Suar y Pepe Cibrian

  • 2 months ago


00:00We are going to the one of Pepe Sibrian, last publication and we are going to put Orin
00:07Pepe Sibrian, Orin
00:09And he is obviously very distressed that they tell him that he cannot have a son or a daughter, whatever it is
00:14Then he tells Susana
00:17Susana, there is a five-year-old girl who for two pesos sucks your d***
00:27And I, with my partner that we want to give her a home, we are questioned, Susana
00:34Then I ask you
00:36But you asked me
00:38Susana Jimenez, what do you prefer?
00:40No, where is that girl?
00:42Calle or Pepe?
00:44But you are close and the eight-year-old girl said to him
00:48I suck your d*** for two pesos
00:52Then, if these guys do not have the right to what, I can adopt them with Santiago
01:00Before this, what would you prefer?
01:04Calle or Pepe?
01:07But no, but Pepe
01:10You convinced me of the d***
01:13Listen to me one thing
01:15The truth is that I prefer you in your house
01:17Yes, that the d*** has a place to sleep
01:19The d*** goes to your house
01:22Mirtha Legrand's show, when Pepe and Cintia go
01:26This is another system
01:28Yes, but he also thinks of telling Cintia
01:31Calle or Pepe?
01:32And Cintia does not answer
01:34She does not say anything
01:36Calle or Pepe?
01:38And Cintia, no, but it's not that simple
01:40Calle or Pepe?
01:41I want to clarify something and I ask you to let me finish
01:44And then you ask me, we talk about whatever you want
01:46Because this is a very serious issue
01:48Very serious, yes
01:49Let's go to the beginning, where of course
01:52Pampito, I respect you and I thank you
01:55You are always very kind
01:57But at the beginning we talked about my euphoria
02:01In relation to this urine
02:03And what could have affected me, my sense of humor
02:06And I want to explain, let's suppose
02:09That it happens to me, as in this case
02:12It happened to Noelia Custodio
02:14In this program called My Cousin is Like This
02:16Which is the producer of Olga
02:18That if it had happened, for example
02:20Let's think two words
02:21Caca or caquita?
02:23Let's put Florencia de la B's Instagram
02:25Florencia de la B, I need two thousand comments
02:28To clarify this to Florencia de la B
02:30Caca or caquita?
02:31And insist with Florencia de la B's Instagram
02:34And insist, insist, insist
02:36This is not freedom
02:37This is getting into a life
02:39Affect a personal life of mine
02:42Without any rights, without any control
02:45It's getting into my house
02:47It's getting into my intimacy
02:48Because I know that Instagram is public
02:50But it's not public
02:51It's public, I lend you a key to my house
02:53But that's not why you have to come in to rob me
02:55So in this system I felt affected
02:58But I swear, I swear
02:59That this is not what destroyed me
03:01What destroyed me was what we just heard
03:03I have been a man who all my life
03:05Like others, I have fought for justice
03:08As my parents fought in the civil war
03:10And where my mother, being 13 years old
03:13And going through a terrible hunger
03:16To the point of not being able to eat more than water
03:20With a piece of bacon, bacon skin
03:22That was given to her by a bacon shop
03:24In the market of La Boqueria
03:25Where they lived in a pension
03:26Thanks to Salula Membrívez
03:27It was avoided that she had to prostitute herself
03:30To be able to eat
03:31This is very serious
03:32This is very serious
03:33So it turns out that these gentlemen
03:36And especially this boy Tomás
03:38They start laughing at Cayo Pepe
03:41And they start laughing at this
03:43Of a fight of mine and of years and years
03:46To be able to defend an egalitarian law
03:48With which they may not agree with me
03:50But for which I fought fundamentally
03:52In the Senate of my nation
03:54For which I am an illustrious citizen
03:55The greatest gallant as an Argentine
03:57In the Senate of the nation
03:59So that you can adopt children
04:00In my case for 15 years
04:02To prevent three, four children
04:04Brothers were displaced from each other
04:06And all these laugh at Cayo Pepe
04:09They broadcast making fun of me
04:11Making fun of me
04:12A comment I made to Susana Jiménez
04:14I did not say it that way
04:16Because it is true that a five-year-old girl
04:18She clarified to me that she had to prostitute herself
04:20To be able to avoid hunger
04:22And you laugh
04:23You laugh at this
04:25You laugh in a terrible way
04:27This girl is hungry
04:28She is lonely
04:29She is raped
04:30Did this happen to any of you?
04:31Did this happen to any of your children?
04:33What would you do if this had happened to you?
04:35So for the only thing I have fought
04:37Some of you adopted children
04:39Some of the many children who are adopted
04:41By people of the same sex
04:43With tender love
04:44Giving them dignity
04:45A space in life
04:46That you do not give
04:47And they laugh at this
04:49And they laugh at this
04:51This is inhuman
04:52And streaming is responsible for this
04:54As it was with Fantino
04:55But what are we going to have to say?
04:57Where are we going to get?
04:58To what extent to laugh at a five-year-old prostitute
05:01To be able to eat and shit
05:03All of you laugh
05:04And then say
05:05For example
05:06I want to say what this boy said
05:08Wait, I can't see shit with this light
05:10Where is what this boy said?
05:12He got in the camera
05:13He says
05:14Why don't you go better?
05:16What does he say?
05:17I can't read anything
05:19The people here say
05:23That the little bitch
05:24Goes to your house
05:25Before the street
05:27That the little bitch
05:28Goes to your house
05:29Before the street
05:30Another comment
05:32The meeting
05:35The argument
05:36That the marriage of guys
05:38Is a little bad
05:39Is bad than the street
05:40The guys are homosexual
05:42Some of you can say this
05:44And come out with clarity
05:45To see what your life is like
05:47I get into the life of some of you
05:49To be two assholes
05:50We are going to have
05:51Preferable than the street
05:53But what are we saying?
05:54Where the fuck is society going?
05:56You are the ill-mannered
05:58You are responsible
05:59For what happens to these guys on the street
06:01And they kill each other with laughter
06:03I can't calm down
06:04I can't calm down
06:05Because you are offending
06:06The children who die of hunger
06:08Like this guy
06:09Who is now, of course
06:10And thank God
06:11Searched to save his life
06:13Or to see where his body is
06:15Or do you think this happens now?
06:16Or suddenly we don't know
06:17The society
06:18That dozens and dozens of children
06:20Every day have been kidnapped
06:22And taken out to sell
06:23To marriages
06:24That don't have children
06:25Or to the organs
06:26You are going to laugh too
06:28Why don't you laugh at the guy?
06:29Why don't you laugh at the guy in the camera?
06:31Because you don't have a limit
06:33And because of the streaming
06:34You don't have a limit
06:35And I put myself like this
06:36Because I defend a life
06:37Because I defended him
06:38In the Senate of the Nation
06:39And you are not going to allow me
06:40That I can't say what I said
06:42And laugh at what I said to Susana
06:44And imitate me
06:45As if I were the ridiculous one
06:46This I say to you
06:48And to each one of you
06:49And I don't give a fuck
06:50To talk
06:51Because all my life I have spoken
06:52Because my father spoke of the war
06:54And had to exile
06:55Because my mother
06:56Was about to prostitute herself
06:57Who knows what I am?
06:59With what authority can you say
07:00That a girl on the street
07:01Who tells me she went to prostitute herself
07:03Because she was hungry
07:04You laugh at her
07:06Shame on all of you
07:08Sorry for putting myself like this
07:10Sorry Florencia
07:12I am 76 years old
07:14I don't know
07:15I don't know how long I am going to live
07:16But as long as I can talk
07:17Until the day I die
07:19I swear I am going to keep talking
07:21You are horrified
07:24Horrified with Elefantino
07:25Horrified with everything
07:26What right do you have
07:27To be able to talk
07:28About a girl from Pestera
07:29What do you know about life?
07:30What do you know about life?
07:32Let me fuck off
07:33That's it