• 3 months ago
ولاد رزق 3,ولاد رزق,أولاد رزق,أولاد رزق 3,اولاد رزق,فيلم ولاد رزق,ولاد رزق 2,أغنية فيلم ولاد رزق,فيلم اولاد رزق,أغنية فيلم ولاد رزق ٢,ولاد رزق ٢ فيلم جامد,اغنية اولاد رزق 2,فيلم ولاد رزق 3 القاضية,ولاد رزق أحمد عز,اسر ياسين ولاد رزق,فيلم أولاد رزق 3,كريم عبد العزيز ولاد رزق,فيلم ولاد رزق الجزء التالت,فيلم اولاد رزق 3,فيلم ولاد رزق ٢,فيلم ولاد رزق 3,ولاد رزق 3 اغنية,ولاد رزق مهرجان,الدخلاوية ولاد رزق,اعلان فيلم اولاد رزق الجزء 3
00:50No middle school I spent an entire summer inside I
00:55didn't go out I
00:57Want the kids to make fun of my braces?
01:02No walls
01:04No feeling the first time in eight years
01:09Not gonna lie
01:11It's kind of freaking me out
01:17Does it freak you out not one bit are you in braces?
01:26Radiation levels are normal for now outside temperature is
01:31Minus 117. Maybe it was a satellite or fell out of orbit
01:41Rockets trajectory was leaving the atmosphere not entering it could have been a failsafe
01:47triggered automatically by
01:49Who knows what?
01:51A rat chewing a wire?
01:53Yeah well anything's possible
01:55Tell you what, let's get these samples and be gone
02:04Snowpiercer, this is Ben. Do you read me?
02:10Now do you copy come in
02:14Some kind of interference
02:48They were waiting for us
02:56The end of the line
03:01That's what I thought when the train split apart
03:06Who knew we'd end up like this
03:15I got it
03:17You need to run off like a crazy person. She's fine. I need a second
03:22You're right, you sit down you look like you're gonna pass out I'm snow look wait till nap time
03:26He's she's screaming for her Gibby. Then we gonna see who the hero is. Thank you
03:30All right. Now that you got your morning running. How about we all get to work?
03:36Wait, wait, it's cold out. She's
03:41Turns out my mother was right
03:44Before she passed on she held my hand and said don't worry son
03:49Endings are just beginnings in disguise
04:00This is a new beginning a new Eden
04:06Filled with survivors looking for a second chance
04:10No doubt the open sky has been a gift
04:13But growing food
04:15generating power
04:17fighting unpredictable weather
04:20It's been a struggle
04:23Almost as hard as trying to make contact with our friends
04:27Wondering if they're still alive out there on snowpiercer
04:33879 cars
05:17Yeah, do you think you could take her yeah, just come on by in the morning, I'll remember to pack the money
05:24Hey, yeah
05:26Hey, do you think I had really has time for treatment today? Yeah, we'll make time for you. Are you getting your feeling back?
05:33Yeah, I mean some areas are responding better than others. I
05:37Mean my hand is almost completely back to normal. Hey, look how lucky
05:42I'm so lucky to have you
05:44Completely back to normal. Hey, look how lucky actual blueberries
05:53So I've been working on that transceiver glitch, I think the far release too close to the edge of the pocket
05:57Yeah, good money to you to have me. Hey guys, I should get to the clinic. I'll just catch you guys
06:04Based on projections, we've got about a week before snowpiercer reaches radio range
06:09Yeah, and these atmospheric conditions are not helping. They're all over the place
06:19Run diagnostics check the heat line maybe move one of the relays. Yes. Okay. Thank you. See you tonight
06:39Mean the fact that we still have everyone living on the train after a year
06:42I'd hope for much better shelters next on the list after we fix the bridge took up a lot of manpower
06:47Is that still on schedule to finish this week? It's
06:50We'll get there. We better you know, the work is piling up between the shelters
06:56I know and the relay issues so fun never stops. Are we having reading issues?
07:01Where'd you hear that?
07:04Take me back to the teals. Hey, I think that rugged town mayor suits you better than the teals
07:12Sorry to bother you Ruth, but Sykes needs you in ag sec something about the irrigation and car a-14. Oh, there it is
07:19Let's add irrigation to the ever-growing list of problems for tonight's meeting on it
07:22That is if you'll be joining us councilman Layton wouldn't miss it council chair Wardle
07:49Don't know what everybody's complaining about we got open sky fresh air. Yeah, they complain in a lot or a little
07:55I need you either way beast of days of the tail home thing
08:13What is wrong with y'all doesn't pay attention you almost killed me with me what you are looking you put a Frankenstein back
08:20He's drunk
08:22Alright, we don't have time for this shit. We are so close to finishing this bridge
08:28Look at you man, you're a mess go get yourself stitched up. It's just not the paradise we were promised
08:43Try not to use this hand for a few days if you make a fist it'll rip the stitches, okay
08:54Want to tell me what happened not really no
09:01Here the bridge is almost done I
09:04Don't understand why we're trying to reunite with those people. Well, you mean snowpiercer. Yeah
09:10Some of our friends are still on that train
09:14Yeah, not mine
09:16Well, if you have any issues you can always bring them up at the council
09:19town hall
09:21Hey, they have music there. Sometimes you used to play the piano, right?
09:27Yeah, sometimes in the night car maybe if it comes back you can play again
09:38Thank you
10:10Welcome everyone to tonight's meeting of the Council of New Eden
10:14Let the minute show that all members are present save one. Yeah, what's Alex up to tonight?
10:19She was up in the hill earlier today. I don't know. She's back checking the rebates. She didn't say
10:25Move that we declare Alex's chair vacant again agreed. Hey, it's our loss agreed, right?
10:32The main issue on the docket tonight is the strain on our already limited resources should snowpiercer return
10:37I just I was thinking that while we have this very serious discussion about survival
10:42We live a little
10:46I defer to the council chair
11:01And just for this one hand
11:39Mr. Sprinkles
12:09What I'm saying is that reading up with you a thermal heat exchanger for a whole town is not that's but snowpiercers return
12:14We'll only make it more complicated. It's more shelters to build more mouths to feed more energy to generate
12:19Yeah, but if we can get you a thermal and solar running 20% of the grid by winter and then big Alice running the rest
12:26It'll be cold, but we won't freeze to death. I think I
12:30See your fire a race
12:33He's holding aces snowpiercer comes with its own resources to Scott or ag sec more equipment larger workforce
12:41Yes, but the pocket that we inhabit is only so large
12:43Maybe there's an important
12:52If you guys noticed but obviously you're paying attention he's killing us I noticed always does Oh
12:58solid choice
13:00All right, mr. Roche I call
13:05Let's see it like that out right there
13:13Three he came at him with three
13:24It's all magic no
13:27No lie to me yes the truth
13:29So when I was a kid, I worked with my cousins at a restaurant in Monteria
13:34But after work would go to the back room play cards all night by the time. I was 16
13:38I was able to read everyone. I read their
13:40Pistas clues read their clues. Are you gonna tell yes, okay. What's my piece that?
13:49Your piece that's Layton on a good hand you lean back on your chair
14:01You check your whole cards twice just to make sure yeah, and you Josie you play with your hair exactly
14:10The easiest on a bad hand your lip eyebrow
14:17I can't play with you guys anymore
14:24If I accept yes, I'm on it
15:10Get better
15:37This is some kind of joke it's not funny
15:40It's not funny
16:19Yeah, well I think dr. Edwards treatments are looking quite
16:33How we kill the lights
16:42Really thinks it was an accident, but who goes fumbling around the back of town hall and trips over a power cord
16:48You don't talk about this now. Not everyone loves the idea snow piece. You're coming back
16:52What if somebody is trying to send us a message and somebody is gonna?
16:56Come on. It's not about the train. It's about the people
17:01Every day, I wonder about miles how tall he's got where he is
17:06been till
17:09Melanie not so much
17:13Come here
17:18How long those power relays been giving you and happy problems
17:24You can go and talk to have you about that right now or we can stay here and get naked
17:29Yeah, that's my
17:55Need into snowpiercer do you copy snowpiercer do you copy?
18:13Know this is hobby
18:18And do you copy
18:38You take a step you take a step for daddy
18:48No, will you do it for Gibby one step for Gibby don't worry it'll happen, huh?
18:56Oh, I don't know why I'm trying so hard
19:00One day she's taking her first steps the next day. She's walking right out that door that cold scary world. Will you stop it?
19:07Whatever comes Liana will be ready
19:10She's a fighter. Mm-hmm. Just like her mother
19:14Just like her father
19:21Hey, I patched Oz up after that tussle he had with Boki. I heard you were the one who broke it up. Yeah
19:29That's got issues. Huh? What made him leave town and move up on the mountain didn't tell me
19:36But every day he's up there the weirder he gets
19:40Yeah, I think you're right. We're gonna try it again. We're gonna try it again. All right
19:46Come on can you oh, oh, oh that was a step that was a step
20:25Who's there
20:31Show yourself
20:53Did you hear that radio call?
20:55Sounded to me like it got caught off
20:57Josie went out to check the relay hobby. I'm busy right now. I can't talk actually
21:02It's snowpiercer
21:05I think he's just trying to make contact for the first time in a year
21:11All right, look Alex, I know you've got your own thing going on
21:15But you're on the council
21:17And we have a lot of responsibility
21:20Power comes water accent. Yeah, I was running big Alice when I was nine. So you're a genius
21:26I know that we all know that
21:29The fact that you figured out how big Alice could generate power on low idle is like Nobel Prize winning stuff
21:35I was gonna say impressive, but okay
21:40Thing is
21:42Snowpiercer is coming into comms range
21:45It could be already
21:47And that includes your mother
21:50Out of all people don't you want to reach her?
21:55Hobby stick to the science stay away from the personal not very good at it. Okay
22:18Have you thinks he just heard snowpiercer on the comms but signal dropped out
22:22But I mean if they're in communications range, that means they're closing in on the track switch
22:26Well ahead of schedule, but the bridge isn't done yet. If snowpiercer is that close? Oh, look, we need to fix the relays first
22:32They don't know we exist you can get up there Josie. See if that really is the reason we lost the signal. Yeah
22:41The other relay though, it's six seven hours track away. Yeah, I get bulky
22:54Hey Z, you seen bulky you never showed up this morning
23:01You neither did us
23:13Whoa, hey, what do we say about ripping those stitches?
23:19You need to come by the clinic and get him redone. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'll try
23:49Excuse me. Can I get your attention for a minute? I'm looking for bulky anybody seen him big guy. Yeah, I
23:59Saw him coming out of the engine earlier. He was up at Big Alice. Yeah, he had a small crate with him
24:04It's like he was heading up into the hills
24:07Okay, thanks
24:41Wow, yeah
24:45Could the rock have fall of a cliff or something. Ah, even with the winds the way they've been I doubt it
24:51But this is why we lost signal this morning
24:54power issues broken relays
24:57Did you ever find bulky it was up at the engine today Javi Alex say anything to you about that? No
25:03She talks more to mr. Sprinkles than she does to me. I'm sorry. Mr. Sprinkles her pet bird
25:09She's using him to get some climate data
25:12Just keep him in a little box
25:14Yeah, usually why not? Just something light said Boki's not our guy. Hey, I think this was sabotage
25:23It's kind of got that bad you said it yourself the town's been grumbling
25:26We can discuss this tonight at Town Hall and maybe discuss stepping up security with mr. Roche
25:31Javi, can you and Josie the repair or replace this really and get it back on the hillside?
25:36It'll be tight, but excellent. Thank you Andre a minute
25:45In the evening, okay, thank you Sean
25:49Sorry, but I have to step out for a bit. Sure. Will you be back this afternoon?
25:55Yes, I
25:57Boki needs another skin treatment
26:01I'll be back after that. Okay, Oz was supposed to stop by to get his stitches redone, but he never came
26:07So I'm gonna head up to see him later
26:10You're a kind soul
26:31This is not the normal town drama
26:33There's something else going on and you really think it's related to snow busy coming back. Maybe I
26:39Don't know
26:40We voted to fix the bridge a long time ago. So why fight it now?
26:46Devils advocate
26:53Resentment is a powerful thing
26:57The feeling is that we risked everything coming here, it's not busy didn't they chose to move on
27:05So why should they share the reward when we took all the risk let them live with a choice
27:14That's the devil's advocate talking or Ruth Ward oh
27:20Both have friends on that tree
27:23Friends we like to see again
27:30Right, well my opinion
27:32It's not a protest protesters want to be seen and heard. This is different
27:36This is more like they're testing us to see how we're going to respond. So the question is
27:42What next? Oh
27:45Times like these I bet you really regret stepping down not even a little bit
27:52Getting to spend all this time with Liana
27:55Wouldn't change it for the world. I am a changed man Ruth if the town needs its wartime general back
28:02They already have this
28:06The people elected you Ruth and there is not a better person to leave them right now
28:14All right, I'm gonna go talk to Alex see if she can tell us where bogey's at
28:44Sorry, I'm on patrol just checking it. Did I wake Liana? It's okay. I was about to wake her anyway
28:49No, no, you know rule six of being a parent is never wake a sleeping kid
28:53Yeah, but I gotta go up the mountain to see us. I have to drop her with Andre. No, no, let her sleep. I'll watch
29:00That's okay, don't worry about it, please I'd be thrilled
29:02Do you know how much I miss this stage with Carly back before back tattoos became the topic of conversation?
29:08You sure I won't be gone long. Please. Let me watch her go
29:22Hello, hey
29:25Missed you at the meeting last night
29:28and the last three before that I
29:31Don't have time to play card games with you guys right now
29:35Officially offended. I'm just busy. Okay, Melanie said that big mind should solve big problems
29:41Mm-hmm. So your pet bird qualifies as a big problem now
29:46First of all, mr. Sprinkles is a dedicated scientific collaborator. Second of all, how do you know about him?
29:51It's not bogey now. I wish we could have used him today to go check on the far relay
29:56but you sent him on an errand so
29:59When will he be back later tonight? Also, it's not an errand
30:03He's going to the edge of the pocket to give me data on magnetic fields barometric pressure seismographic readings. I
30:10Have no idea what you're talking about
30:14Having earthquakes we've been having them they're small and they're sporadic but they're real and they're concerning
30:21I'm trying to figure out if the atmospheric erosion is a corollary of the quakes
30:28There's something that's missing in the field there's something that doesn't make sense
30:33Yeah, there's a lot of that going around
32:14What happened
32:40It's just me
32:43Sorry, he's inside it's wrong. So I just thought you're someone else
32:53Wouldn't believe me I told you
32:58Those are a mess you need to take care of them
33:03You came all the way up here just for me
33:10Why would you do that?
33:12maybe because
33:14You know what? It's like
33:16To be an outsider
33:19To be constantly misjudged
33:25Know what it feels like to be so consumed by fear and just basic survival that you forget what you're supposed to be living for
33:36I can't live down there in the bloody train
33:39No one's asking you to
33:42Just tell me what happened
33:44We stopped moving. Yeah, that's a good thing, isn't it? When you stop moving the bus catches up I was on top of here
33:52Climb out from under it
33:58When we're done here come with me people are gathering at the town hall to talk about snow piercers return they're not coming back ever
34:10It's no piercers gone
34:14They're all dead
34:23Right, thanks everyone
34:26Thank you all for coming. I know you all have questions questions about some recent events, but before I take those questions
34:33I'd like to take a moment to express the council's gratitude for your tireless efforts to complete the trestle bridge
34:41Really? Congratulations on a job. Well done
34:53Well, the day's fast approaching when we get to see them again to reunite hug our friends and show them that the risks
35:00We took coming here were worth it
35:05You're not making sense. What voices first?
35:08They were just these whispers in the wind in the middle of the night
35:10But if you listen, you can hear them sound carries in the mountains and the drinking doesn't know it's not that I'm not drunk
35:16I'm not crazy. I was married to a psychopath. So I know what crazy sounds like that's not this please just calm down something happened
35:23on that train something awful I
35:25Don't know who's responsible
35:27For all of it. What are you talking about?
35:32It's LJ she won't she won't leave me alone
35:48Just just listen
35:59Know how just quiet
36:04It's no piercer returns you don't know I just told you I'm trying to help you but you need to know you listen
36:10Just listen. All is not forgiven. We're just as guilty as they are all of us
36:16They're already here they're haunting this place because we made it and they didn't I'm sorry, I have to go
36:23Sorry, can you just wait Zara?
36:39See you brought the aloha gear I
36:41Tried to give Ruth a smile tonight, it's good. I kind of missed the aloha hobby. You know how to have fun. Well, so did Alex
36:51Get somebody make some room we need help gotcha. Yeah
36:58Dr. Headwood. Yes, Audrey. She showed up on a track scaler. She's in really bad shape. All right, everybody. We need the room
37:05Please go get some water
37:07What happened to her skin, I don't know she showed up like this she said someone was coming Audrey
37:17Oh, thanks again
37:25The power the relays someone is not coming they are already here they've been here
37:32Yeah, where where is our why isn't she I need to find Liana out of the way
37:39Excuse me
37:43Can you say can you say
37:50Hey doc, Edward, how you been evening? Don't worry doc. Everything's gonna be okay. Probably just a loose cable
37:59Very sorry, mr. Roche
38:05Just saw yeah a track scaler. I know miss Audrey was inside. Yeah, she's in bad shape
38:11I took her up to the town hall, but she's a doctor
38:16I didn't see a track scaler. I saw a snowcat what yes on the other side of the mountain
38:21It was a transport or something. We haven't got one of those
38:25Neither the snowpiercer
38:32Oh, where are you?
38:37Zara Layton
38:41Hey, hey Sam Sam, come on buddy. He's got a pulse
39:25What's that with you remain calm everything's gonna be alright give me my daughter
39:32He is a friend sir, it's a friend give me my daughter
39:53We stem the bleeding but he never woke up he needs help
39:57How the hell did this happen Andre look just get a nurse go to the clinic
40:02I'm gonna round up volunteers to search the hills. Josie's already up there. I need everybody Bruce
40:50It's boy in Moscow bitch, you must come with me, please
41:12Did not want to move
41:17It's Josie
42:26Everyone fan out hobby you go east Alex. You take the North Hills. They're out there somewhere
42:38No, no, no, no, no, no, no Zara she was almost gone when we reached her
43:02Where's Liana
43:08Where is she it was headwood and a stranger and I don't know later not later
43:16Later later, they've gone they had a vehicle your guy if you go out there
43:56I'm going to find who took me out
44:09And I'm going to kill
44:14Whatever it is
45:04Will answer Nellie s international peacekeeping forces
45:08Everyone remain calm
45:10They won't accept you too. You're taking me to Melanie Cavill
