The Back of the Unwanted Bride [Short Drama]

  • 3 months ago
[Short Drama] The Back of the Unwanted Bride
00:00:00Charlotte, where are you?
00:00:18The wedding ceremony has already started.
00:00:20Everyone's waiting for you.
00:00:21Why didn't you wake me up?
00:00:22I've been calling you dozens of times all morning.
00:00:23Charlotte, what's going on?
00:00:24Are you okay?
00:00:25I'll be right there.
00:00:46Dear friends and family, we're gathered here today to join Andrew Thompson and Charlotte
00:00:51Cooper in holding a wedding ceremony.
00:00:52Where have you been?
00:00:53Is everything ok?
00:00:57There's something I need to tell you.
00:01:02What's wrong, honey?
00:01:05We're going to be husband and wife.
00:01:08Tell me everything, you know that?
00:01:10Come on, can't be that bad.
00:01:13Andrew, I slept with someone last night.
00:01:18I thought it was you.
00:01:26You disgust me.
00:01:27Hold on.
00:01:28Wedding's cancelled.
00:01:29Oh my god!
00:01:31Calm down!
00:01:32I swear I didn't know the man last night wasn't in here.
00:01:44Someone had to upset me up.
00:01:45You ruined your engagement, whether it was your fault or not.
00:01:46You know how bad things are?
00:01:47You might have ruined the business deal with the Thompsons.
00:01:48I just lost my chance at life-long happiness and all you care about is a business deal.
00:01:49Don't get upset at Charlotte.
00:01:50I mean, she's still your daughter.
00:01:51She can't go with anyone.
00:01:53She's disgraced us for the last time.
00:01:54Charlotte, go get your things.
00:01:55Dad, what are you talking about?
00:01:56Don't call me that.
00:01:57I'm not your daughter.
00:01:58I'm not your daughter.
00:01:59I'm not your daughter.
00:02:00I'm not your daughter.
00:02:01I'm not your daughter.
00:02:02I'm not your daughter.
00:02:03I'm not your daughter.
00:02:04I'm not your daughter.
00:02:05I'm not your daughter.
00:02:06I'm not your daughter.
00:02:07I'm not your daughter.
00:02:08I'm not your daughter.
00:02:09I'm not your daughter.
00:02:10I'm not your daughter.
00:02:11I'm not your daughter.
00:02:12I'm not your daughter.
00:02:13I'm not your daughter.
00:02:14I'm not your daughter.
00:02:15I'm not your daughter.
00:02:16I'm not your daughter.
00:02:17I'm not your daughter.
00:02:18I'm not your daughter.
00:02:19I'm not your daughter.
00:02:20I'm not your daughter.
00:02:21I'm not your daughter.
00:02:22I'm not your daughter.
00:02:23I'm not your daughter.
00:02:24I'm not your daughter.
00:02:25I'm not your daughter.
00:02:26I'm not your daughter.
00:02:27I'm not your daughter.
00:02:28I'm not your daughter.
00:02:29I'm not your daughter.
00:02:30I'm not your daughter.
00:02:31I'm not your daughter.
00:02:32I'm not your daughter.
00:02:33I'm not your daughter.
00:02:34I'm not your daughter.
00:02:35I'm not your daughter.
00:02:36I'm not your daughter.
00:02:37I'm not your daughter.
00:02:38I'm not your daughter.
00:02:39I'm not your daughter.
00:02:40I'm not your daughter.
00:02:41I'm not your daughter.
00:02:42I'm not your daughter.
00:02:43I'm not your daughter.
00:02:44I'm not your daughter.
00:02:45I'm not your daughter.
00:02:46I'm not your daughter.
00:02:47I'm not your daughter.
00:02:48I'm not your daughter.
00:02:49I'm not your daughter.
00:02:50I'm not your daughter.
00:02:51I'm not your daughter.
00:02:52I'm not your daughter.
00:02:53I'm not your daughter.
00:02:54I'm not your daughter.
00:02:55I'm not your daughter.
00:02:56I'm not your daughter.
00:02:57I'm not your daughter.
00:02:58I'm not your daughter.
00:02:59I'm not your daughter.
00:03:00I'm not your daughter.
00:03:01I'm not your daughter.
00:03:02I'm not your daughter.
00:03:03I'm not your daughter.
00:03:04I'm not your daughter.
00:03:05I'm not your daughter.
00:03:06I'm not your daughter.
00:03:07I'm not your daughter.
00:03:08I'm not your daughter.
00:03:09I'm not your daughter.
00:03:10I'm not your daughter.
00:03:11I'm not your daughter.
00:03:12I'm not your daughter.
00:03:13I'm not your daughter.
00:03:14I'm not your daughter.
00:03:15I'm not your daughter.
00:03:16I'm not your daughter.
00:03:17I'm not your daughter.
00:03:18I'm not your daughter.
00:03:19I'm not your daughter.
00:03:20I'm not your daughter.
00:03:21I'm not your daughter.
00:03:22I'm not your daughter.
00:03:23I'm not your daughter.
00:03:24I'm not your daughter.
00:03:25I'm not your daughter.
00:03:26I'm not your daughter.
00:03:27I'm not your daughter.
00:03:29Mom more.
00:03:37For the years, I've been abroad until my father suddenly told me to come back half a month ago.
00:03:43Fortunately, I'm not alone anymore.
00:03:47How many sons have I told you don't wander off without me?
00:03:51Sorry Mommy.
00:03:53I'm not trying to scold you.
00:03:55It's dangerous wandering off without me, okay?
00:03:57Isn't this your home?
00:03:59This was my home.
00:04:01It's not anymore.
00:04:03You're my only family.
00:04:05Wherever you are, that's home.
00:04:07Will we still get to see daddy this time?
00:04:09Then we can finally be a real family.
00:04:13If only I knew who he is.
00:04:21Excuse me.
00:04:23Sir, excuse me ma'am.
00:04:25Thank you.
00:04:27Hey, what are you doing?
00:04:29We've been waiting here forever. You can't just cut in line.
00:04:31How much you want?
00:04:33You want money? How much you want for the cab?
00:04:35500 bucks?
00:04:37You want a thousand?
00:04:39Here you go.
00:04:41Take the money.
00:04:47Are you kidding me?
00:04:49Are you kidding me?
00:04:51Don't talk to me like that. That's my money.
00:04:55I'm not your dad, kid.
00:04:57Get out of the way.
00:04:59See you later, dad.
00:05:01Go, please.
00:05:05I want you to find out as much as you can about that girl.
00:05:07Yes, sir.
00:05:09Hold that cab.
00:05:21Hi, Andrew.
00:05:23Charlotte, it's been a while.
00:05:27You've changed a lot.
00:05:29What are you doing here?
00:05:31Honey, who is it?
00:05:33Oh my god, Charlotte!
00:05:35You're here.
00:05:37After all these years, you finally decided to show up.
00:05:39I missed you so much.
00:05:43Wait, who's the kid?
00:05:47Oh, you've got to be joking.
00:05:49Don't tell me you got pregnant from that one night stand.
00:05:51You gave birth to it?
00:05:55Watch it.
00:05:57If you say something like that again, I'll make you wish you were never born.
00:05:59Forget it, babe.
00:06:01Let's go back inside.
00:06:07You two are...
00:06:09Oh, daddy didn't tell you?
00:06:11Andrew and I are engaged.
00:06:13The wedding's this weekend.
00:06:17You two truly deserve each other.
00:06:19Is she here?
00:06:21Yes, daddy!
00:06:23Well, we should get inside before daddy gets mad.
00:06:25You wouldn't want that, right?
00:06:33What did you bring in?
00:06:35Oh, it's nothing.
00:06:37It's just a little present.
00:06:39Thank you.
00:06:43What did you bring in?
00:06:45Roman is my son.
00:06:47Of course I would take him with me.
00:06:49She's right, daddy.
00:06:51I mean, that is your grandson over there.
00:06:55You'll never accept a bastard as my grandson.
00:06:57How could you say that?
00:06:59If you weren't going to welcome us, then why call us back here at all?
00:07:01This weekend is Vanessa and Andrew's engagement party.
00:07:05I also plan on announcing
00:07:07that Vanessa is the new Cooper heir.
00:07:09I thought you should be here for that.
00:07:11No, child.
00:07:13Well, the next time something like this happens,
00:07:15just delete my number
00:07:17and save us both the time.
00:07:19Goodbye, and hopefully we'll never see
00:07:21either of you again.
00:07:23Let's go.
00:07:27Charlotte Cooper, 30 years old,
00:07:29eldest daughter of the Cooper family.
00:07:31Ten years ago, her father, Bruce Cooper,
00:07:33kicked her out of the family
00:07:35because of some sort of a scandal.
00:07:39I mean, she's been working as a fashion...
00:07:41Hold on, hold on. Did you just say that there was a scandal ten years ago?
00:07:45Hold on, hold on.
00:07:47Did you say that there's a scandal ten years ago?
00:07:49Yes, sir.
00:07:51The records show here that Charlotte Cooper
00:07:53left the country ten years ago following a scandal.
00:07:55She was exposed at Andrew Thompson's wedding.
00:07:57How do you see that?
00:07:59She's been abroad ever since.
00:08:01You know, there's something familiar about this girl.
00:08:07Thank you, sir.
00:08:09Keep digging.
00:08:11I want to know what else you can find out about this girl.
00:08:21I forgot to exchange money.
00:08:23I'm sorry, honey.
00:08:25This is all Mommy has.
00:08:27Don't worry, Mommy.
00:08:29Mommy, it's enough.
00:08:39Mommy, the nice ice cream lady
00:08:41gave me an extra one.
00:08:43That's so sweet.
00:08:45Did you say thank you?
00:08:47Thank you.
00:08:59Excuse me, mister. You dropped your ring.
00:09:05Excuse me, mister. You dropped your ring.
00:09:09It's you. Did you steal it, you filthy brat?
00:09:13No, I didn't.
00:09:15Roman didn't do anything.
00:09:17He knows that it's hard whether he did it or not.
00:09:19You really have no shame, huh, Charlotte?
00:09:21Aren't you embarrassed?
00:09:23Dragging around this stealing
00:09:25bastard with you
00:09:29If you say that again, I swear...
00:09:31Did I call him wrong?
00:09:33I mean, it's true. He's nothing but a filthy
00:09:35little bastard.
00:09:37Are you out
00:09:39of your damn mind?
00:09:41Oh, my God!
00:09:43Is he walking and biting like a rabbit dog?
00:09:45What kind of parent raises their child like that?
00:09:47Don't blame the kid.
00:09:49Raised without a father.
00:09:51No wonder he doesn't have a name.
00:09:57Hi, sweetheart.
00:09:59You all right?
00:10:03Sweetheart? You all right?
00:10:05Huh? Hey, buddy.
00:10:07Hi, Daddy.
00:10:09You good? I'm sorry, guys.
00:10:11The NBC reporter. Oh, my God.
00:10:13They just keep pestering me for an interview.
00:10:15Blowing my mind.
00:10:17Did I miss something?
00:10:19No, honey. They just wanted some money for the bus.
00:10:23No, guys, I'm so sorry.
00:10:25I don't have any money.
00:10:27But if you guys need a ride, we can take you for a ride
00:10:29in our new Porsche.
00:10:33Thank you so much.
00:10:35I'm Charlotte.
00:10:37Listen, I only did that because I don't like
00:10:39what kind of parent gives their kid only ice cream.
00:10:41And where's the kid's father?
00:10:43I mean, what kind of father leaves their kid
00:10:45with someone like you?
00:10:55Are you serious?
00:10:57Are you really gonna treat somebody like that
00:10:59that just saved your life?
00:11:01I'm grateful for your help, but no one
00:11:03tells me how to raise my son. Let's go, Robin.
00:11:05All right, we'll see you.
00:11:07Don't worry.
00:11:17Luckily, I still have one last refuge
00:11:19in this world.
00:11:23Oh, my God!
00:11:25Charlotte, my sweetheart!
00:11:27Where have you been?
00:11:29Hi, I'm Robin.
00:11:31Hi, Robin, sweetie. So good to see you.
00:11:33You guys, come on in.
00:11:35So good to have you back.
00:11:37You need a wing.
00:11:39Here you go.
00:11:41How's he doing in school?
00:11:43Amazing. He's great.
00:11:47Slow down, child.
00:11:49Okay, I'm gonna go outside.
00:11:51Oh, okay.
00:11:55Thank you so much for all of this.
00:11:57Honey, I'm your godmother.
00:11:59I should be conjuring up
00:12:01glass slippers and pumpkin
00:12:03carriages for you.
00:12:05Oh, you know what?
00:12:07That reminds me. Wait here a moment.
00:12:13I heard about Andrew and Vanessa's
00:12:15engagement party this weekend.
00:12:17I'd really rather not go.
00:12:19I think I just want to cut off
00:12:21all contact with them.
00:12:23Charlotte, living well is the best revenge.
00:12:25And those who wish
00:12:27ill upon you,
00:12:29it's the right thing.
00:12:31Open the box and give them a sight
00:12:33to behold.
00:12:39You're gonna be beautiful.
00:12:45See that girl over there in the purple?
00:12:47Don't let her in.
00:12:55Excuse me, ma'am.
00:12:57May I see your invitation, ma'am?
00:12:59Your invitation?
00:13:01I'm sorry.
00:13:03No invitation, no Andrew.
00:13:05Listen, I didn't even want to come here tonight.
00:13:07Your host is the one that invited me.
00:13:09And if he doesn't see me, it's gonna be a big problem for you.
00:13:11Rules are rules.
00:13:13No invitation, no Andrew.
00:13:23I didn't expect to see you here.
00:13:25Well, I was invited.
00:13:27Um, we forgot
00:13:29our invitation.
00:13:31Do you think you could help us in?
00:13:33Of course.
00:13:35But, uh,
00:13:37you're gonna have to beg me.
00:13:45Please, will you help us get in?
00:13:49Ethan Wright.
00:13:51Please, Mr. Wright.
00:13:53Will you help us?
00:13:55But just to be clear,
00:13:57I'm only doing it for the kid.
00:13:59Of course.
00:14:05There you go.
00:14:07I'm sorry, Mr. Wright.
00:14:17Pretty dress.
00:14:19Thank you so much, and thank you for coming, really.
00:14:21Thank you.
00:14:25I heard Galaxy Net Media CEO
00:14:27Ethan Wright is in town.
00:14:29So, I asked someone
00:14:31to send an invitation.
00:14:33Do you think he'll come?
00:14:35Ethan Wright?
00:14:37I've never heard of him attending private events.
00:14:39What makes you think an ice king like that
00:14:41would want to come to our little game party?
00:14:43Does it hurt to try?
00:14:45Let me think about it.
00:14:47If he comes today, everyone will look up to us.
00:14:51That bitch.
00:14:55What a surprise to see you here.
00:14:57Didn't Daddy
00:14:59tell you not to bring the bastard?
00:15:01Well, I find your party just as
00:15:03sad and disgusting as you.
00:15:05That's why
00:15:07I brought some people that don't make me sick to look at.
00:15:09What are you laughing at?
00:15:13My apologies.
00:15:15I've never been to
00:15:17such a quaint little banquet
00:15:23excuse my rudeness.
00:15:27This dress is a one-of-a-kind
00:15:29designer gown, custom-made for me
00:15:31in Italy.
00:15:33My dear sister, if you really didn't have
00:15:35anything suitable to wear for tonight,
00:15:37you could have borrowed something of mine.
00:15:39Well, nothing can be as bad as
00:15:41that out-of-system thing you're wearing.
00:15:43What's under that cloak you're too
00:15:45scared to take off?
00:15:47I bet it's something even more embarrassing.
00:15:57I'm so sorry!
00:15:59Let me help you.
00:16:01Stop bullying my mommy, mean lady!
00:16:03My limited-edition designer shoes!
00:16:05Get out of here,
00:16:07you little brat!
00:16:09Andrew, let him go!
00:16:11Andrew, don't blame the boy.
00:16:13After all, his mother is
00:16:17You know,
00:16:19the woman who slept around before her
00:16:21wedding day?
00:16:23Let go of the kid.
00:16:27Who the hell
00:16:29do you think you are?
00:16:31Who makes you think you can talk to me like that?
00:16:33Oh, I'm sorry.
00:16:35I must have not mentioned.
00:16:37I'm the kid's father.
00:16:41You can get lost, too, before I
00:16:43throw you out with it!
00:16:45What's going on here?
00:16:49Not here.
00:16:51Daddy, it was Charlotte!
00:16:53She was telling everyone that...
00:16:55Enough, enough. We have an esteemed guest here.
00:16:57Mr. Miller doesn't want to hear this nonsense.
00:16:59Charlotte, come with me.
00:17:07Do you want to get some food?
00:17:15this is Starfield's CEO,
00:17:17Mr. Miller.
00:17:19Starfield's the biggest oil company in our state.
00:17:21A very important partner.
00:17:23It's nice to meet you, Mr. Miller.
00:17:25Nice to meet you, too, Charlotte.
00:17:27You're just
00:17:29undeniably gorgeous, aren't you?
00:17:31Thank you.
00:17:33See, I had a feeling
00:17:35you two would be a great match.
00:17:39what is this all about?
00:17:41You hear yourself, Charlotte.
00:17:43It's all right, Bruce, don't worry.
00:17:45Now, Charlotte,
00:17:47I got myself a private room upstairs.
00:17:49Why don't you and I go get some coffee
00:17:51and get to know you a little better?
00:17:53Absolutely, Mr. Miller.
00:17:55Go on, Charlotte.
00:17:59Really good cake over there.
00:18:01Do you want to go try it with me?
00:18:03Mommy, Charlotte's a sugar bugger.
00:18:05I can come to your room, Mr. Miller,
00:18:07as long as my son and my husband approve.
00:18:13Oh, here we go.
00:18:15Excuse me, gentlemen,
00:18:17but I'm afraid I tend
00:18:19to be the jealous type.
00:18:21As you heard,
00:18:23it looks like my husband isn't okay with it,
00:18:25so I'll have to decline your offer.
00:18:27It's a misunderstanding.
00:18:29She doesn't have a child.
00:18:31It's just technically
00:18:33an unimportant little bastard.
00:18:35Dad, stop with the lies.
00:18:37Mr. Miller knows Roman is my son.
00:18:39Stop pretending like he isn't.
00:18:41What the hell is this?
00:18:43You trying to make a fool out of me, huh?
00:18:45No, no, no.
00:18:47Joe, look, I would never do that.
00:18:49You know that.
00:18:51They're just a couple of hired actors.
00:18:53She's role-playing. It's a spring house.
00:18:55Fuck you, Bruce.
00:18:57Our deal's off.
00:18:59Pay your own goddamn debt yourself.
00:19:01Joe, I...
00:19:07I have had it with you.
00:19:09This is the last time you embarrass me.
00:19:11Go and apologize to Mr. Miller.
00:19:13Dad, are you crazy?
00:19:17Mr. Wright.
00:19:21Wouldn't you like for me to get someone
00:19:23to clean up this mess?
00:19:25Did you just say Mr. Wright?
00:19:27Who are you really?
00:19:32This is Ethan Wright.
00:19:35And he is the top ten
00:19:37on Forbes Billionaire List,
00:19:39CEO of Galaxy Nets,
00:19:41and, of course,
00:19:43Miss Charlotte Cooper's husband.
00:19:47My wife here
00:19:49came as a courtesy to
00:19:51enjoy her sister's engagement,
00:19:53but unfortunately,
00:19:55instead of you thanking her for coming,
00:19:57you have completely embarrassed
00:19:59both of us by trying to get her
00:20:01to go to another man's room
00:20:03in front of our son. Do you care to explain?
00:20:07Do you care to explain?
00:20:09Mommy, did he hear that?
00:20:15Mr. Wright, did you hear?
00:20:17If I may, I...
00:20:19I obviously was not privy to all the ins and outs
00:20:21of what's happening here,
00:20:23and somebody didn't tell me
00:20:25they got married.
00:20:27How is anybody else going to know that he was your son?
00:20:29It's impossible.
00:20:31He wasn't even the guy from that...
00:20:33What? Why don't you finish?
00:20:37Why don't you tell them how you framed me
00:20:39and ruined my peaceful life?
00:20:41Spit it out!
00:20:45How you framed me and ruined my peaceful life.
00:20:47Spit it out!
00:20:49What is she talking about, Vanessa?
00:20:51Nothing. Nothing.
00:20:53She's obviously just jealous of our happiness,
00:20:55and is speaking nonsense.
00:20:59I know.
00:21:03This is all your fault.
00:21:05Let's go.
00:21:11My son-in-law. Your son-in-law.
00:21:13Look, I can't
00:21:15apologize enough, and I can only
00:21:17hope that you find it in your heart
00:21:19to forgive me, because
00:21:21I didn't know why I...
00:21:23You know why?
00:21:25Yes. You did
00:21:27make a mistake. You have
00:21:29absolutely embarrassed us. I do not
00:21:31appreciate how you have treated my
00:21:33family. Charlotte,
00:21:35let's get out of here
00:21:37and rid ourselves of the filth.
00:21:39You're right, honey. Let's go.
00:21:45I can't leave these people.
00:21:47Let's not visit them again.
00:21:49Sure thing, sweetheart.
00:21:53We could be partners and make a lot of money
00:22:03Hold on one sec.
00:22:05I'm just going to call room service, because I need
00:22:07to find a new room. Here we go.
00:22:13What? Did I look weird?
00:22:17No, you...
00:22:21You look good.
00:22:39What is it?
00:22:43Okay, let me ask you a question.
00:22:45What did they mean about you fooling around about your
00:22:47wedding ten years ago? Ethan, let me go.
00:22:49Answer my question.
00:22:51Is it because of what
00:22:53Vanessa said?
00:22:59I'm sorry.
00:23:05I didn't mean to do that.
00:23:11I'm sorry.
00:23:13I should go.
00:23:21Roman, let's go.
00:23:29Are you here?
00:23:33Roman, where are you?
00:23:41Charlotte, I have Roman.
00:23:43He'll stay with me until you help us
00:23:45deal with Ethan Wright.
00:23:47What's wrong with you, you monster?
00:23:49He's your grandson!
00:23:51Watch your mouth, my good
00:23:53daughter. Your son's safety is
00:23:55in your hands. If I were you,
00:23:57I'd start running.
00:23:59Wait, please let me talk to him first.
00:24:21Where is Ethan? I need to see him right now.
00:24:27I'm constantly repeating myself.
00:24:29I feel like a broken record.
00:24:33Ethan? Are you
00:24:35listening to me? Um, yeah, yeah.
00:24:37Then what did I say?
00:24:39That it's time to
00:24:41find a wife.
00:24:43And that I need to start thinking about marriage and family, but
00:24:45well, I'm not.
00:24:49I know you're busy, so
00:24:51I found some
00:24:53nice girls for you.
00:24:57Ms. Charlotte Cooper
00:24:59is insisting on seeing you.
00:25:01She's at the front door right now.
00:25:05I'll be right back.
00:25:15looks like I may
00:25:17actually have a daughter-in-law soon.
00:25:23Hi, I'm so sorry to bother you, but I really need your help.
00:25:25Okay, calm down.
00:25:27What happened? My father took Roman.
00:25:29You're the only person who can help me.
00:25:31What worries Travis? You just have to
00:25:33pick the Coopers as your business partners.
00:25:35I'm sorry, but I've run out of all other options.
00:25:37Otherwise, I wouldn't bother you like this again.
00:25:39What's in it for me?
00:25:43I mean, listen, just because I've helped you out a couple times
00:25:45doesn't make me some automatic
00:25:47wish-granted genie, okay?
00:25:49Even genies take some
00:25:51sort of payment.
00:25:53What do you want, baby?
00:25:55Whatever it takes.
00:25:59Whatever it takes.
00:26:01Let me ask you a question. Is this some sort of scheme
00:26:03that you and your father are putting together?
00:26:05What, you're trying to bait me into believing that there's some kid
00:26:07being held hostage? What, you're just getting my sympathy?
00:26:09What do you mean?
00:26:13I've seen these dirty tricks happen way too many times.
00:26:15If your father wants to cut a deal with me,
00:26:17he can make me a deal that's going to impress me.
00:26:19Otherwise, no fucking deal.
00:26:21You really think that little of me?
00:26:25Thanks for nothing.
00:26:31What's wrong?
00:26:35Alfred, what's the problem?
00:26:37I'm just concerned
00:26:39that you may regret your actions
00:26:41if later you find out
00:26:43you misjudged
00:26:45our love in this compartment.
00:26:55Hello, Ethan.
00:26:57I need you to figure out if Roman's really being held hostage.
00:26:59Figure out if this is a trap set by the Coopers.
00:27:01Great, thanks.
00:27:07Daddy, are you sure this is safe?
00:27:09I mean,
00:27:11Ethan Wright's a very powerful man.
00:27:13He'll probably find that place easily.
00:27:15Don't worry.
00:27:17I've got my best men keeping watch.
00:27:19Plus, it's offshore.
00:27:21It's not as easy as you think.
00:27:25Roman, sweet daughter.
00:27:27Still up to your dirty little tricks, I see.
00:27:29You're not my father.
00:27:31You're a monster.
00:27:33Give me my son back.
00:27:35All this time,
00:27:37you haven't changed.
00:27:39You still have a bit of a temper, huh?
00:27:43You know,
00:27:45I don't know if you've noticed,
00:27:47but I've been thinking about
00:27:49what I'm going to do
00:27:51when I get out of here.
00:27:55it's your pot-shot husband
00:27:57that should be here begging to make a deal with me.
00:27:59I've already tried to convince him.
00:28:01There's nothing else I can do.
00:28:03He refused?
00:28:05I knew
00:28:07you weren't his wife.
00:28:09Oh, my God, how dare you
00:28:11try to act like some what?
00:28:13High and mighty wife?
00:28:15Oh, you're going to cry?
00:28:21what's up?
00:28:25sweet daughter,
00:28:27here now is your opportunity to make things right.
00:28:29My name's Miller.
00:28:31I know you do.
00:28:33He's quite fond of you.
00:28:35Why don't you join him?
00:28:37You can play your part
00:28:39in our family business.
00:28:41If you like him so much,
00:28:43why don't you marry him?
00:28:45Won't that be better for your family business?
00:28:47If you say no to me,
00:28:49I won't be able to guarantee
00:28:51the safety of your little brat.
00:28:59I may have confirmed.
00:29:01Rummy Cooper, he was kidnapped by his grandfather.
00:29:03He was last spotted at
00:29:05Andrew and Vanessa's engagement party.
00:29:07Could I really have misjudged you?
00:29:19Come on, go to me!
00:29:23Help! Somebody help!
00:29:25Don't bother.
00:29:27I would have saved her. Sorry, little ass.
00:29:29What do you think you're going to do with her?
00:29:33Fuck off, mother boy.
00:29:35You heard what I said.
00:29:39Let's go.
00:29:41You asked for this.
00:29:49You were so cool.
00:29:51Those bad guys didn't stand a chance.
00:29:53Daddy, watch out!
00:29:59Let's go home, Mom.
00:30:03I'm sorry,
00:30:05but the person you just called
00:30:07has a large phone box.
00:30:09Sorry, the person you just called
00:30:11has a large phone box.
00:30:17Hey, don't worry.
00:30:19Your mother is probably outside
00:30:21looking for you.
00:30:23That's why she didn't answer the phone.
00:30:25Do you want to stay with me for a couple days?
00:30:29is Mommy in danger?
00:30:33Your mom
00:30:35is going to be perfectly fine.
00:30:37She is tough.
00:30:39She is very, very tough.
00:30:41But she needs
00:30:43someone to protect her.
00:30:45Daddy, can you protect her?
00:30:51I'm sorry, kid.
00:30:53I'm not your father.
00:30:57Are you hungry?
00:30:59Do you want to get some food?
00:31:01Come on.
00:31:11That's a good throw.
00:31:13Good job, buddy.
00:31:15Ethan, what are you doing?
00:31:17Who is this kid?
00:31:19Hi, I'm Roman.
00:31:21Hello, sweetie.
00:31:23What on earth is going on here?
00:31:25Listen, I'm just taking care of him
00:31:27for a couple days.
00:31:29Don't lie to me, Ethan.
00:31:31Who's his mother?
00:31:33Is she the girl that came by last time?
00:31:35Yes, but listen, it's not what you think.
00:31:37My father kidnapped him.
00:31:39I'm just looking after him for his mother.
00:31:41You seem to have more interest
00:31:43in this child than
00:31:47Listen, I'm not going to lie, okay?
00:31:49We do have a strong connection.
00:31:51A connection that's like what a father
00:31:53and son would have, but he's not mine.
00:31:59I'm not going to lie, okay?
00:32:01We do have a strong connection.
00:32:03A connection that's like what a father
00:32:05and son would have, but he's not mine.
00:32:07Ethan, I know you want to try
00:32:09to take care of him yourself,
00:32:11but there's already rumors about you
00:32:13having a secret child.
00:32:15Better to keep a low profile now
00:32:17and let me look after him for a while.
00:32:19All right.
00:32:21That makes sense.
00:32:23Come on, sweetie.
00:32:25We'll have some fun together, won't we, Romy?
00:32:29can we play later again?
00:32:33Ethan Wright,
00:32:35you need to explain yourself.
00:32:37Hey, buddy,
00:32:39how old did you say that you were?
00:32:41I'm nine.
00:32:43Okay, you're nine.
00:32:47The timing matches up.
00:32:49Ethan, no matter what the truth is,
00:32:51right now finding his mother
00:32:53is a priority. We can work out
00:32:55everything else later.
00:32:57Come on.
00:33:05appreciate it.
00:33:07Oh, look at you,
00:33:09looking pretty as a picture.
00:33:11Sparkling like a diamond in that dress.
00:33:15I need to use the restroom.
00:33:19Remember what I told you.
00:33:23if you want the boy to live.
00:33:27Let's go.
00:33:31Let's go.
00:33:35There she is.
00:33:37It certainly is wonderful to see you again, Charlotte.
00:33:39You're looking spectacularly
00:33:41beautiful, as always.
00:33:43I'm glad we cleared up that little misunderstanding,
00:33:47But about our previous arrangement...
00:33:49Oh, no worries at all, Brucie.
00:33:51Oh, man, no worries.
00:33:53You hear that?
00:33:55Rest safe, Romy.
00:34:09Bratt escaped when?
00:34:17Tell him to send more men.
00:34:19Bratt must be found.
00:34:25Hey, Chav,
00:34:27come on.
00:34:29I'm just trying to be nice.
00:34:31Where'd he go?
00:34:35He didn't think of us.
00:34:37Ah, Mr. Wright.
00:34:41Charlotte's been promised to Mr. Miller now,
00:34:43so even with all your power,
00:34:45you just can't do everything
00:34:47you want, right?
00:34:49I'm sorry, Mr. Miller.
00:34:51How about we play a game?
00:34:53Winner takes the girl home?
00:34:55Oh, Joe.
00:35:03He found Roman?
00:35:05All right, gentlemen, let's do this.
00:35:07How much are you willing to wager for the girl,
00:35:09Mr. Miller?
00:35:11That depends.
00:35:13How much are you willing to throw down yourself,
00:35:15their house?
00:35:17Well, I think we owe our girl a little respect.
00:35:19I'm willing to wager
00:35:21one-tenth of my net worth.
00:35:25Is that all?
00:35:27How much could that possibly be?
00:35:29Mr. Miller,
00:35:31you've been right.
00:35:33It's worth $100 billion.
00:35:35$10 billion?
00:35:37Are you out of your goddamn mind?
00:35:39Ah, don't worry.
00:35:41We can take all your real estate and your company's value.
00:35:43I mean, if you add those up,
00:35:45your real estate and your company's value,
00:35:47five properties, that adds up to...
00:35:49exactly $5 billion.
00:35:51You know, Mr. Cooper,
00:35:53I think for the sake of your daughter's happiness,
00:35:55you ought to contribute.
00:35:59Mr. Wright,
00:36:01this is too preposterous.
00:36:03I think we should...
00:36:05If either of you win,
00:36:07it will count as a win for both of you.
00:36:09And I would like to have Charlotte
00:36:11represent me in this game.
00:36:15How's that sound?
00:36:19Are you crazy?
00:36:21You're having me play alone in a $10 billion wager?
00:36:23Of course.
00:36:25I would never treat you as a mere object
00:36:27to be bargained with.
00:36:29I'm simply giving you control of your own destiny.
00:36:31Do you trust me?
00:36:43Okay, Mr. Wright,
00:36:45but don't regret this if you go bankrupt.
00:36:47What are we playing, Slick?
00:36:49Why don't we play a fair and simple game?
00:36:51Blackjack. Five rounds, best of three.
00:36:53Hmm? Shall we?
00:37:47God damn!
00:37:49I did it! I did it!
00:37:55Well played, man.
00:37:57No, Cooper, you're wrong.
00:38:01Mr. Wright, I think we got off on the wrong foot here.
00:38:03Why don't we play another round?
00:38:05Double or nothing, huh?
00:38:07Mr. Miller, I don't think we should do that, you know,
00:38:09because you wouldn't want to ruin your reputation
00:38:11off of just a simple little game, right?
00:38:13Ryan, I...
00:38:15Ryan, I...
00:38:17Please take our gentleman here, Mr. Miller, into the back
00:38:19to do all the necessary paperwork and procedures
00:38:21because I would not want him to walk off, right?
00:38:25You're going to help me out, Cooper.
00:38:27You're going to help me out!
00:38:29Mr. Cooper!
00:38:31You're not going to have to go against me, are you?
00:38:33We never actually...
00:38:35We never agreed to the terms or to the odds.
00:38:37That's really how you want to do this?
00:38:41Someone get the surveillance footage.
00:38:43It's been set up.
00:38:45Nothing's going to go wrong.
00:38:49you can see the surveillance.
00:38:53Mr. Wright,
00:38:55there's no footage
00:38:57or evidence of the deal.
00:38:59I mean, that's a shame.
00:39:01Yes, that is a shame.
00:39:03A strict shame.
00:39:05But I did find out that Andrew
00:39:07in the security department
00:39:09was terminated today.
00:39:17Oh, and I forgot
00:39:19to mention, you know,
00:39:21because of all that that is going on,
00:39:23I was able to acquire
00:39:25the casino today
00:39:27in case something like this happens.
00:39:29So any surveillance that you're looking for,
00:39:31I can get you copies
00:39:33of all of it.
00:39:39Mr. Wright,
00:39:41I was wrong.
00:39:43Please, please,
00:39:45have mercy. Let's just forget this.
00:39:47Forget all of it, right?
00:39:49But that would only cover
00:39:51specific conditions.
00:39:53Do you want to do this?
00:39:57Someone get the surveillance footage.
00:39:59It's been set up.
00:40:01Nothing's going to go wrong.
00:40:05you can see the surveillance.
00:40:09Mr. Wright,
00:40:11there's no footage
00:40:13or evidence to deal.
00:40:15I mean, that's a shame.
00:40:17Yes, that is a shame.
00:40:19A strict shame.
00:40:21But I did find out that Andrew
00:40:23in the security department
00:40:25was terminated today.
00:40:33Oh, and I forgot
00:40:35to mention, you know,
00:40:37at the time,
00:40:39Jimmy Bryant
00:40:41was also just
00:40:45in this kind of thing.
00:40:47So, I'm going to have to
00:40:49get you copies of all of it.
00:40:55Mr. Wright,
00:40:57I was wrong.
00:40:59Please, please,
00:41:01have mercy. Let's just forget this.
00:41:03Forget all of it, right?
00:41:05That would only come with specific conditions.
00:41:11Forget all of it, right? Forget all of it.
00:41:13But, that would only come with specific conditions.
00:41:17Anything, maybe.
00:41:19I would like to know, but I think that Charlotte should be the one to handle this situation.
00:41:27Sweetheart, sweetheart, you know I love you.
00:41:31You're a Cooper. You're one of the family.
00:41:33Even my grandson is a local, you know.
00:41:40That won't be necessary. I don't want anything to do with you.
00:41:44But, as far as our conditions, I think I can come to better terms than your assets.
00:41:49Whatever you want. Name it.
00:41:51First, you won't harass me or Roman again.
00:41:55Second, you'll return my mother's shares to me.
00:41:57They're worth 30 million and they belong to me, legally.
00:42:00You can't keep them.
00:42:03Okay, I'll start that.
00:42:05And lastly, you will remove Vanessa's name from the inheritance entirely.
00:42:10Are you out of your damn mind?
00:42:12No, she's not.
00:42:19Seriously? You're really gonna...
00:42:25Looks like we're even now.
00:42:33Mommy, I missed you so much.
00:42:35Oh, sweetie.
00:42:37Mommy, Daddy left everything behind to find you.
00:42:41I knew he would be able to save you.
00:42:43Thank you so much for watching him, Mrs. Wright.
00:42:46You're welcome, honey.
00:42:48Is everything okay now?
00:42:50Were you able to resolve all the issues with your family?
00:42:52Yes, thanks to Ethan, everything is okay now.
00:42:57Let's go home now.
00:42:59Everything is okay now.
00:43:01Let's go home now.
00:43:03Bye-bye, Granny.
00:43:05Wait, Charlotte, I'm sorry if this offends you, but...
00:43:09I have to ask...
00:43:11Who is Roman's father?
00:43:15I'm sorry if this offends you, but...
00:43:17I have to ask...
00:43:19Who is Roman's father?
00:43:23It's... It's okay.
00:43:25Looks like I'll have to come up with some story to get through this.
00:43:31Roman's father wasn't a very good man.
00:43:33We were married for two months and he treated us terribly.
00:43:39We only have each other now.
00:43:42We're a complete family.
00:43:45Is there anything else, Mrs. Wright?
00:43:48I understand, Charlotte.
00:43:50You're welcome to visit anytime.
00:43:52I really like Roman. He's such a sweet boy.
00:43:57Thank you so much again.
00:43:59I appreciate it.
00:44:01All right, let's go. Goodbye.
00:44:13Mommy, I'm angry.
00:44:18Lucy, are you here?
00:44:22Anyone here?
00:44:26Quite the way you put me through.
00:44:29What are you doing here?
00:44:31Where's my godmother?
00:44:33Don't worry. The old woman's safe.
00:44:37I think you know why I'm here.
00:44:39What do you mean?
00:44:41Charlotte, you went too far.
00:44:43How could you take everything from your sister?
00:44:45I'm here to give you one last chance to fix this.
00:44:48What do you think I'm grateful for out of this?
00:44:52I can still turn back.
00:44:54Don't call me that.
00:44:56Let's get one thing straight, Andrew.
00:44:58You and me have not been in a relationship like that in ten years.
00:45:02So you actually do have something going on with Ethan Wright.
00:45:06What? Of course.
00:45:08He's my daddy.
00:45:10Oh, no. Please.
00:45:12For the last ten years,
00:45:14I need to know honestly.
00:45:16Did you ever once feel regret?
00:45:20For betraying me with Ethan Wright?
00:45:23Say it!
00:45:24No! I don't regret it!
00:45:26You can go to hell!
00:45:28Now where...
00:45:29cop up that stuff you took from your sister!
00:45:38You're gonna pay for that.
00:45:53Open up, Charlotte.
00:46:04Ethan, pick up.
00:46:06Hey, Charlotte, you okay?
00:46:08Ethan, thank God. We need you here right now.
00:46:10Hey, where are you? Are you okay?
00:46:12I'm at my godmother's. Andrew is here.
00:46:14Okay, listen. I need to talk to you.
00:46:16Hey, where are you? Are you okay?
00:46:18I'm at my godmother's. Andrew is here.
00:46:20Okay, listen. Put me on speaker. I will be there very soon.
00:46:23Okay? I'll be there very soon.
00:46:37Hey, Charlotte.
00:46:38Mommy, I'm scared.
00:46:40It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
00:46:46I knew you would be here, Daddy.
00:46:48Hey, it's okay.
00:46:50You're good?
00:46:52Okay, it's not safe in here.
00:46:54We're gonna get you out of here, alright?
00:47:00Oh, hey.
00:47:02Put me down. Put me down.
00:47:07Hey, listen. We gotta get out of here quickly.
00:47:09You're gonna slow us down like this.
00:47:11Let's go get him.
00:47:16Come on.
00:47:22Wow, Daddy. Your house looks like a castle.
00:47:26Come on.
00:47:32Come on.
00:47:36Really, I'm fine now.
00:47:40Really, I'm fine now.
00:47:42Okay, just so we're clear.
00:47:44I am not paying your medical bills, okay?
00:47:48I mean, it's not like you have health insurance right now that you're back home.
00:48:04Ethan, they are...
00:48:08Grace, this is Charlotte and Robin.
00:48:11They will be staying with us, like I said.
00:48:14Of course. All set.
00:48:16Hi, I'm Grace.
00:48:18And I've watched Ethan grow up since he was a little boy.
00:48:22And I've been serving the Wright family for about 30 years now.
00:48:26It's nice to meet you, Grace.
00:48:28Same to you, dear.
00:48:32The little one looks like Ethan when he was younger.
00:48:38The little one looks like Ethan when he was younger.
00:48:41Um, it's not what you think, Grace.
00:48:45Okay, how about we go check out our rooms now, shall we?
00:48:48Let's go.
00:48:49What are you doing?
00:48:50Well, you would not want to disappoint our sweet Grace here, would you?
00:48:55We can just stay in a hotel. It's fine.
00:48:58You don't think Andrew Thompson is going to be able to figure out what hotel you're staying in?
00:49:02Okay, fine.
00:49:03But just until we find a more proper place to move in.
00:49:07Thank you for putting up with us, Grace.
00:49:09Oh, you're very welcome, dear.
00:49:13So, Rowan, would you like to come and pick out a bedroom for yourself?
00:50:10Mom, you've really got to stop sending me these kind of information. I'm not interested.
00:50:21Ethan Benjamin Wright, you have to get married this year.
00:50:25This is an alternative.
00:50:27Ethan Benjamin Wright, you have to get married this year.
00:50:30This is an alternative.
00:50:44Then I'll marry Charlotte.
00:50:48Then I'll marry Charlotte.
00:50:50What? What? Are you crazy?
00:50:53Am I crazy?
00:50:54My mom needs me to get married.
00:50:56You and Roman need protection so things like yesterday don't happen again.
00:51:00Like a win-win situation.
00:51:03Okay, I get that, but...
00:51:06Ethan, don't be childish.
00:51:08Are you serious about this?
00:51:10Marriage is not a joke.
00:51:12I've been thinking about this for a little while now, and, uh...
00:51:16I think today's the right day.
00:51:26Will you marry me, Charlotte?
00:51:28You don't need to feel pressure, sweetie.
00:51:31If you're not in love with him, you don't have to say yes.
00:51:40All right, I'm going to get you out of here, all right?
00:51:43Let's go get him.
00:51:50I do.
00:51:55I will see you tomorrow.
00:51:59Say bye.
00:52:02Bye, baby.
00:52:04Goodbye, Beyonce.
00:52:15I'm out.
00:52:17I hope you're happy now.
00:52:20Okay, sweetheart, let's go.
00:52:22He didn't even get down on one knee.
00:52:26You guys ready?
00:52:29Everybody say money.
00:52:37Mommy, Daddy, we've finally become a family.
00:52:41Good job, buddy.
00:52:43We've finally become a family.
00:52:45Good job, buddy.
00:53:14Okay, now that we are married, we can just expect to stay in this room.
00:53:19It's time to find yourself a job.
00:53:28Galaxy Net Media CEO Ethan Wright announces upcoming reality show, Glam Gala,
00:53:34to discover the most talented fashion designers on Earth.
00:53:39Shut up.
00:53:44The numbers in the first quarter are lower than expected in the home entertainment department.
00:53:49Given previous experience, we thought that you might like to fire everyone in that department.
00:53:56A mandatory overtime for rest days.
00:53:59You know, things happen.
00:54:01Let's just...
00:54:06Sir, you have a special guest waiting in your office.
00:54:11You know, good work, everybody, but this quarter, let's just keep it up.
00:54:19Well, that's new.
00:54:25Charlotte, my lovely wife, to what do I owe the pleasure?
00:54:31I have a proposition for you.
00:54:33A proposition? For me?
00:54:35Okay, what is it?
00:54:37I want to work for you.
00:54:40Where is everybody?
00:54:44Ryan picked Roman up for school this morning.
00:54:47He should be getting out soon.
00:54:50It's that late already?
00:54:52Ethan left early today to catch a flight, but he wanted you to have these.
00:54:57He changed the passwords to your birthday.
00:55:02Well, I guess I should thank him by taking his Audi to go get some groceries.
00:55:10Come on.
00:55:17Long time no see, Charlotte.
00:55:28Okay, Andrew, what's this all about?
00:55:32I know the truth, Charlotte, about Vanessa.
00:55:36I found this.
00:55:39And a hotel receipt tucked away in our home.
00:55:45What's this about, Charlotte?
00:55:47Maybe you should ask your precious fiance about that.
00:55:50Charlotte, Charlotte, wait.
00:55:52I know the truth now.
00:55:54You were right all along, and I was blinded.
00:55:59Can you please find it in your heart to forgive me?
00:56:05Andrew, I...
00:56:08It's too late.
00:56:11Who's that, Ethan Wright?
00:56:13With his wealth and his stature, there's no way he'd look twice at someone like you.
00:56:17You know, beauty queen or heiress.
00:56:19What could you possibly give to someone like him?
00:56:23You really haven't changed at all, have you?
00:56:27You and Vanessa deserve each other.
00:56:30Charlotte, Charlotte!
00:56:34I mean, I miss Daddy and I miss him coming back home.
00:56:38He's on a business trip, it'll just be a few more days.
00:56:42Made a wish that he would come home.
00:56:44I missed him.
00:56:47I miss him.
00:56:49I miss him too.
00:56:52I miss him.
00:56:55I miss him.
00:56:57He's on a business trip. It'll just be a few more days.
00:57:01Meena wished that you would come home today.
00:57:15Hey! How's my little troublemaker? You good?
00:57:19Yeah. So, where have you been?
00:57:22You know, I just had a little bit of business to take care of.
00:57:26But I got you something.
00:57:36How are you?
00:57:39I, uh...
00:57:41I'm, uh...
00:57:42I'm sorry, but, uh...
00:57:44I missed you.
00:58:00Hey, bud.
00:58:01Can you hear me?
00:58:02Hey! Hey, wake up!
00:58:08What do we do?
00:58:12Can you hear me?
00:58:27Are you okay?
00:58:28Oh my God, you scared me to death.
00:58:30Just be safe.
00:58:32I will.
00:58:43It appears Roman suffered an allergic reaction to something he consumed.
00:58:48Has he had any foods or anything out of the ordinary that could have triggered that?
00:58:53He got from a business trip.
00:58:56He had a bite of it and then he reacted.
00:59:02This is hazelnut.
00:59:03Has he ever had an allergic reaction before to hazelnut?
00:59:06No, he's never really tried hazelnuts before.
00:59:10Okay, well, I'm going to send the blood test results to the lab and they'll check for specific allergens.
00:59:15But in the meantime, I suggest Roman stays here for a couple more days under observation.
00:59:20Hey, Doc.
00:59:21Can I have a word with you outside?
00:59:37Can parents pass down the same allergy to their kid?
00:59:41If a parent is allergic to something, there's a high chance that the child could inherit that same trait.
00:59:48Don't tell me you're allergic to hazelnut also.
00:59:53You can't just give your son hazelnut chocolate like that.
00:59:56That could be very dangerous.
01:00:01How long does it take to get the results for a paternity test?
01:00:06Paternity test.
01:00:07Oh, that could vary.
01:00:29Is everything okay?
01:00:31Yeah, everything's fine.
01:00:33Why don't you go home and get some rest?
01:00:36I can take care of Roman.
01:00:38All right.
01:00:39Roman is going to wake up and he's going to want his mom.
01:00:42Okay, you need to stay strong for him.
01:00:45Is there any updates?
01:00:46Promise you'll call me.
01:00:48I promise.
01:01:40Here are the results that you've asked for.
01:01:47Probability of paternity.
01:02:15Hey, how's it going?
01:02:16Is everything alright?
01:02:19Yeah, everything's fine.
01:02:21Just got my hopes up, a little too high.
01:02:26Did you see something?
01:02:32I'm sorry, guys, but I'm afraid I have some bad news.
01:02:40I'm afraid Roman has leukemia.
01:02:45We need to find a bone marrow match as soon as possible.
01:02:48We can't afford any delays.
01:02:50I miss Mother. I'll get tested right now.
01:02:52Very well. I'll get the paperwork started.
01:02:56Thanks, Doc.
01:03:10What was that, Vic?
01:03:11I did everything you wanted, Vanessa.
01:03:14You'll be sending my payment where I assume, right?
01:03:20You know, maybe we can try to find Roman's dad again.
01:03:22I did it with Roman.
01:03:24Truth is, I don't know who Roman's father is.
01:03:28It was a one-night stand.
01:03:34It's okay.
01:03:35All right? I will do everything I can to try to find him.
01:03:39I promise.
01:03:50That doesn't matter.
01:03:51What matters is that we have a common enemy.
01:03:58Interested in teamwork?
01:04:06You said you found the bone marrow match for Roman?
01:04:09Is that true?
01:04:11It is.
01:04:15If you want the treatment, you're going to have to agree to my terms first.
01:04:25Is there any good news?
01:04:27You talk to the doctor.
01:04:29There is a match.
01:04:31That's great.
01:04:32That's what we wanted.
01:04:34That's what we wanted. That's good.
01:04:37Ethan, I...
01:04:38Hey, hey, hey.
01:04:39That's good news.
01:04:41Look at me.
01:04:43That's good.
01:04:48What's wrong?
01:04:55I know there's something wrong.
01:04:57Tell me the problem.
01:05:06I'm leaving you.
01:05:10Leaving you.
01:05:15I found Roman's biological father.
01:05:19He agreed to donate bone marrow if we get back together.
01:05:23If you get back together so he's going to let his own blood and flesh die?
01:05:27For you to just listen to him?
01:05:29Does that make any sense?
01:05:32Listen to me.
01:05:34I'm going to keep searching and find somebody that will help Roman.
01:05:38Do you hear me?
01:05:40Everything's going to be okay.
01:05:43Ethan, I can wait.
01:05:46But Roman can't.
01:05:48I'm sorry. I've made my decision.
01:05:50We have to get a divorce.
01:05:53Is that your final decision?
01:06:02All right.
01:06:04I'll write up the paperwork within the next few days.
01:06:31I need you to find out who's threatening her.
01:06:33Yes, sir. I'm on it.
01:06:44I'm sorry. You're going to have to wait here.
01:06:47You made the right call.
01:07:00Mrs. Cooper.
01:07:02The treatment seems to be working wonders.
01:07:04Roman's blood cell count has improved dramatically.
01:07:09It's a good thing.
01:07:11Thank God.
01:07:13We'll need to keep him for observation, of course,
01:07:15but I'm optimistic that he's going to make a full recovery.
01:07:20I can't thank you enough, doctor. Really.
01:07:23It's my pleasure. You have a good day.
01:07:40I can't let Ethan see me.
01:07:41Not yet.
01:07:50I'm not who you think I am. Let me go.
01:07:52Don't go anywhere, okay? I see you.
01:07:54Where have you been this whole time? You know I've been worried about you.
01:07:56When were you going to tell me the truth?
01:07:58I mean, I'm here. I see everything.
01:08:02And what else is there to say?
01:08:03I couldn't put our relationship before Roman's life.
01:08:06The vows that we took?
01:08:07Till death do us part? Does that not mean anything to you?
01:08:10We're supposed to be in this together.
01:08:13As partners, no matter what.
01:08:43I know Ethan has found you.
01:08:45And since you broke our deal,
01:08:47don't blame me for being ruthless.
01:08:50What do you want?
01:09:03I'll get people to look for him right away.
01:09:05He couldn't have went far.
01:09:08I can't just sit here and wait. Who knows what she might do next?
01:09:10Charlotte, there is something I think I need to tell you.
01:09:14Ryan told me that not long ago,
01:09:16he saw Sarah speaking to somebody at the coffee shop near the company building.
01:09:20That person looked a little bit like Vanessa.
01:09:22You mean...
01:09:23It seems that Vanessa and Sarah have been plotting something.
01:09:26I'm not sure what.
01:09:27But I do believe that it likely has something to do with Roman.
01:09:31Oh no!
01:09:33Roman might be in danger.
01:09:38Andrew, please not now.
01:09:41I know where Roman is.
01:09:44Out a lot lately.
01:09:46Coming in late, acting suspicious.
01:09:48A few days ago, I called her to find out where she was.
01:09:52Although she didn't tell me,
01:09:54I heard ship horns blaring and a woman's voice.
01:09:58I don't know what it was.
01:10:00She didn't tell me.
01:10:01I heard ship horns blaring and a woman's voice.
01:10:05She was talking about kidnapping Roman.
01:10:07I wanted to ask her about it, but she hung up the phone.
01:10:13Ship horns?
01:10:14Were they somewhere near the water?
01:10:16Yes, I think so.
01:10:18I tried to contact you to tell you about it, but you had changed your number.
01:10:22So I've been waiting here, hoping to run into you.
01:10:27I think I know where Roman is.
01:10:30Thank you, Andrew.
01:10:32No problem, Charlotte.
01:10:37What about us getting back together?
01:10:48Try her birthday.
01:10:49We're running out of time.
01:10:50Try her birthday.
01:10:51Let's try your birthday.
01:10:53My birthday. No, this is not my birthday.
01:10:58It looks like Sarah really is obsessed with you.
01:11:03Charlotte, she's not obsessed with me.
01:11:04Listen, she's nobody to me, okay?
01:11:06This doesn't mean anything.
01:11:08Let's go.
01:11:12Mommy, help!
01:11:13Please don't hurt him!
01:11:17Please don't hurt him!
01:11:18What are you going to do?
01:11:19He's a kid. Let him go.
01:11:20Just a little bit.
01:11:21A tiny drop will be enough to snuff out this old brat's life.
01:11:24Oh, and luckily for him, his mommy and daddy came just in time to see his final moments.
01:11:32Oh, you idiots haven't figured it out yet.
01:11:36Ethan right here is Roman's biological father.
01:11:40Oh, right, right.
01:11:41Yeah, remember that night ten years ago?
01:11:44Yeah, see, I tried to set you up with a vagrant, but you ended up in Ethan Wright's room instead.
01:11:52Well, that doesn't matter now.
01:11:54That little mistake will be erased today.
01:11:58Sorry, Ethan.
01:12:00But if I can't have happiness, I will make sure that you don't either.
01:12:04If you have something to say, you can say it to me.
01:12:07Don't let the kid go.
01:12:09I'll do anything. Please just don't hurt him.
01:12:15What do you think?
01:12:19Let's see.
01:12:21Why don't you slap yourself in the face?
01:12:23She's not going to slap herself in the face.
01:12:28Do you know what would make me feel so much better?
01:12:32Just stabbing this little bastard right now.
01:12:37Oh, Ethan!
01:12:46No, no, no, no, it wasn't me, it was Sarah!
01:12:48It was my plan, it was Sarah!
01:12:50Please, don't!
01:12:51No, you killed Vanessa!
01:12:52She's the mastermind!
01:12:58Thank you.
01:13:00Thank you.
01:13:05Will you marry me?
01:13:08Yes, of course I will.
01:13:21Mommy, what are you doing?
01:13:25Um, Roman, what are you, uh, honey?
01:13:28Oh, uh, Roman, what are you doing here?
01:13:30Oh, my goodness.
01:13:31Oh, sorry about that.
01:13:33He must have slipped away.
01:13:35Oh, you two, carry on, carry on.
01:13:50I love you.
01:13:51I love you.
01:13:52I love you.
01:13:53I love you.
01:13:54I love you.
01:13:55I love you.
01:13:56I love you.
01:13:57I love you.
01:13:58I love you.
01:13:59I love you.
01:14:00I love you.
01:14:01I love you.
01:14:02I love you.
01:14:03I love you.
01:14:04I love you.
01:14:05I love you.
01:14:06I love you.
01:14:07I love you.
01:14:08I love you.
01:14:09I love you.
01:14:10I love you.
01:14:11I love you.
01:14:12I love you.
01:14:13I love you.
01:14:14I love you.
01:14:15I love you.
01:14:16I love you.
01:14:17I love you.
01:14:18I love you.