Legion:The Horus Heresy,Book 7 Part 3/6

  • 2 months ago
Legion:The Horus Heresy,Book 7 Part 3/6
00:00:00this end I offer tribute in blood."
00:00:06Namatjira spread all six of his arms and allowed the Lucifers to take his weapons from him.
00:00:12One of them also removed the golden glove sheathing Namatjira's real left hand.
00:00:18Namatjira stepped forwards, his slaves releasing his long cape of peacock eyes so that it floated
00:00:24out behind him on the breeze.
00:00:27He stroked his bare left hand down one of the spikes of Kashi's armor, then held it
00:00:32out, dripping to meet the proffered hand of the kneeling Astartes.
00:00:39Their bloody palms pressed together and gripped tightly.
00:00:43I receive your tribute, Namatjira replied, and respond with my own blood.
00:00:52The expedition rejoices that you have joined us.
00:00:55Welcome, I am Namatjira, and this is my pledge, for the Emperor.
00:01:03The hands parted, the Astartes rose to his feet, he towered over the Lord Commander.
00:01:10I am Alpharius, for the Emperor, my Lord.
00:01:17Really, are you, Grammaticus murmured to himself.
00:01:24Two kilometres away he was observing the great meeting through a high-power scope from
00:01:28the flat roof of the Terracotta Palace's kitchen block.
00:01:32He kept low, carefully avoiding the eyesight range of the Palace sentries, the jamming
00:01:37module attached to his belt non-invasively blocking the field sensors and the stationed
00:01:44His scope was a quality piece, an Eldar long-gun sight, another gift from the Cabal.
00:01:52It resonated the images back into his eye, almost as though he was standing at Namatjira's
00:01:59He could not hear their words from that distance, of course, but he read lips as well as any
00:02:05high-function logokine.
00:02:07I am Alpharius, for the Emperor, my Lord.
00:02:15Grammaticus's perception was so acute and specialised that he could even lip-read accents.
00:02:21Alpharius was speaking in common Logothic, with a rising spur on the middle syllables
00:02:26of Alpharius and Emperor that hinted at a Gedrosian or Cyrenaican basal slant, but the
00:02:33cursal lip motion suggested something akin to Mars Hivecant or even Odrametican.
00:02:41The Cabal had briefed him well, but the problem was that virtually nothing was known about
00:02:46the last Primarch.
00:02:49Unlike all the other Primarchs, Alpharius had never publicly identified his home-world.
00:02:53Furthermore, no definitive portraits of him were extant.
00:02:58The Cabal had procured many images, but they were clearly contradictory.
00:03:03It was as if Alpharius had many heads.
00:03:08The face Grammaticus was watching through the powerful viewer agreed at least with a
00:03:13few of the historical portraits.
00:03:15There was a certain likeness in the cast of features to both Horus Lupercal and the
00:03:21face the Emperor wore, which made sense if the gene-legacy theory was true.
00:03:27Even from a distance Grammaticus could accurately gauge height and mass.
00:03:32The being he was observing was substantially larger than either Herzog or Pech, the bona
00:03:38fide alphas Grammaticus had encountered in Monleau.
00:03:42Maybe—maybe—this was the genuine article.
00:03:48The thought of Monleau washed angst back into him, unbidden.
00:03:53His hands began to fidget and shake.
00:03:55The dragon had been in his mind, and in his dreams, ever since his escape.
00:04:01Of course he wasn't afraid of it because it was a dragon, or at least he was no more afraid
00:04:06of dragons than any rational human being might be.
00:04:10The real deep fear that chilled his soul was knowing what the dragon represented.
00:04:18He dulled his mind as he felt another psychic pass.
00:04:22Scheer was still alive, out there, scanning for him from time to time like a passing spy-drone.
00:04:30Grammaticus curled his mind away like an armadillo every time one of Scheer's probes came close.
00:04:37The sun beat down.
00:04:39In the distance he could hear the screaming.
00:04:43This was no life for a thousand-year-old man.
00:04:47Grammaticus was beginning to think he had been a fool to accept the cabal's gift of
00:04:52He began to wish, honestly and absolutely, that his first death had been his only death.
00:05:01I wish you'd left me there, bleeding out on the asphalt at Anatole Hive.
00:05:07Why did you bring me back and sleeve me in new flesh?
00:05:13For this?
00:05:16The cabal made no answer.
00:05:18They had made no approach to him at all since his return from Monleau.
00:05:24From the moment he'd stolen his way back into Axor Roxana's quarters, he'd spent hours
00:05:29gazing into mirrors and dishes of water, waiting for Garhet or one of the others to contact
00:05:35him via flecked conduit.
00:05:38They had not come to him.
00:05:41My life has been long, he considered, but it is too short for this.
00:05:48He trained the scope back towards the distant meeting.
00:05:55Silent in the hard sunlight, Dinas Chain scaled the terracotta wall and slipped his black
00:06:01armoured form over the parapet onto the roof of the kitchen-block.
00:06:07The most recent sensor-sweep of the area had picked something up, or rather it hadn't.
00:06:14There are shadows in our shadows, sir, he remembered his own words.
00:06:22Chain had been on his way to search Axor Roxana's quarters while she was out attending the great
00:06:27meeting, when the security post had flagged the anomaly.
00:06:32The sensor-sweep had revealed a vague blank on the roof of the kitchen-block, a dead spot
00:06:37that the sensors seemed unable to read or probe.
00:06:41The adepts manning the security post had dismissed it as an imaging artefact, but Chain had not
00:06:48been so quick to judge.
00:06:50In his opinion, the reading suggested someone or something well-veiled, a presence announced
00:06:57by its very absence.
00:07:00Dinas Chain was a wary man.
00:07:03He had been a soldier longer than he had been an adult.
00:07:06Born on Zaus, one of Terror's myriad lost colonies, a planet that had been locked in
00:07:12a brutal global war for almost a century, Chain had grown up on the losing side.
00:07:18Its economy bankrupted by the war effort, its industry shattered by saturation bombing,
00:07:25its menfolk decimated.
00:07:27His birth-nation had begun to turn, in desperation, to its remaining assets.
00:07:33It conscripted its womenfolk and its children.
00:07:37Aged eleven, Chain had found himself wearing the uniform of the national youth, carrying
00:07:42an auto-rifle and en route to a border outpost to fight.
00:07:47The youngest soldier in his company had been seven.
00:07:51The troop-leader had been a boy of fourteen.
00:07:54They had held the outpost for twenty-six months.
00:07:58The troop-leader had been killed after three weeks, two days shy of his fifteenth birthday.
00:08:04Perhaps seeing something only children could see, the troop turned to Chain for leadership.
00:08:11Barely twelve years old, Chain had taken command.
00:08:15By the time he turned thirteen, he had killed sixteen men in open combat, and was a hardened,
00:08:22emotionally extinct veteran of that hopeless conflict.
00:08:27Then the fleet of the Imperial Expedition had arrived in close orbit.
00:08:32The war was crushed out in six days, and Zaus itself brought to compliance in six weeks.
00:08:40It was one of Namatjira's earliest actions.
00:08:44The brutalized child soldiers were gradually rounded up during the subsequent cleansing
00:08:48campaign, and the fiercest of them paraded before Namatjira for his amusement.
00:08:54The Lord Commander had always said that there had been something in Chain's face that had
00:08:59marked him out from the other pugnacious, filthy war-urchins.
00:09:05Dinas Chain wasn't quite sure what that meant, but he had been placed in the ward of a Lucifer
00:09:10Black officer, to be raised as his surrogate son.
00:09:15At age eighteen, Chain had joined the Lucifers.
00:09:19Twenty years later, he served as the badger-lord of Namatjira's companion bodyguard, and was
00:09:25one of the most decorated and respected warriors in the regiment.
00:09:30Namatjira had a good eye for natural-born warriors.
00:09:35Chain crouched low, drawing his short, curved sword of folded Toledo steel.
00:09:41The palace censors were feeding directly into his visor, conjuring subtle green tactical
00:09:46displays in front of his eyes.
00:09:49There was the blank, the absence, twenty meters left at the rim of the roof.
00:09:58He coiled like a cat, and pounced.
00:10:02The rim of the roof was vacant.
00:10:05There was no one there.
00:10:08No, not nothing.
00:10:11On the low parapet there was a scrap of paper, held down by a small, white stone.
00:10:18The scrap read,
00:10:20Better luck next time.
00:10:23Hey, we're missing everything, said Lon, nudging him.
00:10:30Sonica woke.
00:10:32We're late.
00:10:33It's started.
00:10:34We should get out there, Het.
00:10:36The regiments have assembled to greet the Astartes.
00:10:39Sonica sat up.
00:10:41He was in the hospital wing of the Terracotta Palace, where he'd taken a cot to be with
00:10:45the last of his men, the last ten dancers.
00:10:49The wing was sweltering hot, and smelled of stale urine.
00:10:54You all right, Het? asked Sha.
00:10:57Yes, I'm fine.
00:11:01We may not be a company any more, said Lon, but I say we go out there and stand in the
00:11:06line like men, like dancers.
00:11:09Yeah, agreed Gin.
00:11:12You got the flag? asked Lon.
00:11:14Sha nodded.
00:11:15He'd been carrying the dancers, tattered, standard, like a bedroll since visages.
00:11:20Good, said Lon.
00:11:22Let's go.
00:11:23You coming, Het?
00:11:25Sonica was busy getting dressed.
00:11:27He was sweating.
00:11:28He couldn't find his socks.
00:11:30Yes, I'm coming, all right.
00:11:33The Astartes have already landed, said Sir Lon, gazing out of the chamber window.
00:11:37Hell, there's an awful lot of flag-waving and how-do-you-do going on out there.
00:11:41Well, it's Astartes, isn't it? said Sha.
00:11:45What do you expect?
00:11:47Sonica reached his good hand under his stained pillow in search of his socks.
00:11:51His fingers struck something hard.
00:11:53Did one of you put this here? he asked.
00:11:56Put what where? asked Lon.
00:12:00Sonica held up a small diorite head, one of the many hundreds of thousands that had
00:12:05given visages its name.
00:12:08The last of the dancers all shrugged.
00:12:11Must have been me, then, Sonica decided.
00:12:19He already regretted the note.
00:12:22The note had been stupid.
00:12:25Yes, cocky was the word.
00:12:27Astartes had forever been reproving Grammaticus for his arrogance and his overconfidence in
00:12:32his logokind powers.
00:12:34A cabal agent should never bait the killers stalking him, especially if those killers
00:12:40were good at their job.
00:12:42Grammaticus knew enough about the Lucifer Blacks to realize they were terribly good
00:12:46at their job.
00:12:47He'd been a fool to taunt them like that.
00:12:51What had he been thinking?
00:12:52That I'm immortal and nothing can kill me?
00:12:57Lon Low had shown him how spurious that assumption was.
00:13:01You just can't resist it, can you, John?
00:13:04That's all it is.
00:13:06You can't resist showing off.
00:13:08They're not that good, Grammaticus thought.
00:13:12Not compared to me.
00:13:15You can't come in, the aide was insisting.
00:13:17Axor Roxana is aware at the grand welcome.
00:13:20Her quarters are private.
00:13:22Grammaticus stepped back into the shadows of the colonnade and listened.
00:13:26He had been slipping his way back to the sanctuary of Roxana's private quarters, the
00:13:31only place he felt safe.
00:13:33The palace was quiet, with almost everyone outside for the arrival of the Alpha Legion.
00:13:38Coming back along the hallway, he'd heard the voices ahead.
00:13:43Three cowled and robed men stood at the door of Roxana's quarters, confronting the aide.
00:13:49Their leader was saying,
00:13:51You don't understand, aide.
00:13:53I am Tinkers, the surveyor of fabric for the expedition fleet.
00:13:57It's my duty to systematically assess and evaluate all properties captured or commandeered
00:14:03by the expedition.
00:14:04I'm in the process of surveying this palace.
00:14:08The work must be done by order of the fleet master.
00:14:12He showed the aide some kind of paperwork.
00:14:16Don't let them in to thee, Grammaticus willed.
00:14:20The girl wavered.
00:14:22This really isn't a good time, sir.
00:14:25My uxor's privacy is—I simply need a moment to scan and assess.
00:14:30It's quite uninvasive—a measurement or two.
00:14:33We're not interested in the contents of the chambers.
00:14:36We will be discreet.
00:14:37To thee they're not who they say they are.
00:14:41Be cautious.
00:14:42I've met Tinkers, and he doesn't wear a robe, nor is he anywhere close to that height.
00:14:49You're being deceived.
00:14:51Well, I suppose, Toovey said.
00:14:55Damn it, Toovey, Grammaticus began to move.
00:14:59As the hooded men shuffled into the uxor's quarters past the aide, Grammaticus headed
00:15:04back down the colonnade and climbed out through the last archway.
00:15:08He clambered up onto the roof and crossed the tiles running low, heading for the far
00:15:12side of the block.
00:15:14Give us a moment, the surveyor of fabric told Toovey, and she nodded, waiting outside.
00:15:21The door pulled shut behind her.
00:15:24Franco Boone pulled back his cowl.
00:15:27Two minutes, he told his fellow gene-whips, two minutes before that little bitch suspects
00:15:34Quick and clean, no messing about.
00:15:37The men, Roke and Faron, spread out and began to search the apartment area.
00:15:43Boone, one of them hissed.
00:15:45Boone hurried into the bedchamber.
00:15:47Faron was holding up a canvas jacket, soiled and dirty.
00:15:52Since when does an uxor wear something like this?
00:15:55Bag it and hide it under your robe, Boone replied.
00:15:59We'll test it for genic elements.
00:16:02Here, the other gene-whip called urgently, Boone went into the dressing-room and found
00:16:07Roke staring at a dresser-top crowded with bowls and dishes of water.
00:16:12What the hell is this about?
00:16:14Roke asked.
00:16:16Is that you, Roksana?
00:16:19Grammaticus called, walking out of the washroom into the bedchamber, naked.
00:16:24He froze at the sight of Boone and his men and grabbed at the bedspread to cover himself.
00:16:29Who are you?
00:16:32Grammaticus yelped.
00:16:33Boone hesitated, startled.
00:16:36Some surveyor of fabric, we—
00:16:40Gene-whip Boone?
00:16:42Is that you?
00:16:44Grammaticus growled.
00:16:45Do I know you, sir?
00:16:47Boone asked, quite taken aback.
00:16:49I should think so, Grammaticus snapped.
00:16:52Cato Pius.
00:16:54Oh, good grief.
00:16:58Sorry, Hetman Pius, Boone stumbled.
00:17:03Sorry, didn't recognize you with your clothes off.
00:17:07What the hell are you doing in my Aksor's chambers, Gene-whip?
00:17:11Sniffing around?
00:17:13We had a lead, a lead about a—
00:17:16A what?
00:17:18Boone paused.
00:17:20He smiled.
00:17:21All right, you got me, Het.
00:17:24My hands go up.
00:17:26I wanted to check on Aksor Roksana because of information received.
00:17:32What sort of information?
00:17:34That she might be carrying on.
00:17:38She is, smiled Grammaticus, with me.
00:17:41It isn't just the aides who like to put it about, you know.
00:17:45Shouldn't you be out at the Great Welcome, Het?
00:17:48Farron ventured.
00:17:49Yes, I should, Grammaticus grinned, but it's much more fun being in here.
00:17:55Shouldn't you be out at the Great Welcome?
00:17:58The Gene-whip looked at his feet.
00:18:00Well, I believe we've just embarrassed each other, Grammaticus said.
00:18:05Me being here and you coming in here unauthorized.
00:18:10So let's say we forget this ever happened.
00:18:14Boone nodded.
00:18:15That's a splendid notion, Het.
00:18:18Is that my jacket, Grammaticus asked?
00:18:21Toss it over here.
00:18:22I've been looking for that.
00:18:25Farron threw the jacket to him.
00:18:27All good, Grammaticus asked.
00:18:30All good, Boone nodded.
00:18:33Good, now get the hell out of here and I'll forget you ever tried this.
00:18:38You won't tell the Axel, Boone asked.
00:18:42Would I?
00:18:43Boone and his men left, fast.
00:18:47Grammaticus sighed and sat down on the bed.
00:18:50In looks and build he was nothing like Cato Pius, Het of the Carnevales.
00:18:55It was amazing what a confident, clear tone of voice could do.
00:19:00Such was the strength of a Logokine.
00:19:03A Logokine's voice could tell you what you were seeing in defiance of your eyes and your
00:19:09better judgment.
00:19:11But it had cost him.
00:19:13Exhausted, Grammaticus flopped back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
00:19:18He knew a blackout was coming.
00:19:21He embraced it even though he knew there would be dragons in it.
00:19:29Outside the great welcome was dispersing.
00:19:32Namatjira, with all ceremony, was leading Alpharius and the senior commanders towards
00:19:38his pavilion to discuss forward planning.
00:19:42The vast troop-marshals were spilling back towards their billets and positions.
00:19:47Looking out into the sunlight, Franco Boone paused.
00:19:52Walking back through the palace, he had had a mind to find Uxor Mu and remonstrate with
00:19:57her for sending him on a fool's errand.
00:19:59How clumsy to have embarrassed a distinguished Het like that!
00:20:04Now he was in the open.
00:20:06A mist of doubt filled his head.
00:20:10The encounter in the Uxor's quarters took on a disquieting, dreamlike gloss.
00:20:16He found he could barely remember the actual exchange.
00:20:20"'Something the matter?' asked Roque, walking at his side.
00:20:25"'Caedo Pius, right?' Boone asked.
00:20:30Roque nodded.
00:20:31"'Bare arsed.
00:20:32Takes all sorts, I suppose.'
00:20:35"'Ruxanna is a tempting prospect,' put in Phaeron, the other gene-whip.
00:20:41Boone nodded.
00:20:42There wasn't a man in the chilead who'd disagree with Phaeron's appraisal.
00:20:46"'But it was Pius, wasn't it?'
00:20:51Roque and Phaeron looked at the senior gene-whip and laughed.
00:20:54"'Are you getting peck that's stronger than we get?'
00:20:58Roque chuckled.
00:20:59"'The question stands,' said Boone.
00:21:02"'Was that Caedo Pius?'
00:21:05"'Yes, Franco,' Phaeron laughed.
00:21:08"'Then explain that to me, would you?'
00:21:12Boone asked, pointing.
00:21:15Through the crowds of dispersing troopers, a hundred metres away, the chilead company
00:21:20of carnavales was breaking ranks to head for their station.
00:21:24Pikes and banners had lowered, the men moving in easy groups, chatting, laughing, taking
00:21:30pinches of peck from their golden boxes.
00:21:33In the midst of the huddle, joking with his bacheurs, was Caedo Pius.
00:21:42Caedo Pius cried in delight.
00:21:46He pushed past his bacheurs to embrace Sonica.
00:21:49"'Good to see you!'
00:21:51Sonica gasped, clenched in a serious bear hug.
00:21:54"'Good to see you!
00:21:56Good to see you!' he says.
00:21:58Pius cried to the bacheurs.
00:21:59"'We thought you were dead!'
00:22:02Sonica smiled and embraced each of the bacheurs in turn.
00:22:05"'I very nearly was,' he said.
00:22:08"'You got out of Visages, then?'
00:22:10Pius asked.
00:22:12Sonica nodded.
00:22:13"'I did, just.'
00:22:14"'Where have you been hiding yourself?'
00:22:17"'The hospital wing.
00:22:19I'm staying there with Lon and the others.
00:22:21Hey, Lon, Char, come over here!'
00:22:25Pius shook his head.
00:22:26"'Shameful, that's what it was.
00:22:28When we heard about Visages, we were shocked.
00:22:31My boys have drunk to the dancers' memories several times.'
00:22:34"'Thanks for that, Kay,' said Sonica.
00:22:37"'Glory, it's good to see you!'
00:22:41Pius looked at Sonica.
00:22:42"'Come back with us to our billet.
00:22:44We'll drink and talk of old times.'
00:22:47"'Later, Kay.
00:22:48I'll come and find you.
00:22:50Where are you posted?'
00:22:51"'Line Fifteen North, under Uxor Sansa's Sept.'
00:22:55"'I'll join you later, all right?'
00:22:58"'We'll look out for you, Petto,' Pius cried, already disappearing in the moving
00:23:04Sonica was pushing on, through the shambling ranks, past the banners of the Threshers and
00:23:09the Arachne.
00:23:10He could see another banner, up ahead, above the moving tide of troopers.
00:23:16The Joker's.
00:23:18Sonica pushed his way forwards until he reached the ranks of the Joker's.
00:23:21He had a terrible, queasy feeling.
00:23:24"'Hotardo?' he whispered.
00:23:28Fifty metres away, through the flowing throng, Bronzy turned and looked back at him.
00:23:33The Joker's hat was flanked by Chey and Leng, his massive bachors.
00:23:39For a moment, through the moving crowd, their eyes locked.
00:23:43Sonica and Bronzy.
00:23:46You're alive!
00:23:48For Terror's sake!
00:23:52Bronzy frowned.
00:23:54Then he turned away, and was lost in the tide of bodies.
00:24:00Sonica stood still, as the river of soldiers flowed around him.
00:24:05He wondered if he should follow Bronzy.
00:24:08He decided that was probably a very bad idea.
00:24:15Chapter 7 Monlow Harbour, Nerth, the Evening of the Day
00:24:22Thomas Cheyne had been intent on scouring the Palace for the author of the insolent,
00:24:27provocative note.
00:24:29He had not risen to its bait, or allowed himself the distraction of anger, but it had usefully
00:24:34focused his mind.
00:24:37Cheyne held a frightening grip over his emotions—a skill he'd mastered between the ages of twelve
00:24:42and thirteen.
00:24:44He did not allow emotions to rule his behaviour, ever.
00:24:48Instead, he channelled them as fuel for his actions.
00:24:53He returned to the security post to review all the feeds from the Palace's censor-lattice,
00:24:58but one of the adepts had brought him a coded message from the Lord Commander, summoning
00:25:03him with immediate effect.
00:25:05The Lord Commander was holding his first meeting with the Master of the Alpha Legion, in his
00:25:10pavilion, and wanted the Lucifer Black Bajelor to witness and observe the proceedings.
00:25:16"'Have this run through full genic and biometric testing,' he told the adept, handing him the
00:25:23"'Report to me directly on my link.
00:25:26Misplace this evidence, and I'll have you shot.'
00:25:29The adept hurried off to do Cheyne's bidding, a sick and anxious expression on his face.
00:25:35Cheyne made his way to the pavilion.
00:25:37A vast edifice of void-shielded silk marquees, it had been erected on a low tell south of
00:25:44the Palace precinct.
00:25:46The first streaks of evening were discolouring the sky, and the shadows had gone soft and
00:25:51long as if they were melting.
00:25:54Thousands of filament lights in crystal shades had been strung like climbing ivy around the
00:25:59structure of the pavilion, and they twinkled in the dusk like the lights of a distant hive.
00:26:05They reminded Cheyne of the god-walls of the Imperial Palace on Terra, the mountainside
00:26:11bastions and soaring ramparts illuminated by billions of slit windows, and the great
00:26:17beacons of light that sent vast beams of radiance into the top of the sky.
00:26:23That was a monument no man could see without experiencing an emotional response, not even
00:26:30In the older days it was said that the antique Great Wall of Jean Gour could be seen from
00:26:36near orbit.
00:26:37The Imperial Palace could be seen from Mars.
00:26:42Cheyne entered the pavilion via the security portal, and submitted himself for checking
00:26:47and searches.
00:26:48On Samaranth, two years earlier, a security detail at the pavilion portal had waved him
00:26:54through, not wishing to interfere with a Lucifer Black.
00:26:58Cheyne had ordered the detail's immediate execution.
00:27:02A Lucifer Black uniform could be stolen or copied.
00:27:05No one could be given access to the Lord Commander until he had proved he was who he
00:27:10appeared to be.
00:27:12Cheyne paused briefly in one of the outer tents to converse with Ayman and Belloc, two
00:27:17of his most trusted Lucifers.
00:27:19He explained the business of the note to them, and told them to return to the Palace and
00:27:23continue the search.
00:27:26Their conversation to an outsider would have seemed odd.
00:27:30There was nothing convivial or comradely about it.
00:27:33Brief statements and instructions were exchanged or given.
00:27:38Lucifer Blacks related to one another in a dry, utilitarian shorthand, dealing only in
00:27:45They expected one another to fill in any speculative blanks and make their own conjectures.
00:27:52Cheyne had already decided what the note meant, and was fully confident that Ayman and Belloc
00:27:57had grasped the implications too, from the bare facts he had relayed.
00:28:03As had been suspected, a process of espial was active at Monlo, within the weave of the
00:28:10Imperial fortifications.
00:28:12The spies were good, able, intelligent, and well-equipped.
00:28:17Their loyalties were unclear.
00:28:19Cheyne had suspected the Nerthene, but no Nerthene would have left a note in Low Gothic
00:28:25unless the Imperials had massively underestimated the enemy's capacity for psychological warfare.
00:28:32The note meant many things, but most of all it meant overconfidence, and that was a fatal
00:28:39weakness in any person—a weakness of emotion.
00:28:44It was quite a feat to be able to sneak out from under the piercingly vigilant lattice
00:28:49of an Imperial security system, but it was altogether something else to acknowledge that
00:28:54you had been there, to leave a trace, a signature, a calling-card.
00:29:00Why evade detection, seamlessly in this particular case, if you then admit that evasion by taking
00:29:06credit for it?
00:29:08Two motives occurred to Cheyne.
00:29:10Someone wanted to goad him and play games with him, or someone was so sure of himself
00:29:16that gamesmanship was part of the sport.
00:29:20Either way, overconfidence, a fatal flaw.
00:29:25The note itself, that little scrap of paper, would tell him everything he needed.
00:29:30The choice of language, the use of language, the phraseology, the psychology of meaning,
00:29:36the pen-weight, the handwriting, the paper-source, the type of stylus, the ink-residue, the gene-residue,
00:29:43the fibre-trace, the note's position, the type and origin of the stone left to weigh
00:29:49it down.
00:29:52The spy, Cheyne's prey, had betrayed himself in a hundred different ways, simply by being
00:29:58cocky, and that cockiness was the biggest lead of all.
00:30:04Cheyne removed his black helmet, slid it under his arm, and entered the main chamber of the
00:30:10glowing pavilion.
00:30:12Inside Lords of Mankind were speaking with demigods.
00:30:19"'Khan, my love,' the dragon crooned, and licked his forehead with its red tongue.
00:30:30John Grammaticus forced his way out of the dragon's biting jaws and woke up.
00:30:35Rukhsana smiled down at him, stroking his cheek.
00:30:41What time is it?' he asked.
00:30:43"'Night has fallen, Khan.
00:30:46Lord Alpharius is dining in the pavilion tent with the Lord Commander.'
00:30:51Grammaticus sat up quickly, blinking.
00:30:54I have to go.
00:30:55I have to be there.'
00:30:57"'Be here with me instead, Khan.'
00:30:59"'I wish I could.'
00:31:02He began to get dressed.
00:31:04She sat back, sullen and rebuffed.
00:31:07She glanced around.
00:31:08"'I think someone's been in here,' Rukhsana observed.
00:31:14The gene-whips,' he said, nodding.
00:31:17"'Terra, what were they looking for?' she asked.
00:31:21"'Me,' he smiled.
00:31:26A slow smile extended across Namatjira's lips.
00:31:30"'I'm no expert,' he said, 'but you can't all be, Alpharius.'
00:31:36Alpharius, or at least the giant who had presented himself as Alpharius to the Lord Commander
00:31:42at the great welcome, tipped back his head and laughed.
00:31:46"'Of course not, Lord.
00:31:48My legion is one body, and we share everything.
00:31:53Identity can be used as a weapon, so we turn one face against the enemy.
00:31:59However, we are friends here.'
00:32:04Surrounded by his lucifer-black companions, Namatjira stood at one end of the tented chamber.
00:32:09The senior commanders of the expedition grouped around him in a crescent.
00:32:14The filament-lamps covered the pavilion's ceiling like stars, and lumen-banks underlit
00:32:19the tent-walls.
00:32:20Striped and spotted animal-pelts had been laid out across the floor as rugs, overlapping
00:32:26and luxurious.
00:32:28Serendip, Namatjira's thylacine, had laid itself down on a speckled hide at the end
00:32:34of its slack gold lead.
00:32:37Among them were four Astartes in purple plate.
00:32:41Foremost Alpharius, his helmet still doffed, his copper skin lustrous in the golden light.
00:32:49The other three had joined him for the meeting, though no one, as Chain would later discover
00:32:54to his consternation, could say from where.
00:32:59Chain slipped in through a flap at the rear of the chamber, behind Namatjira's entourage.
00:33:04People were slit in the folds of the pavilion's walls.
00:33:07He could see gangs of liveried servants awaiting the order to hurry in with trays of sweetmeats,
00:33:13wine, and fruit.
00:33:15Chamberlains were holding them at the ready.
00:33:18"'I am Alpharius,' said the copper-skinned giant, repeating the pledge-claim he had made
00:33:24at the great welcome.
00:33:26"'I have brought with me Ingo Pech and Thias Herzog, my first and second captains.'
00:33:33Two of the Astartes behind him stepped forwards, removed their helmets with a click-hiss of
00:33:38collar-locks, and bowed.
00:33:41They were shaven-headed, and copper-skinned too.
00:33:44A simple human glance would have read all three as identical triplets.
00:33:50Chain did not make a human glance.
00:33:53He appraised them quickly and efficiently.
00:33:57Not identical triplets.
00:33:59Not non-identical triplets, or even uterine brothers.
00:34:05The immediate similarities were strong, but superficial.
00:34:10Alpharius was considerably taller than both of his captains.
00:34:13What was more, there was an evident ethnic derivation in the build of his cranium, a
00:34:18slope of the forehead, a mass of the brow.
00:34:22Chain had been in the presence of Horace Lupercal, and he had seen that distinctive
00:34:27physiognomy before.
00:34:29There was something about the eyes, too.
00:34:32Alpharius's eyes were cold blue, and shone with an arctic intelligence that made Chain
00:34:39shudder slightly.
00:34:42Of the other two, Herzog was ever so slightly the taller.
00:34:45Chain gauged their heights using the angles of the guy-wires and sheet-planes of the pavilion
00:34:51behind them.
00:34:53Herzog and Pech were not related, either.
00:34:56Chain counted eighteen points of dissimilarity between the comparative angles of their skulls,
00:35:02their eyes, their lips, the structure of their cheeks, the muscles of their necks, their
00:35:07noses, and, most especially, the fingerprint-precise lobes of their ears.
00:35:14Herzog was older by twenty years.
00:35:17Pech was smaller, but stronger and smarter.
00:35:21There was a very slight but telling shadow around Herzog's scalp that suggested his hair
00:35:26was of a darker natural colour, and that he shaved his head to resemble his primarch and
00:35:32his fellow-captain.
00:35:34Herzog's eyes were blue, like his primarch's, but Pech's were gold-flecked brown.
00:35:41"'Welcome, Captains,' Namatjira said.
00:35:45The Astartes nodded.
00:35:47"'And the other?'
00:35:49Namatjira asked.
00:35:51The fourth Astartes had remained at the back of the group, his helmet in place.
00:35:56"'That is one of my common troopers,' Alpharius said.
00:36:00"'He is simply here as an escort.
00:36:02His name is Omagon.'
00:36:05The warrior bowed, without removing his helmet.
00:36:09"'The first lie,' Chain thought.
00:36:12"'Omagon is no common trooper.'
00:36:16Chain estimated Omagon's stature, once again using the geometries of the tent structure
00:36:21as a scale.
00:36:23The Astartes was at least as big as the primarch himself.
00:36:28"'Who are you?'
00:36:29Chain wondered.
00:36:31"'What are you pretending to be?'
00:36:35"'Let us talk of Nerth, my lord,' said Pech, "'and of how we finish this war.'
00:36:41Namatjira smiled.
00:36:43"'This compliance,' he corrected.
00:36:46"'It is a war, sir,' Pech replied, as I'm sure the stalwart soldiers of the Imperial
00:36:52Army would attest.
00:36:53"'Let us not dress it up in political terms.
00:36:56Let us not skip over their sacrifices.'
00:37:00Major General Dev and Lord Wilde of the Torrent coughed to suggest their gratitude at
00:37:06Pech's acknowledgment of their efforts.
00:37:08Some of their huskars and high officers clacked their swords against their shields in approval.
00:37:15Namatjira snapped up a hand quickly for silence.
00:37:18"'Of course it's a war, sir,' the Lord Commander said, acid in his tone.
00:37:23"'Men die.
00:37:25My men die.
00:37:26But this is still an action of compliance, or are you questioning the Emperor's design?'
00:37:33Pech shook his head.
00:37:34"'No, lord.
00:37:35I appreciate that the Emperor upholds a teleological scheme for the future of man, and I will
00:37:42endeavour to uphold it.'
00:37:44"'He chases a utopian ideal,' Herzog put in.
00:37:48"'He wishes to unify and perfect humanity through the intense application of martial
00:37:54violence,' said Pech.
00:37:56"'We have no quarrel with that approach,' said Herzog.
00:37:59"'It is the only proven way man's destiny has ever been advanced.'
00:38:03"'Even if utopian goals are ultimately counterintuitive to species' survival,' Pech added quickly.
00:38:11"'Any political ambition that is inherently impossible to achieve is ultimately corrupting,'
00:38:18said Herzog.
00:38:19"'You cannot engender or force to be engendered a state of perfection,' said Pech.
00:38:24"'That line of action leads only to disaster, because perfection is an absolute that cannot
00:38:30be attained by an imperfect species.'
00:38:33"'Utopia is a dangerous myth,' said Herzog, "'and only a fool would chase it.'
00:38:42"'It is better to manage and maintain the flaws of man on an ongoing basis,' said Pech.
00:38:48"'We say this only to recognize the blood debt of the Imperial Army that suffers and
00:38:55dies resolutely in the pursuit of that goal,' said Herzog."
00:39:00There was a long silence.
00:39:04Just as the blades began to batter the shields again, Alpharius said,
00:39:08"'I encourage my men to explore the philosophy of Bloodshed, Lord.
00:39:13I like them to understand the intellectual structure that informs their killing.
00:39:19The Emperor, my love and my life, seeks to set mankind in place as the uppermost species
00:39:27of the galaxy.
00:39:28I will not dispute that ambition, neither will my captains.
00:39:33We simply recognize the pro-Crustean methods with which he enforces that dream.
00:39:39A utopian ideal is a fine thing to chase and to measure one's achievements against, but
00:39:47it cannot, ultimately, be achieved.'
00:39:52"'Are you suggesting the Emperor's designers wrong?'
00:39:56Namatjira asked.
00:39:58"'Not in the slightest,' replied Alpharius.
00:40:02"'My Lord Alpharius,' said Lord Wilde in his piercing blade-keen voice,
00:40:08"'how do we combat the Nerthene magic?'
00:40:12"'My Lord Wilde,' said Alpharius, "'we don't.
00:40:16We extinguish it.'
00:40:21The trays of food were heavy.
00:40:24There was no telling how much longer they'd be forced to stand there in the tented wings
00:40:28of the main pavilion space.
00:40:30The worst of it was, he simply couldn't hear.
00:40:33The voices in the main tent were muffled.
00:40:36Grammaticus realized he should have brought a listening aid.
00:40:40He thought he'd be close enough to hear the proceedings for himself.
00:40:43He needed a revised plan quickly, or the significant risk he was taking would be for nothing.
00:40:51"'Sir,' he whispered, one of the Chamberlains came down the line to him.
00:40:56"'What's the matter, boy?' the Chamberlain asked.
00:40:59Some of the other platter-laden servants in the line looked around.
00:41:02"'How much longer, sir?'
00:41:05Grammaticus asked.
00:41:06"'As long as it damn well takes,' the Chamberlain replied.
00:41:10"'Sir,' said Grammaticus, "'this sauce is curdling.
00:41:14It needs to be set on the heat again, or it will spoil.
00:41:18I dare not for my life serve bad food to the Lord Commander and his guests.'
00:41:23The livid Chamberlain nodded.
00:41:25"'Back to the kitchens with it.
00:41:28Be quick.
00:41:29They'll be calling for us soon.'
00:41:30"'Yes, sir,' said Grammaticus, and left the line, running with his platter towards the
00:41:35back flap of the tent's service entrance.
00:41:38Outside, in the dark, he paused, and dumped the platter and its contents into a spoil-bin.
00:41:45No one noticed him.
00:41:47Entry-mar guards were distantly patrolling the edge of the pavilion's perimeter.
00:41:51He slipped into the dark blue shadows of the desert night.
00:41:57Grammaticus pulled off the servant's tabard and discarded it.
00:42:01He hadn't disguised himself as one of the feast's servants in any detailed way, trusting
00:42:06his logokine to get him by.
00:42:09But knowing he would be under scrutiny for several minutes, he had stolen a tabard to
00:42:13wear over his tight armoured body-glove to reinforce his logokine disguise.
00:42:20He took a pair of low-light goggles from his thigh-pouch and put them on.
00:42:24The world around him was instantly rendered in fuzzy caustic shades of red and ochre light.
00:42:31He read the rows of torqued cables that stretched from the side of the pavilion like millipede
00:42:36legs anchoring it to the ground.
00:42:40Between these physical lines he made out the web of intangible ones, the sensor-beams and
00:42:46harmonic trip-wires that protected the skirts of the great tent.
00:42:52Invisible to the naked eye, these thin beams would set off a multitude of alarms if tripped.
00:42:59Grammaticus adjusted his goggles to pick them up, tuning them to a harmonic value he'd cribbed
00:43:04from Ruxanna's code-book without her knowledge or permission.
00:43:09He skirted forwards along the flank of the pavilion, looking for another way in, ducking
00:43:15under and stepping over the rigid cables and the ghost-beams alike.
00:43:21In several places he had to stoop or even crawl to avoid breaking the luminous strands.
00:43:28Most projected diagonally down from small emitters attached to the lip of the tent's
00:43:34roof, but others followed the ground or ran parallel to the pavilion, snaking between
00:43:39emitters spiked in the sand.
00:43:42The goggles guided him.
00:43:44This endeavour was a great deal more demanding than evading the field-security lattice on
00:43:48the kitchen-block roof.
00:43:51The beams were active and live.
00:43:54Three times he froze, realising he was about to interrupt a beam with a leg or a shoulder.
00:44:01There was no obvious vent or egress.
00:44:05Grammaticus found an open spot and knelt down.
00:44:08He put his ear against the skin of the tent, using its taut acoustics to bring the voices
00:44:14inside to him.
00:44:17He could hear voices in conference.
00:44:20Lord Namatjira's tone was easy to detect, as was Lord Wilde's.
00:44:25Grammaticus identified the voice that had to belong to Alpharius, and listened to the
00:44:29way it sounded for the first time.
00:44:32There was a quality to it that was quite distinctive.
00:44:36They were talking about the Nerthene magic and how to combat it.
00:44:41It both amused and distressed Grammaticus to hear the condescension in the Primarch's
00:44:45tone as he explained the notion of chaos to the Lord Commander and his retinue.
00:44:51What he was saying was such an oversimplification.
00:44:56The Alpha Legion barely understood the nature of chaos, yet here was its leader, presuming
00:45:02to teach even less well-informed souls about it.
00:45:06The Alpha Legion were the ones who had to learn, and soon.
00:45:12Grammaticus was concentrating so hard on listening that he detected the Lucifer Black behind
00:45:18him with only seconds to spare.
00:45:21Grammaticus stood up and turned.
00:45:22The Lucifer, who had come up behind him quite silently, was raising his sabre to strike.
00:45:29Grammaticus hissed.
00:45:30It's me!
00:45:32The Lucifer stopped in his tracks and quickly lowered his sword.
00:45:36Chain? he asked.
00:45:41Grammaticus snapped.
00:45:42Return to your patrol.
00:45:46Grammaticus logged the name in his memory for future reference.
00:45:50Apologies, the Lucifer replied.
00:45:53I obey.
00:45:55The Lucifer turned to melt away into the night.
00:45:58He hesitated.
00:46:00Shit! thought Grammaticus.
00:46:03His logokind skills had wrong-footed the Lucifer Black for a moment, but only a moment.
00:46:09Clearly the elite companions possessed iron-willed, unsuggestible minds.
00:46:14The Lucifer had already questioned the encounter and realised he had been tricked.
00:46:20The Lucifer Black was armoured.
00:46:23Grammaticus was not.
00:46:25Grammaticus couldn't count on landing a clean, quick kill-blow, nor could he risk using his
00:46:29digital ring-weapon.
00:46:31The energy flare would set off every alarm within ten metres.
00:46:35As the Lucifer turned back, Grammaticus threw a wolf-paw jab that crushed the vox-hub bulge
00:46:40on the side of the Lucifer's jet-black helmet, preventing him from signalling an alert.
00:46:45The Lucifer began to shout, but his voice was muffled by the helmet's padded snout.
00:46:50Grammaticus rammed another jab in under the chin of the helm and crushed the man's larynx,
00:46:55rendering him mute.
00:46:58Grammaticus briefly hoped that the larynx-punch might also prove to be a killing-strike, but
00:47:02the Lucifer was made of stronger stuff.
00:47:05His sabre was still drawn, and he slashed at Grammaticus.
00:47:09Grammaticus blocked the blade with the adamantium strips woven into the forearm-sleeves of his
00:47:13body-glove, and drove the palm of his right hand flat into the Lucifer's breastplate.
00:47:19A tension-reflexive strike that the Eldar called the Ilthrateik, or Breathless Touch.
00:47:26The Lucifer lurched, his breastplate cracking.
00:47:29As he stumbled backwards, Grammaticus looped his left hand around the Lucifer's right wrist
00:47:33and whip-snapped it, forcing the sabre out of the man's grip.
00:47:37It landed on the sand, a bare centimetre short of one of the ground-level sensor-beams.
00:47:43The Lucifer was not yet done.
00:47:46Grammaticus had been forced to close tightly, and the Lucifer head-butted him.
00:47:51Grammaticus lurched backwards, pain engulfing the centre of his face as the helm crunched
00:47:55into him.
00:47:56He staggered, and barely avoided an overhead beam.
00:48:00The Lucifer fumbled and drew his side-arm, his broken right wrist forcing him to use
00:48:04his left hand across his body.
00:48:07As soon as the las-pistol came clear of its holster, Grammaticus threw a spin-kick that
00:48:11sent it skidding away into the night beyond the tent.
00:48:15He flinched as the tumbling weapon passed between two strands of the invisible security-web.
00:48:21This had to end, fast, before something got tripped.
00:48:25They were so tightly boxed in, it was like fighting inside a spider's web, and any wrong
00:48:30move would bring the spider pouncing down on them.
00:48:34The Lucifer threw a steel-shod fist at Grammaticus, who ducked left and chopped a passing body-blow
00:48:40into the Lucifer's ribs.
00:48:42Grammaticus's hands, trained and subcutaneously strengthened though they were, were already
00:48:47sore and bloody from punching armour.
00:48:51Grammaticus tried to get behind the Lucifer, but the Lucifer caught him and clenched him
00:48:55in a choke-hold.
00:48:56It would have finished the fight, except that the Lucifer was struggling with just one working
00:49:02Grammaticus grunted and corded his neck-muscles to ward against the Lucifer's choke.
00:49:08Learning and experience told him there was one clean way out of the hold—a body-throw
00:49:14that would hurl his opponent up and over him—but his goggle saw a sensor-beam running right
00:49:20in front of them.
00:49:21If he threw the Lucifer, his opponent's body would land across the beam.
00:49:26He kicked back hard instead, and the back of the Lucifer's head struck against one
00:49:30of the taut diagonal guy-wires of the pavilion.
00:49:33The impact snapped the Lucifer's head forward, and he involuntarily butted the back of Grammaticus's
00:49:40Grammaticus winced, but the choke-hold broke.
00:49:43He swung around, dazed by the blow, and shot out a straight-fingered jab.
00:49:48The middle and index fingers of John Grammaticus's right hand punched through the left lens of
00:49:53the Lucifer's helmet and popped the eye behind it.
00:49:57The Lucifer, gurgling through his useless throat, fell backwards against the tent-side
00:50:02and slid down in a heap.
00:50:05Grammaticus paused, crouching low, ready to sprint away if the impact raised an alarm.
00:50:11No alarm came.
00:50:13Grammaticus began to straighten up.
00:50:15The Lucifer flopped forwards, matter dripping like glue from his ruptured eye-socket, and
00:50:22began to crawl across the sand.
00:50:25Grammaticus realized the Lucifer was dragging himself towards one of the ground-level beams,
00:50:29his armoured hand clawing out to break it.
00:50:33He threw himself onto the Lucifer's back, grappling with him, trying to pull the arm
00:50:38The Lucifer was monstrously strong.
00:50:41He dragged Grammaticus with him as he crawled across the sand, straining to reach the harmonic
00:50:48Vicing an elbow around the reaching, straining arm of the man underneath him, forcing it
00:50:54to pull short, Grammaticus drove another jab into the man's spine.
00:50:58Everything cracked.
00:51:00Still the Lucifer heaved himself forwards ten centimetres from the beam, five, the outstretched
00:51:06fingers shaking as they groped for the invisible cord.
00:51:11Grammaticus saw the Lucifer's discarded sabre lying on the sand beside them.
00:51:16He grabbed it, simultaneously wrenching the man's reaching arm back and up with all of
00:51:21his strength.
00:51:22He hacked with the sabre, and took the Lucifer's limb off, mid-forearm.
00:51:28The Lucifer convulsed under him.
00:51:30He reached out towards the beam with his stump, but he was well short of touching it.
00:51:35Grammaticus hastily clamped his left palm around the severed stump and compressed, to
00:51:40stop the jetting arterial spray from hitting the beam, and accomplishing what the Lucifer's
00:51:45outstretched hand had not.
00:51:48The armoured body under him went into spasm.
00:51:51Grammaticus pinned it down with his legs and kept the stump clenched tight.
00:51:56He felt the hot blood surging against his palm.
00:52:00I'm sorry, he whispered.
00:52:03The Lucifer trembled.
00:52:06Grammaticus put the tip of the sabre against the nape of his neck in the tiny gap between
00:52:11helmet-lip and collar-armour, and pushed.
00:52:16The blade slid clean through the neck, and bit deep into the sand beneath.
00:52:23The Lucifer went still.
00:52:26Grammaticus waited, until the pressure-pulse against his palm finally ebbed away, and then
00:52:31let go of the stump.
00:52:33The truncated arm flopped onto the sand.
00:52:38Grammaticus rose to his feet.
00:52:40The stench of blood in the night air was overpowering.
00:52:43Some of it, a little of it, was his own.
00:52:46His fists were swollen and mangled.
00:52:50Blood seeped from his battered face, and pain made him see double.
00:52:55His skull throbbed from the blows it had taken.
00:52:59He was sure his nose was broken.
00:53:02He tried to steady himself.
00:53:05He felt sick.
00:53:06There was no chance of him continuing with his surveillance now.
00:53:10The Lucifer would be missed soon enough.
00:53:13Grammaticus had to get away, fast.
00:53:17He moved away from the body, stepping over the tracery of sensor-beams his goggles revealed,
00:53:24and stumbled away into the desert and the enfolding night.
00:53:31Dinner's chain paused.
00:53:34Alpharius was busy talking to Namatjira and the assembled lords about warding countermeasures.
00:53:41Chain wasn't listening any more.
00:53:43A signal-light was flashing on the jet-black cuff of his suit.
00:53:47He slipped back behind the gathering, and made his exit through the service-tent.
00:53:52Under the Nerthene stars, he put his helmet back on and triggered the vox.
00:53:58Chain, you signalled?
00:54:01Vital trace from Zadus lost.
00:54:04Report his last position.
00:54:06West side of the pavilion, twenty metres north of the west porch.
00:54:11Route two men to that position, from the reserve, not the one stationed with the Lord Commander.
00:54:17I obey.
00:54:19Chain moved off down the west side of the huge pavilion, carefully stepping over and
00:54:24around the light-beams his visor showed to him.
00:54:28He drew his sabre.
00:54:29Drobol, a voice asked from behind him.
00:54:34Chain whirled.
00:54:35The tip of his blade made a tiny ching as it grazed against the chest-plate of the Astartes
00:54:40who had appeared miraculously behind him.
00:54:44The huge armoured warrior looked down at the sabre-tip pressing against his chest-armour.
00:54:48Nice, he said.
00:54:52Very quick.
00:54:53Dinnus Chain, isn't it?
00:54:57You know me?
00:54:58Chain asked.
00:54:59The Legion likes to know everyone.
00:55:02You're Omegon, the Alpha chuckled, his laughter carried oddly by his helmet-speaker.
00:55:09You're good, Dinnus Chain.
00:55:13We heard this about you.
00:55:15Yes, I'm Omegon.
00:55:18I saw you leave the tent in a hurry.
00:55:21You saw me?
00:55:23I was watching you.
00:55:27You were watching me.
00:55:29Don't pretend you weren't now.
00:55:32I won't.
00:55:34We love the same things, I think, Dinnus.
00:55:37Such as?
00:55:41How do you know my name?
00:55:45Chain asked.
00:55:46The names of the Lucifers are never published.
00:55:49Oh, come on, Dinnus, do we look like amateurs to you?
00:55:57You can put that away, I think, said Omegon.
00:56:02Chain withdrew his sabre.
00:56:04The tip had actually buried itself in the Astarte's chestplate, and it took a tug to
00:56:08remove it.
00:56:11Any other man I'd have killed for less, said Omegon, looking down at the dent.
00:56:18And by the way, that's all you get.
00:56:22Chain shrugged.
00:56:24Why did you leave the pavilion in such a hurry?
00:56:28One of my men is down.
00:56:30Let's see, shall we?
00:56:34The Alpha Legionnaire led the way.
00:56:36Chain realised with alarm that the Astarte's was cheerfully striding through the serried
00:56:41sensor beams, breaking them without setting any of them off.
00:56:46Chain followed, hopping and stepping over the harmonic tags.
00:56:52Something on your mind, Omegon called over his shoulder.
00:56:55You are invisible to our security lattice, Chain replied.
00:57:01Like I said, Dinas, do we look like amateurs to you?
00:57:05He paused.
00:57:07Two men were approaching, the two Lucifers Chain had sent for.
00:57:11Chain raised a hand to indicate they should stay back.
00:57:15Omegon crouched down.
00:57:16Is this your man? he asked.
00:57:21Zadus lay face down beside the tent wall in a patch of blood-stained sand.
00:57:26His left arm had been severed above the wrist, and he had been pinned to the ground with
00:57:30his own sword.
00:57:31The hilt of it was almost flat to the nape of Zadus's neck.
00:57:36Yes, said Chain.
00:57:39He bent down beside the Astartes.
00:57:42Quite a fight, said Omegon, pointing idly.
00:57:45His assailant crippled his vox to mute him.
00:57:49Right wrist is snapped.
00:57:52Probably a disarming move.
00:57:54Omegon wrenched the sabre out and rolled the corpse.
00:57:59Hit him, too.
00:58:01Larynx punch.
00:58:02The eye's gone as well.
00:58:05Spine snapped between the third and fourth vertebrae.
00:58:10Someone did a good job here.
00:58:12Chain nodded.
00:58:14Zadus had been one of his best.
00:58:17I thought you Lucifers were meant to be tough.
00:58:21Chain bridled.
00:58:23The Astartes laughed.
00:58:26I know you're tough.
00:58:28I just meant whoever did this, he did it with his bare hands.
00:58:36That blood there on the vox bulge, that's the assailant's.
00:58:39He crushed it with his fist.
00:58:42You can read that?
00:58:44Rudimentary typing via optics.
00:58:47Yes, I can read that.
00:58:49We should take a sample for proper genic analysis, but on first look I'd say your man was taken
00:58:54out by an unarmoured human.
00:58:58Chain straightened up.
00:59:00Tell me, Dennis, said Omegon, looking up at him, who do you know that could do a thing
00:59:05like that?
00:59:07No one, Chain replied.
00:59:10His reply was honest, but he had his suspicions.
00:59:17All along the earthwork of the Imperial fortifications huge watch-fires crackled and a million campfires
00:59:24twinkled between them.
00:59:26Overhead a cloud-scudded night sky turned slowly retrograde.
00:59:32The night air was hot.
00:59:35Around their campfire, under their lank banner, the Carnivales were laughing and passing the
00:59:41So Lon made it, Cato Pius asked.
00:59:46Peto Sonica took a swig from the bottle that came by and nodded.
00:59:51He did, like I said.
00:59:53Good old Lon, laughed Tink, one of Pius's bacheurs, nothing will ever kill Lon.
01:00:00Sonica nodded, took another pool from the bottle and handed it on.
01:00:05Behind him somewhere men were playing loud gunahwa on hand-drums and gimbris.
01:00:10Someone had thrown incense-flakes into the campfires and sweetened the smoke.
01:00:15Ah, but it's good to see you, Peto, Pius said, taking a swig of liquor and then belching
01:00:23You too, Kay, Sonica laughed.
01:00:26What will you do, asked Bashore Jens.
01:00:29Sonica shrugged.
01:00:30I don't know, find another outfit that can use a few officers.
01:00:35I'm not worried about myself, I just want to make sure Lon and the others get placed
01:00:39all right.
01:00:40Room for you all here, said Pius.
01:00:44Sonica shook his head.
01:00:45No room for two hets like me and you in this outfit, Kay, he chuckled.
01:00:49We'd end up fighting to the death.
01:00:52Maybe, admitted Cato Pius, you know it, maybe, you know it, Kay, Terra, you're a good friend
01:01:01and generous to a fault, I thank you for that, but I'm going to hold out, maybe rebuild
01:01:06the company, maybe petition the Uxors for a new one.
01:01:09Fag, what is this we're drinking?
01:01:13Jens's home brew, Pius replied, regarding the bottle he was clutching groggily.
01:01:18It's basically pure alcohol, with a secret mix of herbs and spices, Jens added, my jean
01:01:25d'ar's special recipe.
01:01:27Your jean d'ar clearly had sanity issues, Sonica told him.
01:01:32Pius snorted.
01:01:33I've been meaning to catch up with Hurt, said Sonica, I haven't seen him since I got here.
01:01:39He's around, right?
01:01:40The Jokers are here?
01:01:43Pius nodded.
01:01:44Yes, Bronze is here.
01:01:47The Jokers are camped at Line 10 South, I think, said one of the Bashors.
01:01:52What about Dimmie Sheban?
01:01:54Sonica asked, trying to make the question sound natural.
01:01:57You seen him?
01:01:59No one had.
01:02:01Despite the liquor in his system and the blazing fires, Sonica felt cold.
01:02:06Well, my friends, he said, getting to his feet unsteadily, I have to drain now.
01:02:13Secret mix or no secret mix.
01:02:16Pius and his men laughed and booed Sonica as he meandered away from the campfires in
01:02:22search of the latrine trench.
01:02:24The raucous Macribi rhythms of the Genoa fell away behind him, and the hot scented smoke
01:02:31thinned into cold spare desert air.
01:02:35That's Sonica, said Roke, passing the night-vision scope to Boone.
01:02:42Boone took a look for himself, training the scope down the embankment towards the field
01:02:46of campfires.
01:02:48Yup, so he's hanging out with Pius, is he?
01:02:53He's got no one else to hang out with, said Roke souly.
01:02:57All of his dancers are bones in the desert.
01:03:00We should have ourselves a word with Pettoe's Sonica, I think, said Boone.
01:03:07Roke asked.
01:03:08We're watching Pius, aren't we?
01:03:10Pius is the one you've got the twitch about.
01:03:13Boone shrugged.
01:03:14I know, but Sonica was acting real funny last time I saw him, and now he turns up here breaking
01:03:22bread with the very man we're watching.
01:03:24I got a twitch all right, Roke.
01:03:27Come on.
01:03:29Boone signalled to Faron, and the three gene-whips moved off quietly down the slope.
01:03:37Sonica stood on the clapboards over the latrine pit, undoing his fly with his one good hand,
01:03:43twinkling his nose at the rising stink of ammonia.
01:03:47He swayed as he urinated.
01:03:49Behind him the Carnevales huddled around the crackling fires, laughing and shouting.
01:03:55Amber smoke hazed up into the soft darkness of the backward sky.
01:04:00Something made Sonica look around.
01:04:03He buttoned up quickly, dearly wishing he could clear his swimming head.
01:04:08A man was walking towards him along the edge of the latrine gutter, a silhouette backlit
01:04:14by the dancing campfires of the billet behind them.
01:04:17"'Who's that?'
01:04:19Sonica called out.
01:04:20"'Who is that?'
01:04:23He hoped Cado would hear him, but the men around the campfires were making too much
01:04:28"'How's it going, Sonica?'
01:04:31the man asked.
01:04:33The man was in shadow, but his teeth glinted in the distant firelight as he smiled.
01:04:38Sonica knew him—Ferran, one of the jean-whips' bulls.
01:04:43"'I'm fine,' said Sonica.
01:04:46He turned to walk away in the opposite direction, and found Roke blocking his path.
01:04:51"'What is this?'
01:04:53Sonica asked, though he was sure he knew all too well.
01:04:57He began to sober up very quickly.
01:04:59"'You and Pius—you're tight?' asked Roke.
01:05:04"'Of course,' said Sonica, warily.
01:05:07"'We've known each other a long time.'
01:05:09"'You know him well, then?'
01:05:12"'Yes,' said Sonica.
01:05:15The line of questioning was not going where he had expected it would.
01:05:19He braced himself for whatever verbal trap they were trying to lead him into.
01:05:24"'So you know about him and Axor Ruxartner, then?' asked Ferran.
01:05:29"'What about them?'
01:05:31"'You know,' Roke leered.
01:05:34"'Kay, and Ruxartner?
01:05:37That almost made Sonica laugh.
01:05:39You've got that wrong.
01:05:41If they were carrying on, we'd all know about it.'
01:05:44"'Why?' asked Roke.
01:05:46"'Because—because if Cato Pius had nailed a piece of ass that fine, he'd be bragging
01:05:51about it to everyone.'
01:05:53"'Maybe Cato Pius isn't who he seems,' Ferran said, coming in closer behind Sonica.
01:06:00"'We met Cato Pius earlier today.
01:06:03At least we think we did.'
01:06:05"'I don't know what you're talking about,' said Sonica.
01:06:09"'Have you boys been at the home-brew tonight?'
01:06:11"'What's going on with Pius?'
01:06:14Roke asked, unamused.
01:06:16"'What's he into?' asked Ferran.
01:06:19"'You know him.
01:06:21What's he got involved in?
01:06:23Are you involved too?
01:06:25Is that why you're being so evasive?'
01:06:27"'I'm—I'm not.'
01:06:29"'What's the story, Sonica?
01:06:32How come you survive visages when every other bastard there got cut to ribbons?
01:06:37Someone looking out for you?
01:06:40Someone tip you off?'
01:06:41"'Listen, you,' Sonica began.
01:06:44"'What's all this stuff about a body?'
01:06:47Roke asked.
01:06:48Ferran sank his shoulders as if about to cave and confess to something.
01:06:53As Roke leaned in, Sonica caught him by the arm and pushed him into the latrine-pit.
01:06:58There was a splash, followed by furious, spluttered curses.
01:07:02Ferran lunged at Sonica and took Sonica's left elbow in the teeth for his trouble.
01:07:07Sonica began to run.
01:07:08Ferran came after him, hurling as much abuse as his floundering partner down in the pit.
01:07:14Sonica scrambled up the embankment in the dark and found the billet-road.
01:07:18Torch-beams chased him.
01:07:20"'Stay right there, Sonica,' a voice called out.
01:07:26Sonica knew it.
01:07:27Gene Whip Boone.
01:07:29He started to run away from the beams and heard the crack of a las-pistol, a bright
01:07:33puff of dust lit up the ground near his feet.
01:07:36"'Next one goes in your head, Sonica!'
01:07:40Boone yelled.
01:07:41"'Stay right where you are!'
01:07:44Sonica didn't slow down.
01:07:45He sprinted along the billet-road looking for cover.
01:07:48Blazing light suddenly came on and blinded him.
01:07:50He skidded to a halt, shielding his eyes against the glare.
01:07:54He heard the rumble of a turbine-engine.
01:07:56A door opened.
01:07:57"'Get in!' a voice yelled.
01:08:01Sonica blinked.
01:08:02Behind the headlights he saw Bronzy, glaring at him from behind the wheel of a battered
01:08:08"'Just get in, pedo!'
01:08:10Bronzo repeated.
01:08:11"'For Fogg's sake!'
01:08:13Sonica got in, and the speeder ripped away into the darkness, leaving the pursuing Gene
01:08:18Whips far behind.
01:08:23Chapter 8 Monlo Harbour, Nerth
01:08:28"'Where are we going?' asked Sonica after a while.
01:08:33Bronzy was driving in silence, steering away from the army billets and out along a crude
01:08:38track that ran into the scrub-land south of the Terracotta Palace.
01:08:43"'Don't ask questions, pedo,' Bronzy replied.
01:08:47"'I think I will.
01:08:49This is bigger than you, Sonica, so shut the fugg up.
01:08:54You're supposed to be dead.'
01:08:55"'You don't seem too delighted to discover I'm not.'
01:08:58"'Of course I am,' said Bronzy.
01:09:01"'You're my tightest friend.
01:09:02Of course I'm pleased you're not dead.
01:09:05But this complicates things.'
01:09:07"'What things?'
01:09:09"'Just shut up, all right.
01:09:12Just consider this to be your old mate rescuing you from the unpleasant attentions of the
01:09:16Gene Whips.
01:09:17How did you know they were on to me?
01:09:20Because I've been shadowing you all day.'
01:09:24They left the established track and went cross-country, following dry water-courses between the dusty
01:09:31Bronzy ramped up the speeder's lift.
01:09:34The vehicle's main lamps picked out the thorn scrub and dunes in their path in a frosty
01:09:40The further they got from the lights and fires of the vast imperial encampment, the bigger
01:09:45and blacker the night sky became, and the lonelier it felt.
01:09:51After twenty minutes, Bronzy decelerated and aimed the speeder along a deep wadi.
01:09:57At the end of an arid creek stood an old ruin, a place that might have once been a temple
01:10:03or, just as easily, a beer for livestock.
01:10:07Someone had lit a fire inside.
01:10:10Bronzy stopped the speeder and killed the drive.
01:10:13"'Get out,' he said.
01:10:15"'Follow me.
01:10:17Don't be an idiot.
01:10:18I can protect you, but only so far.
01:10:21Please bear that in mind.'
01:10:22"'What are you saying?'
01:10:25"'I'm saying they wanted to kill you to keep things tidy.
01:10:29I asked them to give you a chance.
01:10:32So this is my reputation on the line, along with your life.
01:10:36Fug this up for either of us by being stupid!'
01:10:40They walked across the sand from the speeder to the ruin.
01:10:44Sonica could smell fuel-bricks burning.
01:10:46The flame-light inside the place flickered and danced the shadows.
01:10:51They went inside.
01:10:52A small fire of fuel-bricks and dry thorn sheaves was blazing in the middle of the baked
01:10:57earthen floor.
01:10:59A man sat beside the fire on a lump of tumbled stone, cleaning his fingernails with a dagger.
01:11:06"'This is Thayner,' said Bronzy.
01:11:10Thayner looked up at them, his face expressing very little interest towards either of them.
01:11:15He wore the uniform of a badger-lure in the altramars.
01:11:19His face was blemished down the left side by an old lasburn.
01:11:24Even without the burn his face would have been mean and tight.
01:11:28"'You took your sweet time,' he said.
01:11:32Well, I've got it done,' Bronzy replied.
01:11:35"'You're Sonica?' the man asked, still fiddling the tip of his blade along his fingernails.
01:11:42"'You came out of Visage's alive?'
01:11:45"'Yes,' the man pursed his lips.
01:11:48"'That makes you either tough as a bastard or very lucky.
01:11:54Little of both, maybe.'
01:11:57Thayner rose to his feet and sheathed his dagger.
01:11:59He brushed dust off the front of his uniform.
01:12:02"'I'm going to ask you a few questions,' he told Sonica.
01:12:06"'You give me the right answers, things will be thoroughly civilized.
01:12:10You give me the wrong ones, no amount of tough bastardy or luck is going to see you out of
01:12:15Sonica smiled.
01:12:17"'Did they change the rules?
01:12:20I don't remember there ever being a time when an altramar badger-lure got to threaten a
01:12:24geno-het like that.'
01:12:26"'Yes, they've changed the rules, all right,' said Thayner.
01:12:30"'Trust me.'
01:12:31"'I have no reason to trust you,' Sonica replied.
01:12:35"'Yes, you do,' said Bronzy.
01:12:40The fire crackled.
01:12:41"'I'm waiting,' said Sonica.
01:12:44"'Who have you told?'
01:12:46Thayner asked, about the body at CR 345.
01:12:51"'No one.'
01:12:52"'Come on, you're not fooling me.
01:12:55Who have you told?'
01:12:57"'No one,' Sonica insisted.
01:13:00"'Not even my men, the ones I got out of Visage's with.
01:13:04Bronzy knew.
01:13:05I knew.
01:13:07Everyone else who knew about it died at Visage's.
01:13:10Except Dimmy Shebarn, and I don't know what happened to him.'
01:13:14Sonica looked at Bronzy.
01:13:16"'What happened to Dimmy, Hurt?
01:13:19You'd be the one to know that.'
01:13:21"'What happened to him?'
01:13:24Bronzy stared at the floor and didn't answer.
01:13:27"'So you haven't told anyone.
01:13:30That's what you're saying?' asked Thayner."
01:13:34Sonica nodded.
01:13:35"'What about Uxor Moo?'
01:13:38Sonica shrugged.
01:13:39"'All right, yes, I spoke to her about it when I got in yesterday.
01:13:44But she already knew.'
01:13:45"'Did she?'
01:13:48Bronzy and I voxed her from CR 345, and—'When you told her,' Thayner cut in, "'did she
01:13:53act like she knew about it?'
01:13:58Thayner nodded."
01:14:01Sonica cleared his throat.
01:14:03The flickering fire was beginning to play tricks on him.
01:14:06He kept tensing as if seeing things out of the corner of his eyes, shadows in the shadows
01:14:12around the edges of the ruin.
01:14:14There was something—someone—out there.
01:14:18"'Look,' he said, "'I don't know why she decided to deny it.
01:14:24I assumed she was confused, or had her own agenda.
01:14:28"'She denied it because she didn't know about it,' said Thayner.
01:14:32"'But Bronzy spoke to her.
01:14:35I heard a voice.'
01:14:36"'No, you didn't,' said Thayner.
01:14:39"'I did.'
01:14:41"'You really didn't,' said Bronzy quietly.
01:14:45He put his hand on Sonica's arm.
01:14:48"'It was an intercept.
01:14:50We weren't speaking to Moo at all.'
01:14:53"'That's not possible,' said Sonica.
01:14:56"'She used the codes, the encrypts, all the—'
01:15:00"'They're way ahead of us,' said Bronzy.
01:15:03"'Peto, they know all the codes.
01:15:05They listen to us.'
01:15:08Sonica turned to look at Bronzy.
01:15:10"'Who's they hurt?
01:15:14What the hell is this?'
01:15:16Bronzy glanced at Thayner.
01:15:18Thayner shook his head.
01:15:20"'One of you had better start making sense,' Sonica growled.
01:15:24"'Peto,' Bronzy warned.
01:15:26"'I'm serious with this hurt.
01:15:29Someone explain this now.
01:15:31What happened to the body?
01:15:34Did you deliver it?'
01:15:35"'Yes,' said Bronzy.
01:15:37"'I made the rendezvous.
01:15:39I handed the body back to the people who'd made it.'
01:15:42"'I don't know what that means,' snapped Sonica.
01:15:45"'I don't know what the fuck that means, Bronzy.
01:15:48What happened to Sheeban?
01:15:50Where is he?
01:15:51Is he dead?'
01:15:53Bronzy stared at Sonica.
01:15:54There was a hard look in his eyes.
01:15:57"'He was dead before he got on the transport,' he said.
01:16:02"'I don't know what that means either,' Sonica growled.
01:16:05"'That wound he took, the Shrapnel wound here,' Bronzy said, gesturing towards his throat.
01:16:12"'Some of it was bone.
01:16:14Nerthine bone.'
01:16:16"'I know.
01:16:18What happens?' said Sonica.
01:16:19"'You don't know, Petto,' said Bronzy, uncomfortable.
01:16:23It was in him.
01:16:26It was in him.
01:16:27And it was just a matter of time before it turned him.
01:16:31They knew that.
01:16:33They shot him.
01:16:35They would have had to anyway.'
01:16:37"'You keep saying they.
01:16:39Who the fuck is they?'
01:16:41"'We don't have to tell you anything.
01:16:43We don't what—' Thena began to say.
01:16:47So Sonica had always been quick.
01:16:49The snub-nosed las-pistol was in his hand, and aimed at Thena before either he or Bronzy
01:16:53had a chance to react.
01:16:55"'Start explaining this mess now,' Sonica ordered.
01:16:58Right now.'
01:16:59"'Oh, Petto, come on,' Bronzy moaned.
01:17:03"'You shut up.
01:17:04Don't think I won't aim this at you, too.'
01:17:06"'Put it away,' said Thena.
01:17:09"'I want answers first,' said Sonica.'
01:17:13Thena sighed.
01:17:14Having his hands clearly open so Sonica could follow what he was doing, he reached down
01:17:19to his midriff and untucked his tunic.
01:17:22He pulled the garment up, along with the vest beneath, and exposed the corded muscle of
01:17:27his right hip.
01:17:29Sonica could see the brand mark quite clearly.
01:17:34"'Oh, shit!' Sonica murmured.
01:17:38"'The body was one of our people,' said Thena, lowering his tunic.
01:17:43"'It got recovered from the field before our retrieval teams could locate it.
01:17:47We needed it back.'
01:17:49"'It was dressed as one of my men,' said Sonica.
01:17:53"'It was a Hort sergeant called Lyle Wilk,' said Thena matter-of-factly.
01:17:58"'He was operating as one of your men.'
01:18:02Sonica had a million questions, and knew every single one of them had an ugly answer.
01:18:07None of the questions would form in his mouth.
01:18:10He was struck dumb by the sensation of the universe as he knew it grinding out of joint
01:18:16around him.
01:18:18Since that bloody dawn when visages had been sacked, and most especially since his meeting
01:18:23with Honan Moo the night before, total dislocation had been looming.
01:18:29Now everything he trusted tore away and revealed nothing.
01:18:34No answers, no explanations, no single thing he could trust or recognise.
01:18:41Simple panic seized him.
01:18:42He aimed the pistol at Thena's head and squeezed the trigger.
01:18:46Something crunched into him from the side, and the shot went wild as he fell.
01:18:51The something was bronzy.
01:18:54Bronzy had punched him.
01:18:56Before Sonica could begin to process that information, Thena had kicked the pistol out
01:19:01of his hand.
01:19:02It skittered away into the crawling shadows.
01:19:04Thena put a second kick into Sonica's gut to keep him down.
01:19:08It was a brutal blow.
01:19:10The air crashed out of Sonica's lungs, and he felt a deep internal pain that could only
01:19:15be organs rupturing.
01:19:17He's no use to us, Sonica heard Thena tell Bronzy.
01:19:22Thena drew his dagger.
01:19:23Don't, Bronzy warned.
01:19:25He's a liability.
01:19:27We can't use him.
01:19:29Gasping, agonised, Sonica writhed.
01:19:32He saw Thena coming towards him, dagger held low for the old jab and twist.
01:19:37We've taken him this far, said a voice.
01:19:42Why don't we show him the rest?
01:19:44If he still objects, you can put that in his heart, Thena.
01:19:50Sonica's lungs began to work.
01:19:52He sucked in air, choking, tears streaming down his cheeks.
01:19:58Bronzy was calling.
01:20:00Petto, look at me.
01:20:04Sonica looked up.
01:20:06Bronzy had pulled up his own shirt.
01:20:08His right hip was a good deal more upholstered in flesh than Thena's, but the brand was exactly
01:20:15the same.
01:20:16Oh, glory, Sonica wheezed.
01:20:20No, not you too, Hurt.
01:20:24It's the mark of the Hydra, the voice said.
01:20:28It's the mark we bestow upon our friends, the friends we can trust.
01:20:35Sonica heard heavy footsteps crunch across the hard-baked floor towards him.
01:20:39A shadow fell across him, blocking out the light of the fire.
01:20:43Even in silhouette, Sonica recognised it, an Astartes in full plate.
01:20:50Alpha Legion, Sonica whispered.
01:20:55The Alpha Legionnaire knelt down over Sonica.
01:20:59I believe you're a good man, Petto, honest and trustworthy.
01:21:03I think we could be friends.
01:21:06I have no wish to kill you, but I will without compunction if you maintain this stance of
01:21:15Then stop lying to me, Sonica moaned.
01:21:18His voice shrunk by pain.
01:21:21I'm not, Petto.
01:21:24What's your name?
01:21:28Petto Sonica started to laugh.
01:21:30It was a ragged, painful sound.
01:21:33Lies, lies, more lies.
01:21:36I know for a fact that Lord Alpharius is in the Grand Pavilion right now, meeting with
01:21:41Lord Commander Namatjira.
01:21:44You're lying to me.
01:21:45So you might as well kill me now and get it over with.
01:21:50Give me your blade, Thena, said the Astartes.
01:21:56For the prosecution of Mon Lo, I will require full access to and use of your astrotelepath,
01:22:02sir, said Alpharius.
01:22:05Why? asked Lord Namatjira.
01:22:09The assembly was seated at the low couches as servants brought in the feast.
01:22:15Namatjira marvelled at the nimble finesse with which the Astartes manoeuvred food into
01:22:19their mouths using their huge gauntlets.
01:22:22Despite their bulk and crude size, these beings were dexterous and refined.
01:22:30Psychic power is a key weapon in denying the Nerthene menace, said Peck.
01:22:36This menace, Namatjira said.
01:22:38You have spoken already of this force of chaos, but I fear it sounds like Dark Age nonsense
01:22:44and superstition.
01:22:47Alpharius smiled, expertly shucking a piece of shellfish that was dwarfed by his motorised
01:22:53He slid the pink flesh into his mouth.
01:22:57You have seen it at work, my lord.
01:22:59How do you account for it?
01:23:01Lord Wilde insists on referring to it as magic.
01:23:05It is not magic, said Herzog.
01:23:09And yet it is, said Peck.
01:23:11It is the very quantity that mankind has called magic since the very start of his history.
01:23:18What Ingo and Thias mean, said Alpharius, is that there is a primal power in our galaxy
01:23:24that defies comprehension.
01:23:27It is foul, and it is powerful, and it exists side-long to our frame of reference.
01:23:33It resides in the warp.
01:23:37And this, you say, is chaos? asked Namatjira.
01:23:41We use the word chaos, but that term is very imprecise.
01:23:46It is a primordial force, and may be used by those who have fallen under its influence.
01:23:54You have seen it before?
01:23:56Yes, my lord, once or twice.
01:23:59It is a cosmic bane, a toxic effect that flows freely in some places.
01:24:06It subverts the mind and the will.
01:24:09It corrupts.
01:24:10Will it corrupt us? asked Namatjira.
01:24:15Of course not, Alpharius laughed, shedding another piece of seafood.
01:24:19It is not some kind of plague, but it is deeply ingrown in the Nerthene society.
01:24:27It gives them access to many skills that we would consider occult.
01:24:34Psychas are our best defence against chaos.
01:24:37They will allow us to extinguish the enemy's advantage here.
01:24:41For the same reason I would like the geno-chiliad to be deployed at the front of our assault
01:24:47when it comes.
01:24:49For what same reason? asked Namatjira.
01:24:53The chiliad-oxors are rudimentary psychas that will lend us an advantage.
01:25:00So be it, said Namatjira.
01:25:02He looked at Alpharius.
01:25:04I'm trusting you, Lord Primark.
01:25:07I'm trusting you to make a clean fist of this debacle.
01:25:11Your trust is not misplaced, sir, replied Alpharius.
01:25:17Dinas Chain appeared behind Lord Namatjira and whispered in his ear.
01:25:22Namatjira nodded.
01:25:23I apologize, Lord Primark.
01:25:26Much as I find this conversation fascinating, I must withdraw now.
01:25:31There are matters to attend to.
01:25:34Alpharius nodded.
01:25:35I understand.
01:25:36I, too, must go.
01:25:39Omegon has signalled me.
01:25:41Thank you for this feast, sir.
01:25:43It was a true and warm welcome.
01:25:46They rose.
01:25:48Ahush fell.
01:25:50Everyone, Namatjira called out, everyone, please continue to enjoy this evening.
01:25:57Let nothing spoil your hard-won relaxation.
01:26:00My Lord Alpharius and I must withdraw to consider the days ahead.
01:26:04Eat and drink to your surfeit.
01:26:08Approval ran around the vast tent.
01:26:11It has been my pleasure to meet you all, said Alpharius.
01:26:15I am convinced that, together, we will finish this compliance in under a week.
01:26:22Ladies, gentlemen, feast well.
01:26:25He raised his cup and drank deeply.
01:26:29A servant took Alpharius's empty cup from him.
01:26:32Lord Commander, Alpharius nodded graciously to Namatjira.
01:26:38I have learned a great deal tonight, Lord Alpharius.
01:26:41My view of the cosmic order has been altered.
01:26:44I hope we may speak further on this subject.
01:26:47Of course.
01:26:49Terror rest you and the Emperor protect you, said Namatjira.
01:26:55They left the pavilion in opposite directions.
01:26:58The carousing continued behind them.
01:27:02By the south porch, Namatjira exited into the cold night.
01:27:07His lucifers were waiting for him.
01:27:09Report, said Namatjira.
01:27:12Have you uncovered anything on Aksor Rukhsana?
01:27:15No, said Chain, but there is definitely a foreign agent at work in our midst.
01:27:21The spy has slain one of my men right outside the pavilion.
01:27:26He's too close and too good.
01:27:29We need to purge our ranks at once, Namatjira nodded.
01:27:34See to it.
01:27:35You have my full sanction.
01:27:38By the way, what did you make of the Astartes, Dinas?"
01:27:42Dinas Chain looked back at his lord and commander coldly.
01:27:47Every single one of them was lying, he said.
01:27:54At the west porch, Alpharius, Peck, and Herzog strode out into the night.
01:27:59Omegon was waiting for them.
01:28:01He had dismissed the perimeter guards so they could be alone.
01:28:05The four hulking armoured figures fell into step and began to cross the open dunes towards
01:28:10their lander in the cool violet darkness.
01:28:15How was I, asked the Astartes, who had played the role of Alpharius all night.
01:28:21Imperial, Peck replied.
01:28:24Masterful, said Herzog, but then you do have a certain advantage, Omegon.
01:28:29Besides, I think you'll enjoy playing the part of Primarch.
01:28:34Don't we all, chuckled Peck.
01:28:37So, Sheed, said Omegon, glancing at the Astartes who had worn the name Omegon in his place
01:28:44that evening.
01:28:45What's the story?
01:28:48Sheed Ranko, master of the Alpha's Terminator elite, was an especially large Astartes, who
01:28:54doubled well for both Omegon and Lord Alpharius in diplomatic circumstances.
01:28:59He shrugged his massive plaited shoulders.
01:29:03Grammaticus was here, trying to spy on the meeting.
01:29:08He took out a Lucifer Black.
01:29:11He is good then, asked Omegon.
01:29:14He's very good, Herzog assured.
01:29:17But he's hurt, said Ranko.
01:29:19Busted up.
01:29:20I typed his blood.
01:29:23Get a match?
01:29:24Asked Peck.
01:29:26Koneg Henneker, apparently one of the army spies, deep cover agent, specialist.
01:29:34He's Grammaticus?
01:29:38Ranko nodded.
01:29:39I think so.
01:29:41He's a sly one, and very capable.
01:29:44The Lucifers are scared of him, and very little scares those wily bastards.
01:29:49We have to find him, and before they do, I've told Sheer to hunt for him.
01:29:56What are we waiting for, asked Herzog.
01:29:59Where's Alpharius, Omegon asked.
01:30:03Out in the dune wastes, sheed Ranko replied, tidying up another loose end.
01:30:13Chapter 9.
01:30:15Monlo Harbour, Nerth, just before the evening dawn the next day.
01:30:22By sheer strength of will and the straining muscle power of his arms, John Grammaticus
01:30:28forced open the jaws of the dragon that was swallowing him, and tumbled out of its furnace
01:30:34moor onto the cold sand.
01:30:37He was too weak to fight any more, but that was all right.
01:30:43The dragon had gone away, as all dream things do when a person wakes.
01:30:52Grammaticus lay shivering for a while in the basin behind the lonely tell.
01:30:56The injuries he'd taken the night before were worse than he had realized.
01:31:00His hands were torn raw, and most of his fingers refused to bend, either because they were
01:31:06too swollen or because they were broken.
01:31:09His forearms were striped with blue bruises from deflecting the Lucifer's sabre blows,
01:31:15despite his sleeve armour.
01:31:17His face was sore and throbbing, swelling out around the bridge of his shattered nose
01:31:22and half-shutting his eyes.
01:31:25His nostrils were black with caked blood, and the back of his head was a contusion too
01:31:30tender to be touched.
01:31:33He'd been in pain the night before, but he'd also been warm and fuelled by adrenaline.
01:31:40Sleeping rough had reduced his core temperature and robbed him of every sensation except nausea
01:31:45and aching hurt.
01:31:48After his confrontation with the Lucifer, Grammaticus had fled into the desert.
01:31:52There had been no sense or safety in heading for the Terracotta Palace.
01:31:58Grammaticus knew he was now being hunted by at least two formidable enemies, the Alpha
01:32:02Legion and the Lord Commander's companion, Retinue.
01:32:06He'd found a place to shelter out in the Dune Sea, and had gone to sleep, speculating on
01:32:12how best to resume his mission.
01:32:15However, in the freezing dawn, shivering and hurt, Grammaticus was starting to believe
01:32:21his mission was no longer viable.
01:32:25What little chance there might have been to redeem himself and finish his work had probably
01:32:31He feared he was too hurt and too compromised to risk continuing.
01:32:37Perhaps it was time to abandon the mission and get out.
01:32:42The Cabal would just have to find another way of accomplishing its designs.
01:32:47He got up unsteadily.
01:32:49Thin light was beginning to pour over the horizon as dawn sliced its way into the sky.
01:32:56It would be bone chill for another hour or so.
01:33:00Then the sun would rise fully, like a bleach spot on pink blotting paper, and the land
01:33:06would bake.
01:33:08And then he would be dead.
01:33:12But John Grammaticus had not fled blindly into the empty desert quarter.
01:33:17He read charts as well as he read lips.
01:33:20Before immersing himself in the Mon Lo offensive, he'd spent three days reconnoitering the desert
01:33:25edge twenty kilometres south of the Palace.
01:33:29He'd methodically dug in contingency bolt-holes, each one ready to play its part in whatever
01:33:36exit strategy he might be forced to use.
01:33:40Yes, he decided, it was time to go now—more than time.
01:33:46He'd done his best, and he'd failed.
01:33:49He'd been a fool to stay on as long as he had, especially after the business with the
01:33:54His expectations had reduced to three simple possibilities.
01:33:59He could escape, alive, and attempt to persuade the Cabal his failure on Nerth was not an
01:34:05eliminating offence.
01:34:07He could escape and hide from the Cabal for as long as his wits held out, or he could
01:34:13die in the desert.
01:34:15The Cabal was not the forgiving master it may have once been, but the first option seemed
01:34:21the best, nevertheless.
01:34:23He prayed he was still useful enough as a toy to be spared.
01:34:29He walked west for a kilometre, glanding a little boost to wake himself up and sharpen
01:34:34his senses.
01:34:35The chemical boost helped numb the throb in his arms, his knuckles, and his skull.
01:34:41As his mind cleared, he took stock and verified his position using landmarks that he had patiently
01:34:47memorised during his reconnoitre—a pile of six flat stones, a prong-horned skull decades
01:34:55old, a patch of scrub that looked like a map of the Crimea.
01:35:00In just under fifteen minutes he found the pool.
01:35:04It lay at the bottom of an especially deep wadi, a slick of leftover winter rain that
01:35:11the long summer had not yet quite evaporated.
01:35:14The pool was less than a metre deep at its centre, and the water had reduced down to
01:35:19a brackish brown silt.
01:35:22It was unpotable, but pure enough to clean himself with.
01:35:27He winced as the mineral salts in the water burned and sterilised his wounds.
01:35:33He groaned through gritted teeth as he sluiced the liquid against the back of his skull with
01:35:38his wounded hands.
01:35:41The first rays of the rising sun began to stab into the cold blackness of the gully
01:35:47like laser-spears.
01:35:48Grammaticus gingerly traced the wadi wall around to a place marked with two lumps of
01:35:56He dug the sand away clumsily with his damaged hands, and pulled out the kit-bag he'd buried
01:36:04It was a standard Army clip-lock satchel, woven from waterproof canvas.
01:36:10Inside were two litre bottles of rehydration fluid, a pack of ration bars, which he began
01:36:15to eat immediately, a Medicay capsule, a collapsible knife, a las-pistol with two spare charge
01:36:22clips, three chemical flares, an auto-locator, a clean body-glove rolled up around a plastic-wrapped
01:36:29sheaf of documents, and a right-enabled data-slate.
01:36:34He sat down, munching on one of the ration bars and taking the odd swig of fluid from
01:36:39one of the bottles.
01:36:41He sorted through the documents, two pre-prepared alternative identities, along with two sets
01:36:47of blanks that he could make up quickly using the genic traces loaded into the data-slate.
01:36:53He ran through one of his exit strategies.
01:36:56The food and fluid would get him as far as his next cache of supplies, eight kilometres
01:37:02Then he'd use the auto-locator to call in a rescue-ship from the fleet.
01:37:07The flares would help the ship find him.
01:37:10They'd be all too keen to pick up a precious Geno 5-2 Hetman, lost in the desert edge,
01:37:16and that was precisely what one of his pre-prepared documents said he was.
01:37:22He'd been careful to make up a set using the ident of a Het missing and lost during the
01:37:27last few weeks.
01:37:28Petto Albari Sonica, Het of the Dances, missing in action since the CR-345 raid.
01:37:36Grammaticus idly practised a Feodosiac accent.
01:37:40He could carry that off, no problem.
01:37:43By the time anyone realised he wasn't Petto Sonica, he'd have vanished behind two or
01:37:48three other stolen identities, and become lost in the data-labyrinth of the fleet.
01:37:55Then what?
01:37:58A berth on a supply vessel heading towards the core regions?
01:38:03Something simple, something unfussy.
01:38:06A hundred ships came and went every day, servicing and supplying the huge demands of the advancing
01:38:12670th fleet.
01:38:15He'd be gone on one of them before anyone knew it, and on some backwater colony ninety
01:38:20light-years away he'd step off and disappear for ever.
01:38:27For ever.
01:38:30He thought about using the Medicaid capsule to tend his injuries, then considered that
01:38:34dirty wounds would reinforce any survivor story he attempted to weave.
01:38:40Sonica sighed and began to repack his bag.
01:38:44He tried not to think about Rukhsana Said any more.
01:38:48Gahet, that old bastard, had been quite right.
01:38:51That had been a wrong step.
01:38:54It hadn't impaired his mission so much as it had impaired her chances of survival.
01:38:59It was likely that she would pay the price for his disappearance.
01:39:04Once again he despised his own weakness.
01:39:08He had used her so badly, so knowingly, and yet the sad truth of it was that he had genuine
01:39:16feelings for her.
01:39:19Perhaps once he was back in the fleet and functioning under a new identity he might
01:39:23arrange to have her recalled.
01:39:26He'd get her out and take her with him.
01:39:30Of course that risked exposure.
01:39:34Perhaps too much exposure.
01:39:37I am a coward, he told the Desert out loud, tears on his cheeks.
01:39:44You are, the Desert replied.
01:39:49Grammatica slept to his feet, his heart pounding.
01:39:51He fought to get his broken fingers to take hold of the LAZ pistol and aimed it.
01:39:57At nothing.
01:39:58He snatched around, chasing the source of the voice.
01:40:01The pistol braced.
01:40:04Show yourself, he sent.
01:40:08I'm right here, John.
01:40:11He looked down at the stained pool.
01:40:14The cabal was using it as a fleck.
01:40:17It wasn't Gahet this time.
01:40:20This time they'd sent Slouda.
01:40:24You've been quite a long time, Grammatica said boldly, despite the fact that the vision
01:40:29of Slouda terrified him.
01:40:31I called for you and no one answered.
01:40:35Now you come, Slouda nodded.
01:40:39His reflection was extraordinarily pure, like a hologram cast up from the pool's water.
01:40:46The autark gazed at Grammaticus through the slits of his glinting bone-white helm.
01:40:52He was as slender as he was tall.
01:40:55The white feathers of his giant wings caught the advancing light.
01:41:00A few metres in front of the towering white figure stood Galatro, Slouda's little Exchisian
01:41:08What do you want, Lord?
01:41:12Grammaticus asked.
01:41:14Slouda murmured something.
01:41:17He wants to know why you're giving up when we're so close to our goal.
01:41:23Galatro translated into common Perfifque quite unnecessarily.
01:41:29Grammaticus spoke the Eldar tongue well enough.
01:41:33I'm compromised.
01:41:35You must understand that.
01:41:36I can't get any closer.
01:41:38I can't do what you want me to do.
01:41:42Slouda did not reply.
01:41:44He continued to stare at Grammaticus.
01:41:48You are terminating your mission, asked the little Exchisian in Perfifque.
01:41:55Grammaticus switched to the Eldar tongue, ignoring the hunched insectoid, and looking
01:42:00directly at the Autarch.
01:42:03I said I can't.
01:42:05He knows what you said, John, said Galatro.
01:42:09The Exchisian had to move its mouthparts rapidly and nimbly to approximate human speech sounds.
01:42:17He thought the Cabal had trained you well, briefed you fully, shared its acuity with
01:42:23You did, but he thought you understood how vital this gambit was.
01:42:28I do, but why are you giving up, John?
01:42:32Grammaticus shook his head and tossed the laspistol back onto his pack.
01:42:36I'm no good to you.
01:42:38This situation is no longer viable.
01:42:40I've tried to get close to the Alpha Legion, and I can't.
01:42:43They're too wary.
01:42:45You should deploy another agent and try elsewhere.
01:42:49Another Legion, perhaps.
01:42:51Are you planning for us now, John Grammaticus?
01:42:54Galatro chose not to translate Sloudar's question.
01:42:59Instead he relayed it straight.
01:43:01The question was simple, but framed in the Eldar accusative form.
01:43:05It felt like a death threat.
01:43:08I would not presume, Lord, said Grammaticus, shuddering.
01:43:13Two years, sidereal, that's all we have before it starts, Galatro said, relaying Sloudar's
01:43:21A decade, maximum, before it ends.
01:43:25This is our window, our one chance to turn your feckless race into an instrument of good.
01:43:32You've never liked humans much, have you?
01:43:34Honoured Lord, Grammaticus asked.
01:43:38Monkey, the Autarch said contemptuously.
01:43:44You are weed species, after birth, runts, the Exchisian glossed.
01:43:51No, tell me what you really think, Grammaticus said.
01:43:56Sloudar muttered.
01:43:58You are the blight of the galaxy, and you will be its doom, or its deliverer, Galatro
01:44:06I do so love our conversations, Grammaticus smiled.
01:44:10It's so rewarding to speak to a being who perceives my entire species as a momentary
01:44:16aberration in the galaxy's evolution.
01:44:19Aren't you just, asked Sloudar in thickly accented low gothic.
01:44:27You know what?
01:44:28Fog you, you uptight Eldar bastard.
01:44:32Piss off and hide in whatever corner of the cosmos you deem safe.
01:44:35Leave me alone.
01:44:36Stop flecting up and abusing me.
01:44:40Grammaticus spat.
01:44:41His spittle landed in the pool and caused a ripple that spread out and broke around
01:44:46Sloudar's armoured shins.
01:44:49John, asked Galatro, whatever made you think he was flecting himself here?
01:44:56Grammaticus backed away quickly, stammering.
01:44:59No, no, no.
01:45:02The Autarch took a step towards him, past the cowed Exchisian, roiling the pool's sediment
01:45:09with his feet.
01:45:12Grammaticus lunged for his pack, but the Eldar, as had been the case since the start of time,
01:45:17was far too fast.
01:45:18A blur of white, it reached him in a second and seized him by the throat.
01:45:22Long bone-armoured fingers bit into Grammaticus's neck and pinned him down.
01:45:28Please, please.
01:45:32Sloudar tightened his grip on Grammaticus's throat.
01:45:35Do not plead, monkey.
01:45:41You came?
01:45:43You came here, in person?
01:45:47Yes, John, said Galatro, coming up behind them.
01:45:52Lord Sloudar came here, in person, because it is that important.
01:45:59Two years, that's all we have, said the insectoid, relaying the white giant's almost inaudible
01:46:08Two years, John, the Cabal has seen this clearly, compounding our farseer and visionist talents.
01:46:16Even the Drahendra have seen this, and you know how slowly they move.
01:46:23Grammaticus nodded.
01:46:24The Drahendra was the most silent and inscrutable faction represented in the Cabal.
01:46:29Sentient, energised dust, virtually extinct.
01:46:34The last of them existed as membrane-skins around dying gas giants.
01:46:42Even they perceived the rapid reshaping of universal destiny.
01:46:48We're all going to die.
01:46:50Only monkey-kind can alter the pattern.
01:46:54I wish he'd stop calling us that, Grammaticus told Galatro, rubbing his bruised throat.
01:47:00It will be called a heresy, Sloudar replied through his interpolator.
01:47:06The insectoid's mouthparts twirled feverishly.
01:47:10It will halt your species' growth in its tracks.
01:47:13Soon your glorious Emperor will be lost in it.
01:47:18He will die, John?
01:47:21Oh, glory!
01:47:22You're sure?
01:47:24It has been farseen.
01:47:26He will die, for ever, and his eternal death is the one thing we wish to prevent.
01:47:33Tiny thing though he is, your Emperor is a pivotal player in this.
01:47:39And Horace?
01:47:40A monster.
01:47:41A monster?
01:47:43Not yet, but soon.
01:47:46A monster to engulf all monsters.
01:47:51Can't you stop it?
01:47:53Engage with another legion, perhaps?
01:47:55John, we have tested them all, one by one.
01:48:00The Dark Angels first, centuries ago.
01:48:03There is too much inherent corruption in them.
01:48:06The gene-seed weakness in all of the older legions has been exacerbated by the need to
01:48:12keep them up to strength for the Great Crusade.
01:48:15They have all, one way or another, weakened themselves.
01:48:20They are vulnerable.
01:48:22But the Alpha Legion, the last, the latest, they are still pure enough, green, receptive
01:48:30to change.
01:48:32John, listen to him, said Galatro.
01:48:36He let the Cabal into the Black Library so they could read this truth.
01:48:42He broke all the ancient edicts to make that happen.
01:48:46It is predetermined.
01:48:49The Cabal has exhausted hundreds of other agents trying to recruit the Astartes.
01:48:56Human agents?
01:48:57Yes, John, human agents.
01:49:01Astartes of all species.
01:49:03John, the Alpha Legion is our last hope.
01:49:06They are latecomers.
01:49:08Their gene-seed has not been diluted by the Terran and alien wars.
01:49:13John, we must—Slaudar spoke, cutting his interpolator off.
01:49:20Your first death, he said, speaking in the Eldar tongue, knowing Grammaticus had no need
01:49:27of an interpreter.
01:49:30My first death, Grammaticus answered in kind, Anatole Hive, I never asked you to save me,
01:49:38You chose to do that, remember?
01:49:40You chose to re-sleeve me in flesh and make me your agent.
01:49:45Don't you dare start calling in favours that I never asked for.
01:49:50There was a long silence.
01:49:52I must, John, Slaudar replied.
01:49:58He began to whisper again.
01:50:01This is no longer about the mission, Galatro translated.
01:50:07The mission is still vital, but another factor has entered the scheme, an unpredicted one.
01:50:16asked Grammaticus.
01:50:18It is something previously invisible to the Cabal's acuity.
01:50:22The Cabal chose Nirth as an ideal opportunity to demonstrate the effects of the primordial
01:50:28annihilator to the Alpha Legion.
01:50:32It turns out it is, perhaps, too much of a demonstration.
01:50:38I don't understand, said Grammaticus.
01:50:41What do you mean?
01:50:43This is why I have come in person, said Slaudar quietly.
01:50:51We have lately discovered, said Galatro, that the Nirthine possess a black cube.
01:51:02CHAPTER X
01:51:07Chased by her aides, Honan Moo strode out into the bright sunlight that was bleaching
01:51:14one of the Terracotta Palace's wide inner yards.
01:51:18She walked like she always walked, as if she was late for something important, and
01:51:23nothing would stop her.
01:51:25Other Uxors, along with senior Hets, were gathering in the yard, chatting in small groups
01:51:30or reading data reports.
01:51:33The morning briefing with Three Vet and Major General Dev was due to start in half an hour,
01:51:39and expectations were high.
01:51:41With the full strength of an Astartes task-force now in play, commanded by the Legion's Primarch,
01:51:47no less, everyone anticipated a swift escalation in operations, a major assault most likely,
01:51:53and soon.
01:51:55It was common knowledge that the Lord Commander was entirely pissed off with the Monlo theatre,
01:52:00and expected the Alpha Legion to take it quickly and cleanly, and so end his troubles.
01:52:07Her aides were all gabbling at her.
01:52:10The day was bright, but cold, thanks to a blustery wind blowing in off the desert.
01:52:15The sky seemed to be moving backwards even more slowly than before.
01:52:20The vapour-stain above Monlo was as dark and immobile as ever, but the screaming seemed
01:52:27to have diminished a little, or had at least been baffled by the desert wind.
01:52:32The sound lurked at the edge of hearing, like tinnitus.
01:52:38Cone and Moo came to a halt.
01:52:40"'Shut up,' she snapped with her sept, and her aides shut up.
01:52:45"'One at a time now,' she instructed.
01:52:49"'Two attempted incursions along the earthwork overnight,' said Tiffain.
01:52:53"'One at CR 412, around midnight, repulsed by a contingent of the Outremars after a patchy
01:53:01The other at CR 416, seen off quickly by the Knaves' company.'
01:53:06"'None, on either occasion, Axor,' said Jani.
01:53:13Moo asked.
01:53:14"'Both incursions were made by Nirthatra Raiders,' Leelie said,
01:53:19"'numbering no more than thirty individuals, lightly armed, skirritye units, desert rogues,
01:53:26each force probably led by an Ekfernuth elite.
01:53:29They melted back into the desert as quickly as they could.'
01:53:32"'They are testing our lines, probing for weaknesses,' said Jani.'
01:53:38Hone and Moo looked at the girl snidely.
01:53:41Jani hung her head.
01:53:43"'Which, of course, you had already appreciated, Axor,' she murmured.
01:53:48"'Anything else?' asked Moo.
01:53:51"'There are sketchy reports that a spy was driven away from the pavilion last night,'
01:53:57said Tiffain.
01:53:58"'Define driven away?' said Moo.
01:54:02"'An insurgent agent got close to the pavilion during the Lord Commander's meeting with the
01:54:06Astartes,' said Neferti.
01:54:08"'He was discovered and fled probably into the desert.'
01:54:13"'This is unconfirmed?' asked Moo.
01:54:16"'It is simply a rumour.
01:54:18The Lord Commander's staff seem unwilling to admit that such an outrage occurred.'
01:54:22"'No wonder an agent getting that close,' said Moo.
01:54:27"'The rumour also suggests that said agent may have taken out a Lucifer Black,' said Erika.'
01:54:35Hone and Moo redirected her gaze at Erika.
01:54:38The girl did not shy away from Moo's hard stare.
01:54:42Moo liked Erika's strength.
01:54:45Far younger than Tiffain, Moo's senior aide, the youngest of them all, Erika showed great
01:54:52She reminded Moo of herself—unabashed, strong, willful.
01:54:58"'The enemy agent killed a Lucifer?'
01:55:01Moo asked.
01:55:02Erika nodded.
01:55:03"'Right outside the tent wall, and no one inside heard anything.
01:55:09Of course the Lord Commander's staff is denying this, but you know how word gets around.'
01:55:14"'I happen to know a badger-lure in the outermast who said he saw the body being whisked away,'
01:55:21said Leelie.
01:55:22"'I can imagine how you happen to know the badger-lure,' thought Moo.
01:55:27"'Shit!' she whispered.
01:55:29'A Lucifer got burned.'
01:55:31"'Though the Lord Commander's staff has refused to comment on the rumour,' said Tiffain,
01:55:36"'operational security has been beefed up to Code Order 6 as of midnight last night.'
01:55:42Moo nodded.
01:55:43"'Code Order 6 was the highest of the standing security impositions.'
01:55:48"'We have learned that the Lord Commander has authorised the Lucifer Black Companions
01:55:54to conduct a full security purge on all Army units,' said Johnny.
01:55:59"'Everyone should make themselves available for interrogation by the Companions at short
01:56:05The Lord Commander is clearly keen to root out the spy in our midst before any assault
01:56:11"'That's exactly what I would do,' Moo sighed.
01:56:15"'I need to clear things up before that happens,' she thought.
01:56:18'I need to clean the Chilliard ranks quickly and effectively before the damn Lucifers find
01:56:24our regiment wanting.
01:56:26I know in my bones that a weakness resides within us.
01:56:31Ruxanna, that silly bitch!
01:56:35She is hiding something, and I will find it before our entire old hundred is shamed and
01:56:42She looked up at the sky, and watched it slide back on itself, slowly and unnaturally,
01:56:49like a picked feed of ice collapsing into melt-water, played in reverse.
01:56:55The desert wind tugged at their cloaks.
01:56:57"'Uxor?' asked Neferti.
01:57:00"'Wait here, please,' Moo said, and strode off across the yard.
01:57:04Her aides lingered where they had been told to linger, whispering and nattering.
01:57:09"'Gene Whip,' Moo said.
01:57:13Franco Boone looked around at her.
01:57:15He had been standing in conversation with Uxor Sanzy and her aides.
01:57:20"'Uxor,' he nodded.
01:57:22"'I was just about to come looking for you.'
01:57:25"'A word,' said Moo.
01:57:28They walked away from the gathering throng to the south side of the yard, under the shade
01:57:32of the colonnade.
01:57:34"'Something stinks,' said Boone, keeping his voice low.
01:57:39"'Go on,' she replied.
01:57:42"'Let me ask you this,' said Boone.
01:57:46"'Uxor Ruxana, you told me she was covering something.
01:57:51Could it be an affair with Het Pius?'
01:57:55Moo gazed at him.
01:57:57I don't know why she'd hide it.'
