Food Delivery (PART-1)

  • 3 months ago


3 True Food Delivery Horror Stories Animated
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00:00Hey guys, my name is Ethan, and I'm going to tell you the story of when I was a pizza
00:09delivery guy.
00:10I'm sure you're thinking that nothing is interesting about being a pizza delivery
00:13guy, right?
00:14Well, let me tell you how wrong you are.
00:17Being a pizza delivery guy, we encounter the most bizarre situations you can imagine.
00:22Everyone orders pizza, so we see all kinds of people.
00:26When I worked at the pizzeria, this was something that I found funny.
00:30Until I met the wrong family.
00:32The last family I ever brought a pizza to.
00:35It all started one day when I had to deliver a pizza to a low-income family on the other
00:39side of town.
00:40I knew it was a relatively dangerous place, but I had been there many times.
00:44I just had to make sure that no one passed by the same place twice.
00:47If that happened, I knew I had to leave as soon as possible, as they might steal my bike.
00:52I was very cautious until I arrived at the house.
00:54I admit that before I got there, I was pretty scared.
00:57I was going to a part I had never been to before, to a part of the neighborhood I didn't
01:01even know existed.
01:02Most of the houses were abandoned and everything looked very deserted.
01:06I admit that at that moment, I hated being in one of the few pizzerias that had such
01:09a large delivery.
01:11Once I got to the house, I admit to being surprised.
01:14The house, it wasn't too bad.
01:16It seemed quite big and was very well kept.
01:19I didn't notice anything strange about it, and around it, I didn't feel that I could
01:22be robbed because the place was empty.
01:24I got off the bike looking everywhere in case someone was hiding, but that was the
01:27kind of neighborhood where you had no place to hide.
01:30I rang the doorbell with the two customers' pizzas, and after waiting a few seconds, the
01:34woman opened the door.
01:35The woman seemed nice, but incredibly tired.
01:38She had dark circles under her eyes and looked like she was about to fall asleep from exhaustion.
01:43But other than that, she didn't seem like a bad person.
01:45She looked at me with a relaxed smile and was even counting tips to give me.
01:49I turned around and, just out of curiosity, looked inside the house.
01:53It looked a bit messy, but normal.
01:56Inside was a man on a couch in front of a TV.
01:58The man was slumped in his seat, sleeping soundly.
02:01They both looked very tired, probably having just come home from work.
02:05As the woman was tipping me, I was thinking about which route to take back to the pizzeria
02:09when a scream alerted me.
02:11The scream was a child's, and it came from the other side of the house, from a room I
02:17couldn't see.
02:19The man stood up in alarm, and the woman's face changed from relaxed to completely alarmed.
02:24At that moment, I didn't think anything strange.
02:27Surely her son must have been hurt, but it was the woman's reaction that made me worry.
02:30Oh, it looks like your child is getting into trouble.
02:33Uh, no, uh, yes, we don't have children.
02:37I'm sure it's the TV in the other room.
02:39I left it on, maybe it's on high volume.
02:43I remember at the time being very confused.
02:45I had just made a joke.
02:47Why was she so nervous?
02:48Besides, it was obvious she was lying.
02:50There was no way that was a television.
02:53That was a child's voice, and that was very clear.
02:56I could see from here the man who was sleeping on the couch.
02:59He looked very nervous too, and he was clutching his head nervously.
03:03Something was wrong here.
03:04I decided to ignore what had happened and thank the woman for the tip and leave, but
03:08as I was on my way to the bike, I couldn't help but ask myself a lot of questions.
03:12What was going on?
03:14Why would someone react like that to a simple joke?
03:17What if that child was in trouble?
03:19What if that couple were not his parents, and they were kidnappers?
03:22I knew I should leave or at least call the police, but I didn't feel good about myself
03:26doing it.
03:28Because of my fear and indecision, I might be condemning an innocent boy.
03:31I gathered my courage and went to knock on the door again.
03:34But what would that accomplish?
03:36By doing that, I was putting myself in danger.
03:38I decided to be smarter and go around the house.
03:41Maybe there was a back door, a window, or something that would help me get a broader
03:44picture of the situation.
03:46I walked stealthily through the courtyard.
03:48They didn't have any locked doors, dogs, or anything that could give me away.
03:52When I got to their yard, I saw a closed window, and inside… inside was a child.
03:58The child was in a chair, tied tightly with a bag over his head.
04:02So I was right.
04:03What kind of monsters could do this to a poor child?
04:06I quickly called the police and quietly told them what was going on.
04:09They said they would send someone to the area.
04:11I was about to get back on my bike and wait, but you know, the police wouldn't come in
04:15the back and rescue the kid.
04:17They were sure to cause a mess and it might end up in a hostage situation.
04:21In front of me, I had a chance.
04:23I had to do something.
04:24I gathered my courage and tried to open the window.
04:27To my surprise, it wasn't locked.
04:29I went into the room and slowly walked towards the boy, making sure that no one opened the
04:34I approached the door opening and could see the couple from before desperately eating
04:37pizza silently.
04:39Next to them walking, I saw another man, but I couldn't see him clearly.
04:42He was walking very fast in the opposite direction of the room.
04:46This was my chance.
04:47Hey kid, I've come to rescue you.
04:49Now I'm going to untie you.
04:50I need you to be quiet, okay?
04:52The boy didn't answer me anything, but he reacted to what I said with surprise, nodding
04:57I approached the boy and untied him quickly.
04:59I pulled the bag off his head and the boy gasped for air.
05:03He was running out of air and if I didn't rescue him, he might have fainted.
05:07The moment I let go, the boy jumped on me and gave me a huge hug, crying.
05:11At that moment, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.
05:13Who knows what happened in this house.
05:16I was thinking of grabbing the boy and escaping through the window, but I realized that something
05:19was wrong.
05:21The boy kept hugging me, but he was hugging me tighter and tighter.
05:25From one moment to the next, the hug went from comforting to painful.
05:29This boy had a lot of strength.
05:31It was as if he was breaking my bones.
05:34His arms felt cold, so cold that they were hurting my neck.
05:37I used all my strength to free myself from the boy, but it was impossible.
05:41He just had too much strength.
05:43Thank you for saving me, Ethan, but you should have left the pizzas and gone away.
05:47As soon as he said this, the boy let go of me and I desperately ran out of the room.
05:52I jumped to the window, but it closed by itself and caught my fingers.
05:58I tried to open the window, but it was stuck.
06:01To make matters worse, I was stuck with my fingers broken under the window.
06:05Meanwhile, the boy was slowly approaching, laughing his head off.
06:09I swear his face was not the same as it was a few seconds ago.
06:13Now it was deformed and distorted.
06:15It was like a demon.
06:16Immediately, I heard someone knocking on the door.
06:19Surely it was the boy's parents, but the door was locked and they couldn't open it either.
06:23Once the boy stood next to me, he whispered one more thing.
06:26Never feel alone, Ethan.
06:28We're always watching you, as we will be watching your daughter, too.
06:32What do you mean?
06:34Before I could finish the question, he put his little hands on my cheekbones and started
06:38squeezing them very hard.
06:40My cheeks felt like they were sinking in.
06:42It was like a feeling of heat and pressure that I had never felt in my life.
06:46I felt like the boy was going to pierce my face and destroy it like a fruit.
06:50I screamed in pain, thinking I was going to die for sure, when the door behind me exploded.
06:55The boy's parents, along with two other men dressed as priests, rushed into the room and
07:00grabbed the boy as if he were a wild animal.
07:02The boy put up no resistance, just looked at me, laughing loudly as if he had been satisfied
07:07with the mischief he had done.
07:09In desperation, I made one more attempt to open the window, and it opened easily.
07:14The boy's parents approached me wordly, asking if I was okay, but I ignored them and ran
07:18desperately, escaping across the yard to my bike.
07:21Once I got there, I started my bike and left the place as soon as possible, crying.
07:26On the way, I ran into the police, who knows what was about to happen in this house.
07:31That same day, I quit the pizzeria and locked myself in my house, all night crying.
07:35I never fully recovered from that day, and even though years have passed, I still think
07:40of that night as if it was yesterday.
07:42Do you know what was the reason I couldn't stop thinking about it?
07:45A few days before that happened, my girlfriend told me that she had a surprise for me when
07:48we met.
07:49That surprise was a test.
07:51She was pregnant.
07:53Today, every time I see my daughter, I can't forget that child's words.
07:58Don't ever feel alone, Ethan.
07:59We are always watching you, as we will be watching your daughter.