Top 10 Cobra Kai Season 6 Rumors Explained

  • 2 months ago
It sounds like you're excited about the future of "Cobra Kai"! Here are some exciting prospects and ideas for what could happen in Season 6:

### Potential Storylines and Developments for "Cobra Kai" Season 6

1. **Johnny Secures a Full-Time Sensei Job**
- Johnny Lawrence's journey to solidify his role as a full-time sensei could provide opportunities for him to further develop his teaching skills and mentorship.

2. **Miguel Wins the Sekai Taikai**
- Miguel's continued growth as a martial artist and potential victory in a global karate tournament could showcase his skills and determination.

3. **Hawk Mentors Kenny**
- Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz taking on a mentoring role for Kenny could explore themes of redemption and the passing down of karate knowledge.

4. **Tory & Sam Have a Rematch**
- A rematch between Tory Nichols and Samantha LaRusso could further develop their rivalry and personal growth, possibly resolving longstanding tensions.

5. **Return of Old Characters**
- Cameos or returns of characters from "The Karate Kid" franchise could add nostalgic moments and impact current storylines in meaningful ways.

6. **Exploration of New Dojos**
- The emergence of new dojos or alliances within the karate community could shake up existing dynamics and introduce fresh conflicts.

These ideas could bring new layers of drama, action, and character development to "Cobra Kai" Season 6. What would you love to see the most? Feel free to share your thoughts and expectations!
00:00Here's hoping Silver and Kreese end up cellmates.
00:02You mean John Kreese.
00:04You didn't hear what happened.
00:06Welcome to WatchMojo,
00:08and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Predictions for Cobra Kai, Season 6.
00:14Judy's right.
00:16Now is the time.
00:23For this list, we're looking at the conflicts, character arcs, cameos,
00:27and more that we may see on the karate-themed show in the future.
00:31If you haven't watched Seasons 1 through 5 of Cobra Kai,
00:34watch out for major spoilers ahead.
00:37What would you love to see in Season 6?
00:39Let us know in the comments below.
00:41Sensei Kim becomes the new head of the Snake.
00:54Just when Sensei Kim was getting used to running Cobra Kai with Terry Silver,
00:58he got arrested for his past crimes.
01:00But we don't think she's just gonna return home and retreat.
01:03Since Kim doesn't have any legal baggage attached to her,
01:06she is free to continue operating Cobra Kai.
01:09Her cleaner reputation may even help convince students like Kyler to rejoin the dojo.
01:14Sensei Kim journeyed to the U.S. to ensure her grandfather's
01:17brutal martial arts style lived on through Cobra Kai.
01:20Good. Strength. Determination. That is the way of the fist.
01:27Nothing less. Remember that.
01:30With the international Sekai Taikai tournament looming on the horizon,
01:34we bet she will do anything to see her family style represented on the mat.
01:38Your grandfather didn't teach American soldiers the way of the fist.
01:41Just to use on the battlefield, we have to share his style with the world.
01:47Number 9. Hawk mentors Kenny.
01:49You know what? You're lucky you're not on the mat today.
01:54Guess Hawk will have to do.
01:55Throughout Season 5, the rivalry between well-established Hawk
01:58and rising fighter Kenny got more intense with each episode.
02:02All the bad blood and tension built up to the moment the Cobra Kai fighter
02:06bested his opponent in a one-on-one with a controversial move.
02:09Although Hawk might still be upset about the shocking loss, he still may push to help his
02:14rival. The fighter knows exactly what it's like to lose yourself to Cobra Kai's teachings.
02:19Don't worry. I'll shut him up.
02:21Don't go too hard on him.
02:23You remember what it's like to be in Cobra Kai. It's not Kenny talking.
02:25Instead of trying to beat his rival in a rematch,
02:28Hawk may want to teach the newer fighter how to control dark impulses.
02:32Their collaboration might be what Kenny needs to get back onto the right track.
02:36That's a warning.
02:37That's a warning.
02:38Turning me.
02:38Warning. You should be disqualified.
02:40No, it's fine. He just, he just caught me off guard.
02:42Number 8. Mike Barnes returns to the dojo.
02:45I guess I was worried that it would have triggered something or whatnot. You know,
02:49I thought maybe it was just best to leave the past where it is.
02:52When the man formerly known as Karate's bad boy reunited with his old foe,
02:57he suggested that fighting was behind him.
02:59But he jumped back into the fray as soon as Chosen attacked.
03:03And after Terry Silver attacked his shop, Mike went to beat down the villain himself.
03:08I'm going to knock his ass out, and then you're next.
03:13All right, come on.
03:20Get up!
03:21These incidents may have reignited the furniture store owner's interest in karate.
03:25Mike may seek to sharpen his skills for future bouts,
03:28or just get his notorious temper under control.
03:31If we're lucky, he may even have a friendly sparring with Johnny.
03:35While the idea of Mike training more might sound far-fetched,
03:39Daniel was running a successful business without doing karate until season one.
03:43Who says he's the only businessman who can step back into the dojo?
03:47His name's Mike Barnes, bad boy of karate.
03:50Doesn't look so bad to me.
03:51You want to go again, chief?
03:52Mike, Mike, Mike.
03:54Daniel and Johnny's new dojo may be named after a familiar logo.
03:58Our dojo is truly unique.
04:01We've combined our different styles to train our students
04:03into the best fighters I've ever seen.
04:06And they deserve a shot at your tournament.
04:08Two of the San Fernando Valley's best senseis have done a great job
04:12at combining their fighting styles and teaching students how to do the same.
04:15However, Johnny and Daniel both lacked the ability to fuse their dojo names.
04:20Nevertheless, we still need one name to enter.
04:23You don't have to decide now, but we need an answer soon.
04:27But a new title might come from the back of the Miyagi-Do Gi.
04:31Throughout the franchise, fighters are reminded to grow in their own unique ways,
04:35just like each bonsai tree does.
04:38It's also safe to say that both Johnny and Daniel's styles have branched off
04:42from what their mentors taught them.
04:43So picking Bonsai Karate as their new dojo name could perfectly sum up
04:48their journeys as fighters and senseis.
04:50Johnny could even add an eagle to a branch in the logo to make it look cooler.
04:55This bonsai have strong root, same same you.
05:00This tree now choose how it grow.
05:03So must you choose how you grow.
05:06Number 6.
05:07Tori and Sam have a rematch.
05:08Hey Tori.
05:12What's uh, what's up?
05:15Although Sam and Tori were finally able to put aside their differences
05:19and fight together in the Season 5 finale,
05:21we don't think they've completely quashed their beef.
05:24The last time the two met on the mat,
05:26a cheating referee made sure the former Cobra Kai queen won.
05:30This means the two still need to determine who is the superior fighter.
05:34Tori also likely wants to restore her honor after winning in such a dishonorable way.
05:39You knew all along that Silver cheated at the All Valley and you did nothing?
05:43You don't know what it's like in there, what I've had to deal with.
05:45While there are dozens of reasons why this duo might fight,
05:48it would be exciting to see them clash over who goes to the world tournament.
05:52Watching them compete for a coveted spot on an international stage
05:56would make their duel into one of the show's most highly anticipated rematches.
06:00But then I saw Silver in that ref and it just killed me.
06:06I felt like a fraud.
06:07Number 5.
06:08Johnny secures a full-time sensei job.
06:11Does it have rideshare on it?
06:13I need that to make cash.
06:15Ah, fellow gigolo, huh?
06:17The upside is great.
06:18You pick your own hours and if you do delivery apps on the side,
06:21you can maximize your moolah.
06:23We have to give Johnny a lot of credit for trying to join the gig economy
06:26as a driver slash delivery man,
06:28but we think his constant one-star ratings from angry customers
06:32might push him back towards an old career.
06:34Since Johnny started the series trying to make it as a sensei,
06:37it'd be fitting to see him mentor kids full-time.
06:40No fancy crap here.
06:41Our dojo is old school.
06:44We don't spoil our students, we make them earn things the hard way.
06:47Maybe the dojo he runs with Daniel might blow up in popularity
06:50after the Sekai Taikai tournament.
06:52Since Johnny's partner already has a full-time job at the dealership,
06:56the Eagle Fang sensei could make a career out of operating multiple dojos.
07:00As an added bonus,
07:02he may also make enough to make his girlfriend Carmen's
07:05over-the-top domestic dreams a reality.
07:12Number 4.
07:13Kreese teams up with another old villain.
07:15Please, I'm begging you.
07:20For what?
07:21Outside of the allies he made in prison,
07:23Kreese doesn't seem to have any friends he can go to after his big jailbreak.
07:27But what if he's been connected to another franchise villain this entire time?
07:31During The Next Karate Kid,
07:33we're introduced to a hardened war vet named Paul Dugan.
07:37I guess that made you feel like a man, huh?
07:39Made you feel pretty good?
07:41When the enemy's weakest, that's when you destroy them.
07:46Like Captain Kreese,
07:47this brutal man also believed in training students to be absolutely ruthless.
07:52It is entirely possible that Dugan may have met the Cobra Kai sensei while serving overseas,
07:57but they may have avoided meeting up on screen so far
08:00because they each have such strong personalities.
08:03If a desperate Kreese tries to hide out with Dugan,
08:06things might get ugly.
08:08But seeing the next Karate Kid villain could open up another exciting possibility.
08:12You're gonna do this?
08:14You put her away.
08:17Do you understand?
08:19Number 3.
08:20Julie Pierce becomes a recurring character.
08:22All over, Julie-san.
08:25Where you going?
08:26What are you talking about?
08:28The war's not over because one battle's lost.
08:30Since the show brought back main heroes and villains from the first three Karate Kid movies,
08:34it feels inevitable that Julie Pierce will appear next.
08:38We have not seen her fight since the fourth franchise film's climax,
08:42but we're willing to bet that Julie kept up with her Miyagi-Do training.
08:46If our prediction about Dugan and Kreese is correct,
08:49she may team up with the Cobra Kai sensei's longtime rival Daniel.
08:52Watching the franchise's first two main heroes face off against a couple of big bads would be epic.
08:58We also wouldn't mind if Julie just showed up in California
09:01to help defeat Sensei Kim and her underlings.
09:03No matter how the heroine returns to the franchise,
09:06we'd love her role to be bigger than a cameo.
09:08Congratulations, Julie-san.
09:12That's all you're gonna say is congratulations?
09:14Don't I get a belt or something?
09:16Number 2.
09:17Miguel wins the Sekai Taikai.
09:19Dude, did you catch that video I sent you of last year's Sekai Taikai?
09:22Man, who knew people could kick that high?
09:24Or that hard.
09:25Dude, seriously.
09:26I guess that's why it's the biggest competition in the world.
09:28The All-Valley champ was not in the right state of mind
09:31to defend his championship title in the Season 4 finale.
09:34However, it's still clear he has the skills to beat tough opponents.
09:38We have a strong feeling he will rise to new heights during the World Tournament.
09:42Since he bowed out of his fight with Hawk,
09:44we think Miguel will likely have to beat his friend in a match along the way.
09:48Finally, we're the opponent.
09:50Not gonna hold back, right?
09:52Good, neither am I.
09:53Furthermore, the All-Valley champ may be the last male fighter standing for his dojo
09:58if Robby's bad luck at tournaments knocks him out of the running.
10:01Miguel has overcome everything from severe injury to self-doubt over the last three seasons.
10:06What would be more satisfying than seeing him hoist the Sekai Taikai trophy?
10:14No point at the block.
10:16Let's go, kids!
10:18Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
10:22about our latest videos.
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10:44In past interviews, Cobra Kai creatives hinted that the show would have, quote,
10:48at least six seasons.
10:50What if the upcoming World Tournament marks the end of an era for the series
10:54and a certain snake dojo?
10:56If Cobra Kai fails to win the Sekai Taikai,
10:59Sensei Kim might lose interest in keeping the martial arts chain going.
11:03And yet your petty rivalry is standing in the way.
11:06I have no rivalry with them.
11:09They're beaten.
11:10This is a last desperate gasp of breath.
11:14And since both Kreese and Silver's reputations have been tarnished,
11:17they couldn't return to lead the dojo either.
11:20The lack of interested and available senseis may be the final nail in the coffin for Cobra Kai.
11:26All of the show's events began because Johnny revived the dojo.
11:30It'd be tremendously fitting if his first student
11:32struck the final blow against Cobra Kai to conclude the series.
11:36I'm not gonna force you to compete.
11:38I made that mistake in the All-Valley.
11:40I'm not gonna do it again.
11:42No worries.
11:43I'm bummed, actually.
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