Blankety Blank S17 Ep15

  • 2 months ago
00:00Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Lily Savage.
00:45I know you're all thinking, ooh, she looks smart tonight.
00:47I've been to a wedding. Yes.
00:49Big occasion in our family, a wedding.
00:51Normally you just get gripped in a bus stop,
00:53but here we are, it's a miracle.
00:55Anyway, let's push on and meet tonight's blankety-blankies, shall we?
00:58The first card in the pack played a long-running character
01:01in a police drama who went bad.
01:03Oh, he went rotten. Oh, yes.
01:05From being a friendly, helpful pillar of the community,
01:08this policeman became a corrupt, double-dealing villain.
01:11You're supposed to go...
01:15How come I never met any coppers like that in my day?
01:18Peach is back. Would you please welcome Mr Billy Money.
01:24How you doing, Kit?
01:27Now, you might be used to seeing my next guest sliding down a pole.
01:30Yes. No, no, a fireman's pole.
01:33Yeah, nothing to do with her other career in cabaret.
01:35No, no, no. London's burning.
01:37Will you please welcome the lovely Heather Peace.
01:45Now, next off the rank is Vikram,
01:48Weatherfield's most gorgeous cabbie.
01:50Yes. How come he's never picked me up on a Saturday night?
01:53Come out, stilettos in hand,
01:55roaring drum thing.
01:58Will you please welcome Chris Pearson.
02:07Now, you might have noticed a collection of beautiful platinum blondes
02:11sharing the GMTV sofa with Eamonn Holmes.
02:14Fiona Phillips, Penny Smith, and my next guest.
02:17She's the Grace Kelly to Eamonn Holmes' Alfred Titchcock.
02:20Would you please welcome the gorgeous Kate Galloway.
02:31Surprise, surprise.
02:33I'm told my next guest is the undisputed star of Breakfast Telly.
02:37I have to take his word for it because in my house,
02:39Breakfast Telly is the one o'clock news point.
02:42And anyone who can get up that early deserves a round of applause.
02:45He's a sex symbol, he's a man about town,
02:47and he's a rue swell, it's Mr Eamonn Holmes.
02:50Eamonn Holmes, thank you very much.
02:56And finally, my last guest is a real knockout.
02:59She's also immortalised as Lara Croft in the computer game Tomb Raider.
03:04Have you seen it? Yes.
03:06In my business, a Tomb Raider is someone who marries a rich old man
03:09just before he pegs it.
03:11But there's nothing like that with my next guest.
03:13Would you please welcome the lovely Nell McAndrew.
03:17Lovely, fabulous.
03:19Look at her.
03:21Anyway, let's push on, shall we,
03:23and meet tonight's contestants who are desperate to play Blankety Blank.
03:33Now, you're Tina Brooks. I am.
03:35And you're from the West Midlands. Uh-huh.
03:37And what do you do?
03:38I'm a PA for a staging and debate company.
03:41Is that exciting? It is.
03:43Is it? What's your dream job, though?
03:45Surely that wasn't like what you said to your careers officer.
03:48I want to be a team, whatever you've just said.
03:50I'd love to be a physiotherapist for the England football team.
03:55Oh, we'd all love it.
03:58And you also wouldn't mind being Jennifer Aniston?
04:00Oh, no.
04:02Why's that?
04:03Well, I'd wake up in the morning with Brad Pitt,
04:06I'd film all day with Matt LeBlanc,
04:09and then I'd go home to Brad Pitt again.
04:13Can't be bad.
04:14I'd wake up in the morning next to Seth Pitt to get tickets.
04:20And you've got a thing about chocolate?
04:22Oh, I have, yes. I'm a pure chocoholic.
04:24How much chocolate a day do you go through?
04:26I can have six bars a day, easy.
04:28Well, you are, don't you?
04:30Oh, please, the things they wire through, you've got no idea.
04:34Well, you've got a nice slim figure, it's not bothered you.
04:36That's the problem, I just keep eating it because I think, well...
04:38You know why it releases serotofins or something in your brain?
04:41Apparently it's better than sex.
04:43Oh, that's why I have it, then, yeah.
04:45Depends on the size of the bar, doesn't it, really, I suppose?
04:49Yeah, depends on the size.
04:51And you once gave room service to the Chippendales, is that right?
04:55Oh, God.
04:56Room service.
04:57Yes, I did.
04:58I used to work in the hotel industry.
04:59I did as well.
05:00Did you?
05:01I kept getting thrown out by security, though.
05:04I used to work on the front desk, but we were extremely busy that night,
05:07so I said I'd help out with room service.
05:09So, I happened to go to one of the Chippendales' doors,
05:12knocked on the door, and it happened to be Charles,
05:15who's, like, over six foot tall.
05:17And he opened the door with just this pink thong on.
05:20And I've got this tray.
05:23Because I'm so short, I thought,
05:25do I put it above it or below it?
05:27I was like...
05:30I'm going to have to put this, Celia.
05:32Let's drop the tray and whip the pink thong down.
05:36Give him a big round of applause.
05:38Come on, Celia from the West Midlands.
05:40Hi, guys.
05:43Now, this gentleman here is Jason Marbeck.
05:45Is that right, Jason?
05:46That's correct.
05:47And he's from the city of Wakefield.
05:49Has it got a cathedral?
05:50It has.
05:51Oh, has it?
05:52I know, but I was in the back of a van with blacked-out windows.
05:55And what do you do?
05:56I work for a supermarket chain.
05:58Are you married?
05:59I am.
06:00Been married five years.
06:01But it says here...
06:02Actually, it said that,
06:03but it says you met in the stationary cupboard at work.
06:08There's a bit more to it than that.
06:10There is, my lads.
06:13Now, this is what fascinates me.
06:15You had a very interesting ancestor, didn't you?
06:18John Marbeck.
06:19And he was burnt at the stake.
06:21Not quite.
06:22Well, you see, I had an auntie.
06:24This happened to her.
06:25It's nearly.
06:26She was getting the lights off the gas stove, you see.
06:29She had a hair full of plastic rollers.
06:31Up she went.
06:32She went electric and bought Carmans after that, I tell you.
06:35So, what happened to fascinators?
06:37He was pardoned.
06:38Queen died, and he was pardoned.
06:40Oh, really?
06:41So, was this Lady Queen of Scots, then?
06:44That's right.
06:45And then what happened after he got pardons?
06:47Thank God for that.
06:49His son was chief physician to Queen Elizabeth I,
06:52and there's a street in Windsor called Marbeck Street after him.
06:56Was he a good doctor?
06:57Apparently so, yeah.
06:58He should have got pasty, didn't she, Queen Elizabeth I?
07:00Yeah, probably.
07:01Bit like him, George.
07:02What's with that red rouge on and the rotten teeth and that ginger wig?
07:05You shouldn't wear ginger hair with a complexion like that.
07:07I keep telling Scylla this.
07:08I'll tell you she won't listen.
07:10Give him a big round of applause, please.
07:13How fabulous.
07:14I wish I had something like that in our family.
07:17Right, now.
07:19You know the score.
07:20I'm going to read each of you a question,
07:21and all you have to do is fill in the missing blank or blanks.
07:24And each time you match at one of our fabulous turns over there,
07:26you'll score a point.
07:27And the highest score will go on to play the Supermatch game
07:30for one of our magnificent prizes.
07:34All right, don't go mad.
07:35And if you get through this head-to-head,
07:37you might win our star prize, which tonight is this.
07:40Let's hear it.
07:42Win 300 blanks at its first stop, sun-drenched Miami,
07:46before joining your luxury cruise of the stunning Caribbean.
07:53Anyway, you won the toss backstage,
07:55so you get to go first.
07:56Would you like A or B?
07:57A, please.
07:59And remember, the clue's in the question,
08:00and best of luck.
08:01Might be out.
08:02My neighbour had his head shaved for charity last week.
08:06His wife kept him company by having her blank or blanks
08:09shaved as well.
08:14You all right up there?
08:16Don't pick your cold sore aim.
08:19My neighbour had his head shaved for charity last week.
08:22His wife kept him company by having her blank or blanks
08:26shaved as well.
08:29Push your buttons, please, when you're ready.
08:31Thank you.
08:32You ready, Sina?
08:34Best of luck.
08:35My neighbour had his head shaved for charity last week.
08:37His wife kept him company by having her...
08:40Her legs.
08:41Well done.
08:42Well done.
08:44You haven't forgotten, have you?
08:46I haven't forgotten you with the pearly brooch last time,
08:50My neighbour had his head shaved for charity last week.
08:52His wife kept him company by having her...
08:54What have you got, Billy?
08:56No, mine's.
08:58Oh, hello there.
08:59What have you got?
09:00I've got exactly the same.
09:04What have you got, Chris?
09:08There's a few more, I think, down here with armpits.
09:12Yeah, I'm afraid I've got armpits as well.
09:15No, mine's.
09:17We're symbiotic, aren't we?
09:18We are.
09:19We're too close, you see.
09:20This is what it is.
09:22What have you got?
09:27Never mind.
09:28Don't worry, though, Tina.
09:29The night is young.
09:31Right, you.
09:32It's your go now.
09:35Alan Titchmarsh told me what happened at his christening.
09:39Instead of dabbing him with font water,
09:41the vicar took him outside and sprayed him with a...
09:45You have to look up blank.
09:46It drops dead.
09:47It's terrible.
09:48I do.
09:49Triffids are all right with me.
09:50Alan Titchmarsh told me what happened at his christening.
09:53Instead of dabbing him with font water,
09:55the vicar took him outside and sprayed him with his...
09:58A wither.
10:01Push your buttons.
10:02Well done.
10:03Right, Jason.
10:04Alan Titchmarsh told me what happened at his christening.
10:07Instead of dabbing him with font water,
10:09the vicar took him outside and sprayed him with a...
10:12Well done.
10:17Here we go, including...
10:19Billy, he sprayed him with a...
10:21Hoseweed killer.
10:22Right, Tom.
10:26I think it's too good to be true, Jason.
10:28Heather, sprayed him with a...
10:30He's as logical as mine, it's just vicious.
10:34It's not vicious.
10:35It's not very nice, is it?
10:37It depends what kind of fertiliser,
10:39whether it's liquid or solid.
10:44What have you got, Chris?
10:46Oh, thank God for that.
10:50I don't know, you can let me have this.
10:52Sprayed him with a...
10:53That's it, no, no.
10:54No, that's fine.
10:55That's good enough for me.
10:56A hose.
10:58Sprayed him with a...
10:59I think it's the same thing.
11:01It's this.
11:05No, no.
11:06The Tenko Watch Committee will not allow...
11:09Wimmy about or I'll be punished.
11:13Now, what have you got?
11:14I've made up my previous one.
11:15A hose, well done.
11:16A hose.
11:20I've put a spell on you.
11:23Would you like A or B?
11:24I'll have A again, please.
11:25A? OK.
11:26Best of luck.
11:28It's another one.
11:29Never mind.
11:31My ex-husband...
11:36..was a very original criminal.
11:38He's the only person to try and win money at the racecourse
11:41by doping one of the...blanks.
11:45I don't think...
11:46Billy, you know all about this kind of thing, don't you?
11:50Yes, of course he does.
11:52My ex-husband was a very original criminal.
11:54He's the only person to try and win money at the racecourse
11:57by doping one of the...blanks.
12:02Are you ready?
12:04I'm worried now if you see that because I don't think...
12:08You're too innocent, aren't you, for this kind of sort of thing?
12:11But we'll see what you come up with.
12:13My ex-husband was a very original criminal.
12:15He's the only person to try and win money at the racecourse
12:17by doping one of the...
12:19Well done, well done.
12:23It wouldn't have been me, I'll tell you.
12:25I'm telling you now.
12:26Billy, by doping one of the...
12:29No, sorry.
12:31Never mind.
12:34Well done, Heather.
12:40Well done.
12:44I'm sorry, I thought I got this one.
12:48It's a very common word for the two accountants.
12:51Is this what they teach you on GMTV?
12:53Oh, yes, it's not actually, Louie.
12:55A bookmaker.
12:58A bookmaker.
13:00It's no good.
13:02It gets worse.
13:03A cashier.
13:07Well, Jason, that makes you our winner.
13:09Would you like to come and join me?
13:11Please, come over.
13:12Thank you.
13:19I'm awful sorry.
13:20I nearly am.
13:21I mean, it's been short and sweet,
13:22but we're not letting you go home empty-handed.
13:24You do get, wait for this,
13:26a blankety-blank checkbook and pen.
13:29Oh, succuous.
13:32I hope you've had a good night.
13:33See you soon.
13:34Give it a big round of applause.
13:35Come on.
13:43We're going to play the Supermatch game,
13:45but not before we've had a cup of tea and a rest,
13:47so we'll see you after the break.
13:49See you later.
13:55Welcome back to Blankety-Blank.
13:57This is Jason, and he's just won,
13:59so we're going to play the Supermatch game now.
14:01Reveal the legends.
14:03Blank Licence.
14:06Who would you like to play with?
14:08Go on, then.
14:18I beg your pardon?
14:19Off Licence.
14:21Who else?
14:24Something Licence.
14:29That's how she went to the RADA.
14:33Who else?
14:37Dog Licence.
14:38Right, kids, so let's go through the list, shall we?
14:40We've got Billy's Dog, we've got Heather's Poetic,
14:43and we've got Eamon's Off.
14:44Now, if you're not happy with those,
14:46you can choose one of your own.
14:48OK, I'll go with Off.
14:50Are you sure?
14:52All right, then.
14:53Right, let's have a look now.
14:5450 blanks was...
14:57Wow, rotten.
14:58Just let's have a look at the others.
14:59What was 100?
15:03And the top answer was...
15:06I never thought of that, Drive and Licence.
15:08Well, never mind, Jason.
15:09You have won a multimedia pocket PC.
15:12I haven't got a clue what a multimedia pocket PC is,
15:15but you've won one.
15:16Just put it in your pocket and say nothing.
15:19I might see you later on in the head-to-heads.
15:21Give them a big round of applause, please.
15:22Come on.
15:23See you later, Jason.
15:29That was hard, that, wasn't it?
15:30Anyway, let's push on, shall we?
15:32Tempus Fugis, as they say in Greece.
15:34And let's meet our next two players,
15:35who are going to play Blankety Blank.
15:37Thank you.
15:50It's a hot night tonight, I'll just warn you, honestly.
15:54Now, you're Hannah Nathan.
15:56And you're from Ilford in Essex.
16:00We're all in.
16:01Brought a couch load with you.
16:02Yeah, I did.
16:04Well, if you didn't, there'd be nobody here.
16:06I mean...
16:08And what do you do for a living?
16:10I used to be a demonstrator in promotions,
16:13now I'm a housewife.
16:14It says here you'd like to have worked with dolphins.
16:17I would like... Yes, I would.
16:20I think there's something wonderful about those animals.
16:23Have you ever swum with them?
16:24No, my daughter has.
16:25It's supposed to be very therapeutic, isn't it?
16:27Yes, well, I can...
16:28It's a bit fishy, but...
16:30Don't mind the fishy, I can do with some...
16:33We'll have to see if we can...
16:34Well, if you win the cruise...
16:36You can jump off the boat.
16:37I suppose I could.
16:39Hang on to the anchor and swim with them.
16:41Yeah, that's an idea.
16:42So, keep your fingers crossed.
16:44And you married to Theo.
16:46That's a lovely name.
16:47How did you meet him?
16:51At a dance, and we corresponded for about a year,
16:53and then I went over to Southern Ireland,
16:56and he said,
16:57Do you like me?
16:58I said, Yes.
16:59Do you love me?
17:00I said, Yes.
17:01Will you marry me?
17:02I said, Yes.
17:10It doesn't happen to me.
17:11I write to them.
17:12I get it sent back.
17:14And your dad was a famous inventor.
17:16Yeah, he was.
17:17What did he invent?
17:18He started off with the Lorraine hair curler.
17:21So, is this the old-fashioned paint,
17:23where they had all the wires and stuff?
17:27And he sat there and frizzed your hair up
17:28and did all these fascinating curls?
17:29That's right.
17:30I've got a wonderful one these days,
17:31to tell you.
17:32Sleeping in them sponge rollers.
17:33You'll hear this beautiful thing.
17:34Oh, no.
17:35Sponge rollers.
17:36I might not like soup cans.
17:37Can I stop you?
17:39But, you know, sometimes,
17:40we've got to leave consistent, you see,
17:41in the toilets.
17:42I'm like,
17:43sometimes, you know,
17:44in the night,
17:45if you get up and sit there
17:46and you pull the chain,
17:47you have ten gallons of water
17:48hitting your head.
17:49Do you know how much
17:50a sponge roller absorbs?
17:51I'm like,
17:52The Elephant Man.
17:54Give it a big round of applause, please.
18:01Now, you're John Wiley.
18:03Well, sorry, Willie.
18:06Aren't they low?
18:07Aren't they low, Mr Willie?
18:14And you're from Devon.
18:15That's it.
18:16You are lovely.
18:17And what do you do for a living?
18:18I'm an accountant,
18:19partly retired now.
18:21Oh, are you?
18:22You don't like retirements?
18:23No, I offset that level
18:25of entertaining square dance
18:27quality and that sort of stuff.
18:29You do square dance quality?
18:30Yes, I do.
18:31So, is this a
18:32stitching partner
18:33straight to the right
18:34then flinging around
18:35and do-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da
18:37You run on like sweating
18:38I've got a headache.
18:39Slow down, slow down!
18:42And you've got a fantasy job.
18:43What is it?
18:45I'd like to be a
18:46producer of
18:47Coronation Street
18:49and bring back
18:51Mom, you're going to
18:52bring her back?
18:53She's dead, isn't she?
18:54Suppose they could have a shower scene,
18:55couldn't they?
18:56Or a twin sister.
18:57Oh, Alma's twin sister.
18:58Have you been a big fan of Coronation Street's audio?
19:01Right from the beginning, yeah.
19:02Right from the beginning?
19:04From any, Ina Sharp?
19:05Oh, absolutely.
19:06Two of them fancies.
19:07That's right.
19:08I haven't watched it from the first day, so I've just bought the books.
19:11You're too young.
19:12I am, obviously, I love it.
19:14You need to be.
19:15Oh, sweetheart, you are.
19:16We're going cruising, me and you.
19:20Give him a big round of applause.
19:22Come on.
19:22Come on, Willie.
19:24Well, listen, best of luck to the period, yeah.
19:28Okay, now, you and the tots backstage, so you get to go first.
19:31Would you like to go A or B?
19:32A, please.
19:33A, okay.
19:34And best of luck.
19:35And remember, the clue's in the question.
19:38While sunbathing in our backyard, our Jason was stung by a wasp.
19:43His blank swelled up like a balloon.
19:48While sunbathing in our backyard...
19:50Now, why did they put down backyard?
19:52Why do you assume I have a backyard?
19:54I might have acres of land.
19:57Our Jason was stung by a wasp.
19:59His blank swelled up like a balloon.
20:02Eamon, don't look at me like that, please.
20:03Thank you very much.
20:04This is an uphill little...
20:06Right, okay.
20:07Hannah, the vamp of Savannah.
20:10The meanest girl in town.
20:14Took on your cold and refrigerated manners.
20:18Brought the trees and the polar bears with her jarvis.
20:27Come on, come over here.
20:43So, you ready, Hannah?
20:44While sunbathing in our backyard, our Jason was stung by a wasp.
20:51Tummy, well done.
20:52It's a nice word, tummy.
20:54I think I sort of discreetly walk over here.
21:05Billy, have you got a tummy?
21:07His bottom.
21:08That's near enough.
21:10No? Okay.
21:12His head has got a bottom.
21:13She's drawn it.
21:14No, no, please.
21:15Get a bit.
21:17Oh, I'm sorry, Hannah.
21:18What have you got, Chris?
21:20His big toe.
21:21Well, I crossed big out in case it was just toe.
21:30Is that what happened to you?
21:31Sorry, Hannah.
21:32What have you got?
21:40His bottom.
21:43Oh, I'm sorry.
21:44Never mind, Laura.
21:45You can't do this to me.
21:52I've got my shoes.
21:53I love these shoes as well.
21:55Just sort of totter over here.
21:57Right, you ready?
21:58You ready now?
21:59Best of luck.
22:00I was offered a job as a dancer at the Moulin Rouge.
22:07But I couldn't do the can-can.
22:09Every time I cocked my leg up,
22:11my blank fell off.
22:17I was offered a job as a dancer at the Moulin Rouge,
22:20but I couldn't do the can-can.
22:21Every time I cocked my leg up,
22:23my blank fell off.
22:25I haven't got a clue what you're going to say.
22:27John, best of luck.
22:29Every time I cocked my leg up,
22:33Pants fell off.
22:37Can-can knickers.
22:38You know.
22:42I was offered a job as a dancer at the Moulin Rouge.
22:44But I couldn't do the can-can.
22:50This is not fair.
22:51I'm going to write to Amnesty.
22:52This should be recognised as a war crime these days.
22:56The very hard ones.
22:58My wig fell off.
22:59I've never worn a wig in my life.
23:00It's snatchable.
23:04My skate fell off.
23:06Well, it's... No.
23:08My shoe.
23:10We're going for everything here,
23:11but we're getting nothing.
23:12Try and get...
23:14The broken heel.
23:15There you go.
23:17I don't know what I was thinking.
23:18What were you thinking?
23:19Let me have a look.
23:21No, it's all right.
23:23My shoe fell off.
23:25It's going to be a long night.
23:26I can feel it.
23:27My heel broke when I was out dancing for the week.
23:29And what did you do?
23:30I had to go on in a taxi,
23:31get changed,
23:32and some of the shoes would go back.
23:33Well, I can't do that here, can I?
23:34We'll be a long night.
23:35We'll be staying a long night.
23:36I have, but I can't be bothered.
23:37I'll manage.
23:38My shoe fell off.
23:41so the score's neck and neck,
23:42as you can see.
23:46you get to go first.
23:47Would you like A or B?
23:48A, please.
23:50OK, best of luck.
23:51Now, let's see if we can get something here now.
23:52You ready?
23:54I don't mind non-stick pans,
23:56but now I hear the post office
23:58is trying to sell non-stick blanks.
24:02OK, you lot, come on.
24:04Come on, now.
24:05Snap to it, please.
24:06Push your buttons, please,
24:07when you're ready.
24:08Thank you.
24:12Oh, my God!
24:18It always happens to me.
24:21They don't make shoes like they used to.
24:24I don't mind non-stick pans,
24:25but now I hear the post office
24:27is trying to sell non-stick...
24:31Hannah, well done.
24:32You're going to have this.
24:33Oh, I don't...
24:37I give up.
24:39I just give up.
24:40I mean, you know, I've got...
24:42Do you know what?
24:43These are my Holy Communion shoes as well.
24:47Bailey, have you got...
24:49Hannah, yay!
24:51Well done.
24:53Have a stamp of your heart.
24:57Yes, stamps.
25:11I thought I might sell flats then,
25:12you know what I mean?
25:18What have you got?
25:19Are you ready for it?
25:24Well done.
25:25Oh, thanks, Eamonn.
25:33I'm not going to...
25:34I must have got mad.
25:35A lot of you have got mad.
25:46Well done, Hannah.
26:00Right, Jon.
26:02We'll have another go, shall we?
26:04My niece, Tracy, is football mad.
26:07She insists.
26:08Isn't it weird having no heel?
26:11I can't walk in flats.
26:12I've not done this.
26:14My niece, Tracy, is football mad.
26:16She insisted that her birthday cake
26:18was made in the shape of David Beckham's blank.
26:24Don't say not another thing.
26:28My niece, Tracy, is football mad.
26:31She insisted.
26:32I can't cope.
26:34I feel like I'm on a cruise.
26:35This is a rough crossing, this.
26:41She insisted that her birthday cake
26:45was made in the shape of David Beckham's blank.
26:52I feel like one of them women years ago
26:54who had their feet farmed in China.
26:59Or Lady Penelope.
27:00She walked like that.
27:11OK, Jon.
27:12Let's have a go.
27:13Is that a Julian Cleary?
27:14Never mind.
27:17My niece, Tracy, is football mad.
27:18She insisted that her birthday cake
27:20was made in the shape of David Beckham's...
27:24Good lad.
27:30It's the shape of David Beckham's football boots.
27:36ITO, would you like to come and join me?
27:38ITO, would you like to come and join me, Hannah, please?
27:40Because you're our winner.
27:49Jon, I'm sorry, but you're not going home empty-handed.
27:51You do get the blankety-blank checkbook and pen
27:53and a lifetime of happy memories.
27:57Give him a big round of applause, please.
27:59Mr William Benjamin.
28:00Come on, Jon.
28:10Trying to keep your balance here.
28:12Do you want to borrow my shoes?
28:14What size are you?
28:16Oh, you're a bit big for me.
28:19I'm only a three.
28:22Now, we're going to play a supermatch game
28:24and what happens is you're going to ask for help
28:26from any three of our turns over there
28:28and if you're not happy with their suggestions,
28:30you're free to choose one of your own.
28:33Now, best of luck.
28:34Reveal the legends.
28:38Now, who would you like to play with?
28:40Um, Billy.
28:57I suppose so.
28:58Hang on, we'll just go through the list
29:00and we'll have a little look.
29:01So, we have Billy's keeper,
29:02we have Chris's mouth
29:04and we have Kate's post.
29:06Now, do you like any of those?
29:07Would you like to choose one of them?
29:09No, I'll have one of those.
29:10Which one?
29:12Well done, Hannah.
29:13Well done.
29:16Fingers crossed.
29:17The 50 blanks we had,
29:21For 100 blanks we had,
29:24And the top answer,
29:25150 blanks.
29:31You have won a leather lounger.
29:33Nice one, isn't it?
29:35And you also stay for the head-to-head.
29:38OK then, we ready?
29:40Now, the head-to-head,
29:41this is the big one for the crews.
29:42Now, what happens here
29:43is I ask you one more question
29:44and you can pick one of our turns to play with.
29:46And if your answers match,
29:47as well as winning that leather lounger,
29:49you'll also get the week in Miami
29:51followed by a week on a Caribbean cruise.
29:54So, are you ready?
29:57Who would you like to play with?
29:58Choose wisely.
30:01They all hate this because it's so hard.
30:02It's not that hard.
30:03Now, you stand there and turn your back.
30:06Now, best of luck, Hannah.
30:07Thank you.
30:08Now, the word is
30:09blank palace.
30:10Don't say anything.
30:11Something palace.
30:13Blank palace.
30:14Something palace.
30:18You ready, Billy?
30:20OK then.
30:21What do you think it is, Hannah?
30:23Buckingham palace.
30:25Blank palace.
30:26Something palace.
30:31Oh, fabulous.
30:32Oh, fabulous.
30:33Oh, fabulous.
30:34Oh, fabulous.
30:35Oh, Billy, welcome.
30:36Oh, I love it when you win, I tell you.
30:37It was weird losing me heel for this, I tell you.
30:38So, Hannah, as well as winning the leather lounger,
30:39you've got a week in Miami
30:40followed by a cruise around the Caribbean,
30:41and you also get the blanky bank chair for competing.
30:44Now, you sit down.
30:45You sit down.
30:46You sit down.
30:47You sit down.
30:48You sit down.
30:49You sit down.
30:50You sit down.
30:51You sit down.
30:52You sit down.
30:53You sit down.
30:54You sit down.
30:55You sit down.
31:04All that remains for me is to go to a cobbler's.
31:06But before I do, I'd like to thank all our fabulous turns tonight.
31:09The wonderful Billy, very clever Billy, well done.
31:14To Emma Rockwell.
31:17To Chris.
31:20To Kate.
31:23To Mr Holmes.
31:26And for now,
31:30from all our contestants and from me, Lily Savage,
31:32goodnight, God bless, see you next week.
31:34Ta-ra, see ya.