Haikyu!! Season 04 l- To the Top-Episode-04 English dubbed

  • 2 months ago
Website: https://filmyfo.blogspot.com
00:13Is this the match you wanted to see Suguru
00:25Yours Kenma
00:33It could not have been easy to do a quick from that spot but Sarikawa tech manages to receive the ball
00:40Nakama High School representing Tokyo and Sarikawa tech representing Ishikawa
00:45Both teams are known for demonstrating several the toughest defense will see in this tournament
00:50But only one will be powerful enough to earn them a place in the third round Joe
00:54Which squad is it going to be?
02:35Our first nationals I
02:37Just wish it could have been someplace. We actually had to travel to I'd like to ride on the bullet train one of these days
02:42Well after this year, we won't get another chance. Where's this year's inner high tournament going to be held?
02:48We can write it to cheer on our youngsters. You're sure they'll get in have some faith in the rising generation
02:54Hey speaking of
02:58That's just the thing could they even do that he hates being in the spotlight, but here we are dragging him to the national championship
03:05Yeah, and I have to admit he definitely doesn't look like a championship athlete either. I have like no money
03:13Did you know the entire time he's been playing volleyball since middle school
03:20Kenma comes down with a fever any time practice was especially hard or after a match and you know
03:26Since I'm the one who dragged him into it. I always feel kind of guilty
03:32But now we're here at nationals and that's a big deal. So maybe he'll start thinking it's been worth all the effort. I
03:42Mean that's what my hope is anyway
03:44That's what my hope is anyway
03:46Yeah, I don't know about that. I don't think Kenma cares about that kind of stuff
03:50Whatever. You never know what could spark his interest
03:54Well, just think about Kenma's personality if he really hated playing he would have quit a long time ago, right, dude
04:01Kenma I told you no video games before bed. You're going to end up getting a horrible night's sleep
04:07Yeah, if I really want to quit playing then I will but it's also true that I would probably feel kind of bad for
04:14Abandoning Kuro you would yeah, I do actually care a little about other people, you know
04:20Oh, I know. I'm just flattered to hear you say it. I
04:25Said probably and kinda seriously just think about it for a second
04:30Is it likely I practice for hours because I feel bad for you
04:34Obviously, I wouldn't keep doing this if I didn't like it at the moment. I still happen to be playing volleyball
04:40I don't have a definitive reason to keep on playing but I don't really have a reason to quit playing either
04:45I mean, that's normal, isn't it?
04:49Isn't it?
04:52Okay, man touche typically rational cut it out with the philosophy crap
04:56I really don't enjoy sweating or being out of breath at all ever
05:01But I don't have any problems with leveling up
05:06Good night. Yeah. Good night
05:11That kid may not have any stamina
05:13But he does have a weird kind of persistence and he does manage to keep up with us at practice somehow
05:18Even if he takes every chance to slack off. Hang on. This reminds me of the story
05:23You told me one time the crazy early riser thing
05:26Okay, so Kenma is a chronic oversleeper and he would regularly have his light on at 5 o'clock in the morning
05:32I was sure he'd been up all night, but he told me he actually woke up at 2 a.m. To play his video games
05:38He said his parents would throw his games out if he stayed up all night
05:41So he thought he'd just wake up really early instead. Of course, they found out and he got in trouble
05:46Anyway, point is he'd never have done that for something. He didn't like and then since we started practicing with Karasa now
05:53I think that he's been a lot more motivated. Yeah, you're right
05:57Maybe it's because he's always hanging out with the little shrimp from there
06:00Even though they're about as different as two people can be well for one thing
06:03It's not often Kenma makes new friends
06:05And I also think he might see him as a valuable specimen a real-life boss that he wants to conquer
06:11Strategically and as for the shrimp, well, I bet he sees Kenma as someone he wants to defeat at all costs
06:19Kenma probably wouldn't actually care if he did
06:21Kenma probably wouldn't actually care if he did get knocked out so it wouldn't be very satisfying. Come on. It's funny though
06:28It really is such a Kenma thing to call it leveling up
06:52You want to go level up outside?
07:14This isn't the time to be reminiscing about how much your underclassmen has grown
07:18Whatever yaku you ever heard of feelings before four days left in the spring nationals, and I'm gonna be the star
07:26I think we all know who the star is. I'm even prepared for when the TV lady wants an interview
07:39Sorry you guys
07:42What'd you say what's wrong with us the Santa it's red our team color that's not the issue here
07:59Sorry kawa saw an opening but Nekoma shuts it down the Nekoma defenders will not let the ball fall to the court without a fight
08:06So can I go?
08:12And sorry kawa tech is also keeping the ball in the air great job boys now just take it
08:18I understand that sorry kawa text coach Shishio was at one time a student of Nekoma high school's coach Nekomata
08:24That's right, Joe. Perhaps. That's where his emphasis on defense comes from
08:37Wow, that's disgusting
08:40What's the matter this whole game?
08:42I feel like the sorrow kawa tech team has been deliberately avoiding going in for a quick point. Oh, yeah
08:48I couldn't tell I mean from what I've been able to see their attacks have actually been pretty vicious so far
08:53Well, yeah, of course, they've been scoring. I'm definitely not saying their offense has been weak or anything like that
08:58Plus Nekoma is being Nekoma
09:01They have high level defense and they can receive even the most flawless attacks. I
09:10Don't know if that's the reason but to me
09:12It really looks like sorrow kawa isn't concerned about scoring so much as they're trying to disrupt Nekoma's rhythm
09:20But what's the point if they don't score I imagine what they want is to keep the setter running
09:46Even if it means sacrificing the first set I want Nekoma setter drained as much as possible
09:52That kid he's probably not the type to let us break his spirit
09:56But I bet he's the type to start slipping up when he gets tired
10:00So we need to wear him down physically not mentally. There's only one way to take out Nekoma
10:08Take out the brain
10:40Hate running
10:42but I
10:44Do sort of like the scenery and the things I get to think about while I run. I
10:54Got a power up
11:00That Ivy I can definitely climb that
11:05And on top of that roof, I bet I'll find a treasure chest
11:09Hey, you're slow a whole lap behind catch back up to the group show some guts man. Yeah, I
11:18Don't like him
11:24Nice receive a
11:27Perfect a pass. Heck. Yeah, Nick. I'm was totally awesome
11:33Perfect a pass. Heck. Yeah, Nick. I'm was totally awesome. I want to sit down
11:41And a pass more like an a-plus pass
12:33Don't think I'm gonna go all easy on you just because you're buddy-buddy with Kuro
12:42All right. What exactly does me being friends with Kuro have to do with anything?
12:48Besides this is just a passing drill
13:00Always looks so bored and he talks so quiet, but he's actually pretty good, which is just not even fair
13:21Wow, would you look at those two go at it?
13:29You could at least try to play well with the other kids sometimes don't put this on me that guy started it
13:36Yeah, I appreciate you refusing to back down from a fight
13:39But still I'm not asking you to be best friends with everybody. Okay, but these guys they'll be around a lot
13:46Especially the ones in your year
13:54Today was our first day as a newly formed team, and I know you're still adapting but let's give it everything we've got. Okay, boys
14:08Hey Yamamoto, you're still out here doing a little running. Yes, sir. See you later, sir
14:21Okay, Yamamoto don't overdo it
14:45Thank you very much, thank you
14:48Make sure you get all your stuff. Yes, sir
14:54Hey Kenma
14:56Great sets today. Definitely. They were consistent and really easy to hit and your first practice match, too
15:02And pulling out that quick dump off when we were trailing was really badass
15:07Anyway, hope you keep up the great work out there
15:15Was my all-important practice match debut, but I couldn't stop hitting it out of bounds or into the net and worst of all I
15:29Crashed into Kuro like an idiot
15:31We're heading out guys
15:34Yamamoto it was a mistake in a practice match. It happens. Okay. Yes, sir
15:46Good work team. Thanks Kuro coach wants to see you coming
16:01You could at least try to play well with the other kids sometimes
16:10Hey Yamamoto
16:14Maybe you could try relaxing your shoulders when you're playing or whatever. Oh
16:20You mean the way you do?
16:23Yeah, as if it's really that easy. I'm trying to show everybody here how hard I've been working
16:28How exactly am I supposed to relax while I do that?
16:32Never mind. The problem is that I just didn't have enough guts out there
16:39I think you should stop blaming something as vague as guts
16:42Try to identify a specific problem. You can actually work on improving
16:56Focused too much on the ball. I
16:59Allowed the other team to provoke me. I kept going for all the most difficult plays
17:04If you know all that stuff, then why do you blame everything on guts?
17:09That means all that extra running and weight training. You've been doing lately
17:13Wasn't about hard work, but your ego
17:22Okay, well what about you you slacked off you could have gotten way more balls
17:28Yeah, but I was tired and even if I got them they would have just been free balls for the other team
17:37Should we stop them? This isn't a post-mortem anymore. It's just a fight at this point. Let them fight it out
17:43Sometimes you need that honestly, don't try to talk to me about guts when you don't even have any
17:50I've had it up to here with your guts. It means nothing. It's not like they'll help you survive with one hit point or anything
17:58What the hell are you even talking about?
18:00If you're too obsessed with guns you lose to the bosses you could have beaten what the hell did the bosses have to do with
18:05any of this
18:14Take it easy dust. Oh, yes
18:21What you what, huh, where do I even start toast to who who the hell's gonna clean this mess up
18:30Sorry, holy crap Fukunaga. Someone's gonna have to get a mop
18:35Just what are you laughing at?
18:37You're pretty funny Fukunaga. Oh
18:40What the hell is going on? I
18:44Haven't yelled like that in ages. I'm wiped
19:25What is with this guy this vibe
19:29It's not motivation or passion he just I don't know
19:47He just really hates losing
19:57You're supposed to do an overhand there he's on to me that one more step suddenly feels like a million miles
20:03I wish I could stretch my arms like two meters
20:07But the bastard still doesn't have any guts
20:26That was really loud
20:31The quality of our blocking it's starting to get to their number one
20:35He's probably going to start trying to fake us out pretty soon and pay attention because they'll likely hit it out more, right?
20:59I'm glad he's not playing on the other team
21:08Hey Kenma
21:12You can call me Tora if you want that's what all my friends call me
21:21I don't have to do I
21:34Coach Nakamata has always emphasized defense over all else
21:38In his setters, he looks for intelligence and game sense. It's a result of being so confident in his defenders skills
21:45We might not be able to crush the defense directly
21:48But we can chip away at it bit by bit and if we can keep wearing them down
21:57We'll see how weak their setter really is
22:08Crush him
22:10crush him
22:12That setters been cobbled by those a passes for too long
22:19Now crush him
22:23She can knock on the white star
23:42Next time, Trap.