Schüsse auf Trump: Was ein Augenzeuge gesehen hat

  • vor 2 Monaten
Blake Marnell stand in der ersten Reihe, als Donald Trump von einem Attentäter angeschossen wurde. Hier berichtet er, wie er die dramatischen Sekunden erlebte.


00:00Take a look at what happened.
00:16When I did eventually turn back towards the podium, I saw the president being protected by the secret service agents.
00:24They had rushed up onto the podium, they had covered him.
00:27I could not see him, he was behind the podium, did not have line of sight.
00:31But I could tell they were over him and trying their best to protect him and coordinate removing him from the stage.
00:39I mean, when they got him up, I got the impression that they wanted to hustle him off the stage.
00:45And he wanted to stay there and raise his fist and shake his fist to the world.
00:51Und die Dinge, die er uns für dieses Land, für seine Liebe nach Amerika vorbereitet hat,
01:07Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass ich das hier sehen würde.
01:12Es ist ein unglaublich trauriger Tag.
