Emmerdale 17th July 2024

  • 3 months ago
Emmerdale 17th July 2024


00:30Dad? Did you sleep on the sofa?
00:38Shall I make us all some breakfast?
00:39I'm not hungry.
00:41No, it's fine. I'll make my own toast.
00:44You sit down. I'll do it.
00:47Do you want some bacon with it?
00:48Enough, all right? He won't get treated like this in prison, will he?
00:54He's not in prison, though, is he? He's at home where he belongs.
00:57For now. It's only a matter of time before they charge him, and not just with what he's
01:01confessed to, either. We're lying in the first place, perverting the course of justice.
01:05I know that, Dad.
01:06I'm talking to her.
01:07Will you stop it, please? None of this is Lydia's fault.
01:10You've got no idea what you've done, either of you.
01:13What I've done? Right, me, no one else.
01:15Samson, it's all right.
01:17It's not all right. None of this is all right, but it's all on me. She has only ever tried
01:22her best for me. Been like a mum to me.
01:24That's right. And you'll have plenty of time to think about that when you're behind bars.
01:29Sam, stop. Enough is enough.
01:31It's me you're annoyed with, not Lydia or anyone else. So go on, what are you waiting
01:35for? I heard you last night. I know you hit Cain.
01:39It's got nothing to do with you.
01:41It's got everything to do with me. So go on, hit me. Might make you feel better.
01:50It's a bit late for that now.
01:54Do you think they know anything?
02:01Well, how often is it that we've ever done the school drop-off together?
02:05I know, that's my fault. It's just, I should have waited for you to get back.
02:11Well, you are supposed to be resting.
02:13Yeah, I know. It's just, I know what they've got coming.
02:18Right, how do you want to do this? What do you think?
02:23I think we should tell them straight from school, yeah?
02:27Yeah, I suppose. Makes sense.
02:29You don't sound convinced.
02:32I still think we're rushing into it.
02:34Jay, I thought we had decided. Come on.
02:37I know, but just so soon after your heart attack, well, it's a lot for them.
02:44I know, of course, but telling them we're splitting up, there's no good time to break
02:50to break that kind of news, is there?
02:55Jay, I'm not going to change my mind. You know that, yeah?
03:02OK, I think I should tell Arthur first, if that's OK.
03:08If Gabby hasn't already done so.
03:10But yeah, look, whatever you want.
03:13Just more bad news while he's in Australia.
03:17And as far as Archie and Dottie, I think they should see that we're on the same page.
03:22Regardless of what's happened, they need to see that we're united as parents.
03:30Agreed. 100%.
03:33Ruby, while you're sunning yourself in Bali, the situation here has changed.
03:38We need to find another way of doing things, so call me back.
03:49Well, barely.
03:52I think I'll get changed to go for a ride. You don't mind, do you?
03:55Of course not. Enjoy. You deserve it.
04:02Oi, what are you doing?
04:06I take it you haven't said anything to Kim.
04:11Thank you. About yesterday...
04:13Look, whatever it is you've got to say, I don't want to hear it.
04:16I was hoping we could just forget about it.
04:18Oh, really? So you didn't mean what you said just before you tried to kiss me?
04:22You know, that it's some kind of second chance for us all.
04:26I think it's time you found somewhere else to live.
04:29I'm thinking about Dawn and the kids. They like having me here, and you know they do.
04:33Do you really want to punish them too?
04:36Look, I'm not going to force you out.
04:40Thank you.
04:42Kim on the other hand?
04:47Seriously, when?
04:49Yesterday. According to Lydia, he confessed to everything.
04:53Though apparently it seems he forgot to mention Joshie's part in it,
04:57but it still means that you were acting in self-defence.
04:59Yeah, so now the police don't just have your word for it.
05:01Yeah, but if it's true, wouldn't we be hurting him by now?
05:04Yeah, but it's just a matter of time, darling.
05:06Come on, this changes everything. It means you're getting out of here.
05:10Aye, I knew that. Put a smile on your face.
05:14Let's talk about timing.
05:17You might want to hold fire on that.
05:19I'll give you another minute. Tops, OK?
05:22I think what she means is that someone has come forward with some new evidence
05:26and Mattie's solicitor's already busy making phone calls.
05:30I'm just here to take him back to prison. When you ready?
05:34Hang on. I know you're just doing your job, but can you not just wait here
05:37while we've spoken to the solicitor?
05:39OK, let's go.
05:42Hey, look, it's not for much longer, OK? You can do this.
05:46You're getting out of here, son.
05:48Love you.
05:56Have you heard from Dawn?
05:58Just a text message. Says she'll be back later,
06:00saying good night to Clemmie and Lucas.
06:02She's OK?
06:05What's wrong?
06:08It's Rose.
06:10What about her?
06:16I think it might be time for her to go.
06:20What the hell?
06:22What's going on?
06:24I don't know.
06:26I don't know.
06:28I don't know.
06:30I don't know.
06:32What the hell?
06:34Whoa, steady, steady, steady.
06:36Whoa, steady.
06:38Why did they take him out of the hospital?
06:40He was safe in there.
06:42Charged with any what?
06:46An appending further investigation.
06:48What more do they need to investigate?
06:50Look, I just want to say I'm really sorry, for what it's worth.
06:53He put you up to this, did he?
06:55Too little, too late, if you ask me.
06:57Come on, he's trying here.
06:59When are you going to see him for what he is?
07:01He's my son.
07:02Matty's mine.
07:04So they're letting him go?
07:06Well, you better hope so.
07:08I want to know exactly what you told the police.
07:11The truth?
07:12Not the whole truth, from what I've heard.
07:14When I said exactly what you told the police,
07:16that's exactly what I meant.
07:18So let's try that again, shall we?
07:20I think he's had enough of your interrogating.
07:22And what are you going to do about it, Sam, eh?
07:25You're going to have a go again, are you?
07:27I thought not.
07:32You're still here, are you?
07:38I am done waiting.
07:41This list had better have answers.
07:47Is everything OK?
07:49I heard the commotion and...
07:51Freya somehow got out of her stable.
07:54Is she OK?
07:59Surprised you could hear anything from inside the house.
08:02It was a message from Dawn.
08:05She says the doctors are really happy with Evan's progress.
08:10Sounds like the antibiotics are doing their job.
08:13Some good news at last.
08:15It certainly puts things into perspective, doesn't it?
08:20But your heart is OK, right?
08:29I know it was you that let the horse out.
08:32I don't know what you think you've achieved here,
08:35except to put Kim in a bad mood, but I'm still going to tell her.
08:39No, you're not.
08:41Not if I tell her myself.
08:43It's only fair I put my side across.
08:46I made a mistake and I misread the signals.
08:50I'm sure Kim won't have any trouble believing that.
08:53I mean, she's certainly seen how close we've become lately.
08:56Me, you and Dawn.
08:58Hang on a minute. What?
09:00You think we should tell her together?
09:02That could work.
09:04But I don't know how Dawn's going to take it when she finds out.
09:07Probably as well as Kim, but there we are.
09:11Look, maybe we could leave things as they are,
09:14you know, just for the time being at least.
09:16For Dawn's sake, if no else.
09:18Yeah, for Dawn's sake.
09:21And believe it or not,
09:24I want to be a part of this family.
09:27And if that means me putting my feelings aside for you,
09:30then so be it.
09:45Oi, when's canteen? I'm starving.
09:47Come on, open it up, man.
09:49Here we are. Home sweet home.
09:51Home sweet home.
09:55You can always tell when they're hungry.
10:00Urgent assistance required. D-Wing Block 2.
10:03Repeat, D-Wing Block 2. Assistance needed now.
10:06At least you've got the place to yourself now, eh?
10:19Here she is.
10:21Walter Matilda.
10:23I've been looking forward to catching up with you.
10:39Place to yourself again, eh?
10:43Well, that must have hurt.
10:46You know, I heard lassies have a higher pain threshold than us blokes.
10:51On account of childbirth and all that.
10:54Yeah, what do you reckon?
10:56Anything in it?
10:58Don't know. Really?
11:00Because if anyone would...
11:03Yeah, never mind.
11:10And we can find out together.
11:12Why are you doing this? Well, why not?
11:15Feeding time. Come on, let's go.
11:19Just helping him settle back in.
11:21I'm sure you are.
11:23Someone's got to look out for him now.
11:25Especially that word's got out that he's...
11:27trans, or whatever it is.
11:29That's what he's saying now, isn't it?
11:33Chicken pie, by all accounts.
11:36I'd hate you to miss it.
11:38Come on.
11:40You heard the man.
11:42The lad's just got out of hospital.
11:44So, go on. You run along.
11:47Yes, boss.
11:51I'll see you soon, Kato.
11:59You OK?
12:01Have you heard anything?
12:03They let me go.
12:05If you want my advice,
12:07just get your head down.
12:09Door's a lock for the night.
12:25Sam's not back yet.
12:27What, are you OK?
12:29Well, I could still do a runner.
12:31If he had any sense.
12:33Or if you managed to talk him back round to it.
12:36Is that why you're round here? Make sure that doesn't happen?
12:38Is that a problem?
12:42I don't know where he is. Maybe he's already gone.
12:45Oh, well.
12:47Let's hope not.
12:49So, you reckon there's a brew or what?
12:58You know what? Maybe this is exactly what he needs.
13:02What? Prison?
13:05What about Kyle?
13:07Maybe it's exactly what he needed or not.
13:09Kyle's just a kid.
13:11Yeah, your kid. That's the difference.
13:14Well, not the only difference.
13:16Maybe if Samson hadn't have let Matty take the rap.
13:19You don't care about Samson. You never did.
13:22So, do us both a favour and just go home.
13:25I'm not going anywhere till Samson gets back here.
13:30You know what?
13:32He's done a pretty good job of ruining his own life.
13:35Like you, who've never made any mistakes.
13:37You know what I'm trying to say is, don't let him ruin yours.
13:42Maybe it's time to let go.
13:44For your own good.
13:49All right, calm down. Hang on.
13:51He's here. Right, listen.
13:54Guys, we need to talk to you about something.
13:58We already told you we want a beach holiday abroad.
14:02Well, erm...
14:04You said we were going to book a last-minute deal
14:06once we break off for the holidays.
14:08We did.
14:10But it's OK. We don't mind where we go, do we?
14:12Well, you're the best. Both of you.
14:16Mayo's better than Arthur.
14:22I don't think we're going to be going anywhere in the summer together.
14:26Well, not me and Jay, your dad.
14:29Because, erm...
14:33..we've made the, er...
14:37..we've made the decision that we're going to split up.
14:41OK, it's not anybody's fault. Nobody's done anything wrong.
14:44But it's what your mum wants.
14:46It's what we both agree is for the best, right?
14:52Now, I'm sure you've got lots of questions
14:55and we will try our hardest to answer them, OK?
14:58It's OK. It's OK.
15:02I'm so sorry.
15:04We both are.
15:06Then why?
15:13Are you done with that?
15:17Why don't you give him a call, see if he's planning on coming home any time soon?
15:21He's not a child.
15:23Well, stop treating him like one.
15:25Or maybe stop treating me like one.
15:27I'm sick of you telling me what to do.
15:29I've already told you, you're too soft on him. You always have been.
15:32You're telling me I'm doing wrong as a parent? You're a hypocrite.
15:35Because you're my parent, though, isn't I?
15:40How did we get here?
15:43I don't know. It must all be my fault.
15:49You know, there is a way back for us from all this.
15:54But Samson...
15:56What he did to Matty was bad enough, you know.
15:58Letting him go to prison just to save his own skin.
16:01I know what he did. You don't need to keep banging on about it.
16:04Who's a liar and a coward? You know it and I know it.
16:10What's he doing here?
16:12Why don't you ask him yourself?
16:17Remember what I said, Sam.
16:21Come on.
16:22No, he stays here where I can keep an eye on him.
16:24Don't worry.
16:26I'm not going to hurt him.
16:39You know...
16:41..once you're locked up and inside,
16:44he's going to realise his life is a lot better off without you in it.
16:49Ruby, voicemail again.
16:51I got your text and I'm here waiting.
16:53For what and who, I don't know.
16:55Anyway, I thought you were meant to be in Bali.
17:14You Rose?
17:16You Rose?
17:18Who's asking?
17:21What is it?
17:24I take it Ruby sent you.
17:26I need you to take this.
17:36Careful. There's enough there to put an elephant down.
17:39Not that I've checked.
17:42What am I supposed to do with this?
17:44You'll receive further instructions in due course.
17:47That's all I know.
17:53At least I can sort this easy enough.
17:57Not like the mess waiting for me back home.
18:01You agree with Cain, don't you?
18:04About Sampson.
18:06I bet you do blame me.
18:11I spoke to Cain.
18:14He's agreed to go home once we're back.
18:18Something else you've sorted out behind me back?
18:21He also went to the pawnbrokers.
18:24Got Alice's ring back.
18:29Thank you.
18:32We can't carry on like this.
18:35Sampson needs to be held responsible for what he's done.
18:39Even he can see that.
18:43He's never been inside.
18:49I won't turn me back on him.
18:52But Cain were right.
18:54After what he's done, I'm ashamed to call him my son.
18:58Maybe I was too soft on him, I don't know.
19:02Somewhere down the line I've failed him.
19:04No, Sam.
19:06He failed you.
19:09Leave her here.
19:11There's nothing I can do for him now.
19:15He's on his own.
19:17And he's got no idea what's coming his way.
19:23Dottie wanted me to read all her favourite stories and some of her old ones,
19:27which she hasn't wanted me to do for ages, but...
19:33Archie pretended to be asleep when I went in to check on him.
19:37Jay, I thought we were gonna be a united front.
19:40We are.
19:42Really? It's what your mum wants?
19:46That was unfair and uncalled for, so...
19:50Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry.
19:54It's done now, isn't it?
19:57There's no going back.
19:59No point sitting here picking over the bones.
20:01Yeah, not tonight.
20:04Anyway, I'm tired. I want to, um...
20:07I want to go to bed.
20:11Right, OK.
20:14Archie's room it is for me, then.
20:16Yeah, about that.
20:18I was thinking, now the kids know, maybe you'd be more comfortable in Holgate.
20:24You know, we can talk about it tomorrow.
20:31Why wait?
20:33Jay, come on.
20:35Don't worry.
20:37I'll be back first thing to take the kids to school.
20:40Look, the most important thing is the transition.
20:42You know, we've got to make it as smooth and as painless as possible, yeah?
20:47Yeah. So...
20:50I'll come back afterwards and pack my things.
20:54And Archie's.
20:57Don't you think it's best he stays here, you know?
21:00For the time being, yeah?
21:02He's my son, Laurel.
21:05Where I go, he goes.
21:31The wheels are in motion, apparently.
21:34But there's no way Matty's getting out until tomorrow at the earliest now.
21:38One more night, that's all.
21:40What if it's for longer?
21:42We'll find out in the morning.
21:45Right, I'm going to say goodnight to Kyle before I shoot off.
21:48OK, love. I'm sorry.
21:55I wish I hadn't said anything to Matty now.
21:58He did the right thing.
22:01At least he can get his head there, knowing the end's in sight.
22:04You've just got to be strong, both of you.
22:22All right in there, Johnny, honey?
22:25That's your walk on the wild side.
22:29Don't listen to him until the sweet half.
22:31Not all the equipment you know.
23:00Hey. Hey.
23:02How are you both doing? Yeah, good.
23:05Is he sleeping? Yeah.
23:07The price of ease.
23:09I know they're bad for the ozone, but life's too short.
23:12Well, it will be when the whole planet explodes.
23:14How much caffeine have you had this morning?
23:16I'm just excited.
23:18That Evan might be coming home soon.
23:20You look tired.
23:22Didn't get much sleep last night.
23:24Will you go home? It's fine. I'm all right on my own.
23:26Oh. I want to be here for you.
23:28You're no good to anyone if you're knackered.
23:30I know.
23:32But I'm fine, really, love.
23:34Morning, Rose.
23:36Everything all right?
23:37Yeah, we were just wondering when Evan might be discharged.
23:41Well, his bloods look good, so if they stay that way,
23:43there's no reason why he won't be able to go home tomorrow.
23:46I've just got to do his hobs again.
23:48Don't mind me.
23:51I'm starving.
23:53You still got that chocolate in your bag?
23:55I'll go with the kentee.
24:08Rise and shine, Matty.
24:12You're going to court this morning.
24:14We might be getting rid of you today.
24:18See? I told you, didn't I?
24:20So the court hearing's today?
24:22Yep, and thanks to Lydia, Matty's coming home.
24:24Look, don't jinx it.
24:26Josh still has to agree that Matty was acting self-defense.
24:29It's just a formality. He's the victim here.
24:31Look, Samson clearly lied about Josh's partner.
24:34And that conflicts with Matty's statement.
24:36Look, if he wants to take the blame, that's on him.
24:39All I care about is Matty coming home.
24:41And what if it doesn't go his way?
24:44Well, I don't think I can go through it again.
24:47You know, seeing him being led out to that prison van,
24:50it nearly killed me.
24:52Look, I know that that makes me a coward, but I...
24:55No, Myra, it makes you his man. I get it.
24:58Listen, you don't have to come to the court, you know.
25:00Yeah, good idea. You stay here.
25:02I'll... I'll drive Emmy up there.
25:05We'll let you know what happens.
25:09I'm sorry.
25:15That Josh just turned out to be a right lying snake.
25:18Aye. Well, you stay away from him from now on, OK?
25:22What'll happen to Samson now if Josh doesn't fess up?
25:25I don't know.
25:26Probably get a longer sentence
25:28and that transphobic thug will get away with it.
25:32I just want my boy back.
25:38I am exhausted.
25:42Where's Wendy?
25:44Oh, she's taking a mental health day.
25:47I wouldn't have to call that Cynthia.
25:49She interviewed Varela's.
25:52I'll just tell her I made a terrible mistake
25:55and hired the wrong person.
25:59I'm so sorry, Liam.
26:01Are you OK?
26:03Are you OK?
26:05Sometimes being alone is an upgrade.
26:08Hey, come on. You're not alone.
26:10You've got me.
26:22Well, it's just work, home, bed, repeat.
26:27Oh, don't forget the pub.
26:29Maybe you could go and have dinner there this evening
26:34and maybe...
26:37Chas could join you.
26:39Sorry, what exactly are your eyebrows signalling?
26:41Come on, I'm no fool, Liam.
26:43I know that you...
26:47Wait, did Chas tell you that we slept together?
26:51Oh, you didn't know.
26:53I do now.
26:55How long has this been going on?
26:56Oh, it's not.
26:57After I felt the lump in her breast, you know,
27:01the last thing she needed at the time was a relationship.
27:04Oh, you friend-zoned her?
27:06No! No, it was mutual.
27:08Anyway, that ship has sailed, so...
27:12Not necessarily.
27:14Maybe she's still in port,
27:17waiting for a new captain to take her on exciting voyages,
27:20anchors away.
27:22You know that voice in your head that's saying,
27:24Please stop talking.
27:26Just listen to that.
27:29Some people do say that the way to get over someone
27:31is by getting under someone else.
27:35Ew! Not me, you idiot!
27:37I knew that!
27:39We all need to look forward, not backwards.
27:43Yeah, well, with my track record,
27:46I think I'm probably better off staying single.
27:50What is it with you today?
27:52Oh, nothing. I'm giving your ears a rest.
27:57Hey, I heard Gabby gossiping with Kim earlier on FaceTime,
28:01and you'll never guess.
28:03Well, if I'll never guess, you've got to tell me.
28:05Laurel and Jay are splitting up.
28:08Wow. That's brave.
28:13I mean, you've made big changes.
28:18I... I enjoyed my old life.
28:23But I never thought I'd like this new one so much.
28:27I just wish to God it was under different circumstances.
28:36I'm glad we've had this time, though.
28:39Getting to know you again and my grandkids.
28:42Feeling like I belong. It's been amazing.
28:46I just hope nothing comes along to spoil it.
28:49Like what?
28:51Doctors are doing the rounds. Five-minute warning.
28:53His temperature's down, everything looks good with his ops,
28:56so, as I said, every chance you'll be asked to take him home again tomorrow.
28:59Oh, brilliant. Dad says the house is ready for royalty.
29:03Evan will be fine, between you and your tiger mum.
29:07I can see where Dawn gets it from now.
29:20Archie, here.
29:23Listen, you know that you can come and see us whenever you want, OK?
29:27This is still your home.
29:34Laurel... Thank you for not making this any harder than it already is.
29:40You know...
29:42It was so quiet up at mine on my own last night.
29:46No hot water. Took me ages to get the boiler going.
29:49Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you need a service.
29:54It doesn't have to be like this, you know.
29:58We can make it work.
30:00We're a family.
30:02Please, tell the kids that we've changed our minds.
30:06Laurel, we can't just throw this all away.
30:10All those years.
30:12You know, all our struggles.
30:15The way that we've supported each other and then come back together.
30:20Whatever it is I'm doing or not doing,
30:24let's fix it, OK, as a team.
30:28We've been through this.
30:30Laurel, I am begging you.
30:32Please do not do this to our family.
30:35I'm sorry, but you lied, OK, and I can't trust you any more.
30:39I'm not proud of what I did, OK?
30:42But I was hurt and angry
30:45when I found out what Amit did to my dad.
30:48I was protecting us.
30:51You're a coward. You were protecting yourself.
30:54The bottom line is, you're a coward.
30:57You were protecting yourself.
30:59The bottom line is, I don't have any feelings any more, OK?
31:02That's not going to change. Just like you.
31:05And life is too short, and you might be happy living a lie, but I am not, OK?
31:09So don't embarrass yourself, because it's not fair on him.
31:16Hey, where are you going with that? I just packed them.
31:19I'm... I'm not going. I'm staying here with Laurel.
31:28Cheesy chips are on the way. All right.
31:31That Josh is such a snake.
31:33There's no way he's going to stick around now Samson's taken all the blame.
31:36Samson needs to wake up.
31:38Yeah, he's an idiot if he doesn't tell the police the truth.
31:41I mean, he thinks Josh is his mate, but he's obviously just using him.
31:48Psst. Why don't you have a chat with Chas?
31:53She's busy. Maybe later.
31:56Hey, have you seen Samson? I've not heard from him in days.
31:59He's been rowing a spine, unlike you.
32:01Yeah, he changed his statement.
32:03He's told the police the truth, that Mattie acted in self-defence.
32:07What? Well, it's not true, though, is it? What's he saying that for?
32:10Look, Sam, you trust me, don't you, yeah?
32:12I was just trying to protect Samson, that's all it was.
32:15You're a lying little scumbag. This is all on you.
32:18You put the frighteners on Samson and made him lie to you.
32:21This is all on you.
32:23You put the frighteners on Samson and made him lie to protect you.
32:26Sammy, no, do you want to get arrested and all?
32:28Mattie's the only one that wants locking up, and he has been.
32:30So you can chill your boots, grandad.
32:32Yeah, well, he's in court today and the judge will probably let him out.
32:34That's his word against ours, innit?
32:36Anyway, it looks like I'll be travelling on my own,
32:38now that Samson's going to be inside.
32:40Get out.
32:41Uh-uh. You can do your job and serve me a pint, love.
32:50You are barred.
32:55Get out!
33:09I knew it. They didn't let him out, did they?
33:12No, it's fine. He's a free man. Is he not here?
33:15No, he's not here. Where is he, then?
33:18We couldn't find him after the hearing. He must have got out another way.
33:21I assumed he'd come home, but we've checked at mine and he's not there.
33:25Myra, I'm scared.
33:27He was really quiet in the hearing.
33:29When the judge said he could leave, he didn't say anything.
33:31No, I knew it. I should have been there. I'm so stupid.
33:34Right, I'll drive around.
33:36No, no, no. You stay with Amy. I'll meet you at yours, OK?
33:39You worry. I'll find him.
33:58Come on, I had no intention of trying to keep him.
34:00Oh, don't give me that.
34:02You have definitely put him up to this. What did you say to him?
34:05I just reassured him that he was still part of our family.
34:08Anyway, you're the one that pushed me under the bus,
34:10blaming me for the break-up.
34:12You said we should always tell our kids the truth. So I did.
34:15It was your decision, not mine.
34:17Except I didn't get a choice. None of us kids did.
34:21Archie, listen, your dad's house is just up the road.
34:24You can breeze in and out of here whenever you want, yeah?
34:27You don't want your dad rattling round that big old house on his own, do you?
34:31I want to stay with my sister and my brother when he's back.
34:42I'll tell you what.
34:44You can stay with Laurel for now, OK?
34:50So long as you promise to hang out with me every weekend.
34:54And you can bring Dottie and Arthur with you. I just...
34:57Maybe we can, erm...
34:59Maybe we can do that rock-climbing course we talked about.
35:02I thought you were too chicken.
35:04I thought you were too chicken.
35:09Thanks, Dad.
35:15It's always hard for the kids, wherever they live.
35:18But thank you.
35:20Spare me!
35:23You did this to us.
35:26And you used my brother and your heart attack as an excuse.
35:31You know, you said that if I told Sonny the truth, that would save our marriage.
35:35Well, how has that worked out for me? Hmm?
35:38I've lost my wife, my home, my dad's dead,
35:42and Sonny won't have anything to do with me.
35:44And now...
35:46Well, now you've got my son, too.
35:49So there you go, you've got everything you want, Laurel,
35:51and I've got nothing.
35:53Well played.
36:02What time do you call this?
36:04Oh, come here.
36:08I'm so sorry.
36:09You're safe now, son.
36:11You're safe.
36:13I just had to get out of there, man.
36:15Get my head together, you know.
36:16Yeah, I know.
36:18I know.
36:21No, darling.
36:22Let's get you home safe, OK?
36:24Amy's waiting for you.
36:26Let me handle him.
36:27No, it's OK.
36:29I'm sorry.
36:36Is that all you've got?
36:38I told the police everything.
36:39No, you didn't.
36:42Why are you still protecting Josh?
36:44Cos I'm gonna pay for it, all right?
36:46I'll go down for this.
36:49You have no idea, do you?
36:54You have no idea, do you?
36:56Everyone wants to take a piece of you in there, mate.
36:59When they found out who I was,
37:01I might as well have had a target on my back.
37:03I was promised the beating today, or worse.
37:08I wasn't even sure I was gonna make it out of there.
37:11Barely slept, I couldn't eat.
37:13I wouldn't wish prison on anyone.
37:16But good luck to you, mate.
37:19Just keep your head down and your mouth shut, yeah?
37:28I really am sorry.
37:30Then tell the truth!
37:32You know what I've been through.
37:34You can't let someone like him get away with it.
37:49Right, you're barred inside and out.
37:51I'm innocent. You've got no right to chuck me out.
37:54You won't need to do one right now, eh?
37:57I know your dingles can't count, so I'll help you out.
38:00You're outnumbered, eh?
38:02OK, I think you'd rather overstate your welcome.
38:04Liam, just leave it, please.
38:06Yeah, listen to your girlfriend, Liam, and leave it, eh?
38:09There's a...
38:13I'm sorry.
38:18There are three major bones in your arm.
38:21The ulna, the humerus and the radius.
38:24If I ever see you round here again, I will break all three.
38:31Sorry about that. They were out of order.
38:34I was just leaving and I saw them coming round the corner
38:37and I knew they were up to no good. Are you OK?
38:39Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. My hair's all...
38:42Er, do you fancy a drink later? You know, so thank you.
38:46Oh, I... I just agreed to go to the centre.
38:49I've got a bit of work to do.
38:51Oh, OK.
38:52I'll see you later, then.
38:58Oh, I... I just agreed to go to the cinema with Mamrie.
39:01A bit tomorrow?
39:03The office still stands.
39:05Yeah, it's amazing. Yeah, it's a date.
39:07Well, you know, I'm just... I'm just paying.
39:09You know, that's all.
39:11Hmm. Hmm.
39:24Hi, Jim.
39:25Oh, God, come here, you.
39:28It doesn't matter. You're home now.
39:30Er, we bumped into Samson, but don't worry, it's fine.
39:34What did he say?
39:35Well, he just apologised, but didn't accept.
39:37He's an idiot if he doesn't crash his mate up.
39:39Well, the police aren't stupid.
39:41They'll lean on Josh and then he'll crack.
39:43I'm just so proud of how you've handled it, son.
39:45God, I'm so happy you're home.
39:48Do you think you'll be up for your dinner later?
39:50Er, it's not for us. Just leave them be, yeah?
39:53OK, OK.
39:54Thanks, Mother. I love you.
40:00Good to have you home.
40:01Thanks, mate.
40:02Come here.
40:05Bye, sweetheart.
40:09See you later.
40:10See you.
40:18Do you ever just stop and pinch yourself?
40:22But you wouldn't want the heating bill.
40:26There's someone trying to sell me something.
40:28If they don't recognise the number, I cancel it.
40:31You sound just like Dad.
40:33I'll be supping pints and wearing beige cardigans next.
40:37I'm going to tell him you said that.
40:39And you promise not to grass me up.
40:41I'll do as tea.
40:43I would make my famous pasta a la jar of sauce,
40:47but I doubt Kim allows it in the house.
40:49Oh, no. Lydia cooks from scratch.
40:51Don't know why you'd waste your time.
40:53Hey, I'll treat us to a take-out later.
40:57Yeah, now you're talking.
40:58Sweet and sour chicken balls and egg fried rice.
41:01That's what I always order.
41:03Must be in the jeans.
41:05Oh, sorry about that.
41:07It's just Kim's regular order.
41:09I'll put it in the wine cellar.
41:11No, it's fine.
41:13I'm not tempted.
41:15Although I wouldn't blame you for doubting me.
41:20You don't seem quite yourself.
41:23Look, if you are struggling, let me help.
41:28Yeah, if I've been a bit odd, I am.
41:32I have been struggling a little bit lately.
41:34Well, you're owning it.
41:36That's half the battle.
41:38I promise.
41:39I won't mess up again.
41:42I'm just proud of you, Mum.
41:53Did the film finish?
41:55Switched it off. It's a bit noisy.
41:59Shall I go to bed?
42:02Yeah, you go up. I'll switch the lights off.
42:06Have I told you how happy I am you're home?
42:09You might have mentioned it about 17 times.
42:14Will you lock up, yeah?
42:25Lights out.
42:28You all right in there, Tranny Annie?
42:30Turn that music down, lads.
42:32I'm trying to get me beauty sleep.
42:37Hey, Tranny Annie!
42:59We'd better wash these out before we put them in the recycling,
43:02or Lydia will skin us alive.
43:04New leaf, new woman.
43:06I've got my girl back.
43:08Nothing's going to get in the way of our happiness.
43:11I'd like to see anyone try, the mood you're in.
43:13Too right.
43:17Look, if you do cave and have a drink,
43:20you just have to start again.
43:22Take it one day at a time.
43:29This life's a gamble, and I'm taking control of mine now.
43:33That's brilliant. Control freak.
43:36You laugh, but we can have it all.
43:38And we will.