Pemerintah Siap Terapkan Bahan Bakar B40

  • 2 months ago
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral memastikan, akan mengimplementasikan penerapan B40 atau biodiesel 40%. Hal ini untuk menekankan, emisi karbon dari kendaraan bermotor.


00:00According to other information, the government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
00:04will implement the implementation of B40 or 40% biodiesel,
00:09which is to reduce carbon emissions from motor vehicles.
00:17The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif,
00:20ensured that in the coming year, the government will increase the amount of biodiesel from 35% to 40% next year.
00:28Arifin said that the implementation of B40 is just a matter of time,
00:33as several stages have been implemented before B40 is ready to be used by the public,
00:39starting from the preparation of supporting materials, funding, and product testing.
00:44This step is to promote the reduction of emissions from motor vehicles
00:48that use oil-fired materials with high sulfur content.
00:52B40 is a biodiesel that contains fatty acid metal ester,
00:56oil, coconut oil, and palm oil as much as 40% in the composition of BBM solar.
01:02From Jakarta, Devir Bansyah, IDX Channel.
