J.D. Vance is Trump's choice for VP

  • 2 months ago

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00:00It's a busy day here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. On day one of the Republican National Convention,
00:04Donald Trump officially crossing the threshold needed to have enough delegates pledged to him
00:09to become the Republican Party's nominee for this year's election.
00:13And just a couple of hours later, he chose J.D. Vance, the 39-year-old senator from Ohio,
00:18as his running mate. J.D. Vance in the past has said that Trump was America's Hitler. That was
00:23something he said in a private correspondence with an acquaintance. And he's also called
00:27Donald Trump an idiot. But fast forward eight years and a lot has changed. The two men
00:32now on the same ticket. Donald Trump likely spotting that J.D. Vance speaks to rural voters
00:37and also working class voters in crucial swing states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
00:43Well, just a few hours after that, the two men were in the building behind me when they
00:48entered to rapturous applause for the first time that Donald Trump has been seen in public
00:53since his assassination attempt on his life on Saturday. He received a massive standing ovation
00:59and an even bigger one later on in the evening when one of the speakers referred to him as a
01:03tough S.O.B. That was greeted by a really loud round of applause and cheering from the crowd
01:11who then started shouting fight, fight, fight. The words that Donald Trump mouthed in the immediate
01:16aftermath of that assassination attempt when he emerged from the gaggle of Secret Service agents.
01:20Well, we can hear more from Donald Trump in the coming days and also from J.D. Vance.
01:25Vance will speak on Wednesday in the vice presidential slot and we'll hear from
01:29Donald Trump on Thursday as he closes out the conference here in Milwaukee.
