Una mujer que pasa mágicamente de tener 20 años a tener 50 y viceversa consigue unas prácticas en la Fiscalía, atrapada entre dos generaciones y un jefe muy estricto.
00:00The transformation of a woman is not a crime
00:04What the hell?
00:06Don't worry
00:07Teya Slim, zoom in on the difficult cases
00:09I can't do that
00:11Who are you, ma'am?
00:12You're Shang Tsung, you idiot!
00:14I'm Yankee, you idiot!
00:15And it's Mijin in the sweet moments
00:20Your double life will collide intensely with very mysterious incidents
00:25Are you okay?
00:30Big, please
00:32I'm not a lady!
00:36With a good makeup, you'll look 30 years younger
00:39Easy, what do you think?
00:40Can I help you?
00:42Although it's not a miracle
00:50If it were a miracle, you should be able to manipulate time and move through it
00:55Why wasn't it like that?
00:57It must be a curse
00:58I've never had a job, but I can't give up
01:00Excuse me, do you speak other languages?
01:02I did it!
01:05I did it!
01:07The legendary scholarship
01:11Can you write a script in 5 minutes?
01:13C5 plus 1 comma find, open parenthesis
01:15Can you tell me who you are?
01:16Call the police!
01:20I'll wait until you're ready to tell me
01:22So, tell me
01:24What are you doing here?
01:25I've been watching you
01:29I knew this day would come sooner or later
01:32Let me go!
01:34He's the swindler!
01:35Miss Lee!
01:36I'm going to die!
01:39I would like to work with you as long as I can