Watch This Video Before Using the Dark Web: Essential Safety Tips!"

  • 2 months ago

"Watch This Video Before Using the Dark Web: Essential Safety Tips!"

### Description:
Before diving into the mysterious world of the Dark Web, make sure you watch this crucial video. Discover essential safety tips, potential risks, and best practices to protect yourself while navigating this hidden part of the internet. Learn how to stay anonymous, avoid legal troubles, and understand the dangers lurking in the shadows. Equip yourself with the knowledge to explore the Dark Web responsibly and securely.

00:00Today, we need food, water, air, and shelter for survival.
00:06The internet has made our lives easier and simpler.
00:11Or you could say, it has completely changed us.
00:13Because you know, the internet that we are addicted to,
00:17has a dark side to it.
00:30The film of Nagasaki, targeted by atom bomb No. 2, is filmed from a super fortress many miles away.
00:41I am talking about the internet.
00:43Maybe, today, survival will be possible without the internet.
00:45Now, what comes to our mind after listening to the internet?
00:48Google, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and a few websites.
00:52But the internet is not limited to this.
00:54The internet is like space, infinite.
00:56Where your imagination ends, the dark side of the internet begins.
01:00According to a report published in April 2030,
01:0265% of the world's population, i.e. 500 crore people's life,
01:06is dependent on the internet every day.
01:08Out of this population, 2 billion people are active on Facebook every day.
01:11And 3.7 million videos are uploaded on YouTube every day.
01:15More than 2.5 lakh websites are registered on the internet every day.
01:18And from the existence of the internet till date,
01:21more than 1 billion websites have been registered here.
01:24The data that we just shared was of the surface web.
01:27The data of deep web and dark web is not included in this.
01:30So, there are 3 layers of the internet.
01:31First comes the surface web, which we just talked about.
01:34We access this on a daily basis.
01:36This web is a part of the world wide web.
01:38Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and YouTube,
01:40all these websites can be accessed from a normal search engine.
01:44The surface web is only 5-6% of the internet.
01:48Now, the remaining part comes in deep web and dark web.
01:52The difference here is that your identity is anonymous on deep web and dark web.
01:56And all the work that is not possible on the surface web can be done here.
02:00All illegal activities are possible here.
02:02Whether it is hiring a hitman,
02:04purchasing illegal drugs,
02:06fake passport, fake credit card,
02:08making a fake visa, and many more.
02:10But before understanding the dark web properly,
02:12let's discuss the difference between deep web and dark web.
02:15Because some people get confused between the two.
02:16We access deep web many times in our daily life.
02:20You can't directly access the things on the deep web from Google.
02:24Basically, the password protected things are called deep web.
02:28Now, your Gmail account, Netflix account,
02:30even your net banking details, all these come here.
02:33If any online account has to be logged in with its credentials,
02:36then it will be called deep web.
02:38And this data is so big that it covers 95-96% of the internet.
02:43And an estimate is being made that by 2025,
02:46175 zettabytes of data will have been collected on deep web.
02:49Now, comes the dark web,
02:50which can't be accessed from Google or any normal browser.
02:54Now, what all can you do on the dark web?
02:56You can buy any illegal drug.
02:58With some money, you can hire an assassin.
03:01You can take a fake credit card.
03:02I mean, take the card, rack up the bill, and never pay.
03:05Any fake bachelor degree, fake passport,
03:08trading of human organs,
03:09and all kinds of disturbing content is available there.
03:11Like child ****,
03:12tortured livestreams, which are also called red rooms.
03:15There is a website, The Hidden Wiki,
03:16on which all these services are listed,
03:18which you can take on the dark web.
03:20And instead of all these services,
03:22you have to pay in Bitcoin.
03:23All the trade on the dark web is only in Bitcoin.
03:26In fact, 50% of the Bitcoin transactions
03:29are to trade on the dark web.
03:32And one more thing, this video is for informational purposes.
03:35Whichever website or references we will mention later,
03:37please do not visit.
03:39The most shocking thing is that on the dark web,
03:41terrorists, hackers, drug dealers, and criminals
03:44are just one click away from us.
03:45The dark web cannot be accessed on a normal browser.
03:48For that, we have to use the Tor browser.
03:50And Tor means, The Onion Routing.
03:53So, Onion Routing was first developed by
03:56three scientists from the US Naval Research Laboratory,
03:56Paul Swanson, David Goldslag, and Michael Reed.
04:00It was made for the secret operations of the US Navy.
04:03So that if an organization wants to share private information,
04:07it can hide its identity and send that message to the government.
04:10Onion Routing sends traffic through multiple servers.
04:14And the data is encrypted at every stage.
04:16Suppose we like YouTube on the Tor browser,
04:18that command will be routed from three different locations.
04:22That too, from three random servers
04:23which are located in different places.
04:25So, it becomes almost impossible to track you
04:29for your ISP, i.e. Internet Service Provider.
04:31Now, like there are many layers in Onion,
04:33there are many layers of encryption in Onion Routing as well.
04:37Now, because the user's anonymity is maintained through the Tor browser,
04:40that's why there are many illegal activities here.
04:44The URL of the Dark Web is not .com, .net, or .org.
04:48Its URL ends with .onion.
04:51And its link is a string of a random character.
04:53In this, the user's identity is hidden to a large extent.
04:56And anyone can surf with anonymity.
04:59Now, the Dark Web is a place where you can get anything.
05:02I mean, anything.
05:03Illicit goods like all types of drugs, weapons,
05:07even human body parts.
05:09Stolen goods, stolen information, hackers, assassins,
05:12even child s***** groups.
05:14Dola City and Playpen were such websites
05:17where child s***** was available.
05:18The sad part is that there were more than 2 lakh members on those websites.
05:22Anyway, they were banned later.
05:24But as soon as such websites are banned here,
05:27their mirror websites open up.
05:29Now, all these illegal activities that we discussed,
05:31they all started from Silk Road.
05:34Think of Silk Road as Amazon for illegal stuff.
05:37If you want to buy any illegal drug, weapon,
05:40or any illegal thing that you can imagine,
05:42order it in one click.
05:43And like an Amazon package, it will be delivered to your home.
05:47There was a website called Silk Road.
05:48It started in 2011.
05:50And the developer of this website was Ross Ulbricht.
05:53From 2011 to 2013, Silk Road generated a sale of $1.2 billion.
05:58Silk Road operated for just 2 years.
06:00And in just that time, Silk Road generated 9.5 million Bitcoin
06:04as a revenue.
06:06If we convert it to dollars at the highest value of Bitcoin,
06:09it amounts to a revenue of $187 billion.
06:12Now, this was started by a normal person named Ross.
06:14He believed that the government can't tell people
06:18what they can access,
06:19what drugs they can consume, and what not.
06:21After creating the website,
06:22Ross had nothing to list on Silk Road.
06:25So, he rented a mushroom factory.
06:27And the first item on Silk Road was a mushroom.
06:30A category was created for every illegal drug on that website.
06:33And such illegal websites couldn't be promoted on the internet normally.
06:37On Instagram, Facebook, or Google.
06:40And neither did the link work there.
06:42So, Ross first started commenting about Silk Road
06:46as a user on random forums.
06:47He started promoting himself that there is a website
06:50where you can find any illegal stuff.
06:52And very soon, many sellers on Silk Road started listing drugs.
06:57And word of mouth made this website very popular.
07:00Initially, only illegal drugs were found here.
07:02But gradually, people started listing weapons.
07:05Even human body parts started being found on this website.
07:08In 2013, FBI shut down Silk Road.
07:11But this story didn't end here.
07:13As soon as Silk Road was shut down, it became Silk Road 2.0.
07:15When it was banned, Silk Road 3 was created.
07:18And on Dark Web, there was a marketplace called AlphaBay.
07:22In just 2 years of operation, it became 10 times bigger than Silk Road.
07:26This is the biggest illegal marketplace on Dark Web till date.
07:29It was banned in 2017.
07:31And all the illegal marketplaces on Dark Web
07:33where there are so many extreme illegal activities,
07:36it is always found that their founders or creators
07:39are not mastermind criminals.
07:40Most of them belong to IT backgrounds.
07:43And mostly, they access these websites from Thailand.
07:46The reason for this is that Thailand's government
07:48doesn't allow users to extract personal data.
07:51So, their chances of getting caught are less
07:53compared to other countries.
07:55After illegal markets like Silk Road and AlphaBay,
07:57the most disturbing part is Red Rooms.
08:01This is a website where people are tortured and murdered.
08:06Some people believe that this website is fake.
08:08And some people say that it exists in real life.
08:11And they have seen it with their own eyes.
08:13Some organizations also say that
08:15Red Rooms are run by terrorist groups and ISIS.
08:18Victims are punished on demand.
08:21In 2015, the FBI arrested a man, Peter Scully.
08:25Because he was accused of running a Red Room.
08:28He was running a Red Room called Daisy Destruction.
08:30He used to sexually abuse young children's bodies
08:34and commit life murders.
08:36He used to film these activities and sell them on the dark web.
08:39Even on the surface web,
08:40some services of the dark web can be accessed.
08:43And this is possible because of Reddit.
08:45There are still some subreddits on Reddit
08:47where illegal trades are taking place.
08:49Just like Tor is a search engine,
08:50today, the administrator of Tor is developing
08:52a new Reddit search engine
08:55where cybercriminals can easily access
08:57illicit goods and services.
08:59This search engine will also be called Darknet Market.
09:02And DNM is being designed just like Google.
09:05Such search engines were made before this as well.
09:07There was a search engine called Gramps
09:09which was designed just like Google.
09:11But the government banned it.
09:14As we discussed in the video earlier,
09:16only Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies can be traded on the dark web.
09:20If we use a credit card,
09:21it can be traced very easily.
09:23Because every information of your transaction
09:25goes to your bank.
09:27Many people also believe that
09:28behind the success of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency,
09:30there is a big hand of Silk Road and the dark web.
09:32During that time, a huge amount of crypto
09:34was being traded.
09:36Look, the dark web is just a click away from us.
09:38There is a very thin line between the surface web and the dark web.
09:41And that is Tor browser and Onion Routing.
09:43The main aim behind designing the Tor browser
09:46was to maintain privacy and anonymity.
09:50But with time, this thing started being misused as well.
09:53The dark web is also used by our governments.
09:56To deal with other nations in arms weapons,
09:59or to plan a secret operation or mission.
10:01All these discussions are done on the dark web
10:04so that the enemy cannot trace us.
10:06And the nation's trade and secrets are untraceable.
10:08These are some of the benefits of the dark web.
10:10But along with this, it has many demerits as well.
10:13All kinds of illegal activities are possible here.
10:16Users like us have no work there.
10:18And many people download the Tor browser to access the dark web.
10:21And there are many tutorials available on the internet.
10:24By following them, they reach there.
10:26And most of the time, hackers are active on the dark web.
10:29And they trace the IP of your computer.
10:32Then all the files of your device are locked.
10:35And in return, they demand money from you.
10:37So stay away from all this.
10:38For your thrill and fun,
10:40don't go to explore the dark web.
10:42That's all for today's video.
10:43You can find the links to my Instagram and Twitter in the description.
10:46Also, check out our vlog channel.
10:48And if you liked it, subscribe to it.
