Coghe (Pro Vita), ‘Siamo tutti umani sin dal concepimento’

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “È necessaria una forte sensibilizzazione su quello che è nel grembo materno. Vogliamo raggiungere più persone possibili”. Parole di Jacopo Coghe, portavoce di Pro Vita & Famiglia onlus, intervistato in occasione del lancio della campagna nazionale che proietterà su maxi schermi nelle principali città italiane il video “Baby Olivia”, realizzato dall’associazione pro-life americana Live Action. Una campagna che mira a sensibilizzare contro l’aborto.


00:00Bibi Oliva is a video in which we tell the story of this child from conception to birth.
00:12We want to bring the story of this child to all the main squares of Italy.
00:16We want to shed light on what is the truth, that is, that we are all human from conception.
00:22A wider campaign of awareness of promise and family on the humanity of the conceived is inserted.
00:28Today we are here, then we will be in Bologna, we will be in Ancona and in many other Italian cities
00:32to sensitize the Italian population and to make evident the fact that each of us from conception is a human being.
00:41A strong awareness is certainly necessary, we are in 2024, science has made enormous progress,
00:47we must inform the population on the fact that the uterus is not a cluster of cells but is a human being in all respects.
00:55This is what we are doing, this is what we want to do with this campaign,
00:58to reach as many people as possible in all Italian squares to make evident that, thanks to science,
01:06today we can say that the embryo, the conceived, is a human being, it is simply human, it is one of us.
01:12Certainly on a political level there are many battles to be fought,
01:15there are three proposals of law coordinated by the Senate that must be carried out.
01:20Politicians must have the courage to make these choices, to carry out these political proposals,
01:25to bring them to the vote because the majority of Italians agree to recognize a dignity to the human being
01:33and to recognize the main right, which is the right to life, to the conceived.
