おぎやはぎのハピキャン 2024年7月18日 祝5周年スペシャル第2弾!手ぶらでハピキャンツアー 第3話

  • 2 months ago
おぎやはぎのハピキャン 2024年7月18日 祝5周年スペシャル第2弾!手ぶらでハピキャンツアー 第3話


00:00It's a little better now.
00:02Yeah, it's better.
00:03Yeah, a lot better.
00:04But the weather in the mountains is really changeable.
00:11I'm against going to the campsite.
00:14You're against it now?
00:16You're against it now?
00:17I'm against it now.
00:18You're against it now.
00:19I can't think of anything. I'm going to the campsite now.
00:21You're going to the campsite now.
00:22It was really fun earlier, but it was sunny.
00:24Well, I'm the one who's holding the handle no matter how much I object.
00:27I can't think of anything.
00:28I can't think of anything.
00:29I can't think of anything.
00:30Why do you want to go there so much?
00:33A hand-held Happy Camp tour with camp-experienced Mr. Suzu Yamanouchi and musician Angelina 1 3!
00:44After leaving Nasu Shiobara in Tochigi Prefecture and visiting various spots,
00:50we finally arrived at our destination, the campsite in Hinoe Matamura in Fukushima Prefecture.
00:57Is this it?
00:59We're here.
01:00What is this?
01:01There are quite a few people.
01:02I didn't expect to see so many people.
01:03I didn't expect to see so many people.
01:05They suddenly appeared.
01:06Smile, smile.
01:11Thank you for waiting.
01:12Thank you for waiting.
01:13We'll put up the sign.
01:14They put up the sign for us.
01:17Thank you.
01:18They're going to the car over there.
01:20It's okay.
01:21You can park wherever you like.
01:23Thank you.
01:24Thank you.
01:26Everyone is so nice.
01:27They're so nice.
01:28They're so nice.
01:29It's nice.
01:32Thank you.
01:33Thank you.
01:35We're here.
01:36How's the rain?
01:37How's the rain?
01:38The rain has stopped.
01:40It's under the tree, so it's almost fine.
01:42It's under the tree, so it's almost fine.
01:43It's under the tree, so it's almost fine.
01:45It's totally fine.
01:51This time, they're going to the Kawabata Campsite surrounded by nature.
01:57It's a popular campsite as a secret base during this time of the year.
02:07It's cute.
02:08It's amazing.
02:10Yes, yes.
02:11When we get out of the car, we take out the camping equipment from the trunk and bring it here.
02:17But today, they sent us camping gear.
02:24It's a rental shop.
02:25I didn't know that.
02:26I didn't know that.
02:27It's a service where you can rent camping gear and send it to the campsite.
02:30That's nice.
02:31We're going to use that today.
02:33I asked them if they sent us rental gear.
02:36Let's go.
02:37That's nice.
02:38I see.
02:39You can come here easily even if you don't have a lot of luggage.
02:42You can come here by train.
02:43You can come here by bike.
02:44That's right.
02:46That's right.
02:47In fact, the rental of camping gear is attracting a lot of attention.
02:53They deliver the necessary camping gear to the destination, so you can enjoy camping easily.
03:01You can also try the gear you were interested in.
03:05Such an innovative system is gaining popularity from all over the world.
03:11It's nice to go bike camping.
03:12It's nice, isn't it?
03:13I want to go bike camping.
03:14You want to go, don't you?
03:16I didn't know that you were in the car.
03:17Thank you very much.
03:18It's sunny with your smile.
03:19That's cute.
03:20Let me carry it.
03:21Please carry your luggage.
03:22How is the luggage?
03:23How is it?
03:24Oh, it's this.
03:25Can you carry it?
03:26I can.
03:27Or I can carry it on my wheelchair.
03:28No, it's okay.
03:29You can carry it on your wheelchair.
03:30How is it?
03:31It's okay.
03:32It's okay.
03:33I can carry it.
03:34It's okay.
03:35It's okay.
03:36It's okay.
03:37I can carry it.
03:38It's okay.
03:39No, it's fine, it's fine.
03:40How is it?
03:41Can you do it?
03:42I see.
03:43One more.
03:44I want to hold this.
03:45You want to hold this?
03:46It's better if a man holds it.
03:47Let me see.
03:48It's fine.
03:49I'm strong.
03:51Oh no, your hands are wet.
03:52Wipe your lips.
03:55What's going on?
03:56Thank you very much.
04:00This is pretty heavy.
04:02Is it heavy?
04:03It's actually pretty heavy.
04:05Bandmen are used to carrying things.
04:07They have a lot of equipment.
04:09Their arms are very muscular.
04:11Their arms are amazing.
04:13Bandmen are amazing.
04:15We've arrived.
04:17Here we are.
04:20After carrying the camp gear,
04:22they start setting up the base.
04:28What is that?
04:31It's a table.
04:32A table.
04:33It's a roll table.
04:35This is good.
04:37It's a roll table.
04:38This is good.
04:41This is good.
04:42It's a chair.
04:43This is good.
04:47This is good.
04:48It's amazing.
04:49Is that a table?
04:50It's a table.
04:51This and that are the same.
04:54You can spread it out like this.
04:58Like this.
04:59This is good.
05:00Is it?
05:03Do you want to open it?
05:06Open it.
05:08You can hold this.
05:11This is amazing.
05:13Bandmen are amazing.
05:14They can do anything.
05:15I've never done this before.
05:18This is good.
05:20It's a roll table.
05:21It is.
05:24Do we just put it here?
05:26But it looks fine.
05:28There's a place to put it.
05:32Like this.
05:33It's true.
05:34This is here, right?
05:39Did you put it in?
05:40If you hold down the clip...
05:44It's true.
05:45She has a good intuition.
05:48She knows what she's doing.
05:51You're amazing.
05:53No, I'm not.
05:54You're amazing.
05:55You're just shampooing.
05:56No, I'm not.
05:57Bandmen are amazing.
05:59I've never done this before.
06:01Bandmen are good at assembling equipment.
06:04That's true.
06:05They're good at it.
06:07They're so strong.
06:11They're not weak.
06:13They're not the type of men who can do everything.
06:17Of course not.
06:19I did it.
06:20You did it?
06:21You put it in.
06:22I did it.
06:23You know how to do it.
06:25You're amazing.
06:28With the help of the women,
06:30they were able to assemble it in no time.
06:38You're amazing.
06:40Bandmen are amazing.
06:42Should we line up the tables?
06:44I don't know if we can.
06:48You guys work so hard.
06:51I've never seen a woman move like this.
06:54Wouldn't it be better if there was a bonfire in the middle?
06:57It's so cool.
06:58You're not being spoiled.
07:01That's true.
07:02It's amazing.
07:04I'm so impressed.
07:06You guys work so hard.
07:08I love women like you.
07:11You guys are amazing.
07:13You put it in the middle.
07:15You did it.
07:16You put it in the middle.
07:18You did it.
07:19You're amazing.
07:20You're cleaning up the mess.
07:22That's right.
07:24You guys are amazing.
07:27Mr. Yamanouchi and Ms. Angelina.
07:30With the help of these two,
07:32they were able to set up the bonfire in no time.
07:37Next up is...
07:40It's cold today, isn't it?
07:43It's really cold.
07:44Let's make a bonfire.
07:45Sounds good.
07:46Let's make a bonfire.
07:47I think you two can easily make a bonfire.
07:50Really? I want to do it.
07:51It's a bit of a difficult task.
07:52We can do it.
07:54Ms. Angelina did a great job setting up the bonfire.
07:59It's her first time setting up a bonfire.
08:01Do you know what this is?
08:03What is it?
08:04It's a fire starter.
08:05A fire starter?
08:07You don't use a lighter.
08:10You light a fire with this.
08:11Wow, that's cool.
08:13It's a big one.
08:15It's easy to fly.
08:17Hold it like this.
08:19Hold it like this.
08:21Hold it like this.
08:23Wow, that's amazing.
08:25You can light a fire with this.
08:27You can light a fire with this.
08:28That's cool.
08:29You can light a fire with this.
08:30It's like magic.
08:31Okay, let's try it.
08:32It's hot.
08:34It's like pasta.
08:37This way?
08:39You can do it like this.
08:41You can do it like this.
08:43That's amazing.
08:44That's right.
08:45It's working.
08:47That's right.
08:48You can do it.
08:51It's working.
08:53It's working.
08:54It's working.
08:55How is it so fast?
08:56It's working.
08:57It's working.
08:58That's amazing.
09:02It's working.
09:03You should burn it a little more.
09:04It's okay.
09:05It's okay.
09:06You can do it.
09:07You can do it.
09:08You can do it.
09:09You can make it so quickly.
09:11You can make it so quickly.
09:12You're good.
09:13You're good.
09:17This is great.
09:19It's so warm.
09:21I wanted to do this.
09:23I wanted to do this.
09:25You two are so good.
09:28I can make time like this.
09:30It's so warm.
09:32I can make time like this.
09:33I can make time like this.
09:34I can make time like this.
09:36What is this fire?
09:38It's so relaxing.
09:40I want to relax in a place like this.
09:44It's good.
09:46This is it.
09:47This is what camping is all about.
09:50It's so nice to make a fire by ourselves.
09:53I know.
09:54I'm glad.
09:55It was easy.
09:57It was easy.
09:58It's actually hard.
10:00It's hard and it's raining today.
10:02It's hard.
10:03It was a good teamwork.
10:06It's amazing.
10:07I'm glad.
10:08If it were just the two of us, we could have made a tarp.
10:13We could have made a tarp.
10:15We could have made a tarp.
10:16The one that moves is the best.
10:19We don't move.
10:21The one that moves is the best.
10:24We don't need a present camper.
10:26We don't need it.
10:27We don't need it.
10:29If it were just the two of us.
10:30Please call us anytime.
10:31Please call us anytime.
10:34They enjoyed the fire.
10:38What is their next plan?
10:41We're here.
10:43We're here.
10:44We're here.
10:45We're here.
10:46We don't have a present camper.
10:48We don't have a present camper.
10:49We can do as we do.
10:50We can do as we do.
10:51We'll decide who will cook.
10:53We'll decide who will cook.
10:54We need someone to cook today.
10:57We'll decide who will cook.
11:00We'll play a game called the Bae-Jya-Shin-Tai-Ketsu game.
11:05The theme is camping.
11:07The person who welcomed us earlier is a Setsuko Barber.
11:14Setsuko Barber.
11:16She's a Setsuko Barber.
11:19I want to take a lot of pictures for her.
11:23So, Setsuko Barber will decide who will cook.
11:26She has to say who will cook in this picture.
11:28The order of the dishes will be decided by the order of the dishes.
11:36The first person will choose the dishes.
11:38The person will choose the dishes that she likes.
11:40That's right.
11:41You can choose from here.
11:44Salted iwowana,
11:45Mushroom ahijo,
11:47Fukushima brand chicken,
11:50Datedori paripari yaki
11:52Salted ahijo, paripari yaki.
11:56This is how you decide.
11:57Chicken is difficult.
11:59This is the chicken of the brand.
12:02So we're going to heat up the inside, and then we're going to grill the outside.
12:08First, we're going to do a photo shoot.
12:10We're going to take a photo of each of you, and then we're going to have Setsuko-barber judge you.
12:16We're not going to tell Setsuko-barber whose photo it is, right?
12:21If we do, I'm going to lose.
12:23She's going to hate me.
12:25She's going to hate me for sure.
12:28You've been hated for a while now, but you two haven't said anything at all.
12:34Well, that's the way it is.
12:37She's convinced of it, so it's true.
12:40Let's do it anonymously.
12:42No, let's do it anonymously.
12:43Otherwise, I can't do it.
12:44Of course, let's do it anonymously.
12:47The time limit is 10 minutes to decide who is in charge of cooking.
12:52The photo shoot competition begins with the theme of the campsite.
12:58All right, let's go.
13:00It's hard.
13:13It's a nice moss.
13:16It's a nice moss.
13:20I can't imagine the size of the stone.
13:28I can't imagine the size of the stone.
13:34First of all, let's look at it from the viewfinder.
13:36I wonder what a puddle looks like.
13:44I see.
13:45It's weird.
13:46It's like a reverse Fuji.
13:51It's cute.
13:58Let's look for a nice puddle.
14:00I found a nice puddle.
14:05Setsuko Baba.
14:07Yes, thank you for your hard work.
14:08I'm trying to take a lot of pictures right now.
14:13Can I take a picture of you?
14:16Please take a picture of me.
14:17I don't want to.
14:20Can I do this to you?
14:24You look like a ghost.
14:26No, I'm cute.
14:29There is such a cute yugu.
14:34It's really good.
14:36This is good.
14:39It's the best.
14:42It's good.
14:43Thank you.
14:44Thank you very much.
14:45Thank you very much.
14:50I'll keep it as a souvenir.
14:51Me, too.
14:52It's a souvenir for a maid.
14:53I don't want it.
14:56I'll tell you about it later.
15:00Mr. Yamanouchi took a picture of me.
15:08It tickles my Otaku spirit.
15:11I think it's important to create a place where there is nothing.
15:24I think it's important to create a place where there is nothing.
15:32I wonder what Setsuko Baba values.
15:34She may value these things.
15:37This is a rose.
15:41This is a rose.
15:50I like this atmosphere.
15:54I don't know what a flower is.
15:56It's too far for me.
15:58There is such a cute stone in the flower bed.
16:11Like this.
16:15Like this.
16:16I see.
16:19It looks like an amateur.
16:20It's good.
16:22It's good.
16:23Maybe it's good.
16:25Is everyone ready?
16:27Are you done playing?
16:28Which one?
16:30I was wondering how to play.
16:32Are you done already?
16:33Can you try this, sir?
16:36You don't have any idea.
16:38Hold this for a second.
16:41The ground is quite...
16:43This is really easy.
16:45It's difficult.
16:48It's like this, right?
16:50I can hold it with my hand.
16:54Like this, right?
16:56I know, I know.
17:00Like this!
17:02That's good!
17:08That's good!
17:10I got a good one!
17:12You got one, right?
17:14Wait, that's twice as big as me?
17:16Run away!
17:18That's difficult.
17:20Don't use me.
17:22I got a really good one.
17:24Wow, you got me!
17:28That's great.
17:30I'll take this one.
17:32I got a good one.
17:34It caught on to me.
17:38It looks like Mr. Yahagi is taking photos with the theme of green.
17:56It's pretty good.
17:58This is pretty.
18:00It's pretty.
18:02This is great.
18:05The photoshoot is over.
18:08They each choose their favorite photo.
18:12It's time to judge their fate.
18:14We'll have Setsuko Barber, who doesn't know who took which photo,
18:18rank them.
18:21Setsuko Barber.
18:23We just took photos of the camping site.
18:28We took four photos.
18:32We'll rank them.
18:34We'll go by preference.
18:36We'll go by preference.
18:38We'll go by preference.
18:40We don't know who took which photo.
18:42We'll go with the first one.
18:49We don't know who took which photo.
18:52We'll go with the first one.
18:56That's great.
18:58It's a bit far.
19:00It's a bit far.
19:02It's a bit far.
19:04It's dynamic.
19:06It's dynamic.
19:08It's cute.
19:10It's not good.
19:12It's not good.
19:14It's cute.
19:16Who took it?
19:18It's like an ad-hoc heaven.
19:20It's great.
19:22It's good.
19:24It's good.
19:26It's cute.
19:30It's beautiful.
19:32It's like a professional photographer.
19:34Where did you take the photo?
19:36It's like a professional photographer.
19:38It's good.
19:40You found a good place.
19:42It's easy to take photos.
19:44Here you go.
19:48You can take photos with this.
19:50It's good.
19:52I see.
19:54You can put it on your wall.
19:56I'll enjoy it.
19:58It's not fair.
20:00What's your rank?
20:02This one.
20:04No, this one.
20:06This is the best one.
20:08This is the best one.
20:10This is the best one.
20:12This is the best one.
20:14What's the second place?
20:16The second place is the first one.
20:18This is a good photo.
20:20This is a good photo.
20:22I see.
20:24Which one will be the last one?
20:36The last one is...
20:38No, no.
20:40That's the last one.
20:42That's the last one.
20:44That's the last one.
20:46This one.
20:48It's good.
20:50It's embarrassing.
20:52I'm embarrassed.
20:54It's a good photo.
20:56I took it.
20:58It's like a wheel.
21:00The competition is over.
21:02The competition is over.
21:04The competition is over.
21:06The competition is over.
21:08From now on,
21:10they will decide the food in order of ranking.
21:12Iwana Salt Grilled Fish.
21:14Mushroom Akiyo.
21:16Fukushima Brand Chicken.
21:18Date Chicken Alipari Grilled Fish.
21:20I want to try this, too.
21:22I want to try this, too.
21:24Ogi is a professional of grilling.
21:26I'm scared if I fail.
21:28I want to take responsibility.
21:30This is like a grilled chicken.
21:32This is like a grilled chicken.
21:36You only make Ahijo.
21:38You only make Ahijo.
21:42Do you want to go to Torii?
21:44Do you want to go to Torii?
21:46I'm looking forward to Torii.
21:48I want to eat deliciously.
21:50Torii is difficult.
21:52I'm looking forward to Torii.
21:54I want someone who cooks to do it.
21:56I want someone who cooks to do it.
21:58I used to work at a restaurant.
22:00He's a meat professional.
22:02He's a meat professional.
22:04I want someone who cooks well to do it.
22:06I want someone who cooks well to do it.
22:08Please take responsibility.
22:10If it's just us, I can do it.
22:12We did so well today.
22:14We did so well today.
22:18We caught it ourselves.
22:20Let's go to Iwana.
22:22Let's go to Iwana.
22:24Let's go to Iwana.
22:26Let's go to Iwana.
22:28Let's go to Iwana.
22:30Let's go to Iwana.
22:32That's all for this time.
22:34Bye bye.
22:38We are going to eat our favorite food in Goto City.
22:40We are going to eat our favorite food in Goto City.
22:42and grilled fish.
22:44It's delicious!
