Suspect Season 2 Episode 3

  • 2 months ago
Suspect Season 2 Episode 3


00:00All right, Jackie?
00:05You've got an unidentified female?
00:07Just found hanging in her bedroom.
00:15It's Christina, my daughter.
00:18Christina's been murdered.
00:20There's no evidence to support that.
00:25You're her girlfriend?
00:30But you let her down, is that it?
00:33You want the post-mortem to say that it's not your fault?
00:38You found her in bed with a girl?
00:40She was a child.
00:41You couldn't accept her as she was?
00:43She killed herself.
00:44But I can find out why she died.
00:49I don't have those answers that you're looking for.
00:52Well, who does?
00:53You should try Maya.
00:55She runs the Crimson Orchid.
07:09What then?
07:13Well, we partied together.
07:17Was that all?
07:20That's it.
07:28When was the last time you saw her?
07:32Saturday before last.
07:34What time?
07:36It was about 2. We were closing up.
07:39I let her stay upstairs on the sofa.
07:41And why would you do that?
07:43Well, she was in a bit of a state.
07:45What kind of state?
07:49High, maybe.
07:50She was...
07:51She was bleeding from her ear and her face was all bruised.
07:55Did she tell you what happened?
07:57No, she just kept saying she'd done something terrible.
07:59She wouldn't say what.
08:01What did you think?
08:05I thought it was some kind of domestic.
08:07It wouldn't be the first time.
08:08Between her and Nicola?
08:11You've spoken to her?
08:16Jealous bitch.
08:19She was complimentary about you two.
08:22Yeah, I'll bet.
08:24She pretty much implied that you were Christina's pimp.
08:29Fuck her.
08:31Have I touched a nerve?
08:34This is a licensed premises.
08:36Who are you kidding? It's a knocking shop.
08:38Look, get out!
08:42Is this it?
08:44Is this what?
08:46The members' lounge.
08:48What do you call it?
08:49The VIP room?
08:51Where they come for the added extras?
08:53This is for the private dancers.
08:55And hand jobs.
08:58Oh, come on, Maya, don't be coy.
09:00What exactly do you want?
09:02Don't badmouth my girls and me.
09:04The names of Christina's clients.
09:06What clients?
09:08The ones she brought here.
09:09She didn't work here.
09:11Well, then, the ones she picked up here and took back to her place.
09:13You are way off beam.
09:16I'm only going on what her wife said.
09:18Yeah, well, Christina lied to her about pretty much everything.
09:21Why would she do that?
09:22To keep her off her back.
09:25She didn't like men.
09:27Not like that.
09:29Needs must.
09:31You have got no idea about needs, mister.
09:39Who the fuck are you?
09:41I showed you my card.
09:42Show me again.
09:55I'm her father.
09:56I'm her father.
10:00Her father's dead.
10:02Wishful thinking.
10:06He died in a motorbike accident.
10:08It's another lie, I'm afraid.
10:17Was the thing about the pony true?
10:20Fuck me, I'm so fucking gullible.
10:26What was I thinking?
10:27I can't even imagine Christina on a horse.
10:43So you did end up buying a one, then?
11:05Look, you've got the wrong idea about your daughter, OK?
11:07Or maybe you have.
11:09Trust me.
11:10I introduced her to a bunch of guys, including the owner of this place.
11:14No dice.
11:16What about female clients?
11:19We don't get many women in here, do we?
11:21She had a roll of bank notes in her flat as thick as my arm.
11:24She didn't get those playing the penny slots.
11:26Yeah, well, she didn't have any clients, at least. Not like that.
11:33Another kind of client, then?
11:42What other kind of clients, Maya?
11:45You said you partied together.
11:47Pretty fucking hard from what I hear.
11:51Did you supply her?
11:55Is that it?
11:56Is that what?
11:59Did she sell a bit on the side?
12:06You need a warrant to go poking around in my shed.
12:08Hey, excuse me.
12:10Excuse me.
12:13You broke it. You fucking pay for that.
12:29Hey, I could file a complaint, you know.
12:31Abuse of powers, arbitrary search.
12:40You didn't tell me how she died.
12:42Postmortem says she hung herself.
12:46But you'd think otherwise.
12:51So that's why you're obsessed with the idea that she slept with men for money?
13:02There is nothing here.
13:24Look, it's not how it looks.
13:26It looks like possession with intended supply.
13:28I'm off to shut this place down. Bye-bye.
13:32I need this job.
13:36Then I'd start talking if I were you.
13:39Nicholas said Christina changed when she started hanging out with you.
13:43Did you get her into this?
13:45She was dealing before we met.
13:48I doubt that.
13:49Yeah, you would.
13:57Remember the scooter she used to go around on when she was still at school?
14:01How do you know about that?
14:02How do you think she paid for that?
14:05Her mother held her out?
14:08She told her mum the same thing about you.
14:11Christina wouldn't have lasted five minutes in that world.
14:15It's changed. You should know that.
14:17They deal online using messaging apps.
14:20Emojis tell you what they have to sell.
14:22Snowflakes, smiley face, maybe a diamond.
14:24You can pay by money transfer.
14:26They'll even courier it to you.
14:27No need for face-to-face. It's all digital.
14:29Sounds traceable.
14:30It's not.
14:31The apps are encrypted.
14:32As long as you're careful with your phone,
14:34you don't deposit money in your bank account, it's fine.
14:37So what, do you use cryptocurrency?
14:39I do it.
14:41You still have to source the product?
14:43I mean, the stuff she was dealing when I met her
14:47was not that serious.
14:49Weed, maybe a bit of speed.
14:52What about these?
14:57That's RhinoCat.
14:59What's RhinoCat?
15:03It's like ketamine, only a bit stronger.
15:05I never saw her deal anything like that.
15:07Just coke, then?
15:12Talk to me.
15:18There was a guy.
15:19Used to come in here a lot.
15:21We dated for a bit, nothing heavy.
15:22Just, you know, the odd weekend away here and there.
15:27They weren't exactly mini-breaks.
15:29What then?
15:31Well, he was meeting people, making connections.
15:34And then he started asking me to go on my own, less risky for him.
15:38What was in it for you?
15:41Bit of merchandise to sell on the side.
15:44What about Christina?
15:45I started taking her along with me.
15:47We had a laugh.
15:52You got her involved?
15:53Oh, come on.
15:55She was no innocent.
16:00So what happened?
16:01The guy...
16:03found out.
16:06What, he was furious?
16:07No, he was delighted, more like.
16:09I don't know, I think they knew each other from before.
16:13Did she tell you that?
16:15I don't remember, I just know they hit it off.
16:17She started dealing for him.
16:19One line still, but, you know, higher volume, class A's.
16:23More money for everyone.
16:26they cut me out.
16:31Christina double-crossed you?
16:35She put her own priorities first.
16:38You fallowed?
16:40Well, we didn't see each other for a while.
16:46Where were you between one and two AM?
16:48Oh, come on, you're not pinning this shit on me.
16:50I was here till well past three.
16:56Christina was my friend.
16:59She could charm the birds from the trees, I couldn't stay mad at her.
17:06I need to take this.
17:20Daniel, speak to me.
17:27Richard says you've seen her.
17:35This morning.
17:37And there's no doubt, it's her.
17:44Our little girl.
17:46Susanna, don't.
17:49I need to see her for myself.
17:53Will you come with me?
17:57Please, Daniel.
18:00I gotta go.
18:19You should go.
18:23Be there for her.
18:26It's never too late.
18:57Come on.
18:59Daniel, I've got to go.
19:01I've got to go.
19:10Was that him?
19:12The guy you were talking about?
19:20Have you got kids?
19:22That's none of your business.
19:24Do they know what mummy does for a living?
19:27Fuck you.
19:32I'm sorry, I...
19:35I just thought as a parent you might, um...
19:39You know, uh...
19:47I've told you everything I know.
19:49Except his name.
19:52If I give you that...
19:56You get this back.
20:00And this goes no further?
20:02I've got enough on my plate.
20:07Jay's out.
20:12That's all I've got.
20:15Call him.
20:17No way.
20:19Call him.
20:20He won't pick up.
20:22Then call him and leave a message with my number.
20:25I can't get involved in this shit.
20:27You're neck fucking deep in it.
20:41Hi, this is Maya.
20:42I'm just calling to leave you a number.
20:51Thank you.
21:13I wouldn't go there on my own.
21:21He's a nasty piece of work.
21:25You should lie low.
21:27I will.
21:39She'd never take her own life.
21:43I know she'd be self-destructive, but she, um...
21:47She knew how to laugh at herself.
21:50No matter how bad it got.
22:18Not the time to speak.
22:20Who is this?
22:21Jay Sark.
22:24Do I know you?
22:25Of course you do.
22:26Do you know the old pump house?
22:28South of the river.
22:30I'll see you there.
22:50I'll see you there.
22:51I'll see you there.