Emmerdale 18th July 2024

  • 2 months ago
Emmerdale 18th July 2024
00:29No, Paddy's forgot he's packed lunch again.
00:32I didn't know you did Paddy a packed lunch.
00:34I don't usually, but tonight's date night, so I've done a manly special.
00:38Dare I ask what's in it?
00:40Oh, it's just a selection of Afro... D-T-D... D-T-D...
00:44Yeah, that's it, you know. Get him in the mood.
00:47So, er, oysters, chocolate, strawberries?
00:50Nuts, sausage barb, drink and a large bag of nuts,
00:52you know, keep his energy up.
00:53I need him firing an arse, selling us a nut.
00:55Usually you're so subtle.
00:59Oh, hello, Matty.
01:00Er, how are you, mate? It's nice to see you.
01:02Sorry, it's a stupid question. Must have been through hell.
01:06You could say that.
01:07Yeah, well, our Samson, he deserves everything he's getting, aye?
01:10And Pad Josh, you know, he's a nasty piece of work, isn't he?
01:13You had a run-in with him yesterday, didn't you?
01:15We had words.
01:17He was here?
01:19I just saw him round the back of the pub.
01:20I did what anyone would do in such a situation.
01:23Don't worry, Liam saw him off, yeah?
01:25You know, I don't think he'll be back.
01:27Yeah, erm...
01:29I just need to...
01:31Course, course.
01:32Well, it's good to see you, Matty.
01:45No, Ruby, I've not changed my mind.
01:48It's not easy to get Will on his own.
01:50If I can get Dawn and the kids out of the house, I'll do it today.
01:54Chill, will you?
01:57When Kim finds him in bed with me, I can't see their marriage lasting.
02:05What are you doing in here?
02:06Just making sure everything's ready for his lordship's return.
02:10What are you doing with them?
02:12I was gonna give them a wash.
02:13No, they're... Everything is clean. Don't touch anything.
02:16Oh, sorry.
02:17I just don't want any nasties getting to him like last time.
02:20No, sorry, I'm sorry. I'm just...
02:22I know you're trying to do the right thing.
02:23I'm just so anxious for Evan coming home.
02:26I'm not surprised.
02:27And when he does come back, we're gonna have to be so careful
02:29about not getting an infection in.
02:32It's not fair on Lucas and Clemmie.
02:34Well, why don't you make the most of today?
02:36Get them out and about for a bit.
02:38I can't. I'm waiting for a call from the consultant.
02:40You can do that outside.
02:42No, I've just got too much to do.
02:43Like what?
02:44Like washing, ironing.
02:46Well, that can wait.
02:48I'm your mum, and I'm telling you,
02:50a bit of fresh air will do you all the world of good.
02:53You're right.
02:55Look at you, almost being maternal.
02:57Hey, watch that.
02:58I've got a reputation to think about.
03:01OK, I'll get them ready.
03:03There's some coffee on the go if you want it.
03:05Yeah, I'll be down in a bit.
03:18Just got to give them time, try not to worry.
03:21Oh, here you go.
03:22Thank God.
03:23So, how'd it send out a search party?
03:26Just went for a walk.
03:28I woke up and you weren't there.
03:29I was trying to ring you.
03:31Sorry, I left my phone upstairs.
03:35Well, you're here now, that's all that matters.
03:37Was that a good walk?
03:39It's all right.
03:41Listen, Kyle and Isaac have been dying to see you,
03:45so we were wondering if you might want to go
03:47and have some dinner up the hide.
03:50I'm not sure I'm ready to go back there just yet.
03:53Seeing the crime and all that?
03:55Of course.
03:56What was I thinking?
03:58It's OK.
03:59But tell you what, why don't you come up to the farm
04:01and we'll have a barbecue?
04:03You know the boys would love that.
04:05Yeah, just need to take a quick shower first.
04:13Be fine.
04:16Well, well, well, good in the act.
04:19Knew you'd never stay off the booze.
04:21Excuse me?
04:22What's that you're putting in your coffee?
04:24Whiskey? Brandy?
04:26I'm sorry to disappoint you, Kim,
04:28but it tastes like nut syrup.
04:30I'm doing just fine off the booze.
04:32My skin's clearer, too.
04:33Maybe you should try it.
04:34And what's that supposed to mean?
04:36Have a guess.
04:37Let's not, ladies, eh?
04:38Heard from Billy?
04:40It's the constable.
04:42I'm sure he'll be all right.
04:43Heard from Billy?
04:44No. The consultant's doing the rounds later,
04:46so we'll find out if Evan's definitely coming home.
04:49Well, fingers crossed.
04:50Yeah. I'm actually freaking out a bit,
04:53given what happened last time.
04:55Then let me tell you,
04:56lessons have been learned and it won't happen again.
04:59All meetings will be socially distanced from now on.
05:03Anyway, I'm going to take the kids out.
05:05Could all do with getting out of the house.
05:06That's a brilliant idea.
05:08They'll be going stir-crazy being cooped up in here.
05:10It's Mum's idea.
05:12When did you start calling her Mum?
05:16Er... It's a new thing.
05:18Closer than ever now, aren't we, babes?
05:21Well, you have a good time. We'll see you later.
05:24All right. See you.
05:26Are you working in here today?
05:28That's the plan.
05:30I was going to give the kitchen a deep clean.
05:33You might get more done in your office.
05:35I'll only disturb you.
05:37No need.
05:39Lydia cleaned yesterday.
05:41So I'm more than happy right here.
05:48Recovered from your big night out yet?
05:51Just about.
05:52That is officially the worst hangover of my entire life
05:55and I am in no rush to go out and get sorted ever again.
05:59Well, I was wondering if you, Marlon and the kids
06:03fancy joining me, Susie and Johnny at Leeds Pride this weekend?
06:06Oh, that's much more my cup of tea. We'd love to.
06:09Oh, it'd be great to spend some proper time together.
06:12It's been ages.
06:14Oh, Rhona! Just the woman.
06:17Hey, er, do you, er, still want to see my mate?
06:19Well, he's a tattoo man because he's had a cancellation.
06:22He can squeeze you in this evening.
06:23I'm not sure that's for me any more.
06:24Well, he's asked you door to door if that's more convenient.
06:27That doesn't sound very hygienic.
06:29What he lacks in general hygiene he makes up with being dirt cheap.
06:32He does the hair removal and, er, he'll pierce anything you want.
06:36As safe as all that sounds, I've had a change of heart with my tattoo.
06:41Oh, so you're able to identify which Spice Girl it's supposed to be?
06:44Well, no. No. But the fact is, um...
06:49Marlon finds it unbelievably sexy.
06:52Never! Can't keep his hands off me at the moment.
06:54Blimey! When I come in, I thought,
06:56that is the hair of a woman who's been ravaged all night.
06:59So, er, so you're keeping it, then?
07:01Well, it's awoken something primal in Marlon, and who am I to argue?
07:05Plus, I get to show it off at Leeds Pride.
07:06Leeds what? Leeds Pride. We're going this weekend.
07:09Oh, my God, yes! That is such a good idea.
07:11We are going to have so much fun.
07:13You're coming?
07:14Babes, the gays love me.
07:16I'm practically their third and final sister.
07:18What is it for the world? Network!
07:22Oh, I've picked up Paddy's keys, not the salon. In a bit.
07:26In a bit.
07:36Babes! Babes! Babes!
07:38Babes! Babes!
07:40What the hell's going on in here?
07:46What do you think you're doing?
07:47Kim! I didn't see you there.
07:50Sorry. Was I disturbing you?
07:53Yeah. Me, and half of Yorkshire.
07:55I just thought I'd get back into a bit of exercise.
07:58I used to do aqua aerobics twice a week in Benidorm.
08:01My body ain't half missing it.
08:03Well, do it elsewhere. I'm trying to work.
08:09Oh, blimey! What have you come dressed as?
08:12She thinks she's Jane Fonda.
08:14It's just such a great space down here.
08:17It's perfect for exercise.
08:19Why don't you join me?
08:21You look like you could do with a good stretch.
08:23I'd rather stick pins in my eyes.
08:27Oh, I'll have to jump on this conference call.
08:30I'll take it in the office. It's the only place I'll get any peace and quiet.
08:33Oh, it's important?
08:35Yes. It could take a while.
08:40Just you and me, then.
08:42Fancy working up a sweat?
09:18Eh? Is that you?
09:22I know you're up there.
09:24You come down here now, right, or I'll...
09:27You don't want to know what I'm going to do, but...
09:29It's not going to be good!
09:44I was going to save this till later,
09:47but why don't we treat ourselves?
09:49Are you kidding?
09:51It's non-alcoholic.
09:54Dawn called me Mum yesterday for the first time,
09:58so I felt like celebrating,
10:00and I bought six bottles.
10:05Didn't it sound very appealing?
10:07Well, you don't know if you don't try.
10:14I'm glad we've got this moment alone.
10:18It gives me a chance to apologise again
10:21for making a fool of myself.
10:23Me and Kim, we're solid.
10:26We only have eyes for each other.
10:28Message received.
10:32So, are we friends?
10:35Great! Then let's celebrate.
10:37No, I'm all right.
10:39Oh, come on, Will.
10:41What's the worst that can happen?
10:43Go on, then.
10:47Why don't you go and see if Kim needs anything?
10:50And I'll pour us the drinks.
11:26Please don't call the police.
11:28You just gave me right proper fright.
11:30I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
11:32I was hoping to be in an out so that no-one would know I was here.
11:36What are you even doing here?
11:38I came for the rest of my stuff.
11:49Surprised Liam didn't bin it.
11:51I don't think he would bring himself to.
11:53Didn't even want me and Paddy knowing that he was holding on to it.
11:56I'm glad he did.
11:58I just wanted this.
12:01Me and my brother covered head to toe in dirt,
12:03but we actually look happy.
12:07Today's the anniversary of his death.
12:10I just needed to see his face.
12:14Where have you been?
12:17Well, I decided to stay clear of people for a while,
12:20so I've been living out in my car again.
12:23How's it been here?
12:25How do you think?
12:27I imagine everyone's got an opinion on me.
12:30How's Liam?
12:32Oh, shall we say that he's been a little bit fragile?
12:35And you?
12:36I don't know.
12:38I don't know what to think cos I thought we were really good friends.
12:43Why didn't you tell me everything?
12:45When I first came here, I never thought I'd make real friends or fall in love,
12:48but I did.
12:50I didn't feel like I could tell you because
12:53the moment I do tell someone, everything changes.
13:03Came all right in there?
13:04Yeah, she was in the zone, so I didn't want to disturb her.
13:07It's nice to have some peace and quiet.
13:10Two old friends.
13:11Two old friends.
13:15Back so soon?
13:16Oh, they would not stop arguing,
13:18and I thought I'm not rewarding that with a day out,
13:20so they're upstairs with a games console.
13:22You going to a fancy dress party?
13:24Hey, this is my work.
13:26I can't get here, thank you very much.
13:28I wouldn't leave them up there.
13:30They might kill each other.
13:31Oh, they'll be fine.
13:33What's this you're drinking?
13:34Oh, that could have been worse.
13:36Everything sorted?
13:37Yeah, easy fix.
13:39What's this?
13:40It's alcohol free before you start.
13:42Looks cheap.
13:43We were just about to try it.
13:45Why don't I pour you two a glass?
13:47Do you know what I could do with a real drink?
13:49Oh, tell me about it.
13:51Oh, also, while you're all here,
13:55I just wanted to say
13:57I'm sorry that I've been an emotional mess recently.
14:01It's just everything has been a bit much.
14:04It's OK, love.
14:06It's not been the easiest of times, has it?
14:08Here we go.
14:12To Evan's continued recovery.
14:14I'll drink to that.
14:26Oh, my God.
14:27What is it?
14:29It's actually quite nice.
14:34It blows my mind
14:36to think that my lovely, kind friend,
14:38you know, used to cook for me.
14:40You poured a pint over that idiot's head.
14:42You do something so awful.
14:44I was 11.
14:46And I thought I was about to lose the only good thing I had in my life.
14:49That's no excuse.
14:50I know.
14:52If I could take it back, I would, but it happened.
14:55I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself,
14:58but I'm trying to.
14:59Because at the end of the day, if I don't try to have a life,
15:02then what's the point in being alive?
15:06I guess some mistakes follow us forever, eh?
15:09They do.
15:11But I want you to know that person you met is still me.
15:15I can't fake who I am.
15:18Our friendship was real.
15:20I hope so.
15:22I'm not going to hurt anyone.
15:24I'm not a violent person.
15:26In fact, I try to be a good person.
15:29I just don't always get it right.
15:32Well, I can relate to that.
15:36I'm sorry, Mandy.
15:38I didn't mean to upset you.
15:42Thanks for this.
15:44I should probably make a move before anyone else comes home.
15:48Where are you going to go?
15:51A fresh start somewhere.
15:53Just me, my car and the world at my fingertips.
15:57Good luck, eh?
15:59Thanks, Mandy.
16:01Thanks for being the first proper mate I've had in ages.
16:19You know, I reckon in another life, I could have been a chef.
16:23He makes one sandwich, suddenly he's Jamie Oliver.
16:26Well, I've got to see if the kids are killing each other.
16:29He's always been like this.
16:31He tiled the bathroom once. You'd think he'd painted the 16th chapel.
16:34Oh, great. Now you're both ganging up on me.
16:37Watch it!
16:38I'm sorry. I'm such a klutz. I'll clean it up.
16:41Let me freshen that up for you.
16:46Great, thanks.
16:55I haven't had a barbecue in ages.
16:57Yeah, well, we just need to pick up some salady bits and then we're good to go.
17:00Matty. Hiya.
17:02It's good to see you back.
17:04Thanks, Lydia.
17:05Listen, I hear you convinced Samson to come clean.
17:08Well, when he heard what really happened,
17:11I couldn't let you spend another minute in that place.
17:13I'm so sorry for everything you've been through.
17:16Well, hopefully justice will be served now.
17:19Samson's at the station this morning.
17:22They're going to formally charge him.
17:25Or perhaps he'll come to his senses and tell the police about Josh.
17:28I doubt that.
17:29I saw how scared he was when he heard that Josh were hanging around the village yesterday.
17:33Oh, yeah, must be awful for him.
17:35He's absolutely terrified of what Josh might do if he drags his name into this.
17:39Oh, well, we'll fill him.
17:41So Josh gets away with it.
17:43I wish that weren't the case.
17:46I'm sorry.
17:50Hey, that's mine.
17:52Very good.
17:55Oh, don't speak with your mouth full, for goodness sake.
17:57I said, it's very good.
18:00You've come a long way since our day.
18:02It's always been a dab-handed kitchen.
18:04You've obviously forgotten that Valentine's meal you cooked that one time.
18:08I was trying to be romantic.
18:11The thought was there, but ultimately, so was the fire brigade.
18:16Yeah, I tried to flambé a steak.
18:19What was it you said to that fireman?
18:21Never have the flames of passion burnt so bright.
18:24That was it, in his face.
18:26He did not see the funny side at all.
18:30I'll lighten up, Kim.
18:32We can't help it if we've got history.
18:34I've got to go to the hospital.
18:36Have you heard from Billy?
18:37Yep, he called and the consultant wants to see us.
18:39Well, hopefully it's good news.
18:41Yeah, are you all right to look after the kids?
18:42Of course.
18:43Are you sure you're feeling up to it?
18:45I've not got much choice, have I?
18:46You're not too tired?
18:47No more than usual. See you later.
18:49Give our love to Evan.
18:51Right, check up on the kids then.
18:57All of a sudden I feel a bit funny.
18:59What is it?
19:00I don't know, just a bit...
19:02a bit woozy.
19:03Well, get yourself back to bed for a lie down.
19:06I'll bring you up a cup of lye to see how you're doing.
19:25Do you hate me?
19:29You've literally not said one word the whole way home.
19:33I don't hate you.
19:35I'm just disappointed.
19:39Well, I've been charged.
19:41So at least I've done the right thing.
19:43Have you?
19:45I still don't understand why you kept Josh's name out of all this.
19:50Look, if I don't, him and his brothers, they will make our lives hell.
19:54All right? You don't mess with them lot.
19:56People don't exactly mess with our lot, either.
19:59You don't understand.
20:01No, I don't.
20:05Taking all the blame is only going to make things worse for you.
20:08I know.
20:13Right, I'd better get to work. I'm late enough as it is.
20:21I love you, son.
20:25Don't ever think I'd hate you.
20:37I'm sorry.
20:40I'll see you later.
20:58What have you forgotten this time?
21:03Hello, mate.
21:10Have you seen Will?
21:12I'm sure he's around somewhere.
21:15Why don't you take yourself out for a nice ride and enjoy the summer?
21:19Leave him and the kids to me.
21:21I can manage.
21:22I'd like to help.
21:24It's the least I can do.
21:26You know, this Florence Nightingale act isn't fooling anyone.
21:30What do you mean?
21:31I mean I've met parasites like you before.
21:34Now, I don't know what your game plan is, but I'm watching you.
21:38Is this because me and Will have a laugh together?
21:41Are you two bickering again?
21:44You're awake.
21:45Nothing gets past you, does it?
21:48I just need a lie down, a bit of indigestion.
21:51Feels right, doesn't it?
22:20There's been a car accident.
22:22You need to send an ambulance as soon as possible.
22:25Yeah, I don't know how it's happened.
22:34You need to hurry up because she's in a really bad way.
22:49Yeah, you know I said I wanted to buy you a drink to say thank you for yesterday?
22:53I meant a proper drink, not orange juice.
22:55Yeah, I've still got to work, I'm afraid.
22:57But the sentiment is still there and it's very much appreciated.
23:01If this whole doctor thing doesn't work out,
23:03maybe you should consider a job in security.
23:06Or maybe damsels in distress could be a lucrative side hustle.
23:10Definitely not a damsel.
23:12I certainly wouldn't.
23:17You're not going to believe this.
23:18Eh, what?
23:20I popped back to Paddy's to get my salon keys, right?
23:23Guess what I found in the house?
23:26No. Ever.
23:28Ella's badge?
23:29Keep it down.
23:30She just wanted to collect some other things.
23:32Well, where is she now?
23:34I don't know.
23:35I don't know.
23:36I don't know.
23:37I don't know.
23:38I don't know.
23:39I don't know.
23:40I don't know.
23:41I don't know.
23:42I don't know.
23:45Well, where is she now?
23:47She gone.
23:49I've no idea.
23:50I just can't decide if Liam needs to know.
23:55Liam needs to know what?
24:02I know you think you're funny, but come back upstairs this minute!
24:06You done?
24:07Oh, Lucas seems to think it's time for hide and seek.
24:10Hey, Sam. What? Oh, my God. Okay, mate, thanks. I'll be there as soon as I can. Dawn's had
24:22a car accident. She's in the hospital. Is she all right? I don't know. We've just got
24:27to get there. Well, what about the kids? Are we...? I'll look after them. Just go.
24:31You dogged me to the police. I never. Well, that's weird, because they pulled me in for
24:48questioning this morning. You could have given me the heads up. I'm sorry. I said it was
24:53all me and that you were just there. What the hell were you thinking, coming clean?
24:58We'd got away with it. I had to say something. My family's been in bits about all this.
25:02See, I thought I could trust you, Samson. We're only friends here because I felt sorry
25:07for you, and this is how you repay me? I was at the station this morning. I've been charged.
25:12I've got a plea hearing and everything. Look, I swear I didn't drop you in it. You better
25:18not be lying. No, I'm not. Because I told them it were you that went for the freak in
25:21the first place. How I tried to stop you, how you wouldn't listen, how you just kept
25:26on going and going after him. Our stories match up, then? Good. Because if I find out
25:33that you've said one word, anything, about me, then me and my brothers will make sure
25:38your life is not worth living. You understand that, don't you? Do you know what they do
25:44to narcs in prison, Samson? Do you? Samson? Are you all right? Yeah, he's just... he's
25:54just leaving. Actually, I'm not quite finished with you, Samson. I think you have. Get out
26:00of our house. Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it, cry-rape? Hmm? I wouldn't touch
26:05you with a barge... You ever, ever speak to me like that again? Do you think I'm scared
26:10of you? Yeah, you should be. Because I'm going to prison anyway, so I've got nothing to lose.
26:15So get out! Before I put you in hospital! I cannot believe Ella broke into our house.
26:40No, she used a spare key. Still trespassing. I should call the police. No, no, please,
26:46Liam, don't. What if she's holding some kind of grudge against me? What if it's revenge
26:51for kicking her out? No, she's not. She just came back for the family photos and now she's
26:55gone. Well, and you believe her, do you? After all the lies. Look, we don't know what she's
26:58capable of. I don't know what to believe, right? I know she's not a threat or she's
27:02dangerous or anything. Did she say where she's been? She's been living in her car again.
27:09I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. She's gone now and she's not coming back.
27:15Sorry, Chas, it's a bit of a dampener on our drink.
27:19No, it's all right. We'll have a proper drink another time.
27:24Oh, my God. What? What is it?
27:29It's our Sammy. He's messaged on the family group chat.
27:32He's just passed a crash. It's Dawn and Ella.
27:35Ella? Is she OK?
27:38It doesn't say, but they are taking her to hospital. Look, someone should go with her,
27:43make sure she's all right.
27:44What, that's me, is it?
27:45For God's sake, Liam, she's had a car crash.
27:46We're not together anymore.
27:47Well, does that mean she'll just suddenly stop caring now, does it?
27:48I just want to see Evan. Is he OK?
27:49Yeah, he's fine.
27:50What did the consultant say?
27:51Oh, my God, Dawn. Are you OK?
28:12Oh, Dad, it was horrible. It was so scary.
28:15I'm not surprised, love. Are you hurt?
28:19No. Well, just my ribs are killing me.
28:22So what happened?
28:23I don't know. I just... I was just driving, and then I just started to feel really weird.
28:30And then an ambulance and police came and... and they breathalysed me.
28:35Yeah, it was negative. We're just, um, waiting to give a statement and we can get her on.
28:41They're gonna do a, um...
28:43Toxicology test.
28:46For drugs?
28:48Police say you have them.
28:49Well, she hasn't taken anything.
28:50I haven't, I swear.
28:53If you have, we need to know. There's no point lying about it.
28:58I'm not lying.
28:59We all know the strain you've been under right now.
29:01What's that supposed to mean?
29:04Addicts often fall off the wagon when they're under pressure.
29:07Kim, that is not what's happening here.
29:10Alan Fletcher.
29:11Are you up to giving your statement?
29:21And a concussion is looking very likely.
29:23So we'd like to keep you in overnight for observation.
29:30Other than a few scrapes and bruises, I'd say you got away incredibly lightly.
29:33Look at me.
29:36Well, a nurse will be along in a moment to take you for some more tests.
29:40Just routine.
29:42And the police are here.
29:44They'll want to take a statement at some point.
29:49Is there anyone you'd like us to call?
29:52To call?
29:53Significant other?
29:57Anyone like that?
29:59There isn't anybody else.
30:02I'll be fine on my own.
30:24I know this sounds really lame,
30:26but me and Rhona used to do everything together.
30:29I was like I don't even exist.
30:31Maybe you just drifted apart.
30:33Happens sometimes.
30:35I wouldn't call it a drift, per se.
30:37Mandy Dingle swooped in and stolen her off me.
30:40Then swoop in and steal her back.
30:42I tried.
30:43I invited her and the family to Leeds Pride.
30:45And did they come in?
30:47But so is Mandy.
30:48She's under the impression she's some kind of official gay icon.
30:53To be fair, she's pretty fabulous.
30:55I know.
30:56How can I compete?
30:57You don't need to compete.
30:58Look, I'm pretty sure Rhona still loves you.
31:04Oh, yes, sorry.
31:05I know you're still on your break.
31:07But could you look after my patients for a bit?
31:09Yeah, everything all right?
31:10Yeah, yeah.
31:11Marlon's just wondering if he can have another look at my tattoo.
31:13So I'm going to nip upstairs for half an hour.
31:17If you'd have known getting a tattoo would have had this effect,
31:19you'd have got one yonks ago.
31:20My thoughts exactly.
31:23Do you know what?
31:25I reckon when Rhona gets back, you should ask her for the afternoon off.
31:28You know, tit for tat and all that.
31:30What are you thinking?
31:31Is your place free?
31:33All afternoon.
31:51What are you doing here?
31:53Couldn't let you go through this by yourself, now, could I?
31:55How did you know I was here?
31:57Our Sammy, he was the one who found you.
31:59He phoned the ambulance and everything.
32:01Apparently Dawn's in here somewhere.
32:05Don't you remember?
32:06She was the one that drove in to you.
32:10Does anyone else know I'm here?
32:12Just me, our Chas and Preet and...
32:18What did he say?
32:19Oh, don't ask about that now. Look, um...
32:22What have the doctors said?
32:25They said I've got a concussion, so they'll be keeping me in overnight.
32:28That's probably for the best, eh?
32:31And, um...
32:34They had to do a test because I told them I was a bit late on my period.
32:38And it turns out...
32:40I'm pregnant.
32:46And now I'm panicking because they haven't taken anything.
32:50I swear I haven't.
32:51We believe you, love. Don't worry about it.
32:53But it felt like I had.
32:55Look, I know this is mad.
32:58I think I've been spiked.
33:00What makes you say that?
33:02Cos I know what it feels like to take drugs.
33:05To take too much.
33:07It's the only explanation.
33:10Why do you think this could have happened?
33:15I stopped for a coffee.
33:17It was busy.
33:18Someone could have slipped something in my drink.
33:21It'll take a day or so for the test results.
33:24Once we get them, we can go from there.
33:26Thanks for your time.
33:28Thank you.
33:29Oh, and how's Ella?
33:31Is she going to be OK?
33:32Apparently, she'll be fine.
33:34Oh, thank God.
33:38She's so messed up.
33:40Why would anyone want to spy her?
33:43That's what I want to find out.
34:10You're home.
34:12I was so worried.
34:13It's fine.
34:14It could have been so much worse.
34:16It's a miracle no-one were killed.
34:18So what happened?
34:19Well, that's what we have to find out.
34:22Right, everyone in here.
34:36What's going on?
34:38She was spiked.
34:42Look, can you shut the door?
34:50I lied to the police.
34:52What about?
34:54That coffee that I stopped for earlier.
34:56That never happened.
34:58So why lie about it?
35:00Because there was only one drink that I had
35:02that could possibly have been spiked.
35:05That Foseca that we had earlier.
35:09What are you saying?
35:11I'm saying
35:13it had to be someone in here that did it.
35:20I'm sorry.
35:22I've been a big misery guts recently.
35:25You've been fine.
35:27You and Rona go back a long way.
35:30I'd feel the same if I were you.
35:33I'm so lucky to have you.
35:36Well, the feeling is very mutual.
35:39That better not be man's business.
35:41It is.
35:42It is.
35:43It is.
35:44It is.
35:45It is.
35:46It is.
35:47It is.
35:48It better not be Mandy.
35:50She's probably checking on what pride outfits we're wearing.
35:54Oh, it's my mum.
35:56Do you know what?
35:58This woman is driving me insane at the moment.
36:01In what way?
36:02It's like she tries to make me feel guilty when I'm not there.
36:06And then when I am there, all she does is moan.
36:11You just can't win.
36:13A bit tragic though, innit?
36:15A young woman still living at home with her parents.
36:20Then why don't you move in here?
36:23Yeah, right.
36:28What? You'd be up for that?
36:32You're here all the time anyway.
36:34And what about Tracy? Do you think she'd be up for it?
36:37She'll be fine.
36:39Well, then, yeah. I mean, this is amazing.
36:42I wasn't fishing, by the way. I swear, I was just...
36:44I know.
36:45Look, Johnny loves you to bits, and so do I.
36:48He just feels the right time.
36:51Oh, I love you too, and I promise
36:54I will put a big smile on that face every single day.
37:04Dawn, you know that I would never do anything to hurt you.
37:07No, Dad, don't worry. I don't for a second think it's you.
37:11Well, I think it's pretty obvious
37:13who's pushing that Prosecco onto everyone.
37:16What? So I did this?
37:19I certainly didn't.
37:21Look, people could have died today.
37:23I could have died.
37:25I mean, why would anybody do this?
37:29I trusted everyone in this house.
37:32And now...
37:33Do you seriously think that I would spike you
37:36and let you get into your car?
37:38Well, it's not the first time that I've been spiked by you, is it, Kim?
37:41You've done this before?
37:45She wanted to discredit me in front of social services,
37:47so I lost Lucas.
37:49That was a long time ago.
37:51Look, things are different now.
37:53We're family.
37:55I mean, what motive would I possibly have?
37:58Maybe it wasn't meant for you.
38:01Maybe she had another target in mind.
38:03You've always had it in for me.
38:05And you hate the fact that me and Will get along.
38:07You had a right face on you when we were laughing about his flambéed steak.
38:10Didn't you?
38:12Just because I find you painfully unfunny
38:14doesn't mean I will spike your drink.
38:18You drug me to make it look like I was drinking again.
38:21This really is pathetic.
38:23If you could make me look like some unreliable mess,
38:26Dawn would kick me out so you wouldn't have to.
38:29Let me make something very clear, you piece of trash.
38:33If I'd wanted you gone, you'd be gone.
38:36Kim, go easy, will you?
38:38Go easy? She's trying to pin this on me.
38:43You don't seriously think I did this to you?
38:54I am so sorry for what he said to you.
38:56I can't believe I was actually mates with him.
38:59Thank you for standing up for me.
39:01It meant a lot.
39:03What am I going to do now?
39:05He's coming for me, big time.
39:07Josh is a bully, and bullies are cowards.
39:11And you stood up to him. And what did he do?
39:13He ran off with his tail between his legs.
39:16Did the police give you a date for your plea hearing?
39:21It's August the 6th.
39:25I could get years for this.
39:27Sorry I can't be more help, officer.
39:30It's all such a blur.
39:32Well, now we've got statements from you and Mrs Fletcher,
39:34we'll get a good picture of what happened.
39:36What about my car? I need it back.
39:39I'm afraid your car's a total write-off.
39:43We'll make sure you get an incident number for the insurance claim.
39:47Thanks for your time.
39:55I loved that car.
39:58She was literally the one constant I had in my life.
40:02I know it sounds stupid.
40:04No, not at all.
40:06Hey, don't cry, it's OK.
40:09It's not, though, is it?
40:11I'm homeless and I'm pregnant by someone who hates my guts.
40:16So it's definitely Liam's, then?
40:18There's no-one else it could be.
40:20Were you not using precautions?
40:23We were, but...
40:25There was one night, the moment just took over and we kind of...
40:28I don't need the dates.
40:31I always swore I'd never be a mother.
40:35How could I be after what I did?
40:37But you were just a child yourself.
40:39It doesn't take away from what I did.
40:42I robbed June of the most precious thing in her life.
40:46I don't deserve to have kids of my own.
40:49I don't deserve to have anyone.
40:51You look at me, right?
40:53I believe in second chances.
40:56I mean, come on, I've had loads.
40:58I didn't do anything half as bad as you did, but, you know,
41:01you've paid for that.
41:03Now you deserve to live a life of your own.
41:06What life?
41:09I haven't got anything.
41:12I've nowhere to go.
41:15You've got me.
41:17It's a start.
41:19Whatever you need, we'll work it out.
41:26I promise.
41:32Dawn, we're family now.
41:35Yes, I've made some terrible mistakes in the past,
41:39but this wasn't me.
41:42Maybe Mum's right.
41:44I probably wasn't the target.
41:46But how could you play such a dangerous game?
41:48Come on, Dawn, we don't know that Kim did this.
41:50So you're blaming me?
41:52No, I'm just saying that there's not enough evidence.
41:54She's done it before. That's evidence enough.
41:56Will, you know me. I wouldn't.
41:59The fact that you've got form, it isn't helping your case.
42:03You're not safe to be around.
42:05Feel free to leave.
42:07Oh, you'd love that, wouldn't you?
42:09Cos that's what this is all about.
42:12You think you're so clever, framing me for this.
42:16Fine. Blame me.
42:19But what's my motive?
42:21What do I stand to gain from this?
42:23To do this.
42:25To discredit me from my whole family.
42:28Why? They love you.
42:30And I'm grateful for everything you've done for them.
42:33So why would I do that?
42:35I don't know what you're playing at.
42:38But I know this wasn't me.
42:40You're the only one who stands to gain anything from all of this.
42:43I see it. Dawn sees it.
42:46Billy, what do you think?
42:48I think Kim's smarter than this.
42:50I think if she wanted you gone, she wouldn't have to spite you to do it.
42:53That's hardly a defence.
43:00I can't believe you're falling for this.
43:03Our family is my entire world.
43:06I wouldn't do anything to jeopardise that.
43:08Yet you still did.
43:10When things couldn't be worse.
43:12Dawn, I promise you, you're looking at the wrong person.
43:17Well, that's just the thing. I don't know who I am looking at.
43:20I'm sorry.
43:51in conversation on the 26th of July.
43:54For tickets, go to emmerdalevillagetour.co.uk.
43:58And with Tom Kerridge, Cook's Britain, after the break.