sylvestre- Brieger

  • 2 months ago


00:00solidarity and the accompaniment for the colleagues of Argentine journalists today
00:06you know a presentation of the report culture of harassment point and apart
00:13in the hall of the provinces of the senate of the nation where 19 were read
00:19testimonies of sexual harassment and abuse of power against the journalist
00:26Pedro Brieger occurred in the last 30 years you know Pedro Brieger was part
00:34of this team of this channel the day it was known by the journalist
00:41Alejandro Alfie of the newspaper Clarín the public complaint thing that we did not know and
00:46that many of us reported by the colleague Alejandro Alfie the management of this
00:51channel that we accompany decided to move away from this work team and the channel
00:58to colleague Pedro Brieger and obviously that today the testimonies of 19 journalists have
01:07been really forceful very unpleasant very unpleasant and of course from here
01:16we accompany him we send him the solidarity hug because each one has to be responsible
01:24for their actions today the denouncing journalists have publicly asked Pedro Brieger to
01:33express himself publicly and ask for public apologies we expect the same from us from
01:42a person who until recently was sitting on this panel Rosario the accompaniment of the victims at 19