
  • 2 months ago
00:00So, when I was in college, I badly needed extra money because I was paying my own way
00:06I came from a poor background.
00:07I had to take out student loans, and not only did I have to pay for myself, but I also was
00:11taking care of my dad, and I needed to buy food, and I needed to pay for transportation
00:17And of course, what I found on the internet was useless surveys that make like $1 to $3
00:22per hour.
00:23Also, I found stuff like Amazon FBA courses, Shopify courses, dropshipping, all this sort
00:28of thing where, yes, you know, once in a while, you might find a good course where
00:32you can actually make money from it, but it's probably still going to take like a year,
00:35and you're going to have to invest a bunch of your own money up front.
00:38And the truth is, most of those courses are either not that good, or they're straight-up
00:41made by fake gurus.
00:42So, I didn't want to go down that route, of course.
00:44And then there was also the obvious stuff like doing Uber, or delivering food, or donating
00:49your plasma.
00:50Now, of course, I did do a little bit of that sort of thing.
00:52Like I donated plasma, for instance, but I don't really like needles, and you can only
00:56donate plasma once every two weeks or something, and it's capped in terms of how much money
01:00you can make.
01:01So, I looked elsewhere in order to make extra money.
01:04Then I finally stumbled upon a way of making money, which is perfect for college students,
01:09and I was able to make over $100 per hour.
01:12And surprisingly, this method is especially good for college students.
01:15You actually have an advantage if you're in college, and I'll reveal exactly how that
01:19works in just a moment.
01:21And yes, this is something that anyone can do, but I actually don't recommend doing it
01:24the exact same way I did.
01:26And again, I'll explain exactly why that is.
01:27But let's go ahead and start with the first one on the list, which is genealogy.
01:32And by the way, I'm gonna be ranking all of these with a student money score from one
01:36to 10, with 10 being the best, and I'm gonna be talking about really important factors
01:40like how much money you can make, how easily you can get into it, how long it takes to
01:44get into it, so basically like the barrier to entry, as well as what value the skills
01:49that you learn are going to give you later on in life.
01:51So about five years ago, I went to a family gathering and one of my uncles was deeply
01:57studying sort of like the family history.
01:59And this was something that was really interesting to me because I honestly didn't know that
02:03much about my family history.
02:05So for instance, my last name is Humason.
02:07It's actually not Hummus, believe it or not, that's just my nickname here on the channel.
02:11It's Humason, which means son of Hummus.
02:13So I always thought that I was sort of like a Viking ancestor because that's very common
02:18with people of Scandinavian descent, right?
02:20So son of Peter is Peterson, Johnson, et cetera.
02:23But what I found out is apparently some of my Viking ancestors actually went to Scotland
02:27and decided to settle there.
02:29And all of this was found out by my uncle who did extensive research on this sort of
02:34thing and he hired a bunch of people to help him.
02:37And the people that he hired were genealogists.
02:40And believe it or not, it's actually not all that hard to get into genealogy.
02:43So for instance, these types of jobs can be found on different freelancing sites like
02:47Upwork or Fiverr.
02:48And oftentimes you might even get hired by somebody to investigate their family.
02:52And in some cases, if you're already in a family where there's a lot of people who are
02:55interested in this, they may fund your investigation.
02:58Now if you look at Glassdoor, genealogists make about $80,000 on average, which is really
03:04And this is something that you can actually do part time while you're still in school.
03:08And many of the requests that you get when it comes to genealogy are going to be incredibly
03:13It's basically just looking people up on a website.
03:15Now some of the requests are going to require a lot more investigative skill and a lot more
03:20And in those cases, you'll probably make a lot more money.
03:22But yeah, this is actually a really good one.
03:24And I'm going to give it an 8 out of 10 money score.
03:26Next on the list is going to be tutoring.
03:29And this is one where when I was in college, I actually started doing this.
03:33So when I was in college, I wanted to become a pharmacist.
03:36And in order to get into pharmacy school, I had to take this test called the PCAT.
03:40That's the Pharmacy College Admissions Test.
03:43Now I ended up studying extremely hard for this test.
03:46I also did a ton of research to figure out what the best resources out there were.
03:50Because to be honest with you, a lot of the resources that most people were studying turned
03:53out to not be very good.
03:55So I ended up taking the test.
03:56I scored extremely well on it.
03:57I almost had a perfect score.
03:58And my study partners that I was studying with told a bunch of other people about my
04:03And all of a sudden, I started getting hit up by a bunch of people who wanted me to tell
04:06them how I scored so well on the test.
04:08So the first few people I went ahead, I told them everything I knew for free.
04:12And it got to the point where there were so many people asking for my time that I started
04:15charging money.
04:16And at first, I wasn't charging all that much money at all, $30 an hour, something like
04:20But then as more and more people asked me, I started charging more and more money.
04:23And eventually, it got to the point where I was charging over $100 an hour.
04:27I believe the best that I ever got was about $180 an hour I was making.
04:31And all of this was because I scored really well on a super random niche test.
04:36Now how does this apply to you?
04:37Well, if you have taken a test like the ACT, SAT, and you scored well, this could be really
04:42good for you.
04:43But how about AP tests or IB tests in high school, right?
04:46So let's say you took the AP chemistry test or something like that, and you scored really
04:50well on it.
04:51That's something you could tutor people for.
04:53Or let's say you got into a college that a bunch of people want to get into.
04:56That's another thing you could tutor people for.
04:58Or let's say you're taking the MCAT or the LSAT because you want to get into medical
05:02school or law school.
05:03That's also something you could tutor people for.
05:05And also, if you're good at a subject that most people aren't good at, like mathematics
05:09or organic chemistry, again, that's something you could charge a lot of money for.
05:13And let's say you're not good at any of that stuff.
05:14At the very least, you can tutor people in English because I assume that you are listening
05:19to this.
05:20You can understand English.
05:21And you can get paid pretty good money for that as well.
05:22So yeah, tutoring is a phenomenal way to make money in college.
05:26Maybe the best possible way you can make money right off the bat doing this.
05:30This gets a 10 out of 10 money score.
05:33Next on the list is going to be an online influencer.
05:37And this is one that I see around on YouTube quite a bit, of course.
05:40And of course, this is something where I started it myself.
05:43The first video that I ever uploaded to YouTube was all the way back in like 2010.
05:49And I played this game called RuneScape.
05:51Now, a lot of people might know RuneScape.
05:53I was really into it for many years.
05:56I probably wasted a lot of time on it.
05:58But there's also a lot of good memories I had there.
06:00But yeah, I would PK people on RuneScape, which is basically where you fight other people.
06:04And then I would upload those videos to YouTube.
06:06Now, I never planned on becoming like a famous YouTuber or anything like that.
06:10I basically just did it for fun and to be able to show my friends some of my best PKs.
06:15And I didn't start making any real money on YouTube until about 2020, right?
06:19So this is something that I did for a hobby.
06:21I also watched like thousands of hours of YouTube.
06:24And then eventually, I started doing it myself and I ended up making money from it.
06:27Now, one thing that I will say is there has never been an easier time to become an online influencer.
06:32It is much easier now than it was five years ago, for instance.
06:36And there's also never been an easier time to actually make money as an online influencer.
06:41Most of the time in like 2015, for instance, people who uploaded videos, even the ones
06:45who were extremely popular, were not making enough money to actually quit their job and
06:49do it full time.
06:50But now it's actually quite easy for you to do this comparatively.
06:53But with that being said, this is not something that you can do very easily.
06:57But there are going to be some people watching this video that are in a position where they
07:01would be able to grow relatively fast.
07:03And let me tell you who those types of people would be.
07:05So I've seen a lot of people who, for instance, go to Ivy League universities, leverage the
07:10fact that they got...