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#titanicengsub #titanicmovieengsub #titanicmovieenglishsubtitles #dailydailymotion #moviebhai #filmbhai #companyfilmhindi #neverhaveieverseason4episode1 #movie #film #funny #fun
00:00:00What happened, Alice? What happened?
00:00:12We're all gonna die.
00:00:15Bring those floodplains in here, now!
00:00:18Floodplains! Floodplains!
00:00:22The lads down below say they've got water in the rooms.
00:00:30You can't take that seriously. Somebody's making it up.
00:00:33Yeah, well, I'm not waiting around to find out.
00:00:35Where are you going?
00:00:36I'm going up. Up out of the dam, thank you.
00:00:45Oh, my God. Water.
00:00:53There's blooming water coming in!
00:00:57Mr. Allison, sir, there's something wrong.
00:01:00Another nightmare. She's having another nightmare.
00:01:04Oh, that girl. I tell you, Hudson.
00:01:09Mr. Allison!
00:01:10I'm coming.
00:01:20The baby. What about the baby?
00:01:22There was a scraping sound and it woke him up and I got him quiet,
00:01:25but there's some kind of trouble with the boat, sir.
00:01:27The engines have stopped.
00:01:29You hear that, Hudson? I hope you're satisfied.
00:01:32We've probably starved for the night because of ice.
00:01:35There's nothing to be concerned about.
00:01:36We hit something, sir. I felt it. I felt it in my bones.
00:01:41It was like in my nightmares.
00:01:43Stop it, Alice. Now. I mean it.
00:01:46This boat's unsinkable. Nothing is wrong.
00:01:50Yes, sir. But I...
00:02:02You're too soft-hearted with that girl.
00:02:05When we arrive in New York, she goes.
00:02:20Ship is going down.
00:02:22People screaming.
00:02:24Bodies floating in the water.
00:02:30And a baby.
00:02:32A dead baby in the cold water.
00:02:34Not a dress man, is it?
00:02:36I've seen it.
00:02:41She has taken damage along 300 feet of a starboard side.
00:02:46Oh, my God.
00:02:48You have broken the cardinal rules of safety.
00:02:52Never turn your broadside to danger.
00:02:55Had we struck the berg head-on, only one compartment would have been flooded.
00:03:00I thought I could avoid hitting the berg altogether, sir.
00:03:03Not only did you stop your engines, you reversed them.
00:03:07She would have turned much more quickly, the greater her forward motion.
00:03:12Yes, but the watertight doors were closed immediately after impact.
00:03:15The compartments behind them were sealed.
00:03:17These watertight bulkheads go up only to e-deck.
00:03:22The weight of the water in the bow will pull her down by the head.
00:03:27This ship can't sink.
00:03:29This ship is about two hours.
00:03:33The lifeboats.
00:03:35We have lifeboats.
00:03:37We must launch them at once.
00:03:38Get everyone off the ship.
00:03:40That won't be entirely possible.
00:03:41Of course it's possible.
00:03:43It must begin immediately.
00:03:45You may recall that we have precisely the number of lifeboats required by the British Board of Trade.
00:03:53Seats for 1,200 people.
00:03:56There's over 2,000 people aboard this ship.
00:03:58Two thousand, two hundred and thirty souls.
00:04:04I cannot allow this.
00:04:07It is me.
00:04:09It was under your directive that we were traveling through an ice field at the arrogant speed of 21 knots.
00:04:19I'm the master of this vessel and I have been too complacent.
00:04:24Captain Smith, general distress over the wireless.
00:04:26Should be sent immediately.
00:04:29Mr. Murdock.
00:04:31It seems that the passengers are roused.
00:04:34Mr. Lightoller, organize the crew to uncover the boats.
00:04:38It would be best, sir, if we didn't give any indication to the crew or the passengers as to the seriousness of the situation.
00:04:44Yes, quite so.
00:04:45We don't want to start a panic.
00:04:49Right, sir.
00:04:54Put it down!
00:04:55Put it down or I'll fire!
00:04:57Put it down or I'll fire!
00:05:01The captain requests all passengers to report to the main deck at once.
00:05:05Now, there's no cause for alarm.
00:05:07Dress warmly and please bring your life jackets.
00:05:10Please report to the main deck at once.
00:05:15Mr. Allison, why is it so disturbing, sir?
00:05:17What's going on?
00:05:18It's impossible to get a night's sleep.
00:05:21What is it?
00:05:22Captain requests all passengers to report to the main deck.
00:05:26Dress warmly.
00:05:27What is that?
00:05:28What did he say, Hudson?
00:05:29Just stay here.
00:05:30I'll go up on deck and find out what's going on.
00:05:32No, don't leave us here alone.
00:05:34You better hold yourself, Bess.
00:05:35I'll come right back.
00:05:36But he said to get dressed.
00:05:38I don't know what to do.
00:05:39I don't want to wake up the babies in the middle of the night.
00:05:41Perhaps you should get dressed.
00:05:42Oh, Hudson, then it's true.
00:05:43Alice was right.
00:05:44Calm down.
00:05:45Just get dressed to be on the safe side.
00:05:48I don't know what to put on.
00:05:49What should I wear?
00:05:50I had on my black tweed this afternoon.
00:05:54Just dress warm.
00:05:56Alice, help me.
00:05:59What is that?
00:06:00You're releasing the excess pressure from the boilers.
00:06:03Please bring your life jacket.
00:06:04They're not actually going to put us in lifeboats, are they?
00:06:07No, no.
00:06:08But put on your life preservers, just as precautionary measure.
00:06:11They're on top of your armoires.
00:06:12Dress as warm as you can, darling.
00:06:15There's really no danger.
00:06:16Just do as they ask.
00:06:17Put on a few layers and a warm coat.
00:06:20I'll meet you upstairs in ten minutes.
00:06:24Henry, what's the truth?
00:06:26I don't know any more than you do, sir.
00:06:28I'm just doing what they tell me.
00:06:42You look packed, Evans.
00:06:44Eighteen hour shift, lad.
00:06:46What have you got tonight?
00:06:48The Titanic.
00:06:49Sending up a batch of messages to Cape Race.
00:06:51Could be interesting.
00:06:53Do you mind if I listen for a while?
00:06:55How about it?
00:06:56How's your morse coming?
00:06:58I'm figuring out the odd letters.
00:07:00Even get the gist of it sometimes.
00:07:02Well, I'll see you in the AM.
00:07:09Prepare to call for assistance.
00:07:11We've struck an iceberg.
00:07:12These are the coordinates.
00:07:14Which call should I send, sir?
00:07:16The international call for help, CQD.
00:07:19Come quickly. Distress.
00:07:22Just that.
00:07:23Aye, sir.
00:07:28I'd hate to be their captain's shoes
00:07:30when he tells Aster and these rich mucky mucks
00:07:32they're going to be a week late getting to New York, eh?
00:07:42Power run out.
00:07:44Well, I'm too tired to wind it up tonight.
00:07:46I'll do it in the morning when I'll get more strength.
00:07:51Good night, mate.
00:08:02Stroller's coming back.
00:08:04You're smartly there.
00:08:05Don't tangle him in the folds.
00:08:07This is no joke.
00:08:09Don't you know what you're doing here?
00:08:23Is that you, Osa?
00:08:25Come on.
00:08:27Follow me.
00:08:28We've got to get up to the boat deck.
00:08:31Yeah, what's the matter with you? Come on.
00:08:37Bloody hell.
00:08:38Don't ask me questions.
00:08:40Ask nothing.
00:08:42Don't touch me.
00:08:43Osa, I'm trying to help you.
00:08:45I'm not trying to help any man.
00:08:48I'm not just any man.
00:08:50Leave me alone.
00:08:53I don't know what's happened, but you have to listen to me.
00:08:57You've got to come up with me to Adek where it's safe.
00:09:00My girl.
00:09:01There's Osa.
00:09:02Look at this.
00:09:04I knew no good would come out of you.
00:09:06What have you done to her?
00:09:07I found her.
00:09:09I would never hurt her.
00:09:11Take the children down to the con room and find your father.
00:09:14She's been beaten.
00:09:16Lord knows what else.
00:09:19The crew come down here helping themselves.
00:09:21Touching the girls and saying bad words.
00:09:24Think we're weak because we're people of God.
00:09:26Maybe they never heard of God's vengeance.
00:09:28But report this to the captain, I will.
00:09:30The captain don't quite have the time right now to be hearing complaints.
00:09:35Now's the moment, lad.
00:09:36It couldn't be better.
00:09:38I can't come now.
00:09:39She's hurt.
00:09:41Something's happened.
00:09:42I can't get it out of her.
00:09:44Let our people take care of her.
00:09:46We have work to do, you and I.
00:09:50Are you coming then, Mr. Dickey?
00:10:03Get her in some warm clothes.
00:10:05Yes, I'll hold on you.
00:10:07Look, I'll be back.
00:10:09Just stay with the Jacks.
00:10:11Stay with them until I get back.
00:10:13Where do we go? What do we do?
00:10:15Do you people understand anything?
00:10:17Go to the common area and wait for instructions.
00:10:21Come on!
00:10:23Watch out for her.
00:10:25I'll be back.
00:10:29You can't count on him.
00:10:31Not a man like that.
00:10:33Oh, my God.
00:10:36You're locking it?
00:10:38Just trying to keep things orderly.
00:10:40Looks like they're loading up the lifeboats.
00:10:42I never imagined this in my wildest dreams.
00:10:45People leave their staterooms in a panic.
00:10:47We go in and clean up after them.
00:10:50But what about the people down there?
00:10:52Come on.
00:10:53Time is money.
00:11:05Captain Smith, I have a word with you, sir.
00:11:13I'd appreciate a true appraisal of our situation.
00:11:16We've been damaged.
00:11:19How badly?
00:11:22The ship has a couple of hours.
00:11:26This information must not be circulated for obvious reasons.
00:11:32Are there any rescue ships on the way?
00:11:35So far, we have been unable to contact any vessel near enough to help us in time.
00:11:40It is imperative that we get the women and children into the lifeboats.
00:11:45You might want to see to Mrs. Paradine.
00:11:47Of course.
00:11:48Without delay.
00:11:49Yes, sir.
00:11:50Mr. Park.
00:11:53There are lifeboats for only half of those on board.
00:12:00I see.
00:12:03Thank you for your candor.
00:12:07Godspeed, Captain.
00:12:09And to you, sir.
00:12:22We'll see you later.
00:12:35Is that you?
00:12:37You ever get your traffic from Cape Reiss?
00:12:42Some bloody fool was asking about our passenger mail.
00:12:46Come at once.
00:12:48We've struck a burg.
00:12:52It's a CQD.
00:12:55It's a CQD.
00:12:57It's a CQD.
00:12:59It's a CQD.
00:13:02We're sinking.
00:13:04Tell your captain...
00:13:09We've only got an hour.
00:13:19What in the name of heaven?
00:13:21It's a Titanic, sir. She struck an iceberg. She'll sink within an hour.
00:13:24Dean, turn the ship around immediately. North-northwest.
00:13:28Aye, Captain.
00:13:29Are you certain of this message?
00:13:31Absolutely, sir. Folks won't survive 20 minutes in this freezing water.
00:13:36Send word to Captain Smith we're coming as fast as we can.
00:13:44Even at full steam, it'll take four hours to reach her.
00:13:50Where is my husband? Where is he?
00:13:53Here, Mum. Drink this.
00:13:56You have to get dressed.
00:13:58My babies. I can't put my babies into a lifeboat. It's freezing.
00:14:02It'll be fun. They'll all get to go on a boat.
00:14:04Everyone up on deck, ma'am.
00:14:06I'm coming. I'm coming as fast as I can.
00:14:08Did you pack the children's things, Alice?
00:14:10The nappies and the warm leggings and the baby's milk cup and his teething ring?
00:14:14Don't be scared, Lorraine. We'll take some sugar water, all right? Some sugar water.
00:14:17There's no time, Mum. We have to go.
00:14:20I can't. I can't go without my husband. I'm not leaving without my husband.
00:14:28Alice, you get Lorraine, Mum. We're going to drown.
00:14:32Wait. We must wait for my husband.
00:14:34Coming up, sir.
00:14:35Alice, come back here. Come back here right now.
00:14:39You must have the cotton for Trevor's little ear, and you don't have the sugar water.
00:14:43Are we going to drown, Mummy?
00:14:45Oh, no. Of course not.
00:14:47No, it's nothing but a drill. It's just some kind of a drill.
00:14:51Oh, my poor darling little girl.
00:14:54People, please listen to your instructions.
00:14:57This group will be in boat four, and this group will be in boat eight.
00:15:01They will be ready momentarily.
00:15:03The important thing is to keep warm here.
00:15:05I'm glad I grabbed these on the way up.
00:15:07Hey, put on that lapis.
00:15:09Doesn't do much for a lady's figure, but...
00:15:11Hey, no room for luggage, buster. Leave everything.
00:15:15I even left a wad of money rolled up in a pair of French bloomers.
00:15:18You can't embroider, but what the hell?
00:15:22It's burning. You look so grave.
00:15:24Aren't there enough boats?
00:15:26I don't think so.
00:15:27I don't think so.
00:15:30It's burning. You look so grave.
00:15:32Aren't there enough boats?
00:15:34No, they're taking the women and children first as a precautionary measure.
00:15:37Then I'll wait and go when you do.
00:15:39You have to get on with the other women.
00:15:41We'll be together in a few hours.
00:15:43In heaven or in hell.
00:15:46I want to know the truth.
00:15:49We have about an hour before this ship sinks.
00:15:53I'll take you to a lifeboat and find you later.
00:15:57In a few hours, we'll be having breakfast up.
00:15:59I'm so afraid of her.
00:16:01Is that a promise?
00:16:05Now, ladies and gentlemen, would you all please line up by the door
00:16:08and please keep order here.
00:16:10That is the main thing.
00:16:21Do you know what this is about?
00:16:22It's a minor damage. They're just taking precautions.
00:16:27It was that woman, Alice Cleaver.
00:16:29She has the arson baby.
00:16:30Get a hold of yourself, Mrs. Miller.
00:16:32She's obviously helping them with the children.
00:16:34We have an emergency.
00:16:41It's locked!
00:16:42It's bloody locked! Get down here!
00:16:46We're all the bloody stewards!
00:16:48Go back! Go back the way we come!
00:16:56Everything will be all right when we get to America.
00:16:59Everything will be all right once you're baptised in the Lord's Church.
00:17:02I'll never be baptised.
00:17:04Of course you will. Of course.
00:17:06We will not let an iceberg stop us. We will not.
00:17:11I am damaged goods.
00:17:13Oh, my Lord, girl.
00:17:15You can't give up because some bloody bully forces himself on you.
00:17:20Do you think God will hold you accountable?
00:17:22He tests us in every way.
00:17:26Fight the good fight of faith.
00:17:28Do you think Clorinda Jack goes down with a whimper?
00:17:32Clorinda Jack goes down with a sort.
00:17:34Listen, the water's ankle deep and some of the cabin's in the front.
00:17:38Nobody tells us what to do.
00:17:40Aye, we laid eyes on one of the stewards. He said an officer was coming.
00:17:43Well, where the hell is he?
00:17:44We're locked up down here.
00:17:46We must wait.
00:17:47Clorinda, play some music.
00:17:49Boys, keep calm. Keep our spirits up.
00:17:52Show the children what courage is.
00:18:03Like only yesterday I sailed from out of port
00:18:07I wonder if from Erin's Isle I landed in New York
00:18:12Clorinda, keep the water away from the fire!
00:18:15Shut those shutters down!
00:18:17Close the main door!
00:18:30Any response?
00:18:32The ship seems to have stopped for the night.
00:18:34Like we have.
00:18:36Well, alert me of any changes.
00:18:39How are we resting on the chartroom settee?
00:18:45Keep a look out.
00:18:47You hear the old man?
00:18:48He'll want to know if she comes any closer.
00:18:50Just what I'd be longing to do, wake him up.
00:18:58Look what I found.
00:19:01It's so dark down there.
00:19:03I'm so cold.
00:19:05Oh, it'll only be for a few hours.
00:19:07There are ships on the way here right now.
00:19:09It would just feel better if we were together.
00:19:11So would I.
00:19:13But the captain was adamant I'd get here.
00:19:17To Bolivia.
00:19:20We'll get there, won't we?
00:19:24Next year, we'll be sitting on our terrace in Paz
00:19:28looking down on all the red-tiled roofs
00:19:30with Claire too.
00:19:33There's something I must tell you about Claire.
00:19:35I love her.
00:19:36Without even knowing her, I love her.
00:19:38Almost as much as I love her mother.
00:19:42Think of the stories we can tell her.
00:19:44We'll look back on this as a real adventure.
00:19:49It's got everything.
00:19:57We'll brag about this to our grandchildren.
00:20:00Grandma and Grandpa.
00:20:03We're on the Titanic.
00:20:25Move it, everybody. Move it along.
00:20:27Come on.
00:20:28Come on.
00:20:29We haven't got all day.
00:20:32That's it.
00:20:49Isn't that lovely?
00:20:50Music to drown by.
00:20:51So, what's happening from the bridge?
00:20:53It looks grim, Phillips.
00:20:54We're sinking by the head.
00:20:56They'll start loading folks in the lifeboats soon.
00:20:59So, any word from the Carpathia?
00:21:01Hours away, but still our best bet.
00:21:03I'm sending out the new signal, SOS.
00:21:06Might be our last chance to use it, eh?
00:21:08Yeah, right.
00:21:10What a sorry sight that'll be, eh?
00:21:12I mean, the classiest ship ever built
00:21:14towed down by a rustbutt.
00:21:16Come on, guys.
00:21:21Pops, can't keep ahead of them, Captain.
00:21:23We need light, Chief.
00:21:25And power.
00:21:26For the wireless.
00:21:28Well, do what you can.
00:21:34Mr. Allison.
00:21:36Mr. Allison.
00:21:42Now, don't you be afraid.
00:21:44Alice is here.
00:21:45I ain't gonna let nothing happen to you.
00:21:48Not this time.
00:21:52Why isn't this lifeboat being filled?
00:21:53Nobody said to load the boat.
00:21:54See here.
00:21:55Get back with the other passengers.
00:21:56I am the chairman of this bloody shipping line.
00:21:58I want these people aboard this boat immediately.
00:22:03What became of the boat assignments, Mr. Lowe?
00:22:05Nobody ever had any boat assignments, sir.
00:22:08If it is serious,
00:22:09you must make sure to get on a lifeboat.
00:22:12You'll take this one.
00:22:13I'm frightened.
00:22:14Stop whining and get in the boat.
00:22:16I'm sorry, ma'am, but no dogs.
00:22:18And women only right now, sir.
00:22:19What are you saying?
00:22:20Nobody's going to tell me to leave Charlie.
00:22:22That's the orders, ma'am.
00:22:23Your husband left her way behind.
00:22:25I'm not talking about my husband.
00:22:27I'm talking about Charlie.
00:22:28I'm not going to leave my helpless little dog
00:22:29on a sinking ship.
00:22:31Come on, Lulu.
00:22:32You can't let these few women go alone.
00:22:34You heard me.
00:22:35No men, no dogs.
00:22:36Sir Ali will sit right here.
00:22:38Thank you.
00:22:40Right this way.
00:22:41Watch your step.
00:22:42Right this way.
00:22:43Please, watch your step.
00:22:44We can't fill these boats in capacity, sir.
00:22:4565 people and they'll buckle under the weight.
00:22:47I say lower them half-filled.
00:22:49We can load more people down there from the gangways.
00:22:51No, no, no. Too dicey.
00:22:52How long do you think they would last
00:22:53if they went into the drink?
00:22:54I can't let them.
00:22:55The water's 28 degrees.
00:22:56Better to take that risk
00:22:57than to kill them right off, sir.
00:22:59You men know how to row?
00:23:00Think so, sir.
00:23:02Then you're in command of this boat.
00:23:03Stand by the aft gangway
00:23:04and be ready to receive more passengers.
00:23:06Aye, sir.
00:23:07Now, are there any more ladies
00:23:08before this boat goes?
00:23:09Me, sir.
00:23:10Me and my baby.
00:23:11Yes, yes, of course.
00:23:12Let one of the men hold your baby
00:23:13while you get in.
00:23:14I'll take him.
00:23:16Yes, yes.
00:23:18Sweet baby.
00:23:19You can't get on the boat.
00:23:21I don't want no strangers
00:23:23holding him up for me.
00:23:25It's only supposed to be
00:23:26ladies and children.
00:23:28All right, men.
00:23:29Let's go.
00:23:31Come on.
00:23:32Everything will be all right, folks.
00:23:44Sir, we've spotted
00:23:45what looks like a steamer
00:23:46maybe 10 miles off.
00:23:49Has she acknowledged you?
00:23:50Not so much, sir.
00:23:53Well, keep signaling.
00:23:55Tell her where the Titanic was sinking.
00:23:57Come at once.
00:24:01If she's answering,
00:24:02I sure enough can't tell.
00:24:04No, she's too far away.
00:24:06She can't see us.
00:24:14Any response, sir?
00:24:19No response.
00:24:21I saw something that...
00:24:24It was only her masthead light flickering.
00:24:28Fire some rockets.
00:24:30Yes, sir.
00:24:38Slow it away.
00:24:39Slow it away.
00:24:40If you'll get the hell out of the way,
00:24:42they'll be able to do something.
00:24:43You're not going fast enough.
00:24:45If they go any farther,
00:24:46they'll drown the whole lot of them.
00:24:47Do you know who I am?
00:24:48I don't care.
00:24:49You're the bloody Prince of Wales.
00:24:50You move back,
00:24:51or I'll knock your cheek down your throat.
00:24:53Don't you point your finger at me, young man.
00:24:59Couldn't have asked for more.
00:25:00They sent me down here
00:25:01to lock up all the staterooms
00:25:02to prevent looting.
00:25:04We've got enough.
00:25:05I haven't even started yet.
00:25:07I saved the purser's office.
00:25:09At last.
00:25:13People won't have time
00:25:14to get stuff out of the safe.
00:25:16What about the people downstairs?
00:25:18I told them I'd be back.
00:25:20Plenty of time to be a hero, sunshine.
00:25:22Plenty of time.
00:25:24Yeah, but all hell has broke loose.
00:25:26They're firing rockets.
00:25:31Key fit perfect.
00:25:34Fortune smiles.
00:25:37An act of God.
00:25:38That's what I say.
00:25:40What do you say?
00:25:42I say we start worrying
00:25:43about how to get off this damned boat.
00:25:48Come on.
00:25:58It's white.
00:26:00They're supposed to be red for distress.
00:26:02That's all we have, sir.
00:26:04I know.
00:26:06Keep firing them.
00:26:08Every five or six minutes.
00:26:10There are only seven left in the crate.
00:26:12Then fire them all.
00:26:14Until they're gone.
00:26:16Yes, sir.
00:26:19Have a look at her now.
00:26:26Another rocket.
00:26:28How many is that now?
00:26:32Ship's not going to fire rockets at sea for nothing.
00:26:34Maybe they're in some sort of distress.
00:26:44Thanks, mate.
00:26:45So kind of you.
00:26:55What do you want?
00:26:56It's Groves, sir.
00:26:57There are ships firing rockets.
00:26:59Three so far.
00:27:00Are they private signals?
00:27:02He's asking if they're private signals.
00:27:04Fisherman's flares.
00:27:05No, just tell him the rockets are white.
00:27:08Captain, all we know is the rockets are white.
00:27:11Try the lamp again.
00:27:13If you get a reply, let me know.
00:27:15Yes, sir.
00:27:19Get your coats.
00:27:20We have to hurry.
00:27:22She took Trevor.
00:27:23Alice took him.
00:27:25She's crazy.
00:27:26You knew it, and you let her stay.
00:27:27Beth, stop.
00:27:28Stop right now.
00:27:29Where did they go?
00:27:30Where did she take him?
00:27:31How should I know?
00:27:32She ran out into the hall and all those people,
00:27:33and I couldn't leave Lorraine,
00:27:34and I didn't know where you were.
00:27:35You just left us here.
00:27:36You let her take the baby?
00:27:37She grabbed him.
00:27:38I couldn't stop her.
00:27:39You weren't here.
00:27:40It's not my fault.
00:27:41We don't have time for this.
00:27:42We don't have time for this.
00:27:43We don't have time for this.
00:27:44We don't have time for this.
00:27:45We don't have time for this.
00:27:47We don't have time for this.
00:27:48Get your coats and go up to the boat deck.
00:27:50Where are you going?
00:27:51I'm going to find Trevor.
00:27:52I'll meet you up on the boat deck.
00:27:54Beth, you have to be strong now.
00:27:55We both must be strong.
00:27:57Our baby.
00:27:59I'll find him.
00:28:00I swear to God, I'll find him.
00:28:04All right, Lorraine, come on, come on.
00:28:06Come on.
00:28:09Everything will be all right, Mommy.
00:28:11Don't worry.
00:28:20Chief, we're going to lose another generator.
00:28:22Well kept, sir, Lord.
00:28:23Great, sir.
00:28:25Spot the fans.
00:28:26Anything more essential.
00:28:28At all costs, lads, we've got to keep the lights on about 20 volts.
00:28:35Carry on, lads.
00:28:37Keep the water under that boiler.
00:28:39That's all wide open.
00:28:44What is the question?
00:28:46Lock the guns back in the safe.
00:28:49I can't have you shooting my passengers.
00:28:51You'd rather they drown.
00:28:52That's quite enough, sir.
00:28:54We've too few men to control a mob.
00:28:56You shouldn't come to that.
00:28:59Just keep in mind that a number of our passengers are very influential people.
00:29:06Just remember that.
00:29:10can't be responsible.
00:29:17So don't offend anyone in first class by blowing their brains out.
00:29:21Mr. Lightholler.
00:29:24Take it.
00:29:38That's it, that's it.
00:29:39Sit down, please.
00:29:40Don't be scared.
00:29:41Sit down.
00:29:43That's it, that's it.
00:29:44Sit down, please.
00:29:45Don't be scared.
00:29:46These boys know what they're doing.
00:29:47That's right.
00:29:48You're going to.
00:29:49No, no, no.
00:29:50I'm going, I'm going.
00:29:51No, take your hands off me.
00:29:52There we go.
00:29:54Nobody tells Molly Brown what to do.
00:29:56Rotten scrubs.
00:29:57Captain Smith's going to hear about this.
00:29:58Sit down.
00:29:59Oh, you shut up.
00:30:00Stand alongside.
00:30:01We're ready to take all additional passengers.
00:30:13Thank you.
00:30:18My wife is in a delicate condition.
00:30:21May I accompany her, please?
00:30:22No, sir, Mr. Astor.
00:30:24No man is allowed on this boat or any of the boats until the ladies are off.
00:30:29The number of the boat, so I can look for her later.
00:30:32Four, sir.
00:30:34Don't make me leave you.
00:30:37I'll be on a later boat.
00:30:43Don't worry.
00:30:49Look after her, please.
00:30:50All my life, Mr. Astor.
00:30:51All my life.
00:30:54The boy cannot go.
00:30:55Of course he can go.
00:30:56He's only 13.
00:31:00No more boys.
00:31:07Here, Sophia.
00:31:08Take it.
00:31:09You'll need it.
00:31:10Ida, take your place.
00:31:11We've been living together for many years.
00:31:13Where you go, I go.
00:31:16I don't think anyone would object to an old gentleman like Mr. Stryas going with his wife.
00:31:20I won't go before the other men.
00:31:29I will not be separated from my husband.
00:31:32What am I to do with you?
00:31:35Well, you look at this.
00:31:37A diamond tiara.
00:31:39And it's a beauty too, Mr. Dickey.
00:31:41Just like I promised.
00:31:43Down there in steerage.
00:31:45What if they can't get out in time?
00:31:47They could drown.
00:31:48Can't save the world, lad.
00:31:50Not likely.
00:31:54How do I look?
00:31:56We'll cosy our way onto one of the boats.
00:31:59I'm going to have a look.
00:32:01We'll cosy our way onto one of the boats.
00:32:04We'll be taking spots meant for women and children.
00:32:07Some poor cows and their mangy kids down in steerage.
00:32:10They'll never know the difference.
00:32:12I don't think I could live with myself taking a woman's spot in the boats.
00:32:17Have you gone daft?
00:32:18Look, I don't think I could live with myself if I didn't try to help.
00:32:25There, take it.
00:32:26It's yours. I'm not going.
00:32:27Have your senses left you?
00:32:29The people down there in steerage.
00:32:31I can't just leave them there.
00:32:33They don't know where to go.
00:32:35There's the Jacks and Osa.
00:32:39You're worrying about your little beach, aren't you?
00:32:42More like a sack of potatoes if you ask me.
00:32:44Don't worry.
00:32:45They'll get them up here in plenty of time.
00:32:48You can have your turn on her.
00:32:50Mind you, there's been a long line of them before you.
00:32:54Dirty beggar.
00:32:59It was you!
00:33:00You're the one!
00:33:01What did you do to her?
00:33:02What did you do?
00:33:04She was begging for it.
00:33:09I'd crush your skull wide open if I'd mind.
00:33:12But I've got more important things to do.
00:33:17You're a dead duck anyway, laddie.
00:33:23Give it up, boy.
00:33:26You're going down with the ship.
00:33:30Well, in that case, I ain't gonna be needing no tiara.
00:33:38Save yourself, boy.
00:33:40Save yourself!
00:33:46Hey, out of my way!
00:33:51The women and kids still here?
00:33:52Aye, they come and took a group of 25.
00:33:54They said they were coming back for more, but we all want to go now.
00:33:57Hey, get your flock. Follow me.
00:34:00Excuse me, excuse me.
00:34:01Hey, we have to hurry. Get you out of here.
00:34:04It's too late.
00:34:05No, there's still a load of women and kids.
00:34:07You went with them.
00:34:09Yes, but I came back.
00:34:13Look, I told you, I can change.
00:34:16I'm here now.
00:34:18I don't want to live anymore.
00:34:20What happened to your faith? Your courage?
00:34:24There is no God.
00:34:28I look for him.
00:34:31There is no God.
00:34:33I never felt like this about nobody in my whole life.
00:34:38There has to be a God.
00:34:42He brought you to me.
00:34:46Come on.
00:34:57Hey, excuse me.
00:34:59Please, let us through.
00:35:02You can't open the gate without orders.
00:35:04My God, man.
00:35:05I've got to get this woman on a boat.
00:35:09Look at her. She's been hurt.
00:35:12All right, women and children.
00:35:15Go with the sailors. Go!
00:35:17Now we've got a chance. I'll find you.
00:35:19How? We need you with us.
00:35:21That's all for now.
00:35:24Let him through. He's got children.
00:35:26He's got to get his kids safe on a boat.
00:35:28I've let my wife through. And my children.
00:35:32It's all right, Vinny. We'll stay together as a family.
00:35:35I'll be back to get you through.
00:35:37Don't worry.
00:35:39Come on, Vinny.
00:35:46Let us through.
00:35:49You have a peach orchard in Minnesota.
00:35:51You have your whole family from Denmark.
00:35:53It's even become a nurse.
00:35:55Go on.
00:35:57Careful with her.
00:36:05If I get out of this alive,
00:36:07I'll find you.
00:36:09I swear I will.
00:36:12Look, we need help.
00:36:14Can you work a davit?
00:36:15Yes, sir. I can try.
00:36:17Go on.
00:36:20Let us through.
00:36:23Hold on.
00:36:45There's nothing but women and children in this boat.
00:36:47Mr. Lowe, take it all.
00:36:48No, sir. Not me.
00:36:49Get into the blasted boat. That's where you're needed most right now.
00:36:52Sir, that's an order.
00:36:56I'm an excellent swimmer, remember?
00:36:58Wynne, I can't go without you.
00:37:00Yes, you can. One foot in front of the other.
00:37:02Tell me about her again.
00:37:04She's smart. Very smart.
00:37:06Tell me about her horse.
00:37:07It's an Indian paint. She calls him paint.
00:37:09Keep moving. Keep moving.
00:37:11Coming through.
00:37:13We don't have much time.
00:37:14Go. Just get into the boat.
00:37:16Wynne, I can't leave you.
00:37:18You couldn't abandon your daughter. We both knew that deep down.
00:37:20We had a few days. That's all there was.
00:37:22Please don't say that.
00:37:24Now. You must go now.
00:37:26Get into the boat.
00:37:32Claire is waiting for you.
00:37:34Wynne, she's yours.
00:37:37Claire is our daughter.
00:37:46Please forgive me.
00:37:50I love you.
00:38:20I've lost my baby.
00:38:22Sir, can you help me?
00:38:24Sir, I've lost my baby.
00:38:26Can you help me?
00:38:28I can't find my baby, my little boy.
00:38:30I can't find him.
00:38:32Have you found him, Hudson?
00:38:34I'm sorry, darling. Not yet.
00:38:36I'm not leaving this ship without my baby.
00:38:38Of course not, Tess. We won't go without him.
00:38:54Look at the lights.
00:38:56Pretty lights.
00:39:00That's the last of the rockets.
00:39:02Why didn't they respond?
00:39:06Damn their eyes.
00:39:08They're all dead.
00:39:10A ghost ship.
00:39:12We can see them.
00:39:14Are they all asleep?
00:39:16Shut down their wireless swat.
00:39:24Never mind anymore.
00:39:26Go help with the boats.
00:39:36Stay back.
00:39:38Everyone must stay back.
00:39:40Everybody back away.
00:39:50You'll not escape.
00:39:52I've got to get back.
00:39:54The Jack ship.
00:40:00Stand back.
00:40:02Stand back.
00:40:04Stand back.
00:40:10Any more ladies.
00:40:12Any more ladies.
00:40:14Come on.
00:40:16Come on.
00:40:36Can we let the father go?
00:40:44Come on.
00:40:54Come on.
00:40:56Sit in there just like that.
00:41:10Where's my baby?
00:41:12We have to leave.
00:41:14I can't leave without him.
00:41:16Listen to me.
00:41:18We have to get Lorraine on a lifeboat.
00:41:20Do you understand?
00:41:22We will stay and look for Trevor.
00:41:24But we must get Lorraine on a lifeboat.
00:41:26Of course.
00:41:28We must get Lorraine on a lifeboat.
00:41:34Move away.
00:41:36Move away.
00:41:42Move away.
00:41:48Oh no, my dear.
00:41:50We must demand our money back.
00:41:54Every penny.
00:42:12Well done.
00:42:22Well done.
00:42:2640 lads.
00:42:28Still in their stations.
00:42:32Thank you.
00:42:42Gentlemen, all drinks are on the house.
00:42:44I'd ask for ice,
00:42:46but this is ridiculous.
00:42:54Gentlemen, you have done your duty.
00:42:56You can do no more.
00:42:58Now it is every man for himself.
00:43:00That's the way it is at times such as these.
00:43:04I release you.
00:43:06Abandon your cabin.
00:43:08Save yourselves.
00:43:10That way, sir.
00:43:14He's right, Phillips. The pal's almost gone.
00:43:16Phillips, you're talking to yourself, mate.
00:43:20I guess we'll get to see a big part of the world tonight, eh?
00:43:22They say it's three-quarters water.
00:43:34Blimey, you've killed him.
00:43:36Well, he didn't deserve to die like a sailor.
00:43:40Come on.
00:43:54Light hauler, let's get these people on board quickly, please.
00:43:56Where do you think you're going?
00:43:58Where's our boat, then?
00:44:00You can't come up here. This boat is full.
00:44:02What about the rest of these lads?
00:44:04This boat is full. Now get back.
00:44:06I'll shoot the next man who moves.
00:44:10Damn you.
00:44:16Well, gentlemen,
00:44:18I suppose it's every man for himself.
00:44:22Come on!
00:44:28My God.
00:44:30Why have you deserted us?
00:44:32Why have you deserted us?
00:44:38Open the bloody gate!
00:44:40I told you, first-class only.
00:44:46This way.
00:45:02That's all, gentlemen.
00:45:04You've done yourselves proud.
00:45:16Stay with me! Stay with me!
00:45:18Stay with me!
00:45:32Be British, men!
00:45:36Be British.
00:45:38Captain, you have to help us.
00:45:40We must have the ship completely surged.
00:45:42We've lost our baby.
00:45:44Are you still here?
00:45:46My wife refuses to leave the ship until we find our son.
00:45:48What about this child?
00:45:50I'm going on a lifeboat.
00:45:52I'm going to see to that now.
00:45:54I'll get her into a boat with a responsible person.
00:45:56On the boats.
00:46:02I'm going to see to that now.
00:46:04I'll get her into a boat with a responsible person.
00:46:06On the boats.
00:46:10Oh, my God!
00:46:12My babies!
00:46:14There has to be something.
00:46:16A collapsible.
00:46:18You have to help us.
00:46:20I'm sorry.
00:46:22There's nothing I can do.
00:46:38have some of the mates
00:46:40bring a dozen heavy deckchairs below.
00:46:42Equip them with heavy bindings.
00:46:44We may have a few hysterics
00:46:46with which to contend.
00:46:50And, sir,
00:46:52see to getting some ice and canvas bags.
00:46:54Put them in the cargo bay for the dead.
00:46:56Iceberg ahead.
00:46:58Iceberg ahead.
00:47:00Iceberg ahead.
00:47:02Iceberg ahead.
00:47:04Iceberg ahead.
00:47:08Port around ten degrees.
00:47:10Maintain your speed.
00:47:14Porting ten degrees.
00:47:16Eyes ahead, lads.
00:47:18But do neither the Titanic nor ourselves any good
00:47:20if we succumb to her sin fate.
00:47:22Perhaps it would be prudent to stop.
00:47:24We do not have the luxury of prudence.
00:47:28Cut off all heat and hot water.
00:47:30Route every ounce of steam
00:47:32into the engines.
00:47:34We must go faster.
00:47:50They told us to wait near the ship
00:47:52for survivors.
00:47:54When the ship goes down,
00:47:56she'll take everything with her.
00:47:58The tanks.
00:48:00There's no room on this boat.
00:48:02Trust me, ma'am, we'll go back, all right?
00:48:04We just have to wait a bit until things calm down.
00:48:06There could be hundreds of people trying to get on this little boat.
00:48:08We'll end up saving nobody.
00:48:10We can't leave all these people.
00:48:30Oh, my God.
00:48:42You all right?
00:48:44I'm all right, sir.
00:48:46Hold her in.
00:48:54I'll be with you.
00:49:20Will you not try
00:49:22and save yourselves?
00:49:24There is a line
00:49:26often quoted
00:49:28in the newspapers.
00:49:30God himself
00:49:32cannot sink
00:49:34this ship.
00:49:38she was appropriately named.
00:49:40The Titans
00:49:42dared to challenge
00:49:44the gods,
00:49:46and for their arrogance,
00:49:48they were cast down
00:49:50into hell.
00:50:12Forgive me.
00:50:24Popper, where's our boat?
00:50:36We'll ask the man that very thing now, won't we?
00:50:42It's rightfully called.
00:50:43Now we must keep buttoned up and sit close together.
00:50:47What have I done?
00:50:50It is a cruel joke.
00:50:53To have left our lives in Dorchester for this?
00:50:57We've never shrunk from danger or hardship.
00:51:00We've always met it head on.
00:51:02You're a good man, Black Billy Jack.
00:51:05You're honest, you're hard-working as the day is long.
00:51:09And you can be tender too, and I love you for it.
00:51:17Look! Have you ever seen so many stars?
00:51:22There must be a million.
00:51:24A billion trillion!
00:51:32Our Father, who art in heaven,
00:51:35hallowed be thy name.
00:51:37Thy kingdom come,
00:51:39thy will be done,
00:51:41on earth as it is in heaven.
00:54:53Now, we must go back now before they're all gone.
00:54:56Do you hear me?
00:54:58Please, sir, we must go back.
00:55:00It's all right. We'll go back. Come on, let's go.
00:55:03You fools! They'll drag us under!
00:55:06They'll swamp us!
00:55:11He's an animal! He forced me!
00:55:14She's crazy! Damn you!
00:55:18Cut their heads off! Leave me be!
00:55:21All of you, get back in your places.
00:55:24And calm down now!
00:55:26Get back in your places, all of you!
00:55:29Dear Lord, they're an animal.
00:55:31Animals wouldn't do this to their own kind.
00:55:34Do you hear me, miss? Can you hear us?
00:55:36Sit down! Do you see me? Reach for the oar, men!
00:55:39I said, sit down!
00:55:52Help me!
00:56:17Stay back!
00:56:22That's Phillips!
00:56:24Why are you so brave?
00:56:26Anyone see Phillips?
00:56:28We've got to paddle away before it comes together.
00:56:31Get back!
00:56:33Get in!
00:56:35Stop! Stop! You'll founder us! Stop at once!
00:56:40Listen to this, Lord, all of you.
00:56:42Keep your wits about you.
00:56:44Now, spread out! Even the load!
00:56:47Now, spread out! Even the load!
00:56:50Hang on, old man.
00:57:06Where is it?
00:57:11There's somebody in the water.
00:57:13They're all around us. Take one and we got them all.
00:57:16Too many here as it is.
00:57:18You'll go under.
00:57:20No, sir.
00:57:22Help me here. Help me get her in the boat.
00:57:30Take hold, old sir. Take hold of my hand.
00:57:34I'll bring you in. Don't fear.
00:57:36I got you.
00:57:43We made it.
00:57:45Just hold on.
00:57:47I never knew nobody good like you.
00:57:51Nobody in my whole damn life.
00:57:57But if I get through this...
00:58:00Jamie Purse is going to be a different man.
00:58:03Just hold on and don't let go.
00:58:08It's one thing I know.
00:58:15I love you.
00:58:17You're blooming out of your head, mate.
00:58:19You're blooming out of your head.
00:58:26Where is she?
00:58:28No, sir.
00:58:30It was here. I know it was.
00:58:32I could feel you.
00:58:34It was not real.
00:58:37Oh, sir!
00:58:48How do you think it happened to them?
00:58:50I would not venture a guess.
00:58:52E.J. Smith is the finest master in these waters.
00:58:56Maybe nobody can master the sea.
00:58:58Ice ahead.
00:59:00Take us round at my direction.
00:59:02Ice out at your direction.
00:59:06How long can they last in that cold water?
00:59:09Not long.
00:59:11A few minutes, perhaps.
00:59:13An easy death.
00:59:17I don't know if there is such a thing.
00:59:37Over there! I think I hear someone!
00:59:42It's too late.
00:59:45We're all dead.
00:59:48It came too late.
00:59:57Everyone, carefully lean your weight to counter the swell.
01:00:01We're all dead.
01:00:03We're all dead.
01:00:05We're all dead.
01:00:07We're all dead.
01:00:09Lean your weight to counter the swell.
01:00:11Keep it balanced.
01:00:13And stay alert.
01:00:28Another's died over here.
01:00:31Can we...
01:00:33Can we push them off to make room, sir?
01:00:35Can you see who it is?
01:00:39The bloke from the wireless, sir.
01:00:41Phillips, isn't it?
01:00:53The only one to see the world, sir.
01:00:59Cover him with something.
01:01:01And see if you can't keep him with us.
01:01:09Come on.
01:01:21A light!
01:01:23Pipe down.
01:01:25It's nothing but a shooting star.
01:01:27It's a flare.
01:01:29Look! Another one!
01:01:31It's a ship!
01:01:33I see it.
01:01:35Come on, shoot him an oar.
01:01:37I don't want to die.
01:01:39My family, I don't want to die.
01:01:41I don't want to die.
01:01:43I don't want to die.
01:01:45Come on, calm down.
01:01:47There's help coming.
01:01:49There's a ship not far from here.
01:01:51They didn't spot the bloody rockets.
01:01:53Do you think they'll see small boats low in the water?
01:01:55So? We'll row to them, won't we, ladies?
01:01:57Come on, children.
01:01:59Sit here.
01:02:01Hey, you're a strong cuss.
01:02:03You can surely help. Come on.
01:02:05You're trembling like an husband.
01:02:07Here, take this.
01:02:09I'll have none of this.
01:02:11Sit back down again. I'm in charge here.
01:02:13Blasted female!
01:02:15Any closer and I'll toss you overboard.
01:02:19Now, come on.
01:02:21On the beat.
01:02:23One, two.
01:02:25One, two.
01:02:29They don't see us.
01:02:31Well, let's make them see us.
01:02:33Come on, wave those lanterns around.
01:02:35Find some towels or some blankets.
01:02:37We can put them on the oars and we can set them ablaze.
01:02:39And people, shout.
01:02:41Shout as loud as you possibly can.
01:02:43Come on.
01:02:45We're over here.
01:02:47Come on.
01:02:49Come on.
01:02:51We're over here.
01:03:03Come on.
01:03:19This is your baby mum?
01:03:21Of course.
01:03:23What do you think?
01:03:25What is your name?
01:03:29Jane Andrews, is it?
01:03:31And me baby.
01:03:37I'm his man.
01:03:39I'm his man.
01:03:53This is the RMS Carpathia.
01:03:55I'm Captain Arthur Rostron.
01:03:57Fifth Officer Lowe, sir.
01:04:01My ship
01:04:03founded at 2.40
01:04:05this AM.
01:04:07We struck an iceberg at 11.40.
01:04:09How many people were left aboard?
01:04:15Perhaps a thousand.
01:04:17Perhaps more.
01:04:19They've all
01:04:21gone down with us, sir.
01:04:23Do you understand?
01:04:25They've just gone.
01:04:27Go below, lad.
01:04:29Get yourself warm.
01:04:31Yes, sir.
01:04:49Yes, sir.
01:04:51The crew will take you below, get you some soup,
01:04:53something hot to drink.
01:04:55I do not want anything.
01:04:59I'd be much happier if you just left me.
01:05:01Get me to a room
01:05:03where I can be quiet.
01:05:07I wish you would.
01:05:09Mr. Stevenson.
01:05:13Take Mr. Ismay to my quarters.
01:05:23I don't know.
01:05:25Could it be
01:05:27my husband?
01:05:53This is Wynn Park.
01:05:57Mr. Wynn Park.
01:06:01He needs some dry clothes
01:06:03and a blanket
01:06:07and something hot to drink,
01:06:09some soup.
01:06:11He needs a doctor.
01:06:13Is there a doctor?
01:06:17Oh, Isabella.
01:06:23Oh, darling.
01:06:25You're so cold.
01:06:27You're so cold.
01:06:33He needs to see a doctor immediately.
01:06:35Will somebody please get me a doctor?
01:06:39He says he's an excellent swimmer.
01:06:47He said he'd get to me
01:06:49no matter what happened, and he did.
01:06:53I'm afraid.
01:06:55Please, don't say it.
01:06:57I don't want to hear it.
01:07:03We're going to the bath.
01:07:07We're going to sit on our terrace
01:07:09and look down on the red-tiled roof.
01:07:17Just breathe, darling.
01:07:21Just show them you can breathe, darling.
01:07:23Just breathe.
01:07:25Just breathe.
01:07:29Mom, let me help you.
01:07:33Please let me go.
01:07:35He needs me.
01:07:39there's nothing you can do.
01:07:41Anybody can do.
01:07:43Mr. Park is
01:07:47He's gone.
01:07:53And everything
01:07:55is gone.
01:08:09Oh, my God.
01:08:33We won't find anyone
01:08:35still alive out there.
01:08:39Plot a course for New York.
01:08:41The women on deck, have the crew take them below.
01:08:43As soon as we depart,
01:08:45we're going to realize they're widows.
01:08:47Yes, sir.
01:09:05Please, go to the captain.
01:09:07Tell him the ship can't leave yet.
01:09:09He doesn't understand.
01:09:11He's still out there.
01:09:13He may be on a raft trying to get to us.
01:09:15Mrs. Astor, we've searched the waters.
01:09:17There are no more survivors.
01:09:19I'm sorry.
01:09:29My entire
01:09:31Paris wardrobe.
01:09:3312 pairs of shoes.
01:09:35Good shoes.
01:09:37Two, three...
01:09:43Don't give me that look.
01:09:45He sat on my lap.
01:09:47And Mr. Foley, whose lap did he sit on?
01:09:51How many people were in your boat?
01:09:53How many people?
01:09:5520, 30, I don't know.
01:09:57We had no room.
01:09:59There was room for 65.
01:10:01I lost everything, too.
01:10:03Look at me.
01:10:05I am a sight.
01:10:07It's powder.
01:10:15What about you?
01:10:17A healthy young man like you.
01:10:19Whose seat did you take?
01:10:21It was an accident.
01:10:23I fell from the davit.
01:10:25How convenient.
01:10:27It's true.
01:10:29God knows I don't deserve to be here.
01:10:31I'd give my life to save one of them lost.
01:10:33I'm sorry.
01:10:39I don't deserve to be here.
01:10:43Excuse me.
01:10:45Have you seen this girl?
01:10:47Excuse me.
01:10:49I'm looking for this girl.
01:10:51I'm looking for this girl.
01:10:53Osa Ludvigsson.
01:10:57The Jack family.
01:10:59Have you seen any of them?
01:11:03I'm looking for this girl.
01:11:05Long blonde hair.
01:11:07I'm sorry, I can't help you.
01:11:19I've been looking.
01:11:21You're all right.
01:11:25I wouldn't have left him if I'd known there weren't enough boats.
01:11:29Excuse me, ma'am.
01:11:31Somebody else. I'm sorry, ma'am.
01:11:33He's wearing a red cape.
01:11:35He's a little fat.
01:11:37He says it's frostbite.
01:11:39I'm not going to let him know.
01:11:41I'm not about to lose it, right?
01:11:45I've just got to keep it moving.
01:11:51Can you give me a hand here?
01:11:53You go over here.
01:11:55Yes, ma'am.
01:12:01Get some soup in this gal or she's never going to make it.
01:12:03Here, come on.
01:12:05Hold her up for me.
01:12:09Is it you?
01:12:15It happened, didn't it?
01:12:17You came to me in the lifeboat.
01:12:19I was trying to keep you from falling back in the water,
01:12:21but I closed my eyes for a second
01:12:23and when I opened them, you were gone.
01:12:25Honey, he was dreaming.
01:12:27She was pushed out of the boat.
01:12:29And an officer low pulled her out of the drink.
01:12:39It's a miracle.
01:12:45It's their boat after all.
01:12:47Yes, and he wants you to drink this soup.
01:12:51You've got to get some nourishment.
01:12:53What's going on?
01:12:57I haven't found them yet.
01:12:59Not even the children?
01:13:01Not even the children.
01:13:03All those people.
01:13:05They're gone.
01:13:07Good people.
01:13:09And look at me.
01:13:11Common thief.
01:13:13Why am I still here?
01:13:15What kind of God would permit that?
01:13:17What's the reason?
01:13:19Maybe there's not such a thing as a reason.
01:13:21Accept it.
01:13:23A gift.
01:13:27A chance
01:13:29to start over.
01:13:33We know that there's hell.
01:13:35So could there be heaven?
01:13:57Mrs. Peridon,
01:13:59you must come down below.
01:14:01It's cold.
01:14:03The ocean's so big, isn't it?
01:14:07And it makes one feel
01:14:09so small and so
01:14:17Maybe it's just Romana said someday
01:14:21someday we'll all die.
01:14:23That's right.
01:14:27The ship
01:14:29of willows.
01:14:33It's good
01:14:35that we don't know how things are going to end
01:14:37in the beginning.
01:14:39Or we'd never make
01:14:41the journeys that we were meant to take
01:14:43in this life.
01:14:45The journeys that
01:14:47make us who we are.
01:14:51You're a good man.
01:14:53I guess
01:14:55what I want to say is that
01:14:57I think you're a good sailor.
01:15:01And I thank you.
01:15:23This way, please.
01:15:25Mrs. Brown, over here.
01:15:27Mrs. Brown, you came through.
01:15:29Well, the Titanic wasn't unsinkable,
01:15:31but I am.
01:15:33How do you feel about the White Star Line?
01:15:35In Leadville, Colorado, where I come from,
01:15:37Mr. Ismay would be hung up
01:15:39on the nearest pine tree.
01:15:41Did you lose much?
01:15:43Everything I own is at the bottom of the sea.
01:15:45But don't mention it.
01:15:47No, the real shame is that those lifeboats
01:15:49left half empty.
01:15:51Mrs. Brown, what are your plans?
01:15:53I'm thinking of running for the Senate.
01:15:55If I survive this, I could survive politics.
01:16:03It's clear that John's sons
01:16:05won't be coming for me.
01:16:07Of course they will.
01:16:09There's so many people out there.
01:16:13What about you, Isabella?
01:16:15Eddie will come, won't he?
01:16:17In spite of the wireless?
01:16:21No, he's a very proud man.
01:16:25I was going to set
01:16:27the world straight.
01:16:29And I only succeeded
01:16:31in hurting two more people.
01:16:33My husband
01:16:35and my little girl.
01:16:39He'll let you see Claire, won't he?
01:16:43I don't want to think about that.
01:16:45I guess I'm at his mercy.
01:16:49Come on.
01:16:55I recognized you from a picture I'd seen
01:16:57in the London newspaper.
01:16:59Alice, now we know who you are.
01:17:01Give the baby to Mr. Allison's brother here.
01:17:03He'll take good care of him.
01:17:07I saved him.
01:17:09Yes, you did. But he's not your child.
01:17:13Come on, now.
01:17:20This way, this way.
01:17:22Alice, you risked your life to save this baby.
01:17:24Is that right?
01:17:26I risked my life?
01:17:28Alice, we understand what you've been through,
01:17:30but can you give us a little smile for the camera, Alice?
01:17:32A pretty girl like you...
01:17:35You're a real hero, Alice.
01:17:37Am I?
01:17:39Your courageous story's going to be in papers
01:17:41all over the country.
01:17:43Is that so?
01:17:45Have you anything to say to the people of America?
01:17:49His mother, she'd give him to me.
01:17:52She knows what a strong girl I am.
01:17:55And the ship was going down,
01:17:57and there was all the water rushing down the oil way.
01:18:00And she knows she can
01:18:02trust me to get him safe.
01:18:07I saved him.
01:18:16They're here.
01:18:19John's sons. I can see them.
01:18:23They're here to meet me after all.
01:18:29It will be all right, Madeline. I know it will.
01:18:33Thank you, Isabella,
01:18:35for helping me through this.
01:18:44Goodbye, Madeline.
01:18:49Goodbye, John.
01:19:19No more sea voyages for me.
01:19:22I figure I'd beat the odds this time,
01:19:24and I'm going to be testing fate again.
01:19:27Are you still going to California?
01:19:31I was thinking about, um,
01:19:35I mean, maybe I should join the church.
01:19:37I don't think you'd really like that.
01:19:40I just want to be with you.
01:19:43I don't want to be alone.
01:19:45You like that.
01:19:47I just want to be with you.
01:19:49Start a life with you.
01:19:51A better life.
01:19:53Maybe it's waiting for us in California.
01:19:55No, no.
01:19:57No, sir.
01:19:59I don't want you giving up your tree.
01:20:01Well, you have a dream, too.
01:20:03You've got pictures in a box.
01:20:05They have nurses and teachers in California.
01:20:08Peach trees, too.
01:20:10And oranges.
01:20:12Oranges as big as grapefruits.
01:20:14They were grown in our own backyard.
01:20:16I'll pick one for you every morning for breakfast.
01:20:18How's that?
01:20:25Mama, over here!
01:20:28Mama, Mama!
01:20:33Excuse me, my dear.
01:20:42Oh, my God.
01:20:44Oh, my baby.
01:20:46Oh, my God.
01:20:50Oh, my beautiful little girl.
01:20:54I love you.
01:20:59Thank God you're home safe.
01:21:01Thank God.
01:21:06Eddie, the wireless.
01:21:08I'm sorry.
01:21:10What wireless?
01:21:12I sent you a wireless.
01:21:14I have to explain.
01:21:16I forgot any wireless.
01:21:18Anyway, it doesn't matter.
01:21:20Nothing else matters except your home.
01:21:28Yes, you're right.
01:21:31I'm home.
01:21:40I'm home.
01:21:42I'm home.
01:21:44I'm home.
01:21:46I'm home.
01:21:48I'm home.
01:21:50I'm home.
01:21:52I'm home.
01:21:54I'm home.
01:21:56I'm home.
01:21:58I'm home.
01:22:00I'm home.
01:22:02I'm home.
01:22:04I'm home.
01:22:06I'm home.
01:22:08I'm home.
01:22:10I'm home.
01:22:12I'm home.
01:22:14I'm home.
01:22:16I'm home.
01:22:18I'm home.
01:22:20I'm home.
01:22:22I'm home.
01:22:24I'm home.
01:22:26I'm home.
01:22:28I'm home.
01:22:30I'm home.
01:22:32I'm home.
01:22:34I'm home.
01:22:36I'm home.
01:22:38I'm home.
01:22:40I'm home.
01:22:42I'm home.
01:22:44I'm home.
01:22:46I'm home.
01:22:48I'm home.
01:22:50I'm home.
01:22:52I'm home.
01:22:54I'm home.
01:22:56I'm home.
01:22:58I'm home.
01:23:00I'm home.
01:23:02I'm home.
01:23:04I'm home.
01:23:06I'm home.
01:23:08I'm home.
01:23:10I'm home.
01:23:12I'm home.
01:23:14I'm home.
01:23:16I'm home.
01:23:18I'm home.
