Sultan aur wazir ka waqia

  • 2 months ago
Sultan aur wazir ka waqiya Islamic Urdu stories like share and subscribe follow my channel
00:00In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
00:02Respected viewers, Peace be upon you.
00:05Once upon a time, a Sultan used to rule over an area.
00:10He was very cruel and disobedient to God,
00:13while his minister believed in monotheism.
00:16The minister tried his best to somehow remove the Sultan from the religion
00:20and make him a part of the people of faith,
00:23but none of his efforts were successful.
00:27Once upon a time, the minister called a skilled engineer to him
00:31and said,
00:32I want you to build a magnificent palace for the Sultan
00:35far away from the people in the jungle.
00:38I am ready to give you the required wealth for this.
00:42But keep in mind that the palace should be completed in a short period of time
00:47and the king and his courtiers should not know about it.
00:52The architect followed the minister's order
00:55and built a magnificent palace in the jungle in a short period of time.
01:00A few days later, the minister invited the Sultan for a hunt,
01:04which the Sultan happily accepted.
01:07The Sultan took his army with him and went to the jungle.
01:12He was surprised to see a magnificent palace in the jungle
01:15and asked the minister,
01:17Who built this magnificent palace here?
01:20The minister said,
01:21This is a miracle.
01:23If we go near it, its reality will be more clear.
01:27So the king and the minister reached near the palace.
01:31Seeing the beauty of the palace, the king's eyes were teary.
01:36He said to the minister,
01:38I am surprised that who built such a beautiful palace in the jungle.
01:42The minister said,
01:43The king had come to Silab last winter
01:47and when the storm passed through here,
01:49the flood brought big mud and stones here.
01:53Then after a few days, when the water dried up,
01:55the mud and stones merged with each other
01:58and the walls of this palace were built.
02:01After that, when the flood came,
02:03he brought the woods with him
02:05and when the woods reached here,
02:07they stopped here
02:08and then in a few days they took the shape of doors and roofs.
02:13After that, when the wind came,
02:15the seeds of the flowers came flying
02:17and the beautiful birds came here
02:20and the seeds of the flowers came here and began to bloom.
02:24And so this palace came into existence.
02:27When the king heard the minister's speech,
02:29he shouted loudly and said,
02:32Either you have gone crazy or you think I am crazy.
02:36Am I so crazy that I will accept your nonsense?
02:40No palace is ever built like this.
02:43For this, you need an expert architect,
02:45architects and workers.
02:48Then somewhere a palace is built.
02:51The minister said,
02:52Your Majesty, you have made the right decision
02:56that mud and mud do not change into bricks on their own
02:59and a palace does not suddenly appear.
03:03Now you yourself do justice
03:05that when a palace does not come into existence on its own,
03:08but for it you need an expert architect,
03:10architects and workers.
03:13So how did this universe, this sun, moon, stars,
03:16river, sea, plants, fossils and high mountains
03:20come into existence on their own?
03:22Is there no creator for them?
03:25The minister's speech removed the veil
03:27from the king's eyes
03:29and he became a deity.
03:32A caliph had a slave
03:35whom the caliph loved very much.
03:37Once the slave fell ill
03:39and his illness gradually increased.
03:43The caliph called a famous doctor for his treatment
03:46but no one's medicine worked.
03:49There was a famous doctor in that city.
03:52The caliph also called him.
03:54He examined the slave
03:56and found that he had no physical discomfort.
04:01However, his conscience was unhappy.
04:04He had some spiritual disease.
04:06The doctor removed all the patients present there
04:10and when there was no one left in that room,
04:13he said to the patient,
04:15I have examined you with full attention.
04:18You have no physical discomfort.
04:21However, your conscience is very unhappy.
04:24Now you tell me why you have this problem?
04:28And remember,
04:29until you tell me the right reason for it,
04:32I will not be able to help you.
04:35When he heard this,
04:36the slave bowed his head.
04:38After a while, he said,
04:40This is the torment of salt and haram
04:42which I am enduring.
04:44My conscience is giving me a hard time.
04:47The fact is that there are some relatives of the caliph
04:51who are internally enemies of the caliph
04:54and are apparently loyal to him.
04:57Such people misled me
05:00and told me to mix poison in the drink of the caliph
05:04so that he dies of poison.
05:06I was also trapped in their trap.
05:09So I mixed poison in the water of the caliph
05:12and presented the poisoned water in front of the caliph.
05:16You can call it a coincidence
05:18or the miracle of the sixth part.
05:20The caliph found out
05:21that the water being presented to him
05:23was poisonous.
05:25So he did not drink that water.
05:28After this, I was sure
05:30that the caliph would give me the worst punishment.
05:33But the caliph did not give me any punishment
05:36but he increased his favor on me
05:39and began to show more mercy on me than before.
05:42His kind treatment embarrassed me
05:46and my conscience began to give me a hard time
05:50because of which I fell ill.
05:52And I am sure that until I die,
05:55my conscience will continue to give me a hard time
05:58and I will be afflicted with internal torment.
06:01This incident gives us a message
06:03that O deceitful man!
06:05Is your case not like that slave?
06:08You know that God is closer than the neck of the neck
06:12and he is also seeing all your deeds and crimes.
06:15Despite this, he is continuously doing you a favor.
06:19Does your conscience not embarrass you?
06:23A desert Arab
06:25came to the service of the Messenger of God
06:29and he said to him,
06:31O Messenger of God!
06:33You have taught people great prayers
06:36but I am an illiterate person
06:38and I cannot remember long prayers.
06:41Please teach me a short prayer
06:43so that God is pleased with me
06:45and my world and the hereafter are secure.
06:48The Messenger of God said to him,
06:51You just ask for this prayer
06:53O God! You are my Lord and I am your servant.
07:00This is enough for you.
07:02After hearing such a short prayer,
07:04Badri became very happy
07:06and left after saluting the Messenger of God.
07:10The Arab was an illiterate person
07:13and he could not even remember this short prayer.
07:17He would raise his hand towards the sky
07:20and pray like this
07:22O God! You are my Lord and I am your servant.
07:29Whenever the Arab would pray like this,
07:31the angels would tremble
07:33and the angels would scream after hearing this strange prayer.
07:37One day Gabriel came to the Messenger of God
07:42and he said to him,
07:44O Messenger of God!
07:45You taught a poor man a prayer
07:48and he recites it backwards
07:51because of which he is committing kufr.
07:54The Messenger of God asked the Arab
07:59and told him to recite the prayer he had taught him.
08:04He said,
08:05Yes, you also listen.
08:06From the day you taught me this prayer,
08:09I recite this prayer daily
08:12and I hope that God will reward me for it.
08:17Saying this, he recited his reverse prayer to the Prophet.
08:22The Prophet said to him,
08:24You have changed the order of the words.
08:28Do not recite like this again
08:30or you will become a disbeliever.
08:32Hearing the Prophet's words,
08:35the Arab became very upset
08:37and started crying and saying,
08:39O Messenger of God!
08:40Till now I have been committing kufr because of my prayer.
08:44Now teach me a prayer
08:47that will forgive my previous mistake.
08:50In the meantime,
08:51Gabriel was sent down
08:52and he conveyed this message of God to the Prophet.
08:57O Messenger of God!
08:58God is saying,
09:00My servant may make a mistake,
09:03but I cannot make a mistake.
09:06I do not look at my servant's tongue
09:08to see what words are coming from it.
09:11I look at my servant's heart.
09:13If there is faith in his heart,
09:15then the wrong words of his tongue
09:17are also the right words for me
09:20and I forgive him.
09:24I hope you liked today's video.
09:28If you liked our video,
09:30then like the video.
09:32See you in the next video.
09:34Allah Hafiz
