
  • 2 months ago
00:00Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:13You wanna talk about resentment?
00:16Who the hell do you think you are, huh?
00:18I'm a four time Raw Women's Champion.
00:24The first ever woman to be in a Hell in a Cell match at last year's Royal Rumble.
00:28I lasted 54 minutes while you came in and got handed everything.
00:32We put our hearts and souls in this ring every damn day.
00:40And you wanna talk about our desire?
00:42You can stop trying to tell the world that I'm a worthy competitor,
00:46cuz the world already knows that I am.
00:48And you didn't give me anything.
00:51I earned my opportunity against Nia Jax when I beat her.
00:55And not only did I beat her, I made her tap out.
00:58And that's exactly what I'm gonna do to you at the Royal Rumble.
01:02A bold statement by Banks as Natalya and Bayley look to control things here.
01:07I think Banks has lost her damn mind.
01:09I think Sasha spent too much time reading Reddit forums where she's
01:13the greatest thing since sliced bread.
01:14You kidding me?
01:15She's stepping in the ring with the baddest woman on the planet.
01:18And Ronda Rousey is ticked off.
01:20This is what we need from Sasha Banks.
01:22Everyone knows how great Sasha Banks is.
01:24Now she finally has the opportunity and she's in her sweet spot.
01:27Who is this everyone you speak of, Renee?
01:30The royal everyone?
01:31Yes. No.
01:32Yes. No such thing.
01:34Maybe there's a key to getting under the skin of Ronda Rousey.
01:36Ronda's about to knock Natalya out just to go fight Sasha.
01:40That's what we're dealing with.
01:41To Renee's point though, Corey,
01:42maybe Sasha has gotten under the skin of Ronda Rousey.
01:47Try to play mind games with Rousey heading into Sunday.
01:49Calm down, this is good.
01:50Natalya soothing the Raw Women's Champion momentarily.
01:54You can see Ronda telling Natalya, you better get her.
01:58And it's going to be Sasha and Natalya starting things off.
02:02And a cheap shot by Banks.
02:04And she went right after Rousey.
02:06Now the takedown of Natalya.
02:08Front face lock draws Rousey into the ring.
02:11And Sasha Banks is indeed playing with fire here tonight.
02:17Sasha Banks is setting her own tone here.
02:20As much as it pains me to admit, that was pretty clever what Sasha Banks just did.
02:26Now she's playing mind games.
02:28Yeah, the double team now by Banks and Bayley.
02:31Suplex to Natalya.
02:33Maybe everyone else is always- Cover.
02:34By Bayley, kick out at two.
02:36So enamored with Ronda Rousey, now it's the other way around.
02:40And watch this, this is the start of the match, a cheap shot by Banks.
02:43In this situation, if Ronda Rousey loses control, she can get her team disqualified.
02:48Banks and Bayley pick up a victory by disqualification.
02:51There's a lot of benefits to getting under the skin of Rousey now.
02:55But once Ronda's inside the ring, and the legal competitor, Sasha better watch out.
03:00If she gets in the ring, it's been Banks and Bayley dominating Natalya.
03:04Great double team effort, tag team wrestling here.
03:06How much is the referee gonna allow here?
03:08Everyone was just commending Kurt Hogg.
03:10And there's Rousey.
03:11But he just did, look out Banks.
03:13Takes out Bayley, and now takes down Sasha.
03:16And Ronda and Natalya, Ronda says no more play, and this tag action continues.
03:22Meanwhile, back live on Monday Night Raw, it's Natalya and
03:25Raw Women's Champion Ronda Rousey against Bayley.
03:29And Rousey's Royal Rumble opponent, Sasha Banks, here tonight.
03:32And Natalya driving Bayley back into the corner, and finally a tag.
03:36Here comes Rousey.
03:38Ronda Rousey has been all fired up for the past week.
03:41And Sasha Banks took a swipe at Ronda.
03:44Great double team by Rousey and Natalya, that looked familiar.
03:47And look at Banks go, continuing.
03:52Hey, get back to your corner right now.
03:55Just trash talk Rousey.
03:55It's all false bravado.
03:57If Sasha wanted Ronda, that badge should tag herself in.
04:01Notice Sasha stayed on the outside where it's safe.
04:04I don't know, I am here for this side of Sasha Banks.
04:06And Natalya now legal, as is Bayley in this tag team matchup.
04:11That's good, Renee.
04:12Maybe you can drive Banks to the hospital in Phoenix after her arm gets snapped in two.
04:16Natalya and Bayley will be a part of the Royal Rumble match.
04:2030 women involved over the top rope, both feet hit the floor, you're eliminated.
04:24The last woman standing will earn an opportunity against the champion of
04:28her choosing in a main event at WrestleMania.
04:31And Natalya with a suplex to Bayley.
04:36Tag, I should say cover, and a kick out at two.
04:40Look, Sasha Banks jumped off the apron to avoid a tag from Bayley.
04:45Sasha does not wanna get in the ring and face Ronda Rousey in any circumstance.
04:49Well, Sasha just made the tag, she's now legal.
04:52And Bayley, with that high running knee, and Banks now, double knees to Natalya.
04:58Drags her back into the center of the ring, hook to the leg, kick out at two.
05:02Banks, a four-time Women's Champion continues to trash talk Ronda Rousey.
05:12You can see a lot of where this resentment lies, Sasha Banks tweeting out,
05:16this is not just a hobby to us, this has been our passion our entire lives.
05:20Okay, so Ronda Rousey pursued a different passion and
05:23happened to end up here in WWE, just like numerous other greats.
05:27Look at that, great athleticism from Bayley.
05:28And look at Sasha, now legal, heads up to the top rope.
05:32Sasha, meteora.
05:34I was quoting for you.
05:35Cover, kick out.
05:37I know, and I was disputing the quote from the delusional Sasha Banks.
05:41Listen, and a lot has been made about how dangerous Ronda Rousey is in
05:44the armbar submission hold, but what about Banks?
05:47So again, another wild right hand.
05:49Banks in her bank statement have tapped out a number of people here in WWE over
05:54the years, tag, Ronda legal.
05:57Here we go.
05:57Sasha, welcome to the party, Sasha.
06:01Look at this.
06:02Rolls through.
06:03Uh-oh, and look at Sasha, the veteran with the elbows to the jaw.
06:09Ronda misses wildly, backslide by Banks, one shoulder down, by Banks.
06:15Banks obviously doing her homework on Rousey.
06:18Very impressive- Into the bank statement.
06:22Banks, the submission hold we talked about just moments ago.
06:27And it's Natalya breaking things up, or perhaps, just perhaps,
06:31Rousey might have tapped.
06:35Natalya's getting caught.
06:36Ronda rolls her up, kick out by Banks.
06:40And now Banks kicking right toward her corner.
06:42Here we go.
06:44Ronda fired up and runs right into a boot tag.
06:47Here's Bayley.
06:53Bayley, great counter by Rousey.
06:55And for the Bayley to belly, and Ronda Rousey able to counter.
06:59A vicious counter, cover on Bayley.
07:02Hooks the leg, kick out at two.
07:04These women certainly have each other scouted out.
07:08Yeah, I don't care how much you scout, you can't prepare for
07:11this side of Ronda Rousey.
07:13No one can.
07:16Not to this point, at least.
07:17I think Bayley's about to join that infamous list.
07:20This level of ferocity is unmatched.
07:23Look at these, over and over, Muay Thai knees to the body of Bayley.
07:27Big front kick from Rousey, and the champ is fired up.
07:33And look at Ronda, looking to put Bayley away.
07:35Now Banks, and Banks, as Ronda goes right after Bayley.
07:41Sasha, what a great friend.
07:43Diving out of the way, let Bayley take the beat down.
07:46Bayley's legal.
07:48And here now is Ronda.
07:49Whoa, Bayley trying to drag Ronda back to the corner.
07:59This feels like for the boss and hug connection.
08:06Double axe handle from the top.
08:08Banks and Bayley working well together.
08:12And Ronda take down to Banks.
08:14Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh.
08:16Banks struggling, trying to roll to the ropes.
08:19She can force a break here.
08:21Ronda trying to drag her back to the center of the ring and lock in the arm bar.
08:27And out of the ropes, gonna force the break.
08:29Very wise escape.
08:30Oh, kick connects.
08:32And Banks is stunned, Ronda Rousey.
08:35Tag made, Natalya now legal.
08:40And now Natalya looking to put Sasha Banks away.
08:42Nice suplex.
08:45And that right there, Natalya.
08:47Stepping right on the back of the neck,
08:48follows it up with a basement dropkick.
08:50Grab your lash, girl.
08:53And now Natalya looking for a submission of her own, perhaps.
08:57Gonna step through into the sharpshooter.
09:01Rolling Banks over.
09:03Is Sasha gonna tap?
09:06And Bayley this time breaking things up.
09:10Bayley takes out Rousey.
09:13Natalya takes out Bayley.
09:17And now turns her attention to Sasha Banks.
09:21Looking to put Sasha away.
09:22Sasha, however, with a knee right to the midsection.
09:25And now Sasha Banks with a backstabber.
09:27Roll through.
09:28Banks into the Bank Statement.
09:30Bank Statement center of the ring.
09:31Is Banks gonna get Natalya to tap out?
09:34Is Natalya gonna tap?
09:36She does.
09:37Natalya taps.
09:38Banks and Bayley win.
09:40And Ronda.
09:41Here are your winners by submission, the team of Bayley and Sasha Banks.
09:45You saw Ronda staring back at Sasha Banks.
09:49But Sasha proved the Bank Statement works.
09:52Not only tonight, but the past couple of weeks, and the past couple of years.
09:56And if she locks it in Sunday, she could win the Raw Women's title.
10:00The problem is, uh-oh, wait a minute, we might have to wait till Sunday.
10:09We might have to wait till Sunday.
