• 3 months ago


00:00Once upon a time in a little house in the forest, there lived a family of three bears. There was a
00:13big father bear, medium-sized mother bear, and little baby bear. One fine day they decided to
00:20go for an early walk in the forest while their breakfast was cooling. On that very same day,
00:26a little girl called Goldilocks was out walking in the forest, and she came along soon after the
00:32bears had left their little house. She was lost and a bit tired, and when she saw the little house,
00:37she went inside. And there she found three chairs, and she sat down in the great big one. No,
00:47it is too high. Then she sat in the medium-sized chair. No, this is too low. At last she sat in
00:56the smallest chair, and... Yes, this is just right. Then Goldilocks saw the three steaming bowls of
01:03hot porridge on the table. She felt very hungry, so she tasted the porridge in the big bowl. Oh,
01:09that is too hot. Then she tried the medium-sized bowl of porridge, but... Ooh, that is too cold.
01:19Last she tried the smallest bowl of porridge. Oh, yes, this is just right. And she ate it all up.
01:28After that Goldilocks felt very tired, so she went to find a place where she could lie down.
01:34In the bedroom there were three wooden beds. A great big bed for father bear,
01:41a medium-sized bed for mother bear, and a tiny little bed for baby bear. Goldilocks
01:47lay down in the big bed. No, this bed is too hard. She tried to rest on the medium-sized bed, but...
01:56No, this bed is too soft. Then she lay down on the smallest bed and said... Ah, this bed is just
02:06right. And she fell fast asleep. Meanwhile the three bears were coming back from their walk,
02:13carrying some delicious honey they had found for their porridge.
02:16But when they came into the house, father bear looked at his chair and said in his big
02:21father bear voice... Somebody's been sitting in my chair. And mother bear looked around and said...
02:31Somebody's been sitting in my chair. And baby bear looked too. And when he saw the broken spring on
02:38his tiny wooden chair, he was very upset and he said... Look, somebody's been sitting in my chair
02:46and it's broken. Then the three bears looked at the table and their bowls of porridge.
02:53Father bear growled loudly... Somebody's been eating my porridge. And mother bear looked at her
03:00medium bowl and said... Somebody's been eating my porridge too. And baby bear looked at his little
03:08bowl and saw that it was empty and he cried... Somebody's been eating my porridge and they've
03:15eaten all of it. By now the three bears were very puzzled indeed, so they went to look in their
03:22bedroom. Straight away father bear looked at his big bed and said... Somebody's been sleeping in my
03:30bed. Mother bear looked at her medium-sized bed and said... Somebody's been sleeping in my bed too.
03:40And baby bear looked at his bed and squeaked with great excitement... Oh, somebody's been sleeping in
03:46my bed too. And here she is. And with that Goldilocks woke up in a terrible fright
03:53and ran away and never went into the forest again.
04:03I bet you knew that story. Now here's some nursery rhymes you can read too.
04:08Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling after.
04:17Up Jack got and home he trot as fast as he could caper. Went to bed to mend his head with vinegar and brown paper.
04:31Half a pound of chubby rice, half a pound of treacle, mix it up and make it nice. Pop goes the weasel
04:39Up and down the city road, in and out the eagle, that's the way the money goes. Pop goes the weasel.
04:49Half a pound of chubby rice, half a pound of treacle, mix it up and make it nice. Pop goes the weasel.
04:58Up and down the city road, in and out the eagle, that's the way the money goes. Pop goes the weasel.
05:06That's the way the money goes. Pop goes the weasel.
05:13Let's read another book. How do you get dressed?
05:19My pants, my shirt,
05:26my socks,
05:30my boots,
05:31my coat, my hat, my gloves, the snow.
05:46Now let's read that together.
05:50My pants, my shirt,
05:55my shirt, my socks,
06:02my boots, my coat,
06:09my hat, my gloves, the snow.
06:17This time you read the words first.
06:21My pants, my shirt,
06:29my socks, my boots,
06:37my coat, my hat,
06:44my hat, my gloves,
06:53the snow.
07:01Time for some more reading. What things are big?
07:06Is a whale big?
07:10Is an elephant big?
07:11Is a skyscraper big?
07:15Is a spaceship big?
07:19Is a monster big?
07:23Is a baby big?
07:27No, a baby is little.
07:31Now let's make a story from these words.
07:35A whale is big.
07:37A whale is big.
07:41An elephant is big.
07:45A skyscraper is big.
07:49A spaceship is big.
07:53A monster is big.
07:57But a baby is little.
07:59I knew you could read it.
08:01Now you tell me the story.
08:03A whale is big.
08:09An elephant is big.
08:13A skyscraper is big.
08:19A spaceship is big.
08:23A monster is big.
08:29But a baby is little.
08:33That was good.
08:35This time you read the words first.
08:37The pictures will help you.
08:41A whale is big.
08:49An elephant is big.
08:57A skyscraper is big.
09:03A spaceship is big.
09:15A monster is big.
09:23But a baby is little.
09:25A spaceship is little.
09:31There, I knew you could read it.
