
  • 2 months ago
Zikar Allah
00:00So he cried out in the darknesses,
00:03There is no god but You,
00:11Exalted are You.
00:12Truly I was of the wrongdoers.
00:20So We responded to him,
00:22And saved him from distress.
00:26And thus do We save the believers.
00:31There is no god but You.
00:33Exalted are You.
00:34Truly I was of the wrongdoers.
00:36There is no god but You.
00:38How perfect are You.
00:40I was from the wrongdoers.
00:42And so this is when a person is in hardship,
00:44And the Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said,
00:45No one says this dua,
00:47Seeking Allah Azza wa Jalla's alleviation of a hardship,
00:50Except that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala will grant that to them.
00:53There is no god but You.
00:55Exalted are You.
00:56Truly I was of the wrongdoers.
01:23Constantly repeat this dua,
01:25And have yaqeen that Allah will answer whatever you are requesting.
01:31There is no god but You.
01:33Exalted are You.
01:34Truly I was of the wrongdoers.