
  • 2 months ago
00:00Did you know that you can make $100 a day by chatting with lonely people online?
00:04Yes, loneliness is at an all-time high and you can get paid $100 a day to be a virtual friend.
00:10And the best thing is, this is a high-paying, fully remote job that you can do from the comfort of
00:14your home or while you're traveling the world. And the first site you can do this with is Now, with this particular site, you can do it virtually or you can do it in person.
00:24It's your choice. So, you can rent a friend virtually or somebody to show you around if
00:28you're new to a city. Or you can rent a friend to attend a meeting or event with you or play a
00:32sport. And you can even rent a friend to be your wingman or wingwoman. And if you're one of these
00:37virtual friends, you can make really good money. So, there's already 621,000 virtual friends all
00:43around the world making money from this website. And people typically charge $20 to $50 an hour.
00:48And that means full-time, you'd be making $38,000 to $96,000 a year. And on the website,
00:53they even state some of their virtual friends make over $2,000 a week. So, that means some
00:58people are making literally six figures just to hang out with others. So, some of the skills you
01:02might want to work on for this are, of course, communication skills, interpersonal skills,
01:06and the ability to make other people feel comfortable. Other than that, you just need
01:10to be open to a variety of activities. So, to get started, you just go to,
01:14you provide your details and create a profile. Then you set your hourly rate and you offer your
01:19services. So, some of the pros of this one are it's very flexible. You have a lot of choice over
01:23which jobs you take and how much you charge. You also have opportunities to meet new people.
01:27And the platform ensures safety and anonymity through its messaging system. Some of the cons
01:32of this one are the income may vary depending on your location. It does require good communication
01:36and interpersonal skills. And the highest earners do typically meet people in person.
01:41But overall, I'm going to give this one a 9 out of 10 money score. The next one on the list is
01:45going to be a very well-known website that has a gig that most people don't know about,
01:49and that is Fiverr Friendships. Yes, this is an entire subcategory on Fiverr. And it's exactly
01:56what it sounds like. You basically just provide your friendship, maybe some relationship advice
02:00or life advice to people who are lonely. And there's even gigs that offer professional
02:04bridesmaids where you're basically a bridesmaid at somebody else's wedding. And there's gigs that
02:09offer to be your stand-in boyfriend or girlfriend. So, your family will finally stop bugging you
02:13about it at Christmas. So, in terms of the salary, a lot of people are charging around
02:17$25 an hour. And so, if you were to do four one-hour gigs per day, you would be making $100
02:23a day. Now, do note that Fiverr does charge a 5% service fee. So, to start with Fiverr,
02:27it's very easy. You just go set up your profile and create a gig. And Fiverr is available
02:32internationally, so you can connect with people all around the world. So, some of the pros of
02:36this one are that Fiverr is an established marketplace. There's a diverse range of
02:40offerings. So, you can specialize in different types of virtual friendships. And overall,
02:44Fiverr is a great place to start to get some experience. So, some of the cons here are there
02:48can be a low earning potential, especially when you first start out. There's also a lot
02:52of competition. And there can be safety considerations considering Fiverr doesn't
02:56specialize in this. But overall, I'm going to give this one a money score of 8.5 out of 10.
03:00Hey, what's happening? Quick video break. I wanted to talk about the three-day remote
03:05job challenge. So, I'm really excited about this. I'm going to be doing it the 28th, 29th,
03:10and 30th of July. And basically, I'm going to be teaching you how to get a remote or a work
03:15from home job in three days. That's going to be the challenge. You're going to be learning
03:18directly from me. It's going to be a Zoom session. And at the end of each day, I'm going to have an
03:22assignment for you to do the next day. So, if that's something that interests you, go ahead
03:25and check it out. I'll put it down in the description as well as the pinned comment
03:29below. Hope to see you there. The next one on the list is specifically a local friend renting site,
03:34and that is Now, there's a lot of ways of being a local friend on this
03:39website, but specifically, they talk a lot about travel. So, people who travel a lot use this
03:44website often. And the truth is, it's really nice to have a local guide when you go to a new city.
03:49It saves you so much time, effort, and money if somebody else is there who already knows
03:54the good things to do and the good places to eat in the city. So, this platform basically
03:58connects passionate travelers with knowledgeable locals. And in many cases, they can even create
04:02personalized itineraries for you when you visit the city. That means they literally set everything
04:07up for you almost like a virtual assistant. And it's almost like having a personal concierge,
04:11travel guide, and cultural ambassador all rolled into one. It's almost like you're exploring the
04:16city with a close friend who knows all the hidden paths, local hangouts, and insider tips. And in
04:20some cases, you can actually make money referring people to different restaurants or locations.
04:24And a lot of people will charge around $20 per hour. So, to get started, you just visit their
04:28website and you sign up as a local friend. And when you create a profile, you want to specify
04:32your expertise, interests, and preferred locations. So, some of the pros here are it's a great way to
04:37make money just by knowing your local location. You get to connect with travelers around the
04:41world and build meaningful relationships. And it gives you an excuse to check out all the
04:45restaurants in your city. Some of the cons are the income may vary depending on your location.
04:49It does require good communication and interpersonal skills. And at first, it may
04:52be difficult to get gigs. Overall, I'm going to give this one an 8 out of 10 money score.
04:57The next one on the list is completely virtual. And you can make money through chat and video
05:01calls. And that's going to be Now, with this one, you do get to set your own
05:06rate. But people do typically charge between $15 and $50 per hour. But note that the site does take
05:12a commission of 20%. Now, with this website, there is a registration process. So, it's a little bit
05:17harder to get started than some of the other ones. And that's probably done for safety reasons.
05:21But some of the pros here are there is no experience required. It's relatively easy to
05:25get started. And you can set your own rate. Some of the cons here are you do have a lot of
05:29competition. It can be emotionally draining. And it can be somewhat difficult to make money,
05:33especially when you first start. So, overall, I'm going to give this one a 7 out of 10 money score.
05:38The next one on the list is going to be a brand new platform that is absolutely exploding right
05:42now. It has over 100,000 users even though it was just launched in 2022. And that's going to be Now, this one definitely has more of a modern feel and vibe to it. And there's all
05:54kinds of different services offered on here. For instance, there's friendship services. But there's
05:58also people that will tell your fortune and just all kinds of different services where you actually
06:02interact with somebody. And people charge anywhere from $5 to $150 per hour. Now, this one is super
06:08easy to sign up for. You literally just go on there and you create a profile. And the pros of
06:12this one are it does have a more modern feel than a normal friendship website. At the same time,
06:17it's much more intimate than a social media platform. And it also has real-time chat,
06:21file sharing, and the ability to play games together. Oh, and it also has a very fast-growing
06:26user base. Some of the cons are it's still in its early stages of development because it's so new.
06:31So, there's not a lot of information out there on the internet about how trustworthy and reliable
06:34they are. And also, some users have reported privacy concerns. So, that's something you kind
06:39of do have to be aware of with these types of websites. There are really weird people out there
06:43on the internet. But overall, I'm going to give this one a money score of 8 out of 10. By the way,
06:47I made a video about seven remote jobs that you can land with no interview or
06:51phone needed. And you can check that out by clicking right here.