Die Schlümpfe - 096. b) Handy's Drache

  • 2 months ago


00:00Oh, look! A dragon! A dragon!
00:02And there's another one!
00:04How beautiful! I'd like one too! I'll get one too!
00:08Yummy! My dragon's getting delicious!
00:10Isn't it beautiful?
00:12It's specially painted for me!
00:14It's really enchanted, Beauty! A real work of art!
00:17Beauty, look!
00:19This whole dragon-play is really beautiful!
00:22I'm going to try it!
00:24Oh, I'm going to try it too!
00:26It's really beautiful!
00:28This whole dragon-play is really childish!
00:31Of course, I understand! It strengthens the sense of community!
00:34But dragons, fly!
00:36How beautiful the dragons are! This reminds me of my youth!
00:39I'd love to...
00:45Oh, Handy! Sorry to bother you!
00:47But look at what happened to my dragon!
00:50If my calculations are correct, it should work.
00:53Hello, Smarty! Don't you want to come out and play with me?
00:56What's that, Schlaubi?
00:58That, my dear little slug, is a slug-o-mobile.
01:01A slug-o-mobile? What? What are you going to do with it?
01:04I'm going to let it fly.
01:06Oh, Schlaubi, that thing will never fly!
01:10Just laugh, you'll see. I've calculated everything very well.
01:14Ah, to be free like a bird, to spread its wings in the wind,
01:18and to be carried by the wind across the sea to distant lands.
01:22If only that were possible!
01:26Oh, Handy, you're great! Thanks!
01:38It was a pleasure, Plumsy!
01:40The pleasure is all mine, Handy.
01:42Have fun!
01:46Handy, Handy, Dreamy had a dream!
01:49Then tell me about it.
01:51I hate flying dragons.
01:53Yes, yes, yes, yes, come on, fly!
01:58I'm sorry, Smuffy, I didn't pay attention for a moment.
02:04You can have my dragon, of course.
02:06I hate flying dragons.
02:08Do you think you can build something like that?
02:10Of course you can build it.
02:12After my experience with the Schlumpf-mobile, I can give you some useful tips.
02:15You just have to listen to me, then nothing can go wrong.
02:18Quiet! It's about to start!
02:20Wonderful! I can hardly wait!
02:28Will you hold the dragon?
02:29Do you really mean me?
02:30Yes. I have to go to my laboratory and try something out.
02:33Thank you very much, Daddy Schlumpf!
02:34You're welcome. Have fun with it.
02:36I'll take good care of it, Daddy Schlumpf!
02:39See you later, Clumsy.
02:40Oh, dragons!
02:42What are all the Schlumpfs doing there?
02:44I have Daddy Schlumpf's dragon! I have Daddy Schlumpf's dragon!
02:49Can't you watch where you're going, Clumsy?
02:54Excuse me, what's going on here?
02:57Traumie and Handy built a dragon together.
02:59What did you say? Traumie and Handy?
03:01It was me!
03:07Thank you! Thank you very much!
03:11Daddy Schlumpf's dragon! Oh, no!
03:13Oh, no!
03:17Don't worry, Clumsy. This can happen to anyone.
03:20I want to thank you all for your help.
03:22And especially the dragon flyers. Without you, we would never be able to do it.
03:27I still can't believe I'm going to fly!
03:30It all seems like a dream to me.
03:32Oh, Daddy Schlumpf, isn't that exciting?
03:34Yes, Schlumpfine.
03:35And now let it fly, friends!
03:37Run! Run!
03:38Let's run!
03:40We're flying! We're flying!
03:42Faster! Run faster!
03:45Me alone! Me alone!
03:47We're flying!
03:48I did it! I did it!
03:56Watch out! Hold on tight!
03:59Tell me, Daddy Schlumpf, what's going to happen to him now?
04:01I don't know, Schlumpfine. I don't know either.
04:06Oh, my Schlumpf, we're lost!
04:08Shut up!
04:10Hey, enjoy this beautiful view from up here.
04:13What do you think? Will we make it to the moon?
04:17We'll freeze to death up there.
04:19Shut up, I said!
04:21It must be beautiful on the moon.
04:24It's not far from the moon.
04:31Oh, what's that? A dragon in the middle of the night?
04:34It can't be. But I think it was a dragon.
04:37Bye, Dada!
04:49Stay here, Daddy Schlumpf. We have to look for you.
04:52Don't worry. Handy is very resourceful and knows how to help the Schlumpfins.
04:57Schlumpf, Schlumpf, it's hard to believe how lucky I am.
05:01I ride without worries, joyfully into the morning.
05:05And when I get out, I unpack my breakfast.
05:10Let's see. Yes, I will turn everything into gold.
05:13My idiotic nephew has the formula I need for it.
05:16But even more valuable is the secret of the Schlumpf and Daddy Schlumpf's Schlumpf book.
05:21And even more valuable than the Schlumpf book is Daddy Schlumpf himself.
05:25So I will ask him to give me a little visit.
05:37Daddy Schlumpf, Daddy Schlumpf!
05:40I think I'm dreaming. What, what, what?
05:42If you want to see your friends, the four little Schlumpfins again,
05:45then come to my castle as soon as possible.
05:47And don't forget to bring your books, Daddy Schlumpf.
05:52What are you going to do now, Daddy Schlumpf?
05:55I have no choice but to accept Balthasar's conditions.
06:00This mean Balthasar!
06:03Hefti, please be good and pack my books.
06:05In the meantime, I will answer Balthasar's letter.
06:08I will, Daddy Schlumpf.
06:10Balthasar, I will fulfill all the conditions you have set.
06:13In three days I will arrive at your castle.
06:16As a reward, I await the release of the Schlumpf, Daddy Schlumpf.
06:20What a nail!
06:23He actually still believes in noblemen and words of honor.
06:28This will be a bad surprise for Daddy Schlumpf.
06:36And then, Schlumpf, I would like to ask you again not to do anything stupid.
06:40As long as I'm on the road, Hefti is my deputy.
06:43And you listen to him.
06:44If Schlaubi, Handy, Traumi and Clumsy are not here in six days,
06:48something went wrong and you send a search party.
06:51And now live well, dear Schlumpf.
06:53Live well.
06:57Daddy Schlumpf!
07:00I thank you for your help.
07:02Without you, I would never be able to do this.
07:04I don't care what Daddy Schlumpf said.
07:06We have to do something immediately.
07:08That's not possible, Schlumpf.
07:09You know what Daddy Schlumpf ordered us to do.
07:11But I have to help my friends.
07:13Do you understand that?
07:14Take good care of yourself.
07:19Well, my dear friends, it's time for you to go.
07:22You have already done more than enough to help her.
07:24I thank you.
07:26Mother Nature will protect you.
07:35Very nice.
07:36I'm glad to see you.
07:37It was very reasonable of you to come, my little friend.
07:41I'm not your friend.
07:43I'm just doing my part of the errands.
07:45Oh, that's right, our errands.
07:47But you certainly know, Daddy Schlumpf,
07:49that no two people belong to an errand.
07:51Or do you see it differently?
07:52Why should we say a lot of words?
07:54Here are all my books.
07:55And now leave my Schlumpf alone.
07:57What is it?
07:59I didn't invite anyone.
08:01What do you want here?
08:03Excuse the interruption.
08:04We wanted to ask for a night camp.
08:08We are already completely wet.
08:09And we can pay, too.
08:12Get out of here.
08:13My castle is not a hotel.
08:14Get out of here.
08:15Get going.
08:16Or do you want to meet my dragon?
08:18It's really a nice greeting.
08:20I always say, Johan,
08:22people these days just don't know
08:24what it means to be shameless.
08:26And now let's turn to my experiment.
08:29Our experiment?
08:31I just have to make it
08:33to bring this idiotic Gargamel
08:34and his formula here.
08:38People don't have manners anymore.
08:40That's good, Peewee.
08:42Who's coming?
08:43I can hardly believe my eyes.
08:45Little Schlumpf!
08:46What are you doing here?
08:48Oh, Baldassar!
08:49Clever as a dream,
08:50I caught you and Handy.
08:51And Daddy Schlumpf went off
08:53to free you.
08:54What is this old goat doing
08:56in the middle of the night?
08:57That's out of the question.
09:02I'll fly on with Peewee.
09:04See you later.
09:05Watch out!
09:08Be careful, Schlumpf!
09:10Fly, Peewee!
09:11We'll have it in a minute, Uncle.
09:13Just two drops of beetle blood,
09:14a pinch of ground mouse,
09:16and that's it.
09:17Yes, Uncle.
09:18There's something else you should know.
09:22what now?
09:24You're an idiot, Gargamel!
09:26A complete idiot!
09:27I hope we won't be too late now.
09:30Hurry, Bajan!
09:31Run, Big Head, run!
09:32Show us what you can do!
09:34Now I'll lead and you'll mix, got it?
09:36And now add three drops of onion oil.
09:39But Uncle, I just wanted to...
09:45and we're done.
09:46You idiot!
09:47This can go on forever!
09:48We're the biggest mystery on the track!
09:56We'll soon reveal the mystery of the mysteries.
09:59In a few seconds,
10:00I'll turn these three Schlumpfs into pure gold.
10:03They'll be pure gold, Gargamel.
10:06But Uncle, listen to me!
10:08I've been trying to explain to you
10:10that we need six Schlumpfs.
10:12But they're not enough for this experiment.
10:28Just wait, you idiot!
10:30As you wish!
10:31Now I'm going to break your legs,
10:33you impudent idiot!
10:39Goodbye, Daddy Schlumpf.
10:40I'll leave your books with Master Homnibus.
10:42Thank you, my friends.
10:44Have a good trip!
10:46Run faster, Peewee!
10:47Run, run!
10:48Yes, yes, always the little ones.
10:49Johan, Johan!
10:51Wait for me!
10:52It's all my fault, Daddy Schlumpf.
10:55Hey, Daddy Schlumpf,
10:56I wanted to make a friend.
10:57I built the new dragon.
10:59Oh, thank you, Clumsy.
11:00It's really nice.
11:02This dragon can't fly at all.
11:04I'll explain it to you.
11:05In aerodynamics, it's like this...
11:07Did anyone ask for your opinion?
11:10And you, Dreamy,
11:11should think about next year in time.
11:13Yes, I'll build a bigger dragon.
11:16We'll fly to the moon.
11:18Or to the stars.