Fred's Head - Lab Rats

  • 3 months ago


00:00Oh, Fred! Here you go! Fred! Fred! It's good, but it's still not that delectably horrible
00:18zombie groan that I need. Well then, you'd better come back when I ask my sunshine to
00:23vacuum the house for me!
00:27Can't move too much lips and eyebrows
00:40Communicating can sometimes feel painful
00:46when coupled with facial reaction
00:53No signs of aging, faces without wrinkles
00:58Express something on their own
01:05Can't move too much lips and eyebrows
01:12Extracurricular Activity Week is just around the corner. You're encouraged to enthusiastically sign up for the activity of your choice. Yippee!
01:31Hard to choose from the sea of activities. They're all so invigorating as a spicy merguez and a bed of bland couscous.
01:37Annette and I are choosing the video workshop with Mrs. Vula.
01:41Anybody else interested in the moving images with synchronized sound workshop?
01:46This is a wonderful opportunity to have a close encounter of the girl kind.
01:53Don't you think this would be an excellent way for you to get closer to your beloved Annette and to the mayor who can perform the ceremony?
02:02Uh, hi there! Annette, hi!
02:12I've got to face facts. Annette is no more interested in me than a great white shark is in a plate of tofu. I should just forget about it.
02:18Who would like to sign up for my workshop, Material Strength?
02:25So many choices. Latrine construction.
02:28Look at that. No mandatory activities. You can take a walk in the woods, go for a boat ride, read some comics. Intense.
02:36I'll take the Perpetual Freedom Workshop.
02:38I'll do the same.
02:39Freedom is not something you choose. It is a way of life.
02:43Sounds strange hearing that in a school.
03:03Hey, I know this watermelon. You use it for something different every week.
03:09What a place. Just had a barbecue and I'm in paradise.
03:17Greetings, friends. I wonder if you could light my lantern. Where would I find the kitchen?
03:23Jeez, it's like being in a wax museum.
03:33Fred! Denmark! There!
03:36It has the identical shape of a map of Poland. It's a sign. Oh, I'm sure of it. Here it is, undeniably, marinating in a cupid-esque vinegar.
03:50Mrs. Bula isn't here yet?
03:52Okay, who here has made a film before?
03:55Good. I'll be in charge of the video workshop then.
03:58So, what do you want to do? Assistant camera? Assistant sound? Assistant assistant?
04:02Starring role?
04:06To prove how talented I am, I would like to do my interpretation of a scene from Citizen Kan.
04:12My love, I've always remembered our meeting on the artist's bridge and your frilly little dresses. And the softness of your lips.
04:22Pathetic groans. On the other hand, you do move like zombies. All's not lost.
04:31Hello! My name is Hyacinth, like the flower, and I am the leader of this workshop. Our time will be spent as follows.
04:39Have a light sleep in with a rooster wake-up call, then learn how to master forced relaxation in a hammock, followed by mandatory idleness.
04:48That sounds exhausting, doesn't it?
04:51In this workshop, everyone has the right to say whatever they want.
04:57Mrs. Bula isn't feeling well, and for reasons that escape me, no one has signed up for my workshop. So I'll be supervising your activities.
05:05Which one would you like to do? A drama based on the Archimedes principle, or a hilarious comedy about the strength of building materials?
05:12A horror film with some zombies.
05:14Very well. A scientifically challenging idea.
05:17Our first activity is called Free as Air. You can do whatever you like!
05:28Hello there. I have to say, I've been watching you. You strongly remind me of a demographic curve.
05:41I'm going to look around.
05:43The activity Free as Air is conducted here, on the inside of the common room.
05:50Well, I call that Free as Air that reeks of captivity.
06:04And what will Annette be doing?
06:06Art director, makeup artist, lighting designer, and I'm in charge of all merchandising.
06:11This is how I see the scene.
06:13Panuk and Tukvu, you are casually trying to skip your class, when suddenly, two horrible zombies appear and try to suck your brains out.
06:22And I want stomach turning roast.
06:24That's illogical. Scientifically, a dead body cannot walk because it's no longer alive.
06:29But an immobile living dead just looks dead.
06:33There's something not quite right about this place.
06:35Absolutely. There are no calf brains on the menu.
06:50Hey, hey, hey! Mademoiselle!
06:52Is everything okay? Do you need something?
06:57Hey, hey, hey! Mademoiselle!
06:59Is everything okay? Do you need something?
07:02You don't happen to have a megaphone, by any chance?
07:07How amusing. Do you often dream of penguins?
07:10Of course I do. Why?
07:15Do you often dream that you are going to school dressed in a single feather?
07:21Clementine, what do you say to good constitutional reform?
07:28I don't know about reforming the constitution, but for this place, reform would be welcome.
07:33It's dinner! No!
07:39Oh, Clementine. A name I can sink my teeth in.
07:46I'm torn between two definitions of this place. Weird and weird.
07:51I think it's twisted and tortuous. The menu is strictly vegetarian. This is an outrage!
07:58It's a strange habit you have of taking notes all the time.
08:02My ideas for saving the water mill didn't really have the results I'd hoped.
08:06So I thought I would start working as a consultant to troubled teens.
08:24Oh, crud!
08:25No, it's not very scary.
08:27No kidding! With immobilized zombies, the characters aren't at risk!
08:34Perhaps you can offer a suggestion we can try.
08:37Let's say for cinematic reasons that we could, for this one exception,
08:43use poetic license and have walking zombies.
08:48By the way, I have an idea that I think will improve the scene.
08:52I think we should make the zombies hometown heroes, the kind the public will identify with.
08:57We can have them explain to Panook and Tuckfu the rudiments of quantum physics.
09:05The goal of this activity is to not have one.
09:08A goal?
09:09No, an activity!
09:11Do I have permission to breathe?
09:13It's an important pulmonary activity.
09:15Well, sure!
09:16Ah, so there are exceptions.
09:18How do you decide what's allowed and what's not?
09:21Would you give me permission to digest my pitiful meal?
09:24Of course!
09:25I can blink my eyes.
09:26My goodness, for sure!
09:28Good. Since everyone has the right to do something, I'm going for a walk.
09:32And I will follow you, my valiant pushum buddy!
09:34Tell me, you wouldn't happen to have a couple of sides of beef on hand by any chance?
09:43What torture, to know that everything I crave is behind that fence!
09:51That fence is pretty intense.
09:58Return to yourself!
10:03I know. It seems a little odd, but it's to protect you against attacks from the outside.
10:09For sure. It'll take a fence at least four meters high to prevent cows from throwing themselves at us.
10:14Or me throwing myself at them!
10:18This is getting really weird. I don't like it.
10:20Me neither. We're trapped in a prison with no meat on the menu!
10:24Never mind. I can't live my life as a depressed vegetarian.
10:28We have to escape!
10:29In a few years, Clementine and I will develop a relationship as delectable as beef bourguignon.
10:34Meanwhile, with a little spoon, I believe I can dig a tunnel large enough for my car to squeeze through.
10:40Once we're free, we can travel over mountains and through valleys to reach the promised land.
10:45And off into the sunset, I suppose.
10:47And there, I will plant on the lips of my conquest, along with this, a prelude to our perfect exemplary marriage.
10:54The reward for this will be a flaming new brochette of wind-tuplets!
11:12Hey, did you know that light is a wave as well as a particle?
11:16And that the Earth is constantly being pierced by neutrinos?
11:21Cut him a bit of slack. He's just looking for a way to express himself.
11:25Sir, why don't we do the scene the way you see it, okay?
11:28In any case, it can't be any worse.
11:30Well, I'd say this movie is gravely lacking in savagery, so I propose we let Claude operate the camera.
11:36Oh, oh, oh, oh!
11:44Hey, hey!
11:46Is this for real? Did Hyacinth drug our tofu or what?
11:50I never see stuff like that when I eat meat.
11:53Is this for real? Did Hyacinth drug our tofu or what?
12:02What is it again?
12:06Oh, shoot. I can't remember at all.
12:08Concentrate your mind, Miss Sylvester.
12:14Fred is starting to have doubts.
12:16And also, I didn't know the teens were going to be prisoners.
12:19Maybe this is a little illegal and we should put a stop to it?
12:23Put a stop to it? When my study is going so well?
12:26Do you need a lobotomy?
12:27I can finally observe the blasé teens without them knowing it.
12:30I can note their reactions to various stimuli.
12:32Soon I will unearth all their secrets and I'll finally be published in the New Races magazine.
12:36So I want you to take that pity-me-I'm-a-loser attitude, stuff it in the closet, and get back to what you are doing.
12:41Come, come.
12:43Now haven't the two of us, you and I, made significant progress with your little problem of compulsively buying T-shirts with the word Princess written in gold on them?
12:52Try to have a little faith in me.
12:54Running after a stuffed teddy bear in a watermill, now that's an activity that wasn't in the program.
12:59You're right, you'd think we were in a bad cartoon.
13:01We've got to get out of here. Go warn the others, I'll meet up with you.
13:04They're trying to escape.
13:06I must at all costs finish my study.
13:09They can't live with their mental health in such a sorry state.
13:12Concentrated, ultra-concentrated chamomile.
13:15This puts an elephant to sleep in under one minute.
13:17Leblanc hunting season is now open.
13:22Ah, my dear Clementine.
13:24I'm relieved to see that you are already seated.
13:27As I'm about to tell you something quite shocking.
13:30We are prisoners in the watermill, surrounded by a vast high fence like some dirty chickens in a coop.
13:36While on the other side, plump cows not yet primed for the butcher are mocking me.
13:41You don't understand.
13:43In many ways, we're all prisoners of our lives.
13:46In our lives, ever since we were born, we've spent our days doing what we were told.
13:51All that just so that we can live longer and become a burden to our children.
13:55And still be told to see the glasses half full.
13:58All this so that we can buy the current gadgets that give us some semblance of social status.
14:21Ha ha!
14:22Vav, it's Fred. Listen to me.
14:24Sorry, Fred, but I don't have time now.
14:26This moron Balthazar is ruining my film.
14:29He's got a stupid monkey working in the camera.
14:31Vav, it's unacceptable. Complete favoritism.
14:35So what should I do? Huh?
14:37You tell me to shut it down? No way, sir!
14:39You hear me? No way!
14:40Okay, it's bad. I get it.
14:41But there's something...
14:47We are completely trapped in school and at work in our pastime.
14:51So to be trapped in this watermill...
14:54Someone cut the phone lines!
14:55We gotta get out of here!
14:57In many ways, we're just as trapped out there as we are in here.
15:01Didn't anyone move?
15:03Two possibilities here.
15:04Either you're the teddy bear I saw in my room,
15:06or you really need to shave those legs.
15:15Leave me, my bosom buddy.
15:18It's all over.
15:20Tell the children I could have had that they'll always be in my heart
15:23and that I'll always love them.
15:25I think not.
15:31I believe that subconsciously I was trying to miss.
15:38Come on, move!
15:41One, you're gonna bust through the fence with your car.
15:43Two, wait for me. I'll get the others.
15:45I find you much too hyper for a guy who,
15:48like us all, has no future.
15:50And three, stop talking so crazy.
15:57And here's the proof that all this effort is useless.
16:09I'm ringing the bell! I'm ringing the bell!
16:12It's the anti-activity hour!
16:14Freedom in darkness!
16:19Here, here it is!
16:26You need another art form where you don't have to hold back.
16:30An art form where you are the master of your creation.
16:34I know how to free the artist that's trapped inside you.
16:37Come on.
16:40Long live art therapy.
16:42And let's roll!
16:49I can draw whatever I want?
16:51You must draw whatever you want.
16:57It's an oblique asymptote.
17:00That's a good start.
17:06Clementine? Hey, guys?
17:16Come on, open!
17:17Pleasant dreams. Easily analyzed ones, that is.
17:28I'm so sorry. She's become...
17:31How do I say this nicely?
17:33Completely bonkers!
17:37You have nothing to be afraid of now. You're free!
17:41In other words, you're free to be trapped outside.
17:58With better zombie moans, it would have been perfect!
18:01Do it again! And, Troy, put more red in the blood. It looks like bubble gum.
18:22Go on! It's coming! I can feel it! I can see the head!
18:32It's always touching to witness a new birth.
18:35Whoa! Who moaned like that?
18:38That's it! That's what I want!
18:41I don't think that today's the day we get to kiss a girl.
18:45Not bad. With a little more guts, it just might pass.
18:53Now that we no longer have nothing to do, I don't exactly know what we should do.
18:58You guys ready to roll?
19:00Feeling better, I see.
19:01The situation did manage to get a little butchered.
19:04But don't just sit there like a bunch of truffles. Let's go!
19:06Relax. We neutralized the shrink.
19:13Save yourselves!
19:33Faster, Gigi! She's gaining on us!
19:35This is not a nice encounter!
20:05Thanks, Gigi. I completely realize what you are clumsily trying to do for me.
20:15You're living proof that our existence can yield a few pleasant surprises,
20:20even if they come in unorthodox forms.
20:23All things considered, I think that our temperaments are somewhat incompatible,
20:27making an idyllic life together impossible.
20:30And hence, I wouldn't want my perky disposition to tarnish your otherwise immaculate darkness.
20:36The End
20:43Dear parents, your children will likely recount some far-fetched and improbable stories
20:49about the Perpetual Freedom Workshop.
20:51As a psychologist, this compulsive lying issue has become my highest priority,
20:56and I recommend that you encourage your progeny to come for some serious follow-up therapy.
21:03Good morning, dear students.
21:06Today our course will be about flowers.
21:10Ah, the sweetness of their perfume.
21:13The petals that open our lives.
21:21Oh, never mind. Open your books to page 87, The Principles of Oxidoreduction.
21:28Uh, excuse me, madam, where's the road to the water mill?
21:42It's great to be able to do what you want, as long as it's not an obligation.
21:57The Principles of Oxidoreduction
22:27The End
