¡Top 20 Momentos Más BRUTALES de Juego de Tronos y La Casa del Dragón!

  • hace 3 meses
Estos momentos no son para los débiles. Bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos cuáles fueron los momentos más horripilantes, violentos y repugnantes tanto en "Juego de Tronos" como en "La Casa del Dragón."


00:00Hello, welcome to WatchMollo Español, and today we will know what were the most horrifying,
00:11violent and repugnant moments both in Game of Thrones and in the House of the Dragon.
00:22Number 20.
00:23Daemon kills the crab eater.
00:34It may be that Daemon is unpleasant, but we cannot deny that he is a fierce warrior,
00:37and there is nothing more great than seeing him leave the cave with his sword Dark Sister
00:42in his hand and dragging what is left of Kragas Dreijhar.
00:45The crab eater was occupying stone steps, and he didn't find it funny,
00:50so he chased him to a nearby cave system.
00:53Although we do not see the battle directly if we witness the consequences, and it is not
00:57a pleasant spectacle, it is a good time to establish the tone of the House of the Dragon,
01:01as the spectators realize that there will be no scenes of battle or violence.
01:18Number 19.
01:19The beheading of Sir Roderick.
01:21The fact that Theon Greyjoy has betrayed the Starks is disturbing to all those involved.
01:26Ned Stark's pupil attracts most of Winterfell's forces, led by Sir Roderick
01:31Cassel, and takes the fortress.
01:33When he is taken back, he spits in the face of the traitor Theon.
01:45When Theon's men insist that he kill Roderick, he does it in a fit of rage.
01:55Although Bran's pleas for Theon to stop make the scene quite traumatic,
02:00the worst thing is that the beheading does not go well at first.
02:03We may not see anything in detail, but the fact that he has to cut a man's neck
02:07and then kick his head off is disturbing enough.
02:15Number 18.
02:16Sir Criston forces Lord Bisbury to sit down.
02:20As the Dance of the Dragons intensifies, disagreements are increasingly dangerous,
02:25something that Lord Layman Bisbury learns from the bad guys.
02:39Lord Bisbury, Coin Adviser in the Privy Council, is one of the few who rejects
02:43the idea that King Viserys would suddenly change his succession plans on his deathbed.
02:49He's right, but that means little for the House of Greens, and even less for Sir Criston
03:03Sir Criston, outraged because Bisbury questioned Queen Alicent, makes the old man take a seat,
03:09and then hits his head against his stone ball.
03:25Bisbury dies instantly, and the rest of the council does nothing, except ascend Sir Criston
03:30to Lord Commander, of course.
03:40Number 17.
03:41The enmity between the Blackwoods and the Bracken.
03:44With so many houses in Westeros, it is understandable that not all of them have protagonism.
03:48That is why we applaud this scene, which gives us an idea of ​​the rivalry between the Blackwood
03:52and the Bracken House.
04:04When Rhaenyra receives suitors in Storm's End, the particularly young
04:09Willem Blackwood introduces himself.
04:11He gives his best under pressure, but not even that is good enough for
04:14Jor-El Bracken to stop bothering him constantly with insults.
04:28Although Rhaenyra chooses to put an end to the situation, Willem's indignation forces him
04:32to challenge Jor-El.
04:39At first we were afraid that little Blackwood would end up injured, but we could not be
04:43more wrong.
04:45The second season showed us more of the enmity between the families, with the devastating
04:49sequels of the Battle of the Burned Mill.
04:53Number 16.
04:54Nailed and Stabbed.
04:55The war in Stonehenge turns out to be an exhausting campaign for Daemon Targaryen,
04:59so imagine what it must be like for the men on the battlefield.
05:07Daemon and the Velaryons face Kragas Drakkar, who earned his nickname because he stacks
05:12his enemies and feeds them to crabs.
05:15That's a terrible way to die, but Daemon makes things even worse.
05:25When Drakkar leaves a Velaryon soldier for the crabs to eat him, he promises him
05:29that he will take revenge.
05:30And indeed, Daemon leans on him with his dragon Caraxes.
05:34The problem is that he lands directly on the soldier.
05:43Top 10 characters from the House of the Dragon that celebrated too soon.
05:46Number 1.
05:47This guy.
05:48Number 15.
05:49Divorce like Targaryen.
05:51Yes, maybe Daemon didn't even realize what happened at the previous entrance, but
05:55in this one he definitely knew what he was doing.
06:06After Daemon spent four episodes talking badly about his wife, Rhea Royce, we finally
06:11meet her.
06:12Only, if you guessed by the name of the list, the taste won't last that long.
06:29By having an ambush on the outskirts of Runestone, Daemon doesn't have to say a word
06:34for her to realize he's there to kill her and marry Rhaenyra.
06:39But before he can do anything, Daemon manages to have his own horse crush her.
06:49Knowing that it will look like an accident, Daemon is about to leave, but Rhea practically
06:53forces him to kill her.
06:55Then he takes a nearby rock and we know what happens next.
06:59Number 14.
07:00The death of a dragon rider.
07:13Like many characters in this world, Laena Velaryon left too soon, but at least she
07:17was able to do it under her own terms.
07:20More or less.
07:28Pregnant with Daemon's third child, Laena comments in this episode that half of the
07:33dragon's eggs never hatch.
07:35With the failed birth of Queen Emma in mind, this little omen made us worry about her,
07:40and indeed things don't go well.
07:56Instead of suffering another failed caesarean section, Laena escapes and looks for Vhagar.
08:01With agonizing pain, she begs her dragon to end her suffering.
08:14Vhagar doubts at first, but he fulfills his master's request by burning her alive.
08:18Perhaps Laena didn't feel the flames for a long time, but this death is brutal.
08:24Number 13.
08:25Kriston kills Joffrey.
08:35If you are a character named Joffrey in this world, you probably shouldn't go to wedding
08:39banquets .
08:40It is true that Rhaenyra and Laenor are not yet married, but we had the feeling that
08:43their pre-wedding banquet would not end without a little blood.
08:54At this moment, the tension between Rhaenyra and Sir Kriston Cole is evident, and Laenor's
08:58lover, Sir Joffrey Lonemouth, tries to blackmail Kriston to keep his secret.
09:03This, disconsolate because Rhaenyra rejected him, takes off with Sir Lonemouth in front
09:08of everyone.
09:19Laenor tries to intervene, but it is in vain, as Kriston hits Joffrey's face until
09:23he leaves it like a hamburger.
09:25Seriously, no one messes with Kriston Cole.
09:29Number 12.
09:30The mountain kills his horse.
09:39A widely used method to give a character the official status of a bad boy is to show
09:44how he treats animals.
09:46This usually happens when they show that they don't like dogs, but when it comes
09:50to Sir Gregor the mountain Clegane, everything is a little more intense.
09:54In his last rage attack, after losing a fair one against Sir Loras Tyrell, he kills his
09:59horse with a blow with his sword.
10:01Poor animal.
10:02The disturbing death and the poor sporting spirit ruin the moment for others.
10:07Of course, it was not the last shocking death at the hands of the mountain.
10:23Number 11.
10:24Aemond loses an eye.
10:32For a moment it seemed that Aemond would be the only Targaryen of the next generation
10:36who would not be evil, but it turns out that the torment inflicted on him by others would
10:39make him the worst of all.
10:42After the death of Laena, he takes the opportunity to claim Vhagar, which they don't like
10:47at all, since the dragon belongs to Rhaena.
10:51Aemond does not regret and consequently ends up in a fight with his nephews and cousins.
11:05However, Aemond takes the worst part when Jace blinds him with sand, which gives Luke
11:10the opportunity to stab him in the face.
11:12Aemond loses an eye, but does not regret anything, taking into account what has just been won.
11:18Number 10.
11:19If there is a character who rivals Joffrey in the Department of Evil, it is the psychotic
11:31Ramsay Bolton.
11:32Luckily, he has his reward in the legendary Battle of the Bastards.
11:35Jon hits him brutally and locks him up in the Winterfell barracks, where he meets
11:39the vengeful Sansa Stark.
11:41It is very satisfying to see her face Ramsay and take revenge for all the damage he has
11:46caused her throughout the series.
11:48There is no more poetic death than that of Ramsay, murdered by his own hungry dogs,
11:52the same ones he used to kill his stepmother and his stepbrother.
11:56It could be said that his own torture tools now torture him.
12:06Number 9.
12:07The death of Oberyn Martell.
12:11In the fourth season of Game of Thrones, the audience began to feel that they had already
12:15seen it all.
12:16Fans had seen their favorite characters die or simply disappear.
12:21They had endured scenes of torture and betrayal, and waited patiently for the army of the dead.
12:26And then this happened.
12:34Even those who had read the scene in the book knew what was going to happen, and were surprised
12:39by the graphic nature of the moment.
12:41To be honest, the scream of Lavia Sand was also ours.
12:45We knew we shouldn't get too attached to any character, but seriously, this is already abuse.
12:53Number 8.
12:54The death of Missandei.
12:56Missandei is one of Daenerys' closest advisors and friends.
12:59That's why when they capture her, the queen and Missandei's love, Grey Worm, get quite angry.
13:05Queen Cersei demands Daenerys' unconditional surrender.
13:10If she refuses, Missandei of Nath will die here and now.
13:13During the confrontation at King's Landing, Missandei is shown at the top of the wall.
13:17Despite Tyrion's efforts to convince Cersei, she decides to execute her in front of the
13:22two people who love her the most, one of whom has a dragon.
13:26Missandei's last word, Dracarys, also turns out to be her last at King's Landing.
13:32And then, things get ugly.
13:41Number 7.
13:42The torture of Theon.
13:54Of all the character developments, Theon's is the most painful.
13:58You could say he sought it out himself, between betraying Robb,
14:01killing innocent children, his clumsy capture of Winterfell and the beheading of Ser Roderick.
14:06But seriously, this was exaggerated.
14:09Theon is brutally tortured during several episodes of the third season.
14:13The scenes don't stop, and it hurts us to beg for mercy desperately.
14:17It's really quite disturbing.
14:19Of course, when you think it can't be worse, Theon ends up cruelly castrated.
14:24Tortured physically and psychologically, he becomes a shell of his old self.
14:29And the audience is shocked.
14:39Number 6.
14:40The death of Queen Emma.
14:42We suspected that the house of the dragon would come out through the big door in the first episode.
14:47But we didn't even expect this.
14:53Before Leina's complications,
14:55Queen Emma's experience reminded us how terrible it is to be a woman in Westeros.
15:00Her birth is complicated, but it doesn't have the benefit of a dragon ending her pain.
15:05Instead, she is subject to the decisions of the men around her,
15:09especially her husband Viserys,
15:11who chooses to practice a cesarean section, desperate to have a child.
15:15Yes, yes.
15:21They're going to bring the baby out now.
15:22We see with horror how they open up to Emma against her will.
15:26And to make matters worse, not only does she die, but also the baby.
15:30This was very dark.
15:33Number 5.
15:34Daemon ends up with Veymond.
15:36The Velaryons have a pretty bad time in the first season,
15:39but no one but Veymond.
15:40I have spent my entire life on Driftmark defending my brother's seat.
15:44I am Lord Corlys' closest kin, his own blood.
15:48The true, unimpeachable blood of House Velaryon runs through my veins.
15:52Veymond technically is right that he should inherit Driftmark,
15:56since Rhaenyra's children are not really of Velaryon blood.
16:00But, as we learned from Ned Stark,
16:02being right doesn't mean anything if you are enemies with the wrong people.
16:06Her children are bastards!
16:11Veymond defends himself in the Grand Hall
16:13and forces Viserys to keep his promise to rip off the tongue
16:17of whoever calls his grandchildren bastards.
16:20However, Daemon has other ideas
16:22and cuts off the upper half of his head with a knife.
16:25He can keep his tongue.
16:27Just say that the Queen of Hearts would be proud.
16:31Number 4.
16:32Vhagar eats Aerax.
16:34Aemond was right to sacrifice his only eye for Vhagar,
16:38and this scene is a stunning proof of that.
16:44I brought you a message from my mother.
16:47The Queen.
16:50Yet earlier this day I received an envoy from the King.
16:53With the Dance of the Dragons in full swing,
16:55Viserys travels to Storm's End in his dragon Aerax
16:59to get the support of the Baratheon.
17:01But Aemond arrives earlier with more to offer
17:04and a stronger dragon.
17:06I want you to put out your eye.
17:08It's payment for mine.
17:12One will serve.
17:17Aemond doesn't seem to want to kill Luke,
17:20and only wants his eye in retaliation for what he lost.
17:23Based on what happens next,
17:25it would have been better for him to accept this offer.
17:38Aemond makes fun of Luke in the heavens with a clear advantage.
17:41However, in the end he is unable to control Vhagar's fury,
17:44as he pierces Aerax with a bite
17:47and sends him directly to the grave.
17:55Number 3.
17:56The Red Wedding.
18:08This is the most infamous scene in the entire series.
18:11After the death of Eddard Stark,
18:13it seemed that Robb would be able to avenge his father
18:16and recover the North.
18:18Without ever losing a battle,
18:20it seemed unstoppable,
18:22despite making some miscalculations.
18:24The powerful interpretation of Michelle Fairley
18:27does nothing but increase the tension until the final cut.
18:30In the final cut, Robb's father,
18:32the King of the North,
18:35does nothing but increase the tension until the final cut.
18:38The disturbing chorus of Castamere's rain
18:41is still the melody of betrayal and defeat.
18:49The abrupt end of the plot of the King in the North
18:52moved fans around the world,
18:54and now viewers wanted to know
18:56who they should put their hopes in.
19:05Number 2.
19:06The Fate of Shireen Baratheon.
19:20One of the only truly innocent characters in the series,
19:23Shireen Baratheon is the only daughter of Stannis Baratheon.
19:26She is tender and kind to everyone she knows.
19:29As Stannis' candidacy for the throne continues to waver,
19:32Melisandre convinces him that the Lord of Light
19:35requires a sacrifice.
19:37In the bonfire, Shireen dies knowing that her parents
19:40do nothing to save her,
19:42despite her heartbreaking pleas.
19:44Her mother, Celyse, tries to retract,
19:46but it's too late.
19:48It's one of the most difficult scenes of the whole series,
19:51and we are very happy to meet Stannis with Brienne
19:54in the next episode.
19:57We're not done yet, but almost.
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20:09Now, let's go to the end.
20:13Number 1.
20:14The attack on Prince Jaehaerys.
20:16Prince Jaehaerys.
20:26The Game of Thrones universe is full
20:28of terrible and invaluable acts of violence.
20:31But none worse than what happens to Jaehaerys Targaryen.
20:34The franchise goes beyond the limits
20:36of what is acceptable on television,
20:38and although we don't see the murder itself,
20:40the implication, the sound design,
20:42and the visual effects are more than enough
20:45to disturb the viewers.
20:47The event further alters the dance of the dragons,
20:50and not even those who support Daemon
20:52can defend the depths
20:54in which he sank after ordering the attack.
20:57It is one of the most horrifying things
20:59that has been seen on television,
21:01and not to mention the franchise.
21:07Is there any other scene in Westeros
21:09that has disturbed you?
21:11Tell us in the comments
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21:15of Spanish WatchMojo.
