Hazrat Ibrahim ki wladat or botparsti ke khlaf in ki tablig or namrood ka in ko aag me dalne ka waqiya

  • 2 months ago
Hazrat Ibrahim wladat or botparsti ke khlaf in ki tablig or namrood ka in ko aag me dalne ka waqiya Islamic Urdu stories like share and subscribe follow my channel
00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Peace be upon you.
00:04Viewers, in today's video, we will tell you about the Messenger of God, Prophet Abraham.
00:10His birth, his preaching against polytheism, and the incident of being thrown into fire by Nimrod.
00:18Viewers, Nimrod was the king of Babylon. The present name of Babylon is Iraq.
00:24Nimrod was a very proud man.
00:27When his power expanded, he began to tell people to worship him.
00:33Because people already worshipped idols made of stone and wood,
00:39so they were also ready to believe in God easily.
00:44It took people a long time to live this misguidance and misguidance,
00:49and they had certainly forgotten Allah.
00:52God intended to send a representative among them to guide and guide that nation.
01:00There were also stars in Nimrod's court.
01:03One of the stars held a very high position in Nimrod's court, and he was very close to Nimrod.
01:10One day he said to Nimrod,
01:12If I can get my life back, can I say something?
01:16Nimrod said, Say it.
01:18The star said, A child is going to be born in your kingdom.
01:22He will end idolatry and call people to his religion.
01:27And he will end your government.
01:30Hearing this, Nimrod looked at the other stars in his court.
01:35All the stars supported the first star.
01:38Nimrod was nervous hearing this, and then in anger he ordered,
01:43Women and men should be separated from each other,
01:47so that no such child can come into existence.
01:51And he ordered that whoever is born should be killed.
01:55Nimrod had to say that the children born in Babylon should be killed.
02:01It is said that on Nimrod's order, the executioners of Mardood killed 100,000 children.
02:07Nimrod thought that with these tricks he would be able to stop the will of God.
02:14There was a woman in Babylon whose name was told by history as Nunna.
02:19Nunna was pregnant at that time, but God hid the signs of her pregnancy.
02:25When it was time for the birth of her child, she left the city out of fear of Nimrod's executioners.
02:32And she took refuge in a cave in the mountain.
02:35She gave birth to her child in the same cave, and then laid the child down and prayed to God.
02:41O God, I am leaving my heart in this cave.
02:45Save it from those oppressors who are thirsty for the blood of the innocent.
02:51Then she gave birth to the child and closed the entrance of the cave with stones and returned to the city.
02:57When she came to see her child in the cave the next day, she saw that her child was sucking his thumb.
03:03Milk was flowing from the thumb of that child.
03:06This child was none other than Prophet Abraham.
03:10God Almighty had given birth to milk in the thumb of Abraham.
03:16And so Prophet Abraham continued to eat.
03:21With this food, Prophet Abraham used to eat as much as a normal child eats in a month.
03:28Prophet Abraham's mother comes to the cave every day to see him.
03:33When Prophet Abraham was two years old, he began to talk.
03:37And when he was seven years old, his mother began to teach him great things and morals.
03:44She teaches how to help the weak and tells the stories of the messengers of God.
03:50But what did she know that the child she is training is a prophet himself.
03:57Prophet Abraham spent 13 years of his life in that cave.
04:02One day he asked his mother to take him to the city with him.
04:07His mother replied, Son, there is danger for you in the city.
04:11So Prophet Abraham left that cave at night and entered the city.
04:17Prophet Abraham had an uncle named Azar.
04:22Let me clarify a point here.
04:25In the Torah, Azar is said to be the uncle of Prophet Abraham.
04:29While his father's name is said to be Tariq.
04:32While in the Quran, his father's name is said to be Azar.
04:36Many scholars agree that Azar was not the father of Prophet Abraham.
04:41Rather, his father was Tariq.
04:43And he was a Muslim.
04:45Religious scholars also agree that Prophet Abraham's father was Tariq.
04:51Therefore, in the Quran and most of the hadiths, Azar is said to be the father of Prophet Abraham.
04:58Because he was the uncle of Prophet Abraham.
05:01And in Arabic, it is customary that the uncle is called the father.
05:05Or it may also be that he was your uncle.
05:08And after the death of Tariq, he made a covenant with his mother.
05:13And he raised you.
05:15For this reason, he is called the father.
05:18Azar used to make idols of stone, wood, and clay.
05:21He used to worship them himself and sell them to people.
05:25Thus, his business was very widespread.
05:28Azar's sons also used to sell idols.
05:31When Prophet Abraham left the cave and went to the city and reached his uncle Azar,
05:37Azar also sent Prophet Abraham to sell idols with his sons.
05:44Prophet Abraham tied a rope around the neck of the idols and dragged them to the ground.
05:51As a result, they were covered with mud, mud, and dust.
05:55Then he called out,
05:57O people, come and buy those idols from me who are lifeless.
06:01They are coming from the mind and consciousness and cannot do any good or harm.
06:06This behavior of Prophet Abraham with the idols was very insulting to the idol worshipers.
06:12Then it came to the point that Azar advised Prophet Abraham about this.
06:18One day, Prophet Abraham asked his uncle,
06:21Uncle, you make idols of wood, stone, and clay.
06:25They can neither speak nor hear.
06:28They can neither benefit you nor harm you.
06:33Azar asked,
06:35Are you against our gods?
06:37Look, do not say such a thing again, or you will be punished.
06:42After this, Prophet Abraham addressed the people and said,
06:47They are not worthy of worship and prostration, nor are they idols.
06:52Only Allah is worthy of worship, who created the whole world, and He is its Lord.
06:59The name and message of Prophet Abraham began to spread very quickly.
07:04People began to listen to him carefully.
07:07When his fame reached Nimrod, he asked his courtiers,
07:12Who is this young man who has created such a commotion?
07:16The courtiers said,
07:17His name is Abraham, who has grown up in the house of Azar.
07:21Nimrod ordered that he should be presented before me immediately.
07:25The people sent by Nimrod came to Prophet Abraham
07:29and they conveyed the message of Nimrod to him.
07:32Prophet Abraham went to Nimrod.
07:35Nimrod asked,
07:36Young man, who is the God you speak of?
07:40Prophet Abraham replied,
07:42My God is the one who has the power to give life and death to people.
07:47Nimrod said,
07:48I can do this too.
07:50And he freed a criminal who had been sentenced to death.
07:57And he hanged a man who had no crime.
08:02Then he said,
08:03Now say,
08:04What do you doubt that I am my God?
08:06I can give life to anyone I want and death to anyone I want.
08:11Prophet Abraham said,
08:13If you are true, then revive the one who has been killed.
08:17Then he said,
08:18My God takes the sun out of the east and suns in the west.
08:23You take him out of the west.
08:26Nimrod could not answer this question and he became embarrassed.
08:31At that time, the mother of Prophet Abraham said to Nimrod,
08:35Your Majesty, allow me to take Prophet Abraham with me because he is still immature.
08:41Azar said,
08:42Your Majesty, allow Prophet Abraham to go home.
08:47I guarantee him that he will not be insulted by you and the idols.
08:52Nimrod said,
08:53I forgive Prophet Abraham for your sake.
08:56But if he creates any trouble in the future, I will burn him alive.
09:01Prophet Abraham did not give up his mission even after this incident.
09:06And one day he said to Azar,
09:08Uncle, what are these idols that you make yourself, ask yourself, and consider them God yourself?
09:15Azar got upset when he heard this and he said,
09:18Abraham, get out of my house immediately.
09:20I can't stand your mischief anymore.
09:23Prophet Abraham said this and left the house.
09:27Uncle, if you don't believe me, I'll go.
09:30But I will not give up my mission.
09:32Because I am afraid of God.
09:34I am not afraid of those idols or Nimrod.
09:37Prophet Abraham made his own arrangement from his uncle's house.
09:42And left from there.
09:44But as per his words, he kept on inviting worship of Allah and kept on denying the divinity of idols.
09:51The people of Babylon used to celebrate Eid every year.
09:55And on that day, they used to hold some special ceremonies.
09:59Therefore, those people used to spend the whole day outside the city.
10:03Once when the day of Eid came and those people went out of the city,
10:08Prophet Abraham was left alone in that city.
10:12When Prophet Abraham saw that the city was empty and there was no guardian of the idols.
10:18Prophet Abraham took an axe and went to the idols.
10:23He started looking at that magnificent idol which was decorated with great care.
10:28In that, different idols were arranged according to their rank.
10:33Then he placed the food in front of the idols which he had taken with him to make fun of them.
10:39Prophet Abraham asked them, will you eat the food?
10:42When the idols did not answer him, he said, why don't you speak?
10:47But even now, they did not answer him.
10:50On this, Prophet Abraham picked up the axe and started breaking the idols from one side.
10:56All the idols were crushed.
10:58In the end, he placed the axe on the shoulder of the biggest idol and left from the idols.
11:03When the people of the city returned, they went to their idols.
11:07When they saw the destruction of their idols, they were very surprised and angry.
11:12People were confused as to who would have done all this.
11:16Everyone had only one question in their mind.
11:18Who has done this to our gods?
11:21Some people said that we have heard a young man speaking ill of these idols.
11:26His name is Abraham.
11:28He considers the worship of the idols to be foolish.
11:31And he had also cursed us.
11:34Therefore, it is possible that he has done this.
11:38In this way, after expressing doubt on Prophet Abraham, a case was filed against him.
11:44He asked Prophet Abraham, have you done this to our gods?
11:49Prophet Abraham replied with great satisfaction.
11:53Ask this to the big idol on whose shoulder the axe is.
11:57That person said, he cannot speak.
12:00Prophet Abraham replied, yes.
12:03It is a matter of distance to speak.
12:05Even if a fly sits on his nose, he cannot fly it.
12:09What benefit or loss will it bring to others?
12:13But the surprising thing is that you still consider this helplessness and helplessness to be God.
12:19You prostrate to it and enjoy its worship.
12:23If you do not do this, then it is the worship of that God who created the whole universe and who has power over everything.
12:30People listened to Prophet Abraham very carefully.
12:34They started thinking.
12:35The young man is telling the truth.
12:37What is the power of clay, wood and stone idols?
12:41But the words of Prophet Abraham had the opposite effect on a man's heart.
12:46He said, Abraham, from your words it is known that you have destroyed our gods.
12:52And if you are left, then today you have destroyed our idols.
12:56Tomorrow you will destroy our whole idol-house.
12:59Therefore, a person like you cannot be left alive.
13:02The people who were present at that time were listening to that person carefully.
13:07This person was the judge sent by Nimrod.
13:10People were waiting to see what punishment is proposed for the young man.
13:16To hear this punishment, they did not have to wait much.
13:20The judge said, Abraham, the punishment for your crime is that you will be burned alive and your ashes will be blown into the air.
13:29Prophet Abraham said, I am not afraid of your decision.
13:33The owner of life and death is my God.
13:36Whatever I am saying is the truth and my God is listening to me.
13:41Nimrod immediately started preparing for the punishment that the judge gave to Prophet Abraham.
13:48He announced in that city and the surrounding areas.
13:52To destroy our idols and to burn the young man who insulted them alive, everyone should collect firewood.
13:59There, the priests of the idol-house also announced that those who will collect firewood to fulfill their desire, their desire will be fulfilled.
14:08Hearing this announcement, people started collecting firewood as much as possible.
14:13Here, all the people of the city started collecting firewood.
14:17There, Prophet Abraham was imprisoned.
14:20People collected firewood for the fire and set it on fire.
14:26After this, those firewood were set on fire.
14:29When the flames rose, Prophet Abraham was brought out of the prison.
14:34When he was brought to the field where the fire was lit, he laughed at the fire.
14:41Prophet Abraham also saw that tall minaret which was built on a distance from the field.
14:48In which there was a beautiful room where his minister and advisor were sitting with Nimrod.
14:54It is said that this fire was so intense that no bird could fly over it for a moment.
15:01Therefore, when Prophet Abraham was brought out, the people were faced with the problem of how to throw Abraham into this fire.
15:10During this time, Satan put the concept of Manjneek in the minds of those people.
15:14It is narrated from Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq A.S. that Manjneek was first built for Prophet Abraham in Kufa on the banks of a river named Kosaar.
15:24And it was in Kariya-e-Kanta.
15:27That Manjneek was made by Satan.
15:30Therefore, Prophet Abraham was thrown into the fire through Manjneek.
15:36At that time, a cry was heard from heaven and earth.
15:39And everything in the universe asked for the help of Prophet Abraham.
15:43The earth said, O Lord, there is no one except me who worships you.
15:50Are you willing that people should burn him?
15:53The angels said, People burn your beloved Prophet Abraham.
15:57God said, If he asks for help from me, I will certainly accept it.
16:03Gabriel A.S. said, O Lord, there is no one except your beloved Prophet Abraham who worships you on the earth.
16:11You have forced their enemies on them so that they burn them in the fire.
16:16God said, Be silent.
16:19A man like you can say such a thing that he is afraid that a matter will be out of his control.
16:26He is my servant. I will save him whenever I want.
16:30If he asks for help from me, I will certainly accept it.
16:33Then Abraham A.S. prayed to his Lord.
16:48At that time, Gabriel A.S. met Prophet Abraham in the air when he was separated from Manjneek.
16:55He asked, O Abraham A.S., is there any need from me?
16:59He said, There is no need from you.
17:02But there is certainly a need from the Lord of the worlds.
17:06At that time, Gabriel A.S. gave him a ring with the inscription,
17:10There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
17:14I have come to Allah and I have fulfilled my command.
17:21Then God revealed the fire to him.
17:23The fire became cold.
17:26With this, the fire became cold.
17:29Gabriel A.S. came there and sat with him and got busy in conversation.
17:34All around him, flames were born.
17:37It is said that when the fire was burning, the fire was blown.
17:41Manjneek used to pour water on it to extinguish it.
17:46And when God revealed on the fire that it should be cold,
17:49there was no heat left in all the fires of the world for three days.
17:54And so Allah protected his Prophet Abraham A.S. from such a big fire.
18:01After seeing all this, Nimrod A.S. came to him and said,
18:06Young man, we are surprised that your command is on fire.
18:11Prophet Abraham A.S. replied,
18:13All this is the power of my God.
18:15Nimrod A.S. had seen the greatness of Prophet Abraham A.S. with his own eyes,
18:19but he was not ready to accept your words.
18:24Nimrod A.S. felt that people should not believe in Prophet Abraham A.S.
18:29He immediately tempted people and threatened some more.
18:34After this incident, he ordered to change the city
18:38so that no one could follow him and take over his religion.
18:43Prophet Abraham A.S. himself was not happy to live with the Nimrodites in his city.
18:49So he was ready to leave the city.
18:52So he gathered his goats and left with them.
18:58Because he had a lot of sheep and other goods with him.
19:02So Nimrod A.S. ordered to confiscate all these goods.
19:07Prophet Abraham A.S. said,
19:09If you want to take my sheep and other goods,
19:13then you should give me back my old age and confiscate my goods.
19:23When the matter escalated, this case reached a judge of Nimrod A.S.
19:27After listening to the statements of the two parties,
19:30he gave the verdict in favor of Prophet Abraham A.S.
19:33Then he took his goats and other goods and left with his wife Sarah
19:38and his nephew Prophet Lut A.S. to Babel.
19:43Most historians and some commentators have mentioned that
19:46after the salvation from the fire,
19:48Prophet Abraham A.S. invited Nimrod A.S. to the religion of truth.
19:52He said that I will fight with your God.
19:55And one day he decided.
19:57That day Nimrod A.S. came to the battlefield with a large army.
20:01Prophet Abraham A.S. stood alone against him.
20:04So much so that God sent so many mosquitoes that the atmosphere became dark.
20:10And they attacked the soldiers.
20:12And they wrapped themselves around their heads and noses.
20:15So much so that everyone ran away.
20:18Nimrod A.S. also returned humiliated and humiliated,
20:21but still did not believe.
20:23So God ordered a weak mosquito to get into his brain.
20:28He went into his brain and began to eat his brain.
20:31He was so restless that he appointed a few men
20:35to hit him on the head with a fine stick.
20:38That maybe it would calm him down.
20:42Forty years passed in this state and he did not believe.
20:46In the end, hell came to pass in this state.
20:50I hope you liked today's video.
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