Mr Beast full video

  • 2 months ago
MrBeast, also known as Jimmy Donaldson, is a prominent YouTuber and philanthropist renowned for his extravagant stunts and acts of generosity. With his distinctive style and boundless creativity, he captures audiences worldwide through jaw-dropping challenges, innovative giveaways, and record-breaking feats. Beyond entertainment, MrBeast uses his platform to make a positive impact, often donating substantial sums to charitable causes and helping individuals in need. His relentless pursuit of making a difference has earned him admiration and a massive following, solidifying his place as a pioneering figure in digital media and altruism.


00:00Sitting on these train tracks is a quarter million dollar Lamborghini and barreling down on it right now is a massive train
00:07But before the impact I'm giving this Lamborghini to Blake. Thank you and on top of sending the train
00:12I'm also gonna have these eight soldiers shoot 10,000 bullets at your Lamborghini. That's the scariest thing I've ever seen
00:18Yeah, it's gonna be fun
00:20And you have exactly 24 hours to build whatever you want to protect your Lamborghini from the bullets the timer starts now
00:26Okay, first line of defense. I'm thinking a wall of cinder blocks
00:29After that some shipping containers filled with refrigerators and then basically just a wall of cars to block those bullets
00:36Do you think all of this is enough to stop 10,000 bullets? I think it is Jimmy
00:40Okay, but so far nothing's there
00:42You should get the building like immediately drove to three stores where I gave him my credit card and he literally spent
00:48$78,000 on supplies and since I don't want to bore you with all that
00:51Let's just skip to the part when everything was delivered its first round of supplies are starting to show up. Oh my god
00:56I can't believe I bought all this stuff and this isn't even everything man
00:58He's got a water truck some of his junk cars came in. He's got a connect straight over here
01:03How did he get this much stuff? This is crazy. Don't worry about the guys with the machine guns pretend. They're not there
01:09Yeah, I don't even know what they're doing there
01:11Honestly, we're five hours in and this storage container is about to be the first line of defense against 10,000 bullets
01:17All right, that's probably good. That's probably good
01:19Do you think that shipping containers gonna stop any bullets? Absolutely not
01:24So as of now he's screwed yeah, it's not looking good for him. Oh gosh, it's been about six hours
01:29Are you happy with your progress? I'm very happy. You sure wasn't until this thing got down
01:33But now that it's down dude, I feel really good
01:35I asked them if this would stop the bullets and they said no and once Blake realized he had to go all out
01:41He worked not only through the night this way. Mr. Railroad ties. Nice. Nice. Yes, really? Nice, really nice
01:47But even into the next morning upgrading his defense
01:50Dude, he's stuffing the storage container with a van and a giant tube and once I saw it put together
01:55I was honestly pretty impressed run me through what you built
01:58So I built a whole bunch of concrete in the front and the tallest part of the wall is right in the center to block
02:03The crows nest machine guns because those things are big and scary
02:05I got all my storage containers and a bunch of water if you come right over here
02:10You will see his Lamborghini tucked away amongst everything. There it is. Nice and cozy
02:15Do you think all of this will stop the bullets? Yeah, I do
02:19I think you have a 50% chance of survival was the best odds
02:22I've had yet so and before I have them shoot 10,000 rounds come with me to the Lamborghini
02:26Not only are you competing for this Lamborghini, but for a hundred grand as well. What? Yes, sir. Yeah, that's pretty cool
02:33This will be enough to cover the insurance
02:3524 hours is up eight scary men
02:38Ten thousand bullets versus everything that Blake has built. Are you ready? Just get it over with freaking out
02:49Sir fire at will
03:00Loading on his fortune
03:05Actually ripping through this
03:09Oh, man, oh god
03:17And what we haven't told Blake is these guns are only the first of four phases
03:22We've designed to destroy this Lamborghini or should I say whatever remains after this?
03:28They just brought out the LMG
03:47All it takes is one bullet to penetrate and it's going in his Lambo
04:00The last bullet
04:07God please be safe. Please be safe
04:11How is it she's clean
04:1610,000 rounds and not one connection baby. There's no bullet holes in your Lamborghini
04:21And if you don't already know who Blake is, he's actually a contestant from two previous videos
04:25But today he's back for a third and final attempt to win the grand prize. Are you ready for face? Yes
04:32See that giant crane coming that big yellow oil rig looking thing
04:35That is phase two that crane is going to lift your car up a hundred feet and then in 24 hours drop it and you have
04:42To catch it without it being destroyed
04:45Seriously, yeah. All right, bring it over here. And while we prepared the world's first hundred-foot Lamborghini freefall
04:51There goes your Lamborghini Blake began to strategize on how he was going to catch it. I have no idea what I'm gonna do
04:57Yes, I'm here how would you break its faults you get all the pillows in the city step to get all the mattresses next get
05:04A blanket Taylor. You're just making a giant bed and a warm glass of milk. All right, stop. You're not helping Blake work your magic
05:10I'm screwed. All right guys, I got some good news and bad news
05:13We passed day one with flying colors. The bad news is the Lamborghini is airborne. Okay, so anyone got any ideas?
05:19I mean, yeah, I mean like what do we think?
05:22bouncy castles bouncy castles out of that's actually not that bad just because
05:26That's not bad at all really and after being inspired by the construction workers wisdom Blake had decided on his master plan
05:33I would like to move the connexes in like a square right here with the X in the middle and that way I can just
05:38Fill the square up with a bunch of air mattresses pillows bubble wrap and I'll top it all off with a bunch of bouncy castles
05:44Just you know, the biggest problem right now is I have no material
05:47Everything that I bought is hard concrete or metal and nothing that I bought I can use for day two
05:52So I have absolutely nothing and so Blake sent his crew to buy every pillow and air mattress in the city
05:57And even though he was incredibly sleep-deprived he got to work already at the stage where it's like wait, why am I doing this again?
06:03Oh, yeah, that's right. I'm in a challenge for a Lamborghini
06:06That's floating in the sky right now by the time his materials had arrived
06:09Blake had been awake for over 24 hours and was in desperate need of sleep
06:13I try to get some sleep because I'm exhausted and it's 4 in the morning and with how exhausted Blake was
06:18He ended up sleeping for way longer than he planned
06:23Um, is he serious?
06:25What is this?
06:26He got mattresses, pillows, and blankets, but he's missing the warm milk.
06:30Yeah, that's the key to everything.
06:32Where is Blake?
06:33He's asleep, I heard.
06:34No, he's not.
06:35By the time Blake got on site, it was already super late in the day.
06:38That's Blake's truck pulling up.
06:40We need to get to work, come on!
06:42Alright, let's just see what this looks like.
06:44That bouncy house works as a big box.
06:47So I'm thinking maybe we put that thing in the middle now and then we start blowing it up.
06:50Only four and a half hours remain and it's not looking good for Blake.
06:54I don't think he has more than a 10% chance of catching that Lamborghini.
06:57And even if he does, there's no shot he's stopping that train later on.
07:00Start filling up the sides so that way it's high over here, takes away this wall.
07:04So with only a couple of hours remaining, Blake did all that he could by filling the rest of his pit with cardboard boxes and bubble wrap.
07:11It's coming down to the wire.
07:12Gentlemen, how much time is left?
07:15One hour.
07:16Blake is screwed.
07:17I have a little bit of bubble wrap left.
07:18I think I'm just gonna get raised on this thing and just wrap my baby up in this bubble wrap and I'm good to go.
07:22That's definitely gonna help.
07:23Blake spent what little time he had remaining on this crane, failing at trying to bubble wrap his car.
07:29It's just not gonna work.
07:30You know what time it is?
07:32Time to drop the car.
07:33Let's drop this bad boy.
07:36The failed bubble wrap makes it look majestic.
07:39Blake, do you think your Lamborghini will survive?
07:41I'm positive, Jimmy.
07:42He's more certain than me.
07:44I'm positive about this one.
07:45I bought every air mattress at Walmart.
07:47If this won't catch it, I don't know what will.
07:49I did everything I can.
07:50Here's a Feastables bar, Blake.
07:52Thank you, Mr. Jimmy.
07:53That way, even if you lose the car, at least you have some good chocolate.
07:55It's available at Walmart.
07:56Be sure to go try our new chocolate bar.
07:58I'm so curious what you think.
07:59But anyways, you have three bouncy castles, 150 mattresses.
08:03How many pillows?
08:05150 pillows and 2,000 cardboard boxes.
08:08Will it break the Lamborghini's fall?
08:12That's two yeses.
08:1424 hours of work down to this.
08:16No pun intended.
08:17Three, two, one.
08:20Drop the Lamborghini.
08:34No, no, no.
08:35Out of my way.
08:36That did not sound good.
08:37Please be okay.
08:38Please be okay.
08:39Please be okay.
08:40Please be okay.
08:41All right.
08:42He's moving the car straight out the way.
08:43Get these boxes out of the way.
08:46We're about to find out how damaged this car is.
08:48The lights work.
08:50The lights work?
08:51Yeah, this princess castle might have saved this entire car.
08:53Moment of truth.
08:54You might have been the first person in history to catch a Lamborghini.
08:58If it turns on.
08:59All right.
09:00Here we go.
09:01Here we go.
09:02Here we go.
09:04It works.
09:05I can't believe it.
09:07That's what I'm talking about.
09:09She's alive.
09:11Everything looks good.
09:12Minus a little crack in the bumper.
09:13Which we found out by this official appraiser.
09:16This was only going to reduce the price of Blake's Lamborghini by
09:19Probably 10 grand.
09:20Thank you so much.
09:21Thanks for the good news.
09:22And now is the perfect time to mention that phase three is flaming cars.
09:27For Blake's next challenge, we're bringing back his biggest nightmare.
09:31We have recreated the flaming cars challenge that cost Blake everything last time.
09:37That's a low blow.
09:38But seeing how he's done this before, we're going to up the stakes by dropping twice as many cars as last time.
09:44I'll see you tomorrow.
09:45I got a lot to prove.
09:46Redemption day.
09:47Blake spent the rest of the night disassembling his defense for phase two.
09:51And after a good night of sleep, he was ready to begin his defense for phase three.
09:55It's 8 in the morning.
09:56Just woke up.
09:57We got a lot of work to do today.
09:58So let's get started.
09:59Here's the day three plan.
10:01I'm going to cut the bottom out of a shipping container.
10:03And I'm going to drop it right on the car.
10:05Next, I'm going to take two more containers.
10:07And I'm going to lean them up coming to a point right above the car.
10:10And most importantly, nothing flammable this time.
10:13Do you think that will deflect the car?
10:14Yes, sir.
10:15I thought you were going to say no.
10:17Blake then asked his crew to remove every piece of wood that was in the container.
10:21Because that's what ended his challenge last time.
10:23He then had them cut out the bottom of the container that would surround the Lamborghini.
10:27This storage container could put a lot of damage.
10:30Really crush it?
10:32It can?
10:33I mean, yeah.
10:35And with that being done, Blake just needs to lower the container carefully over the Lamborghini without damaging it.
10:41One scratch could cost him thousands of dollars.
10:43You're good.
10:44Just like that.
10:45It is so close to scraping the car.
10:47Watch your fingers.
10:48We're coming down.
10:53I can't believe that.
10:54All right.
10:55Next, we're going to bring these containers together to form a V.
10:56What if the car gets caught in there?
10:58Yeah, that can't happen, dude.
10:59That's why we're putting this pointy thing at the top.
11:01Do you think that will actually deflect a car?
11:0520 minutes remain, and then we see if that Lamborghini perishes just like his 500 grand.
11:10And as usual, Blake utilized every last second.
11:143, 2, 1.
11:16Not quite sure what that dirt accomplished.
11:19Time is up.
11:21Let's see if unlike last time, you survive phase three.
11:26Blake, you lost $500,000 from this exact challenge.
11:30How are you feeling?
11:31I feel pretty confident.
11:32I think the viewers want to know one thing.
11:34Did you put wood inside of there like last time?
11:37A little bit.
11:38No, I'm just kidding.
11:39There's no wood in there.
11:40It was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made in my life.
11:42Moment of truth.
11:44Come on in.
11:45Three shipping containers, a bunch of dirt, concrete, a weird pointed roof thing versus 10 flaming cars.
11:53Are you ready?
11:54Let's go.
11:55Are you ready?
11:56Let's go, dude.
11:57Light it on fire.
11:58Will Blake be one step closer to going home with a brand new Lamborghini filled with $100,000 or be eliminated and go home with nothing?
12:09We're about to find out.
12:113, 2, 1.
12:14Drop it.
12:21You did not want that to happen.
12:22I think that's exactly what he didn't want to happen.
12:25Oh, no.
12:27Still feeling good?
12:28Not as good.
12:29Yeah, this is giving me some flashbacks.
12:31It's giving you some flashbacks.
12:32All right.
12:33Ready for the next one?
12:34Let's do it.
12:35Let's do it.
12:36Drop it.
12:38Oh, my God.
12:39The roof looks like it's already buckling.
12:42And just in case Blake loses to the flaming cars like last time, I'm going to take this moment and tell you about this amazing new phone.
12:48What you're currently watching on is the new Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.
12:52This phone can record slow-mo and 4K.
12:55The camera on this is crazy.
12:56We're like 200 feet away and it's nighttime and look at how crystal clear it is.
13:02And go ahead and drop it.
13:07Oh, that hurt to watch.
13:08It also has a ton of new features with Galaxy AI, like photo assist.
13:14Remember the last challenge when the bumper got cracked on the Lambo?
13:17You can just circle it like this and all you do is you hit that eraser button and just like that, the bumper is fixed.
13:23Now I have a new car.
13:24For the picture, you do.
13:27Whenever you're ready.
13:32This phone also has circle to search with Google, which makes finding information incredibly easy.
13:37It would have helped Blake a lot in the last video to learn about the flammability of wood and railroad ties.
13:42All he needed to do was long press the home button, circle the railroad ties and ask, is this flammable?
13:49As you can see, railroad ties are flammable.
13:52You want to learn the answers instantly.
13:54I just told you.
13:58I was genuinely impressed by this phone and I think you will be too.
14:01So, go to, click the link in the description or scan this QR code to check it out right now.
14:06And let's drop the next part.
14:08We dropped car after car.
14:10And with each one, we could tell Blake was getting nervous.
14:13But we also noticed that all of the impacts were starting to damage the crate itself.
14:18Your crate on the bottom is bowing.
14:20At this point, the container protecting the Lamborghini was being crushed by the weight and heat of the cars.
14:26I thought about this every day since the last time I saw this.
14:29And now it's time for the final car.
14:32Bro, it's got to be a thousand degrees in there.
14:34His car has to be melting down.
14:36We got the fire extinguisher.
14:37Somehow, he's running so fast.
14:39Be careful, Blake.
14:40I'm coming.
14:43How is it?
14:45It's okay.
14:46It's okay.
14:49You like that?
14:51If one more car was dropped, this crate would have been blown up.
14:54It's okay.
14:55It's okay.
14:56It's okay.
14:57It's okay.
14:58It's okay.
14:59If one more car was dropped, this crate would have collapsed.
15:02You stopped 10,000 bullets.
15:04You caught a car out of midair.
15:07You've now deflected 10 flaming cars.
15:10And now it's time for phase four.
15:12Bring on the train.
15:13The timer has officially started.
15:15I got to go.
15:17Good luck on phase four.
15:19What is he even running at?
15:20In case you're wondering, the flaming cars we dropped and a lot of other stuff we used were actually from a scrapyard.
15:25And don't worry, we made sure to clean up everything afterward.
15:28Nick knew that the train was going to be the most deadly attack yet.
15:31So he wasted no time in getting started.
15:34I think the best way to stop a train is to derail it.
15:36That's what I've tried to build here.
15:38All these railroad ties are tucked snug.
15:40And all of these are going to go under the train and the train is going to hit them like that.
15:43And if I do that a hundred more times, I don't see the train just blowing past all that.
15:48The railroad ties lost me the challenge last video.
15:50This time they'll save me.
15:52You just need two inches off the track and I win.
15:54Two inches is a lot though.
15:55My man.
15:56Then once I have all this done, I can just put concrete on top.
15:59I think that's going to work, man.
16:01I think that's going to work.
16:02Blake worked with his crew throughout the entire night.
16:04And when I showed up the next morning, it was obvious that the challenge had taken a toll on him.
16:09What's up Jimbo?
16:10What happened to your voice?
16:12I'm like dying out here.
16:13As you guys know, he lost $250,000 in this video.
16:16He lost half a million dollars in this video.
16:18I think Blake is sick and tired of losing.
16:20He has an army going super hard.
16:22They're currently stacking the cars that we dropped on phase three on the train tracks.
16:27But time was still ticking down.
16:29And in order to stop this train and take his Lambo home,
16:32Blake began adding a lot more objects to the tracks.
16:35Like shipping containers.
16:36Mattresses to cushion the impact.
16:38Blake's worked so hard.
16:40I'm now on his team.
16:41And water tanks.
16:42Blake really seems to know what he's doing.
16:43Too bad there's only 11 minutes left.
16:45At this point, Blake did everything he could to finish his build before time ran out.
16:49And it was actually starting to look impressive.
16:51This is it.
16:53Final stretch.
16:56Last line of defense.
16:57Time's up. Stop. Turn it off. Turn it off.
16:59Time is officially up.
17:01Oh my god.
17:02From phase one's shipping containers,
17:04phase two's mattresses,
17:06and even phase three's burning cars,
17:08you somehow used all the resources from the previous phases.
17:11Let's see if you're driving home in a Lamborghini or if I'm dropping you off at your house.
17:15Bring that train on, man. Bring it on.
17:17Before we ram everything, we need to back the train up.
17:20We're going to go really far back,
17:22that way the train can pick up a lot of speed before it hits everything.
17:25Sound like a good idea?
17:26No, Jimmy. That sounds awful.
17:28Be honest. Do you think your Lamborghini will survive?
17:30God, I hope so, Jimmy.
17:31And of course, we had to put the Feastables logo on the train.
17:34The new formula is the best chocolate on earth.
17:36Do yourself a favor and go give it a try.
17:38But for now, it's time for the biggest moment of Blake's life.
17:41Let's see if he wins a Lamborghini.
17:43Blake, any last words?
17:44Give it all you got.
17:45Send the train.
17:47Here it comes.
17:49Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
17:51It's coming.
17:52It's going to speed up until it hits 35 miles an hour.
17:55Right before impact.
17:56Dude, it is going quick.
17:57It's just going to derail. It's just going to derail.
17:59Here she comes.
18:00Let's see if it was all worth it.
18:02Oh, my God.
18:18Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.
18:20Oh, it derailed.
18:21Wait, I think it stopped.
18:23Oh, my God.
18:24Blake, I've never seen something like this.
18:26Oh, my God.
18:27Oh, my God.
18:28Oh, my God.
18:29I did it.
18:34Oh, my God.
18:35This is your new Lamborghini, Blake.
18:37Not only did he win the Lamborghini,
18:39but he also got all this money.
18:43I did it.
18:44You know the best way to end this video, Blake?
18:47I've been going to Walmart and buying feastables right now.
18:49It's the best tasting chocolate on the planet.
18:51Third time's the charm.
18:52See you guys later.
18:55Mr. B6000.
