• 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Questo studio è molto interessante. Abbiamo voluto organizzarlo anche per questa seconda edizione in Borsa Italiana, in quanto rappresenta uno studio sul mercato globale, quindi completa l'analisi dello stato della nostra industria con la pubblicazione nautica in cifre, i cui dati verranno presentati al Salone Nautico Internazionale di Genova a settembre 2024 e ci offre una panoramica dei driver principali di analisi del settore”. Sono le parole del direttore generale di Confindustria Nautica, Marina Stella a margine dell’evento di presentazione, a Palazzo Mezzanotte a Milano, dello studio "The state of the art of the global yachting market" realizzato da Deloitte per Confindustria Nautica.


00:00This study is very interesting for us, it is its second edition, we wanted to organize it
00:09also for this second edition in the Italian Stock Exchange, precisely because it represents
00:14a study on the global market, so it completes what is the analysis of the state of our
00:20industry with the nautical publication in figures that we will present, the data will be presented
00:27at the International Nautical Salon of Genoa in September 2024, and it offers us a panoramic
00:33of what are the main drivers of analysis of the sector, so the analysis of the positioning
00:40of our leader compartment, which is that of the superyachts, an analysis of what are
00:47also the structure of our production line, therefore with an exam of what are
00:54the trends in terms of consolidation, therefore an analysis also of the acquisitions operations
01:00of diversification in the sector, what are the potentials of growth on global markets
01:07and penetration of international markets, we already have a picture of an industry that
01:12is the leader in the world as regards exports, we have exceeded the threshold of 4 billion
01:18in 2023, and therefore the ability to penetrate our companies on emerging markets
01:24and their ability to attack international markets must be preserved and strengthened,
01:30in this study those emerge that are precisely the potentials of further growth on the markets,
01:36also another interesting fact is that of the performance of our nautical industry,
01:42that both in terms of consumption and in terms of future performance,
01:47highlights an even greater ability to progress compared to the rest of the world,
01:53therefore an industry that remains strong, that has shown a great capacity for resilience,
02:03a solid industry, which also in perspective offers, despite a phase of consolidation,
02:10normalization and growth rates, an assessment of an even better performance
02:15compared to the rest of the world and other international competitors.
