:31:21She's okay
01:31:22She's okay
01:31:24Look, I'm going to call you when I'm on my way back
01:31:27All right, now listen, be careful
01:31:28I love you
01:31:30But I'll call her right now
01:31:31All right, I love you too
01:31:34I'll be home before dark
01:31:36Okay, all right
01:31:46See, you still come to the market every Tuesday like clockwork
01:31:52How you doing?
01:31:54You ain't going to answer me?
01:31:57Actually, I'm not
01:31:59Oh, I see
01:32:01Acting like a bitch like your daughter, huh?
01:32:03You watch your mouth
01:32:05I'm a woman of God
01:32:07That's what they all say
01:32:10Until you end up in the barn at the fair fucking Benji
01:32:14You knew she was playing me, bitch
01:32:16You knew, didn't you?
01:32:18Boy, you are high and drunk
01:32:21I can smell the weed and the alcohol in your hair
01:32:23I'm crazy
01:32:24Now move!
01:32:25Hey, hey
01:32:26Hey, you told her to leave me, didn't you?
01:32:28Okay, all right
01:32:29So I see that you ain't going to move
01:32:31You think you're going to play me for a motherfucking fool?
01:32:34Now get your ass back here
01:32:35Boy, you don't let me go
01:32:37You think I'm going to let you make a fucking fool out of me?
01:32:40You think I'm going to let him and her embarrass me like that?
01:32:43You devil!
01:32:44You fool!
01:32:45You fool!
01:32:46You want to tell your husband that shit, bitch?
01:32:49I got something for his ass
01:32:52And what the fuck you looking at?
01:33:06Hey, daddy
01:33:11So, I changed all the locks in the house
01:33:14And I put up these cameras
01:33:16Come on, let's go inside
01:33:20Thank you, dad
01:33:21Did you get that restraint in order?
01:33:24Okay, let's go
01:33:25Let's go
01:33:26Let's go
01:33:27Let's go
01:33:28Let's go
01:33:29Let's go
01:33:30Let's go
01:33:31Let's go
01:33:32Let's go
01:33:33Let's go
01:33:36Well, some good that's going to do
01:33:38They say you got to actually do something for them to arrest them
01:33:41Like killing animals and the like
01:33:45You got alibis?
01:33:48Sorry, sir
01:33:49This, this is what I'm talking about, Ava
01:33:52Daddy, I don't need...
01:33:53That little 22 I gave you can't bust a grape
01:33:56We got to put these all over the house
01:33:58You got to be ready for anything
01:33:59But is this really necessary?
01:34:02Look, I got to get home before dark
01:34:05Your mama's be waiting on me, all right?
01:34:07No buts
01:34:08You hear me, little girl?
01:34:09Yeah, yeah
01:34:11Daddy is my kind of preacher
01:34:19Please, don't embarrass me
01:34:20But it's true
01:34:21It's true
01:34:22In my defense, I thought, you know, that she was...
01:34:28But it's true
01:34:33What the fuck?
01:34:35You just gonna walk in here?
01:34:36Yeah, I'm just gonna walk in here
01:34:38I come in here to lean on my best friend
01:34:40And you in here with the motherfucking enemy
01:34:42All right, come on, Dallas, let's go
01:34:44No, no, no, we ain't going nowhere
01:34:46How you doing, Benjamin?
01:34:48She has a restraining order against you
01:34:50You going to jail
01:34:51Because I'm calling the police
01:34:52No shit
01:34:53I was served at my job
01:34:54And I'm suspended pending an investigation
01:34:56What am I supposed to do for money, huh?
01:34:58Look, yes, I have someone in my home violating a restraining order
01:35:02You ain't shit
01:35:03Come on, let's go
01:35:04No, no, no, you know what?
01:35:07You need help, Dallas
01:35:09No, you gonna start this bullshit again now, right?
01:35:13I'm gonna tell you this just one time
01:35:16You better leave me alone
01:35:18I'm not bothering you
01:35:21I'm here to see my best friend
01:35:23Don't make me put you out of here
01:35:25How you gonna betray me like this, huh?
01:35:27You got this son of a bitch in your house, huh?
01:35:30In the seat that I sit in?
01:35:32The police are on the way
01:35:33Shut up, bitch
01:35:34You watch your mouth when you talk to my wife
01:35:36Look here, man
01:35:37Your wife, right?
01:35:40You all faithful and all honest and all in love, right?
01:35:46But did you tell her about Kelly?
01:35:52Fuck you up
01:35:53Did you tell her about Kelly, huh?
01:35:54That you're all fucking around?
01:35:56Did you tell her that shit?
01:35:59Oh, fuck you up
01:36:00Yeah, I know about that, Dallas
01:36:03Because they've been fucking around for years
01:36:05Well, start that lying shit
01:36:07Anything else, Dallas?
01:36:09Also, she knows, is she cool with that?
01:36:11With her ghetto ass
01:36:13I'm about two seconds off your ass
01:36:18Look here
01:36:20I'm sorry, y'all
01:36:21I interrupt y'all little fun
01:36:24Y'all can get back to y'all little funky ass barbecue
01:36:29Watch out, man
01:36:31Step aside
01:36:34Oh, this nigga got you all bold and shit now, huh?
01:36:38Let me get the fuck up out of here before I shoot the shit out this motherfucker
01:36:41Uh-uh, stay
01:36:44Stay so the police can arrest your ass
01:37:11Hey, are you okay?
01:37:15I'm fine
01:37:18Yeah, I've never seen him like that before
01:37:23But you know what?
01:37:24My daddy says that he is misery
01:37:29So let's not be his company
01:37:31Okay, we were having such a beautiful night, you guys
01:37:34I don't want to let everyone in
01:37:35Yeah, not up to it anymore
01:37:38No, no
01:37:41Why don't you take her home?
01:37:44No, I'm gonna stay
01:37:45I'm gonna stay
01:37:46No, no, no, no
01:37:47Just go, have a good night
01:37:50I love you
01:37:51I'm sorry
01:37:52It's okay
01:37:54I love you too
01:37:56We'll see y'all later
01:38:11You wouldn't tell me Dallas was lying
01:38:13It happened one time
01:38:15And I told you
01:38:17You're lying about it going on for months
01:38:20Told you as soon as I did it, you know that?
01:38:22Baby, I felt like shit, you know I did
01:38:25But he's lying
01:38:27That doesn't make me feel good
01:38:29I know
01:38:30And I'm sorry
01:38:32That was years ago, baby
01:38:34We worked it out, we talked about it, we're good now, right?
01:38:46Tell me we're good
01:38:50I can't say that
01:38:58How is she?
01:39:02She's fine
01:39:03Okay, good
01:39:05I got your supper
01:39:07It's warming up
01:39:15What's going on?
01:39:16What's going on?
01:39:18You gonna act like nothing is wrong, Jean?
01:39:21Judy, the cashier, told me what happened
01:39:23The whole town knows
01:39:25That motherfucker put his hands on you
01:39:27Clarence, listen, don't go over there, okay?
01:39:29Because I'm fine
01:39:30Stay here and lock the door
01:39:31No, Clarence
01:39:36Jean, get back in the house
01:39:37Clarence, I'm not gonna let you do this
01:39:40Jean, I'll be damned
01:39:41Get back in that house
01:39:42Lord Jesus
01:39:44Clarence, please
01:39:46Oh, God
01:39:52Okay, Mama
01:39:55Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
01:39:56Mama, Mama
01:39:57Slow down
01:40:00Mama, Mama, slow down
01:40:01I can't understand you
01:40:04Dallas, he grabbed me at the grocery store
01:40:06And I didn't tell your daddy
01:40:07But somebody at the grocery store
01:40:08Tell him that now he done got all his guns
01:40:11And they gonna kill him
01:40:13They gonna kill him
01:40:14Okay, okay, okay
01:40:15We'll be there in an hour and 15 minutes
01:40:17We're coming right now
01:40:19Please hurry, hurry, hurry
01:40:38What the hell you doing knocking on my door?
01:40:40Where the hell is your boy?
01:40:42I got lots of them
01:40:43Who the hell you think you are?
01:40:44Look, don't play with me, woman
01:40:46If you think I'm gonna let that boy
01:40:48Put his hands on my wife
01:40:50I will blow his brains out
01:40:52Don't you threaten my child, preacher
01:40:54Where is he?
01:40:56You better get your black ass from around here
01:40:58Where is he?
01:41:08What you want, hmm?
01:41:14I hope you...
01:41:15You will what?
01:41:18You better be glad I didn't slap that bitch
01:41:20When I had the chance
01:41:25Boy, I will meet your soul in hell
01:41:27If you ever get close to my wife again
01:41:29Or get near my daughter
01:41:33You think I'm scared of a gun, man?
01:41:36You gonna shoot me, old nigga?
01:41:38Then shoot me
01:41:40I don't think you got it in you
01:41:43All right, listen
01:41:44I'm gonna turn my back at the count of three
01:41:46You ain't gonna do shit
01:41:53That's what I thought, nigga
01:41:59Get him, get him
01:42:06Stop, stop, stop, stop
01:42:09Get in the house
01:42:11Leave the motherfucker, go!
01:42:15Who gonna raise their eyes up in hell now, preacher?
01:42:29That's what your ass get
01:42:35My daddy's truck
01:42:44Mr. Clarence
01:42:47Daddy, daddy
01:42:51Call 911
01:42:52He's got a pulse
01:42:53Hey, 911
01:42:55Mr. Clarence
01:42:56Hi, I need an ambulance
01:42:58On highway 32, station mark 7
01:43:00Mr. Clarence
01:43:01Hey, hey
01:43:02Station mark 7
01:43:03Station mark 7
01:43:08I mean, oh boy, he come grabbing on me and
01:43:11It's okay, it's okay
01:43:14How's he doing?
01:43:15Not good
01:43:17That Dallas
01:43:19He did this
01:43:21Jane, they said he didn't do it
01:43:23Hey, come on, Sheriff
01:43:24That son of a bitch has been doing this type of stuff in this town since he was a kid
01:43:28And now you gonna tell us you can't do nothing?
01:43:30We need proof
01:43:32I need Clarence to tell me what happened
01:43:35Or something
01:43:36Now, I'm sorry
01:43:38What's the doctor saying?
01:43:41That ain't good
01:43:42And Ava, she's just so
01:43:46Where'd she go?
01:44:00Ava, what are you doing?
01:44:01Where'd you go?
01:44:02Call me back when you see this
01:44:04Listen, I was choking the shit out of him
01:44:08You see the home run I hit off that old man?
01:44:13You felt that gun?
01:44:26That's what I'm doing my ass to get
01:44:28Did you hurt my father?
01:44:31I don't know what you're talking about
01:44:33I don't believe you
01:44:35You believe you was with him the whole time?
01:44:37I was
01:44:39And he's so much better than you
01:44:42The sex is so much better than you could ever imagine
01:44:45And you're the worst
01:44:47I tried to make you a man, but you ain't shit
01:44:51I'm gonna show you
01:44:53I'm gonna show you I ain't shit
01:44:55I'll leave him
01:44:56I'm on my way home right now to make love to Benji
01:45:00He makes love to me the way that you never could
01:45:02He makes me feel so fucking bad
01:45:31Hey, sorry, but I need you to swing by Ava's house and go check on her
01:45:34I'm trying to see if she's okay
01:45:36Dallas beat up her father
01:45:38Yeah, she took my truck and left the hospital
01:45:40I'm in her mom's car
01:45:41I can't find her
01:45:43I'm about to be on the way
01:45:45Hey, Rona, please, don't go alone, alright?
01:45:47I just need to know if she's there or not
01:45:48I'm already mad as shit, I wish the nigga would
01:45:50Don't go alone!
01:45:52Never mind, I'll call Jim
01:45:53That nigga is on the couch, I'll tell him
01:45:55Alright, call me as soon as you know
01:45:58Come on, shit, we gotta go, come on, come on, get up
01:46:00Go where?
01:46:01Ava, get up!
01:46:20Hey, hey, where are you?
01:46:22I'm in your mom's car looking all over for you
01:46:24I'm sorry that I stole your truck, I just needed some air
01:46:28That's okay, don't worry about it
01:46:30Just tell me where you're at and I'll come
01:46:32No, no need
01:46:33Ava, I'm driving to Dallas' parents' house
01:46:36No, no, don't do that, I'm not there
01:46:38Then where are you?
01:46:41What was that?
01:46:42Ava, are you at your house?
01:46:44I'm gonna call you back
01:46:45I'm on my way
01:47:24I thought that nigga was upstairs
01:47:37Did you hurt my daddy?
01:47:41You lied to me
01:47:45You lied to me, Ava
01:47:48Look around
01:47:51I did
01:47:55Did you grab my mama?
01:48:16Let me tell you something about a good woman
01:48:20We are faithful to a vault
01:48:22I mean, most of us, but I was...
01:48:29And you know Benji?
01:48:30He respected the fact that I was married
01:48:32He never called, he never reached out
01:48:34You still learned
01:48:39I never, I never disrespected you
01:48:44I didn't
01:48:47You're not supposed to
01:48:49You know why?
01:48:52Because you're fucking married, that's why
01:48:59But you know what, like most women
01:49:02I knew that if you ever fucked up
01:49:06I would give him a chance
01:49:10Y'all bitches ain't shit
01:49:12Y'all ain't shit
01:49:14This is bullshit
01:49:28I spent all this time feeling bad for you
01:49:33But you don't want help
01:49:35No, you don't want help
01:49:38So I don't feel bad for you anymore
01:49:41Me, on the other hand
01:49:45Me and Benji
01:49:47Yeah, that's working out good for me
01:49:50Yeah, we had some great sex
01:49:53So good
01:49:54It was never like that with us
01:49:57Yeah, I don't think I enjoyed it much actually
01:50:01You know?
01:50:08You disrespect me like that, get up bitch!
01:50:10Dallas, you hit like a bitch
01:50:14Get up, bitch!
01:50:16Is that it?
01:50:18Is that it?
01:50:19I'm gonna put my fucking hand on your fucking mouth
01:50:21Is that all you got?
01:50:22Come on, yeah
01:50:23You keep talking shit
01:50:24Yeah, I keep talking shit
01:50:25That's what you're doing?
01:50:27Okay, keep it
01:50:30Yeah, that hurt?
01:50:32Yeah, look at you now
01:50:33Yeah, you're fucking crazy
01:50:34I was trying to be like my father
01:50:36But he was beating my mama ass all the time
01:50:39So this is what happened to you
01:50:41Look at you, now you have to kill his ex
01:50:44I can build up a lot
01:50:46But when I finish life, you fucking with my family
01:50:48Bitch, I'll smack the fuck out of you
01:50:50No, you can't stop me
01:50:51No, you can't
01:50:53Thank you
01:50:55Because you gave me just the bruises I need
01:51:02What you gonna do?
01:51:04Come here, I'll break your motherfucking neck
01:51:06I done told you now
01:51:08My ex-husband just broke into my house
01:51:11He beat me up
01:51:12He beat me up
01:51:13Please send help
01:51:17What you gonna do?
01:51:19Look, I done told your motherfucking
01:51:23Oh, okay
01:51:24That's what we doing, huh?
01:51:28Don't do it
01:51:35Oh, shit
01:51:36Don't do it
01:51:41You gonna shoot me, bitch?
01:51:44Shoot me
01:51:49Shoot me
01:51:58I told you not to do it
01:52:11Officer, check your records
01:52:13She got a restraining order against him
01:52:15He's been stalking her
01:52:18Are you okay?
01:52:19Are you okay?
01:52:21Are you okay?
01:52:22Are you okay?
01:52:42Jane, this is ridiculous
01:52:43I don't need no damn
01:52:44Hush, you are taking it
01:52:47Well, daddy, I can tell you're feeling better
01:52:49You can't break this old man
01:52:52Can't break his daughter either
01:52:55What are they doing here?
01:52:56Youngest boy got shot last night
01:52:58Well, damn, he must be cursed
01:53:00Raised by the devil
01:53:01Come on, let's just keep going
01:53:04You think this is over?
01:53:07You killed my boy
01:53:08You think this is over?
01:53:10For your sake, it better be
01:53:12You better be careful pushing good people too far
01:53:15It's over
01:53:16Let it be over
01:53:22Ava, come on, let's go
01:53:46Today I had to walk away
01:53:52Today I could not hide the shame
01:53:59Today I finally found the reason to close the door
01:54:05This isn't life, there's so much more
01:54:12I always knew this dream would be
01:54:17I knew one day I'd soon be free
01:54:25No longer fighting for love that didn't heal
01:54:32No more hiding scars to live
01:54:37Cause I will survive
01:54:43I will survive
01:54:51I'll risk it all to win another chance to do it right
01:54:58I will survive
01:55:05Today I finally feel alive
01:55:12Today my eyes are open wide
01:55:19Yesterday took me down with many wounds
01:55:25Today I spend my life with you
01:55:31Cause I will survive
01:55:36I will survive
01:55:44I'll risk it all to win another chance to do it right
01:55:51I will survive
01:55:58Might have been some days no sunshine
01:56:01But I knew today would come
01:56:05There would be no fear in the way
01:56:11I lift my hands, I'm grateful
01:56:15I found the strength to live
01:56:18I'm fighting for my life to be free
01:56:24I will survive
01:56:32I will survive
01:56:38I'll risk it all to win another chance to do it right
01:56:45I will survive
01:56:51I will survive
01:56:56I will survive
01:57:04I'll risk it all to win another chance to do it right
01:57:11I will survive
01:57:17I will survive
01:57:25I'll risk it all to win another chance to do it right
01:57:55I Will Survive
01:58:25I Will Survive
01:58:55I Will Survive
01:59:25I Will Survive
01:59:55I Will Survive
02:00:25I Will Survive
02:00:55I Will Survive
02:01:25I Will Survive
