ssg animations - vacation (part-2)

  • 2 months ago
2 True VACATION Horror Stories Animated
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#horrorstories #dating #ssg #horror #animationstudio
00:00I do a regular 9-to-5 job, and every year I manage to steal one month to myself and
00:06go for a vacation to a place that's on my bucket list.
00:10However, two horrific incidents made me question everything, mostly if it's safe to travel
00:17For the past seven years, I've been solo traveling for a month each year.
00:22Greece, Italy, Spain, and England, I've traveled to all these countries.
00:28But last year when I visited Cuba, something paranormal happened to me.
00:35Cuba is a culturally rich country, and all the people I met there were very friendly.
00:39In my quest to explore the whole country, I went to offbeat places alone and did a lot
00:44of things normal tourists would think twice before doing.
00:48Nothing illegal, mind you, just going out of my way to see new places.
00:53While spending a week in a small beach town, I was on the beach in the evening clicking
00:57some pictures.
00:58The sunset in this country was out of the world, and I clicked as many pictures as I
01:03could every evening.
01:05Now before going to this beach, a local vendor had told me that this beach was haunted, but
01:11I wasn't the superstitious type.
01:13I thanked him for his concern and went to the beach anyway.
01:17On the beach, the first thing I noticed was how few people there were there.
01:22Most of them were locals, and a few kids were playing in the water.
01:26Most tourists avoid the beach due to the haunted stories surrounding it, but I was
01:30just glad that I could get a few good shots of the sunset without people popping in between.
01:35I was so engrossed in my photography that I didn't notice when the people around me
01:40had left.
01:41I could only hear the laughter of the kids playing in the distance.
01:45I was about to click the perfect shot of the red sun when I heard the cry of a person.
01:51It seemed like someone was drowning in the water and needed help.
01:55I looked over at the kids who were still playing, but were very far away from me.
02:00When I looked around, I noticed I was the only one left on the beach.
02:04I heard the cry again.
02:06This time it was more like a scream than a cry.
02:10I didn't waste any time.
02:12I left my camera and my small sack on the beach and ran towards the water.
02:16I heard the cry coming from the deep waters, and I just started swimming, trying to reach
02:20the person.
02:22I kept swimming, looking, and looking for the drowning man, not realizing how deep I
02:26had swum into the sea.
02:28However, when I looked around, trying to keep myself afloat against the strong current,
02:33I saw no one.
02:35The cries had stopped, but I had not stopped looking.
02:39I still went a bit deeper, but to no avail.
02:43I ducked beneath the water just to make sure no one had drowned, but when I dived and tried
02:48to find the person, I didn't see anything.
02:52Just as I was about to come up, a strong pair of hands landed on my back and pushed me beneath
02:56the water's surface.
02:58I tried to free myself and come up to breathe, but I just couldn't.
03:02The hands were holding me beneath the water.
03:05Finally, I somehow managed to free myself from their hold and resurfaced.
03:10I was hoping to find someone, but to utter shock, I was the only one in the water.
03:16I looked at the shore and realized how deep I had swum.
03:20The high tide was creeping in, and I needed to go back if I wanted to survive.
03:25Despite being a good swimmer, I barely managed to reach the shore, and fortunately, my stuff
03:30wasn't soaked due to the rising tide.
03:33I just sat on the sand, breathing and looking around.
03:36Finally, I gained enough energy to walk away from the beach.
03:41When I walked past the local vendor's shop, he just looked at me and smirked.
03:46I was soaked and disheveled and so confused.
03:49To this date, I have no idea who I heard on the beach crying for help.
03:54Hell, I'm not even sure if I heard anyone at all.
03:58But the real mystery is who pushed me underwater.
04:04The next incident happened when I was attending a friend's wedding in a small town in Virginia.
04:09The area is known for having a piece of the Appalachian Trail, and I've been very fascinated
04:14with this trail since I began traveling.
04:17Mind you, I had no trekking or hiking experience, but I still loved exploring the outdoors,
04:22and especially the forests.
04:24We stayed in a cozy inn for three days, including the wedding day, the wedding rehearsal, and
04:29the bachelor party.
04:30However, the town was so beautiful, and when I googled scenic places nearby, I got to learn
04:35that there was a beautiful lake and a waterfall nearby.
04:39I convinced John, one of my friends who was attending the wedding with me, to accompany
04:43me in exploring the waterfall and the lake.
04:46John was a travel enthusiast like me, so on the second day of our stay, the morning
04:50before the rehearsal dinner, we set out at around 7 a.m. after having breakfast and trekked
04:56for a bit through the forest to reach the lake and the waterfall.
05:00There were a few tourists there, but John and I had a great time.
05:04Around 2 p.m., we decided to head back when I had an idea.
05:09The rehearsal dinner was at 7, so we had a few hours before that.
05:13Why don't we explore the forest?
05:15I asked John, and being the adrenaline junkie he was, he agreed.
05:20The forest was thick, and we were spotting a lot of birds and some small animals around
05:25It was a pleasant experience just wandering into the woods.
05:29That's when in the distance, we spotted a little girl sitting on the rock.
05:35John and I were concerned, as it was highly dangerous for a kid her age to be out here
05:39all alone.
05:41Hey, what's your name?
05:44What are you doing out here?
05:46Are you lost?
05:48I asked the girl when we reached her.
05:51She looked at me and John for a second, and then said,
05:53I came to see the waterfall with my mom, but I got lost, so I'm waiting for her here.
06:01The girl looked like she was 5 or 6 years old, and was dressed in a frock with two pigtails.
06:07Why don't you stay here, and we'll go find your mom.
06:10What's her name?
06:12Martha, the girl said, and John and I began looking for Martha.
06:17We were yelling out her name and trying our best to find any clues that might lead us
06:21to the woman.
06:22After an hour of no success, we both split and started searching for the girl's mother
06:28The clock was ticking faster than ever, but there was no trace of Martha.
06:32Finally, around 5 in the evening, we returned to the spot where we had left the girl, and
06:37to our surprise, the girl was still sitting there on the rock patiently waiting for us
06:42and her mom.
06:44Hey sweetie, we couldn't find your mom.
06:47How about you accompany us, and we can take you to the police, who can help you find your
06:52The girl looked at us again, with those big blue eyes of hers, and in a very flat tone.
06:57No need, I'll wait here, and you can come again tomorrow and help me find my mom.
07:04We couldn't believe what we had just heard.
07:07The little girl was so cool and composed, not at all what you would expect of a kid
07:12who was lost at her age.
07:14I wanted to ask her more questions and insist that she come with us, but John pulled me
07:18aside and told me that it wasn't worth it.
07:21He thought the situation was fishy, and he suggested we leave and went back to the inn
07:25in time for the rehearsal dinner.
07:28Reluctantly, we turned around and walked back, but I couldn't get the little girl out of
07:33my mind.
07:35The innkeeper was an old man, and he was the one who insisted John and I explore the waterfall,
07:41so I decided to talk to him.
07:44After dinner, I cornered the man and told him all about the girl and what had happened
07:47to us.
07:49He walked me into his office, offered me tea, and started digging into a drawer.
07:53He pulled out an old newspaper clipping that had the picture of the girl on it and placed
07:57it in front of me.
07:59The girl in the picture looked very much dead, and the paper was dated back to the
08:07The little girl was abandoned in the forest by her mother, and she died there out of hunger
08:12and thirst.
08:14The girl kept on waiting for her mother by sitting on the same rock for days before she
08:21Now the tourists who were unfortunate enough to go near the rock often claimed to have
08:26seen the girl.
08:27I was scared and baffled.
08:30Even told John about it, and he said that he suspected something was off about the girl.
08:36After the wedding, we left Virginia, and to date, I haven't shared this story with anyone
08:41except the innkeeper, John, and now you guys.