My Poor HusBand's Billionaire Secret

  • 2 months ago
My Poor HusBand's Billionaire Secret - Full Movie Full Episode
00:00:00You hear about the groom? You hear he's a real pain in the ass?
00:00:05I heard he's into some really shady stuff.
00:00:08Debt collection, drugs, you name it. Even worse crimes.
00:00:12Our Emma's in for a rough ride, it seems.
00:00:15I was terribly wrong.
00:00:18Sender said for bail.
00:00:20Come on, sweetheart, just do it for the family business, okay?
00:00:32Charlotte turned us down, so we're really counting on you now.
00:00:36I know Lucas has got a little bit of a dodgy past, but his family's loaded.
00:00:42And don't worry, we'll pay for your mother's medical bills. You can trust me.
00:00:51Ready to go, boss?
00:00:53Let's go get married.
00:00:57Oh, here he comes.
00:00:59I heard that he looks totally strung out.
00:01:01I'm a complete drug addict.
00:01:03I think you're liking him.
00:01:05Me too.
00:01:20Mom, you didn't tell me he was this hot.
00:01:33I didn't know either.
00:01:34Whatever, he's just a good-looking loser. He's still a leech with mental illness.
00:01:42You must be my bride.
00:01:44Let's get started, father.
00:01:46Very well.
00:01:47Dearly beloved.
00:01:49We are gathered here today to celebrate...
00:01:50We can actually skip this part.
00:01:52I do.
00:01:56And do you, Emma Harris, take Lucas Anderson to be your wedded husband,
00:02:00to cherish in love and friendship, in strength and in weakness, in sickness and in health,
00:02:07in success and disappointment, to love him faithfully today, tomorrow, and for all the days from now
00:02:15and for as long as you both shall live?
00:02:20I do.
00:02:24Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife.
00:02:30Congratulations, Emma.
00:02:32Better watch out for Mr. Perfect over here.
00:02:34Don't want any trouble, do we?
00:02:37This place isn't much better than a jail cell, to be honest.
00:02:40Well, well, well. I didn't expect a mobster like you to be so picky.
00:02:45I don't think you actually like this place.
00:02:47How would you know? This place is pretty nice.
00:02:51Yeah, right. Keep telling yourself that.
00:02:54We'll see, Mr. Too-Cool-Mum.
00:02:56I don't think you actually like this place.
00:02:58How would you know? This place is pretty nice.
00:03:01Yeah, right. Keep telling yourself that.
00:03:04We'll see, Mr. Too-Cool-Mobster.
00:03:07Got a thing against mobsters, huh?
00:03:09That obvious. Touch me and you'll regret it.
00:03:13I don't lay hands on women.
00:03:15But drop the princess act. It's annoying.
00:03:20I know who you are.
00:03:30I know who you are.
00:03:35Stay back. I'm warning you.
00:03:37You're a sulky, loud-mouthed young lady.
00:03:41And you, marrying the black sheep of the family like me?
00:03:45Pretty suspicious.
00:03:47Suspicious? Says the poor mobster with fancy clothes and designer cars.
00:03:52Those are rentals.
00:03:54Remember, this marriage is just a business deal. Nothing more.
00:03:59Step out of line and you'll regret it.
00:04:02Get away from me.
00:04:05Not interested.
00:04:07Don't flatter yourself.
00:04:09The bed's mine. The couch is yours.
00:04:12And don't you dare try to sneak in there.
00:04:14Works for me.
00:04:16The couch can fit, too. Just saying.
00:04:19In your dreams.
00:04:22When do I get to taste my wife's cooking?
00:04:24I ordered McDonald's. You can have some if you want.
00:04:27If not, then just forget about it.
00:04:29You are quite something.
00:04:39Pick one.
00:04:43What is this? Someone's fingers?
00:04:49The one on the left.
00:04:51You sure?
00:04:54Wedding gift. Try them on.
00:04:59This brand is really expensive. Why did you get me something so nice?
00:05:04They're not real diamonds. Didn't cost much.
00:05:07But they look real.
00:05:09Come on. I can't afford real ones.
00:05:12But I guess you know that.
00:05:14No, you don't.
00:05:16I don't.
00:05:18I can't afford real ones.
00:05:20But I guess you know that.
00:05:22No need to be shy.
00:05:24You are my wife, after all.
00:05:27Uh, what's in the other box?
00:05:30Nothing. It's empty.
00:05:44Okay, we're in it.
00:05:48Lucky for her, she didn't pick this one.
00:05:50Yeah, didn't get to scare her.
00:05:53She's different. Not your typical run-of-the-mill type.
00:05:57Well, don't forget, you shouldn't tell her who you really are.
00:06:01Yeah, yeah. I know what I should do.
00:06:03You actually ate McDonald's?
00:06:06So? You never had McDonald's before?
00:06:09I just don't get it. I mean, why would you agree to this marriage?
00:06:15I mean, why would you agree to this marriage?
00:06:18Live in this dump and eat that stuff?
00:06:22I mean, it's not exactly your usual cuisine.
00:06:26Look, keep something between us, will you?
00:06:30This marriage is more than just a family deal.
00:06:34My granddad's will is a catch.
00:06:36If I play my cards right, I'll get all the company shares.
00:06:40Well, then it's gonna be tricky.
00:06:42When the time comes to end this marriage,
00:06:46I can do what's necessary.
00:06:58All right, I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:07:03Why are you here?
00:07:04For the money that we agreed on.
00:07:06I married Lucas, didn't I?
00:07:08But the bank says that there's no cash.
00:07:10But the bank says that there's no cash.
00:07:12What gives? That was our deal.
00:07:14You'll get your money, just not today.
00:07:17Why the rush?
00:07:19Are you serious? My mom's in the hospital.
00:07:21She needs surgery. She needs that money now.
00:07:24Where's my dad? Is he here?
00:07:26No, Henry's not home.
00:07:27I don't believe you. Let me.
00:07:29Mom, what's going on?
00:07:32What do you want?
00:07:33I came here to get the money that we agreed on.
00:07:36Really? What's the rush?
00:07:39Your earrings don't exactly scream broke.
00:07:46Where did you get those?
00:07:47Lucas gave them to me.
00:07:49Those are the pair I lost, aren't they?
00:07:51You stole them!
00:07:59These pair of earrings is not copy.
00:08:02Ha! I always knew you were a thief.
00:08:05And you just lied to us and told us that Lucas gave these to you?
00:08:09How on earth could he ever afford something so valuable?
00:08:12Excuse me, but this is a one-of-a-kind product.
00:08:15These gemstones are ultra-rare.
00:08:17Unlike Charlotte's, they're the marketplace ones.
00:08:21But these, these are one-of-a-kind.
00:08:23They're beautiful.
00:08:25Emma, where did you get those earrings?
00:08:27For the last time, Lucas!
00:08:29You're a liar!
00:08:32What's the problem here?
00:08:36She gave those earrings to Emma a few hours ago.
00:08:38The inspector said they're not yours.
00:08:41So, you owe Emma an apology.
00:08:44No, I'm not apologizing to her.
00:08:46You disrespected my wife.
00:08:49Apologize now.
00:08:58No, I'm not apologizing to her.
00:09:00You disrespected my wife.
00:09:02Apologize now.
00:09:06Are you seriously threatening me with a gun right now?
00:09:09Yeah, and it's not just for show.
00:09:14Your violence ain't flying here!
00:09:18You're Emma's dad.
00:09:20And you let her get insulted like this?
00:09:23Give me a break.
00:09:25Lucas, she's forgetting what's going on.
00:09:30Think twice before bullying my wife.
00:09:36Let's go in.
00:09:39God, it's fucking crazy.
00:09:48Lucas, if those earrings were so special,
00:09:50then why did you tell me that they were fake?
00:09:56Why did you tell me that they were fake?
00:09:59I just didn't want you to feel bad about how much they cost.
00:10:03Can I suggest something?
00:10:07Go ahead, princess.
00:10:10In the future, can you just ease up on the spending?
00:10:13Even if you're making a lot of money, I don't want you spending it all on me.
00:10:18I promise that.
00:10:20Money's meant to be spent.
00:10:23What were you doing with your dad, by the way?
00:10:28I just missed him, I guess.
00:10:32Feels like you're hiding something from me.
00:10:34So, it feels like you're hiding stuff from me, too.
00:10:39So, I helped you out.
00:10:41Got your sister to apologize.
00:10:44You gonna thank me?
00:10:50You gonna thank me?
00:10:52Stop it. Come any closer and I'll scream.
00:10:55Car's got great soundproofing. Scream won't do much.
00:10:58Stop it!
00:11:02Ungrateful. And boring, too.
00:11:04Why should I be grateful?
00:11:06If you wouldn't have given me those earrings, none of this would have ever happened.
00:11:09Your lies almost worked on me.
00:11:11And can you stop threatening people with guns?
00:11:15How else am I supposed to protect you?
00:11:23Yeah, I'll be there in a bit.
00:11:28You can drop me off here, thanks.
00:11:31Where you going? Got another guy waiting for you?
00:11:34We both have our secrets, I guess.
00:11:49I'm really honored to...
00:12:01I see you have only worked at an indie studio for three years.
00:12:05Hmm. No big corporate experience like us.
00:12:09Yeah, but I got a lot of experience in those three years.
00:12:12And your uni? It's not too prestigious, is it?
00:12:16Uh, yeah, my mom couldn't afford a private one, so I went to state.
00:12:21Give me your family's not exactly rolling in wealth.
00:12:23I, the Bob You, got a canine for luxury jewelry.
00:12:26So what makes you think that you are cut out for this job?
00:12:30My experience, my skills, and my passion, I think, makes me a good fit for this job.
00:12:35Please just look at my portfolio one more time.
00:12:38You know, I see tons of you every day.
00:12:40No relevant experience.
00:12:42What makes you so special?
00:12:46You know, I bet a lot of people didn't get a chance because of some stupid HR like you.
00:12:50You are playing with fire.
00:12:52You know, if I want, I could make sure that every HR head in the industry knows that you, Emma Harris,
00:12:58is just trouble and professional to the core.
00:13:01You'd never get a job.
00:13:03So if you are smart, apologize to me right here, right now.
00:13:13So if you are smart, apologize to me right here, right now.
00:13:17You know what?
00:13:19Right now.
00:13:20You know what?
00:13:21Fuck you!
00:13:23Don't expect to find any job in any jewelry company.
00:13:32What's up, babe? You seem off.
00:13:34You know, I'm really not in the mood for your stupid jokes.
00:13:38Wanna talk about it?
00:13:40Maybe I can help.
00:13:42Yeah, I had a bad interview today.
00:13:45The HR was totally rude.
00:13:47Didn't even look at my work and threatened to ruin my rep.
00:13:50At which company?
00:13:54Sure to that.
00:13:56Oh really? No need to brag.
00:13:58Give me a sec.
00:14:06Lucas, long time no talk, my troublemaking brother.
00:14:11You owe me one.
00:14:13What do you want? Just say it.
00:14:31Miss Harris?
00:14:33It's the HR from your interview.
00:14:35I'm calling to apologize.
00:14:37I was way out of line.
00:14:39I'm so, so sorry.
00:14:47I don't know what all that means.
00:14:49My bad mood got the best of me and I unfairly dumbed it on you.
00:14:53It's all my fault.
00:14:55And to make it right, I'm sending you an offer right now.
00:14:58Please forgive me.
00:15:04How did you do that?
00:15:06I forget what I do for a living.
00:15:08What do you mean?
00:15:10I just used some, you know, threats and violence.
00:15:13Until it got so weird.
00:15:15I thought you actually had some kind of superpowers to take down a big shot like Lona.
00:15:19It's not so impressive if you're just bullying people.
00:15:22How about you just relax and focus on your job?
00:15:25Okay, fine. Thank you.
00:15:27But I hope that you won't do that again.
00:15:33There are other ways to fake hate, though.
00:15:35Not just with words.
00:15:37What are you doing? Don't get so close.
00:15:39Okay, being violent doesn't work on me.
00:15:42I'm kidding.
00:15:44You really are interesting.
00:15:46Can't believe a pampered princess like you is so desperate for a job.
00:16:01Did you touch that necklace?
00:16:03Yeah, because you told me that I could use it as a reference.
00:16:07I didn't say that. I said you could refer to it.
00:16:10It's against the rules to touch company jewelry without permission.
00:16:14But you said that I should go and get it.
00:16:17It's not my problem.
00:16:20She's been here for what? A week?
00:16:22Stupid move.
00:16:24Yeah, well, typical newbie move.
00:16:27They get dazzled by all the bling, you know.
00:16:30I don't get it. Why would you set me up like this?
00:16:33Set you up?
00:16:35Do you know the problems you're causing?
00:16:38I'll give you one shot to say sorry.
00:16:41If not, you can sort it out with the boss.
00:16:43You better fix it, or the boss will.
00:16:46I'll bet if Amy goes to the pubs, Emma's toast.
00:16:50She's got gusty.
00:16:52If I were a newcomer, I'd just suck it up and apologize.
00:16:59If I were a newcomer, I'd just suck it up and apologize.
00:17:03I'm not going to apologize. I didn't do anything wrong.
00:17:06What is your problem?
00:17:08I'm not the one that made the mistake, okay? I can prove it.
00:17:12You better show us proof, otherwise you might as well just quit.
00:17:17You can take the necklace out yourself to get it evaluated right here.
00:17:21Saves a bunch of time.
00:17:23I don't think Amy can do it.
00:17:26Is he? No.
00:17:28Should I replay it again for you, or did you not see it clearly enough?
00:17:33I didn't think you'd go so far as to bring actual proof.
00:17:38If you're so confident, why don't you show the boss?
00:17:42Is someone calling for me?
00:18:04What's your name?
00:18:05Emma Harris.
00:18:08So it's you.
00:18:11Your design is very creative. I really like it.
00:18:19You're done here.
00:18:20We don't need people abusing their authority.
00:18:22Grab your stuff and get out.
00:18:26You can keep the necklace.
00:18:28You're done here.
00:18:29We don't need people abusing their authority.
00:18:31Grab your stuff and get out.
00:18:35You can continue what you were doing.
00:18:38And by the way, I never thought Lucas would know someone so...
00:19:04Oh, thank you.
00:19:08Waiter, get us your best red wine, please.
00:19:11Thank you for coming today.
00:19:13Uh, if you're here to apologize, please just make it quick.
00:19:17I'm sorry.
00:19:18I'm sorry.
00:19:19I'm sorry.
00:19:20I'm sorry.
00:19:21I'm sorry.
00:19:22I'm sorry.
00:19:23I'm sorry.
00:19:24I'm sorry.
00:19:25I'm sorry.
00:19:26I'm sorry.
00:19:27Please just make it quick.
00:19:29Even though we broke up, I still miss you.
00:19:33A lot.
00:19:34All the time, in fact.
00:19:36I still have feelings for you.
00:19:38And I think you do, too.
00:19:41Then why did you cheat on me with Charlotte?
00:19:43You knew that she was my sister, didn't you?
00:19:46It wasn't like that.
00:19:47Charlotte made the first move and seduced me.
00:19:50Seduced you?
00:19:51You seemed into it.
00:19:52It's in the past.
00:19:54Can't we just let it go?
00:19:55This is your apology?
00:19:57It's all just excuses.
00:20:00I should've knew it coming.
00:20:02No, no, no, no, Anna.
00:20:03Hold on.
00:20:04Can't you just let go of your anger?
00:20:06After all this time, just for fucking once?
00:20:08Let me go.
00:20:09Listen to me.
00:20:11Just let me go now!
00:20:16What do you think you're doing, treating my wife like this?
00:20:20Let me go, asshole!
00:20:22Damn, I'll call the cops!
00:20:24What are you going to tell them then, huh?
00:20:26That you were harassing my wife?
00:20:27Lucas, that's enough.
00:20:28Just let him go already.
00:20:36Wait, Emma, you got married?
00:20:44Did you really serve this to Emma?
00:20:46Did you really serve this to Emma?
00:20:49That's a two grand bottle, asshole.
00:20:51What do you know?
00:20:56Mr. Anderson, it's been a while.
00:20:59Get this asshole out of here.
00:21:01Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
00:21:03Right now, please.
00:21:05Do you even know who I am?
00:21:07I'm a VIP here.
00:21:08Years of patronage.
00:21:09How can you kick me out like that?
00:21:11I understand, sir, and I'll refund your money as soon as I can.
00:21:15But Mr. Anderson just booked the whole place, so...
00:21:32But this isn't over.
00:21:33Just wait and see.
00:21:38Why splurge so much?
00:21:41You should be thanking me.
00:21:42You should be thanking me.
00:21:44I know, thanks, but...
00:21:45Still hung up on James?
00:21:47I came here for his apology, that's it.
00:21:50Better be.
00:21:52Otherwise I'll...
00:21:53Otherwise what?
00:21:55Embarrass you?
00:21:57Don't worry, even though this is a fake marriage, I won't cheat.
00:22:04Get your work stuff sorted?
00:22:05Yeah, the boss, Joshua, he saw through Amy's BS, promoted me.
00:22:12Yeah, he could probably tell that Amy was untrustworthy.
00:22:15He even looked through my portfolio, praised my work, saying I'm quite talented.
00:22:21He's... kind.
00:22:23Not as arrogant as other bosses.
00:22:25He's very...
00:22:26Don't get too close to him.
00:22:33Are you...
00:22:35Are you jealous?
00:22:40Are you...
00:22:42Are you jealous?
00:22:45Why would I be jealous?
00:22:47I'm just afraid that...
00:22:50You'll do something you'll regret.
00:22:52You promised to be faithful to me.
00:22:55I don't want you to do something that could screw up your job and your rep.
00:22:59Wow, you really care.
00:23:01Not really.
00:23:04Joshua, he sounds...
00:23:09He's really kind and all the girls like him, saying he's nice, handsome and rich.
00:23:17That's funny.
00:23:19What? Are you richer than him?
00:23:22Doesn't matter.
00:23:24Just stay away from him.
00:23:32Uh, yeah, I'm on my way.
00:23:46Look, Emma, your mom's meds are crucial.
00:23:49If she skips them, I don't know if she'll make it.
00:23:54Look, Doc, I know.
00:23:57I'm sorry, but I just need a little bit more time with the payments.
00:24:01The payments are already weeks overdue.
00:24:04I know, I'm sorry, I just...
00:24:07I'm struggling.
00:24:09I promise I'll get it figured out.
00:24:13Okay, the deadline is the end of this month.
00:24:16No more delays.
00:24:18I can't help you anymore.
00:24:33I really miss you.
00:24:36I promise I'm gonna get this figured out, okay?
00:24:43What are you doing here?
00:24:45You ran away without saying a word.
00:24:47Weren't answering my calls.
00:24:49What are you doing in a hospital?
00:24:51I, um...
00:24:53You hiding something from me?
00:25:00You hiding something from me?
00:25:01It's personal, okay? Just please drop it.
00:25:09Can't the offer be any higher?
00:25:13Alright, I'll let you know.
00:25:24You can talk to me.
00:25:26I came to sell my car, but the offer is too low.
00:25:32I mean, I don't know. How much do you want?
00:25:34I need $10,000, but you only offered $8,000.
00:25:39I have a friend looking for a car. Let me check with him.
00:25:47Hey. Still looking for a car?
00:25:50I'd say, yeah.
00:25:51It's new, yeah.
00:25:54Done. I'll pay $20,000.
00:25:57Is he serious?
00:25:58Your car's new. $20,000 is fair.
00:26:01Just give me your account details.
00:26:02We'll transfer the deposit now and get the rest of the paperwork done.
00:26:05Don't you even want to know why I'm selling?
00:26:09Not really.
00:26:11I'm here to help. No questions asked.
00:26:24Being so cozy with that criminal.
00:26:27Don't worry, Emma.
00:26:29You'll regret it soon.
00:26:43Hey Lucas, I need to talk to you.
00:26:45Can we meet tonight?
00:26:47What's the matter?
00:26:48It's about Emma.
00:26:49She's got herself in some kind of trouble and she doesn't want to talk to you about it.
00:26:54Meet me at Godzilla Bar? 10pm?
00:26:57Yeah, I'll be there.
00:27:15What's wrong with Emma?
00:27:17What's wrong with Emma? Tell me.
00:27:19Let's not worry about that just yet.
00:27:22Want to dance?
00:27:26We don't have to dance.
00:27:28Well, that's my favorite song.
00:27:30Hey, gentlemen.
00:27:39Hmm, Lucas Anderson.
00:27:43Do you think I'm sexy?
00:27:50But I'm married.
00:27:52What a stand-up guy.
00:27:55Marriage has rules just like any other contract.
00:27:58Well, I never thought the black sheep of the Anderson family would be so loyal.
00:28:02Respect, Emma.
00:28:04I don't know what you see in her.
00:28:06I don't know what you see in her.
00:28:08I don't know what you see in her.
00:28:10I don't know what you see in her.
00:28:12I don't know what you see in her.
00:28:14I don't know what you see in her.
00:28:17She's smart.
00:28:20Not a diva.
00:28:22I admire her work ethic.
00:28:24So what do you want to tell me about her?
00:28:28Let's get a drink.
00:28:31And I'll tell you.
00:28:35Two whiskeys.
00:29:04Feeling okay?
00:29:08It's okay.
00:29:09Yeah, I got you.
00:29:15You're okay. Come on.
00:29:17Sit up.
00:29:18There you go.
00:29:19Oh, it's okay.
00:29:24It's okay.
00:29:26You're okay.
00:29:28Come on.
00:29:29Let's get out of here.
00:29:31Come on.
00:29:32There you go.
00:29:34Let's go.
00:30:13Emma, are you home?
00:30:23Emma, where are you?
00:30:35Emma, where have you been?
00:30:36I was worried about you.
00:30:39Have you been drinking?
00:30:41I am not your wife, and you are not my husband.
00:30:44This is a contractual relationship.
00:30:46You're not obligated to care about me.
00:30:48Whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:30:49What happened?
00:30:50You can tell me.
00:30:52Why does everyone treat me like this?
00:30:54I don't understand what you're talking about.
00:30:56James pulled the same stunt.
00:30:58James pulled the same stunt.
00:31:00James pulled the same stunt.
00:31:02James pulled the same stunt.
00:31:04I expected better from you.
00:31:06Yet here you are, just like all the others.
00:31:08What's with the constant crap?
00:31:10Is this some sort of joke to you guys?
00:31:12What stunt?
00:31:13Why are you so angry?
00:31:15I'm moving out tomorrow.
00:31:16You'll never see me again!
00:31:48Hey, check the surveillance from Godzilla Bar last night.
00:31:51Survey the buyer.
00:32:05What do you want?
00:32:06I can't do coffee, so make it quick.
00:32:09We actually have one more person joining us.
00:32:13Lucas, it's so good.
00:32:15What is she doing here?
00:32:19Emma, don't go.
00:32:21There's something I need to show you all.
00:32:29I'm sorry.
00:32:31I'm sorry.
00:32:32I'm sorry.
00:32:59She drugged me.
00:33:01Video doesn't lie.
00:33:03Now apologize to Emma,
00:33:05and delete those photos.
00:33:11Do it,
00:33:13or I'll destroy you.
00:33:15Oh, really?
00:33:17What could you possibly do to me?
00:33:20Listen to me very carefully, Charlotte.
00:33:23I know all the things you and your mother did behind my back,
00:33:25and I ignored you,
00:33:27because you two pieces of trash don't even deserve my attention.
00:33:31Now you know what I do for a living.
00:33:33You know the blood I have on my hands.
00:33:35How dare you try to blackmail someone like me.
00:33:40All right.
00:33:44You win.
00:33:45I'll delete the photos.
00:33:47Anything else?
00:33:51We'll see.
00:33:52Think twice before you have to do something like that again.
00:33:55Wait, Lucas.
00:33:56Why were you meeting with her?
00:34:03She said she had something to tell me about you.
00:34:05What is it?
00:34:06About our marriage?
00:34:13I'm sorry.
00:34:16This misunderstanding, it's...
00:34:18It was all my fault.
00:34:19Really, I'm so...
00:34:21so sorry.
00:34:22Can we just put this behind us, okay?
00:34:25For Dad's sake.
00:34:27Get out now.
00:34:29I don't want to see you again.
00:34:38I'm sorry.
00:34:39I just thought that you were just trying to get with my sister like my ex
00:34:42to make me mad.
00:34:44No, it's...
00:34:45It's my fault.
00:34:46I should have told you before I met up with her.
00:34:50Still gonna move out tonight?
00:34:53For now.
00:34:55For now?
00:34:57You can't leave me.
00:35:02Just kidding.
00:35:03We're only married on paper.
00:35:05We'll never try to control your freedom like that.
00:35:20I don't care if you told Charlotte to go after Lucas.
00:35:23I can let that slide.
00:35:25But my mom's medical bills are still pending, so you better...
00:35:28So you better keep your promise.
00:35:32I'm sorry.
00:35:34I'm sorry.
00:35:36I'm sorry.
00:35:38I'm sorry.
00:35:40I'm sorry.
00:35:42I'm sorry.
00:35:43I'm sorry.
00:35:47What are you looking for?
00:35:48A part-time job.
00:35:50You need money?
00:35:52I can help you.
00:35:53Look, I don't want you spending your money on me anymore, okay?
00:36:00Then what about some advice?
00:36:03Get on Insta and share your designs.
00:36:06I tried that once, and I didn't get many followers.
00:36:09Besides, I don't think it's a real way to make some quick money.
00:36:13Maybe it'll work this time.
00:36:17I'll post something.
00:36:18I'll post something.
00:36:43Lucas, wake up!
00:36:45Guess what?
00:36:46My account already got super popular.
00:36:49You see?
00:36:50Told you.
00:36:51Try posting some more.
00:36:53And my older posts are getting more likes too.
00:36:56Oh my god.
00:37:03Yes, I'd love to meet and talk more.
00:37:10Thank you.
00:37:13Guess what?
00:37:14Some brand wants to pay me to advertise their stuff.
00:37:18Told you you could do it.
00:37:19But, wait, isn't this a little weird?
00:37:23I mean, how did my account grow so much in just one night?
00:37:27Lucas, you didn't do anything, did you?
00:37:31You're overthinking it.
00:37:32I'm not that powerful.
00:37:33Your designs are just that good.
00:37:37Ah, I gotta go or I'm gonna be late for work.
00:37:44Hey, yeah, this is for Emma Harris' account.
00:37:54Keep helping her reach more people.
00:38:06Thank you.
00:38:12This is an expensive place.
00:38:14You didn't have to do all this.
00:38:16I wanted to say thank you.
00:38:19For what?
00:38:21We're married.
00:38:22You don't have to act so formal.
00:38:23For encouraging me to share my designs.
00:38:26You gave me a lot of confidence.
00:38:29Well, I didn't want to see you so upset.
00:38:32Anyways, dinner's on me tonight.
00:38:36Well, in that case, I won't bother being polite.
00:38:42I'll have the pan-seared lobster chive puree blanc, please.
00:38:45The lobster is very expensive.
00:38:48Maybe you should consider ordering something else.
00:38:52What do you mean?
00:38:53You know what I mean.
00:38:55Uh, sorry, what's your name?
00:38:57My name is Sylvia.
00:38:59Sylvia, well, I want you to apologize to this man right now.
00:39:08Sylvia, well, I want you to apologize to this man right now.
00:39:13For what?
00:39:16Look, I get where you're coming from.
00:39:19You work because you need money, not because you think that you're above it all.
00:39:22But if you want to see any of this cash, I want you to apologize to this man for your attitude.
00:39:33I'm sorry for my behavior.
00:39:41Thank you.
00:39:42I don't like people with no manners.
00:39:45Dear Lord, Mr. Anderson, it is such an honor to have you at our restaurant.
00:39:52Please accept my sincerest apologies.
00:39:55I'll send over the best bottle of champagne we have.
00:39:58And as for her, you won't have to see her again.
00:40:06How did she know that you're Mr. Anderson?
00:40:13How did she know that you're Mr. Anderson?
00:40:15Who even are you?
00:40:17I don't know what you mean.
00:40:18Everywhere we go, everyone knows you.
00:40:22Are you hiding something? What?
00:40:31Here's the truth.
00:40:35I used to be the leader of a mob.
00:40:38All these people, they look like they respect me, but they're just scared of what I can do.
00:40:47I've got a bad history.
00:40:49And my family situation is complicated.
00:40:54My background isn't something I'm proud of.
00:40:57Well, then we're the same.
00:40:59My life isn't that great either.
00:41:03I'm not the rich girl you think I am.
00:41:06Then who are you?
00:41:09Let's just say I have a very complicated family life too.
00:41:17Look, I know our marriage is based on a contract.
00:41:22But I do like making nice memories with you in these little moments.
00:41:47We can't do this.
00:41:51You're right.
00:41:53Our relationship is just a contract.
00:41:56It's getting late. We should get to bed now.
00:42:03I'm sorry.
00:42:05I'm sorry.
00:42:07I'm sorry.
00:42:09I'm sorry.
00:42:11I'm sorry.
00:42:13I'm sorry.
00:42:14I'm sorry.
00:42:17Hey, bud.
00:42:22You look beautiful today.
00:42:35Hey, the new manager wants you to come to his office.
00:42:39Did he say what for?
00:42:40I don't know, but just be careful.
00:42:43I heard he's not the easiest person to work with.
00:42:52Hi, you wanted to speak with me?
00:42:58Is this your Instagram?
00:43:09Yes, is there a problem?
00:43:12Your posts?
00:43:14They seem very popular.
00:43:20Take a seat.
00:43:25So tell me, how long have you been with the company?
00:43:29About a month now.
00:43:31That's good to know.
00:43:33If you have any issues, feel free to tell me.
00:43:39You're free to go.
00:43:41Thank you.
00:43:54You know, you're wrong.
00:43:56He's actually pretty easy going.
00:43:59That's sad.
00:44:01I just hope the rumors are false.
00:44:04What rumors?
00:44:06I really can't say.
00:44:08You know, they might just actually just be rumors.
00:44:33Let me introduce you.
00:44:35This is our company's designer, Ms. Emma.
00:44:39Nice to meet you.
00:44:41And these two beautiful people are our company's business partners.
00:44:48I didn't realize we were discussing business at work.
00:44:53We're just getting started.
00:44:55We're just getting started.
00:44:56We're discussing business at work.
00:45:00We've been working all day.
00:45:02It's time to have some fun.
00:45:04Stop it. Don't do that.
00:45:08Take it easy.
00:45:10Come on, have a drink.
00:45:12I don't drink.
00:45:14If I tell you to drink, you'll drink.
00:45:16Don't be so tough.
00:45:18It's not cool to force a lady to drink like that.
00:45:22Who are you?
00:45:26I'm Emma's ex-boyfriend.
00:45:28Ex? Is he here to play the tough guy?
00:45:30What are you doing here?
00:45:32Mind your own business.
00:45:36Emma's business is mine, too.
00:45:38I'm a VIP here.
00:45:40If I tell the boss, I can have you kicked out.
00:45:57You're not a tough guy, man.
00:46:00This fake Rolex can't even help you.
00:46:02Tell me.
00:46:04Do you lie to you like this when you two were together?
00:46:10Let me guess.
00:46:12You had a rented Ferrari.
00:46:16Why don't you get out of here?
00:46:18Stop embarrassing yourself.
00:46:27You know,
00:46:29I like you because you don't care about monies.
00:46:32It'll never work between us, okay?
00:46:34Not because you pretended to be rich,
00:46:36but because you're a cheater and a liar.
00:46:39Thanks for the show,
00:46:41but I don't want to see you anymore.
00:46:45I'm sorry.
00:46:47I'm sorry.
00:46:49I'm sorry.
00:46:51I'm sorry.
00:46:53I'm sorry.
00:46:54I'm sorry.
00:47:00I'm not going to dwell on what just happened.
00:47:02Let's get back to drinking,
00:47:04shall we?
00:47:06It's nasty because I love assholes.
00:47:08You want to lose your job?
00:47:10Because if you don't start following some rules,
00:47:12you're going to.
00:47:14I'm curious.
00:47:16Do you have another ex-boyfriend who can help you?
00:47:40What happened?
00:47:42You're back kind of late.
00:47:44Why weren't you answering the phone?
00:47:47I was asleep.
00:47:49What happened?
00:47:55You could stop working on the current project.
00:47:57I gave it to someone else.
00:48:01I don't need to give you my reasons.
00:48:03If I tell you to stop,
00:48:05just stop.
00:48:07I need an explanation.
00:48:09I don't need to give you my reasons,
00:48:11but those photos you post on Instagram
00:48:13have affected the company.
00:48:15I don't care.
00:48:17I don't care.
00:48:19I don't care.
00:48:21I don't care.
00:48:22Those photos you post on Instagram
00:48:24have affected the company's reputation,
00:48:26so I've decided to increase your workload
00:48:28until we can decide what to do with you.
00:48:37This wasn't in the contract.
00:48:39There's no need to put it in the contract.
00:48:41If I tell you to stop, just stop.
00:48:43Is this your revenge?
00:48:45Ms. Harris, don't take it personally.
00:48:47I'm sure you have something else to do.
00:48:49Get back to work.
00:48:50I quit.
00:48:52What happened?
00:48:56Ms. Harris
00:48:58works slowly,
00:49:00has a bad temper,
00:49:02so the project she's on
00:49:04is unsuitable for her.
00:49:06She decided to quit.
00:49:08You want to tell him about what happened last night?
00:49:10When you took me to a club,
00:49:12harassed me, and forced me to drink?
00:49:14You took Emma to a club?
00:49:16No, sir.
00:49:18There was two clients.
00:49:20What kind of reason is that?
00:49:24What kind of ridiculous reason is that?
00:49:26Not only did you violate
00:49:28the company protocol,
00:49:30you forced a female colleague to drink.
00:49:32I can't even begin to tell you
00:49:34how many regulations you violated.
00:49:36You're fired.
00:49:38Pack up and leave immediately.
00:49:40Sir, trust me, not her.
00:49:44I've heard similar from you before,
00:49:46but with no evidence.
00:49:48Now that there are witnesses,
00:49:50leave and don't let me see you again.
00:49:54please go back to work.
00:50:01Why does the boss
00:50:03trust her so much?
00:50:05Are they having an affair?
00:50:07We'd better be careful
00:50:09with her in the future.
00:50:11Mess up with her
00:50:13and you'll get fired.
00:50:15Do you two always gossip about other people
00:50:17right behind their back?
00:50:23Would you like to grab
00:50:25some dinner with me tonight?
00:50:28Uh, sure.
00:50:31I'll see you then.
00:51:00I thought it was
00:51:02just a casual dinner.
00:51:04Wow, such a classy place.
00:51:06If you want,
00:51:08we can order a pizza
00:51:10from somewhere else.
00:51:14why? I mean,
00:51:16I should be the one
00:51:18thanking you after all.
00:51:20It's my fault too.
00:51:22I feel like I should have
00:51:24investigated things sooner.
00:51:26I'm sorry that you had
00:51:28to go through that.
00:51:30But that's not the only reason
00:51:32that you invited me
00:51:34to dinner tonight, right?
00:51:38I work every day,
00:51:40which can get pretty boring.
00:51:42And having a proper meal
00:51:44with proper company,
00:51:46it helps me relax.
00:51:48What else?
00:51:50You get nervous quite easily,
00:52:06Oh my god.
00:52:09Well, well, well.
00:52:13what are you doing here?
00:52:15What do you think?
00:52:17Came to find my wife.
00:52:20You're married
00:52:22to Lucas?
00:52:24You two know each other?
00:52:26Joshua is my brother.
00:52:28Yes, we're brothers,
00:52:30but Emma, I didn't know
00:52:32that you and him...
00:52:34No chair, please.
00:52:36No, it's actually perfect.
00:52:38I was actually looking for Emma for dinner,
00:52:40so we can all eat together.
00:52:42Nice family dinner, yeah?
00:52:44Lucas, I was just
00:52:46coming to thank Joshua
00:52:48for his service.
00:52:50Have you guys ordered yet?
00:52:52Lucas, listen.
00:52:54I didn't know that you and Emma were...
00:52:56Who the hell do you think you are?
00:53:05we don't have to direct-drug up the past.
00:53:07That's dead and gone.
00:53:09But why are you interfering
00:53:11in my relationship with Emma?
00:53:13You asked me to help someone
00:53:15at the company get hired.
00:53:16And you only helped me
00:53:18because he's your brother?
00:53:20Didn't know what?
00:53:22I didn't know that you were
00:53:24seriously dating someone.
00:53:26Surprised by that?
00:53:28It's because you're always
00:53:30the good, well-behaved one?
00:53:32Well, I'm just a loser.
00:53:34Do I not deserve a life of my own?
00:53:36Is that what you want to say to me?
00:53:38Is that your reason
00:53:40for inviting her to dinner?
00:53:42Let's not complicate things, okay?
00:53:44The reason that I invited her
00:53:46so you only helped me
00:53:48because of Lucas.
00:53:52So why did you help her?
00:53:54Yes, why?
00:53:56I helped her because I was
00:53:58upholding justice.
00:54:00But what about you?
00:54:02You haven't even told me
00:54:04why you got married.
00:54:06Yes, why doesn't your brother
00:54:08know about our marriage?
00:54:10He's not actually my brother.
00:54:13We're half brothers.
00:54:15We have the same mother
00:54:17but different fathers.
00:54:19Okay, you know what?
00:54:21This is getting too confusing.
00:54:23I don't want to be involved
00:54:25in your family affairs.
00:54:27Sit down.
00:54:29So, the real purpose of your marriage
00:54:31is to please the family elders
00:54:33so that you can get the company stocks.
00:54:37I'm still the loser of the family.
00:54:39Poor Lucas, disappointing even you.
00:54:41Even though I got married,
00:54:45I'm not like you
00:54:47getting married for the family.
00:54:49I got married to have a real home.
00:54:51That's it.
00:54:57Well, well, well,
00:54:59hello everyone.
00:55:01Emma, I never knew you were so popular.
00:55:03Who are they?
00:55:05Just in time.
00:55:10Just in time.
00:55:11Joshua, this is my wife's
00:55:13mother, father, and sister.
00:55:15This is my brother Joshua.
00:55:17I heard a while ago
00:55:19that you had a brother
00:55:21but I didn't think Emma
00:55:23would have managed to date
00:55:25both of you at the same time.
00:55:29Did you all come for dinner?
00:55:31You're welcome to join us.
00:55:33Look, ever since you married Emma,
00:55:35she has practically
00:55:37disappeared from our lives.
00:55:39I mean, if we didn't know Petter,
00:55:41we would assume it was all
00:55:43because of your wonderful marriage.
00:56:03Have you lost your mind?
00:56:05Cut it out.
00:56:07Who do you think you are?
00:56:13You're just like your mother.
00:56:15Henry, this has gone too far.
00:56:17Control your daughter.
00:56:19The three of you know
00:56:21why I married Lucas.
00:56:23If this marriage doesn't go the way
00:56:25that it's supposed to,
00:56:27I don't know how much longer
00:56:29it's going to last.
00:56:31So don't try to go any further.
00:56:33I've already done so much for you.
00:56:35What more do you want from me?
00:56:37Emma, I just wanted to have
00:56:39a simple dinner tonight.
00:56:41Just wait a minute.
00:56:45does anyone else have anything
00:56:47that they'd like to say to me right now?
00:56:52I apologize for us interrupting your dinner.
00:56:54We hope that you three
00:56:56will enjoy a lovely night together.
00:56:58We're leaving now, come dear.
00:57:02I'm sorry to ruin dinner.
00:57:04I think it's best if you leave too.
00:57:06Now, please.
00:57:14I think you owe me an explanation.
00:57:16What was all that?
00:57:22What was all that?
00:57:26I'm just not the perfect Miss Harris
00:57:28that you think I am.
00:57:30What do you mean?
00:57:32I don't have a very good relationship
00:57:34with my family.
00:57:36I don't have a very good relationship
00:57:38with my family.
00:57:39Who does?
00:57:41That's not the point.
00:57:43You said you didn't think
00:57:45our marriage could last.
00:57:47You thinking of getting a divorce?
00:57:49No, and
00:57:51oh, by the way,
00:57:53Joshua's just my boss,
00:57:55nothing else.
00:57:57But you were on a date, right?
00:57:59Why do you care so much right now?
00:58:01You should have cared the other night
00:58:03when you didn't answer the phone,
00:58:05when I was being harassed by my manager.
00:58:07Emma, I'm asleep.
00:58:09I'm sleeping.
00:58:11I didn't know.
00:58:15It's in the past now anyways.
00:58:28What's wrong?
00:58:33I have to sell my Insta account.
00:58:40I have to sell my Insta account.
00:58:42Don't ask me why
00:58:44because I can't say right now.
00:58:48Well, it's your account.
00:58:50You have the final say.
00:58:52I guess I don't know what to say,
00:58:54but thank you so much
00:58:56for understanding.
00:59:00I'm sorry
00:59:02I wasn't by your side
00:59:04when you were struggling.
00:59:06Let's go home.
00:59:30I'll have the money ready soon.
00:59:34Thank you.
01:00:04Is everything okay?
01:00:08I'll hold on to the earrings for a bit longer.
01:00:10I'll find another way
01:00:12to come up with some money.
01:00:14It's okay.
01:00:16I can always help you, you know.
01:00:18Can I ask you a question?
01:00:20Yeah, what is it?
01:00:22Why is it that no matter
01:00:24whatever happens,
01:00:26you're always in control?
01:00:28Those people were my business partners.
01:00:30They helped me collect debts.
01:00:32Yeah, but it was more like
01:00:34they worked for you,
01:00:35under you.
01:00:37You're reading too much into it.
01:00:39Okay, even if I am,
01:00:41how do you have so much money?
01:00:43Like I said, for my work.
01:00:45If you came from a wealthy family,
01:00:47you wouldn't need to make money
01:00:49by collecting debts.
01:00:51You've probably heard this already.
01:00:53I'm the black sheep
01:00:55of my family.
01:00:57They want nothing to do with me.
01:00:59And quite frankly, I'm tired
01:01:01of having to explain it all the time.
01:01:03Can I ask you one last question?
01:01:06Is it true what you said
01:01:08to Joshua at the restaurant?
01:01:10What did I say?
01:01:12That you wanted to get married
01:01:15because you wanted a family,
01:01:17not for money?
01:01:25Because you wanted a family,
01:01:27not for money?
01:01:29Of course not.
01:01:30As we've said,
01:01:32our marriage is just contractual.
01:01:34I mean, look at you,
01:01:36pawning off wedding gifts,
01:01:38going on dates whenever you want.
01:01:40What would be the point of getting married
01:01:42for any other reason?
01:01:46Okay, everyone.
01:01:48I just wanted to take a moment
01:01:50to acknowledge Emma's work.
01:01:52Her design is very creative,
01:01:54and I think we all could benefit
01:01:56from taking a look.
01:02:00Can you briefly explain
01:02:02how you came up with your idea?
01:02:04Yes, I'd love to.
01:02:06Why does the boss care so much?
01:02:09The boss and Emma are having
01:02:11an affair, aren't they?
01:02:13You have to admit,
01:02:15she really did her job.
01:02:17I mean, yeah, but not enough
01:02:19to be praised like this.
01:02:21I bet there's something going on.
01:02:26I bet there's something going on.
01:02:29Will you just excuse me for once?
01:02:32Emma, wait.
01:02:38Emma, I'm sorry.
01:02:40Why are you apologizing?
01:02:42I shouldn't have left that day.
01:02:44Look, I'm the one that ruined dinner
01:02:46the other night, okay?
01:02:48So I should be the one apologizing then.
01:02:50It's okay.
01:02:52Everyone has a bad day sometimes.
01:02:54Look, the only relationship we have
01:02:56is one between an employee
01:02:58and a boss.
01:03:00I don't have to have you
01:03:02to be so nice to me, okay?
01:03:04It's making people talk.
01:03:06What are they talking about?
01:03:08That we're having an affair,
01:03:10and I don't want to be
01:03:12talked about like that.
01:03:16I actually don't mind that.
01:03:18What? Why?
01:03:22Because what?
01:03:25You don't know.
01:03:29You don't know?
01:03:35It's nothing.
01:03:50This is...
01:03:52Welcome home, Lucas.
01:03:54I'm sorry.
01:03:55This is...
01:03:57Welcome home, Lucas.
01:03:59Didn't have to do all this.
01:04:01Then what?
01:04:03Let you eat McDonald's every day?
01:04:07Do you like it?
01:04:10It's alright.
01:04:25You laughed.
01:04:27So are you still mad at me?
01:04:29Of course I am.
01:04:56Everything okay?
01:04:59How do you know if a woman isn't new?
01:05:01You really can't stop thinking about her.
01:05:04Do you love her?
01:05:06Who said that?
01:05:08I'm just asking for a friend.
01:05:12Look, don't forget,
01:05:14this is a contractual obligation.
01:05:16Yeah, yeah, I remember.
01:05:18When I get my grandfather's will,
01:05:20I'll make sure...
01:05:22Are you crazy?
01:05:23She's my wife.
01:05:26You said...
01:05:28Mind your own business.
01:05:30Will you?
01:05:32Oh boy.
01:05:53I'm sorry.
01:05:55I'm sorry.
01:05:57I'm sorry.
01:05:59I'm sorry.
01:06:01I'm sorry.
01:06:03I'm sorry.
01:06:05I'm sorry.
01:06:07I'm sorry.
01:06:09I'm sorry.
01:06:11I'm sorry.
01:06:13I'm sorry.
01:06:15I'm sorry.
01:06:17I'm sorry.
01:06:19I'm sorry.
01:06:21I'm sorry.
01:06:23I'm sorry.
01:06:25I'm sorry.
01:06:27I'm sorry.
01:06:29I'm sorry.
01:06:31I'm sorry.
01:06:33I'm sorry.
01:06:35I'm sorry.
01:06:37I'm sorry.
01:06:39Why is she so friendly with everyone?
01:06:56My dear brother,
01:06:58how's work going?
01:07:01I highly doubt you're calling me
01:07:03because you want to talk about my work.
01:07:07I will say,
01:07:09even though we don't have the same father,
01:07:11you do know me quite well.
01:07:13Do you?
01:07:15Yes, I do.
01:07:17You're a great father.
01:07:19You're a great father.
01:07:21You're a great father.
01:07:23Just say what you want to say.
01:07:25How's Emma?
01:07:28She's doing well.
01:07:31Last time we made a bit of a scene.
01:07:34Stop pretending.
01:07:36I know you're in a contractual marriage.
01:07:38You don't have the right to test my feelings
01:07:40towards Emma.
01:07:42I already said that I got married
01:07:44just to have a home.
01:07:48we may be half brothers,
01:07:50but I still know you.
01:07:51I understand the deal that you made,
01:07:53but I'm sure you didn't marry her
01:07:55because you wanted to start a family.
01:07:58Do you really think I'm that naive?
01:08:01So if it's just a contractual marriage,
01:08:03you don't need to be interfering
01:08:05with Emma and I anymore.
01:08:07What do you mean?
01:08:09What I mean is I'm in love with her.
01:08:21What I mean is I'm in love with her.
01:08:51I love you.
01:08:56I love you too.
01:09:06I love you too.
01:09:10I love you too.
01:09:12I love you too.
01:09:14I love you too.
01:09:27I love you.
01:09:30I love you too.
01:09:34Love you too.
01:10:59Have you been there all day I was uh waiting for you to come back. Oh
01:11:06How uh, how was your day it's pretty good meeting one special
01:11:14How was uh, Joshua
01:11:18Why are you jealous
01:11:25Why are you jealous
01:11:30What's wrong nothing
01:11:33You know, you've been very insecure lately, oh bullshit Emma
01:11:39Okay, if you say so
01:11:41Fine, you know what? Yeah, I'm insecure. I'm jealous. So what?
01:11:47Who are you jealous of I'm jealous of everyone
01:11:54It'll never work between us what because we both have our secrets
01:12:10That's that's great
01:12:20She's doing better and better now that she's taking her meds she can finally perform some simple movements
01:12:26Also the money that you transferred last time it arrived right on time
01:12:30And it's more than enough to cover your mom's medical expenses for now
01:12:52Frustrating how she's suddenly so rich and confident. Yeah. Well now that she doesn't need our money anymore
01:12:58She could reveal the truth about the marriage to Lucas at any moment or even divorce him
01:13:02Well, that would be a huge problem for daddy's business and you know, he'll blame me
01:13:07No, we need to come up with a solution and fast. What are you thinking mom?
01:13:13We need to find a way to control Emma so that she'll listen to the two of us. She's so boring
01:13:19I doubt she has any secrets we could control her with
01:13:23The company that Emma works for I think you should pay her a little visit
01:13:29Why I I don't have any reason to go there well daddy has business dealings with the company you could always go on his behalf
01:13:37You know good idea
01:13:38Maybe I will go pay her a visit
01:13:40See how she's doing
01:13:42Remind her where her place is
01:14:03What are you doing here? What am I doing? What are you doing? I think you forget that I'm a paying customer
01:14:09You're just like anybody else
01:14:12Came to see your latest jewelry designs. Where's your boss?
01:14:15This office is up corner. Take me there. Why well, I can't find it myself. Can I?
01:14:31Is it
01:14:32Where are you going?
01:14:36Well, I'm here to see some jewelry. So don't you think I should have a designer accompanying me to explain the pieces?
01:14:42What your company doesn't have a sense of customer service
01:14:48Come in ah
01:14:51It's you what's the matter?
01:14:54Isn't this the lady we saw at the restaurant the other day, it's your younger sister, right?
01:15:02It's your younger sister, right? Yeah, it's me, but I didn't think your date from the restaurant was also your boss
01:15:09Classy it wasn't a date. It was just a casual dinner between co-workers
01:15:15If you don't mind me asking what are you doing here?
01:15:18Well, my father Henry is one of your clients
01:15:20No problem. Yeah, I can have someone give you a tour. No, I think you should give me a tour
01:15:26And Emma the designer she should accompany us, too
01:15:31Shall we
01:15:42Miss Charlotte, I think you're on the wrong floor. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. I didn't mean to
01:15:51It's part of our latest collection and we have plenty of other stunning pieces just like it. Oh, wait a minute
01:15:59And a bit of dust
01:16:01Thank you, but uh, let's continue. So anyway, this is a successful young men like you are rare
01:16:08Your employees on the other hand are a bit
01:16:16Your employees on the other hand are a bit
01:16:21I'm I'm not sure what you mean, Miss Charlotte. Oh, well, I mean take Emma for instance
01:16:27We know she's not the easiest person to handle
01:16:30Even as a married woman. She's still flirting around
01:16:32It makes you wonder how focused she really is on her job given how easily she's distracted you
01:16:38Thank you, Miss Charlotte. How about I introduce you to some of the other new products that we have Emma?
01:16:44You can go back to work
01:16:47I've seen enough. Thank you
01:16:55Your job is so fascinating having an affair with Joshua and all no wonder you lost interest in your marriage with Lucas
01:17:01There's nothing going on between Joshua and I cut the crap. Look your personal life is your business, okay?
01:17:08But you will not walk away from this marriage and don't even think about telling him the truth if you do
01:17:15I'll ruin your career. You're a source of income
01:17:18What about your poor sick mother I wonder how long she'll last without your help stupid
01:17:53Don't know why she suddenly came here actually I was pretty happy about
01:18:01You're jealous aren't you I
01:18:06Let's get back to work finish drying off your tears so your co-workers don't notice
01:18:11They might think I did something to you
01:18:23What are you doing here I'm here to see my dad, but I'm sorry, but he's not available right now
01:18:27It's an emergency the hospital switched my mom's medication didn't even let me know. They said that he decided it
01:18:33Well, give him a call later
01:18:39Emma what are you doing here? Why did you let the hospital switch mom's medication? I'm sorry. I tried to stop her
01:18:46Come up. I'm busy. Let's talk about this later. No, I want to talk about it right now
01:18:57Tried to call you, but you didn't answer
01:18:59Emma the medication wasn't working. Well. I had the doctor replace it
01:19:05No, I don't think that was the reason I think he switched the other medication because it was more expensive
01:19:10No, you don't understand. I have more experience
01:19:16My experience is that the old medication helped mom a lot with her condition
01:19:21The only problem was the price so you have anything else to add. Why wouldn't you let me know first?
01:19:28Emma you're being childish. I am also trying to look out for your mother
01:19:33Henry it looks like you should take care of your family first. I have something else to do. So let's talk about
01:19:41Everything's fine. Everything's fine
01:19:43You know how our kids can be
01:19:45acting immature over nothing
01:19:48Let's continue to talk. I'm not a kid anymore
01:19:52If you can't handle your family affairs, I don't think I can trust you to handle business either
01:19:59and one better contract
01:20:02Let's talk about contract later. I'm leaving. You don't don't don't and no need to work me to the door
01:20:11We're such a likey guy. We have a caring beautiful daughter
01:20:23Look what you've done
01:20:26Thank you for this karma for having such a beautiful daughter
01:20:30Think of it as karma for how you've been treating my mom
01:20:33And you know what? I'm gonna make sure that the doctor switches back to the original medication and don't even think about delaying my payments
01:20:40any longer
01:20:43Why didn't you stop her
01:20:45Dear, I am so sorry. I know it's all my fault
01:20:48That contract was worth over
01:20:50100 million now all my work is done
01:20:55My darling, please don't worry I am thinking of a solution
01:21:02Your apology means nothing
01:21:06What are you going to do just leave it with me
01:21:23Sophia i'm in the living room. So we're even now. Where are you?
01:21:49You must be emma
01:21:53You are as beautiful as people say
01:21:58Come down em, i'm your father's friend don't come near me. Don't be afraid
01:22:05No, please someone help me it's okay we will have a great time someone help me someone help me, please
01:22:23Don't be naive your little boyfriend is not going to help you
01:22:28But if you do what I say, I will cover your mom's bills
01:22:34Apparently does he give a shit about you that's why you're here lucas, please help me second floor, please
01:22:47Look at me closely and tell me who I am
01:22:53Mr. Anderson, how dare you lay your filthy hands on my wife's lucas
01:22:58Uh, lock me out, please. I I made a mistake, please. Oh, you want me to call the police?
01:23:04Oh, that'd be too easy for you, wouldn't it?
01:23:13What were you doing here what happened it was sophia she tricked me why'd she do that
01:23:21There's something that I have to tell you
01:23:25I'll tell you when we get home
01:23:27All right, let's go
01:23:36Thanks, yeah, of course
01:23:48I lied to you
01:23:51The person that you're supposed to marry charlotte
01:23:55We're half sisters and my dad basically doesn't care about me or my mom anymore
01:24:03I've actually known that for quite a while. What you did
01:24:09Well, that's stupid
01:24:12If you're really some rich girl
01:24:14Why would you always be needing money?
01:24:16And getting into trouble with sophia and everybody else
01:24:20And admittedly I followed you to the hospital that day saw your mother
01:24:29If you want a divorce, I understand i'm, sorry
01:24:38I'm, sorry, I don't want to divorce you. Do you want to know why?
01:24:48Because I don't care about who I was supposed to marry in the first place all I care about is you
01:25:42You're not gonna say what I think you are are you
01:25:51Let's just pretend that nothing happened
01:25:56I'll see you later
01:26:09Sophia just wait and see what happens
01:26:18Oh god
01:26:20I didn't think our plan would fail now. Your father's business partner is not only beaten up, but now he's sitting in jail
01:26:27I'm, I knew lucas was crazy, but I didn't think he'd do anything like this
01:26:31Me either. Well, luckily there's not enough evidence for her to connect me to it. But
01:26:36Oh, you cannot let your father find out about this, okay, please
01:26:40He's already blaming me for everything and if he hears about this god, he'll never forgive me
01:26:45I know mom. Okay, but we can't just let emma get away like this. All right, it'd be too easy on her
01:26:51Don't you worry?
01:26:52I've got another idea
01:27:10What are you doing you know anything, uh, it's okay I can handle it
01:28:50She looks so normal. I did not think she'd be such as loved
01:28:54Have you heard just watch her someone this the more warning already seen
01:29:11Everyone in the conference room right now, let's have a brief meeting
01:29:23Let's begin
01:29:25First of all, I want all of you to delete the anonymous email that you just received on your laptops
01:29:34Everyone now delete it
01:29:38But sir, this has affected communist reputation
01:29:42Should we investigate it? If you have any sense, you will see that this photo has clearly been doctored
01:29:50This type of behavior spreading rumors about your colleagues not only affects them but damages our company's reputation
01:30:02Gonna be looking into this but from now on if you guys want to keep your jobs and not get fired
01:30:08You will stop the gossip and get back to work
01:30:12Everybody get out
01:30:14Get out now immediately
01:30:26Thank you and
01:30:28About those photos
01:30:30You don't need to mention the photos anymore. It it's the past
01:30:34I just feel bad that you always have to defend me like this. I don't mind
01:30:42You i'm in love with you
01:31:05My my apologies. I have something I need to finish working out
01:31:08You should get back to work too. Yeah, you're right. Oh, what's up? I went the wrong way i'm over here
01:32:05Hey, how are you feeling
01:32:08That that man he was wearing a mask and don't worry about that right now. We'll find out who attacked you
01:32:15I want to go home
01:32:18Emma you're in shock and just stay here for a few days until you're fully recovered. Let's go
01:32:34Stay with me
01:32:37I don't want to sleep alone. You can lie down next to me
01:32:44So much has happened recently i'm just so tired
01:33:19Who is he I don't know but he's really hot
01:33:24Hey emma, did you just see that guy who a really hot guy just went to joshua's office I saw him too
01:33:46How the hell do you want to be at the office
01:33:48I've been busy with work
01:33:50Got a lot on my plate right now. Don't have the free time like you
01:33:54What's the matter?
01:33:55You're scared you would have run into emma
01:33:58No, I don't really care about that
01:34:01I just have some news to give
01:34:05Well, i'm all ears
01:34:07I've officially taken over the company
01:34:17Lucas what are you talking about? That's right. Loser suddenly has some power
01:34:26So grandpa's will really was written like that
01:34:29In a way. Yeah
01:34:31Emma and I have been married for the required period of time
01:34:34So now I get formal inheritance rights
01:34:38I knew you only married her for money
01:34:40You didn't want a life with her. You didn't want a family with her. You didn't want kids with her
01:34:45All the things I wanted with her lucas
01:34:48You married her for money
01:34:52And I honestly don't understand why
01:34:57Why he would give the inheritance to me instead of you
01:35:02Yeah, I haven't figured that out either actually
01:35:05I admit you're more capable than me
01:35:08But it doesn't matter why the cost exists. So i'm gonna fight for it
01:35:12If that's how you want things to be then fine have it your way
01:35:15I'm gonna resign
01:35:17I don't want to be at a company that you're at
01:35:19I don't want you to leave the company
01:35:27No, no
01:35:28I don't want you to leave the company
01:35:32I'm not doing this for you. By the way, i'm doing this because I don't want you with emma
01:35:38You still love her
01:35:41I'd give up my inheritance to be with her. I'd give up i'd give up everything lucas unlike you who uses your money. It's official
01:35:51You married her for the inheritance lucas
01:35:53She knows it's a contractual marriage, so don't act like you can threaten me with that
01:35:58Does she know about the inheritance does she know that you're secretly a billionaire
01:36:02We know how she is lucas. How do you think she's gonna act when she finds out?
01:36:07If you tell him anything
01:36:10You'll regret it
01:36:12I don't have to tell her lucas
01:36:14Because your lies only last so long
01:36:16This is how it's been your whole life
01:36:19She'll find out eventually
01:36:21She'll find out eventually
01:36:24You know ever since that we were kids lucas I was always too scared to stand up to you
01:36:30But here we are
01:36:31man to man
01:36:38But now that i'm looking you in the eye man to man I see the man
01:36:44Honestly the boy that you are
01:36:47And I can't fucking stand it you can't fucking stand it you were always the golden child
01:36:53Smart well-mannered perfect student
01:36:56I was the troublemaker
01:36:58overlooked unappreciated
01:37:00Grandpa hated my dad
01:37:03And he loved yours and that's why your life is better than mine. He probably put that clause in the inheritance as a joke
01:37:09You never made the right choices lucas. That's why you are where you are
01:37:13Yeah, and now I have the company and we'll see how long that lasts
01:38:17Hey, what are you doing?
01:38:18I'm, just chatting with a friend chris. He's helped me a lot with work
01:38:22You like him?
01:38:23Oh, come on. We're just online friends
01:38:27By the way, did you happen to come by my work today?
01:38:31Why would I?
01:38:34I saw someone who looked a lot like you
01:38:37I probably saw wrong then
01:38:40Um, okay, did you know that chris is gonna be at the presentation, too?
01:38:48Hang on one one sec. I gotta do something real quick
01:39:00Um, hang on one second do something real quick
01:39:14What are you laughing at did you see something funny, uh, someone just sent me some silly emojis
01:39:35What are you so happy about
01:39:37Uh, we're having our annual meeting next week and chris said he'd be there so I can thank him in person annual meeting
01:39:43Sounds interesting. It's actually kind of dull just a bunch of people chatting about this and that but
01:39:49They're giving away a grand prize and it's a vacation and I hope to win a getaway with my mom
01:39:56You'll win
01:39:58How do you know?
01:40:00Just a hunch
01:40:02I don't think so. I've always had bad luck
01:40:06Trust me people who are kind and work hard always end up getting lucky
01:40:38You look beautiful
01:40:42Uh, by the way
01:40:44I have to tell you something. Uh, what is it?
01:40:47Well your father and his family they they were also invited what
01:40:54Yeah, I listen
01:40:57Your father is one of the main customers at our company. He had to be here
01:41:03If anything happens just try to control the situation try not to make a scene you know what I mean, right?
01:41:11I promise. Thank you
01:41:16Emma oh my god. Hi. It is so good to see you. How are you? Hi
01:41:27Oh my god, hi, it is so good to see you
01:41:31How are you? Hi
01:41:33If you'd clued me in about this outfit, I could have saved you from the discount bin lock
01:41:39I mean seriously, maybe then people would think you actually had some style
01:41:44Thanks, but no. Thanks
01:41:46Emma, it's nice to see that you've got a good job and promising career
01:41:51It puts me at ease
01:41:54Dad, you should go find your business partners and my boss is right over there, by the way
01:41:59Welcome. Oh so glad you guys could all make it. Nice to see you
01:42:05Joshua, hi
01:42:07So good to see you still handsome as ever I see
01:42:34Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention?
01:42:38The raffle has now begun
01:42:41Take a look at the cards you receive by the door as I call out the numbers of the winners
01:42:47in third place
01:42:48We have a bottle of red wine from the Solomonte Winery
01:42:53and the lucky winner is
01:42:56Number 36
01:42:58Number 36
01:43:06Lucas what are you doing here?
01:43:09So it was you
01:43:11Yeah, it was
01:43:13You're Chris
01:43:15That's right
01:43:16But why?
01:43:18I just wanted to know what was on your mind
01:43:20So you were toying with me
01:43:23No, Emma, it's not like that
01:43:25Did you enjoy it making fun of me like that?
01:43:35Emma I just wanted to be honest with you. I don't ever want to see you again
01:43:40Okay, but
01:43:42You're gonna get what you want
01:43:46And now for first place we have tickets to a luxury cruise trip
01:43:55Let's see who the winner is
01:44:01The lucky winner of the cruise trip is number 17 number 17, please join me up on stage
01:44:16Thank you
01:44:24Where do you think you're going
01:44:26I need to talk to you
01:44:28Whatever you have to say i'm not interested
01:44:30I'm still your stepmom. So for your dad's sake you should not be so rude to me
01:44:36Why are you always bringing my dad into everything? He seems to be losing his mind always listening to you
01:44:45Oh and your husband always has your back oh, but where is he right now?
01:44:53Look i've said it before this isn't about lucas
01:44:56I only married him because of you. You didn't just stiff me on the money either, but don't worry. I'll deal with you soon
01:45:02Sure, whatever we'll see
01:45:04Don't be so uptight. I just wanted to you know, have a little chat and share some very good news
01:45:11And get to the point because i'm in a hurry
01:45:14So your father has finalized his will and neither you nor your mom are in it
01:45:19Oh, and we're not covering her medical bills anymore either
01:45:23As for your marriage you can either leave lucas or enjoy a full life with that loser
01:45:31Come darling cheers
01:45:42If you don't want to see me I can leave uh, don't go I have to ask you something
01:45:51How did you know I went
01:45:54I guessed
01:45:56Stop lying. Why is everyone always lying to me? Who even are you?
01:46:01All right, i'll be honest
01:46:07Yeah, what
01:46:10Wait, wait, are you sure?
01:46:12Yeah, got it
01:46:15Remember that bastard who attacked you that night turns out sophia hired him
01:46:22How do you know I did some digging turns out a large sum was transferred to his account from sophia's
01:46:30I mean, I guess i've just been useless to emma. Listen to me. She's gonna try again. We gotta get out of here
01:46:45What are you doing here
01:47:14Lucas lucas
01:47:27Think i'd be dumb enough not to keep an eye on you sophia
01:47:33I'll never put you in harm's way like that again. I promised I would always protect you
