• last year
La vida prometida Cap 7


00:00I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
00:30Io ti cerco, ti invoco follemente, per dirti che ti amo appassionato
00:50Amapola, dolcissima amapola, la luce dei miei giorni splendente
01:08Fai fiorire la passione come il suono della mia canzone
01:38Por favor, no, no, no, sueltame, sueltame
01:48No, no, no
01:53Me engañaste Carmela, odio y amor son la misma cosa
02:13No, déjame, déjame, déjame, vete de aquí
02:22Carmela, he venido aquí por ti, por ti
02:53Nueva York es como una gran tarta siciliana que repartirse
03:03Y hay tarta para todos nosotros
03:06No vale la pena pelear por ella
03:08Bien dicho, Lucky Luciano
03:10Los del Bronx estamos contigo, Lucky
03:13Luciano, estamos a tu entera disposición, pero con una condición
03:16A mi familia le corresponde la zona este, es en lo que quedamos
03:21Encontraremos una solución, amigo
03:23Pues por mi parte puede contar con nosotros
03:26¿Ah, sí? Pero todavía no he escuchado a su business partner
03:30¿Mr. Espany? ¿Espana?
03:38Llegué hace poco y me gusta escuchar
03:42Eso es muy educado
03:52Who are you?
03:53Salvo y Antonio
03:59Nos manda Mickey Mouse
04:01Somos Antonio, Salvo y Rosa
04:04Emily, you shit
04:06You shit
04:11¿Has visto a dónde te traigo esta noche?
04:22Buenas noches a todos
04:28Qué guapa, ¿cómo te llamas?
04:32Es una fulana, pero una fulana de mi propiedad
04:37Eh, Anto, esta noche están aquí todos
04:41Será porque las familias están preparando algo
04:43También hay un siciliano
04:45¿Le has visto? Acaba de llegar
04:47Dicen que es un pez gordo
04:49Es primo de Guarino
04:51You are so beautiful
04:52You too
05:01Come on
05:09Eh, ¿qué haces?
05:20No puede ser
05:23No puede ser
05:25No puede ser
05:47¿Cómo has sido?
05:51¿Cómo has sido?
05:55Soy Antonio Carrecho, el hijo de Salvatore
06:00¿No reconoces, hijo de puta?
06:04¿No reconoces?
06:15Un momento
06:21¿Necesitas todo el baño para ti solo?
06:24O es que ya tienes problemas para mear, chaval
06:26Es un recadero de matranga afuera
06:53Esa paz que defiende la Kiruchiá no me da igual
06:56Pero no sé si Matranga habrá entendido que queremos hacerle la cama
06:59Parecía nervioso
07:02Aunque tampoco parece un lince
07:04¿Qué va a ser un lince? Ese está dormido, Vinche
07:08Si quisiera hacerse con la zona este
07:10Ya lo habría hecho sin tener que pedirle permiso a nadie
07:14Dentro de poco será toda nuestra
07:16Como todo Monroe Street
07:18Su bodega
07:20Y puede que hasta su fulana
07:22Me ha gustado, ¿sabes?
07:24Le has echado el ojo, ¿eh?
07:30¿Cuándo llega el cargamento de armas?
07:32Llegará pasado mañana, a los docks
07:34Tendremos tantas como para declarar una guerra
07:37¿Y la policía?
07:38Eso ya está pensado
07:40Les he dado un trozo de tarta para que no nos toquen los huevos
07:49Don Matranga, lo oí con mis propios oídos
07:53Espanol, el que acaba de llegar de Sicilia
07:55El primo de Guarino
07:57Sé quién es, dime
07:58Quiere quitarle el puesto
08:03¿Ese hijo de puta quiere jugármelo?
08:06¿A Santo Matranga?
08:10Pues yo me ocupo
08:11Muy bien, chaval, muy bien
08:13El cargamento de armas
08:14Llega pasado mañana, a los docks
08:16Pues allí los estaremos esperando
08:18Les daremos material con sus propias armas
08:20Y nos quedaremos con Nueva York
08:22Don Matra
08:23Perdone que me entrometa
08:26Como usted bien sabe
08:27Lucky Luciano
08:28Quiere que haya paz entre todas las familias
08:32Y tenemos pocos hombres
08:36A mí lo que dice Mr. Lucky Luciano
08:39Me importa una soberana y puñetera mierda
08:41Aquí mando yo
08:42Y si no te parece bien
08:44Te muelo el cuerpo a palos
08:45¿Queda claro?
08:50Le pido perdón
08:51Esta noche haced lo que tenéis que hacer
09:02Ese acaba de llegar
09:04De Sicilia
09:06Y quiere quitarme Monroe Street
09:08A mí
09:09A mí quiere jugármela
09:11A mí, ¡ese cornudo!
09:14¡Ese hijo de puta!
09:17Venga, vamos
09:19Están aquí, debajo de las palomas
09:21Estoy aquí, Anto
09:22Están aquí dentro
09:23Sí, lo sé
09:30¿Qué es eso?
09:47¡Date prisa!
09:51¡Malditas palomas!
09:53Lo tienen todo sucio, las asquerosas
09:55¡Tápalo, tápalo!
10:06Apóyalo aquí
10:11Tres revólveres
10:13Dos recortadas
10:14Una escopeta
10:16Y una metralleta
10:17Una miseria
10:19¡No digas tonterías!
10:20Mañana por la noche matamos a todos
10:23¿Qué pasa, my friend?
10:25¿Que de repente te han salido huevos?
10:28¡Venga, vámonos!
10:47Sí, sí, señora Miglietta
10:50Un momento
10:53No entiendo por qué
11:01¿Le ha pasado algo a Rocco?
11:03No, él está bien
11:05Antonio estaba con salvo en la azotea
11:09Estaban cogiendo armas que había escondidas en la jaula
11:12No me...
11:14Ese cabeza de chorlito
11:16Ahora anda con armas
11:18Todo es culpa de salvo
11:20No, esta vez Antonio era el más decidido
11:24Nunca le había visto así
11:26Decían algo de mañana por la noche
11:27No lo he oído bien
11:29¿Mi qué hablas tú con él?
11:31¿Y crees que no lo hago?
11:33Llevo toda la vida intentándolo
11:34Y con el descerebrado de salvo
11:37Los dos juntos tienen menos cerebro que Rocco
11:41Yo los mato
11:42Los mato a los dos
11:44¿Qué dices, mi qué?
11:46¿Qué dices?
11:56Vaya familia te has encontrado
12:13Rosa, ¿dónde estás?
12:20¿Dónde estás, Rosa?
12:25Tengo miedo
12:27Mamá está en el hospital, Rosa
12:30Tengo miedo
12:32Rocco es bueno y amable
12:35Pero tuvo mala suerte
12:36Pero tuvo mala suerte
12:43Cuando llega la noche
12:45Me da por pensar cosas raras
12:50No dejo de pensar en ti, amor mío
12:54Te he esperado siempre
12:55Desde la primera vez que te vi en el baterí
12:59Pero no puede ser
13:01No puede ser
13:02Así que tengo que tragarme todas esas ideas
13:06Y soportar lo que me ha tocado
13:09Porque la vida que llevé
13:12Tú no lo sabes
13:14No lo sabes
13:16Y es mejor así
14:06Dios mío
14:37No tenía por qué molestarse
14:42No es molestia, Carmela
14:46¿Qué le ha pasado?
14:50Me encontré muy mal
14:53No por cansancio, como dicen los médicos
14:56Sino por miedo
14:58Le vi
14:59Le vi, estaba ahí
15:01El diablo en carne y huevo
15:03Y no podía hablar
15:04Estaba ahí
15:05El diablo en carne y hueso
15:07Vincenzo Espano
15:10Era él
15:11Carmela, ha pasado mucho tiempo
15:12Tal vez se equivoque
15:15No ha venido por mí
15:17Era él
15:18Me llevé a mis hijos de Sicilia
15:20Porque no quería que se tomaran la justicia por su mano
15:24Pero si descubren que él está aquí
15:28Si lo descubre Miguel
15:29No se inquiete, Carmela
15:31No hay nada que temer
15:32Me ocuparé de este asunto
15:33Yo le juro por mi vida
15:35Que encontraré a ese hombre
15:37No, no quiero
15:39No quiero cargar con mis desgracias
15:40A la gente a la que quiero
15:51Yo no sé lo que digo
15:54No hay por qué disculparse, Carmela
15:57Estoy confusa por los medicamentos que me dan
16:03Déjeme sola
16:05Quiero descansar
16:07Por favor, es hora de irse
16:09Así descansa, Carmelita
16:13Hasta pronto, Carmela
16:16Señor, por favor
16:19Ya me voy, hermana
16:22Aire, aire, ¿pero qué formas son esas?
16:24Tiene que descansar, querida
16:27Tiene que tratar bien a Mr. Ferry
16:30Tome un poco de agua
16:53¿Podemos hablar, Alfredo? Por favor
16:57One moment, please
16:59Thank you
17:01Is the file ready, Maureen?
17:02Sure, Mr. Ferry, here
17:27Thank you
17:33Is it true?
17:35Is it true that Vincenzo Spano, that Vincenzo Spano, is in New York?
17:48He arrived two weeks ago for business, if you can call it that
17:51And what does it have to do with that criminal?
17:53Nothing, I just asked Captain O'Connor to investigate
17:57Although, of course, your mother begged me not to
18:00Wait, my mother?
18:01What's going on? Is Mr. Ferry in danger? Please, tell me
18:04Alfredo, calm down, sit down
18:06Sit down, I'll explain everything
18:14Your mother saw him here in New York
18:16That's why he got like this
18:18And why didn't she tell us?
18:19To protect you
18:21The police believe that the Black Hand is organizing something very big
18:25And that the families are allying
18:27And why aren't they intervening?
18:29Because to incriminate them, they need evidence
18:32And people keep silent
18:34Some out of fear, and others out of gratitude
18:37Not to mention the corrupt police
18:41Antonio is moving among those people
18:44If he meets Spano...
18:45You have to protect him
18:48In any case, you have to stop him
18:52And promise me one thing
18:55Don't tell your mother that I told you about Spano
18:58She's quite nervous
18:59And for now, don't tell your brothers either
19:03Very well
19:17I'm looking for my brother, it's urgent
19:20Can I go up?
19:21Go ahead
19:22Thank you
19:27Thank you
19:37What are you doing?
19:52Are you telling me what the hell you were going to do?
19:55You don't understand, give me that
19:56I understand that if I let you out of here, you'll go back to a box of pine trees
20:00I'll go back to a box of pine trees if you don't open that door
20:06Do you understand what mess you're getting me into?
20:09Those people don't forgive
20:16But it's exactly the same for you, Antonio
20:21Because you're lost, right?
20:23As you always say, mom
20:24Shut up
20:26Shut up
20:37You think you know everything
20:42You like playing the hero
20:49But you're sleeping with Rocco's wife
20:53Do you think I don't know you left home for Rosa?
20:59Because if you don't, you'll see what happens
21:02Don't you dare, huh?
21:04Or I'll finish you off
21:08Don't move
21:22Don't move
21:28What's up, Alfredo?
21:30I'm worried about Antonio
21:31Yes, yes, I know, I know
21:32Do you know where he is?
21:33Don't worry, Antonio is with me, everything's fine
21:36I've got him under surveillance, I'll tell you
21:38He's not moving from here
21:39Thank goodness
21:40Hey, the problem is that mom is leaving the hospital
21:43Well, I can't...
21:44You can't leave either?
21:45No, no, I can't move from here
21:47You know what?
21:48Call Moses and tell him to come pick her up with Maria
21:52Very good
21:53See you later
22:03Do you want to tell me what's going on?
22:05What's wrong?
22:09You know
22:12Moses loves me and he's in Salvatore
22:15I can't be like this
22:18And you don't think about how I am?
22:21I crossed the ocean for you, Maria
22:25Maria, look at me
22:27Look at me, Maria
22:29I've been everything for you these five years
22:31Worker, miner, day laborer
22:34And all with the hope of seeing you again
22:37I can't take it anymore
22:41We can't keep seeing each other
22:43We can't keep seeing each other
22:47Don't say that
22:50Don't say that
22:52Let me go
22:54Let me go
22:55Don't say that, please
22:57I'm going to the hospital
22:59Mom's coming home today
23:02There's a fly here
23:03There's a fly here
23:06Have you seen how it flies, honey?
23:08It's so funny
23:10Honey, look, Mom's coming
23:11Go say hello
23:12Mom, it's so nice that Grandma's finally coming home today
23:16Yes, it's so nice
23:33Honey, you're here
23:35I wasn't expecting you
23:39Your brother asked me to come to the hospital
23:44Since you weren't coming
23:47I went to the school to get Salvatore
23:49I wasn't feeling well, so I went to see the doctor
23:52I was worried about Mom
23:56Did you come here?
23:58This is full of doctors
24:04What did he say?
24:06Nothing, I just have low blood pressure
24:09Can you ask the nun for some water?
24:17Of course
24:27Kids, go play
24:31Where are my brothers?
24:33They're with Antonio
24:35I think he's in trouble
24:36Trouble again?
24:39What about you?
24:41You're late
24:42I was with Alfio
24:47Be very careful
24:49When Moses arrived, he was acting strange
24:51What if he smells what's going on?
24:53I don't like lying to him
24:54He doesn't deserve the truth
24:56But I love Alfio, that's all I know
24:58Oh God
25:02Thank you
25:09Rocco, Rocco
25:11Where are you?
25:12Where's Rocco?
25:13Rocco, Rocco
25:15Rocco, where have you been hiding?
25:17There's no one here
25:19Come on, let's go with Grandma
25:24You're back
25:26Hello, darling
25:29Where are my other children?
25:33What beautiful flowers
25:35Welcome, Carmela, Amedeo, Ferri
25:37They're for you, Mom
25:39Ah, Mr. Ferri, how kind
25:42But what about my children?
25:44You didn't have to come to the hospital
25:46But I did expect you at home
25:48Michele had a meeting at the factory
25:51Yes, and Alfredo also had a meeting at work
25:54And Antonio?
25:56He also had a meeting?
25:58Neither of them knows how to lie
26:01What happened?
26:03I want to know
26:05Nothing, Mrs. Carmela, nothing happened
26:07What do you mean nothing, Rosa?
26:09Tell me, Mariuzza
26:11Nothing, nothing, Mom
26:13Don't worry, they won't be long
26:15Let's set the table
26:17Yes, let's set the table
26:18But until all my children come, I won't eat
26:23Excuse me, could you at least tell me what's going on?
26:32Shit, it's very late
26:34When is that idiot Antonio coming?
26:36Frank, go get the ammunition
26:38In the meantime, move
26:40He's always the same, Mr. Matra
26:42He talks and talks, but when it's time to act
26:44he shits on himself and runs like a rabbit
26:45But rabbits are dangerous because they can be traitors
26:48It wouldn't be the first time
26:50Remember when he sent me to the reformatory, that bastard?
26:53You tell me, do you know how much it cost me?
26:55But we have to go anyway
26:57It's your chance, Mr. Matra
27:16Did you see that?
27:18Antonio was telling the truth
27:20There's no surveillance
27:25Everything seems to be in order
27:27Frank, come on, let's go
27:39Those must be the boxes
27:41Open them, come on
27:46Lucky Luciano
27:52With all these weapons
27:54we're going to be the owners of New York
27:59Welcome, we were expecting you
28:04You're a son of a bitch
28:07I must remind you that we grew up together
28:10and you declare war on my own house
28:12Vareno, you declared war on me
28:15But what?
28:17Mr. Matra was advised against it
28:20But the situation can still be fixed
28:23How, Spano? How?
28:25Put down your weapons
28:27and we'll spare your lives
28:31We must respect Lucky Luciano's truce
28:35You have to trust yourself, Matra
28:44Put down your weapons
28:47We trust you
29:00Spano, you'll kill me too
29:03But first I'll tell you one thing
29:06You're not a man of honor
29:09You're a son of a bitch
29:10You and your friend Guarino
29:14America is over for you, Matranga
29:17I'm here, kill me now
29:21But it was Antonio
29:23He betrayed me
29:26You're very close
29:40Kill me
29:59Very good
30:01You did what you had to
30:04Now the first thing you have to do
30:06is find that son of a bitch Antonio
30:08and bring him here
30:10so we can kill him like Matranga
30:12and all those bastards
30:14And tell everyone
30:16that now in Monroe Street
30:18Vincenzo Spano is in charge
30:21Go, come on, run
30:23Come on
30:25Clean everything
30:27Do you think it's better for my heart
30:29that you hide things from me?
30:31No, and besides, I feel good
30:33Please, tell me what's going on
30:40It's them
30:45Where are they?
30:47I don't know
30:49I don't know
30:51I don't know
30:53I don't know
30:55Where is Antonio?
30:57I'd like to know
30:59He must be with a friend of yours
31:01Where is he?
31:03I kicked you out of my house
31:05Where is Antonio?
31:07We haven't explained ourselves
31:09She told you to leave
31:11Is that clear?
31:13Hey, careful
31:15If you see Antonio, tell him I'm looking for him
31:17And not just me
31:19Where is he?
31:21Get out
31:22Get out of your house
31:24Get out
31:29The problem is Antonio
31:31The problem is Antonio
31:34Last edition of La Voz d'Italia
31:37Shooting between Italian mafiosos
31:39Accounts adjustment between mafiosos
31:41It's all in the newspapers
31:43There's no other way
31:45That's what you wanted, huh?
31:47If you want, you can cry
31:49about that bastard Matranga
31:50Your boss
31:52You don't understand
31:54If Matranga is dead, it means one thing
31:56That Monroe Street's new boss
31:59Is Vincenzo Espano
32:02What are you saying?
32:04What does it have to do with Espano?
32:06Did you know?
32:08Of course I knew, Anto
32:10Mom ended up in the hospital because she saw Espano here
32:13And why didn't you tell me anything?
32:15I would have killed him with my own hands
32:21So you wanted...
32:23You took those weapons to...
32:30I wanted to kill him
32:34I wanted to avenge our father
32:36And our brother
32:53I'm doomed
32:55Guarino will come for me
32:57Espano and he know I tried to play it
33:02Mr. Ferri will help you escape, no problem
33:07I can't leave knowing you're in danger
33:09We'll get him if you stay here
33:11You're right, Anto
33:17Be careful
33:19Be careful, Consalvo
33:22He sold himself to Guarino
33:35Mrs. Carmela
33:39Good morning, Carmela
33:42Good morning, Mr. Ferri
33:44Of course
33:46Matranga is dead and Antonio is alive
33:49You're going to kill me
33:51You're going to kill me
33:53What have you done?
33:57Who did this to you?
33:59It was me, Mom
34:01What do you mean?
34:03You're always hurting him
34:05He did the right thing, Mom
34:07He deserved it
34:09Besides, he saved my life
34:12You're going to kill me
34:14You're going to kill me
34:15He saved my life
34:18Tell me what's going on
34:21What are you hiding from me?
34:24Why are you in this mess?
34:26Because of you, Mom
34:30What could I do to please you?
34:34Being rich like Alfredo or a man like Michele
34:37I've tried everything to make you proud of me
34:42Now you're blaming me, is that clear?
34:43Perfect, you'll feel better
34:46Mom, this is not the time
34:48Guarino's men are looking for him everywhere
34:53He has to go
34:57To California, Carmela
34:59No one will look for him there
35:04Antonio, we have to go
35:06The car is ready
35:10This is a friend's address
35:12He'll help you
35:16Here, Anto
35:18This will help you start
35:21Thank you
35:26Good luck
35:28Thank you
35:30Cheer up, kid
35:32I'll walk you down
35:40Are you leaving just like that?
35:52My son
35:54You're like everyone else
35:56You're like everyone else
35:59Poor thing
36:06Forgive me, Mom
36:10Forgive me
36:37Dear Mom
36:38I'm writing to Maria because I'm afraid the mafiosos who are looking for me
36:42will discover the address of the new house our dear Alfredo has given you
36:49A letter from Antonio has arrived
36:51A letter?
36:53I can tell you that I'm fine
36:55The journey was long and very hard
36:57I saw misery
36:59The real one
37:01The one that even we had forgotten
37:03Poor people, hungry and desperate, who have no house
37:06No land, no work, nothing
37:09This is America, Mom
37:11A mirage that blinded us and separated us
37:14Luckily, I've arrived in California
37:17It's a beautiful land and I've seen the sun again
37:20that I had already forgotten in New York
37:22It's almost as hot as in Sicily
37:24Would you like it, Mom?
37:27For now, I work for Mr. Ferry's friend
37:30You'll see him later
37:32I send you a kiss with all my love
37:34Oh, and a special hug for Rocco
37:37There's everything here, but you're not here
37:40A hug, your Antonio
37:43And that's all?
37:47Show it to me, Maria
37:49Give it to me
37:54It's fine
37:56It's what it says
37:58And the letter you have is very beautiful
38:06Thank you
38:12Since when do you smoke?
38:18It calms me down
38:20It calms you down?
38:30There was a surprise
38:33For the pigeons
38:34No, Rocco, don't touch it
38:36Don't touch it
38:58Come back
38:59How are you?
39:02Haven't I been good enough?
39:07I was expecting more
39:10Well, Matranga never complained
39:18I'm not Matranga
39:30You killed him, didn't you?
39:33I don't care about that
39:36He was an old man
39:39And he never brought me to places like this
39:43He took me in the back of his car
39:49So, you did it
39:55You don't ask the questions
39:56You don't do them
39:58With your mouth shut and legs spread
40:00That's your job
40:03My friend Antonio has also disappeared
40:06Wouldn't you kill that poor man?
40:09Who's Antonio?
40:11A thug at Matranga's service
40:17Yes, I remember
40:19I met him in the bathroom of the Spiky
40:21Spiky, yes
40:24I also always found him in the bathroom
40:30I was with Antonio
40:32To annoy Mrs. Carmela, his mother
40:36I could never stand that woman
40:40The truth is that
40:42I had a hard time with all his children
40:45Except for one who was stupid
40:47And always got in my way
40:52One question
40:57Do you still see them?
40:59No, they were my neighbors at home
41:01But, well, they finally moved
41:06What do you care about that?
41:08With your mouth shut and legs spread
41:16I'll tell you everything I know
41:22Good morning, Carmela
41:24Hi, Brenda
41:26I'm going to Mr. Ferry for shirts
41:28Okay, see you later
41:30See you
41:32What's happened?
41:34I think it was a gunshot
41:45What's going on?
41:51What's happened?
41:57Mr. Ferry
41:59Please go back in your rooms, okay?
42:01There's nothing to see, okay?
42:11Mr. Ferry
42:22Yeah, but...
42:28Go back in your rooms
42:30I'm calling the authorities, okay?
42:32There's nothing to see here
42:51I haven't lost everything
42:53As you've seen, others have had it much worse
42:56Only yesterday, eleven people died
42:59And today, twelve
43:01Do I have to worry about Alfredo?
43:04No, Alfredo is already a better sailor than me
43:10Well, it's getting late
43:14Oh, I forgot
43:21Thank you
43:27For you
43:30Thank you, it's a gift
43:33No, I won't open it yet
43:35Because if you don't like it, I'll be sad
43:38Very well, I'll open it at home
43:41I'll go with you
43:52See you soon, Carmela
44:06It's his watch
44:11He gave me his watch
44:21He gave me his watch
44:27He knows I can't read
44:33He drew the boat for me
44:35Our boat
44:48And he sends me flowers
44:49Even flowers
44:54Miss Rizzo?
44:55Yes, I am
44:56For you
44:58From Mr. Ferry, right?
45:00I don't know
45:04Card, a love card
45:06Sorry, no card
45:08Ah, no
45:10I can't read
45:12Thank you, have a nice day
45:13Thank you
45:20What a detailer
45:31Hello, operator speaking
45:32How can I help you?
45:34I'm Miss Rizzo
45:36With Mr. Ferry, Walford Hotel
45:40Hold the line, Mrs. Rizzo
45:45Walford Hotel speaking
45:46Walford Hotel speaking
46:08Let me go!
46:09Let me go!
46:12He found me
46:14Damn it
46:16Damn it
46:20Damn it
46:39I'll put in the back, sir
46:45Goodbye, Mr. Ferry
46:46Your luggage is in the car
46:48Thank you, my friend
46:50No, Mr. Ferry
46:51I can't accept this
46:53Accept it, it's the last thing
46:55Thank you very much
47:07Goodbye, Mr. Ferry
47:08I'll be back, Sam
47:09It's been an honor having you here for so many years
47:24Please, calm down
47:25Let him talk
47:29In the United States there are 17 million people unemployed
47:33And in Europe it's even worse
47:35Like all battles, they're here to win
47:37I'm telling you, this isn't the time to strike
47:41Please, please, we must fight to win
47:42But it's no time to strike right now, please
47:45I remember when we came here
47:47I remember when we came here
47:49Winters that never ended
47:51Chilblains on the hands
47:53No coal to heat our houses
47:55No coal to heat our houses
48:01I remember when our young friend Chiro was killed
48:07His father fought all his life
48:10And he lost in the end
48:12He's dead
48:33Strike is the only solution
48:38What's going on?
48:40There's no class today
48:42There were rumors of a strike
48:43We're trying to calm things down
48:45Yes, yes, of course
48:47It's for the best
48:51I'm going to pick up Pietro
48:55Give him some memories
48:58From your side
49:08You have to listen to me
49:10You have to listen to me
49:12This isn't the time to strike
49:38How did you tell me you were bringing me to a restaurant?
49:41And it's closed
49:43If they're going to sell it
49:45What are you doing?
49:47Have you gone mad?
49:48I'm not mad
49:49There's a strike
49:51It's not for sale anymore
49:53Now it's ours
49:55It's ours?
50:01It's yours
50:08It's mine
50:09Come in
50:10My legs are shaking
50:11Come, come, I'll show you
50:13It's very pretty
50:17How pretty
50:21Thank you, Alfredo
50:22Thank you, really
50:24Thank you
50:26Come on, come on
50:27I'll take you to your kingdom
50:28Come here
50:30The kitchen
50:31All for you
50:34All for you, mum
50:35You get lost in here
50:38Slowly, slowly
50:39Remove the sauce
50:40Or it'll stick
50:41Yes, yes
50:42We have to put this tray in the oven
50:44In the oven
50:45In the oven
50:46Spaghetti with meatballs for four
50:48Cut that onion thin
50:49Cut it thin
50:53My God, so many people
50:55Rocco, come here
50:56Come here
51:00From here, you can see the whole living room
51:03If you do this with your head, it means you like it
51:06And if you don't
51:08What's the big deal?
51:10Perfect, five minutes
51:27Thank you
51:48The widow of Esquiabón
51:50Rocco, Rocco, go home
51:53Go home and wait for me there
51:55Why, mum?
51:57It's very long and very difficult to explain
52:08But this isn't wine
52:10It's grape juice
52:16There's no place for you here
52:18What do you mean, there's no place?
52:19Don't you recognize me?
52:21I'm Vincenzo Spano, your countryman
52:26Ma'am, are you really kicking us out?
52:28Don't worry, cousin
52:30The lady is angry with me
52:31A long time ago, we were intimate friends
52:35You and I have never been intimate or friends
52:38I remember it differently
52:40Well, I can't forget my husband's murderer
52:43How could you?
52:44Murderer? Even with that story?
52:46It was legitimate defense
52:48He shot him
52:49For treason
52:52And I'm not going to feed them
52:55Ma'am, you're making a grave mistake
53:04She hasn't changed
53:07In fact, she's even more beautiful
53:10Didn't she thank me for the flowers?
53:14I've come here to return that handkerchief
53:17Go away
53:19Go away
53:21Let's go, Guarino
53:24This lady is in charge here
53:27So you have to go
53:42You can't imagine how much I missed her
53:47The memories of her children
53:49They'll be very old
53:51Just like Rocco
53:54Get out
53:55Get out of here
53:58Get out
53:59Get out of here
54:05Mrs. Carmela
54:08Have you seen her?
54:09She told them to leave
54:10It's incredible
54:17I love you
54:24I love you
54:54I love you
55:25I love you
55:26I love you
55:27I love you
55:28I love you
55:29I love you
55:30I love you
55:31I love you
55:32I love you
55:33I love you
55:34I love you
55:35I love you
55:36I love you
55:37I love you
55:38I love you
55:39I love you
55:40I love you
55:41I love you
55:42I love you
55:43I love you
55:44I love you
55:45I love you
55:46I love you
55:47I love you
55:48I love you
55:49I love you
55:50I love you
55:51I love you
55:52I love you
55:53I love you
55:54I love you
55:55I love you
55:56I love you
55:57I love you
55:58I love you
55:59I love you
56:00I love you
56:01I love you
56:02I love you
56:03I love you
56:04I love you
56:05I love you
56:06I love you
56:07I love you
56:08I love you
56:09I love you
56:10I love you
56:11I love you
56:12I love you
56:13I love you
56:14I love you
56:15I love you
56:16I love you
56:17I love you
56:18I love you
56:19I love you
56:20I love you
56:21I love you
56:22I love you
56:23I love you
56:24I love you
56:25I love you
56:26I love you
56:27I love you
56:28I love you
56:29I love you
56:30I love you
56:31I love you
56:32I love you
56:33I love you
56:34I love you
56:35I love you
56:36I love you
56:37I love you
56:38I love you
56:39I love you
56:40I love you
56:41I love you
56:42I love you
56:43I love you
56:44I love you
56:45I love you
56:46I love you
56:47I love you
56:48I love you
56:49I love you
56:50I love you
56:51I love you
56:52I love you
56:53I love you
56:54I love you
56:55I love you
56:56I love you
56:57I love you
56:58I love you
56:59I love you
57:00I love you
57:01I love you
57:02I love you
57:03I love you
57:04I love you
57:05I love you
57:06I love you
57:07I love you
57:08I love you
57:09I love you
57:10I love you
57:11I love you
57:12I love you
57:13I love you
57:14I love you
57:15I love you
57:16I love you
57:17I love you
57:18I love you
57:19I love you
