Salute, Signorelli (Nitag): “Serve equità di offerta vaccinale tra calendari delle Regioni”

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “L'auspicio per il futuro è quello che ci possa essere equità di offerta tra le Regioni e che non ci siano 21 calendari con differenze importanti e, visto che il piano prevede l'aggiornamento annuale, auspico una maggiore flessibilità per poter aggiornare i piani in relazione alle evidenze scientifiche che si accumulano quotidianamente”. Così, Carlo Signorelli, presidente di Nitag - National immunization technical advisory group, in occasione della nona edizione di Long-Term Care – Stati Generali dell’Assistenza a lungo termine, in programma il 16 e 17 luglio presso il Ministero della Salute. La due giorni, organizzata da Italia Longeva, riunisce e mette a confronto i principali decisori ed attori istituzionali a livello centrale, regionale e territoriale, esperti, industria e associazioni di pazienti e cittadini al fine di fornire aggiornamenti e avanzare proposte sull’evoluzione dei processi di gestione della Long-Term Care nel nostro Paese.


00:00In this moment, the vaccination calendar includes in all the Italian regions, the seasonal anti-influenza vaccination, the pneumococcal vaccination and the Zoster vaccination, in addition to the annual call for COVID-19.
00:25These vaccinations are recommended to the elderly and also to the so-called fragile, that is, to those categories of chronic diseases that can be more than 65 years old, but even less, which are at particular risk of contracting those diseases and suffering the worst damage.
00:48The National Vaccine Prevention Plan for 2023 envisages that an update on vaccine offers can be made every year.
00:58At the moment, the debate is quite fervent for the scientific news that exists both at the regional and national level.
01:09In particular, it is being thought of adding to the vaccines currently offered also that against the syncytial respiratory virus, that is, a respiratory infection that has an impact on health, always in those categories of the elderly and fragile, quite important.
01:30Some regions have gone ahead, already planning to include in their vaccination calendars, because we know that regions can add benefits and therefore also vaccinations of their initiative if the vaccines, as is the case, are regularly registered.
01:48The hope for the future is first of all that there can be an equity offer and that there are no 21 calendars with significant differences between regions. And that there is probably, since the plan provides for the annual update, a greater flexibility to be able to update the plans in relation to the scientific evidence that accumulates daily.
