Best Christmas Animation by FARHAAN ALBHI

  • 2 months ago


00:00It was Christmas Eve, and Robin was waiting for someone special.
00:25Being only a tiny bird, he didn't have a Christmas present to give his best friend, and so he
00:31had asked Santa to help.
00:34Twittering with excitement, Robin showed Santa the way to Bear Cottage, where his very best
00:39friend, Little Bear, lived.
00:42Robin sighed that he only had his song to give, and he gave that every day.
00:47For Christmas, he wanted to give Little Bear something wonderful.
00:52I think your song is wonderful, said Santa, but I'll see what I can do.
00:59But when he took out Little Bear's gift, oh dear, it was empty.
01:05What were they going to do?
01:07Where would they find something wonderful at this hour?
01:12Just then, a trail of light sparkled across the sky.
01:16What was that, they cried?
01:18A Christmas star?
01:20A real Christmas star?
01:22Excited, they raced to find out.
01:25Do you think it's broken, chirped Robin.
01:28I think it's magic, said Santa.
01:31He chuckled, and reminded Robin that it was Christmas Eve.
01:35Wonderful things happen on Christmas Eve, magical things.
01:40Inside the cottage, there was no sign of Little Bear.
01:44Robin knew he'd be tucked up in bed as all good little bears are on Christmas Eve.
01:49Santa will be cold in the snow, said Dad.
01:52So they left some tasty treats to warm him.
01:55Shh, is that him on the stairs?
01:59Little Bear had crept out of bed.
02:02He was just too excited to sleep.
02:09Little Bear knew that tomorrow would be magical, but he couldn't wait for it
02:14to come.
02:16Then he heard a familiar song.
02:18Robin had come to say goodnight.
02:21Can't you sleep either, Little Bear whispered.
02:24I'm just too excited.
02:26So Robin chirped a lullaby.
02:29At last, Little Bear's eyes grew heavy, and tomorrow was finally
02:34just one magical dream away.
02:38Now the bears may have finished their preparations and gone to bed,
02:42but outside, someone else was still very busy.
02:46Up, Santa climbed onto the snowy rooftop with his wonderful surprise.
02:51Robin fluttered and chirruped with excitement.
02:54What was it?
02:55What had Santa done?
03:01What was the special surprise?
03:05Wait and see.
03:13Christmas has come, cried Little Bear, and he ran to see the presents
03:17under the tree.
03:20Go on then, said Mummy and Daddy.
03:23See what's inside.
03:25He opened the lid, and there was the Christmas star.
03:30Little Bear had never seen anything so beautiful.
03:35The star was so thrilled to be with such kind and loving friends,
03:39it filled their home with light and magic and wonderful things.
03:44But the most wonderful thing, the most magical thing was the feeling
03:49in Little Bear's heart.
03:53Thank you, he whispered.
03:56He felt very, very special.
03:59Thank you.
04:00Thank you, he cried.
04:03But where had this feeling come from?
04:06From the treats and goodies?
04:08From the sparkly things?
04:11Then he heard the faithful little Robin singing, and he knew.
04:16It was a song he heard every day, and it meant more to him than anything
04:20in the world.
04:22Have a very merry Christmas, Santa chuckled.
04:26I will, whispered Little Bear.
04:28I promise.
04:29And a happy Christmas to you, too, they all cheered happily.
04:34And Little Bear knew that Christmas magic, like real friendship,
04:38and the love that goes with it, lasts forever.