• 3 months ago
Her Fantastic Adventure Ep 21 Eng Sub


00:00《The World Is Still Going On》
00:12《The World Is Still Going On》
00:20时空能遇见彼岸的明天 Time can meet tomorrow on the other side of the horizon
00:23风把阳光降落在身边 The wind holds the sun by my side
00:26如今是离别 怎么懂思念 How do I know how to miss someone when we're apart?
00:30拥挤爱之怀 到永远 Embracing love, I'll keep it forever
00:33当烟火照亮彼岸的明天 When the firelight shines on the other side of the horizon
00:37交汇的话要多辗转 才开出成全 How many times do I have to go back and forth to make it complete?
00:44并情愿却找到 要去的终点 I'm willing to find the destination
00:49突然间时空倒流 连梦都错过不测 Suddenly, the time has come and I can't miss it
00:52别悄悄莫名邂逅 幻想是新的预谋 Don't try to make it up. It's like a new dream
00:56手中的无忧无愁 看它们纷纷纷扰 Hand in hand, there's nothing to worry about. Look at them going crazy
00:59像胜利加点温柔 才挑起爱恨的执手 Like a victory with a little warmth, I'll pick up the love and hatred
01:05与我为难的天空 飘去后 When the sky is in a difficult situation
01:12等到梦醒 我也会醒来 When the dream comes true, I'll wake up
01:19当烟火照亮彼岸的明天 When the firelight shines on the other side of the horizon
01:22将烦恼关押互相宠 才开出成全 I'll open my heart to you only when I'm with you
01:30一片银河照亮 去到了终点 I'll find my way to the end of the world
01:48是你啊 你也来了 It's you. You're here, too.
01:50我发誓 我不是什么陆子征 I swear I'm not Lu Zizheng.
01:52这是什么呀 你把我当朋友 What's this? You think I'm your friend?
01:55你难道没有发现我是谁吗 Did you not realize who I am?
01:57是我呀 你个大傻子 It's me, you idiot.
01:59既然陆子征对你那么重要 Since Lu Zizheng is so important to you,
02:01那我就叫做陆子征了 I'll call myself Lu Zizheng.
02:03因为你救过我的命 Because you saved my life.
02:04所以你的生命对我来说特别特别特别地重要 So your life is very, very, very important to me.
02:09咱们和好吧 Let's make up.
02:10我可不想因为这些乱七八糟的事就给你闹掰 I don't want to cause you any trouble just because of this.
02:14记得还我啊 Remember to pay me back.
02:16你也认为我罪不可恕吗 Do you also think I'm unforgivable?
02:18我又不是你认为的陆子征 I'm not the Lu Zizheng you think I am.
02:20好自为之 Behave yourself.
02:30陆子征 Lu Zizheng
02:32陆子征 Lu Zizheng
02:34陆子征 Lu Zizheng
02:41你到底去哪了 Where have you been?
02:58陆子 Lu Zizheng
03:05陆子征是吗 Lu Zizheng, is that you?
03:07你就这么不想见到我吗 Don't you want to see me at all?
03:10长痛不如短痛 Long pain is better than short pain.
03:11这段时间你一定很辛苦 You must have had a hard time these days.
03:16心不苦 命苦 My heart is not painful. My life is painful.
03:18那你为何会入西岭 Then why did you come to West Shrine?
03:20这是我的私事 It's my personal business.
03:21小俏 Xiaoqiao
03:23你走时中的毒现在好了吗 Have you recovered from the poison you took when you left?
03:26我的心已经被毒死了 My heart has been poisoned to death.
03:27所以没毒 So there's no poison.
03:29有毒的是你 You are the one who is poisoned.
03:30我没中毒 I'm not poisoned.
03:32你是没有毒 You are not poisoned.
03:33你也中不了毒 You can't be poisoned either.
03:34因为你就是毒 Because you are the poison.
03:36这样那就会死的那种 So you will die.
03:40我当时不想杀你 I didn't want to kill you.
03:41只想救你 I just wanted to save you.
03:46你信吗 Do you believe me?
03:47当然不信 Of course I don't believe you.
03:54杏丝 Xing Si
03:56她比我想象中更恨我 She hates me more than I thought.
04:01公子 咱们这样下去不是个事啊 Young Master, we can't go on like this.
04:03得想个办法呀 We have to find a way.
04:06你让我想办法 You want me to think of a way?
04:09你一个写言情画本的小哥哥让我想办法 You are a young man who writes love stories.
04:11让我想办法 You want me to think of a way?
04:14你疯了吧 Are you crazy?
04:15写言情画本的小哥哥 A young man who writes love stories?
04:20这是顾清桥说我的话吧 This is what Gu Qingqiao said to me, right?
04:23不然呢 难道是我说的 Otherwise, did I say that?
04:25公子 你知不知道 Young Master, do you know
04:27你都跟他学坏了 that you have learned badly from him?
04:29我看带不带他回去 I think it doesn't matter
04:31已经不重要了 anymore if you take him back or not.
04:33对 Right.
04:34重要的是 能不能带他离开这里 The important thing is whether you can take him away from here.
04:37公子 我说的话里还有别的意思 Young Master, there is something else in what I said.
04:40你闭嘴 Shut up.
04:41还有就是不能让小桥和阮四穷待在一起 The other thing is that you can't let Xiaoqiao and Ruan Siqiong stay together.
04:46得了得了 您歇着吧 All right, all right. Take a rest.
04:48就当我什么都没说行了吧 Just pretend I didn't say anything.
04:56孔明灯 Kongming Lantern
05:04孔明灯 Kongming Lantern
05:15我忘了写字了 I forgot to write the words.
05:22小桥 我来帮你 Xiaoqiao, let me help you.
05:27谢谢 Thank you.
05:28小青 需要帮忙吗 Xiaoqing, do you need any help?
05:31麻烦师叔帮我拿一下孔明灯 Could you please help me get the Kongming Lantern?
05:36阮前辈 我和小桥有事没说完 Elder Ruan, Xiaoqiao and I have something to talk about.
05:38小青并不想和你说话 Xiaoqing doesn't want to talk to you.
05:41我们之间有一些误会 We had some misunderstandings.
05:43是你别有用心啊 It was you who didn't do it on purpose.
05:44我们的事情还不需要外人来插手 We don't need outsiders to meddle in our business.
05:48孔明灯 Kongming Lantern
05:59段譽 我很认真地跟你说 Duan Yu, I'm serious.
06:03我不认识圣血门 I don't know the Holy Blood Sect.
06:04我也不想介入圣血门和你们段家的事 I don't want to get involved in the Holy Blood Sect and the Duan family.
06:08小桥 你听我说 Xiaoqiao, listen to me.
06:10我不想听 I don't want to hear it.
06:12我不会再让你卷入段家和圣血门的恩怨里 I won't let you get involved in the hatred between the Duan family and the Holy Blood Sect.
06:15当然不会 Of course not.
06:17你杀了我 我自然卷不进去 If you kill me, I won't get involved.
06:20顾清桥 你能不能听我把话说完 Gu Qingqiao, can you hear me out?
06:23我不想听 I don't want to hear it.
06:25只要我找到四灵 我就会消失得无影无踪 As long as I find the Four Spirits, I will disappear without a trace.
06:27不用你费事来杀我 You don't have to kill me.
06:31小桥 其实我想说 我找到了 Xiaoqiao, actually, I want to say that I found...
06:35好了 段譽 不要再让我为难 Okay, Duan Yu, don't make things difficult for me.
06:39给我们俩之间留点美好 难道不好吗 Isn't it good to leave something beautiful between us?
06:43有个东西我要给你 但我只想问你一句话 There's something I want to give you, but I just want to ask you one thing.
06:55爱过 I loved you.
07:09是真心爱过 I truly loved you.
07:14太坏了 太坏了 太坏了 太坏了 怎么这么坏 太坏了 You're so bad. You're so bad. You're so bad. You're so bad. You're so bad. You're so bad. You're so bad. You're so bad. You're so bad. You're so bad. You're so bad.
07:22小师妹 你怎么不早说啊 Xiaoqiao, why didn't you tell me earlier?
07:24如此负心薄情的男人 你怎么能放他上山呢 How could you let such a heartless man go up the mountain?
07:28这已经是很久以前的事了 That was a long time ago.
07:30小师妹 你放心 我们绝对不会让你受委屈的 Xiaoqiao, don't worry. We will never let you be wronged.
07:34我赞同 I agree.
07:36真不用 我只是希望他赶紧好好治伤 早点下山 I really don't need it. I just want him to recover and go down the mountain as soon as possible.
07:41早点下山是吧 Go down the mountain as soon as possible, right?
07:43收到 Got it.
07:45我一定会帮他好好治伤的 I will definitely help him recover.
07:49你们可别乱来 他怎么说也是长青段氏公子 You don't have to do that. After all, he is the young master of the Duans.
07:52小师妹 你就放心吧 Xiaoqiao, don't worry.
07:56疼啊 我给你用的可是我们西陵疗效最好的药 It hurts. The medicine I used for you is the best medicine in Xiling.
08:07就是会有一点疼 It just hurts a little.
08:09但是你作为长青段氏公子 这点疼应该能忍得住吧 But you are the young master of the Duans. This pain should be bearable, right?
08:17那谢过芙蓉姑娘了 Thank you, Miss Furong.
08:19不必客气 You are welcome.
08:22有劳了 Thank you.
08:24明日我再来换药 I will change the medicine tomorrow.
08:33公子 我看这个药有止疼的功效 我给您煎了吧 Sir, I think this medicine can relieve the pain. Let me fry it for you.
08:37不用了 No need.
08:40是这个药有问题 There is something wrong with this medicine.
08:48公子 您的手怎么样了 Sir, how is your hand?
08:50无妨 It's fine.
08:52看来他们是不打算留您在此地了 It seems that they don't want to keep you here.
08:56小桥对我有误会 而他们对我有敌意 小桥对我有误会 而他们对我有敌意 They have a misunderstanding of me, and they have hostility towards me.
09:00是可以理解的 It can be understood.
09:03狼有翼 禽无心 理解有何用啊 Wolf has wings, and the qin has no heart. What's the point of understanding?
09:07不如咱们走吧 先把您手治好再说 Why don't we leave? Let's treat your hand first.
09:10还不能走 We can't leave yet.
09:11小桥 仔细想来 小桥出现在此有两个原因 其一便是圣血门徒在此地 其二 死地有四里 Xiao Qiao appears here for two reasons. The first is that the disciple of the Sacred Blood is here, and the second is that there are four spirits here.
09:24所以您是假借疗伤再做打算 So you are pretending to be injured.
09:27看来你这个写花本的小哥哥这回聪明了呀 It seems that your little brother is smart this time.
09:32公子 所以项链的事情您没有告诉顾小姐 是不是也是因为 So you didn't tell Ms. Gu about the necklace. Is it because...
09:37在不能确保他绝对安全的前提下还不能与她说此事 这会导致四里中的三里 落入圣血门之手 Under the pretext that we can't ensure his absolute safety, we can't tell her about it. This will lead the three spirits to be led by the Sacred Blood.
09:45可是公子您的手 But your hands...
09:47好了 走一步看一步 会有办法的 All right. I'll figure it out.
09:51I hope there's still hope!
09:53I wanna go home!
09:55I wanna see Grandpa!
09:57I'm gonna miss my Grandpa!
10:19Miss, what a coincidence!
10:26Xiao Qiao, listen to me.
10:29Xiao Qiao, you misunderstood.
10:31Xiao Qiao!
10:34Xiao Qiao, listen to me!
10:36Excuse me, excuse me.
10:49Miss Gu, my son is not good with words.
11:02He carries everything himself.
11:04But I really can't stand it anymore.
11:06Actually, on the day of the long celebration,
11:08the master ordered to kill you.
11:10The son was forced to do it, so he did it.
11:13He really didn't mean to deceive you.
11:16It was clear that he had a bad intention from the beginning.
11:18So he did all kinds of tests.
11:21At first, he did test me.
11:24But soon he gave up.
11:26I grew up with him.
11:28It was the first time I saw him treat a person like this.
11:30He would rather you hate him than to have a relationship with you.
11:32He was afraid that the master would find out that he had a crush on you.
11:35He even planned a prison.
11:37If it wasn't for that Mantuo instructor...
11:40I am a rebel. I will destroy the Duan family.
11:42Duan Yue wants to kill me.
11:44Miss Gu...
11:47Stop talking.
11:49We are destined to be enemies.
11:54Didn't you say that you want to obtain the dual power law in the world?
11:58You don't want to fail the Tathagata.
12:00If there is really a dual power law in the world,
12:02Mr. Cang Yang Jia Cuo wouldn't have died so early.
12:04Who is Cang Yang Jia Cuo?
12:06A Lama who can write love poems.
12:08What a talented poet.
12:11Can you write a letter to visit me?
12:14This is a matter of course.
12:16I can't see you.
12:20You should go back early.
12:23That injury...
12:25What injury?
12:26Senior Sister Furong said that her injury will heal soon.
12:30How can it be so easy to heal?
12:32Xing Si, this is West Shrine.
12:35We are all doctors.
12:37You are pretending to be sick in the Imperial Medical Academy.
12:39You can't fool the doctors.
12:40You should fool yourself.
12:44Go back and tell him.
12:45Since he didn't come to kill me,
12:47I won't be angry anymore.
12:49It's just that we are destined not to be together.
12:52We can only part ways and forget each other.
12:56was also said by Mr. Jia Cuo?
13:01It was said by Mr. Chun Jiao.
13:03There is also a Mr. Chun Jiao?
13:08I was surprised.
13:10With your injury,
13:11how can Ruo Yun like you?
13:20You all heard it, right?
13:22In the world, there is a saying that
13:25if you don't fail, you won't fail.
13:28It seems that this Mr. Jia Cuo
13:30I have to visit him.
13:34Mr. Duan's injury
13:36It's been a while, right?
13:38It was injured about a month ago.
13:41It's almost recovered.
13:44The medical skills of West Shrine are well-known.
13:46Mr. Wang is even better at medical skills.
13:49Thank you.
13:54Mr. Ruan
13:56Mr. Wang
13:57Can I rest here for a while?
13:59Mr. Duan
14:00Do you want to stay in West Shrine
14:02in the name of healing?
14:04Mr. Duan of Changqing and the West Shrine Sect
14:06used to fight together.
14:07Isn't it a waste of etiquette to come and go in a hurry?
14:10Besides, it's rare for Mr. Wang
14:12to make a well-known medicine jade.
14:14Then I must have to
14:16disturb you for a while.
14:21Yes, medicine jade
14:23Medicine jade
14:24Mr. Duan can live here.
14:26No disturbance
14:27No disturbance
14:29Thank you, Mr. Wang.
14:32Mr. Ruan
14:33I have to disturb you.
14:41Mr. Wang
14:42Be careful.
15:05I heard that this center
15:06was the idea of Miss Gu.
15:08What do you think?
15:10Let's go back to Changqing
15:11and let the Chamber of Commerce build one.
15:14West Shrine Center
15:15It's Xiaoqing's idea.
15:16It's also the property of West Shrine.
15:18To build a West Shrine Center
15:20there needs to be a hot spring.
15:21I'm afraid
15:22Changqing doesn't have natural water resources
15:24like West Shrine.
15:26Mr. Ruan
15:27You don't have to worry.
15:29Xiaoqiao and I will discuss it.
15:32Brother said
15:34If ordinary people are injured like you
15:36you have to go through the pain every day.
15:39I think Mr. Duan is a very tolerant person.
15:43I just found out that
15:44there are two fatal wounds on your chest.
15:46They are all quite dangerous.
15:48Maybe Mr. Ruan was not very lucky before.
15:51Xing Si
15:52You stay
15:53and help Mr. Ruan.
15:57No need
15:58Your son's hands and feet are not convenient.
16:00It's better to stay and take care of him.
16:06Mr. Ruan
16:27Mr. Ruan
16:28Let's go.
16:29You have been soaking for a long time.
16:30You can't stand it.
16:31No need
16:32Mr. Ruan's injury is serious.
16:34If we go
16:35Mr. Ruan will go first.
16:36West Shrine's disciples have been soaking for a long time.
16:39The system is different from ordinary people.
16:41If you can't stand it, you can go first.
16:44Changqing Duan's son is studying both inside and outside.
16:47He can't stand it.
16:49I beg you two.
16:52This is also necessary.
17:01Xing Si
17:02It's really not me.
17:05I don't know
17:07The situation is not what you think.
17:08I am usually a very clean person.
17:10You really
17:21You used to say
17:23Pulling the Green Woodman Sword is to save yourself.
17:26I think
17:27Maybe you just need the spiritual power of the Green Woodman Sword.
17:30You don't need to pull the sword.
17:34What are you doing?
17:36The five petals on my legs have been black for three times.
17:39The fourth half is also turning black.
17:40Didn't I tell you before?
17:42I am really a star.
17:44Duan Jia is afraid of your identity as a star.
17:47Kill you
17:48Does this have anything to do with the mark?
17:51These five petals prove that I am a star.
17:54Someone told me
17:56If all the petals turn black
17:59I will die
18:03I don't want to believe it either.
18:05But now the petals have turned black for three times.
18:07My strength is also much smaller.
18:10The only way to save yourself now is
18:13Pull out the Green Woodman Sword
18:14Find Si Ling
18:17The spiritual power of the Green Woodman Sword
18:19I am afraid it is not enough.
18:23So it is
18:30Why do you suddenly ask this?
18:34Master replied
18:36I will return to Xiling soon.
18:40Then I can pull out the sword right away.
18:42Thank you, Uncle.
18:47The world is safe and secure
18:50Not as good as Ru Lan
18:52Not as good as Qin
19:32The world is safe and secure
19:33Not as good as Qin
19:34The world is safe and secure
19:35Not as good as Qin
19:36The world is safe and secure
19:37Not as good as Qin
19:38The world is safe and secure
19:39Not as good as Qin
19:40The world is safe and secure
19:41Not as good as Qin
20:06Is it true that fate can not be solved?
20:18How did you come down from Xiling?
20:20You asked this question
20:21I must have come down.
20:24When did Xiling open the door to welcome guests?
20:28I have opened the door to welcome guests.
20:29You do not know Penglai Xianchi
20:31Do you know Penglai Xianchi?
20:34What center?
20:36You go in and see for yourself.
21:15Who did this?
21:18Sister, sister
21:19Not good, not good
21:20There is an old man
21:21Crying and making trouble in the laundry center
21:23Who said he didn't work?
21:24Old man hit the factory
21:26There are still people who touch words in this age.
21:28No way
21:29Go and see
21:31I want to see who is so bold.
21:35Why are you all kneeling?
21:37What are you doing?
21:39This is our master Zhang Sifeng.
21:52You are busy
21:53Let's eat something first.
21:56Go out
22:00Go out
22:18These dishes are specially made for you.
22:22Go out
22:23You also go out for me.
22:26Look at this
22:27Don't you understand what I said?
22:31You just eat something.
22:33I don't eat
22:34Go out
22:37Go out
23:11Master doesn't eat meat
23:13Don't eat any meat?
23:15Master only eats vegetables
23:31Who made this braised pork?
23:37What is his name?
23:39My name is Dongfang Chunjiaoqing
23:41You can call me Xiaoqing
23:43Water water water
23:58Zhang Sifeng, the leader of Xiling Sect, came back.
24:01I don't know if it's because of Gu Qingqiao.
24:03Think of a way
24:04Make an appointment with Zhang Sifeng as soon as possible
24:09If you have something to say, say it.
24:14I am in a hurry to find you back.
24:15Is that person coming?
24:19Is Dongfang Chunjiaoqing
24:21Dongfang Chunjiaoqing
24:27I thought this life
24:30I am so ignorant
24:33But he suddenly appeared
24:35Every time he touches me
24:37The energy in my body will resonate with him.
24:41That part of my heart
24:43Will return to my body again
24:46He made me feel sad and sad again.
24:49Let me taste the bitterness again
24:51He also made me feel again
24:53I am still a living person
24:56I almost forgot
24:58How long is such a day?
25:04I have decided
25:06Pull the sword for him
25:10I may have been in the sauna for a long time.
25:14My head hurts, my ears are bright.
25:18Four insects
25:20I am one hundred and four years old.
25:23You feel sorry for your master
25:25Don't say anything today.
25:27Let me rest
25:28I want to rest
25:30Master will die if he does not pull the sword again.
25:33I can't hear
25:34I can't hear anything.
25:36I can't hear
25:39I can't hear
25:40Can't hear
25:48Can't hear
25:59Master is back
26:04Why didn't you tell me earlier?
26:06Am I not telling you?
26:10Master is back
26:11What should I do?
26:14Master did not call you
26:22Should I go to see him?
26:25But my face now
26:29How about
26:30How about telling him I am sick?
26:34No no no
26:36How about
26:37How about saying I'm going to the four seas?
26:42You give me some medicine
26:44I eat some medicine
26:57Mr. Duan
26:58What does this mean?
27:00I am healing in Xiling
27:01I am sorry to bother you again.
27:03I heard that Ning Yunyou came back
27:04So I came to visit
27:07This is just a small gift
27:08Not sincere
27:10I have some friendship with your father in the past.
27:13I heard that his second son
27:15Is a young talent
27:17I didn't expect it to be so appropriate.
27:24Thank you
27:25Mr. Duan
27:26How is your injury?
27:29My injury
27:30It's much better
27:32Thanks to the help of the doctor in Xiling
27:34I am going to stay in the hospital for a few more days.
27:37I will be back soon
27:38As soon as the day comes, it will be settled.
27:40It's not too late to go after the injury is healed.
27:43Thank you very much.
27:46Mr. Duan
27:48You and my disciples in Xiling
27:50Dong Chun
27:53I have known you for a long time.
27:56We used to have some friendship
27:59It's a long time ago
28:02What do you mean?
28:06You can heal yourself
28:09I am tired today.
28:14Then I will leave first.
28:17Good good
28:20No more
28:21No more
28:22it is good
28:23Long live the Duan family
28:39Let me see what it is.
28:43This set of tea is really exquisite.
28:50Let me see what it is.
28:53Gold pot
28:55Gold pot
28:57The price is not fat.
29:03Why are they all gold and silver jewelry?
29:06There is no interesting thing.
29:15Duan Yu
29:17And Dong Qing
29:20Must be strange
29:53You are looking for me?
29:54They say you are called Pipa
29:59Pipa is so beautiful
30:03You don't deserve
30:05You mean I don't look good?
30:10I said
30:11Although I don't look like Chen Yu Luo Yan
30:13But at least
30:14What I said
30:15It's not that you don't look good.
30:20So ugly
30:25You rest first.
30:26I will go back first.
30:32My arm hurts
30:34I didn't touch you
30:38Dong what spring
30:41I see
30:42Not only ugly
30:44Brain is not good
30:45Have to take some medicine
30:48What medicine?
30:49Smart medicine
30:53Ok, master
30:54I will go back to take medicine first.
31:00Give me a shoulder
31:11Why do they call you Pipa?
31:15A long time ago
31:17I lived in a very far place
31:19Later arrived in Changqing
31:22But my behavior is very strange
31:24Not the same as others
31:26This kind of person
31:27In our place is called strange
31:30But I don't know why
31:31They became Pipa
31:35Does Duan Yu also call you that?
31:43It seems
31:44It seems
31:45The relationship between the two of you
31:47Not shallow
31:53How do I feel
31:54You are deceiving me
32:12Shut up
32:13Which one is your master?
32:15Hurry up
32:16What are you doing in Xiling?
32:19I am here to learn medicine
32:23Believe it or not
32:24I will kill you
32:26No no no
32:27I tell the truth
32:28I tell the truth
32:45I had a strange disease when I was a child
32:47Only Qingmu Renxing Sword can cure it
32:50If I can't find Qingmu Renxing Sword
32:52I will die
32:53Did you discuss it with Duan Yu?
32:55Come here
32:58We met by chance
32:59This matter
33:00Who did you tell?
33:02I told Uncle Ruan
33:04Uncle Ruan pitied me
33:06He promised me
33:07He promised you
33:10I don't believe
33:13Take a good look
33:24Let me see
33:27Let me see
33:35It is written clearly
33:39You don't agree
33:41Me? I'm the one who doesn't keep my word.
33:44So what? If you don't agree, you can hit me.
33:48Little brat, you dare to argue with me?
33:51Believe it or not, I'll hit you again.
33:55Winter... what? Spring?
33:58Winter, spring, summer, autumn, autumn.
33:59Let me tell you.
34:01I won't give you the Qingmu Human Sword.
34:05If you want to live,
34:07you have to cook braised pork for me every day.
34:16Eat, eat, eat.
34:18All you do is eat.
34:19You even eat white paper.
34:22What should I do?
34:24My Qingmu Human Sword.
34:29Sizhou, can you tell me
34:33why you would rather sacrifice your life
34:36to help Xiaoqing pull out the Qingmu Human Sword?
34:40Xiaoqing is a swordsman.
34:42And I am a swordsman.
34:44I'm destined to pull out the sword for her.
34:46The guardian only pulls out the sword for the worthy.
34:50That child is not smart enough,
34:53and lacks spirit energy.
34:55It's a difficult task.
34:57Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing...
34:58Stop talking.
35:00I will never use your life
35:03to exchange for an unexpected unknown.
35:08the first time I saw her,
35:10I thought she looked like someone.
35:14The first time I saw her, I fell in love with her
35:16because she looked so much like Senior Shan Yao.
35:20Because she is a swordsman,
35:22that's why you fell in love with her.
35:28she really is a swordsman.
35:33Get out.
35:34Leave me alone.
35:39Try this.
35:42What are you thinking?
35:46it's my fault.
35:47It's my fault.
35:49Eat your meal.
35:58I'm full.
36:04are you full?
36:12did Master scold you?
36:17He's treating me differently.
36:19It's so unfair.
36:20I was hurt.
36:28if I'm not here in the future,
36:29please take care of Master.
36:31Master and I can't be alone.
36:34Look, it's only been a few days.
36:36There are several wrinkles on my face.
36:40Master actually loves you very much.
36:43It's just that he's not good at expressing himself.
36:45Why is he so good at expressing himself to you?
36:50By the way,
36:51a few days ago,
36:52you promised me
36:54that you would cultivate the West Shrine's talent with me.
36:57It's only been a few days.
36:59Why did you go back on your word?
37:01The more the cause and effect,
37:03the more people suffer.
37:05Everything is impermanent.
37:07The West Shrine is getting weaker and weaker.
37:11If you leave,
37:12it will become more and more fragile.
37:17Actually, Master is always angry with you.
37:19He is also worried about this matter.
37:22My life is desperate.
37:23What can I do?
37:27you are the one in charge.
37:28God bless you.
37:30God bless me?
37:31You don't even bless me.
37:33You are a big fool.
37:41This is what Xiao Qing said, right?
37:46Xiao Qing
37:47has been staying here for a while.
37:50She helped the West Shrine to make the medicine.
37:52She also helped the disciples of the West Shrine to enter actively.
37:55Even if she is smart,
37:58she is a good person.
37:59She is a good child.
38:02I really hope she can stay in the West Shrine for a few more days.
38:05I hope I can help her.
38:10It's just that I haven't seen her for a long time.
38:13don't go out.
38:18I don't want to.
38:25Do you know what I am doing here?
38:31I am waiting for you.
38:32How do you know I will come?
38:34Since you came to the West Shrine,
38:36I have been in your world.
38:38I can feel your eyes
38:40every moment.
38:44Xing Si told me
38:46you didn't want to kill me before,
38:50but to protect me.
38:52I told him
38:53I won't be angry anymore.
38:55I didn't tell him.
38:57I told you.
38:59Xiao Qiao, you really forgave me.
39:02on the way back to the West Shrine,
39:04I forgave you.
39:06Hurry up and pack up.
39:08We are going back to Changqing.
39:09Look at you.
39:10You are calm and steady.
39:12Why are you more crazy than me?
39:14Don't interrupt me.
39:15It doesn't matter if I am crazy or not.
39:17The important thing is
39:18you have to go with me.
39:20Mr. Duan,
39:21do you think
39:22it's just a game
39:23to split up
39:25one side?
39:27Since I knew about the grudge
39:29between you and the Duan family,
39:31I knew
39:33we were destined
39:34to be apart in this life.
39:36Since I came to the West Shrine,
39:38I have been deceiving myself
39:40and telling myself
39:42that even if I can't find Qingmu's Human Sword,
39:44it's good enough
39:46to stay on this land.
39:49you are actively building medicine
39:51and actively learning medicine.
39:54But the change of petals
39:56reminds me of one sentence.
39:58You must find Qingmu's Human Sword.
40:00Even if I find Qingmu's Human Sword,
40:03there are still two things that are not suspicious.
40:06I have admitted my fate.
40:07Xiao Qiao,
40:09Duan Yu,
40:10what I told you
40:13gave me a lot of courage.
40:17Let me finish.
40:47♪The wind blows, the moon crosses the sea of clouds♪
40:49♪The water moves the white lotus of your dream♪
40:51♪You look into my eyes♪
40:54♪Time ends the story, leaving me with regrets♪
41:00♪The warmth feels like a summer's warmth♪
41:04♪How many times did we meet before we fell apart?♪
41:08♪Do we have the same dream?♪
41:11♪We're together now, regardless of everything♪
41:14♪Even the fireworks fear to bloom♪
41:17♪Together, we will grow old♪
41:21♪I'll stay with you for the rest of my life♪
41:24♪Together, we will grow old♪
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