Home And Away 18th July 2024 2 of 3-n

  • 3 months ago


00:00Really cute guy that I hung out with.
00:02Wouldn't mind hanging out with again, I do.
00:06Let's say.
00:09It is Thomas, right?
00:11Of course it is.
00:12Who are you gonna tell him?
00:13No idea.
00:15Who did this?
00:16What do you think?
00:17His dad seems like a piece of work.
00:20And who hurts their kid like that?
00:21It's our dad again.
00:22Ignoring him is probably the best thing to do.
00:24Still cool if I crash?
00:25Of course, man.
00:27Have you seen Perry?
00:28No sign of him.
00:29What are you thinking?
00:30Well, I know his dad was trying to contact him all night.
00:32What if he's gone back there?
00:43I just don't get why he'd take off like that.
00:45I thought we sorted things last night.
00:48Maybe telling him to block his dad's number was a step too far.
00:52We don't know if it's anything you said or did.
00:55Let's narrow down the search.
00:57What are we doing?
00:58Getting Perry's dad's number from his file.
01:00You can't tell him Perry's been staying with me, OK?
01:03I know what I'm doing.
01:05Yeah, right.
01:06But there's no point scouring the beach.
01:08He was already back home.
01:19Yeah, thanks.
01:22Hey, did Tony say how long our new housemate's gonna stay for?
01:25Nah, just said Perry needs a place to crash for a while.
01:30So today's the big day.
01:32Yeah, I'm pretty stoked to be getting back to work finally.
01:35Got a great team of people working for me at the new unit.
01:38If I see anyone with chest pains, I'll send them your way.
01:40Thanks, I think.
01:43Have you heard anything from Eden yet?
01:45No, no, but no news is good news with her.
01:47Still thinking you turned a corner?
01:49Yeah, yeah, I do.
01:51I mean, she could have given those guys my address and said go get him.
01:55That's 100% a win.
01:57Anyway, thanks for getting to work.
01:59I won't be late on my first date.
02:00Alright, enjoy, man.
02:01See you, mate.
02:02See ya.
02:03No, that's not why I'm calling.
02:05He's not in any trouble.
02:07My name's Harper Matheson.
02:08I'm Perry's social worker.
02:10He missed his appointment yesterday.
02:12I was just calling to check in on him.
02:15Oh, OK, I'll keep... keep trying.
02:18Wow, he's a charmer.
02:20What did he say?
02:21Perry hasn't been home for the last couple of nights.
02:23Well, that's good, but we still don't know where to find him.
02:25What's going on?
02:27Perry was gone this morning.
02:28Did you hear him at all?
02:31I can help you look for him, though.
02:32That'll be good.
02:33Thanks, man.
03:00Hey, Flick.
03:04Yeah, I guess.
03:05But doesn't Xander work in today?
03:10Is he OK?
03:13I was full on.
03:15Yeah, no, no, no.
03:16It's cool.
03:17Cash isn't even here.
03:18And I could use the extra money.
03:36Does it feel good to have this off?
03:39It's good to know I don't have any fractures.
03:42It still doesn't explain why I can't feel my legs.
03:46It is a right to be scared.
03:47But you are also going to be fine.
03:49I know it.
03:50It's a bit hard for me to believe that right now.
03:52I will channel enough positive energy for the both of us.
03:55You know I will.
03:58Sitting out.
04:00Yeah, it's great.
04:01Still got no improvement in my legs, though.
04:05I mean, you know that that takes ages.
04:07It could be months.
04:09I wish I could go back to yesterday and just not even get on that board.
04:12No, enough of that.
04:13We don't do that here.
04:15Your brother has not touched his breakfast.
04:17Mate, those eggs would stick to the wall.
04:19Yeah, I can confirm that they do.
04:21You know what would be really good, Rose?
04:24A little bit of pizza from Salt.
04:26Did you just ask my sister to go and get you pizza for breakfast?
04:29I was asking her to buy you pizza for breakfast.
04:31She's got to be there, though.
04:32I'll take a veggie supreme.
04:34What, like now?
04:36Yeah, we're losing him.
04:37We're losing him.
04:38Go, go.
04:39OK, back soon, I guess.
04:42You're ridiculous, you know that?
04:44But it is my job to look after you.
05:10Hey, you all right?
05:11Can I have my bag back?
05:13When's he let Tanya know where you are?
05:15I'm not telling him anything.
05:16He just wants to know you're OK.
05:18I mean, so you go tell him.
05:19We both know that's not good enough.
05:22I've got an idea.
05:24You explain to Tanya why you ran off this time,
05:26and then you can do whatever you like.
05:29It's a no-brainer if you ask me.
05:41I'm not even going to say hello.
05:43Oh, hello.
05:45It's your first day, isn't it?
05:46Welcome back.
05:47Thank you.
05:49What's going on with you?
05:51Oh, just, um...
05:53You know, when you're scared you're not going to walk again,
05:55so then you're just questioning your whole future,
05:57and the people that are supposed to love you are awful to you.
06:01Well, that would be a lot, wouldn't it?
06:03Dana, what is going on? Are you OK?
06:05Have a good day.
06:08Dana, hard man to track down.
06:12Hey, son.
06:14What are you doing here?
06:16You haven't been returning my calls.
06:18Yeah, life's been kind of crazy.
06:20Well, that's one way to put it.
06:21Went round your place to see if everything was OK.
06:23Oh, you spoke to Imogen?
06:24She certainly had a bit to say.
06:26So why didn't you tell me your marriage was over?
06:42Coffee's great.
06:43I'm easy.
06:44Just as long as we can talk.
06:46Yeah, yeah, of course.
06:47Hello. You back at work?
06:49Yeah, yeah, sure am.
06:50And it's not every day your dad turns up in town to surprise you.
06:53Oh, hello.
06:54Gosh, look at you two, couple of heartbreakers.
06:57Let's see where you got your good looks from.
06:59Yeah, right.
07:00Well, that's much more of a compliment for me than it is for my boyfriend's son.
07:04Marilyn, I'll have my usual, and Dad will have the same.
07:06OK, I'll see you soon.
07:07Thank you.
07:10Look, I'm sorry you won't get to meet Mackenzie.
07:12It's my fault for letting her run out, son.
07:14It's mine for never getting back to you.
07:18Are you happy?
07:19That's all I care about.
07:25Mackenzie's the one I'm meant to be with.
07:27If I could go back, I'd make the same choice.
07:31You just wish it hadn't happened the way it did.
07:33I mean, obviously that's the part I struggle with most.
07:39How do you do it?
07:41Knowing you hurt someone you care about so badly.
07:47Where'd Marley find him?
07:48Down at the boat ramp.
07:50Well, you can breathe now.
07:51Yeah, I still don't know if Perry wants to borrow me, though.
07:54But you're gonna do everything you can to get his trust back.
07:57That's who you are.
07:58Tell me I'm wrong.
07:59No, he's a good kid.
08:01He deserves to have someone sticking by him.
08:04I actually came to find you because I need to talk to you about something.
08:08Oh, sure. What's up?
08:09Well, I...
08:12Sorry, get in this way.
08:13Yeah, of course.
08:17Thanks, man.
08:21Get it over with.
08:23You're not in trouble, okay?
08:25Why'd you take off without saying anything?
08:27Well, when I wasn't answering my dad's text last night, he got really mad.
08:31He just kept calling and texting me.
08:33That's why I told you to turn your phone off.
08:35You don't understand.
08:36He said he was coming to find me.
08:39I panicked.
08:42All right.
08:43Well, let's make a deal, okay?
08:45The next time he threatens you, don't disappear.
08:48You come to me.
08:49We'll sort it out.
08:51Does that mean you still want me to stay?
08:53Of course you can stay.
08:55Do we have a deal?
08:59All right, good.
09:01Let's get to work, yeah?
09:23I'm back.
09:24And I risked life and limb to get you this.
09:26This is your favourite.
09:27I don't want juice.
09:31Where's Rose?
09:32She'd fly to Italy for this pizza.
09:34Look, I know you're just trying to help, but I don't want you to be my nurse.
09:36I want someone else.
09:38You're my ex.
09:39You shouldn't be the one looking after me.
09:42Well, it's not really a drive-through, so you don't get to make orders.
09:45You haven't wanted anything to do with me.
09:46Yeah, no, I do.
09:47And you're still complaining.
09:49They say women are indecisive.
09:53Am I really making you uncomfortable?
09:55That's not an offer to switch, by the way.
09:57I'm just... I'm asking.
10:01I don't want you to see me like this.
10:05You're going to get there.
10:09And I'm going to chase up that sister of yours.
10:12You know, no other nurse would go to this much trouble.
10:14Just saying.
10:19Sorry about the way we are slammed today.
10:21No, it's all good.
10:23No, put it away.
10:24Just tell Xander we're thinking of him.
10:27I will.
10:28Hey, how's cash going at Mangrove River?
10:30Uh, good, I think.
10:33Have you ever been there?
10:34Nah, thankfully.
10:35It's got a terrible reputation.
10:37Yeah, I know.
10:38And, um, Cash can't get enough of the place.
10:41He has gone in on his day off.
10:43Did he say why?
10:44Is there an active investigation?
10:45I mean, I guess if you count the investigation into the murder of the cop that he's replacing, then yeah.
10:49So now Cash is looking for answers?
10:51Yeah, and I just... I'm a bit worried about him, that's all.
10:54I'm sure he's not going to do anything stupid.
10:55Yeah, yeah, I hope you're right.
10:57You should get this to Xander before it gets cold.
10:59Yeah, send him our love.
11:00I will.
11:02We're brothers, am I right?
11:03I know how to stress you out.
11:04Oh yeah.
11:05See ya.
11:08Yeah, well, it never would have been worse for me to stay in an unhappy marriage.
11:12Still, I shouldn't have lied.
11:13I just... I couldn't face hurting your mum.
11:16That's the thing, Dad.
11:17I wasn't in an unhappy marriage.
11:20Meeting Mackenzie...
11:22Just the way I felt about her, it just blindsided me.
11:25She must be one hell of a woman.
11:26She is.
11:28Still, it doesn't change the fact that I've really hurt Imogen.
11:32Tell me something.
11:33If you knocked on Imogen's door and asked her to take you back, what do you think would happen?
11:37She'd find the closest thing she could and throw it at my head, and I deserve it.
11:42You think that'd stop her hurting?
11:44No, of course not.
11:46What about your guilt?
11:47Would it take that away?
11:49That's exactly how I felt after your mother and I split up.
11:53I hated that I hurt her.
11:55And you kids.
11:56There was nothing I could do to change that.
11:58And the shame and the guilt put pressure on my new relationship.
12:01I think they ruined that too.
12:04How'd you move past it?
12:07Eventually, I realised I had to let it go.
12:12Just like that.
12:13Didn't say it was easy, but I had to make a decision.
12:17Did I want to be happy with the woman I was in love with?
12:20Or stay hung up on a relationship that was broken?
12:24See, if you care about Mackenzie as much as you say you do,
12:28you're going to have to find a way to move on, babe.
12:37Um, that'll be enough of that for me.
12:39Relax, there's heaps.
12:40Good. Okay, this is what we like to see.
12:43You know, sucking up to the nurses from the start.
12:45If you give me boxed chocolates when you leave, it's kind of pointless,
12:47because I can't be nice to you if you're gone.
12:49Oh, yeah, because I'm sure you're really horrible to all your patients.
12:52You don't know that. Maybe you're just extra special.
12:56Anyway, I'm going to step out for a sec and organise a few days off with Sarge.
12:59Oh, you don't need to do that.
13:01Yeah, I do.
13:05Okay, well, I'm really hungry, so I'm going to get a piece of pizza.
13:11Did you feel that?
13:13I did.
13:15Okay, press against my hand.
13:22All right, then go the other way.
13:25Oh, thank God.
13:26I told you. Did I not tell you? I totally told him.
13:48Keep it up.
13:51Keep it up.
13:53That's it.
14:01Higher. Higher.
14:18You say you don't have any of the other family, but you do.
14:23You're part of a rich culture that runs through your DNA.
14:28That rākau in your hand, this taiaha,
14:33it connects us with our whakapapa,
14:36our family tree,
14:38our whakapapa,
14:40our whakapapa,
14:42our whakapapa,
14:44our whakapapa,
14:45our family tree,
14:47our ancestors,
14:49and they are with us always.
14:54You'll understand in time.
14:57All right, take a break, grab yourself some water.
14:59I need to talk to Hapa.
15:02That looks like progress.
15:04Yeah, I think we're getting there.
15:07You're a natural mentor.
15:09No, you're right, though.
15:10This gig's pretty full on.
15:12It is, but you seem to be doing okay.
15:14Oh, thanks.
15:15Just means I won't have much time to do anything else.
15:18Hey, I almost forgot.
15:20You wanted to talk to me about something?
15:23All good.
15:25Just checking in.
15:35Hey. So I have notified the neuro team and Bri
15:38that you've had feeling returned to your legs,
15:40so they will be along in a bit.
15:44Guys, what's going on?
15:45Well, actually, I was...
15:46Alexander had some feeling returned to his legs.
15:49How did this happen?
15:51Obviously, the swelling's gone down.
15:53He's going to need another assessment,
15:54but, yeah, it's amazing.
15:56And then Dana tried to kiss me.
15:58What, are you two getting back together again?
16:01Oh, okay.
16:02I'm going to leave you two to sort it out.
16:08So, what does maybe mean?
16:11Maybe means that we should focus on your recovery.
16:13Is that what you were doing when you kissed me?
16:16Well, sort of involuntary.
16:18Dana, the child's fine.
16:19Can you come here?
16:27I know that I hurt you.
16:31And I am so sorry.
16:33But I promise, if you give me another chance,
16:36I will always listen to you.
16:40I need to know that you have my back.
16:41I do.
16:43But you can't keep running away every time I make a mistake.
16:48I'd be super fit if that was the case.
16:51Probably, yeah.
16:58Can we try again?
17:20Nice design.
17:23You're a river boy now.
17:24What, are you on the payroll?
17:26I didn't sign up to a gang.
17:27I made some on the board.
17:28You know what's more than that.
17:30The person with the money picks the design.
17:32That's how business works.
17:33Well, maybe you should be a bit more choosy about who your customers are.
17:36You dumped me, remember?
17:38What I do doesn't concern you now.
17:51Yeah, Dad's dying to meet you too.
17:55No, we're not coming to Salt.
17:59Because if Eden is working and me and Dad walk in there,
18:02she will burn your restaurant to the ground.
18:07I thought you would have understood that, you of all people.
18:14I just need to make sure that Eden doesn't find out Dad is here.
18:19Here we go.
18:20Thank you.
18:22Hey, how are you settling in? Working back here?
18:24My bestie's the boss and I get free pizza, so I can't complain.
18:27Nice one.
18:28You guys let me know if you need anything else.
18:30Thank you.
18:31You feel like a feed? I reckon you earned it.
18:46I blocked my dad.
18:49I hope you don't feel pressured by me to do that.
18:51No, no, not at all.
18:52This was my choice.
18:54But that means you're stuck with me,
18:56because I kind of got nowhere else to go, so...
18:59Hey, like I said, mate,
19:00you're welcome to stay at my place as long as you need.
19:05All right.
19:06See you.
19:07See you.
19:08See you.
19:09See you.
19:10See you.
19:11See you.
19:12All right.
19:43Mr Stewart?
19:47I already told you,
19:48you don't want to be doing business with this lot.
19:50I took an order for a customer, that's all.
19:53Look, I know you were friends with Dean.
19:55Still am.
19:56And that's fair enough.
19:57But the majority of this lot are nothing but trouble.
20:00Do yourself a favour, eh?
20:01Steer clear of them.
20:02As soon as I get rid of the boy, that's exactly what I'm going to do.
20:23What the hell is Dad doing here?